PGN May 11-17, 2012 edition

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Adam Lambert: Queen for a day

Family Portrait: Van Nguyen


Houston mayor Annise Parker talks about politics and progress



May 11-17, 2012


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Vol. 36 No. 19

Obama backs gay marriage By Jen Colletta For the first time ever, the United States is now headed by a president who supports same-sex marriage. President Barack Obama announced Wednesday that his long-evolving views have put him on the side of marriage equality. “At a certain point I’ve just concluded

that for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think samesex couples should be able to get married,” Obama told ABC News’ Robin Roberts in a sit-down interview Wednesday. The president had long stopped short of endorsing same-sex marriage, saying he preferred civil unions, but more recently noted that his views on marriage equality were “constantly evolving.” Although many LGBTs kept up pressure

on the president to come out for marriage equality, some pundits predicted he would wait to do so until he had secured re-election. Obama’s revelation came days after Vice President Joe Biden said in an interview that he was “absolutely comfortable” with the idea of same-sex marriage, reigniting interest in the president’s evolution. “President Obama’s words today will be celebrated by generations to come,” said

Black LGBT group to get new prez

LGBTs among suspects in major meth bust

By Jen Colletta

By Jen Colletta

Philadelphia Black Gay Pride wrapped up last month with a sendoff to longtime president Chris Alston. Alston, who helmed the group for six years, will end his tenure this summer, and Jeremy JEREMY TAYLOR Taylor will step into


OUT OF THE GAYBORHOOD: Equality Forum wrapped up last Sunday with the annual SundayOUT! festival at Piazza at Schmidt’s, which agency executive director Malcolm Lazin said drew about 7,000 people, an increase from last year. Lazin said the 20th annual Equality Forum was “overall exceptional,” with largerthan-ever crowds and a wealth of thought-provoking discussions. Several events drew protestors, who took issue with Equality Forum selecting Israel as this year’s featured nation. “We welcome freedom of speech but I think [the protestors’] interests could have been better served if they’d taken advantage of the Q and A sessions that we had at all of the panels,” Lazin said. Photo: Scott A. Drake

EQPA gets $20k labor union grant HOLIDAY TRADITION: Supporters of AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania celebrated Cinco de Mayo at Una Divina Noche!, an annual ALP fundraiser. WMMR’s Pierre Robert hosted the event and the Captivating Queens of Illusion, including Finesse (pictured), performed for the 150 guests. The event raised about $31,000. Photo: Scott A. Drake

Chad Griffin, incoming president of the Human Rights Campaign. “For the millions of young gay and lesbian Americans across this nation, President Obama’s words provide genuine hope that they will be the first generation to grow up with the freedom to fully pursue the American dream. Marriage — the promise of love, companionship and family — is basic to the pursuit of that dream. Our constitution’s promise, PAGE 5 the promise of liberty,

By Jen Colletta Service Employees International Union continues to support LGBT equality with a recent grant to Pennsylvania’s statewide LGBT-rights organization. SEIU recently announced a $20,000 grant for Equality Pennsylvania and a renewed commitment to advancing LGBT

rights in the state. Ted Martin, Equality PA executive director, said the funding will be utilized to advance the agency’s political efforts, among other initiatives. The grant matches funding that the union originally provided last year, which Martin said was used as seed money to get Equality PA’s 501(c)(4) political entity off the ground.


At least two LGBT people were among dozens arrested in a wide-ranging methamphetamine-distribution bust this week. Charges were a n n o u n c e d Tuesday against 32 Montgomery County and Philadelphia residents, including Joseph “Phoenix” Croxton and Marissa Devine, who were arrested last week. Both have been released on bail. MARISSA Croxton and DEVINE (TOP) Devine both work AND JOSEPH as hosts at Darling’s “PHOENIX” Diner at the Piazza at CROXTON Schmidt’s and were working during SundayOUT! last weekend. They were hired last spring as overnight hosts, said former general manager Dan Contarino. Croxton, of the 1700 block of Tasker Street in South Philadelphia, and Devine, of the 200 block of East Thompson Street in Fishtown, were both PAGE 14


Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012



The PAC’s Morris report: A wish list


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By Timothy Cwiek In the next several weeks, the city’s Police Advisory Commission is expected to issue its final report on the Nizah Morris incident. Morris was a transgender woman found with a fatal head wound shortly after she received a courtesy ride from Philadelphia police in 2002. Her death was ruled a homicide on Dec. 25, 2002, but the case remains unsolved. While the PAC is not expected to solve the homicide, the hope is that the Morris report will address lingering concerns about missing and redacted evidence, questionable police paperwork and conflicts between witness and police testimony. As someone who has followed the case for nine years, here’s my wish list for positive outcomes. A redaction-free evidentiary policy Last June, the PAC unanimously agreed to create a comprehensive redaction policy in conjunction with the police and District Attorney’s office, which has yet to be done. The PAC agreed to do this after receiving several pieces of redacted evidence in the Morris case. Examples of redacted evidence include the official Morris police report, a dispatch record related to the incident and searchwarrant records for the Morris 911 tapes. Neither the police nor the D.A.’s office has explained why the PAC received that evidence in a redacted format. Until some type of explanation is forthcoming, it seems doubtful that the PAC can implement a meaningful redaction policy — and ensure the avoidance of similar redactions in the future. Accountability for missing evidence In 2003, the city Law Department created a list of Morris evidence for a wrongfuldeath lawsuit filed by Morris’ family. The suit was settled out of court for $250,000, before evidence on the list was released as part of the discovery phase of litigation. Items on the list that have been lost or withheld include five cassette tapes of Morris 911 recordings, six video-surveillance tapes from businesses near the crime scene, six search warrants for evidence such as cell-phone records, a complete set of dispatch records related to the case and interviews with two city medics who responded to Morris after her head injury. If the police and/or D.A’s office have any of this evidence — or know of its whereabouts — they should share the information promptly. This reporter provided the PAC with some Morris evidence that local authorities apparently lost, including more than a hundred 911 transmissions and several

phone messages left on Morris’ answering machine at the time of her death. But it’s not the place of a reporter to supply evidence to the PAC. The public has a right to know if local officials lost key Morris evidence, and whether corrective action has been taken to prevent similar losses in the future. Civilian and police testimony conflicts Conflicts between the testimony of civilian witnesses and police have plagued the Morris case from the beginning. During the early-morning hours of Dec. 22, 2002, Morris was staggering outside Key West Bar at Juniper and Chancellor streets, severely intoxicated. Someone placed a 911 call on her behalf, medics were summoned and Officers Elizabeth Skala and Kenneth Novak were dispatched to investigate. The official police story is that Skala got there first, decided that Morris didn’t need medical help, and agreed to transport her to 15th and Walnut streets, where Skala thought Morris lived. According to Skala, nobody else was at Juniper and Chancellor — just her and Morris. Skala said Morris walked into her cruiser on her own power, and exited at 15th and Walnut on her own power. Within minutes of the drop-off, Morris was discovered by passing motorists at 16th and Walnut with a fatal head wound. A major problem with Skala’s story is that two women testified under oath to the PAC that Morris couldn’t stand or walk. She had to be helped into Skala’s cruiser with much difficulty, they testified. Their testimony is corroborated by medical evidence that Morris’ blood-alcohol level was 0.342 — a level of intoxication that would make it difficult for anyone to stand or walk. Additionally, the person who called 911 can be heard saying that Morris couldn’t stand or walk. Local authorities have maintained over the years that there’s no conclusive evidence that Skala gave false testimony, but there’s also no indication that local authorities ever listened to the 911 tape. At the very least, the PAC should recommend that local authorities revisit the case, and listen to the tape. This might better inform the investigation and challenge the assertion that she was intoxicated but ambulatory. Officers’ paperwork The paperwork handed in by three officers who responded to Morris that morning is another troublesome aspect of the case. The patrol logs of Novak and Skala state that Morris was a “hospital case” at Juniper and Chancellor. Their logs directly PAGE 12


Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012


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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

SENIOR SALUTE: PGN publisher and Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld Fund president Mark Segal (right) accepted the 2012 Champion of the Year award from SeniorLAW Center director of development and finance Larry Felzer at the agency’s annual SeniorPROM May 4. Segal is leading DMH Fund’s effort to create an LGBTfriendly senior-housing facility in the Gayborhood. Photo: Scott A. Drake NEWS

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Creep of the Week Editorial Letters/Feedback Mark My Words Street Talk

What is your favorite Gayborhood brunch spot? Poll results from our online survey as of May 9:

New Year’s resolution ... vacation ...

Work It Out

19% 13% 10% 8% 8% 6% 4% 4% 2% 25%

10 10 11 11 11

Knock Mixto Caribou Cafe Woody’s ICandy Tria Valanni El Vez Mercato Other

Go to to weigh in on this week’s question:

suimsuit season ...

Do you think crystal meth use is prevalent in the gay community?

wedding There’s always a reason to be in shape

Read Work It Out every fourth week of the month.

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LOCAL PGN OBAMA from page 1

is one that every generation must realize. As President Obama recognized today, the fight to secure marriage equality is the defining element of our generation’s search for greater freedom.” Obama said he came to his conclusion “over the course of several years,” through discussions with family, friends, LGBT staffers and servicemembers who “are out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ is gone, because they are not able to commit themselves in a marriage.” The president’s announcement came the day after North Carolina voters approved a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, which was fueled by bipartisan legislative support. Steven Goldstein, chair of Garden State Equality, said the president’s pronouncement will be integral in the fight for marriage equality in states like New Jersey. “Today’s announcement by the president is of particular importance to those of us fighting in New Jersey and everywhere else marriage equality is up for grabs,” Goldstein said. “No longer will opponents such as Gov. Chris Christie be able to take cover by saying, ‘Why are you going after me? My opposition to marriage equality is simply the same view as that of our president.’ That political cover is now thrown into the dustbin of history parked outside the archives of prejudice, collecting its rhetorical trash.” ■

Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

Allies honored at Mazzoni fundraiser By Jen Colletta Mazzoni Center’s Elixir gala returns for its second installment next week with a focus on LGBT allies. Elixir will be held from 6-10 p.m. May 18 at the Loews Hotel, 1200 Market St., and will feature food, an open bar, live music and a silent auction. Mazzoni Center will present its Peter Mazzoni Award to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who will accept via video from Washington, D.C., and its Mazzoni Center Ally Award to Major League Baseball player Joe Valentine. Valentine is currently a pitcher in the Mexican League of the MLB and previously played for the Cincinnati Reds. The son of lesbian mothers, Valentine has worked to promote awareness of LGBTheaded families. Sebelius has spearheaded HHS’ recent efforts to advance LGBT inclusion and promote healthy living among the community. “Up until four years ago, you could never find ‘LGBT’ listed on any proposal from the federal government to fund services, and there was hardly any money that directly went to LGBT issues,” Mazzoni executive director Nurit Shein

said. “This administration and the secretary have made it so that now pretty much every proposal has the LGBT population included in some way.” Shein noted that HHS has also begun including questions on sexual orientation on national health questionnaires. “Anything that really was within the power of HHS to change so that it can be


more cognizant of LGBT issues has happened,” she added. “Yes, they still have a long way to go, and there are still things that need to be done as far as transgender inclusion, but we’re going in the right direction. Organizations like Mazzoni Center can now have a dialogue with the federal government and actually have a partner who listens and responds.” While neither Sebelius nor Valentine are members of the LGBT community, Shein

said it’s important that the community extends a thank you to them and the countless other allies who work for equality. “Without our allies, the LGBT movement would not have advanced as far as we have,” she said. “It’s thanks to our activists and supporters from both the LGBT and straight communities that we have been able to achieve all that we have. And I feel that we need to increase and strengthen those ties and mainstream ourselves so people know who we are. We need to be seen for who we are in the mainstream community, so that we cannot be ignored, and one way to do that is to develop deep relationships with our allies.” LGBT community leaders will also be on hand at the gala, such as CBS 3 reporter Jim Donovan, who will serve as master of ceremonies, and DJ Carl Michaels. Now in its second year, Elixir is gaining greater name recognition among the community, Shein said, noting that registration and donations are already up from last year. “We’ve really grown the support for Elixir and I hope that, in years to come, this will become a staple in Philadelphia,” she said. Tickets are $125 or $250 for a VIP package, and can be purchased at www. ■

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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

New Hope prepares for Pride By Jen Colletta

Celebrating and honoring individuals and organizations for their outstanding contributions to the LGBTI community.

Date: Sunday, June 3, 2012 Time: Noon-3pm Location: 120 South 17th Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

To purchase sponsorships, tickets, or for more information visit or call 215.563.6417, ext. 117 The Delaware Valley Legacy Fund strives to increase philanthropy & grantmaking to support the community needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex (LGBTI) and straight-allied communities. DVLF advances philanthropy for the LGBTI community through endowment building, fundraising, community outreach and education.


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Pride season is getting underway, and New Hope will kick off its annual LGBT celebration this weekend. The ninth-annual New Hope Celebrates will feature parties, cultural activities and a parade and vendor fair that is expected to draw guests from throughout the region to the northern Philly suburb May 13-20. The parade will set off at noon May 19 with singers, dancers, politicos and LGBT leaders. A block party and a vendor fair with more than 25 merchants and nonprofits will also be held throughout the day. The week leading up to the parade will feature a range of Pride-themed activities. New to the festival is “Clue Into New Hope,” a weeklong scavenger hunt that will allow Pridegoers to explore the town and all of its LGBT offerings. The Raven, 385 York Road, will host a number of socials throughout the week — including a T-dance and karaoke party May 13, an all-male review May 17 and a “Friday Night OUT!” dance party May 18. The venue also will host the post-parade party at 9:30 p.m. May 19, with proceeds going to support New Hope Celebrates. Triumph Brewing Company will stage a Girls Night Out party from 10 p.m.-2 a.m.

May 18, and women will also gather for a Ladies 2000 T-Dance from 3-9 p.m. May 20 at Havana, 105 S. Main St. In addition to the host of parties, New Hope Celebrates will also feature a Broadwaythemed bingo game, 6-10 p.m. May 16 at the Eagle Volunteer Fire Company, to raise funds for Fighting AIDS Continuously Together Bucks County, and a photography exhibit of the male form by Bucks County photographer Gordon Nebeker May 17 at The Lodge, 400 W. Bridge St. Youth supporters can partake in an outdoor movie screening at 8 p.m. May 17 at New Hope-Solebury High School, 182 York Road, sponsored by the school’s gaystraight alliance, which will also compete in a softball game May 20 at 1 p.m. Visitors looking for the sights of New Hope can board the Pride Train, at 8 p.m. May 18 for a new event this year. The New Hope & Ivyland Railroad train will take guests on a two-hour scenic ride through Bucks County, which will include an open bar, light appetizers and live entertainment. Those exploring the town that night will be treated to the first fireworks display of the year, which will launch on the Delaware River at 9:30 p.m. For more information, visit ■

Attic gets mental-health award By Jen Colletta The Attic Youth Center was recognized this week for its efforts to provide mentalhealth services to LGBT young people. The Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists presented The Attic with its 2012 Stuart Nichols Award for outstanding achievements in LGBT community mental health May 7 at the National Museum of American Jewish History. The award is named after a founding member of AGLP and of the predecessor of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association. Mental-health services are part of a triad of departments within The Attic, which also includes life-skills programming and outreach efforts through the Bryson Institute. The Attic has offered mental-health counseling since its inception in 1993. “When we started, I thought we could do counseling and while the youth did need that, back then what they really needed was a safe space and social exposure,” said Carrie Jacobs, executive director of The Attic. “We had limited money to spend, so what we did was reach out into the com-


munity and find seasoned, experienced therapists who were willing to see the kids. And we later built an entire program from there.” All counseling services at The Attic are free. Jacobs said that, while some youth are still hesitant to seek counseling, many are open about the importance it can play in their lives. “The culture is shifting so that we have many kids who will say, ‘I have to go upstairs and see my therapist,’ or they’ll introduce their therapist to other kids and not have a problem with it,” she said. “Clearly some people still struggle with the idea of receiving these services but many, many youth are completely comfortable with the idea.” That The Attic was honored by AGLP further validates the importance of the services the agency offers, Jacobs added. “It recognizes the work that we’ve been doing for many years in providing these very needed services,” she said. “I felt really proud to be part of a group of people who are working toward making mental-health services more sensitive and appropriate for all LGBT people. It was quite an honor.” ■

Gay is our middle name.




Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012




Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

SILENT NO MORE: Passersby in LOVE Park were greeted Monday by 1,100 backpacks, symbolizing the number of college students who die each year by suicide. The “Send Silence Packing” exhibit, staged by Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit Active Minds, sought to enhance dialogue about suicide risks and promote acceptance of mental-health services. The backpacks were donated by families of suicide victims and covered with notes and messages by loved ones. Active Minds was founded in 2001 at the University of Pennsylvania by Alison Malmon in honor of her brother, Brian. Photo: Scott A. Drake

Philly corp. gets LGBT legal award By Jen Colletta

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Scott A. Drake 267.736.6743

A global pharmaceutical company headquartered in Philadelphia was this week honored for its commitment to LGBT inclusion. The National LGBT Bar Association last Thursday presented the legal department of GlaxoSmithKline with its Out & Proud Corporate Counsel Award, which is given annually to several corporations throughout the country for their efforts to advance LGBT equality. Members of the legal department’s Global Diversity and Inclusion team have been regular participants in the association’s Lavender Law Conference, serving as panelists for the last two years. Ted Furman, vice president of Consumer, Stiefel, Ophthalmology Global Patents at GSK, said the legal department authorized him to become the executive sponsor of the company’s local LGBT employee resource group, Spectrum. Spectrum has supported the work of agencies like William Way LGBT Community Center and Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutritional Alliance and launched a Safe Zone LGBT training program, which is being rolled out at GSK locations throughout the nation. Last year, Spectrum put together an “It Gets Better” video, which Furman said was well received within the GSK community. “People have been extremely proud of this,” Furman said. “Probably half of the people in the video are straight allies, and it was heartwarming to see so many people participate. GSK really takes inclusion and diversity very seriously, and people are proud of that.” Furman has worked closely with the company’s benefits committee to ensure GSK is

at the forefront of enhanced rights and benefits for LGBT employees. The company has received a perfect score in the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index for the past seven years. D’Arcy Kemnitz, National LGBT Bar Association executive director, said Furman has been integral in bringing messages of LGBT inclusion back to his employer. “He came to one of our receptions in New York a few years back just because he wanted to find out more about what we do, which was really refreshing and exciting,” she said. “At Lavender Law that year, he sat in the front row and was furiously taking notes. It may have been uncomfortable for him to be a straight ally, but he held out a hand to us and said he wanted to help make changes, and then the company really followed through on that. That’s why it was so easy for us to select GSK for the award.” Furman said the award is a welcome commendation. “Speaking on behalf of General Counsel Dan Troy and the whole department, we’re very honored to be recognized by an organization like the National LGBT Bar Association,” he said. “They, along with HRC, are setting the pace and leading the way. We have been educated by them through their workshops and events, so it’s satisfying for them to turn around and note our accomplishments.” While the award is meant to recognize GSK’s achievements, Kemnitz said she’s hopeful it will also inspire other organizations to follow their lead. “They should be recognized for working for change and for showing that, even though change is hard in a big business, it can be done. We want this to motivate other companies to say, ‘If GSK is doing it, we should do it too.’” ■


Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

Gayborhood Crime Watch The following incidents in the Midtown Village and Washington Square West areas were reported to the 6th Police District between April 23-29. Information is courtesy of 6th District Capt. Brian Korn; Stacy Irving, senior director, Crime Prevention Service; Center City District; the Police Liaison Committee and Midtown Village Merchants Association. To report crime tips, visit www.phillypolice. com or call 215-686-TIPS (8477). INCIDENTS — At 12:15 p.m. April 25, a male took an iPad from the office inside the Food Mart, 1326 Spruce St., and fled west on Spruce. The suspect was described as a black male, 35-40 years old, wearing glasses, a red Phillies cap and black sneakers. — Between 11:45 a.m.-4:50 p.m. April 25, a secured bicycle was stolen from outside 800 Pine St. — At 3:30 a.m. April 26, four males knocked down another man in the 100 block of South Broad Street and took a small amount of cash from his pocket. The suspects fled north on Broad and were described as black males; one was about 50, wearing a black hoodie and black pants; one was 17 with a dark complexion and wearing a gray hoodie and jeans; one was short and wearing a red jacket; and the last was wearing a white shirt and a black hat. — At 11:40 a.m. April 26, a woman was walking in the 900 block of Spruce Street when a man grabbed her buttocks and then fled west on Spruce. The suspect was described as a black male, 6-foot, salt-and-pepper hair and wearing a white jacket with a design on the left sleeve. — At 12:20 p.m. April 26, a woman’s handbag was on the bar inside Zavino’s, 112 S. 13th St. A witness observed a male and a female take the handbag and leave. The suspects were described as a black male in his 40s, 5-foot-10, wearing a red hat and plaid shirt, and a black female in her 40s, wearing a green shirt. — At 7:30 p.m. April 26, the glass door to an office was discovered broken in the University of the Arts building, 211 S. Broad St. Security showed a male leaving the property with laptop computers. The suspect was described as a black male, 6-foot-3, bald and wearing a green coat and red shirt. Central Detective Division processed the scene for evidence. — Between 7:30 p.m. April 27 and 12:55 a.m. April 28, someone entered an apartment

in the 900 block of Pine Street through a window and took a laptop and an iPad. Sixth District Officer Colon lifted fingerprints at the scene. — At 1:50 p.m. April 27, complainant’s wallet was taken from an unsecured locker inside Relentless Fitness, 249 S. 10th St. A witness saw two males take the wallet an flee south on 10th. The suspects were described as black males, one was 40-50 years old, 6-foot, 200 pounds and wearing a black and tan overcoat; the other was 40-50 years old, 5-foot-4, 160 pounds and wearing a black coat. — At 4:30 p.m. April 27, a man arrived to his apartment in the 300 block of South 11th Street to find the landlord and four other people inside being shown the unit for future rental. Later, around 10:30 p.m., the man discovered an iPad and iPhone were missing. NON-SUMMARY ARRESTS — At 11:30 p.m. April 24, a man was walking in the 1200 block of Walnut Street when three men pushed him down and took money from his pocket. A 55-year-old suspect with a West Philadelphia address was apprehended by 6th District Officers Romanczuk and Cash and charged with robbery and related offenses. The other suspects were described as black males, both 40-50 years old and 6-foot; one was wearing a red jacket and the other, a gray one. — At 5:30 p.m. April 27, a man was at the Market-Frankford train station, 1100 Market St., when someone punched him and took his iPhone and headphones. Sixth District Officers Kovach and Calhoun stopped two males at McDonald’s, 10th and Market streets, who were positively identified as the suspects. The victim’s property was recovered. A 16-yearold suspect with a Southwest Philadelphia address and a 17-year-old suspect with a South Philadelphia address were charged with robbery and related offenses. — At 11:45 p.m. April 27, 6th District bike Officer McQue arrested a female wanted for probation violations outside 1200 Chancellor St. The 28-year-old suspect with an Overbrook address was charged as an escaped prisoner. — At 10:35 a.m. April 29, 6th District Officer Corrado arrested a male wanted for probation violations outside 200 S. 11th St. The 53-year-old suspect with a homeless shelter address was charged as an escaped prisoner. ■

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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012


Creep of the Week

D’Anne Witkowski

Sean Harris


Gay marriage game-changer This week, it seems that gay marriage is on everyone’s mind. Over the weekend, Vice President Joe Biden said he supported it, as did Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on Monday. The comments had put them at odds with President Obama, who previously said his position was “evolving.” As Obama had supported same-sex marriage before his presidential bid, then distanced himself from that stance, “evolving” is certainly one way to describe it. Then on Wednesday, the president backed same-sex marriage in an interview with ABC News. It’s a courageous move for him. Obama’s support of gay marriage comes on the heels of North Carolina’s primary, which amended the state constitution to ban same-sex marriage, already illegal in the state. Ever since Obama backed away from his earlier support of same-sex marriage, LGBTs and allies have been pressuring him to publicly support it, even as they suspected that he privately did. The most recent was former Gov. Ed Rendell, who said Tuesday Obama should “man up and say this is what I believe,” adding that he didn’t think it would deter African-American voters, and that those who vote based on the single issue of gay marriage aren’t voting for Obama anyway. Regardless, it’s an enormous risk for Obama and he’s staking his presidency on it. Already in this primary-election season, the Republican candidates have vocally opposed same-sex marriage: Although he’s out of the race, former candidate Rick Santorum reiterated his opposition to it Tuesday night on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.” Presumptive Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney reiterated his stance Wednesday, saying that he opposed both marriage and civil unions for same-sex couples, but that domestic-partnership and hospital visitation rights are “appropriate.” This is certainly a risk for Obama. It’s possible that he could lose the support of independents. But it’s also possible that Rendell is right, and that he won’t lose the support of African Americans who already support him. It’s also possible that this will galvanize LGBT, youth and progressive voters, who may have been lukewarm on Obama recently. Certainly, the enthusiasm that surrounded the 2008 election is noticeably absent — though that may be because the election is still six months away. But Obama has work to do. In a CNN poll released Monday, Romney was ahead of Obama by 1 percentage point, with a 3.1-percent margin of error — essentially tied. For the LGBT community, this is historic: It’s the first time a sitting president has publicly spoken in favor of marriage equality. For that alone, Obama deserves kudos and support. Thank you, Mr. President, for changing the game. ■

Pop quiz time: Your son, barely out of diapers, starts acting a little, well, “girly.” What do you do? If you answered, “Punch him in the face,” you just might be North Carolina pastor Sean Harris or one of his congregants. Because that’s what he said to do during an April 29 sermon. “So your little son starts to act a little girlish when he is 4 years old and instead of squashing that like a cockroach and saying, ‘Man up, son, get that dress off you and get outside and dig a ditch, because that is what boys do,” Harris said. “Dads, the second you see your son dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and crack that wrist. Man up. Give him a good punch.” That’s right. Punch a 4-year-old for Jesus. Even more horrifying is that this suggestion elicits laughter from the audience. Like a small “girly” child getting his clock cleaned is just the most hilarious image. Harris then advises that after the punch, you tell your son, “You are not going to act like that. You were made by God to be a male and you are going to be a male.” I hate to quibble, but gay males are, well, males. By definition. But not to Harris. This is a man who believes in rigid gender roles (do I need to mention his disdain for trans folk? It’s intense, to say the least) for boys and girls. He continues his rant, saying, “And when your daughter starts acting too butch, you rein her in. And you say, ‘Oh, no, sweetheart. You can play sports. Play them, play them to the glory of God. But sometimes you are going to act like a girl and walk like a girl and talk like a girl and smell like a girl and that means you are going to be beautiful. You are going to be attractive. You are going to dress yourself up.’” Sexism much? Harris clearly has lots of respect for girls with his clear directive that they be “attractive” — to men, obviously. Even if they play sports. But no dykes in the house of God, no way. Spray

those bitches with Love’s Baby Soft and pull a dress over their heads. Problem solved. Just in case anyone in his congregation was doubting his wisdom, Harris beats them to the punch. “‘Can I take charge like that as a parent?’ Yeah, you can. You are authorized,” he said. “I just gave you a special dispensation this morning to do that.” Got it? Your pastor just gave you permission to beat up or doll up, depending on their gender, potentially gay but at least not gender-role-conforming children. Amen. Unsurprisingly, Harris has received much attention for his “advice.” Now he says he’s sorry and that, hey, he was just kidding. But listening to the audio of Harris’ sermon is chilling. He sounds so angry. He’s literally yelling these words, his voice hoarse. This doesn’t sound like a standup routine, unless Harris was doing his best Sam Kinison impression. “If I had to say it again, I would say it differently, no doubt,” Harris told the Fayetteville Observer. “Those weren’t planned words, but what I do stand by is that the word of God makes it clear that effeminate behavior is ungodly. I’m not going to compromise on that.” Right. So it was just off-the-cuff hatred, not scripted hatred, which is somehow supposed to make a difference? Because he meant what he said, regardless of the words he used. ■

Like a small “girly” child getting his clock cleaned is just the most hilarious image.

D’Anne Witkowski has been gay for pay since 2003. She’s a freelance writer and poet (believe it!). When she’s not taking on the creeps of the world, she reviews rock ’n’ roll shows in Detroit with her twin sister.

Tell us what you think Send letters and opinion column submissions to:; PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147; fax: 215-925-6437.

Please include a daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity, style and space considerations.


My 1969 high-school prom My 1969 high-school prom came 43 month before the prom, the organizers informed me that I’d be receiving the years late — last week, actually. Like many people of my generation who knew Senior Advocate of the Year Award. Since my work on the LGBT-friendly affordthey were gay in high school — unlike heterosexuals who looked forward to that able senior-living facility (the reason for the award) was taking up so much time, night — I looked at the prom as a night I didn’t give it much thought. of dread and oppression. For LGBT people, if we particiAbout a week before the event, pated, we may have acted a it dawned on me that this was part with a friend of the oppothe prom I never went to and it site sex, who might or might was my opportunity to have that not have known who we really personal moment ... even though were. Or we simply skipped I’d have to hope the audience, prom attendees, appreciated it. the event. Yes, no matter what your feelings on the prom, it is So in my acceptance speech, still a major part of the highafter thanking the organization school experience. and the Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld As a high-school senior, Fund, I explained how many I knew exactly who I was of my generation never had a — not that I was shouting it chance to go to the prom. Many were actually terrorized by the in the school halls, but it was concept; others stayed home something I knew — and, like those of my generation, did Mark Segal in sorrow and loneliness. I told not completely understand it, them I was one of those who did but knew enough not to make it public. not go. Then I reached for a box I had hidden and said, “With your indulgence, I’d And since, in those days, you didn’t take like to correct that now.” Walking over to a same-sex date to the prom, this senior my boyfriend, Jason, I took the yellow rose was not participating. It simply was not boutonniere out of the box and, standing in who I was. front of him and the audience, I said, “Will Through the years, I often thought you be my prom date?” He smiled, which about what would have happened at the was a relief, and said of course, and the prom. Who would have been my date? audience went wild. Like everyone who comes across that Later we danced. And, no matter what fork in the road, you wonder what would you tell me, we were king and king of the have happened if you chose the other prom. ■ road; but in this case, I just wondered about the prom experience I missed. Mark Segal, PGN publisher, is the Enter The SeniorLAW Center and nation’s most-award-winning commentaits major event of the year, “The tor in LGBT media. He can be reached at SeniorPROM.” Like all fundraisers, it has speeches and awards. About a

Mark My Words

Letters and Feedback In response to “Philadelphia, a groundbreaking LGBT-friendly city,” May 4-10: Sexual-orientation protections have been on the books since 1982 ... 30 years! We’ll be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the gender-identity protections at this year’s Trans Health Conference and plan to highlight both the 10-year and 30year marks of protections during LGBT History Month in October. Stay tuned ... — Gloria Casarez And ... May 16 is the 10th anniversary of the inclusion of transgender people in the protections afforded by the Fair Practices Ordinance. This year is also the 25th anniversary of the same for sexual orientation — I don’t have the exact date handy. But — to paraphrase the redoubtable Joe Biden — this is a big effin deal. We need to celebrate as a community. — Kathy26

I used to live in New Jersey, just across the river from Pennsylvania. My partner and I had a civil union in New Jersey. Every time we drove across that bridge into PA, I would say, “Honey, we have no rights here at all.” We were strangers in the eyes of the law. Believe it or not, it was a relief to get back into Jersey. I don’t denigrate Philadelphia as not being a great place for anyone to live, but until it is no longer in a state that offers no recognized status to same-sex partners, it cannot possibly be the most gay-friendly city in the U.S. Sorry. — Seeembee Currently the “most gay-friendly city” is Salt Lake City, home of the Mormons ... You want to talk about not having rights? Philadelphia is leading the marriage fight in Pennsylvania, but they do have a whole state to convince. When it happens, it will be because Philadelphia pushed and pushed. Meanwhile, in spite

Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012


Street Talk What’s your take on the short tenure of Romney’s openly gay spokesperson, Richard Grenell? “Romney should encourage people to be kind. People look up to him for guidance. He’s supposed to be a Amy Alcorn leader, but student he fell short. South Philadelphia [Grenell] was loyal to him, and became a staff person. Romney did him wrong.”

“Romney should have given him more support. He has the power to do that. He’s in a higher position than Aaric Anderson student most people. West Oak Lane It made no sense for him to sit back and watch all the criticism happen. I fault Romney for that. And I wish [Grenell] well.”

“I give Romney credit for giving him a chance. Sometimes you have to take a chance, and hope for the Aaricka Dale best. If we student didn’t take West Oak Lane risks, we’d still have segregation. I think it’s commendable that Romney hired him. It was [Grenell’s] choice to resign. That’s on him, not Romney.”

