Emphasis Autumn/Winter 2022

Page 15



Carol Keen spent five years as a specialist physiotherapist in pulmonary hypertension, helping hundreds of people get fitter and stronger with the condition. And when we invited members to submit questions for her, so many came in that we’re having to spread them over two issues! Exercise is clearly a topic that’s important to many, so if moving more is top of your New Year's Resolution list, we hope you’ll find these answers useful.

ith Is exercising w why are PH safe, and o do it? we advised t er to this is

CAROL : The answ e know that exercise is safe. W

yes, a lot of research because we have ary hypertension around pulmon s PH d also because a and exercise, an r been getting ou ve e’ w , ls a n io ss profe re ercise and be mo patients to do ex mber of years. active over a nu if ference it can We’ve seen the d t . It’s not just tha ts en ti a p to ke a m t it e also know tha w , fe sa is se ci er ex to to do more day ts en ti a p p el h n ca

ing further day, such as walk g, getting up the without stoppin , or eeding to pause stairs without n ath at the top. re b f o rt o sh ss le being n ts who have bee en ti a p en se ve We’ s, to other activitie in ck a b et g to able randchildren, or play with their g as a result of the rk o w to in ck a b get n n doing. So, it ca ee b e ’v ey th se ci exer of life. improve quality of benefits for Exercise has lots l well as physica your mental as d it’s a really goo wellbeing, and ke ts to start to ta way for patien . their condition some control of u can manage It is something yo ay that you can yourself and a w your health and have input into your wellbeing. nd it’s really Exercise is safe a tients with beneficial for pa tension. pulmonary hyper

AUTUMN/WINTER 2022 emphasis 15

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