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Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Application and benefits
2. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Application
2.1 HGH for Bodybuilding
Every bodybuilder looks dreams of gaining lean muscles while at the same time losing the extra body fats. Well, the human growth hormone works the same way. Several clinical trials have proved that the use of recombinant HGH not only accelerated the muscle mass but also burning of fats. The drug is, no doubt an ideal treatment for weight loss for obese patients.
Although studies don’t support claims that GH has a role in performance enhancement, many athletes believe it is magical. Its anabolic effects
include an increase in muscle mass, protein synthesis, and body strength. The drug is
also responsible for rapid recovery within the musculoskeletal system.
Administering HGH for muscle gain initiates collagen synthesis within the tendons and skeletal muscles. The hormone gives you maximum strength and capacity to endure intense physical activities. Additionally, treatment with exogenous human growth human promotes lipolysis and loss of ugly fats around the belly.
The effect of HGH on athletic performance stirred up the World Anti-doping Agencyto list it as a prohibited substance. Therefore, HGH application in sports is illegal,whether you are in or out of the competition.
2.2 HGH for Anti-aging
The world-shattering discovery that wrote off HGH as an anti-aging treatment cameas a twist of fate.
According to research published in 1990 by The England Journal of Medicine, the study group registered a significant increase in bone density and lean muscles. The researchers noted that these improvements were contrary to what is expected from
adults aged 60 and above. Since this observation was not part of their clinical trial
objectives, the scholars did not infer the efficacy of GH as an anti-aging drug.
In 2007, another human trial on healthy adults established that the use of HGHincreased the muscle mass of the study group. Besides, there was also a decrease inbody fats by almost 4.5 pounds.
This exogenous hormone will not only stimulate mass gain but also spark off the growth of connective tissues. The hard and tight muscles result in a youthful appearance. It’s not yet conclusive that HGH anti-aging reverses aging, but it is evident that the drug slows down the processes that come with old age.
2.3 HGH for Therapeutic Uses
FDA has legalized the use of recombinant Human Growth Hormone in the treatmentof various GH-related conditions.
Adults with HGH-deficiency use the synthetic hormone as replacement therapy. A follow up on these patients proved the efficiency of the drug in reducing body fats and building lean masses. Besides, it increases the bone density, trims down the cardiovascular risk factors, and boosts the lipid profile.
HGH for muscle gain is useful in the treatment of short stature, which may or may
not have been brought about by insufficient growth hormone. Take, for example, Prader-Willi syndrome, Turner syndrome, intrauterine growth restriction, and chronic failure are managed with recombinant GH. In such cases, the doses are usually high to speed up the cellular regeneration and the healing process.
This hormone is also a prescription drug for patients with muscle-wasting conditionssuch as HIV/AIDS.
Additionally, administering the synthetic human growth hormone helps boost theemotional, cognitive, and mental well-being of a person. One of the side effects ofGH-deficiency is depression. However, taking this treatment is a sure remedy.
2.4 GH for Industrial Agriculture
The application of growth hormone in dairy farming is permissible in the UnitedStates. In this industry, GH is used to increase the production of both milk and beef.
3. Human Growth Hormone Benefits
♦ Lean Muscle Mass Gain
Even if you aren’t a gym enthusiast, HGH benefits will make you look like one. Thehormone boosts protein synthesis, which is responsible for muscle gain.
Unlike the use of steroids, taking HGH has permanent gains on the user. Once the
cycle is complete, there is no need for a post cycle therapy to offset the hormonal balance. The reason is that these gained muscle tissues are retainable. It is no doubt that AAS users would always stack with a growth hormone to magnify the results.
The efficiency of HGH in mass gains has led it to be endorsed as a prescription drugfor muscle-wasting in people living with HIV/AIDs.
♦ Aging Reversal
HGH anti-aging supplement will cause your muscles to function like that of a20-year-old. The drug will not only increase the musculoskeletal masses but alsomakes them tight, hard, and young.
In old age, the muscles tend to decline while the bone mass decrease. However, astudy published in The England Journal of Medicine proved that the hormone led toan increase in muscle size and bone density among the elderly.
Moreover, some physicians in the U.S. are prescribing HGH to the elderly as a meansof improving their vitality.
♦ Weight Loss
HGH for weight loss sparks off the hydrolysis of triglycerides into free fatty acids andglycerol. Through the mechanism, extra body fats become water-soluble, which thesystem can easily flush out. Besides, the hormone reduces the sensitivity of the body
to insulin. For this reason, the drug has been prescribed to obese and overweight
adults. Averagely, one will lose up to five pounds in a single HGH cycle.
