Studying with PH
What help is out there?
For anyone, applying to study a university degree is a big decision. Moving away from home for the first time, having to live independently, and keeping control of your finances are all challenges. Having a long-term health condition like PH is another huge factor to consider, but there is help available, as Chris Coates reports.
Government funding
can apply for the Disabled If you live in the UK, you o ). This is for students wh Student Allowance (DSA s or disability which affect have a health condition , so As are allocated as grants their ability to study. DS aid, and can be claimed they do not need to be rep a student finance, such as in addition to any other s ount you receive depend maintenance loan. The am nt and income, so if you wa on your individual needs keep your current one as to get a part-time job or how much you’re entitled you study, this may affect
The Open University Th
claim up to £25,677 to. Undergraduates can uates are entitled to per year, while postgrad the maximum amount £10,993. These figures are e less. - most students will receiv have to submit proof of To get the funding, you d once approved you your health condition, an local centre for a needs will be asked to attend a ur opportunity to inform yo assessment. This is your s ect how your condition aff funding provider about ta assessment, you’ll be sen your studying. After your u yo rt equipment and suppo report which shows the d. funding you’ll be grante need, and the amount of
e Open Un iversity (O covers cost U) provide for studen s like books, s the oppo ts to study childcare a rt co u n n it su fr nd y o m m a b home, full time, with les such as -time or pa printer ink moral sup rt p a n o d paper. rt through and ex tra “We offer out the co financial h to write a p urse elp when n e rs o n alised ‘Disa which outl ecessary. bility Profi Lynda Culle ines the m le’ ain impact y, advisor fo co n dition on th of a studen r the Disab at the OU, t’ il e it ir s y h st ealth Support Te udy and m told Empha adjustmen am akes antici sis: “We en with a long ts. This con patory courage an -term healt fi d ential profi y student by tutors a h condition le would b an applica nd others in such as PH e used tion for a D v o lved in stud to m a is k a e b led Studen y su soon as the “ p W p o e rt. can also fu ts Allowan y are reserv nd non-me ce as ed on a mo dical helpe we also ha a re d n u o le t co . However, rs where th ve a Study vered by th Support Fu ey e Disabled to meet so For someo nd which ca St u d e n me of a stu t’s Allowan n e w n it h h e lp P H d , this migh ent’s study ce. is means te support ass t be a prac -related co sted and b istant to he tical sts. This ased on ho lp at home, in exams and usehold inco the library tutorials. T me but , or in hey might note-taker a c t a s a compan or even carr ion, y equipme nt.” SUMMER 2018 emphasis 42