Emphasis Winter 2016

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G I B t a A gre . . u o y thank …to everyone who got involved in our first ever PH Awareness Week!

19th-27th Nov

From 19th to 27th November, the PH community worked hard to raise awareness of the condition on social media, via their local press, and through encouraging conversations with family and friends.

We’d love to know what you thought about the week, and whether you have any feedback for next year. Email editor@phauk.org.uk to share your views.

Some of you wrote to your MPs, and helped us to let medical professionals know about our education course. You helped us display posters, and got people talking online using the hashtags #PHweekUK and #LetsTalkPH.

This issue of Emphasis went to print at the beginning of PH Week, but here’s a snapshot of what happened in the first few days. For further information on what went on, please see our social media pages.

Alex Walker got in touch with her local paper, The Leicester Mercury, to share her PH story. Catherine Makin wrote to her MP and got an official reply wishing her luck with her coming treatment. Patient Pauline Ginn delivered a talk at the Bolton Cardiac Society about PH and transplants, and received some lovely flowers as a thank you. To coincide with PH Week, Angela Cran launched a special blog to talk about how the condition has affected her family. www.angelacran.wordpress.com

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Tracey Barnes encouraged her local health centre to display the new PH pocket guide – and even persuaded two doctors there to sign up to the PHA UK medical education course too! PHA UK Chair Iain Armstrong was interviewed on Somerset radio station Sedgemoor FM about PH. He was also interviewed by a national news agency and an article about PH made it as far as The Irish Examiner. @AnaFanClubUK (Sarah) This week is # PHweekUK to ra ise awareness of th e disease that mysel f and 7,000 others in the UK deal with on a daily basis. @ LukeMarino9 (L uke) Help raise aw areness of Pulmonar y Hyp er tension, a very se rious condition that sh ould be talked ab ou t more # PHweekUK

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