Emphasis Spring 2020

Page 6

Emphasis exchange Sofia’s storyfour living with multiple Sofia Riaz is a mother of nary hypertension. conditions, including pulmo re her story. She wrote to Emphasis to sha

Dear Emphasis ,

I was diagn osed with P H in 2018, b suffering fr ut because om pulmon I have been ary fibrosis 2014 I thou (s carring to th ght the sym e lungs) sin ptoms may ce have been It wasn’t un down to th til May 2018 a t. that I had a showed som n echocard e abnorma iogram wh lities, and I ich and diagno was referre sed. d for furthe r tests Having PH has change d my life dra let it define matically. I me, but the used to say honest truth I wouldn’t me anymore is th a . I struggle w t it has, and I it sa h y I am not walking for I have to m ake sure I d more than on’t exert m 15 to 20 ste ps and yself and ta I have four ke everythin beautiful ch g sl o wly. ildren aged me do so m between se uch and my v e n to 13 who help husband m challenging akes it easie and hard, b r fo r m u e. It's still ve t knowing m more positi ry y family is th ve. ere helps m e to feel My relation ship has be e n im pacted beca comes to ta use I am rest king part in ricted when a c ti v it bad because ies or going it out, and so if I am strug metimes I fe gling I have upset by th el to ask for h is. It can be elp - and I te difficult no n d t having 10 to get I do get em 0 per cent in otional and d e p e n d st ence. ressed to so I am and ho me level wh w I used to en I think h be, compare how my life ow young d to how I a has comple m n o w te . ly I o ch ft learned to b anged. But en think e more pati at the same ent and try ti m e , I have not to worr My advice fo y about sm r other peo a ll th ings. ple living w has been re ith PH, part cently diag ic u la rl n y o sed, is to re someone w try to rema search as m ho in strong an uch as you d positive. can and

ears ago Sophia 7 y

Sofia, Leeds

Soph ia tod ay SPRING 2020 emphasis 6

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