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3.1 Introduction Leedy (1997) defined the term ‘Research methodology’ as the processes of systematic collection and analysis of data with the purview of acquiring high level of research knowledge. Similar to the definition, this chapter describes in detail the objectives of the present research which is followed by the type of research design, philosophy and approaches used. Furthermore, the type of sampling method incorporated and the methods used for data collection are also explained. Finally, the data analysis tool used for the evaluation of collected data, the ethical considerations of the study and the limitations of the study are discussed and the section concludes with an end summary.
3.2 Research design One of the foremost steps of a research is the research design which aids to provide a good understanding about the type of data collection and the study limitations, considering the aspects of resource availability and time. In this regard, Easterby-Smith et al. (1994) states the overall structure of research which comprises of data collection in line with the framed research objectives is defined in the research design. The research objectives could be achieved with the selection of appropriate research strategy so as to collect the data required for the study. Creswell (1994), Bell (1996), and Punch (2005) distinguished two types of research approaches which could be used in a research based on the framed objectives- qualitative and quantitative research approaches. Both the approaches are used for the collection of primary data. Different researchers provided various insights about the types of research approaches. Merriam (2009) states the qualitative research design as the process of acquiring distinct information from people included in the research wherein their viewpoints are collected so as to gain deep insights. Furthermore, the qualitative research design comprises of non-numerical data collection and analysis(Saunders et al., 2009). However, a quantitative research design implies collection of © 2017-2018 All Rights Reserved, No part of this document should be modified/used without prior consent Phd Assistance™ - Your trusted mentor since 2001 I UK: The Portergate, Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, S11 8NX I UK # +44-1143520021,
data which is computed statistically on the basis of numerical methods (Creswell, 2011). The present research aims at analysing the relationship between lean management and supply chain improvements in the Indian manufacturing industries and the perceptions of respondents in supply chain operations of different Indian manufacturing industries (small and large scale industries). Hence, a quantitative research methodology would be more appropriate so as to achieve the objectives of the present research. Since the present study is based on understanding factual opinions of respondents in supply chain, a quantitative approach is felicitous.
3.4 Research philosophy The identification of an appropriate research philosophy is considered to be crucial in a research since it aids the research personnel to proceed in a direction that suits the research. Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill (2012) state the cognisance of real word entities and the modes through which problems could be identified are clearly explained through the research philosophy. In this regard, Perry (1995) defined the two kinds of research philosophy which takes in to account the social reality- positivist and interpretivist. Based on the theory of positivism, the world is considered as an external entity and the framed objectives are considered as the belief of researchers whether a relationship might exist between certain variables(Bryman & Bell, 2011). However, the interpretivist theory states the social reality of research wherein the social world is believed to be a construction of human values (Carson et al., 2001). A research scenario may adhere to positivist or interpretivist notions based on the approaches of the study. Holloway & Wheeler (2002) states the philosophy of positivism is based on specific laws and beliefs, hence individualistic or unique interpretations are neglected. In this context, a quantitative approach is more suitable since the relationship between predictor and control based on cause and effect relationship could be discerned. This method suits the present study since the research is an attempt to identify the perceptions of employees involved in the supply chain of small and large scale Indian manufacturing industries and examine Š 2017-2018 All Rights Reserved, No part of this document should be modified/used without prior consent Phd Assistance™ - Your trusted mentor since 2001 I UK: The Portergate, Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, S11 8NX I UK # +44-1143520021,
whether firm size has an impact on the implementation and adoption of lean management principles in supply chain. Since factual data needs to be collected, the positivist method is selected.