“Grenell shouldn’t have resigned. He could have paved the way for other gays. The protests Isaiah Gordon would have student died down in South Philadelphia time. All the commotion would have blown away. [Grenell] should have been more accepting of his situation. He could have made history.”

of the state’s conservatism, Philadelphia has carved out city-level rights for the community; that is no small feat. Don’t underrate this town; it’s pretty awesome. — Motastic I have lived here now for over seven years and I find Philly to be a pretty lame city when it comes to gay events and offerings to its gay community. Our pride parade is about four blocks long and maybe lasts 40 minutes as it struggles to get through the downtown area of the city. There are not that many resources that many other cities offer. Our rights as private citizens are not protected. Let’s start with taking care of sexual orientation in the workplace and housing before we try for marriage equality. Yes, we have rainbow street signs around the Gayborhood, but does that suggest we are the gayest city in the country? What do we have that attracts others

to our city? We have a small yet intimate area in the city that is comfortable for us to walk in most of the time. Do not get me wrong: I love living here, but I did not move here for the gay scene. I was not even sure it existed when I made the choice. So let’s live each day to the fullest and do the best we can. — NYC Transplant New York City passed its gay-rights ordinance in 1986; Philadelphia passed its [ordinance] in 1982. It covers workplace, housing and public accommodations. So don’t worry — we have you covered. Oh, and yay! Parades! I couldn’t care less about parades. Never went to New York’s when I lived there. Only went once to Boston’s when I lived there. They’re all kinda boring. Maybe if they added rides. Tilt-A-Whirl! — Kathy26


Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

ANALYSIS from page 2

contradict their later statements that Morris wasn’t a “hospital case” at that location but, instead, she was a drunk person who needed a ride home. On the surface, the logs appear to be falsified. But there may be an explanation that clears the officers of any suspicion. If so, it should be shared with the public. Officer Thomas Berry, who responded to Morris at 16th and Walnut, testified that he wrote a report about the Morris incident at that location. But Berry’s unredacted report — released to the PAC last year — indicates that he wrote it after going to Jefferson University Hospital and coordinating his report with the logs of Skala and Novak. The end result was paperwork representing Morris as a moving-target “hospital case” from Juniper and Chancellor to 16th and Walnut to Jefferson. There is no mention anywhere in the paperwork about the courtesy ride, nor the fractured skull that Morris sustained, nor the possibility that she was a crime victim. Advocates for Morris have long been concerned that police tried to cover up the ride and subsequent crime that morning, for whatever reason. PAC members would render a valuable service if they can elicit an explanation of the paperwork — something an earlier PAC was unable to do. Series of coincidences A series of coincidences allegedly led to


Morris’ death: Skala’s mistaken belief that Morris lived at 15th and Walnut; a killer lurking in the area at the ride’s completion; and the inability of Novak to respond promptly to Key West because he was several blocks away. Records maintained by the city’s Office of Fleet Management state that Novak finished getting gas at Third and Spring Garden streets at 3:07 a.m., about three minutes prior to accepting the Key West dispatch. “I received a radio call [to go to Key West] as I was getting fueled at Third and Spring Garden streets,” Novak told the PAC, in 2005. “I proceeded to go to that location. While en route, I heard Officer Skala come over the radio and resume both myself and rescue. I never made it to Juniper and Chancellor streets.” However, Novak’s patrol log indicates he arrived at Juniper and Chancellor at 3:15 a.m., and that a “hospital case” was there. And Novak’s log makes no mention of his trip to Third and Spring Garden to get gas. It’s an unusual and troubling way for an officer to maintain a patrol log: recording an activity that didn’t happen, and failing to record an activity that did. It’s important for police dispatchers to know the whereabouts of officers at all times, so they can be deployed effectively. But an earlier PAC never asked Novak whether he told a dispatcher he was going to Third and Spring Garden for gas. Likewise, it’s important for police to maintain accurate paperwork, so they can be held accountable.

Local authorities should release all the information they have about Novak’s movements and communications that morning, for a fuller understanding of what went wrong in the Morris case. Revisit the non-disclosure agreement Last year, the PAC agreed to a limited non-disclosure agreement with the D.A., preventing it from releasing photocopies of Morris documents that it received from the D.A.’s office. However, the PAC retained the right to cite, quote from and publish information from the documents. The D.A.’s office pushed for a non-disclosure agreement on the basis that it would help protect the integrity of its Morris probe. At this point, the integrity of the D.A.’s Morris probe is questionable because so much evidence appears to have been lost or destroyed. The PAC entered into the limited agreement in good faith after being told by D.A. Seth Williams that the office was conducting a thorough Morris probe. If the D.A.’s office doesn’t have basic evidence such as the 911 tapes, how could its probe be considered thorough? Alternately, if the D.A.’s office is withholding that evidence from the PAC, then the agreement was made in bad faith. If the D.A.’s office cannot explain the glaring gaps in its Morris investigative file, the PAC should revisit the agreement and release all of its Morris records so that a proper investigation can move forward.

Referral of case to appropriate agency Local authorities have had nine years to explain the missing evidence, redacted evidence, conflicts between civilian and police testimony and questionable police paperwork in the Morris case. If they continue to rebuff questions about these serious matters, then perhaps it’s time for another law-enforcement agency to review the case. There are existing laws and precedents that enable state or federal authorities to step in when local authorities appear unwilling or unable to investigate a crime. For example, earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Justice opened a probe into numerous sexual-assault cases in Missoula, Mont., after concerns were expressed that local authorities weren’t handling the investigation properly. Kathleen R. Padilla, a local LGBT activist, wants similar federal intervention in the Morris case. She said several transgender women have been killed in Philadelphia over the past nine years, and their homicides remain unsolved. “In the Morris homicide, there’s a stupendously long train of procedural errors, bad faith, lost records and a civil settlement on the part of the city,” Padilla said. “It’s hard to see how the additional resources of the Justice Department wouldn’t help allay community concerns over an inadequate investigation — or outright covering-up by the authorities.” ■

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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

Out Houston mayor dives NEW HOPE CELEBRATES into politics, progress By Jen Colletta Annise Parker, mayor of Houston, was in Philadelphia on May 5 to accept the International Role Model Award at Equality Forum’s International Equality Dinner. When Parker was elected mayor in 2009, Houston became the largest municipality in the nation to be led by an out LGBT mayor. Parker took time to sit down with PGN before the dinner to discuss her achievements in Houston and her work for LGBT equality. PGN: Last month, Pennsylvania elected its first openly LGBT state lawmaker. How important is having out elected officials in the fight for LGBT equality? AP: It’s absolutely critical that we are at the seats of power. It’s not so much that we’re different or the legislation we’re involved with is different but, by being in the room, we change the debate if we’re

people based on what they can do, rather than who they are. And people are willing to recognize the totality of an individual, not just the fact that they may be gay or whatever other characteristic. Texas also supports strong women. Currently serving is a lesbian sheriff of Dallas County, which includes the city of Dallas, and previously we had a lesbian sheriff of Travis County, which includes the city of Austin. We like tough women who carry guns. Houston is the fourth-largest city in the country — people forget that — and we’re a global, cosmopolitan city. We have the third-largest consular core in the United States and are arguably one of the most diverse cities in the United States. We’re not a redneck wasteland as some people think. PGN: What would you say has been your greatest accomplishment since being elected mayor? AP: Leading the city of Houston. Every mayor over the last two years has struggled with the global recession, has faced devastating budget problems. I’ve led the city through a very difficult economy but also made progress. I launched a major infrastructure initiative in the city and plan to do a major park initiative. Even in the midst of the recession, I have found a way to move the city forward. PGN: What about


surprised you? AP: The amount of media attention. On my election night and the following week, I got a shout out from Rachel Maddow, was a joke on “The Jay Leno Show,” a joke on “The Daily Show,” got a call from the president. I was inundated for several weeks with worldwide media requests. I’ve been out for a very long time. I was an out city councilmember, an out elected city controller. That was 12 years of being an out public official, but the exponential difference when I became mayor was surprising. I can’t go anywhere in Houston anymore without being recognized. So no more putting on my sweats and running into the grocery store. I have to get dressed up every day. Photo: Scott A. Drake

out and open. The key is the “openly gay” part. Our colleagues can’t talk about antigay legislation in the abstract — they have to look at us in the eye and realize it affects us personally. There are issues that those of us who are out LGBT officials champion that others may not — nondiscrimination policies that include gay and transgender people — and we’ve advanced the rights of LGBT people who are adopting and in hate-crimes legislation and so forth. Being in the room is the most important thing: There are certain types of legislation that I believe wouldn’t be where they are today without LGBT legislators. PGN: Some LGBT community members have an idea about Texas as a very conservative, antigay state. Do you think that’s a fair characterization? AP: Yes and no. Texas is a very conservative, overwhelmingly Republican state. But Texas has a history of evaluating

PGN: You’ve been involved with Mayors for the Freedom to Marry. What are some of the tangible effects that group can have on the fight for marriage equality? AP: I joined Mayors for the Freedom to PAGE 14 Marry and am one of the


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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012


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PARKER from page 13

co-chairs, but I was not the initiator of this program. After our initial press conference, I went back to Houston and all of a sudden one of the very conservative pastors of one of our largest churches — they have about 15,000 members — went on a crusade against me. He was preaching about how terrible it is that we have a lesbian mayor and demanding I resign because I support marriage equality. It was truly bizarre and came out of the blue. It’s important that mayors do that and it’s important where this came from. The mayors of the largest cities in America came forward and said, This is important to our citizens. It’s important to our people. It’s important to our economy. It provides support and protection for families. We need to do this because it’s good for our community, and Congress, the president, you need to listen to this. Very seldom do mayors from all over the country pick an issue and galvanize around it the way we have. Mayors are the public face of their city. For these very diverse mayors to stand up and say that this is important and that it’s not about gay rights, it’s about what’s important to build a community, I think it’s going to have an impact. PGN: What advice would you give to young LGBT people who have aspirations of holding public office? AP: I speak to a lot of young people, both gay and non-gay, and I enjoy it very much. Often I hear from people who say they want to be in public office someday. That’s

METH from page 1

charged with corruption organization and violations of the federal drug act. Devine, who is transgender, has no prior arrest record in Philadelphia or Montgomery counties. Croxton, 44, was arrested in Philadelphia in 1989 on criminal conspiracy, assault, reckless endangerment and other charges. Franny Price, owner of Spruce Street Video, said Croxton worked for the shop for about seven years through his teens and early 20s, and she later hired him at Franny’s Place. Contarino said Croxton also worked at Shampoo Nightclub. “He worked with me for years at Shampoo, so I’m very sorry to hear about this bad news,” he said. Price said Croxton was very well known in the LGBT nightlife scene in the ’90s. “Everybody loved Phoenix,” he said. “He was always way ahead of the times with fashion and just has a charisma and personality that draws you to him. He’s original.” Devine served as Miss Philly Gay Pride

the wrong thing to say. I want to know what job you want. If you’re interested in potholes, trash pickup and water quality, you ought to look at local government. If you’re interested in other legislative issues, you can look at state government. It’s not about being in office — that’s nothing. It’s about doing the job. I love my job, and I’m excited to go to work every day. The other thing I have to say to young people is that you’re building your résumé every day. The jobs you take on matter, the reputation you build every day matters. It’s a different world out there, so don’t put stupid things on Facebook. If you think you may be a candidate for office someday, start thinking about it early. I was at a lecture once by Barbara Jordan, a noted Houston Congresswoman, and also a closeted lesbian. She was talking about the political climate and “gotcha” journalism and the issue of should a politician have a private life. It doesn’t matter if they should or they shouldn’t. If you decide in elementary school you want to be president of the United States, you have to start organizing your life accordingly. Those are the rules, and that’s how we have to play. PGN: In terms of your own career, what can we expect when your term is over? AP: I have another term I can serve. I frankly think mayor is the highest calling there is. I’m sorry I face term limits and can only serve six years as mayor of my hometown. I’d like to stay in politics, and I find I truly like being in a CEO position. So I’ll look for another. ■

in the late ’90s. The investigation that led to their arrests began last year. Detectives said this week that Hatfield resident Francesco Messina and Limerick resident Troy Dudas were ringleaders of the distribution chain, and used Messina’s autobody shop in Lansdale as the venue to sell to area dealers. Messina and brothers Jeffrey and David Penna were already under surveillance by Montgomery County officials for drug activity when an anonymous tip was sent in about the distribution ring. With the approval of the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman executed wiretaps on phones used by Messina and Dudas throughout February. The surveillance led to exposure of the Philadelphia-based ring, led by brothers Juan and Antonio Encarnacion. Vetri Ferman said the bust included “meth distributors, users and pushers.” Vetri Ferman did not respond to a call for comment by presstime. ■

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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012


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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012


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Harris, expressed optimism about the upcoming trial. “I’m confident that my client will finally get some sense of justice in his life, so that he can move forward with his recovery process,” Humble told PGN. “But he’ll never fully recover from the extreme violation he endured.”

News Briefing Police sex-assault case postponed A jury trial has been postponed in the civil suit filed by James Harris, who claims he was sexually assaulted by an on-duty Philadelphia police officer in 2007. Harris contends Officer Michael Paige forced him to perform oral sex inside his police cruiser at a secluded area of Fairmount Park during the early-morning hours of March 16, 2007. Paige allegedly ejaculated into Harris’ mouth. Through DNA analysis, Paige’s seminal fluid was detected in a cup that Harris spat into, according to court records. But Paige denies that he had sex with Harris. Instead, Paige contends that Harris obtained Paige’s semen from a condom in the park that Paige had discarded after a prior sexual encounter with a female, — then placed the semen into a cup along with Harris’ saliva, according to court papers. Harris is suing Paige for an unspecified amount in monetary damages. A jury trial was scheduled to begin May 7 at the U.S. Courthouse in Center City. But Paige has been unexpectedly deployed for military service. This week, U.S. District Judge Robert F. Kelly set a new trial date, for 9:30 a.m. June 25 in Courtroom 11B of the U.S. Courthouse, 601 Market St. The trial is expected to last five days, according to court records. Paige was dismissed from the police force shortly after the alleged incident. In 2008, Philadelphia Common Pleas Judge Anthony J. DeFino dismissed all criminal charges against Paige, questioning the credibility of Harris. Paige returned to the police force in April 2009, after an independent arbitrator reduced his discipline from dismissal to a 30day suspension. Brian M. Puricelli, an attorney for Paige, couldn’t be reached for comment. Brian F. Humble, an attorney for

— Timothy Cwiek

Man sues 12th Street Gym A December trial date has been set for the case of Joseph Montgomery, a former member of the 12th Street Gym who claims he was permanently disfigured there when a framed picture fell on him. Montgomery, who no longer patronizes the gym, filed a civil suit against the gym last November. “On Dec. 7, 2010, plaintiff was working out in an acceptable manner when a framed glass picture fell off a wall and on top of plaintiff’s head, and subsequently shattered, causing pieces of glass to be lodged into plaintiff’s head, neck and shoulder,” Montgomery’s lawsuit states. Gym staffers didn’t respond to the incident in an appropriate manner, the lawsuit states. “12th Street Gym didn’t call an ambulance to transport plaintiff to a hospital,” the lawsuit states. “Plaintiff had to walk to an emergency room by himself, in cold conditions, shortly after sustaining injuries.” The Center City gym, which has a predominantly LGBT clientele, has denied any liability for Montgomery’s alleged injuries, according to defense papers. Montgomery suffered a disfiguring scar to his right shoulder, which has limited his ability to earn money via body-building contests. He’s seeking in excess of $50,000 in damages, according to his lawsuit. Philadelphia Common Pleas Judge Marlene F. Lachman is scheduled to preside over the jury trial, tentatively scheduled for 10 a.m. Dec. 3, 2012, at City Hall Courtroom 443. Kevin R. McNulty, an attorney for the gym, had no comment for this story. Cyrus B. Shaw, an attorney for Montgomery, also declined to comment. — Timothy Cwiek


Screening, training in Rustin’s honor William Way LGBT Community Center will stage a free film screening and nonviolent direct-action training this weekend to commemorate the 100th birthday of LGBTrights pioneer Bayard Rustin. The center will collaborate with The African American Museum in Philadelphia for a screening of “Brother Outsider,” 6 p.m. May 11 at the museum, 701 Arch St. The film looks at Rustin’s life and accomplishments, including his work as an advisor to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. From 10 a.m.-1 p.m. May 12, the center, 1315 Spruce St., will host a workshop on successful direct-action techniques. Interested guests must RSVP to cthompson@waygay. org or 215-732-2220.

