Two Of The Most Important Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction Erectile Dysfunction can affect up to 20 million people in the U.S. The prevalence of the condition is over 50% in those over age 50 and increases with a person's age. Problems with a person's blood flow, nervous system and hormone levels can affect normal erectile function. A person may also experience ED due to psychological factors, such as anxiety over sexual performance. Two types of causes are described below. Physical Causes: The causes of a new and persistent problem are usually physical. In rare cases, a person may have primary ED. This is where a man never has an erection. The underlying cause of ED can be the result of a psychological or physical condition. A proper diagnosis can help rule out any underlying medical problems and resolve sexual difficulties. Some common physical causes of ED include heart disease and narrowing of the arteries, veins, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity and metabolic syndrome, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis. Psychological Causes: Psychological factors can cause or contribute to ED, from treatable mental health conditions to everyday emotional states that most people experience at one time or another. These are less common than physical causes, but can include psychological factors: fear of intimacy, depression, generalized anxiety. If a person is obese, changes in blood flow can affect a person's ability to maintain an erection, which is a physical cause. However, the person may also have low self-esteem, which affects erectile function, which is a psychological cause.
To minimize the symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction, You must use Tadalafil and Vardenafil pills, Which is available on our website Pharma Health Online.