PGN July 1-6 , 2016

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pgn Philadelphia Gay News LGBT NEWS SINCE 1976

Vol. 40 No. 27 July 1-7, 2016

• CDC numbers on HIV infections under scrutiny PAGE 2

• IBA recognizes Sellers Dorsey with inaugural Integrity Award PAGE 5

HONESTY • INTEGRITY • PROFESSIONALISM Projections on qFLIX films this year PAGE 49

Casey talks strategy on Equality Act By Paige Cooperstein U.S. Sen. Bob Casey said lawmakers could find new ways to push the Equality Act with lessons they learned in recent weeks — through a House sit-in on gun reform and a Senate Democratic proceeding involving Judge Merrick Garland, the Supreme Court nominee whom Republicans have refused to consider. “ We ’ r e g e t t i n g smarter and more SEN. CASEY ADDRESSING COMMUNITY MEMBERS AT THE JOHN C. effective at using other ANDERSON APARTMENTS JUNE 28. Photo: Scott A. Drake strategies that other senior apartments listening to community conpeople have used in years past to create attention and focus,” Casey cerns about LGBT homeless youth, funding for told about 50 LGBT advocates gathered June 27 programs and passing nondiscrimination protections at the state and federal levels. Casey wanted at the John C. Anderson Apartments. PAGE 9 The senator spent an hour at the LGBT-friendly to connect with the LGBT com-

Family Portrait: James Duggan shares big ideas regarding the big screen PAGE 55

PA Sen. pegged as roadblock for LGBT nondiscrimination By Paige Cooperstein

LGBT-nondiscrimination protections in housing and employment were expected to reach the Senate floor for a vote this week, but were blocked and look likely to stall for the rest of the summer. Equality Pennsylvania, a statewide LGBT organization, points the finger at state Sen. Lisa Baker, a Luzerne County Republican who chairs the Labor and Industry Committee. “She’s trying to take a step backward,” said Levana Layendecker, deputy director of Equality Pennsylvania. “She’s basically telling [the Senate] to hold the legislation that already passed out of committee because she wants to hold

her own hearing.” The bill for housing protections made its way out of the Urban Affairs and Housing Committee earlier this month with an amendment to include employment protections. The Labor and Industry Committee still has a separate bill pending for LGBTnondiscrimination protections in employment, and the State Government Committee has a bill for public-accommodation protections. State Sen. Mike Folmer, a Lebanon County Republican who chairs the State Government Committee, has not scheduled a committee vote on the public-accommodations bill. Layendecker said Equality Pennsylvania is PAGE 15

Will D.A. produce its certified Morris records? By Timothy Cwiek A judge last week upheld a state agency’s order that the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office produce certified records relating to the Nizah Morris incident. But additional litigation may be necessary to ensure the records are produced. Officer Elizabeth Skala gave Morris a “courtesy ride” during the early-morning hours of Dec. 22, 2002. Shortly after the ride, Morris was found by passersby with a fatal head wound. The trans woman’s homicide remains unsolved. Inexplicably, Skala initiated a traffic stop at 13th and Market streets, though she was still assigned to Morris, who was critically injured and fighting for her life at 16th and Walnut streets. In August, the state Office of Open Records ordered the D.A. to produce certified dispatch records for Skala’s traffic stop. But the D.A. appealed that order in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court.

On June 20, Common Pleas Judge Linda A. Carpenter upheld the OOR order. The judge also ruled that the D.A. certified its records for Skala’s traffic stop in a February 2015 declaration. The declaration certifies that the D.A.’s only computer-aided dispatch records for Skala’s traffic stop are incomplete and were provided to the D.A. by PGN in 2013. However, no records accompany the declaration, though it states under penalty of perjury that records are attached. During oral arguments in April, PGN said the D.A. should produce the records that were supposed to be attached to the declaration. Otherwise, the D.A. hasn’t demonstrated that it’s not withholding records for Skala’s traffic stop. In a June 24 email, the D.A.’s Office indicated it won’t produce the records referred to in its February 2015 declaration. “ T h e DAO h a s r ev i ew e d J u d g e Carpenter’s opinion which clearly states that the DAO cannot certify the authenticity PAGE 7 of a document it did not

PILLOW TALK: At Philadelphia City Hall Wednesday, Congressman Bob Brady tested out a new pillow given to him by CeaseFirePA, which hosted an event to thank Brady and Congressman Brendan Boyle for their work to support gun control. Both were among a group of federal lawmakers who took part in a sit-in on the House floor last week to demand stricter gun-control laws, prompted largely by the shooting last month at an Orlando LGBT club. “A moment of silence for victims isn’t action,” Brady told the crowd. “I’ll tell them where they can stick their moment of silence [pointed to the ground]. Right there. Where I was sitting on the chamber floor.” Photo: Scott A. Drake


Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


Local AIDS worker: CDC numbers ‘do not represent a certainty’ By Paige Cooperstein One in two black men who have sex with men and one in four Latino men who have sex with men will develop AIDS in their lifetime, according to statistics released this year by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Those numbers have been touted as a call to action at several events, from Philadelphia Black Pride in April to the activities in June for AIDS Education Month. A panel organized by Ibrahim Vicks, an intern with GALAEI: A Queer Latin@ Social Justice Organization, sought to unpack what they mean. “First of all, these numbers do not represent a certainty,” said Derick Wilson, manager of training and special initiatives at the AIDS Activities Coordinating Office. “They represent a trajectory we’re on if we do not change … The good news is we do have the tools and ability to change the trajectory right now.” The four other panelists were Anthony Leon and Christopher Kyle from Mazzoni Center; Tanner Nassau, an epidemiologist with AACO; and Louie A. Ortiz-Fonseca, an early employee of GALAEI who now works in Washington, D.C. Nassau explained the three main sources for the CDC’s statistics. The data came from the U.S. Census, the

News Briefing State Senate committee amends abuse bill The state Senate Judiciary Committee this week removed a controversial provision from a bill that would have allowed the reviving of time-barred civil claims alleging child sex abuse in Pennsylvania. In a 9-4 vote, committeemembers passed an amendment to HB 1947 that deleted the provision. Some committeemembers expressed concern about the provision’s constitutionality. After the provision was deleted, the commitee unanimously approved the bill, and it’s expected to be voted on by the full state Senate. The amended bill still allows people up to age 50 to file civil suits alleging child sex abuse, and it lifts all time limits for filing criminal charges.

National HIV Surveillance System from 2009-13 and mortality rates. The CDC looked at all males over age 13, Nassau said, and conducted a meta analysis of previous research on the amount of men who have sex with men, called MSM. The CDC identified 6.9 percent of males over 13 as MSM. “That number is consistent across all races,” Nassau said. A further calculation required dividing the number of individuals diagnosed with HIV between 2009-13 by 6.9 percent. Nassau said there were complicated calculations regarding mortality rates and evaluating an individual’s risk of infection, but he wanted to share a broad overview of how the CDC arrived at its statistics. The other panelists spoke about their frustration with siloed funding and not enough focus on poverty and behavioral health as contributing factors to HIV infection. They talked about the need to rearrange the business model of AIDS organizations so it does not reward them for testing more people who are HIVpositive. Coleman Terrell, acting director of AACO, said Philadelphia has combined separate funding for mental health and medical care. That has allowed for behavior-health specialists in an infectious-disease clinic as opposed to a mental-health center. He broke down his agency’s $42-mil-

lion annual budget. Terrell said a couple million dollars goes toward surveillance activity, like the National HIV Surveillance System, which is a CDC program. About $25 million goes to care for people living with HIV and the remainder is for prevention services. About $200,000 is spent on condoms and less is spent on incentives like Wawa gift cards for people who agree to get tested for HIV. Terrell added the bulk of the overall funding pays for administrator salaries. “That’s why issues of the workforce are so important for doing this work,” he said. “We really have to listen to the issues that have been coming up in Philadelphia … and how we support people in the work. That’s something that we take very seriously.” The Black and Brown Workers Collective has been protesting Philadelphia FIGHT since May for what it says are racist practices. Shani Akilah Robin, one of the founders of the collective, said Terrell met with group members last week to discuss problems among Philadelphia’s AIDS organizations. In a video posted to the collective’s Facebook page, Robin said she felt the outcome was insufficient, but noted AACO provided a phone number, 1-800-985-2437, that workers can call anonymously to file a complaint that will launch an investigation. n

Attorney Marci A. Hamilton, an advocate for the reform of child sex-abuse laws, blasted the amendment. “The state Senate Judiciary Committee’s amendments are a predator’s best friend,” Hamilton told PGN. “I hope the full Senate understands this is a simple choice between predator and child protection.” State Sen. Stewart J. Greenleaf Jr. (R), who chairs the state Senate Judiciary Committee, refrained from voting on the measure. In a statement, Greenleaf said he wanted to avoid an appearance of a conflict of interest, because he’s associated with a law firm that’s been involved in litigation relating to child sex abuse. “In order to project a positive perception, I voluntarily will no longer participate in any further proceedings regarding HB 1947, nor will I vote on the bill,” Greenleaf said.

