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How would you describe your PH team in just one word? This is what you said on Facebook and Instagram...

" Fabulous , Kind , Caring , Amazing , Mint , Lifesaving , Outstanding , Fantastic , Passionate, Magnificent , Phenomenal, Brilliant , Dedicated , Incredible."

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Proud to wear the Pulmonary Hypertension Association logo on my darts shirt sleeve. In memory of my amazing Dad who lost his fight to PH in 2019


Yay it’s finally arrived!! Sorry but I’m looking and feeling too poorly for a proper photo �� Can’t wait to get reading! What a bumper of a magazine! �� #phighter #pulmonaryhypertension


Absolute pleasure to co-present with Iain Armstrong, Chairman of @PHA_UK on the importance of engaging patients with pulmonary hypertension with co-designing clinical research ��


Seven years ago today my school friend Maddy [pictured] lost her life to Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. She was just 20. In 115 days I’m running the #LondonMarathon for the wonderful @PHA_UK in her memory. #MilesForMads


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We love to hear from our readers. Please email media@phauk.org or write to Emphasis, PHA UK Resource Centre, Unit 1, Newton Business Centre, Newton Chambers Road, Thorncliffe Park, Chapeltown, Sheffield S35 2PH

Your Letters

> Dereck Thomson

Dear PHA UK,

I have just read the "A moment in history" booklet [enclosed with the last issue of Emphasis] and I feel quite worried that all the items are negative, in so much as everyone seemed to be scared of Covid-19. If anything, I benefitted from it. My wife was furloughed as I was designated clinically vulnerable. This meant that we spent more time together. We actually got out more as we went walking on Bridlington seafront during the afternoon. We both lost weight and it was good.

They told my mum that I would not make two. I am now 65 so if it is going to happen it will happen. Being scared of an outcome is just as bad as the outcome. Being stressed about something that might happen, is almost as bad as if it happens.

I have Pulmonary Hypertension and Eisenmenger Syndrome and I believe people with this condition should try and live a stress-free life as stress enhances the disease. I can honestly say that my theory is if it is going to happen then it will happen. Live your lives to the full. Talk to your immediate family about how you feel. You are only on this planet once, do not be a prisoner in your own PH shell. All the love, good health, and happiness for 2023, Dereck

> Marilyn Walne

Dear PHA UK,

I felt I had to write to congratulate you on your amazing magazine. It’s colourful, easy to read, interesting and full of helpful information.

I am one of the lucky ones, having not been diagnosed with PH until the ripe old age of 71, so my heart and total admiration goes out to those who have had to deal with its effects from a much younger age.

Having said that, just as they do I’m sure, I have bad days and good days, but knowing I’m not alone in this helps enormously.

PH was just not on my radar so the information from the PHA UK (a lovely nurse from the Royal Free in London suggested I join) has been a lifeline.

My other lifeline is the wonderful care and attention I am receiving from the Royal Bath Hospital. The cardiac/respiratory team are truly fabulous. Finally, as Julia Taylor stated so perfectly in your magazine last time, “You have to find something to be thankful for, however small, and hold on to it”.

Thank you again, Marilyn

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