Town hall looks at AIDS strategy HIV/AIDS advocates are invited to attend Road to AIDS, a town-hall discussion on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, from 5-8 p.m. May 14 at the Mayor’s Reception Room in City Hall. Road to AIDS is conducting a nationwide tour to raise awareness about the strategy and garner input for this year’s International AIDS Conference. Speakers at the Philadelphia event include Francisco Ruiz of the National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors and Megan Warren of the International AIDS Conference. The effort is being spearheaded by Urban Coalition for HIV/AIDS Prevention Services and Community Education Group and the International AIDS Society.

LGBT vets to mobilize in Philly A national LGBT veterans’ association is in the process of forming in the local area. American Veterans for Equal Rights, which has provided wide-ranging services to LGBT veterans and servicemembers since 1990, is organizing members for a Philadelphia-Southeastern Pennsylvania chapter and a Pride Parade Color Guard.

Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

Veterans, servicemembers, reservists and other supporters can email region1vp@aver. us or call 718-849-5665 for more information.

Discussion on immigration Stories of LGBT immigration will take front and center at a listening forum organized by Hotpot! Philly next week. The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. May 17 at The Rotunda, 4011 Walnut St., and will include a panel discussion led by LGBT immigrants and service providers, with policy updates on LGBT immigration issues. For more information, visit

Eating for ASAIC ASIAC will present its inaugural Banyan Tree Project Philadelphia Brunch at 11:30 a.m. May 20 at Joy Tsin Lau, 1026 Race St. The brunch will raise funds to support the programs and services at the HIV/ AIDS agency. Tickets are $48 per person. For more information or to purchase tickets, email or visit

Fashion philanthropy The Philadelphia Black Public Relations Society will host a panel discussion later this month to address the role of image in media and raise funds for MenzFit, a nonprofit that provides men with professional attire. The discussion, themed “Man in the Mirror,” begins 6 p.m. May 22 at the “NBC10! Show” studio, 10 Monument Road in Bala Cynwyd. Kevin Parker, creator of Philadelphia Fashion Week, will moderate the discussion, which will include remarks from local stylists, business owners and fashion writers. The event is free for PBPRS members and $15 for nonmembers. For more information, visit www.pbprs. com. ■ — Jen Colletta



PGN recently replaced many of its older honor boxes along Market, Chestnut and Walnut streets with brand-new ones and added boxes at the locations below. If you see a PGN box that might need some sprucing up or to be replaced, or if you have a suggestion for a new location, contact Don at or call 215-625-8501 ext. 200

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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012



Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012


New beginnings Do chapters ever really close? Some when all rises from the grave, life can feel people probably keep the door cracked like a black hole, where all seen is sorrow open —just in case — while others bind and all gained is fleeting. it shut under lock and key. Being newly single with HIV For myself, I’m closing a very is by far the greatest challenge momentous chapter of my life: I’ve faced in a long time. In a that with my partner. I was planway, it beats the challenge of my diagnosis. Maybe I adopted ning to build a life with this an archaic sense of romance in person, so the divorce feels like this relationship, where I sacriI’ve uprooted my self and set ficed part of my person to wed it adrift down the river. Such is my life with another. And so, the risk, reward and subsequent rebirth of entangling your life when a schism happens, I’m suddenly bereft of that side of with another. myself, bound to another, that As I’ve said many times before, when poz people uproot makes life greater than the sum of its parts. anything significant their lives, Maybe it’s intuitive to other HIV glints in the furrows of the upended soil. people, but I’ve never allowed My partner was neg. Though friends to take care of me Aaron Stella my I knew that sero-discordant couwhen I’m emotionally incapaciples existed, I assumed that my tated. When I got HIV, I tried to plentiful non-conformist spirit along with be brave; I told all of my friends and fammy status would relegate my life to one of ily about my status; threw myself into my monastic deference. work to prove I exist; chose hyper-activity But what’s the nature of that thought over the profound emptiness that comes with great loss. I sought to manually jumpanyway? Intellectually, it’s nonsense. But start my rebirth, and live as the paragon of emotionally, it’s an immortal foe. optimism I always wanted to be. Springtime is upon us. All is abloom And it worked, as it always has. Such and good and growing as the earth is celebrating rebirth. But for some reason, even masculine resolve always made me feel

Millennial Poz

like I was a hero, and that I didn’t need anyone else. But this time, I was helpless. Then my friends reminded me that I am my friends. The concept of the Aaron Stella I had in my head was but one of many conceptions of everyone I’ve ever met. Humility and peace come when you validate and accept all of those conceptions as real — for better or for worse. I am Aaron Stella: Aaron Stella with HIV; Aaron Stella with millions of organisms vying for life in his body; Aaron Stella who is kind to others; Aaron Stella who is cruel to others; Aaron Stella who wants to exist; Aaron Stella who wants to vanish; Aaron Stella who seeks to romance hearts to luminous wonders; Aaron Stella locked in his cavernous deep. Even with the pride of living courageously despite my status, I feel like I’m toting a heavy pack. I have trouble separating my diseased state from the life I could’ve had with my partner: building communities together, sharing in each other’s joy and sorrow, becoming stronger as time passes and being a pillar of support for others. But how can I do it for anyone else if I can’t do it for myself? Such a simple concept, yet so difficult to apprehend in the breadth of darkness. Ah, hell. I’ve never

been daunted by the dark wall of the devil, and I’m not about to start now. Neither should you. We’re not dead yet, so we still have a chance. I wonder about how I’ll feel about my status and myself many years from now. Through the experience of this breakup, I feel older. I’ve looked at the grotesque reflections of myself — my status, my cruelty, my spinelessness, my malice — and have said, “I accept. I love. I am myself. Now go forth!” Silently out of the darkness, these anthems of self wash over us like water over the back of a newborn babe. At those moments, the hate in our hearts dissipates and we are empowered to be kind to others; no longer a slave to our endings, but a steward to our beginnings. We’re all in this together, folks. Now get out and talk about it. ■ Aaron Stella is former editor-in-chief of Philly Broadcaster. Since graduating from Temple University with a bachelor’s degree in English, he has written for several publications in the city, and now devotes his life to tackling the challenges of HIV in the 21st century. Millennial Poz appears in PGN monthly. Aaron can be reached at



Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

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Good debt, bad debt: Keys for knowing the difference Q: I’m a gay man in my 40s with more credit-card debit than I’d like to admit, but fortunately I can afford to make my payments each month and it’s slowly but surely going away. I’m just trying to make sure I’m making the best choices regarding debt moving forward. What are your thoughts?


A: First, let me congratulate you for getting on a path to paying down your debts. And now, it’s good to move forward with a better understanding of how debt impacts your life and how you can properly manage debt so it won’t create discomfort for you in the future.

Thomas E. Ho

Today, debt and instant credit are part of our everyday lives. The convenience of instant credit, however, has taken its toll. Many individuals use credit cards to spend more than they earn. Those who never use credit can be denied a loan or credit when they have a justifiable use for it. Using credit establishes a history of financial responsibility: Until you establish a credit history, your chances of qualifying for an important loan, such as a mortgage, are greatly reduced. Where is the balance between using credit wisely and staying out of overwhelming debt? Let’s look at the facts and some pros and cons.

Attorney-at-Law �������������������� ������������������� ������������������� ��������������������� ������������ �������������� �������� ��������������

Out Money Jeremy Gussick

Installment debt Debt comes in many forms, and most types help us in our daily lives — when used responsibly. For instance, the money borrowed to purchase large-ticket items, such as a home or a new car, is called installment debt: The debtor pays a portion of the total at regular intervals over a specified period of time. At the end of that period, the loan with interest is paid off. Installment debt allows you to purchase items at a competitive interest rate: for example, 3-7 percent for a 30-year home mortgage and 6-9 percent for a car loan. The loan is paid back in monthly installments of a fixed amount that remains constant over the life of the loan. At first, most of the monthly payment consists of interest. In later years, principal begins to be paid down. Installment debt is easily budgeted, and the debt is eliminated on a predetermined date. Even for those who may actually have the cash to purchase the desired item, installment debt can make financial sense if you can earn a higher return (after taxes) on your investment of cash than you must pay on your installment debt. Revolving credit A revolving line of credit is made available to you for use at any time. Examples of revolving credit are credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard and department store cards. When you apply for one of these cards, you receive a credit limit based on your credit payment history and income. When you use the credit line, you must make monthly minimum payments based on the total balance outstanding that month. Some lines of credit will also have an annual account fee. While revolving credit is a convenient way to borrow, it can also become an endless pit of minimum payments that barely cover the interest due. Many cards charge annual rates of interest of 18 percent or higher. As you pay off your debt, the minimum payment is also reduced, thus extending your payoff period and, consequently, the interest you pay. Paying just the minimum due on a $2,000 credit-card loan could mean making monthly interest payments for 10 or more years! Revolving credit, in addition to being convenient, eliminates the need to carry a lot of cash and can help establish you as a creditworthy risk for future loans. But some people yield to the temp-


tation that the convenience of credit cards offers. Impulse buying, failing to compare costs and purchasing large items you can’t afford are all downfalls brought on by always-available purchasing power. Spending more than you earn in any given period is a dangerous practice at best, but doing it over an extended period of time can be financial suicide.

Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

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Installment debt vs. revolving debt Lower interest rates and an amortizing repayment schedule can make installment debt a much cheaper alternative to revolving credit. Installment Revolving Beginning balance $2,500 $2,500 Interest rate 8 percent 18 percent Years to repay 4 19.3* Interest cost $430 $4,829 *Paying the higher of 2 percent minimum monthly payment or $25.

������������ Using credit wisely To use credit intelligently, start by examining the terms of the card(s) you are currently using. Keeping track of your cards, their rates and your current balances will help you to be aware of how you use credit cards. Increased competition in recent years has led some credit-card companies to offer enticing features to attract new cardholders, including no annual fees and low interest rates for an introductory period. (And credit-card companies sometimes will give their introductory rates to existing cardholders so that they won’t transfer their balances to another credit-card company.) ������������������������ ���������������������������

Eliminating credit-card debt If you think you may have too much credit card debt, begin to address it by honestly evaluating your spending habits. Examine your existing expenses to analyze how your money is spent. You will most likely be able to identify the problem areas where you are more likely to spend too much with credit cards. Then, based on your current spending practices, create a realistic budget to pay off your credit-card debt in the shortest time possible while not adding any more debt to it. For assistance, you may want to turn to your financial advisor, who can help you to allocate your resources wisely to address your credit-card debt. As the aging baby boomers get closer to their peak earning years, many are realizing the need to reduce debt and increase savings. Even though analyzing your spending habits and creating a budget to address your debt may seem a little overwhelming, the simplicity of the philosophy of the Depression era still stands: Never spend more than you earn. Once you have come to grips with this basic fact, managing your debt will become far easier and more rewarding. ■ Jeremy R. Gussick is a financial advisor with LPL Financial, the nation’s largest independent broker-dealer.* Jeremy specializes in the financial planning needs of the LGBT community and was recently named a 2011 FIVE STAR Wealth Manager by Philadelphia Magazine.** He is active with several LGBT organizations in the Philadelphia region, including the Delaware Valley Legacy Fund, the Greater Philadelphia Professional Network and the Independence Business Alliance. OutMoney appears monthly. If you have a question for Jeremy, contact him at jeremy. LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC. *As reported by Financial Planning magazine, 1996-2011, based on total revenues. **Award details can be found at This article was prepared with the assistance of S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications and is not intended to provide specific investment advice or recommendations for any individual. Consult your financial advisor, or me, if you have any questions. Because of the possibility of human or mechanical error by S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications or its sources, neither S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications nor its sources guarantees the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or availability of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information. In no event shall S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications be liable for any indirect, special or consequential damages in connection with subscribers’ or others’ use of the content.

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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

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the role July 1. Taylor, 32, started volunteering with PBGP in 2009 and joined the board the following year. A native of St. Louis, Mo., Taylor moved to Philadelphia about 10 years ago and, in 2006, joined the specialist team at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania as a respiratory practitioner. He joined PBGP as a means of giving back to his community, which he resisted becoming a part of for a number of years. “I grew up in the church world and was closeted for a long time. I lived this life where I wasn’t who I wanted to be because I thought God could make me better,” he said, noting that his perspective changed when he embraced his identity at age 22. “When I came out, a lot of my theories about religion and what other things meant began to change, and I started on a path of self-discovery and self-actualization that got me to a place where I wanted to work in the gay community. I wanted to give of my time to this community just as I had done in EQPA from page 1




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While the original grant was influential in expanding the organization’s lobbying power, Martin noted it also forged an important connection for the LGBT community. “It helped us build important allies and introduce members of the progressive community in organized labor to LGBT issues,” he said. “It was a two-way street: It helped us establish ourselves and get our issues introduced to this community.” EQPA board president Adrian Shanker said that working with SEIU in the past year has shown the necessity of creating such relationships. “We cannot win equal rights for the LGBT community in Pennsylvania without the support from our brothers and sisters from labor,” he said. “SEIU’s previous support allowed us to grow into a statewide organi-

the church, and there’s no better way to be active in your community than to volunteer.” When the presidency position opened up, Taylor said it created an opportunity to heighten that commitment. “I think I’ve always been a natural-born leader,” he said. “Chris has done an amazing job of bringing Philadelphia Black Gay Pride to a place where it wasn’t before. I thought that maybe I could keep adding to that and take the organization even further forward.” Taylor said one of his primary aims will be to cut the expenses of the organization. He noted that this year’s PBGP festival included 14 events in a several-day span, which was costly for the group. “I want to scale back a little in the future,” he said. “Everyone’s suffering financially right now, especially 501(c)(3) organizations, and we have to think about keeping costs down. I think we need to scale back just some to get us to a place where we’re secure financially but can still do all the great things, and even more, that we’re doing now.” ■ zation and I am so thankful to SEIU for their continued support this year.” In partnership with EQPA, the union recently launched its Pennsylvania Lavender Caucus for LGBT employees. Martin said his agency will work closely with the union in the next year to develop the caucus and is also planning initiatives like roundtables with labor leaders on LGBT inclusion. Adanjesus Marin, an executive board member of SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania and an EQPA board member, said the union is “proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with our strategic partner, Equality Pennsylvania, in our joint struggle for a more just state.” The Pennsylvania chapter of SEIU represents 58,000 members. The international president of SEIU, Mary Kay Henry, is openly lesbian. ■

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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012


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for a day New album, new gigs for Adam Lambert By Larry Nichols International pop star and “American Idol” alum Adam Lambert is ready to take on the world again with a new album and some hotly anticipated concert dates with legendary rock band Queen, in the place of iconic frontman Freddie Mercury, who died in 1991. Unfortunately, only fans in the U.K. and Russia will be able to catch those shows. But you never know what might come of them. Since his debut album, “For Your Entertainment,” dropped in 2009, the openly gay Lambert has sold nearly 2 million albums worldwide, earned a Grammy nomination and became the first “American Idol” alum to tour the world in support of a debut album immediately following an “Idol” season. “Trespassing,” due out May 15, finds Lambert cowriting many of the songs and collaborating with an impressive list of artists, producers and songwriters, including Pharrell Williams, Nile Rodgers and Bruno Mars. Lambert talked to PGN about his upcoming album and the wild ride his career has been since “American Idol” made him a household name. PGN: How does your new album, “Trespassing,” compare to your debut album?

AL: I took more time with this album. The first album I did in about two months while I was on a nationwide tour with the rest of the American Idols. So there wasn’t quite enough time to think about anything or improve on anything. In some respects, it was kind of a cool creative experience. I’m a pretty analytical kind of guy and it forced me to be more impulsive creatively. On this one I got to write a lot of music. I got to spend time improving it and fine-tuning. I recorded 40 songs for this album and the final 12 are the best of the best of the best. PGN: How did you end up getting the gig singing with Queen? AL: They came on the “American Idol” finale and we did “We are the Champions” with them. It was so surreal and there was so much going on at the time that I don’t think I

fully processed it. Recently, about three months ago, they asked me to perform with them on the European MTV Music Awards. It was such an honor to be up there with them. It felt very natural and just clicked. So they came to me and they asked me to do shows with them this summer and I said, “Yeah man, let’s do it.” PGN: So, let’s say after the performances, Queen wants to do an album or a world tour. Would you consider putting your career on hold and being their singer? AL: I don’t think I would. I’m a songwriter as well and, right now, my main priority is my album and my career. Secondly, I don’t think they are going to want to do a world tour. Those guys have been around. They are veterans. They are royalty.

