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Fundraising round-up

Catching up on some of your fantastic fundraising antics from all corners of the UK.Fundraising roundup

To see more of the fundraising that's taking place for PHA UK, or to publicise your event, join us on Facebook & Twitter

Prosecco & pizza for PH RAISED Kelly Holliday from Workington held a prosecco and pizza night for 70 family and friends to raise money in memory of her friend, Claire Dempster, who died in 2016. Kelly said: “We all loved Claire so much and we wanted to do something to mark her 40th birthday and raise awareness of pulmonary hypertension.” The prosecco and pizza was kindly donated by local businesses and money was raised from bingo and a raffle.

Cycling Santas Friends of Dave and Lea Acres spent a sunny winter’s morning walking, running and cycling around Chidham in West Sussex dressed in Santa outfits. They were then treated to tea, coffee, mulled wine and a great assortment of cakes and mince pies, all of which had been kindly donated. Dave and Lea raised money for the PHA UK as their son Will was diagnosed with PH in 2016. £524 RAISED £2,331 Winchester workout Paul Stout from Winchester put his running shoes on to raise money for PHA UK by completing the Winchester half-marathon. He ran it in support of his sister Mary, who was diagnosed with PH a few years ago. Paul said: “I’ve never run that far before but it was really motivating to train and complete the half-marathon knowing what I was

raising funds for.” £753 RAISED

Pavement pounding at the palace Andree Payne from Oxfordshire ran the Blenheim Palace 10k in support of her friend, Dan, who was diagnosed with PH in 2013. Andree said: “It was definitely challenging - the course is pretty hilly and although the crowd was amazing, there were some difficult moments. But when the going got tough I thought about Dan, and how PH means he can’t choose to get up and run a 10k. I am so thrilled that I was able to raise money for a fantastic charity that supports people like Dan.”


Meandering the Thames Alice Parker chose PHA UK as her charity when she ran the Thames Meander half-marathon. She completed the 13-mile run in just under two hours. Alice said: “I decided to run the half marathon because my little brother suffers from PH. He has always been so brave and determined not to be treated any differently from anyone else and has always remained so positive. It felt great to raise money and do my bit and I will definitely be trying to raise some more this year!”

If you have any ideas for raising money for PHA UK visit www.phauk.org. Fundraising mini-packs are also available. And, don’t forget to share news of your achievements via our Facebook page or tweet about them tagging @PHA_UK

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