Emphasis Winter 2021

Page 45

w o d n i A w world to our

ctor of e r i D , n o t y a l C By Shaun UK A H P e h t t a t r o p Membership Sup

es, from the PHA UK offic te da up r la gu re s hi In this new podcast - bringing r ou es uc od tr in n au Sh es… magazine to the airwav

"This time around I wanted to talk about a project that we've been wanting to work e on for some time, but for on reason or another we just couldn't... until now! EmPHAsis on Air is a podcast launched by us here at the PHA UK. The aim was to create something that was fun and light-hearted but that would also bring you in formation, advice, stories y. and interviews along the wa is In fact, it’s very similar to th g very mag azine you're readinto - which is why we decided give it the same name. New episodes are available every fortnight and they

u’re in luck! We've yo ll, we e th all ss ro ac can be found duced each other in tro in , ct pe ex d u' yo plat forms one of our early episodes, s, ast dc Po e pl Ap ng includi n listen back and ca u yo so . ite bs we r Spotify and on ou find out more. The easiest way to make sure Like with anything we do you never miss an episode is here at the PHA UK, we're to like and subscribe to the always keen for input from podcast, but we'll definitely our members. If there's be posting links to new a something you' d like to hear episodes on our social medi us discuss on our podcast, . pages too. please feel free to let us know 've we k ac db fee e th So far, m You can email us at had has been great - my mu office@phauk.org or give loves it ;-) us a ring on 01709 761450. by ed st ho is ast dc po e Th Happy listening!" mysel f, and PHA UK team , members Mary and John e with special guests along th o way. If you're wondering wh Shaun, Mary and John are,


including r streaming platforms, ajo m e th l al on le lab ai s episodes on these EmPHAsis on Air is av n listen to all previou ca u Yo . ify ot Sp d an ts you hit the Apple Podcas the latest, make sure iss m to nt wa n’t do u platforms, and if yo at www.phauk.org find the latest episode so al l u’l Yo n. tto bu ’ ‘subscribe

WINTER 2021 emphasis 45

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