Prestigious reco for EmPHAsis-10 gnition
PHA UK Chair Dr Iain Armstrong w as ‘highly commended’ in hi s category of a pr estigious national nursing awards in October. He was recognised for his work in cr eating the clinical tool EmPHAsis-10 in the ‘Innovation s in your Specialt category of the Ro y’ yal College of Nur sing (RCN) Nursi Awards. ng The virtual cerem ony was hosted by TV favourite Kate Garraway, and sh e shared details of EmPHAsis-10, the quality-of-life m easure used in PH , with a national audience. Designed as a sim ple questionnair e 11 years ago, it is now used arou nd the world to he lp doctors and nurses understand how people affect ed by pulmonary hypertension are responding to trea tment. As well as co-foun ding the PHA UK , Ia in also works as a Nurse Consulta nt at the specialis t PH centre withi the Royal Hallam n shire Hospital in Sheffield. Chris Morley, Chief Nur se at Sheffield Te aching Hospitals Foundation Trus N HS t, said : “This com mendation is rich deserved by Iain, ly and is a fantastic recognition of his work and his dedi cation to improvin g the quality of lif for people with pu e lmonary hyperten sion.”
e You’re not alon this Christmas
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Your Right to Re hab : An u
pdate on our cam paign
We’d like to say a big thank you to the hundreds of peop le who have pled ge d their support for our campaign to gi ve everyone with PH access to speciali st rehabilitation. At the time of going to print, we have re ceived almost 40 0 support pledges, which proves just how much this m eans to you too. Having gathered this groundswell of support, we will now make contac t with commissioners an d roll out the next phase of our cam paign in the New Year. Watch this space!