The Best Ways for Writing a Good PhD Research Proposal Many people today are struggling with writing their PhD research proposals. In order to understand how to write a research proposal, you need to understand the following.
What is a PhD research proposal? A PhD proposal is a document of about 3000-4000 words showing the research that you want to undertake. Many universities require that PhD applicants submit a research proposal when they are applying for a position in a PhD program.
Why you should you need to write a research proposal Aside from being an important requirement for joining a PhD program, a phd research proposal can help your future supervisors to understand your experience in research, line of thinking and how you want to write the thesis. Moreover, a research proposal is a tool that you can use to structure your way of thinking and outline a clear path that you would like to follow in your PhD studies.
What you should include in your research proposal It is important that you visit the University’s website before you start writing your phd thesis proposal. A majority of universities will provide guidelines on how to write a research proposal that will help you to structure your way of thinking and meet the requirements of a certain university. Regardless of the requirements of any particular university, a research proposal should include the following:
Title and abstract In most cases, the title is provided by the university. However, in other cases, the applicant is required to provide a preliminary title which will be elaborated further in the thesis writing process. An abstract shouldn’t be longer than one page and should provide a short summary of what you should cover in your dissertation proposal writing.
Literature review The literature review is meant to demonstrate the knowledge of the applicant on the main research achievements in the specific area of study.
Research problem You should be able to identify a gap in your research area. This is the area that you will be focusing on in your PhD project. Once you identify the research problem, you will be able to pose the main objective and aim of the project.
Research methodology This is where you explain how you will be doing the research. This is where you will demonstrate your knowledge of existing research methodologies in the specific area you are studying.
Outline impacts of your research studies This could include the impact on the society and your research area. It is crucial that you dedicate some time to this particular section because it will add value to your research proposal.
References It is also important that you specify your references at the end of your research proposal. One obvious but important point when writing a research proposal is the format. You need to ensure that the formatting of your research proposal is
consistent. If possible, give your research paper to a colleague of academic tutor for revision. You can also learn how to write a phd proposal.