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Veletri g bags for her in ak m n ee b team son has val from the ber Jane Robin seal of appro e th PH A UK mem ed to iv ce re e w rote us ys they have is treated. Jan e sh e er pump and sa h w d fit on ital le to wear an ersmith Hosp ab m rt fo am m H e co e th ar at to do, zes too. e very simple ted to other si ap ad to say they ar e b n ca The pattern the NHS belt.
-step guide y -b p te s ’s e n Here’s Ja Veletri bag: n w o r u o y g to makin
! p the original et vylene. Kee lm pe in e at pl tem nd the 1. Cut a copy of the ther, draw arou ge to s de si t gh of fabric ri quarter of an 2. Using two pieconese wrong side and machine stitch ga at one end. template on ing an openin av le d, n u ro the way inch away all de out. s and turn insi er rn co e th Trim ening. d sew up the op an e at pl m te d 3. Insert the edge all aroun inch from the an of r te ar qu 4. Machine stitchldainto shape. to firm up. Fo g tape loops. o D-rings usin tw d an p ri st o 5. Sew on a Velcrby hand. s de si Sew up
mplate, copy of the te a e k li ld u o 12590 w If you her on 01452 8 ll ca to u o y r fo Jane is happy
SPRING 2017 emphasis 6
A new k eyring d esigned their an to help xiety ha people m s been la p a r t ne r a nag e u nc hed s Anxiet by our c y UK . harity The key ring, kn own as designe Calm Ke d with fi ys ha ve minia which o ture info s been utline co rmation ping tec af firmat cards hniques ions, dis in cluding traction There ar s an e also su ppor t nu d breathing exe To order rcises. mbers a your ow nd wellb n set of www.a e in g tips. Calm Ke nxietyu ys, visit k.org.uk and sea rch ‘Calm Keys’.