4 minute read

What are the functions of Oxytocin Acetate?

4. Oxytocin Acetate benefits

It is an anti-inflammatory


Oxytocin may be one of the effective anti-inflammatory drugs in existence. It worksby decreasing specific cytokines, which in turn help in wound healing in case one issuffering from one.

Oxytocin solidifies relationships

Oxytocin Acetate levels are known to affect how connected you feel with your loved ones as well as how satisfied you feel while around them. Once there is a troubled relationship, you are most likely going to undergo obsession and emotional highs and lows. The good news is that one of the Oxytocin Acetate effects is that it causes a more connected relationship.

It promotes attachment

It’s interesting how Oxytocin Acetate enhances attachment. A study done on pregnant women showed that those with higher levels of oxytocin during their first three months of pregnancy bonded so well once the babies were born. Those that had high levels throughout the pregnancy and during the first month after delivery engaged more in behaviors like singing and bathing the infants in ways that showed more affection and stronger bonds.

Acts as an amplifier for emotional memories

Those fond memories that you have in the past shared with your mother or with your best friend should never be forgotten. That is because it is what that gives you a sense of wellbeing. Use of Oxytocin could intensify the fond memories that one shares with another person.

A study done on men showed that Oxytocin use helped them remember the positive memories they shared with their mothers. On the downside, this could bring back negative memories like those of being bullied as a child. Consequently, the stress levels could go up and even the need to avenge.

It helps a mom be a mom

As mentioned earlier, Oxytocin assists in the separation of the placenta and also inkeeping the uterus contracted hence reducing bleeding. Also, it allows for theejection of milk from the ducts, thus facilitating breastfeeding.

Furthermore, after giving birth, Oxytocin helps to enhance the intimacy between the child and the mother through the gentle touches and even by a mere gaze, not forgetting that dads on Oxytocin enjoy the company of their children more and are less likely to be hostile.

Increases generosity

Does sacrificing something that means a lot to you for someone else feel like getting

blood out of a stone? Well, if you want something to make you more generous and turn you into a giver, then you should know that that’s just what Oxytocin does.

It could either affect you negatively or positively, but the thing is that Oxytocin willincrease the empathy you feel towards others hence making you give or share things,sometimes at a personal cost.

Oxytocin Acetate as a supplement

Sometimes the Oxytocin level in the body could be low, and there will be implications.For a nursing mother, this could mean that there will be the prevention of themilk-ejection reflex hence little or no breastfeeding.

Low Oxytocin levels are known to lead to autism and autistic spectrum disorders like Asperger syndrome. These conditions are characterized by poor social functioning. By supplementing the Oxytocin in the body, you could get a breakthrough in the treatment of these conditions. Moreover, giving your natural Oxytocin stores a little boost could play a significant role in the treatment of depressive disorders.

As a sexual feelings booster

Although sex has been said to be an integral part of any relationship, it still could be achallenge to some. Lack of good quality sex could lead to having a bad relationship,

Weight management

If you have looked in the mirror or weighed yourself and wondered what to do about the much weight you are putting on, then you should consider using Oxytocin. Making other lifestyle changes may seem futile, but Oxytocin use is the ideal solution when it comes to reducing weight.

It acts as an appetite suppressant through the Oxytocin neurons in thehypothalamus. If one does not have sufficient Oxytocin neurons, they are likely tosuffer from uncontrollable feeding, which will lead to obesity.

What makes it an excellent choice in weight management is that it causes fewOxytocin Acetate side effects and comes with a vast array of benefits on weightmatters.

Medication for migraines

Having constant, throbbing pains on your head can be stressful. It could affect your life to the point that you can no longer undertake your daily activities usually. That could weigh you down, especially when you do not have the right treatment and do not know how you could alleviate or ease the pain. Oxytocin use is one of the effective ways you could minimize your migraines and get some relief.

Half of the patients administered with Oxytocin Acetate as a treatment for migraines

reported that the pain reduced by half while a quarter of the others said that they no longer suffered from the migraines after four hours of its use.

Addiction or substance use disorder

Addiction may seem complicated, but there are ways that one could fight the addiction and overcome the compulsive drug seeking tendency. Oxytocin Acetate is beneficial to recovering alcoholics, opiates, or heroin users because it reduces anxiety. It may also assist in reducing withdrawal symptoms of alcohol and other addictive substances.

It improves social skills

A study done on people who have autism showed that inhaling Oxytocin Acetate enhanced the way they interacted with one another. It was therefore concluded that those who suffered from it had low levels of Oxytocin. Oxytocin, thus, helps in dealing with difficulties in communication as well as in building social relationships. Also, it helps reduce the fear towards others, especially in autistic individuals.

It triggers protective instincts

Oxytocin use is known to bring out the protective instinct in someone hence makingone overprotective to those in their `in groups`. For example, a soldier on Oxytocin

will protect his/her country by all means in case of a battle because he feels some

attachment towards his fellow citizens.

It induces sleep

Insomnia is one of the most prevalent disorders that affect people of all ages, notforgetting the seniors. It may sound like not much of a problem, but once you do nothave enough sleep for over two weeks, you will most likely feel tired, disoriented.

Anyone who spends the whole night tossing and turning should give Oxytocin Acetate a try. That is because one of the Oxytocin Acetate effects is to help you get some sleep. Oxytocin counters the cortisol effect hence giving a calming effect that will undoubtedly give you some slumber. With its use, you will have no trouble catching some sleep once you hit the pillow at night.



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