Emphasis Summer 2015

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It's going to be

PHantastic! Arrangements for PHA UK’s 15th Anniversary Celebration at the end of October are well underway.


he ‘PHantastic’ event will provide an opportunity for patients, carers, families and PH professionals to come together to share experiences, learn more about the latest developments in PH treatment and care - and to enjoy themselves.

Professor Paul Corris, Professor of thoracic medicine, Freeman Hospital Newcastle

Topics to be included are:

Dr Shahin Moledina, Consultant paediatric cardiologist, GOSH

• Exploring past, present and future therapies • What treatment options are out there? • Diagnostic tests, what do they show? • Developing self-management skills • The transition from child to adult care (GOSH) • Developments in stem cell research.

And the line-up of confirmed speakers includes: Dr Iain Armstrong, Chair of the PHA UK and nurse consultant, Royal Hallamshire, Sheffield

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Dr Simon Gibbs, Consultant cardiologist, at Hammersmith Hospital London

Professor Janelle Yorke, Professor of nursing at the University of Manchester Professor David Kiely, Consultant respiratory physician, Royal Hallamshire Dr Daniel Reed, Research associate, of the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, London.

There will be an informal ‘welcome’ reception dinner and family film show on the Friday with seminars, presentations and fun activities all day Saturday. Sunday will provide time to relax and enjoy the Heythrop Park Resort facilities and surrounding attractions such as Blenheim Palace, Cotswold Wildlife Park and the picturesque Cotswold villages of Burford and Chipping Norton. The event will be held at Crowne Plaza, Heythrop Park in Oxfordshire from Friday 30th October to Sunday 1st November. Everyone who has already expressed an interest in attending is being sent more information and a formal invitation directly by our event organisers CFS events. Places are limited but don’t worry if you can’t make it, a full report will be included in your next issue of Emphasis.


The 15th Anniversary of the PHA will be celebrated with a spectacular fireworks display and themed ‘magical dream circus’ gala dinner on the Saturday evening.

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