Emphasis Autumn 2017

Page 6

Emphasis exchange If you have any news and views to share via the Emphasis exchange please e-mail editor@phauk.org and don’t forget to keep in touch via Facebook and Twitter too.

c i s u m m o r f y e M on

c producing a musi e ar an ig W in t n patie . ,000 for PHA UK The family of a PH £1 an th e or m g in m of rais album with the ai g alongside their n ki or w e ar es n and James Jo aren Brothers Thomas t of their mum, K or p p su in m u b the al dad Rob to create with PH in 2011. ed os n ag di as w (pic tured), who ast six , will feature at le s’ le Ta ’ es iv W ld ‘O ories as The album, titled Rob ’s early mem on g n si cu fo y it ajor songs, with the m ve for guitars. a child and his lo id : on, Thomas, 26, sa ti di n co ’s m u m is f ways. It ’s hard o Speaking about h er b m u n a in us as a family and “It’s diff icult for can be so limiting it as s es n ill e th ound to plan things ar . often unexpec ted f to the distance o e du er th o ch ea . r apar t from tionally draining o “We are often fa em d an d ar h h can be very nse the hospital whic ere is always a se th d an el av tr f o lve lots Visiting can invo the illness.” of worr y around

18. tion in Januar y 20 le p m co r fo d e n n The album is pla up by searching ro g k o o b ce Fa 's project You can join the album. 'Old Wives' Tales

AUTUMN 2017 emphasis 6

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