Photo: Lee Cherry

I don’t think they want to bust their ass on a world tour. I think these shows are going to be an amazing event and they are going to be incredible. They’re going to be the kind of thing you can’t replicate. It’s going to be a once-in-a-lifetime night. I think I’m going to learn a lot from it and I’m honored to share the stage with them, but I don’t think it’s going to be a permanent thing. PGN: Most performers who break big from “American Idol” usually do a lot of performances in the U.S. When your first album came out, you did a lot of international touring. Why did you focus so much on foreign markets? AL: When I first met with the record label when we were putting together the album, they felt I was the type of artist that would do well internationally as well as domestically. So they wanted to make sure that was part of the campaign. Other countries get “American Idol,” so some people knew about me. Regardless of that, the style of music itself had an international flavor. It was something I was excited about and the label had faith in me to do that. What’s funny is, it has almost been four years since that and music has become much more international, based on the way music is shared and sold. The European sound is very prevalent here on American radio now. So I’m glad they had the foresight.



Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

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PGN: There was a lot of controversy post“American Idol” about your sexual orientation and how you came out. In hindsight, would you go about it the same way if you had to do it again? AL: It’s so funny to me because one of the things you don’t realize when you’re all of a sudden in the middle of the public eye, no matter how well-adjusted you are, is it takes a while to go, “Oh, that’s how it works.” I’ve been out since I was 18 years old, living in Los Angeles very openly. When I went on “American Idol” I was out to everyone. Did they ask me about it on camera? No. They never asked me. Had it come up, I would have been candid about it. I had no reason not to be. When you’re on “American Idol,” we’re not allowed to do press. My first big interview I did after “American Idol” was Rolling Stone and they asked me the question and I said, “Yeah, always have been.” It’s interesting the way that it was perceived publicly because you forget the people at home watching “American Idol” — they don’t know me. So it takes a minute to adjust to being objective about how you’re being presented to the world. PGN: You’re known as much for your fashion sense as your music. How do you stay ahead of the fashion curve? AL: In my head, I don’t know if I am. I don’t know what level I’m at. I’m on a different planet. I just wear whatever the hell I want to wear, to be honest. I’ve always liked clothes and fashion and I love that form of expression. I like to stand out rather than blend in. I’ve always been like that.

PGN: So, do you get all dressed up when you’re just going out to run errands? AL: No. That’s one of the things that has changed a little bit. I don’t like to stand out quite as much when I’m doing my everyday activities. I’ve been known to don a baseball hat, jeans, boots and a T-shirt. PGN: What’s the best advice you’ve been given as an artist and what is the best advice you could give? AL: This might sound a bit jaded but everybody has some advice to give and half the people really aren’t qualified. I take everything with a grain of salt and, if something resonates with me, I go, “OK, that’s a good point.” The best advice I can give is trust your own instincts. Everybody in the industry is trying to give you their opinion and, at some point, you’ve got to listen to you because at the end of the day, it’s your name on the CD and you’re the one people are interested in. People aren’t stupid. They know authenticity when they see it. They feel that. In trying to stay authentic, you have to follow your own instincts. PGN: What are your tour plans and will we be seeing you in Philadelphia any time soon? AL: I don’t know if I’m going to be touring yet. Hopefully the album will do well. I believe in it and I hope people will like it. I think that will determine what kind of touring I will do. I love Philadelphia so, when I tour, I’m sure I’ll come back. ■ “Trespassing” will be available May 15. For more information on Adam Lambert, visit


Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012



Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012


Philadelphia Gay News Our largest issue of the year is coming for

Philadelphia Gay Pride

Issue date: June 8 Art deadline: June 1

Gotta Get Down on Friday Summer’s almost here! You can feel it in the air already as the cool rains of April give way to the warmth and humidity of May. If that isn’t enough, then the crowds of people eating dinner out on the sidewalks in the Gayborhood are a sure sign. I’m not sure why people enjoy eating dinner on the tiny, crowded sidewalks of Center City. But I have to admit that when I leave my office at night and hear all the noise coming from the outdoor diners on 13th Street, it always brings a smile to my face. More proof that summer is right around the corner is the return of some of Philly’s favorite outdoor parties. Check your calendar and be sure to carve out some time to enjoy these events.

$21,000 in prizes. All skill levels are welcome. For more information, see www. FriGAYs Launch Party Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend and the launch of Philly’s hottest new weekly dance party, “FriGAYs,” 10 p.m.-2 a.m. May 18 at Sumo Lounge, 1224 Chestnut St. Not since Shaft at Shampoo has there been a Friday night dance party this big. FriGAYs is the brainchild of Bruce Yelk, so you know it will be fabulous. Cover is $5 before 11, $10 after, or $20 if you want to spoil yourself rotten and get the VIP treatment (partying, partying, yeah!) all night long. You know you deserve it! For more information, see www.nightlifegay. com.


Jim KileySapphire Rocks The Sapphire Fund gets Zufelt Military Ops summer started with Sapphire The Keystone boys of Rocks, 4-8 p.m. May 12 at the Field Leather and Philadelphians MC are teamHouse, 1150 Filbert St. ing up to bring you Military Ops, 10 p.m.Tickets are only $30, which includes a 2 a.m. May 19 at The Bike Stop, 206 S. three-hour open bar. There will also be live Quince St. music by Starting From Zero, as well as Military gear is suggested but not prizes and raffles including Phillies tickrequired. There will be drink specials, JellO shots and tons of hot guys in uniforms. ets and gift cards to the Field House. All Proceeds will benefit the Wounded Warrior proceeds benefit The National Adoption Project, which provides assistance to Center and Child Advocates. wounded servicemembers. For more inforFor more information, see www.sapmation, see

Show your support for the gay community in our largest issue of the year, celebrating and one of city’s largest festivals: • Highest level of disposable income of any niche market • Highly educated and highly affluent audience • Readership of 50,000, plus an additional 8,000 bonus distribution at Philly Gay Pride June 10 at Penn’s Landing • 70% of gay and lesbian adults would pay premium for a product from a company that supports the LGBT community

To reserve your space today, email or call 215-625-8501 ext. 218

Liberty Belle Invitational Philly’s annual gay and lesbian bowling tournament is coming July 4th weekend, and that means fundraising efforts are kicking into high gear. First up is Bowling Bonkers, 7-10 p.m. May 16 at Pinsetters, 7111 Maple Ave., Pennsauken, N.J. Your $25 cover includes three hours of bowling, shoe rental, food and a chance to win lots of cash prizes. Proceeds will be split, with 10 percent going to Mazzoni Center and the balance going to support the upcoming tournament. Next is Country Skating Night, 8:3010:30 p.m. May 21 at the Cherry Hill Skating Center, 664 Deer Road, Cherry Hill, N.J. Admission is only $10 plus $3 for skate rental, and that gets you all the Ladies’ Choice and Couples Only you can handle! DJ Cliff Roberts will spin country tunes and top-40 hits so you can All Skate the night away! The Liberty Belle Invitational will bring gay and lesbian bowlers from all over the country into Philly from June 29-July 1, all competing to win their share of over

Big Gay Boat Party The biggest, gayest boat party in the tri-state region is back! All hands on deck from 6 p.m.-midnight May 20 onboard Moshulu, docked at 401 S. Columbus Blvd. You can’t miss the Big Gay Boat Party, featuring big gay drink specials, big gay shot boys (and girls), big gay DJ Deejay and big gay performances by a big gay guest from The Dollstars. This party is on come rain or come shine, so come on out and dance the night away under the stars on the Delaware River. Cover is only $10, part of which benefits Philly Gay Calendar. ’80s trivia nugget When you go to FriGAYs at Sumo, look directly across Chestnut Street. See that door for the gym? That’s where Kurt’s used to be! Kurt’s was one of the best nightclubs in Philly way back in the ’80s and early ’90s. Ah, memories ... ■ Questions? Comments? Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Contact Jim at


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Family Portrait

Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012


Suzi Nash

Van Nguyen: Origami, activism and wooly skirts May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month — a celebration of Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States. President Jimmy Carter signed the resolution designating the annual celebration in 1978 to pay tribute to the generations of APIs who have enriched America’s history and are instrumental in its future success. Our interview this week is with the lovely and multitalented Van Nguyen, who was a keynote speaker for the LGBTQ Womyn of Color Conference and is a committee member of Hotpot!, as well as a trans activist and a teacher. PGN: Tell me a little about yourself. VN: Well, I was born in Middlesex, Conn., which always seems like such an appropriate birthplace for a trans person! It’s my inside joke. My brother was born in Rhode Island just 11 months before me — so he and I are Irish twins — and, 13 months after me, my sister was born in Philly. So I’m pretty much Philly-raised. PGN: Your parents moved around a lot? VN: Oh God, yes! There were four of us all together, born within a two-year span, all in different cities. PGN: What did your parents do? VN: My dad does contractor work and my mom’s worked a variety of odds and ends. Now she’s working at a nail salon. PGN: What were you like as a kid? VN: [Laughs.] I was that dumpy little Asian kid who was a big nerd! I was a bit of a goofball. I remember one of my goofy moments was at school playing volleyball. If we scored a point I would spin clockwise; if the other team scored I’d twirl counter-clockwise. I was a strange kid! PGN: A memorable time in school? VN: Third grade was when I started to turn things around scholastically. [Laughs.] I had a huge crush on my teacher, so it was the first time I really buckled down and concentrated on schoolwork. PGN: And what was your teacher’s name? VN: I can’t say that! She’s still teaching. But I will say a favorite moment was that for her birthday we gave her a seed. It was some little bean but she planted it and, as it grew, I’d look at it and go, “Yes! That’s my gift to her. Right there on the windowsill!” PGN: Awww. Tell me about your siblings. VN: As I said, we were close in age and we kind of split into two groups. My older brother Vy (pronounced Vee) and my youngest sister Thuy (pronounced Twee) are very, I guess I’d say, socially conforming and they made one group, and my other sister, Uyen (pronounced Ee-an) and

I were the weirdos and the nonconformers. She’s now an artist. My sisters and I look alike and my brother really looks like he doesn’t fit in. [Laughs.] For the longest time, my sisters just thought he was some guy who came to the house a lot! PGN: My brothers and I looked like we were from three different races growing up. VN: Yeah, my mother was looking at me the other day and she said, “You know, you look like you might be Italian.” I was like, “Wait ... what? Don’t you know? You gave birth to me, didn’t you?” She responded, “I’m not sure anymore.” PGN: What was a sign you felt different about your gender identity? VN: Well, the funny thing was I never had a concept for it. I remember when I was in about third or fourth grade, I was walking home — it wasn’t a nice neighborhood — and someone yelled out, “What the fuck are you? A boy or a girl?” and I didn’t know. I went home and thought about it and couldn’t come up with an answer.

conformist society. There’s a phrase, “The bamboo pole which sticks out will get hammered.” Meaning if anyone is unusual in some way, they need to change themselves in order not to stick out. If this is the message you get as a child, how does it affect you as an adult? PGN: And you lived there for a while? VN: Yes, I was part of JET [Japan Exchange and Teaching Program] for a semester. It was fall, junior year, and I was part-time out as trans but thought, OK, I can suppress this and be a “guy” for a semester. But about a month in, I was miserable! I ended up breaking down and getting a little wooly skirt and sweater. One of the good things about being Asian is that being flat-chested didn’t matter! I fit right in. PGN: So do you find that there’s a lot of homophobia, especially since so many Asian cultures have adopted Christianity? VN: I’m ethnically Vietnamese and, yes,

PGN: Did you identify with your sisters? VN: Truthfully, I don’t really identify with either side: I’m just kind of me. When I had the guy shout the question at me, I eventually decided that I was a boy because it was the only option presented at that time and it was the path of least resistance and what I was socialized to be. I didn’t know any better. There weren’t any LGBT people anywhere that I knew about and they certainly didn’t discuss it at Catholic school. I didn’t know transsexual people even existed. When I got to college, I did a lot of backtracking — like OK, this makes sense now.

PGN: Where did you go to college? VN: Haverford. I majored in East Asian studies with a focus in Japanese and Buddhism and my minor was in education with a focus on ESL for kids. My thesis was about contemporary Japanese society and their educational model. PGN: And what did you learn? VN: Among other things, that it’s a very

PGN: A good day as a teacher? VN: Well, one of my children always comes in with a bright smile. One day, as we were lining up, she just looked at me and said, “Teacher Van, you’re beautiful. I love you!” I laughed it off because I didn’t think that I was wearing anything particularly pretty that day, but I’ll always remember it. It’s the little things that touch you. [Tears up a little.] Even when you’re down, knowing you can come to school and have 20 beautiful kids smile at you is something I could never give up. PGN: And are you out at school? VN: Yes and no. There are many things to be out about. Some people know I have a girlfriend, some know I am trans, the head of the school and teachers I work with, for example. But mostly they know me as a teacher and friend.

PGN: Was that an a-ha! moment? VN: I used to overcompensate. I went from being short and dumpy to tall and skinny, so I played football and basketball and used to work out all the time. I never liked sports, but since all the guys were doing it, I felt I had to. PGN: Were you on organized teams? VN: I was a failure on my middle-school basketball team, which is sad because I coach basketball now!

PGN: Your first job after college? VN: Well, it’s only been two years. I guess the first job was at a summer camp, so again I thought, OK, I have a few months where I have to push things back. And then I got a job at Cosi in Bryn Mawr as well as working in the after-school program at the Quaker school where I teach now. It’s funny: I never thought of teaching kids. I chose Haverford because I wanted to be a writer, but I didn’t realize how much reading that entailed! I backed right off that and took an education course instead just for the hell of it. I taught tae kwon-do in high school, so I knew I could lead a class. I fell in love with it.

they are very, very closely tied with the Catholic church in the area where I grew up. For me, I’m not actively Catholic: It helped shape who I am, but it’s not something I think about. There weren’t any actively negative sermons or anything, but there was a huge dearth of information. Anything that I learned about gay people I learned on the street from friends or on TV. And since this was the ’90s, there wasn’t a lot on TV yet.

PGN: What about with the family? VN: Yes, my siblings were fine from the start. It took my mother three tries! The first time I came out to her, she was worried that I wouldn’t be able to live a good life. [Laughs.] The Photo: Suzi Nash second time I came out, she was afraid that I couldn’t pass for female, so it would be hard to get a job! The third time around, I had my job and everything was going well in my life, so she fully accepted it. PGN: So, switching gears: any hobbies? VN: I do origami. Though I had some toys growing up, we struggled as a family. We may have not had a lot but there was always, always paper. PAGE 30


Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

PORTRAIT from page 29

It was my way to make free toys. PGN: How did you learn? VN: I taught myself at a young age through sheer will and an obsession with perfection. My crowning achievement was at college in the origami club. We built a giant pterodactyl out of a 12-foot-by-12foot piece of paper. PGN: We all have different sides to our personalities: Tell me some of yours. VN: Well, I’ve worn many hats. My dad’s a contractor, so I have a lot of aroundthehouse skills. I’m good at handyman work and can fix pretty much anything. I took up cycling in college, so I became an amateur bike mechanic. Unfortunately, my commute is too far now, so my tools are somewhere in the basement. I’m an artist, I do tae kwon do, I’ve even done some acting, and was in a short film that screened last week in the Tri-Co Film Festival hosted by the Bryn Mawr Film Institute. And cooking is a huge, huge part of my life. I’ve even started doing some catering.


PGN: What’s your signature dish? VN: It’s something simple that I often make for myself: hoisan chicken stir-fry with farfalle. It’s my college food dish, but everyone likes it.

didn’t know what the immigration status of the person was, so I decided not to press charges. As deeply as it affected me, that’s the kind of person I’m fighting for in my activist work.

PGN: Are you seeing someone now? VN: Yes, we met at the Creating Change conference held by the Gay & Lesbian Task Force in Baltimore. Her name is Sam and she’s amazing. The weekend of the conference she showed me her true colors. At the conference there was ... I don’t know how to say it ... a traumatic event that happened, and she stayed with me at the hospital all night. We’d only known each other for two days.

PGN: That must be traumatic, in what you would have assumed to be a safe space. VN: Yes, it happened so quickly. I was about to tuck in for the night and then I was in the hospital. I knew I wanted to be with Sam and, after that, it brought us even closer together. I’d just up and left the next morning after it happened, but Sam took care of business. She found the other party and called hotel security. She notified the conference leaders, and filed a police report on my behalf. I was very happy to be able to go back to school and have the kids there to pick me up. They always make things better.

