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Drive to end is’ s y l a r a p a m a j y ‘p in hospitals
obile, older three-in-five imm at th ow sh s ie ud St on that ple up, dressed eo d no medical reas p ha t l ge ita sp to n ho ig in s pa patient A cam e amount of ospital will run h st and doubling th in re ile d h be w d g ire in qu ov re of stay. and m l reduces the length ita sp ho in le hi w walking until 26th June. y, wearing ve gs said: “For man gi in m to s m m Cu ai r ’ so sis es ly of ra Pr prevent yjama pa g unwell and can in el us fe io The drive to end ‘p es ec rc pr fo r in ei re th pyjamas million days of valuable d. . One of the most patients back one ry be ve in co d re te as dy w ee sp be le up a herwise e and getting peop tim s’ nt time that would ot tie pa a is s resource sing g that they do mmings, Chief Nur tal step in ensurin vi a is d se es dr Professor Jane Cu d an ay ssary in launched the 70-d an is clinically nece d, th an er gl ng En lo r y fo an r d ce en Offi not sp star ted on challenge, which # EndPJparalysis hospital.” g Professor of . ril Ap 17th ian Dolan, Visitin Br r so ' es ys of da Pr 8 ,72 Midwifery patients back 91 stitute of Nursing, In d or xf O g, ts us sin A recent pilot gave tr ur N nine added: th of time across ch (OxINMAHR), or ar w se s' Re ar lth ye ea 0 H 25 d - or & Allie getting , therapists, and as a result of galvanised nurses in the East of Engl nd PJ paralysis has “E itnessed in a way I’ve not w essed. s dr er d ag an an up m s d nt an s tie pa doctor on y are nge aims to build career, and so man le al ar ch ye is us ys pl al 30 ar a Jp in The # EndP a million right thing.” ambition to have te about doing the an na io ith ss w s, pa es cc su its ys. ured in just 70 da patient days capt
Financial im p sur vey updat act e
Thank you to everyone wh o shared thei survey into th r voices in ou e financial im r pact of PH. T results is bei he analysis o ng finalised f the and we’ll be soon. Watch sharing the fi this space ! ndings SUMMER 2018 emphasis 6