Emphasis Winter 2019

Page 44


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This issue we review two very different books, which are both powerful in their own ways, plus an app to help you keep calm. Winter reading to keep you mo bile and well-nourished

Sod Sitting Get Moving ! by Diana Mo ran & Muir Gray Sod it! Eat well! by Anita Bean & Sir Muir Gray

In these days of digital books and You Tube videos, it’s refreshing to come acro ss a couple of hard back staples that could become life-companions. And if you can get past the somewhat controversial ‘Sod it…’ titles, you may enjoy and benefit from the concentrate d wisd om inside their covers. Sod it! Eat well! and Sod Sitt ing Get Moving! are twin publications to set you winter. Written in a relaxed and cha up for the tty style, they give good advice to the elderly (of which I am one!) on lifestyle and getting the best out of our later years. These are boo ks that we can dip into as and when; especially the one on exer cise. Sod Sitting Get Moving! provides illus trations of easy to follow and varied exercises. Also, the print’s quite large and therefore read able even if you don’t have your spec tacl es to hand. I tried all the exercises and found them well within my capacity, notwithstanding my elderly status and having had PH for over five years. Sod it! Eat well! is more exacting, goin g into a level of detail that may mak e some of us glaze over, so skip those technical bits and go for the recipes, and such sections as ‘How much fibre should you eat? ’ and ‘Ten healthy snacks’. The recipe section offers a variety of hea lthy dish es, ranging from vegan to carnivore with such item s as Chicken Tagine and Tofu and Red Pep per Stir Fry. Each section has a helpful summary that saves making notes and that help s those of us whose short-term memory function is fadi ng. Co-written by Diana Moran, alias ‘Gre en Goddess’ fitness expert of the eigh ties; and Sir Muir Grey, knighted for services to the NHS as Chief Knowledge Officer, this com bina tion of practitioner and theorist works well in providing exercises backed up by reasons why they shou ld be beneficial to us. The appropriately named Anit a Bean is a top nutritionist whose kno wle dge and underpins the advice and recipes in experience ‘Eat Well’.

Reviewed by PHA UK member Hea ther Pollitt

app Keeping ‘Calm’

d the Calm eping? I have foun sle or / d an ng xi la le re ns you can 'Daily Calm' sessio xiety. Having troub as an re ell w no ig As t g. n’ in ca lm u Yo inely ca fferent such as mething a little di -friendly and genu er so e us y lik gl ld in ou ed w ce u ex yo app sleep. If ul movement. you focus, relax or ed videos on mindf id gu e pick tracks to help t of ten I am ut in m nte d of f. Nine times ou is a series of e no u er th yo ' lp dy he Bo to m d al a 'C designe have ex tremely y the sleep stories nown people who -k ell w by ad re e I particularly enjo y ar hing rather ep. There is somet y has finished. Man sle or st ng e xi th la re re fo a be to p in aslee d you nature stories far have been the hed just right to lea tc so pi s s, ite ice ur vo vo fa ng y hi M soot Rabbit. There e stor y! like The Velveteen ing read a bedtim ies be t or st ou s ab n’ c re gi ild al ch st no gly, the orld and surprisin from around the w nual subscription Thereafter, the an ever ybody. . it al su tri to k’s ee ies w or a st r e ar up fo d the app and sign You can downloa ). th r £3 a mon is £35.99 (just unde y Yeowart

UK co-founder Ka Reviewed by PHA

WINTER 2019 emphasis 44

WINTER 2019 emphasis 31 15

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