3.5 Research approach Research and theory are related with one another and Saunders et al. (2012) discerns the relationship which could be approached using any one of the approaches- deductive and inductive approach. The inductive approach, also known as bottom-up approach is based on the creation of new theories which could be formed with the observations of collected data (Bryman & Bell, 2011). On the contrary, the deductive approach which is also known as the top- down approach is based on the understanding of previous studies from which a set of hypothesis are generated and are tested using survey based techniques (Saunders et al., 2009; Gabriel, 2013). Research approaches are related with the two different research designs wherein the relationship is discerned based on the aforementioned inferences- Quantitative approach corresponds to deductive approach and qualitative approach corresponds to inductive approach (Bryman and Bell, 2011). In this research, the study attempts to understand the intention of people involved in supply chain of Indian manufacturing industries towards lean adoption, implementation and whether lean concepts were successfully steering certain aspects of organisational growth. Hence, the approach that suits the present research would be deductive approach.
3.6 Sampling Any research essentially requires the selection of target population and are group of people involve in the research (Gay & Airasian, 2003). The population, also known as target population are to be selected for research. In the present research, a total of 100 respondents are targeted and the intention of managerial personnel towards implementation, adoption and successful deployment of lean practices are to be discerned. Since the research attempts to Š 2017-2018 All Rights Reserved, No part of this document should be modified/used without prior consent Phd Assistance™ - Your trusted mentor since 2001 I UK: The Portergate, Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, S11 8NX I UK # +44-1143520021,
identify whether organisational size has impacts on adoption and implementation of lean management practices in supply chain, proportionate stratified sampling design is used. The population was divided into two strata- small and large scale industries. However, for the selection of samples in each stratum, a systematic random sampling technique is used. Figure 1: Research Onion for the present study POSITIVIST DEDUCTIVE MONO-METHOD (QUANTITATIVE) SURVEY DATA COLLECTION AND DATA ANALYSIS
Source: Adopted from Saunders et al. (2012)
3.7 Data collection The research relies on the collection of primary data which is collected through administering questionnaires to the representatives of selected companies in the Indian manufacturing sector. A total of 5 Indian manufacturing sectors (Food, beverage and tobacco industry, Building construction and mining industry, Energy, electrical and electronics industry, Chemical and allied industry, and Pharmaceutical and medical equipment manufacturing industry) in the Indian manufacturing sector is selected and firms were selected within these industries. Two respondents from each company were selected and questionnaires were distributed. In the selection of respondents from selected large scale companies, one is the top management personnel (could be a Managing Director, Procurement Manager or CEO) and the Š 2017-2018 All Rights Reserved, No part of this document should be modified/used without prior consent Phd Assistance™ - Your trusted mentor since 2001 I UK: The Portergate, Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, S11 8NX I UK # +44-1143520021,
other is from the operations department (operations manager, production manager). However in small scale companies, one respondent would be the owner or top management authority whereas the other respondent would be the supervisor of the firm. The research instrument which is the questionnaire is divided into 3 parts. The first part of the questionnaire acquires personal information about the respondent (age, experience, gender and so on). The second part collects the intention of respondents towards Lean supply practices and the third section covers the obstacles of implementing Lean concepts in the supply chain.
3.8 Data analysis The analysis of collected quantitative data is performed using IBM SPSS software (version 20.0). The SPSS statistics tool is used to statistically analyse collected data and also aids in facilitating certain functions such as data documentation and management. One important advantage of SPSS statistics tool is that the functions are easy even for beginners. The tool is used in various fields of research such as education, health and social science (SPSS, 2015).
3.9 Ethical consideration The present study warrants complete confidentiality in all aspects with respect to data collection, and the information of the subjects participating in the survey. Since the present research collects data from human sources, the gathered information will be saved in a manner without exposing the data elsewhere. Respondents are recognised by their ‘Unique Identification Number (UIN)’ which further ensures securing their personal information such as name. The collected data will be maintained in a confidential manner and shall be shared only with the research guide.
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3.10 Summary of the chapter The present chapter is the research methodology adopted in the study wherein the aims and objectives of the research, the design of research, the research philosophy and approach adopted, the type of sampling performed and the collection of data were elaborated. Furthermore, the data analysis tool used in the present study and the ethical considerations of the research were explained.
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