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Best noopept powder stack
Best Noopept Stack
If you want to speed up the noopept benefits, you will have to incorporate some few stacks in your cycle. However, this may not be a recommendation to the newbies who are yet to understand the effect of the neuroprotective drug on their bodies. If you’re a beginner, it is ideal for you to administer noopept as a stand-alone supplement before rushing into the nootropic stacks.
There are many stacking ideas but let’s take a look at a few options.
1.Noopept, Sulbutiamine, Aniracetam, and CDP Choline
This noopept stack heightens your mood and eases you off anxiety and depression. The combination is ideal for those who are under pressure or in stressful situations. Not only will you be boosting your cognition but you’ll also be brightening your mood to endure any challenges.
Take 10mg of noopept powder, 750mg of aniracetam, and 200mg of sulbutiamine.
Some users may go ahead and add caffeine to this stack.
2.Noopept, Piracetam, and Choline
Choline is a customary supplement for almost all nootropics. The significance of this
product in a noopept stack is to prevent headaches, which are likely to occur after taking a smart drug.
Conversely, piracetam accelerates the effects of noopept by acting onneurotransmitters to improve cognition. The similarities in the mechanism of actionof these two racetams mean that noopept benefits will double up.
For a 10mg of noopept powder, you can stack up with 2g of piracetam.
3.Noopept, Alpha GPC and Huperzine A
Huperzine A boosts the activity of acetylcholine in the brain. This neurotransmitterenhances memory, learning, and alertness. Alpha GPC maintains the optimum levelsof choline in the brain.
Ensure to take about 300mg of Alpha GPC.
If you are stacking noopept and adrafinil to extend your mental focus, you should usea dose of 20mg and 300mg, respectively.