PGN: Do you feel comfortable expounding on what happened? VN: I was sexually assaulted. Sam was great that weekend and in the time that followed, and I have to say the conference organizers were also amazing working with me and the other person associated with the incident. They made sure we both got what was needed. At the time I

PGN: Tell me a little about your activism. VN: I’m on the steering committee of Hotpot! It’s an organization of Asian and Pacific Islander queer, lesbian, bisexual,

Food & Drink


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gay women and trans, gender-variant, genderqueer, gender non-conforming identified people. We focus on and celebrate the multiplicities of our identities through social gatherings, political action and sharing good food. In fact, on May 17, we’re having an LGBTQ Immigration Listening Forum. I was also a keynote speaker at the second annual LGBTQ Womyn of Color Conference and spoke about the topic of identity and community, and have been very involved in the trans community. I was the Children’s Camp day manager at the Philadelphia Trans-Health Conference in 2010 and 2011. I think a main theme I work with is, you are who you are. I mean it just so happens that I am a male-bodied trans person who leans to the feminine side of the spectrum but, in the end, I’m just me — chugging on through life. Like back to when I was little and I was asked if I was a boy or girl, I still want to know, what’s the point? Do I have to choose? I just am who I am. That’s all that matters. ■ To suggest a community member for “Family Portrait,” write to


Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012


Spiga, the city’s newest Italian, shows promise By Larry Nichols We got a sneak preview of modern Italian eatery Spiga, 1305 Locust St., a few days ahead of its May 5 grand opening. Aside from a few bumps in the road, the future looks promising. Spiga benefits from a convenient location, between 13th and Broad streets, as well as a cozy and comfortable interior that beats the sometimes-uninspiring view of the 1300 block of Locust. The appetizers and small plates generated the most excitement. The white bean and rosemary truffle spread ($4) made us temporarily forget how unimpressed we are with how much every other restaurant in the city uses truffle oil like it’s the holy grail of ingredients. The wood-fired eggplant caponata ($4) was delightfully fresh and bright. The polenta fries ($6) are likely to inspire repeat visits. The Spiga fries with parmigiano cream ($4) makes for a lovely side dish (but probably would get passed over in favor of their polenta cousins, if we had to choose). The caprino croccante ($4), a crispy piece of goat cheese in a red beet dip, was an inspired dish that left us wondering what else is on the horizon. Spiga also has a brick oven — and knows how to use it. The most interesting

of the pizza selections was the strawberry and balsamic onion with robiola cheese pizza ($14). Yeah, we know ... strawberries on a pizza? It works! The sweetness of the strawberries somehow balances out the acidity of the balsamic onions and the richness of the cheese. The more-classic margherita ($12), however, didn’t elevate itself past the sum of its parts. If you want to stand out in this town, there has to be some magic in the sauce or the crust. On the pasta menu, the same indifference could be applied to the gnocchi di porcini ($15), which was pleasant enough as a comfort dish but lacking spark. Things rebounded with the orecchiette with robiola cheese basil and tomato ($12), which had a greater texture and flavor. The best dish of the evening was on the entrée menu: the pork chop peperonata with pecorino cheese sauce ($22). The pork chop on its own was nice and juicy, but the topping of sweet and spicy peppers and onions and the creaminess of the sauce really made the dish something very special, and made us lament the internal real estate we had used to accommodate the gnocchi. Things went from the zenith to the nadir with the branzino infused with garlic oil and lemon (market price). While we appreciate sticking to rustic tradition

If you go Spiga 1305 Locust St. 267-273-1690 Open for dinner daily, lunch Tuesday through Friday and brunch Sunday. BRANZINO INFUSED WITH GARLIC, OIL AND LEMON Photo: Scott A. Drake

— serving the fish relatively whole — one bite yielded an abundance of bones and a disheartening lack of seasoning. It was around this time that we were treated to a cucumber and orange martini. It looked nice. It smelled heavenly (can we get this as an air freshener?). We’ll chalk up our reluctance to inhale the drink (it kind of tastes like air freshener) to the fact that gin isn’t one of our go-to spirits. Dessert brought things back to a happy place. That magic we were looking for

Philadelphia Gay News

in the margherita pizza materialized in the fig and mascarpone pizza ($6), which was sweet, decadent perfection. The cannoli trio ($6) of chocolate, pistachio and vanilla were great in a traditional way (and really, what Italian restaurant would dare show its face with less-than-perfect cannoli?). All things considered, Spiga has a lot going for it, principally some talent in the kitchen. It’ll be interesting to see what they can do once they work out some of the rough edges on the menu. ■


PGN won 10 awards from the Local Media Association for news, entertainment and column writing, page and graphic design and sections. — Highest number of awards for an LGBT publication from a mainstream journalism organization ever — PGN ranked second in the nation among weekly newspapers PGN won the following 2011 LMA editorial awards: • • • •

1st Place, Best Continuing Coverage: Stacey Blahnik murder by Jen Colletta 1st Place, Best Entertainment/Lifestyle Section: Arts & Culture Section 1st Place, Best Column Writing: Millennial Poz by Aaron Stella 1st Place, Best Graphic Artwork: Election 11/10, Regional Civil Unions/Marriage Laws, 35 Years of PGN timeline by Scott A. Drake and Sean Dorn • 1st Place, Best Non-Page One Layout: Arts & Culture Feature Story Covers by Sean Dorn • 3rd Place, Best Opinion Column: “Mark My Words” by Mark Segal • 3rd Place, Best Arts & Entertainment Criticism/Commentary: “These Women Want To Rock You With New Music” by Larry Nichols • 3rd Place, Best Special Section: “World AIDS Day” • Honorable Mention, Best Arts & Entertainment Writing-Feature: “Author Brings Her Story to the Stage in Philly” by Larry Nichols • Honorable Mention, Best In-depth Reporting: “Crystal Meth: Clubs, Culture And The Gay Community” by Jen Colletta

The Local Media Association serves over 2,000 member North American newspapers. With this year’s recognition, PGN is the most award-winning LGBT newspaper in the country, and in LGBT media history.



Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012


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5/4/12 5:06 PM

Men’s Books 1. “Crimes on Latimer: The Early Cases of Marco Fontana” by Joseph R.G. DeMarco (Lethe, $18 pb). These stories show some of the forces that helped shape the young P.I. In high school, Fontana discovers that he has a knack for crime solving. 2. “Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders” by Samuel R. Delany (Magnus, $21.95 pb). “I consider Delany not only one of the most important science-fiction writers of the present generation, but a fascinating writer in general who has invented a new style.” — Umberto Eco 3. “Full Service: My Adventures in Hollywood and the Secret Sex Lives of the Stars” by Scotty Bowers (Grove, $25 hb, less 10 percent in the store). “Newly discharged from the Marines after World War II, Scotty Bowers arrived in Hollywood in 1946. Young, charismatic and strikingly handsome, he quickly caught the eye of many of the town’s stars and starlets. He began sleeping with some himself, and connecting others with his coterie of young, attractive and sexually free-spirited friends. His own lovers included Edith Piaf, Spencer Tracy, Vivien Leigh, Cary Grant, and the abdicated King of England Edward VIII.” 4. “Eminent Outlaws: The Gay Authors Who Changed the World” by Christopher Bram (Twelve, $27.99 hb, less 10 percent in

the store). Begins with the first wave of major gay literary figures — Tennessee Williams, Gore Vidal, Truman Capote, Allen Ginsberg and James Baldwin, who set the stage for a new generation: Armistead Maupin, Edmund White, Tony Kushner and Edward Albee among them. 5. “The Temperamentals: A Play” by Jon Marans (Chelsea Station, $16 pb). The hit Philadelphia play tells the story of two men — the communist Harry Hay and the Viennese refugee and designer Rudi Gernreich — as they fall in love while building the Mattachine Society, the first gayrights organization in the pre-Stonewall U.S. 6. “Velvet Rage: Overcoming the Pain of Growing Up Gay in a Straight Man’s World” by Alan Downs (DaCapo, $15.95 pb). A groundbreaking examination of the psychology of homosexuality, why it leads to shame over one’s identity and how to overcome it. This book has remarkable staying power. 7. “Song of Achilles” by Madeline Miller (Ecco, $25.99 hb, less 10 percent in the store). A thrilling and unique retelling of the legend of Achilles: a tale of gods, kings, immortal fame and the human heart. 8. “Purgatory: A Novel of the Civil War” by Jeff Mann (Bear Bones, $18 pb). Two young soldiers on opposite sides find themselves drawn together. 9. “Red, White, Black

Del., N.J., and N.Y. NEW JERSEY

COLLINGSWOOD • Garden State Equality, 583 Haddon Ave. • Groove Ground, 647 Haddon Ave. ª Honor Box, PATCO Collingswood Station • WESTMONT • Honor Box, PATCO Westmont Station • CAMDEN • Honor Box, PATCO Ferry Avenue Station • LINDENWOLD • Honor Box, PATCO Lindenwold Station East • Honor Box, PATCO Lindenwold Station West • CHERRY HILL • Unitarian Church, 400 N. Kings Highway • Andriotti’s Viennese Café, 1442 E. Route 70 • BELLMAWR • AIDS Coalition of South Jersey, 100 Essex Ave. • BORDENTOWN • Shoppe 202, 202 Farnsworth Ave. • Mug & Muffin, 210 Farnsworth Ave. • TRENTON • Café Ole, 126 S. Warren St. • ROSEMONT • Café at Rosemont, 88 Kingwood-Stockton Road • SOMERSET • The Den, 700 Hamilton Ave. • HIGHLAND PARK • Pride Center of New Jersey, 321 Raritan Ave., second floor • MORRISTOWN • Gay Activist Alliance, Unitarian Church, 29 Normandy Heights Road • SAYREVILLE • Deko Lounge, 1971 Highway 35 • ASBURY PARK • Paradise, in Empress Hotel, 101 Asbury Ave. • Georgie’s, 812 Fifth Ave. • ATLANTIC CITY • Westside Club, 511 Arkansas Ave. • Ocean House, 127 S. Ocean Ave. • Oasis, South Jersey AIDS Alliance, 32 S. Tennessee Ave. • Ritz Condo lobby, 2715 Boardwalk • MAYS LANDING • Border’s Books, 2200 Wranglebrook Road • CAPE MAY • Gables of Cape May, call 609-861-1848 for info. • HAMMONTON • Club In or Out, 19 N. Egg Harbor Road • VINELAND • J&J News, 729 N. Main St. •


WILMINGTON • AIDS Delaware, 100 W. 10th St. • Border’s Books, 4221 Concord Pike • Crimson Moon, 1909 S. Sixth St. • REHOBOTH BEACH • Canal Side Inn, 34 Sixth St. • Double L Bar, 622 Rehoboth Ave. • Proud Bookstore, 149 Rehoboth Ave. • Shore Inn, 37239 Rehoboth Ave. • Rams Head Inn, 35006 Warrington Ave.


Lesbian and Gay Services Center, 208 W. 13th St.



and Blue: A Donald Strachey Mystery” by Richard Stevenson (MLR, $13.99 pb). Rumors about the Tea Party’s opportunistic gubernatorial candidate, Kenyon Louderbush, paint him as an unfaithful, callous exploiter of young men ... young men that he puts into the hospital ... or perhaps the morgue. 10. “Gay Lives” by Robert Aldrich (Thames & Hudson, $29.95 hb, less 10 percent in the store). A comprehensive biographical survey from ancient Chinese courtiers to pioneers of gay liberation in the 21st century. Men’s DVDs 1. “Jitters” directed by Z. Baldwin (2010, 97 min., $19.99). An unexpected first kiss causes Gabriel to feel the electrifying “jitters” of love and lust with the free-spirited Marcus — a perfect way to end a summer studying abroad. 2. “The Seminarian” directed by Joshua Lim (2010, 101 min., $24.95). A story about Ryan, a closeted gay student in his final semester of seminary studies. 3. “Eating Out 5: The Open Weekend” directed by Allan Brocka (2011, 80 min., $24.95). Zack and Benji open up their relationship for a weekend of fun at a gay resort in Palm Springs. 4. “Kink Crusaders” directed by Mike Skiff (2010, 75 min., $24.99). Go behind the scenes at the annual International Mr.

Leather competition. 5. “Finding Me: Truth” directed by Roger S. Omeus Jr. (2011, 100 min., $17.95). Follows the loves, losses, fights, jealousies and broken hearts of a group of AfricanAmerican friends. Women’s Books 1. “Why Be Happy When You Can Be Normal?” by Jeanette Winterson (Grove, $25 hb, less 10 percent in the store). This memoir is a tough-minded search for belonging, for love, an identity, a home and a mother by the author of “Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit.” 2. “Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power” by Rachel Maddow (Crown, $25 hb, less 10 percent in the store). There’s a war going on, argues Maddow, a battle between the priorities of civilian life and of the war machine, and right now the national security sector is winning — leaving the United States less strong and secure. 3. “Are You My Mother?: A Comic Drama” by Alison Bechdel (HMH, $22 hb, less 10 percent in the store). From the bestselling author of “Fun Home,” a poignant and hilarious graphic memoir of Bechdel becoming the artist her gifted mother always wanted to be. 4. “Night Hunt” by Radcliffe writing as L.L. Raand (Bold Strokes, $16.95 pb). Niki Kroff has one mission in life: to lead Sylvan Mir’s elite guard and protect the wolf Alpha’s life. 5. “Hood: A Novel” by Emma Donoghue (Harper, $14.99 pb). Penelope O’Grady and

Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

Cara Wall are risking disaster when, like teenagers in any intolerant time and place — here, a Dublin convent school in the late 1970s — they fall in love. 6. “Tipping the Velvet” by Sarah Waters (Riverhead, $16 pb). This stunning and steamy debut chronicles the adventures of Nan King, a small-town girl at the turn of the century whose life takes a wild turn when she follows a local music-hall star to London. 7. “Sometimes She Lets Me: Best Butch/ Femme Erotica” edited by Tristan Taormino (Cleis, $14.99 pb). Does the swagger of a sure-footed butch make you swoon? Do your knees go weak when you see a femme straighten her stockings? 8. “When We Were Outlaws” by Jeanne Cordova (Spinsters Ink, $14.95 pb). A rare view of the life of a radical lesbian during the early cultural struggle for gay rights, women’s liberation and the New Left of the 1970s. 9. “Same Sex in the City: So Your Prince Charming Is Really Cinderella” by Lauren Levin and Lauren Blitzer (Simon & Schuster, $14.95 pb). The journey from sexual curiosity to finally coming out can be confusing without proper guidance and empowering role models. 10. “Gay Lives” by Robert Aldrich (Thames & Hudson, $29.95 hb, less 10 percent in the store). A comprehensive biographical survey


from ancient Chinese courtiers to pioneers of gay liberation in the 21st century. Women’s DVDs 1. “Circumstance” directed by Maryam Keshavarz (2011, 107 min., $24.95). Two teenage girls navigating the wild Iranian underground scene. 2. “The L Word, The Complete Set” (55 hours, $132.99). This handsome collector’s edition set includes all the hot drama and wildly entertaining exploits of some of the most popular lesbian characters of all time. 3. “Gigola” directed by Laure Charpentier (2010, 102 min., $24.95). Based on the long censored novel of the same name, this film captures a little-known chapter in Parisian history in which eroticism defied conventional morals. French with English subtitles. 4. “The Lovers & Friends Show, Season 4” directed by Charmain Johnson (2011, 167 min., $19.95). Six minority lesbians navigate their way through life’s challenges with attitude and a fabulous sense of style! 5. “Leading Ladies” directed by Erika Randal Beahm (2010, 102 min., $24.95). This fabulous comedy about two sisters, their gay best friend and their overzealous stage mom serves up a tale of uplifting gay affirmation — and exceptional choreography! ■

Are you a community leader? Bia Vieira, longtime activist and vice president for community impact, Philadelphia Foundation Quincy Greene, founder, Educational Justice Coalition David Acosta, writer, poet, longtime HIV/ health activist, prevention coordinator for HIV programs at AIIDS Activities Coordinating Office Joe Ippolito, founder/organizer of the Gender Reel multimedia festival Monica Bey-Clarke, author, entrepeneur, founder of My Family! books and products for LGBT families Sue Gildea, women’s commissioner, City of Brotherly Love Softball League

These people made the grade and were covered in PGN’s “Portrait” column by Suzi Nash. Every week, Suzi talks to people making a difference in Philadelphia. Has she talked to you yet?



Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

Worth Watching ACTIVATED: Catch “Legalize Gay,” a new documentary about the new generation leading the campaign for LGBT equality and featuring Pennsylvania’s only openly gay, soon-to-be state representative Brian Sims (left), airing 3 p.m. May 11 on Logo.

MIDDLE EARTH MAYHEM: Out actor Ian McKellan stars as the wizard Gandalf in “Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring,” 6:30 p.m. May 12 on CW.