Studies show that obese adults have low levels of human growth hormone than theirnormal-weight counterparts. This discovery has left scientists speculating whetheradministering HGH would have an impact on weight loss.
In a complete cycle, a user can lose up to 14% of the total body fat. Well, this figureapplies if you are neither dieting nor working out. Those who want to burnsubstantial weight can subscribe to a fitness regime.
♦ Improved Sleep
HGH is an excellent sleep therapy. If you find it hard to fall or stay asleep, you cangive it a go. When you have trouble catching the forty winks due to the effects ofanabolic steroids, you should consider this hormone in your stacking cycle.
The release of the human growth hormone is optimum at the onset of deep sleep.Burning the midnight oil, staying up late, or working the night shifts interfere withthe pituitary functions. As a result, the HGH plasma concentration will decrease.
♦ Different Modes of Administration
Although the accessible mode of HGH administration is by injection, there arealternative forms like pills and sprays.
Doctors and professionals recommend using the original injectable vials. However,
some people find this method to be expensive. Besides, not everyone has a soft spot for painful daily needle pricks. HGH injection presents dramatic results, but it trails more adverse events than any other method of delivery.
However, when your preference is taking shots, you should settle on thesubcutaneous option. The reason is that it is less painful with higher availability thanthe intra-muscular injection.
If you are easy-going, you can go for the pills. After all, this exogenous hormone is slow-acting, regardless of whether you are taking the injection or swallowing the tablets. One clear thing is that the side effects will be mild and perhaps tolerable. Besides, HGH price is friendly when you buy oral supplements.
♦ Accelerates the Recovery Process
Exogenous HGH speeds up the healing process of the muscular and the skeletaltissues. For this reason, doctors would recommend it as a therapy in case of severeburns or injuries.
In case of an injury, HGH work is to induce cell regeneration in the affected area. Itfacilitates the deposition of collagen on the wound, hence, shortening the recoveryperiod.
♦ Accelerates Growth
Initially, researchers developed the recombinant growth hormone to manage short
stature in youngsters. When the treatment is taken by teenagers, whose bodies are still growing, it will undoubtedly add a few inches to their height. Children receiving the treatment can gain up to 7” in less than five years.
HGH initiates growth in almost all tissues and organs, except the brain. For adolescents, the hormone promotes the development of bone and cartilages through replication of osteoblasts and chondrocytes. Moreover, it has a hand in inhibiting apoptosis or cell death.
♦ Enhances Performance
What makes HGH popular among bodybuilders is its ability to promote muscle strength and boost performance. Although some researchers do not buy into this reality, various findings have backed it up. In point of fact, why would the anti-doping agents ban HGH application in sports if it doesn’t have a hand in performance-enhancement?
For gymnasts, taking HGH will increase your stamina and endurance. At least you will put up with intense workouts and weightlifting. Besides, using the hormone will lengthen your exercise routine while improving your physical capacity since you’ll not quickly feel tired.
♦ A decrease in Bad Cholesterol
A high cholesterol level is the root cause of cardiovascular diseases. However, taking
HGH reportedly lowers the scores, which is responsible for the development of arterial plaque.
♦ Boosts Metabolism
The human growth hormone indirectly affects metabolism by upregulating the insulin-like growth factor 1. Through the tyrosine kinase-mediated signaling pathway, IGF-1 activates the phosphorylation of various proteins on the peripheral cells. At the end, there will be an increase in metabolism and a decrease in catabolism.
The basal metabolic functions of the cells are proportional to the amino acid uptakeand protein synthesis. What is more, the HGH work is to improve gluconeogenesis bypromoting hyperglycemia.
♦ Corrects Erectile Dysfunction
HGH plays a significant role in reproductive health. Its deficiency leads to delayedpuberty in children and a decrease in sexual functions among adults.
People suffering infertility are likely to have low levels of GH. Administering thehormone will help improve the production of testosterone, hence, stabilizing thesperm count.
♦ Clinical uses
HGH is an FDA-approved prescription drug for various conditions;
◦ Muscle wasting
◦ Short Stature
◦ Prader-Willi syndrome
◦ Renal failure
◦ Short bowel syndrome
◦ Turner syndrome
◦ Obesity
◦ GH-deficiency
◦ Burns and injuries