Why it is very crucial and how to avoid it ?
The drive to win
● Students who are pursuing their graduation or Master’s or Phd aspire to obtain better marks. ● They are so obsessed with perfection. ● But unfortunately they yield to a form of misconduct in academic writing viz. plagiarism.
03 The aspiring student may question
Why there is so much of hype about plagiarism? â—? In your role of a student, you are expected to give original work. You have to show that you have gained knowledge of the course material. â—? There is no wrong in learning from others but at the same time you should cite your sources
● Proper acknowledgment is the key word in plagiarism. ● Close paraphrasing of another person’s work also comes under plagiarism. ● You may copy the work from already published sources including books, journal articles or reports.
● When you don’t provide source or quotations marks it shows a picture that the content is your own. ● Paraphrasing the text in the form of the content being still recognizable and consist of no acknowledgment is also plagiarism.
What is the purpose of dissertations? â—? Demonstrate that you understand the course material and can effectively give shape to an argument. â—? Shows that you are know how to cite sources in a correct manner. â—? Possess an ability to evaluate the materials in a sound manner.
Tips to avoid plagiarism
● Sources of quotations should be presented in full in bibliography/references at the end of the dissertation. It should be given in the style as needed by the university guidelines. ● Maintain a track of your found sources ● Maintain a plagiarism checker always. You may be thinking that you have written in an original manner but still it is safe to check for plagiarism. ● Your words should be the focus in writing. A writing style that is so typical of you should be formed.
● Don’t copy the structure of other works. Start with streamlining your work in your own unique way. Eventually you will also gain insight into innovative ideas. ● Here is a useful resource to let you know more about plagiarism: ● Purdue OWL: Avoiding Plagiarism
● In the process of performing extensive research, you will be going through different works. ● You can quote or paraphrase or even develop your own ideas. ● The key lies in giving due credit to the ideas of others and celebrating your own ideas. Happy writing!
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