Pledge before 10th November
Your right
to rehab
We believe that everyone with pulmonary hypertension should have access to specialist rehabilitation.
Will you stand with us? Pledge your support for our new campaign to ensure everyone with PH gets help to achieve the best quality of life. e know that living with pulmonary hypertension can be challenging, which is why at the PHA UK we have always championed interventions that improve quality of life and boost wellbeing. For the last four years, we have helped to fund specialist physiotherapist posts that produce evidence of the value of rehabilitation for people with PH. These physios, along with their colleagues in the service, have helped hundreds of patients to manage their breathlessness, get fitter and stronger, and enjoy a better quality of life. There is mounting evidence that moving more (in the right way) helps some of the physical symptoms of PH, as well as easing mental health challenges like anxiety and depression -which we know can go hand-in-hand with a long-term condition like PH. But people with PH need help with this, via rehabilitation from specialist physiotherapists. That support comes at a cost, and we need to be able to justify the investment to NHS commissioners. That’s why we are launching a campaign for rehabilitation to be
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made available at ALL the specialist centres in the UK, via specialist physio provision. We also want to ensure that community pulmonary rehabilitation programmes are accessible to those with PH, as well as more common respiratory conditions such as COPD. Equity of access is important, and it’s not happening right now. We can shout from the top of our lungs, but it’s the backing of the PH community that will make a difference to this campaign. If you agree that specialist rehab for people with PH is important, and worth investing in, please pledge your support by completing the short form on the back of the supplement sent with this magazine, or at Please pledge before 10th November. Anyone with a connection to PH can pledge – patients, partners, carers, loved ones and health professionals too. Let’s stand together to make a difference. Find out more about this campaign, and hear from patients who have benefitted from specialist rehab, on our website.
What do we mean by ‘rehabilitation’? Rehabilitation is the process of helping an individual achieve the best quality of life, independence and level of function with PH. Your ri
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Turn over support to discover mor using the e abou t our form on the back campaign and page, or pledge your at www .phauk.o rg
Special supplement with this magazine