Emphasis Autumn 2018

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C om i n g

soon !

New look for vital information resource Our flagship publication for people new to pulmonary hypertension has had a makeover to bring it up-to-date and make it easier to use.


nderstanding pulmonary hypertension’, the ring-bound book given to all new PHA UK members and patients across the country, is being re-launched this year with updated content and a fresh new look. As well as a name change to ‘PH & You’, the publication will be accompanied by a separate printed resource, ‘Medication & PH’, which provides information on treating and managing the condition. ‘PH & You’ contains chapters on how pulmonary hypertension affects the body, testing and diagnosis, clinic visits, the PHA UK and specialist centres. Both publications have gone through a rigorous review process to ensure they meet The Information Standard, a certification scheme for health and social care information established by the Department of Health. Iain Armstrong, Chair of the PHA UK, said: “Relaunching this resource has been a major project for the team over the summer. It’s vital that patients receive clear and accurate information at all stages of their PH journey, but it’s particularly important at the point of diagnosis. We’re confident these new publications will help both patients and their loved ones during what is often a worrying and confusing time.”

The books will be published later this year and will be available to order for FREE from www.phauk.org. Keep an eye on our social media channels for news of when they become available. Alternatively, you can pre-order your copies by emailing office@phauk.org or calling 01709 761450.


Conventional or supportive therapies



I’m now on dual therapy and it’s taken a few months, but it’s improved my lifestyle so much. I found it hard to go on another drug at first as I felt it meant my PH had worsened, but I am now much stronger for it.

AUTUMN 2018 emphasis 19

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