Emphasis exchange PUTTING IT INTO WORDS
PH A UK membe r Lesley Meek (p ictured w ith son Ross) has w ritten a bo ok about her life - includ ing her health problems and having a ch ild via surrogac y. ‘It’s my life an d I’ve lived it!’ is av ailable as a Kindle editio n right now on A mazon, and all the money raised w ill go to our charity.
Amongst the bats in the belf ry
Hi everyone,
I wondered if there were any other bell ringers in the PHA UK family? My ringing hobby started back in the Millennium Baptist Church in Billesdon, Leicestershire. I wou at St John The as a very good ringer, but I enjoy the friendship,ld not class myself and the exercise is good too.
u also If, like Lois, yo ing, enjoy bell ring ow kn s please let u by emailing org office @phauk.
I was diagnosed with CTEPH in the summer of 2012 my specialist centre soon had me sorted out wit , and the team at very lucky that I am not too debilitated by PH h medication. I am and can carry on my active life almost as before. There are 29 stone steps up a spiral staircase to at church – nowadays I do have to hold tight toour ringing chamber my time to go up! And I need to allow about fivethe rope and take breathing to get back to normal when I reach the minutes for my friends remind me to take a breather between top. My ringing the sets of ringing, and so I am still able to enjoy it. So [before the pandemic] on Friday evenings and that’s where I could be found – amongst the bat Sunday mornings s in the belfry! Best wishes
Lois Parker, Leicestershire SUMMER 2020 emphasis 6