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What is RAD 140 stack and dosage for bodybuilding

4. RAD140 Stack and Usage


There are different methods of using RAD140. Among the properties that come withit is minimal suppression of testosterone. This way, you can opt to use in a 6-8 weekcycle. This is probably best for the Nattys and SARM-only users.

The other route for using this product is adding it to a Test cycle either when blastingor cruising. This method comes with some benefits such that it amplifies the effects

of the test and reduces the side effects that it could have on the prostate and

seminal vesicles and the liver. Even better; it aids in the drier lean mass look.

Another fantastic property of this product is that it makes you look more vascular without affecting the testes or clitoris. In fact, some athletes have chosen to add it to their PCT cycle as they come off test. However, this is not recommendable as the product is new in the market and only a little information is known about it. There have been some contradicting reports suggesting that the drug may or may not lead to suppression. Regardless of how small the risk is, it is best if avoided rather than second-guessing the outcome.

The recommended 1182367-47-0 dosage is 20-30 mg in a day. If you are new to it, you better start at a low dosage and increase the amount depending on how you feel as time goes by. You should also note that unlike other SARMS that may take a while before they hit you, with this one, you will start feeling and seeing the effects in a week.

Generally, the three modes of using it are;


Testolone RAD140 can be used alone or as part of a RAD140stack. For males, the recommended dosage, in this case, is 5 to 20 mg daily. It should not exceed 30mg. If you decide to take it this way; the recommended cycle is 12 to 16 weeks. Then take a 6 to 8 break including post cycle.

With SARMs

The compound works well with any SARM. You can choose to stack it with LGS if youare up for bulking or Cardarine if you are up for cutting. If the goal is to recover or getover an injury, you can stack it with Ostarine.

Stacking with anabolic steroids

One advantage of Testolone RAD140 is that you can combine it with testosteroneand use it as a base of your steroid cycle. This is advantageous in a way that it helpsin reducing the side effects.

(1) RAD140 dosage

For cutting – If you intend to use this product for cutting, the ideal dosage is 5 to 10 mg per day. You can take it orally in the morning together with your drink or food. This is advantageous as it helps your body to consume it easier into the bloodstream. The recommendable cycle for this during the cutting phase is 8 to 12 weeks.

For bulking and re-composition – If you are looking for muscle building or you wish to use this product for muscle growth purpose, the recommended dosage is 15 to 20mg per day. It is easy to take, and you could use it with your food or drink. For this phase, the recommendable cycle length is 8 to 12 weeks.

RAD140 half-life – RAD140 half-life lies between 15 to 18 hours, which is somehowshorter than other SARMs. You should take it only once in a day, and the post cycle

therapy should start one day after discontinuation. You do not need to split the dose

throughout the day, but instead, you should take it all at once. There are no side effects on the effectiveness of the compound that come with this mode of usage.

(2) Post cycle therapy

RAD140 users such as muscle and bodybuilders should use this substance in the cycle. Typically, they will use the substance consistently for about 8 to 12 weeks. After this cycle is over, they need to stop using it and allow hormones to go back to their natural levels. This is known as the post cycle therapy (PTC), and it is recommended for ensuring safety and minimizing the risks of any unpredictable side effects.

The length of the post cycle therapy may differ from one user to the other, but it is mostly connected to the dosing period. Take the example of an individual who has been using the compound for eight weeks non-stop. Then they should take an eight-weeks break from the using it. The same case applies to those who have been using it for 12 weeks; the PCT should last 12 weeks.

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