Behind the
job title
“ It truly is an amazing time to
be involved in PH research” research” A presentation about heart rate and energetic function won Dr Chinthaka Samaranayake a PHA UK-sponsored prize at last year’s National PH Research Forum. Emphasis caught up with him to find out more about the findings of his study, and the implications of wider research in the field of pulmonary hypertension. Can you tell us more about your study and what it involved?
The research study investigated what factors determine the way the right ventricle [one of the chambers of the heart] responds in terms of its energetic function. Specifically, we studied whether reducing the heart rate using a commonly used drug (beta-blockers) brings about a favourable response in the energy the heart uses during each heartbeat. The patients who took part in the study were given a short infusion of a beta-blocker medication while exercising on bicycle pedals during a right heart catheter procedure, and we measured the changes in the heart function with a special catheter before and after the medication infusion.
SPRING 2022 emphasis 40
What were the findings and how significant are they? How will your research influence diagnosis or management of PAH?
We showed that heart rate moderation during exercise improved right ventricle relaxation and therefore its function. This was a small study designed to test the concept, but hopefully the results will lead to better understanding of the heart function during exercise in patients with pulmonary hypertension. The results will ultimately help in the selection of patients who are likely to benefit most from treatments for pulmonary hypertension in the future, and lead to new therapies specifically targeting the right heart in pulmonary hypertension. This project allowed us to establish a very nice platform for doing