IRON WOMAN: Out TV food expert and Iron Chef Cat Cora hosts the action on “Around the World in 80 Plates,” which takes 12 chefs across the globe testing their skills and determination, 10 p.m. May 16 on Bravo. Photo: Bravo/ Justin Stephens

STAR SEARCH: Howard Stern joins the judge dais alongside comedian, TV host and producer Howie Mandel, daytime TV host, reality producer and music manager Sharon Osbourne and host Nick Cannon on the new season of “America’s Got Talent,” 8 p.m. May 14 on NBC. Photo: NBC/Virginia Sherwood


Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

Q Puzzle First Lesbian Across

1. Four-posters for foreplay, for some 5. Deep throat sound 9. Astronaut Schirra 14. Carbon compound 15. Soft drink favorite 16. Homer-erotic tale? 17. Barry Humphries’ Dame 18. One that attacks the fly with the tongue 19. Fruit of Greek myth 20. With 55-Across, short title of “The History of a Lesbian Community” coauthored by 36-Across 23. JFK info 24. Angular opening 25. Bad-mouthed 27. Like some porn 29. Brought into alignment 31. Request to Sajak 32. “Climb Ev’ry Mountain” mountain 34. Son of Prince Valiant 35. “Beatle Bailey” dog 36. Teacher of the first course on lesbianism in the US 40. New York college 41. Mandela org. 42. P. Hearst’s kidnappers 43. One that’s hairy and has a master 44. Some are urban 46. Hispanic family org.

50. ___ 52. 54. 55. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66.

We Buy & Sell

Robin Williams’ “ Photo” Simpson case judge Nuts or bananas See 20-Across Chew the ass of Edible pocket Bit to split Long in the past? Tops a cupcake Wang in fashion Transvestite boast? Pub projectile Biblical garden


GOLD & SILVER ����������������� COLLECTONS



1. Director Kidron of “Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit” 2. Agnes Moorehead role 3. Anonymous dads for some lesbian families 4. Supporter of bedroom activity 5. One who gets screwed by an agent? 6. Go on foot 7. Jerusalem server 8. Took no chances 9. Needed some Viagra? 10. Honolulu hello 11. Patricia Highsmith and others 12. Playwright Arthur 13. Ft. trios 21. Concern of Todd Oldham 22. Changes, as the Constitution 26. To God, to Caesar


���������������� EXCHANGE

¥ € $


Don’t get taken for a ride at the airport! 28. Syllables of triumph 30. Dressing type 33. Pretend to have an erection? 35. Track shape 36. It can’t go long enough to get to Uranus 37. She played tomb raider Lara 38. Having balls

39. “ ___ Me” (Lily Tomlin movie) 40. Illegal same-sex vow, in most states 44. Cheap wheels 45. She doesn’t have sex with men 47. Chewed the scenery 48. Aplenty 49. One who’s out

51. Makes oneself hard to find 53. Say “Bottoms up!” 56. Costa ___ 57. Became a donor 58. Cost-of-living measure

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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

OUT & ABOUT The week ahead Fri. 05/11 Michael Graves and David Pratt The two out authors host a reading 5:30 p.m. at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; 215-923-2960. Brother Outsider The documentary about the life and work of Bayard Rustin, a visionary activist and strategist who has been called “the unknown hero” of the civilrights movement, is screened 6 p.m. at The African American Museum of Philadelphia, 701 Arch St.; RSVP at 215-732-2220 or Queer-Friendly Cabaret Michael Richard

Kelly performs 7:30 p.m. at the Mt. Airy Art Garage, 11 W. Mt. Airy Ave.; 267241-0844. Dar Williams The singer-songwriter performs 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400. Love Minus Zero celebrates Bob Dylan The iconic singersongwriter’s music is celebrated 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400. Satisfaction & The British Invasion Tribute The two tribute

bands perform the music of The Rolling Stones and The Beatles, respectively, 8 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223. Weird Al Yankovic The parody artist performs 8 p.m. at House of Blues, 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-343-4000.

Sat. 05/12 Craig Shoemaker The comedian performs 6 and 9:30 p.m. at Sellersville Theater 1894, 24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville; 215257-5808. Mark Lanegan The alt-singer-songwriter performs 8 p.m. at TLA, 334 South St.; 215-9221011.


Patti Labelle and Johnny Gill The R&B singers perform 8 p.m. at Boardwalk Hall, 2301 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-348-7000. Sleigh Bells The electrorock band performs 8 p.m. at House of Blues, 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-343-4000. The Return of Hiedi Ho The drag performer holds court 10 p.m. at Beagle Tavern, 1003 E. Main St., Norristown; 610272-3133.

Sun. 05/13 Philly Rising Showcase Local musicians perform 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400.

ALL IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS: The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts presents the illusionist dance company MOMIX performing new works about water and re-imagined classic pieces from its impressive 30-year history, May 17-20 at Zellerbach Theatre, 3680 Walnut St. For more information or tickets, call 215-898-3900.

Mon. 05/14 Chamber Music, Art and Androgyny EnSemBle M performs a concert combining music, visual art and a discussion on the subject of androgyny, 7 p.m. at William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220. Groove Night Local musicians join forces to bring the R&B, soul, jazz and funk, 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400. Dirty Dancing The film is screened 8 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215922-6888. Lipstick Mondays A weekly drag show featuring a changing roster of queens takes the stage 9 p.m. at The Raven, 385 W. Bridge St., New Hope; 215862-2081.

Tue. 05/15

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Unlabeled: The Acoustic/ Electric Open Mic for Up and Comers Sign up and play, 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400.

The Used The rock band performs 8 p.m. at TLA, 334 South St.; 215-922-1011. TuesGAY Nights Lyrics Lounge and DJ June Rodrigues host a weekly night of music and performers for the LGBT community, 8 p.m., 6527 Roosevelt Blvd.; 215-533-5888.

reading of her latest novel, “Home,” 7:30 p.m. at Central Library, 1901 Vine St.; 215567-4341.

Holler! An open-mic night, 8 p.m. at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; 215-923-2960.

Chickenfoot The rock band performs 8 p.m. at House of Blues, 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-343-4000.

Leann Rimes The country singer performs at 8 p.m. at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave.; 215-5727650.

Wed. 05/16 4W5 Blues Jam Local musicians get down 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400.

Thu. 05/17 Terry Tempest Williams The author of “When Women Were Birds: Fiftyfour Variations on Voice” hosts a reading 7:30 p.m. at Central Library, 1901 Vine St.; 215567-4341. Bob and Barbara’s Drag Show The outrageousness begins 11 p.m. at Bob and Barbara’s, 1509 South St.; 215545-4511.

Fri. 05/18 Toni Morrison The renowned author of “Beloved” hosts a

UNSUNG HERO: The documentary film “Brother Outsider” has introduced millions of viewers around the world to the life and work of Bayard Rustin, a strategist and activist who has been called “the unknown hero” of the civil-rights movement. A disciple of Gandhi, a mentor to Martin Luther King Jr. and the architect of the 1963 March on Washington, Rustin dared to live as an openly gay man during the fiercely homophobic 1940s, ’50s and ’60s. This year marks the 100th anniversary of Rustin’s birth. Catch a screening of “Brother Outsider” 6 p.m. at The African American Museum of Philadelphia, 701 Arch St. RSVP for the screening at 215732-2220 or


Opening Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story Walnut Street Theater presents the story of the early rock ’n’ roll star May 15-July 15, 825 Walnut St.; 215-574-3550. Celebrating Dutoit The Philadelphia Orchestra performs through May 17-19 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; 215-790-5800. MOMIX The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts presents the illusionist dance company May 17-20 at Zellerbach Theatre, 3680 Walnut St.; 215-898-3900.

Continuing A Grand Night for Singing Walnut Street Theater presents Broadway’s tribute to the genius of Rodgers & Hammerstein through July 1 at Independence Studio on 3, 825 Walnut St.; 215-574-3550. Collab: Four Decades of Giving Modern and Contemporary Design Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an

Rent Bristol Riverside Theater presents the Tony Award-winning musical about a generation coming of age in New York City during the dawn of AIDS, through June 3, 120 Radcliffe St., Bristol; 215-785-6664.

Conestoga Road, Malvern; 610-6443500.

Secret Garden Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition uniting works in fiber by Ted Hallman, Sheila Hicks and Jim Hodges, through July, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100.

Elektra The Philadelphia Orchestra performs through May 12 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; 215-790-5800.

Spring Awakening Ninteenth-century German students explore their lives and loves, through May 20 at Media Theatre, 104 E. State St.; 610891-0100. Titus Andronicus The Philadelphia Shakespeare Company presents Shakespeare’s violent and rarely performed masterpiece through May 19, 2111 Sansom St.; 215-496-9722. Twelfth Night The Philadelphia Shakespeare Company presents The Bard’s meditation on romantic delusion involving a woman disguised as a man through May 20, 2111 Sansom St.; 215-496-9722. STILL SPICY: Catch alt-rock icons The Red Hot Chili Peppers on tour in support of new album “I’m With You” when they come through town 8 p.m. May 11 at Wells Fargo Center, 3601 S. Broad St. For more information or tickets, call 215-389-9543.

exhibition that includes some of the finest examples of European, American and Japanese design, through fall 2012, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. From Asbury Park to the Promised Land: The Life and Music of Bruce Springsteen The National Constitution Center presents an exhibition looking at The Boss’ entire career, with numerous items never before seen by the public, through Sept. 3, 525 Arch St., Independence Mall; 215-409-6895.

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Out & About Listings, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 fax: 215-925-6437; or e-mail: Notices cannot be taken over the phone.

Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

A Wrinkle in Time People’s Light and Theatre Company presents an adaptation of beloved novel by Madeleine L’Engle, an adventure through space and time with three children, each with a special gift, through May 20, 39 from page 35


Girls Night: The Musical The popular musical runs through May 13 at Kimmel’s Innovation Studio, 260 S. Broad St.; 215-7905800. Michael Winslow The comedian from “Police Academy” performs through May 12 at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; 215-496-9001. Peter Pan The Pennsylvania Ballet performs the classic children’s story through May 13 at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St.; 215-790-5800. Riverdance The blockbuster stage spectacle comes to Philadelphia for the final time through May 13 at Merriam Theater, 250 S. Broad St.; 215-7905800. ■

THE VOICE: Before Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, Christina Aguilera, Cyndi Lauper and Grace Jones, there was Patti Labelle, the original diva with the killer vocal range, outrageous fashion sense and the hits to back it all up. Check out R&B royalty when the singer performs with opening act Johnny Gill 8 p.m. May 12 at Boardwalk Hall, 2301 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N.J. For more information or tickets, call 609-348-7000.




Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

Community Bulletin Board Community centers

■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held 4-8 p.m. MondayFriday; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday-Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; 215-545-4331 ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St.; 215-898-5044;, Hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday

and Allies Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; 215-957-7981;

■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220; Hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Peer counseling: 6-9 p.m. Monday through Friday Library hours: 12-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 12-3 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. Friday; 126 p.m. Saturday. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

Religion/Spirituality Arch Street United Methodist Church Services 8:30 and 11 a.m. at 55 N. Broad St.; 215-568-6250. Bethlehem-Judah Ministries Open and affirming congregation holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 5091 N. Dupont Hwy., Suite D, Dover, Del.; 302-730-4425. BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Church Services 10:15 a.m. at 2040 Street Road, Warrington; 215-3430406. Calvary United Methodist Church Reconciling, welcoming and affirming church holds services 11 a.m. Sundays at 801 S. 48th St.; 215-724-1702.

Key numbers

■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: 856-933-9500 ext. 221

■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: 215-732-TALK

■ AIDS Library: 215-985-4851

■ Mayor’s Director of LGBT Affairs: Gloria Casarez, 215-6862194;; Fax: 215-686-2555

■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: 215592-1513 ■ AIDS Treatment Fact line: 1800-662-6080 ■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: 215-685-1633 ■ The COLOURS Organization Inc.: 112 N. Broad St., third floor; 215-496-0330 ■ Equality Pennsylvania: 215731-1447; ■ Equality Forum: 215-732-3378

■ Mazzoni Center: 215-563-0652; Legal Services: 215-563-0657, 866-LGBTLAW; legalservices@mazzonicenter. org ■ Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine: 215-563-0658 ■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): 215-572-1833


AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., Suite 205; 215-629-2300. Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; 12-6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St. 215851-1822 or 866-222-3871. Spanish/English HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; 215-685-1803. HIV health insurance help Access to free medications and confidential HIV testing

■ Greater Philadelphia Professional Network Networking group for area business professionals, self-employed and business owners meets monthly in a different location throughout the city, invites speakers on various topics, partners with other nonprofits and maintains a Web site where everyone is invited to sign up for e-mail notices for activities and events.;

■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Deputy Commissioner Stephen Johnson: 215-683-2840 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: 215-760-3686; ppd. ■ Philly Pride Presents: 215875-9288 ■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: 717-9209537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: 215-732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: 215-686-4670

Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 3439 N. Hutchinson St..; 215-763-8870 ext. 6000.

■ Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia GALLOP holds board meetings at 6:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at 100 S. Broad St., Suite 1810; GALLOP also provides a free referral service; (215) 6279090;

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: 215-772-2000

Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 21 S. 12th St., eighth floor; 215-563-0652. Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine Comprehensive primary health care, preventive health services, gynecology, sexual-health services and chronic-disease management, including comprehensive HIV care; 809 Locust St.; 215-563-0658. Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday except for 12-1 p.m. and 5-6 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; 215-985-9206.

Professional groups ■ Independence Business Alliance Greater Philadelphia’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce, providing networking, business development, marketing, educational and advocacy opportunities for LGBT and LGBT-friendly businesses and professionals. Visit for information about events, programs and membership; 215-557-0190; 1717 Arch St., Suite 3370. ■ National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association The Philadelphia chapter of NLGJA, open to professionals

and students, meets for social and networking events; ■ Philadelphia Gay Tourism Caucus A regional organization dedicated to promoting gay and lesbian tourism to the Greater Philadelphia Region, holds meetings every other month on the fourth Thursday (January, March, May, July, September and the third Thursday in November), open to the public; P.O. Box 58143, Philadelphia, PA 19102; ■ Philly OutGoing Professionals Social group for gay, lesbian and bisexual professionals meets for social and cultural activities; 856857-9283; popnews19@yahoo. com.

Old First Reformed Church Open and affirming United Church worships 10 a.m. at 151 N. Fourth St.; 215-922-4566; Penns Park United Methodist Church Welcoming and affirming church holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 2394 Second Street Pike, Penns Park; 215-598-7601. Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral Progressive and affirming congregation holds services 10 a.m. Sundays with Holy Eucharist at 3723 Chestnut St.; 215-386-0234;

Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church Services 11 a.m. and Spirit at Play, an arts-based Sunday school for children, at 9:30 a.m. at 8812 Germantown Ave.; 215-242-9321.

Rainbow Buddhist Meditation Group Meets 5 p.m. Sundays at the William Way Center.

Church of the Holy Trinity Inclusive church holds services 8:30 and 11 a.m. Sundays at 1904 Walnut St.; 215-567-1267. Dignity Jersey Shore An organization for sexual-minority Catholics meets the first Saturday of the month in Asbury Park. For time and location, call 732-502-0305. Dignity Metro NJ An organization for sexual-minority Catholics meets 4 p.m. first and third Sundays of the month at St. George’s Episcopal Church, 550 Ridgewood Road, Maplewood; 973-509-0118. Dignity Philadelphia Holds Mass 7 p.m. Sundays at 330 S. 13th St.; 215-546-2093; Drexel Hill Baptist Church Nonjudgmental Christian congregation affiliated with American Baptist Churches of the USA holds services 11 a.m. Sundays at 4400 State Road, Drexel Hill; 610-259-2356; Emanuel Lutheran Church Reconciling in Christ congregation meets 9:30 a.m. Sundays at New and Kirkpatrick streets, New Brunswick, N.J.; 732-545-2673; St. Paul Episcopal Church Welcoming and inclusive church holds services 9:30 a.m. Sundays and 7 p.m. Tuesdays at 89 Pinewood Drive, Levittown; 215-6881796;

available by appointment at 13 S. MacDade Blvd., Suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; 610-5869077.

Metropolitan Community Church of Philadelphia Holds services 1 p.m. Sundays at the University Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, 3637 Chestnut St.; 215-294-2020; www.

Central Baptist Church Welcoming and affirming church holds services 10:45 a.m. Sundays at 106 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne; 610-688-0664.

Church of the Crucifixion Inclusive Episcopal community holds services 10 a.m. Sundays and 6 p.m. Fridays at 620 S. Eighth St.; 215-922-1128.

