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Who might consider lithium orotate powder?
from The Most authoritative information about lithium orotate supplement benefits dosage, side effects &
Who might consider lithium orotate?
At least 3 or more groups of people should consider taking lithium orotate. Thesegroups include:
People whose parents have Alzheimer’s dementia
You have probably heard of a study that proved lithium might decrease the risk ofAlzheimer’s dementia.
If you have a parent with Alzheimer’s, you should beinterested in low-risk step which you could take which might lower the chances ofgetting this condition yourself.
If your parents became ill while young, or you already see in yourself some signs ofdecline in memory, you may feel that you do not have time to wait for more clinicalresearch.
People who struggled with thoughts regarding suicide
People who struggled with suicide thoughts should consider taking low dose lithium orotate supplements because small amounts of lithium in an area’s water supply have been associated with low suicide rates in those areas. You may consider lithium orotate if you have ever experienced suicide thoughts and you need some assistance to eliminate the stress.
People suffering from anxiety
Lithium orotate is popular for its antipsychotic positive effects in patients with bipolar. Because of this, effects of lithium orotate lower doses are being studied in persons with anxiety. Lithium orotate has been proved in several studies to calm down manic behavior related to (ADHD) attention deficit disorder, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.
Even if most of these investigations involve more extreme cases and always applylithium carbonate, that is more aggressive form of lithium, many practitioners havereportedly used low-dose lithium orotate for management of anxiety.

People who want to boost their cognitive function
Lithium orotate brain effects are simply amazing. Low dose lithium orotate has beenproved to be neuroprotective and to boost cognition.
One of the lithium orotate mechanism of action is to boost BDNF (brain-derivedneurotrophic factor), which is crucial to good brain function. Lithium orotate alsoblock glycogen synthase kinase-3 action that is involved in intracellular signaling.
Lithium orotate also lowers calcium-dependent stimulation of pro-apoptotic signalingpathways. This assists to lower the rate of cell death. Lithium orotate longevitybenefits are also supported by its ability to lower the rate of cell death.