Emphasis exchange If you have any news and views to share via the Emphasis exchange please e-mail editor@phauk.org and don’t forget to keep in touch via Facebook and Twitter too.
In the Summer issue of Emphasis, we brou ght you news that w Barbara Shrubsole w riter as planning to hold a la unch of her new book ‘Literary Allsorts’, in , aid of PHA UK and in support of her frien Sharon Pile, who ha d s PH. After raising ov er £1,000 she sent us overview of the even this t: “The fundraising even t in Bath proved to be a great success. Betw 80 and 100 people ca een me and listened to a sh ort history of how th book came into bein e g, and a detailed acco unt read by Sharon ab daily experiences, bo out her th day and night, as she copes with the ch presented by pulmon al len ge ary hypertension. It w ould be true to say th people learned somet at m ost hing about a previous ly unknown condition Tea and cake was en . joyed socially and a co ns id er ab le amount of money was raised on the da y. This sum has contin ued to increase with sales and now we ar further e able to announce th at the total raised fo is £1,003. Sharon also r PHA UK has a few more book s that she hopes to se local event.” ll at a Barbara is pictured with Sharon, signing books at th e launch.
WINTER 2016 emphasis 6