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Building a Brighter Future Through Awareness Efforts

The Pulmonary Hypertension Association works year round to generate awareness of pulmonary hypertension. We use social media, web articles, digital newsletters, webinars and our member magazine Pathlight to promote various awareness campaigns. In 2022, we shared information about the benefits of early diagnosis, PH risks and the impact of PH around the world. We reached out to people with PH, caregivers, health care professionals and the public. Raising awareness around PH brings us one step closer to our mission to extend and improve the lives of those affected by PH.

Ph Awareness Month

Each November, PHA celebrates Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month. Our 2022 PH Awareness Month theme was “PHacing the Future Day by Day,” which was reflected in our awardwinning interactive calendar. The online calendar revealed a new fact, tip or downloadable resource about PH each day.

Awareness Month featured several distinct days of recognition, including Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension Day on Nov. 9, Advocacy Day of Action on Nov. 17, and GivingTuesday on Nov. 29.

International Collaboration

PHA had the unique opportunity to participate in an international call-toaction event in April 2022. PHA President and CEO Matt Granato joined PHA Europe for a meeting with the European

Parliament. In the meeting, PHA Europe unveiled its “Unmet Needs of Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension.” The call to action urged policymakers to share PH knowledge and expectations among diverse stakeholders and across geographic boundaries.

This meeting was the flagship event of the MEP Lung Health interest group and a collaboration with other lung disease-focused patient organizations and the European Respiratory Society. PHA values international collaboration and looks forward to expanding international collaborative efforts in years to come.

World Ph Day

May 5, 2022, marked the start of World Pulmonary Hypertension Day, an annual global event to raise awareness about PH. PHA’s focus was “Pulmonary Hypertension Has No Borders,” which emphasized that PH can affect anyone regardless of age, race, sex, social or ethnic background, no matter where they live. Throughout May 2022, we shared graphics and facts that detailed the signs, symptoms and risks of PH worldwide. We used #WorldPHDay2022 for World PH Day social media posts.

Right Heart Blog

One way PHA raises PH awareness year-round is by sharing the stories from the PH community. In 2022, nine people shared their stories in PHA’s Right Heart Blog. The Right Heart Blog not only spreads PH awareness, but gives hope to those affected by PH. Featured stories included anecdotes on living with PH and awaiting a lung transplant, being a Zumba instructor, having PTE surgery and caring for a young child with PH.

Rare Disease Day And Associated Diseases

PHA joined the National Organization of Rare Disorders in February 2022 to raise awareness for Rare Disease Day. Rare Disease Day aims to generate change for 300 million people worldwide who have rare diseases, their families and caregivers. NORD’s “Show Your Stripes” campaign encouraged the rare disease community to share what makes them rare.

In addition to Rare Disease Day, PHA used social media and digital newsletters to recognize multiple conditions related to PH. PHA spreads awareness for congenital heart disease, sleep apnea, sarcoidosis, lupus, HHT, scleroderma, pulmonary fibrosis and sickle cell disease.

Pha Live

PHA Live is a webinar series that allows the PH community to hear from experts on health, wellness, science and research topics. We promoted eight PHA Live webinars in e-newsletters, including PHA News and PHA Connects, and on social media prior to the event. Additionally, we shared recordings of each webinar after the fact. The eight PHA Live webinars had 537 attendees and covered the relationship between PH and hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, a four-part series on navigating the Medicare open enrollment period, and an update on PH research from leading experts.

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