■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: 215-587-9377

Metropolitan Community Church of Christ the Liberator Holds services 10:45 a.m. Sundays at the Pride Center of New Jersey;

Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting worships 11 a.m. Sundays at 1515 Cherry St.; 215-241-7260; Resurrection Lutheran Church Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 620 Welsh Road, Horsham; 215-646-2597. Silverside Church Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays followed by a group discussion at 2800 Silverside Road, Wilmington, Del.; 302-478-5921; St. Asaph’s Church Inclusive and progressive Episcopal church holds services 9:15 a.m. Sundays, with a contemplative communion at 8 a.m., at 27 Conshohocken State Road, Bala Cynwyd; 610-664-0966; www. St. John’s Lutheran Church (ELCA) Reconciling in Christ congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 24 N. Ridge Ave., Ambler; 215-646-2451; www. St. Luke and The Epiphany Church Open and welcoming church holds liturgy 9 and 11 a.m. Sundays fall through winter at 330 S. 13th St.; 215-732-1918; St. Mary of Grace Parish Inclusive church in the Catholic tradition celebrates Mass 6 p.m. Sundays in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County, 145 W. Rose Tree Road, Media; 610-566-1393; www.

Evangelicals Concerned Lesbian and gay Christian group; 215-860-7445.

St. Mary’s Church Diverse and inclusive Episcopal church celebrates the Eucharist 11 a.m. Sundays; adult forum 9:30 a.m.; and evening prayer 6:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday at 3916 Locust Walk; 215-386-3916; www.

First Baptist Church Welcoming and affirming church holds services 11 a.m. Sundays at 123 S. 17th St.; 215-563-3853.

Tabernacle United Church Open and affirming congregation holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 3700 Chestnut St.; 215-386-4100;

First Presbyterian Church of Lansdowne Welcoming church holds services at 10 a.m. Sundays at 140 N. Lansdowne Ave.; 610-626-0800;

Trinity Memorial Episcopal Church Christian Formation: Adult, 9:30 a.m.; Children: 10:30; Youth: Noon Sundays. Worship with nursery care 10:30. First Sunday of the month, 7 p.m. Mosaic: jazz with poetry and prose; 2212 Spruce St.; 215-732-2515;

First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia A liberal, welcoming and diverse congregation that affirms the dignity of all. Sunday services 10 a.m., 2125 Chestnut St.; 215563-3980; The First United Church of Germantown A sexual-minority-affirming congregation holds services 11 a.m. Sundays at 6001 Germantown Ave.; lunch follows; 215-438-3077. Grace Epiphany Church A welcoming and diverse Episcopal congregation in Mt. Airy with services 9:30 a.m. Sundays at 224 E. Gowen Ave.; 215-248-2950. Holy Communion Lutheran Church ELCA Reconciling in Christ congregation worships Sundays at 9 a.m. at 2111 Sansom St. and 11 a.m. at 2110 Chestnut St.; 215-567-3668; Imago Dei Metropolitan Community Church Sexual-minority congregation worships at 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 1223 Middletown Road (Route 352), Glen Mills; 610-358-1716; Living Water United Church of Christ An open and affirming congregation that meets for worship 11 a.m. on Sundays; 2006 Germantown Ave.; 215-765-1970; www. Kol Tzedek Reconstructionist synagogue committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community meets at Calvary Center, 801 S. 48th St.; 215764-6364; Mainline Unitarian Church Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 816 S. Valley Forge Road, Devon; 610-688-8332; Maple Shade Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ Affirming congregation open to all sexual orientations and gender identities holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 45 N. Forklanding Road, Maple Shade, N.J.; 856-779-7739;

Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County Welcoming congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. at 145 W. Rose Tree Road, Media. Interweave, a group for LGBT parishioners and allies, meets noon the first Sunday of the month; 610-566-4853; Unitarian Society of Germantown Welcoming congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 6511 Lincoln Drive; 215-844-1157; Unitarian Universalist Church of Cherry Hill Holds services 10:15 a.m. Interweave, a group of LGBT Unitarians and their allies, also meets at 401 N. Kings Highway, Cherry Hill, N.J.; 856-667-3618; Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration, Mt. Airy Welcoming congregation holds services 11 a.m. Sundays September-June at 6900 Stenton Ave.; 215-247-2561; www. Unitarian Universalist Congregation, South Jersey Shore Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays in Galloway Township; 609-9659400; Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown Holds services 10:30 a.m. at 1565 S. Keim St.; 610-327-2662. United Christian Church Open, affirming and welcoming congregation holds services 10:15 a.m. Sundays at 8525 New Falls Road, Levittown; 215-946-6800. Unity Fellowship Church of Philadelphia Diverse, affirming LGBT congregation holds services 2 p.m. Sundays at 55 N. Broad St. University Lutheran Church of the Incarnation Welcoming congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 3637 Chestnut St. preceded by “Adult Forum: Sundays” at 9:30 with discussion of religious alienation and struggles of faith; 215387-2885;






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Home of the Week

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Real Estate Company: Coldwell Banker

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Melissa Young

428 West Browning St Prudential Fox Roach Collingswood NJ 1 West Main St, 08057 Office: 856 234 0011 Cell: 267 259 2432 REAL ESTATE




COLLINGSWOOD, NJ Sunny, 3BR townhouse across the street from speedline, walking distance to town, restaurants, shops, parks and library. Wood floors, newly painted, full basement, W/D.

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Call Lee @ 856-905-1991


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Realtor: Dan Tobey Phone: 215.546.2700 Direct: 267.238.1061

Historical estate with additional carriage house

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New totally renovated 2BR/ 1BA Certified Energy Efficient home. Large, bright rooms, rear patio, convenient to all!and Center City. REDUCED! Now $184,900

Beds: 2 Baths: 2 Price: $184,900


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Featured property:




Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

Have an opinion? E-mail us at



FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT STYLED HOME On 2 acres in Bucks County. Beautiful home in Upper Southampton. Wake up to birds singing and sheep in the back yard. Enjoy the peaceful setting as you sit on your back porch. House backs up to 6 acres of woods that will remain undeveloped forever. Quiet Quaker founded community, ideal for both adults & families with children. Close to center city via I-95 or 10 mins. to SEPTA train station. 3 bedrooms,1.5 baths,office and huge LR/DR combination with 3 sided fireplace. Offered at $329,500. Will email pictures upon request, newhew@aol. com or 215-357-2528. _______________________________36-19 Virginia Seaside Lots: Spectacular 3+ acre estate lots in exclusive development on the seaside (the mainland) overlooking Chincoteague Bay, islands and ocean beyond. Gated entrance, caretaker, private paved roads, community pier, pool and club house which includes 2-bedroom guest suites for property owners. Great climate, fishing, clamming and National Seashore beaches nearby. Just 30 miles south of Ocean City, Md. Absolute buy of a lifetime, recent bank sale makes these lots available at 1/3 original price! Priced at only $49,000 to $65,000. For info call (757)824-5284 Email:, pictures on website: _______________________________36-19 Upstate NY Land Sale “Sportsman Bargain” 3 acres w/ cozy cabin, Close access to Oneida Lake -$17,995. “Large River” -over 900 ft. 18 acres along fishing/swimming river -$49,995. “Timberland Investment” -90 acres deer sanctuary, beautiful timber studs, small creek -$99,995. Over 100 new properties. Call 800229-7843 Or visit _______________________________36-19





Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012

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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012







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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012







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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012







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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012







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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012







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Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012





Open House Sunday May 6, 2012 Noon-2:30PM The Lenox Condominiums 250 S. 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Condos from $175,000 Rentals from $1,800/mo 422 Dickinson St, Philadelphia, PA 19147 3BR/2.5BA house Gorgeous renovation located in S. Philly REDUCED! Now $299,900


1542 Christian Street, Unit B, Philadelphia, PA 19146 2BR/2BA townhouse-style condo



1443 S Bancroft Street, Philadelphia, PA 19146 Completely rehabbed 2BR/1.5 home in Lower Graduate area $189,900


1007 S Fairhill Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147 Brand new construction 3BR/2.5BA townhouse in the Queen Village area $400,000

Search all Philadelphia area listings @ Dan Tobey

The Curtis Center 1401 Walnut St. 8th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102

215.546.2700 Business • 267.238.1061 Direct 215.432.7151 Cell • 215.546.7728 Fax •








Listings for everything you need. Click on the resource button on the home page to start shopping today!





LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. _______________________________36-19 SERIOUSLY Is there anyone out there who wants more than a one-night stand? Please call 215677-5610. _______________________________36-19 SEEKING WM in 50’s seeks younger men, Asians, Latinos & Mexicans a +, for friendship & fun. Enjoy arts, travel & outdoors. 856-547-4163. No calls after 11. _______________________________36-20 If you are WM, very husky, big build, nice full moon butt, to age 58, call me. I’m a WM, 58, 6’1”, 215. 215-732-2108, 8-11 PM. _______________________________36-19 Senior WM ISO same who would like to receive oral stress relief. Call Walt at 856-761-7616. NJ only. _______________________________36-22 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. _______________________________36-22

Handsome Certified Therapist 6’, 195 lbs, Muscle Gives Sensual / Therapeutic Massage

Call 215-432-6030


only on

Hot Italian stud does massage for stress and relaxation. 717-866-7309. _______________________________36-20









Barrons Urban Warehouse Friday, May 19th, 2012 • TIME: 10pm-6am - Always Bringing In The Sexy Black & Latin Men for The Evening* MUST BE ON GUEST LIST TO GAIN ENTRANCE TO BARRONS URBAN WAREHOUSE PARTIES. (PRIVATE EVENT: For More Information & to be put onto guest list email:

P.A.N.G. (Philadelphia Nudist Group) Sunday, May 20th, 2012 • TIME: 3pm-6pm Boys Will Be Boys! Awaken Your Spirt with an Afternoon of Naked Socializing & Fun!

BUSINESS MANS 4HR LOCKER SPECIAL Mon. thru Friday (8am-4pm) Members: $5.00 & Non-Members: $15.00 $12 Locker Wed. & Thurs., 4pm-12 Midnight LATE NIGHT CREEP Monday - Thursday (12 Midnight - 8am) Members: $9.00 & Non-Members: $19.00 HALF PRICE ROOMS Tuesday ( 6am- 12 Midnight) Members: $12.50 & Non-Members: $22.50 $12 FLAT RATE LOCKERS 4pm -12 Midnight, Wednesday &Thursday Check out our website for our HOT NEW WEEKLY SPECIALS & JOIN OUR e-mail List to get the latest information on upcoming events...

Don’t forget to visit the Adonis Cinema right next door!! 2026 Sansom St/ PH: 215-557-9319

And if you are in A.C., please check out:

10 South Mt. Vernon Avenue •Atlantic City, NJ 08401

OPEN DAILY! Sunday- Thursday 4pm to 4am Friday & Saturday 4pm to 6am






12TH & DICKINSON AREA Furnished Townhouse for rent: 3 levels. Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath. Very Unique. 1500. mo plus util. (negotiable). Call 215 468-9166 after 6 pm. or 215 686 3431 daytime. _______________________________36-20 RITTENHOUSE SQUARE AREA Studios & 1 Bedrooms - Call for Availability (215) 735-8050 _______________________________36-30 6XX CARPENTER ST. RENTAL 4 BR, loft, laundry, deck, large yard, full size fin. bsmt., 1 full bath, 4 powder rms. MLS# 5992714. 215-468-7468, _______________________________36-19 2 BEDROOM CC APT. Juniper and Spruce - 2 bedroom/2 bathroom apt for rent in mid-May. D/W, washer dryer, new carpets. Spacious apartment, balcony, city view in great doorman building. $1,895 mo + security deposit. 267-262-1789. _______________________________36-20

OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102 Online reservations: _______________________________36-19


ROOMMATES PGN WILL NOT PUBLISH RACIAL DISTINCTIONS IN ROOMMATE ADS. SUCH NOTATIONS WILL BE EDITED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ___________________________________ GREATER NE PHILA. Have your own bedroom in a beautiful split level home with 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 full baths, W/D, upper and lower decks, use of kitchen. Property is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 min. to 58 bus. We ask only that you be at least reasonably neat and employed. Rent is $600 + 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. _______________________________36-22 COLLEGEVILLE, PA, $680 Seeking male for private room and bath. 2 males seeking a third to share expenses in a 3200 sq. ft. 2 story home. Utils. incl. Beautiful home in a great neighborhood. Full house priv. Beautiful landscaping, prvt. back yard w/inground pool & Jacuzzi. A must see property. Call 484-635-7588 for more info. _______________________________36-19


FOR SALE SAWMILLS From only $3997-MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: 1-800-578-1363 Ext.300N. _______________________________36-19

SERVICES EARN COLLEGE DEGREE ONLINE *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV Certified. Call 888-220-3984. _______________________________36-19 AIRLINE CAREERS Begin here-Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified-Housing available. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-834-9715 _______________________________36-19

ADOPTION Are you pregnant? Considering adoption? A childless married couple seeks to ADOPT. Financial security. Expenses paid. Let’s help each other. Call Christine & Adam. 1-800790-5260. _______________________________36-19


TO BUY WANTED UNEXPIRED DIABETIC TEST STRIPS Up to $26.00/Box. PRE-PAID SHIPPING LABELS. Hablamo Espanol. 1-800-266-0702 _______________________________36-19

Over 18? A can’t miss limited opportunity to travel with a successful young business group. Paid training. Transportation/lodging provided. Unlimited income potential. Call 1-877-646-5050. _______________________________36-19 Class-A Team Drivers- Dedicated runs to Morton, IL. $1,000/week. $500 Sign On Bonus. Home Weekly. Consistent Miles/Freight. Day one medical. 866-331-3335. www.drivecrst. com _______________________________36-19 NEW TO TRUCKING? Your new career starts now! *$0 Tuition Cost *No Credit Check *Great Pay & Benefits. Short employment commitment required. Call: (866)447-0377 _______________________________36-19 Drivers - Knight Offers Hometime Choices: Express lanes, 7/ON-7/OFF, 14/ON-7/OFF, WEEKLY. Full and Part Time. Daily Pay! CDL-A, 3 months recent experience required. 800-414-9569 _______________________________36-19 CDL-A DRIVERS NEEDED! Up to $3,000 Sign-On Bonus for Qualified Drivers! 6 mo OTR exp. req’d. CALL OR APPLY ONLINE 877-521-5775 _______________________________36-19 Exp. Reefer Drivers: GREAT PAY /Freight lanes from Presque Isle, ME, Boston-Lehigh, PA. 800-277-0212 or _______________________________36-19 Combined Insurance is looking for agent and sales management candidates. New Agent Training. Subsidy Bonus Program, training, benefits, leads. Contact Rebecca at 412-4438376. EOE. _______________________________36-19 Drivers - CDL-A. TEAM with TOTAL! *MILES *EQUIPMENT *BENEFITS $.50/mile for Hazmat Teams. Solo drivers also needed! 800-942-2104 Ext. 7307 or 7308 www. _______________________________36-19 Drivers: Sign On Bonus $2000 - $7500. Solo & Teams. 1 year OTR. CDL-A-Hazmat Up to .513 877-628-3748 _______________________________36-19

AUTOS Honda 1988 GL1500 motorbike for free. If interested, please contact revpson22@gmail. com _______________________________36-20

Tired of eating at the same old dives? Thinking about hitting a new hot spot? We’ll tell you what we liked — and didn’t

Dining Out Read PGN’s food reviews every second and fourth week of the month

Only in

Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012





PGN currently has an advertising sales position available for an energetic, self-motivated individual with outstanding communication skills. Our ideal candidate must have polished sales skills with experience in lead generation and cold calling, combined with a track record of closing the sale. QUALIFICATIONS:

• Two years of successful sales experience, preferably in print and/or online sales • Strong verbal and writing skills • Excellent at relationship building • Ability to work independently and part of a team • Knowledge of local media market and/or LGBT community a plus • Computer literacy a must Salary/Benefits: Salary plus commission. Our benefits package includes medical and dental insurance, paid holidays, vacation and a casual work environment. Qualified individuals interested in applying are encouraged to send their resume to

Online. Anytime.

Also check out our mobile site from your iPhone or Android device.


Philadelphia Gay News May 11-17, 2012


There is no ci y more Divine han Bal imore. ������������������������������������������������������������������� �������� ���� ����� ����� ������ ������� ����������� ���� ����� ����� ��������� ����� ����������� ����� ����������� ���������� ����� ������ ����������������������������������������������������������� ����� �� ����������������� ������� ��� �������� �������� ��� ����������� ���������� ���� ������ ���������� ������� ����� �������� ��������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������� ������ ����� ���� ���� ����� ���� ��� �������� ��� ������� ���� ������� ��� ���� ����� ������ ������� ���������� ���� ������ ��� ������������ �������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������� 1-877-Bal imore ���������Bal .

“Divine” sculpture by Andrew Logan

See you a Philly Pride, June 10, 2012 • Learn more a Bal .

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