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What are the Phosphatidylserine benefits

Phosphatidylserine supplements have been proven as an excellent nootropic component. It has been used for enhancing memory, treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, preventing age-related cognitive decline, boosting thinking skills in minors, relieving children from attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), preventing depression and stress, and enhancing athletic performance.

Here are some benefits associated with PS;


(1) Phosphatidylserine and Cortisol

Cortisol is a stress-related hormone and is released naturally when our brain feel under stress. In our day to day lives, stress may occur due to lifestyle, work or even strenuous exercises. High levels of this stress hormone can affect the body metabolism, blood glucose levels which often lead to unhealthy weight gain and further, may interfere with memory.

Interestingly, phosphatidylserine is regarded as an excellent natural cortisol blocker.Several studies have shown that PS inhibits the release of cortisol responses to

exercise-related stress. Phosphatidylserine has also been known to improve mood

even in young people.

For instance, in a study with a group of students, phosphatidylserine was administered at 300mg of daily for a month. This resulted to reduced stress when the young adults were subjected to a stressful arithmetic task. It was also noted that they had a better mood.

(2) Phosphatidylserine for Memory, Learning &Attention

Most research has reported phosphatidylserine nootropic benefits in terms of phosphatidylserine for memory improvement. PS reduces the symptoms of cognitive impairment by assisting people to recall things more quickly It plays role in increasing the level of acetylcholine, which in turn enhances memory, improves learning and also accuracy.

In a clinical trial with a group of children aged 4-14 years, PS given at a dose of 200

mg per day resulted in improved attention, short-term memory and, self-control.

In another study with 149 individuals suffering from age-related cognitive decline, Pswas administered at 100 mg per day for 12 weeks. At the end these participantsshowed an improvement in learning and better performed in memory related tasks.

(3) Phosphatidylserine for Depression and Stress

Depression is a common condition and mostly with the elderly. However, young people also often get depressed. Age-related depression could be attributed to the decline in PS levels and hence the need for PS supplements which are rapidly absorbed by the body.

Researchers are known to have used phosphatidylserine for anxiety related studies,in which PS was reported to downwards regulate cortisol (stress hormone) release.

The main purpose of cortisol is to provide emergency energy boost to the body under depressive situations. In this process, stored body proteins are converted to glucose, which can possibly fuel the “flight or fight” response. Unfortunately, high levels of cortisol over extended duration can be hazardous.

Health conditions such as metabolic syndrome, hypertension, suppressed libido,hyperglycemia, and other deadly physical problems are sometimes linked

to phosphatidylserine deficiency. Phosphatidylserine functions effectively while

responding to mental stress by enabling maintenance of adrenal glands efficiency and reducing cortisol concentrations in patients subjected to mental stress.

Researches indicate that phosphatidylserine use may substantially improvedepression symptoms in persons of any ages.

Tests conducted to geriatric patients (both males and females) experiencing late-agedepression reported that proper Phosphatidylserine dosage loweddepression-related memory impairment.

In another study involving healthy males of tender age, Phosphatidylserine usereduced symptoms of depression and boosted emotional responses.

(4) Phosphatidylserine and ADHD

ADHD is a brain disorder that affects many children characterised by difficulty in paying attention, staying still and acting without self-control.

Research indicates that

plant-derived phosphatidylserine for ADHD use helps improve hyperactivity,

attention, and impulse control in minors and teenagers with ADHD.

A case study was conducted on 36 children between 4 – 14 years, diagnosedwith Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) but not subjected to any ADHDtreatment before the trial.

The kids were divided into two groups; one received 200mg daily of PS and the otherunder placebo for a period of 2 months. The team assessed the children’s mentalperformance, working and short-term memory, and ADHD symptoms.

The team discovered that Phosphatidylserine dosage notably improved short-term memory and ADHD symptoms. The reduced ADHD symptoms included impulsivity, short-term cognition conditions, and inattention. The placebo trial group recorded no improvement.



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