a.m. Feb. 27 in Courtroom 802 of the Criminal Justice Center, 1301 Filbert St., with Common Pleas Judge Diana L. Anhalt presiding. Sargent allegedly stabbed to death Williams in July 2013 after a sexual encounter in Sargent’s Strawberry Mansion residence. Then Sargent allegedly dismembered Williams’ body with an ax and deposited her body parts in a nearby vacant lot. Sargent recently filed several motions seeking his release. But according to court records, he remains incarcerated at the Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility in Northeast Philadelphia. Neither side had a comment for this update. — Timothy Cwiek

Trial date set for Sargent

William Way joins Philly4Pulse

A tentative trial date has been set for Charles N. Sargent, who allegedly murdered trans woman Diamond Williams in July 2013. Sargent’s trial is tentatively set for 9

The William Way LGBT Community Center is joining the list of bars in and around the Gayborhood that are banding together for a fundraiser for the victims of the Pulse nightclub shoot- PAGE 6

40 years ago in PGN Philadelphia hosts gay Catholic conference Adapted from reporting by Michael Clark Four workshops exploring justice within the interactions of gay people and the Catholic Church took place Memorial Day weekend 1976 in Philadelphia. It was part of the East Coast Conference of Dignity, a gay Catholic organization with about 5,000 members from 48 chapters. The East Coast conference took place simultaneously with a West Coast conference in San Francisco. About 150 people participated in the Philadelphia event on the University of Pennsylvania campus. Barbara Ferraro, co-chaplain of Dignity Merrimack Valley in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, delivered the opening address. She covered the rights and responsibilities of gay people in the church, saying it’s important for religion to be an integral part of one’s life. The four workshops that followed included: • “Gay Justice within the Catholic Community,” moderated by Father C. Robert Nugent and John Willig from Dignity Washington, D.C. • “Gay Civil Justice,” presented by Tony Silvestre, chairperson of the Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorities • “Justice within the Gay Community,” led by Barbara Gittings, a prominent Philadelphia activist • “Justice Within Gay Lover Relationships,” given by Susan Vasbinder, administrator of the Philadelphia Eromin Center, a professional counseling center for sexual minorities Hundreds descend on Center City for Pride Adapted from reporting by Ed Barnard Beginning and ending at Rittenhouse Square, hundreds of gay men and lesbians marched June 12, 1976, for Gay Pride Day. Several cars were decorated for the occasion and drove with notables like the Rev. Freda Smith of the Metropolitan Community Church and former Air Force Sgt. Leonard Matlovich, who was discharged from the military for being gay. A Mummers band led the parade through its route and garnered much applause. The parade was not marred by any major incidents. Some protestors shouted, “God is with us,” to which Dyketactics members chanted, “2-4-6-8, gay is just as good as straight.” At another point, an elderly woman threw pebbles at the car carrying Matlovich. In a rally after the parade, the mother of gay activist Bill Haught said, “It’s time that the parents of gays came out of the closet and supported their children.” The event concluded with PGN publisher Mark Segal reading Gov. Milton Shapp’s proclamation that June 12-19, 1976, was Gay Pride Week across Pennsylvania. n — compiled by Paige Cooperstein



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016




Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

News & Opinion

2 — News Briefing 10 — Creep of the Week Editorial 11 — Letters/Feedback Mark My Words Street Talk


14 — Queer Faith: Ending queer fear 15 — Out Law: LGBTs take on the NRA 57 — Get Out and Play: Phillies express their Pride

“There’s never been a reported case of anyone getting HIV from a swimming pool. And I think we also need to have a little common sense about HIV transmission. You don’t need to be a scientist to figure out that if people got HIV in a swimming pool, we’d have a lot more cases.”

Arts & Culture

49 — Feature: qFLIX is the reel deal 50 — Comics 53 — Scene in Philly 55 — Family Portrait 56 — Out & About 58 — Q Puzzle

BEST IN SHOW: PGN editor Jen Colletta and art director/photographer Scott Drake accepted the Society of Professional Journalists’ Sigma Delta Chi Award for Deadline Reporting Friday night in Washington, D.C. The pair, along with graphic artist Sean Dorn, were honored by the national organization for their reporting of last summer’s U.S. Supreme Court decision on marriage equality. This is Drake’s second SDX Award, Colletta’s first and the third consecutive win for PGN. Photo: Micheal Ward



Creep of the Week: American Family Association president Tim Wildmon

PGN 505 S. Fourth St. Philadelphia, PA 19147-1506 Phone: 215-625-8501 Fax: 215-925-6437 E-mail: Web:

Publisher Mark Segal (ext. 204) Executive Assistant/ Billing Manager Carol Giunta (ext. 202)


Mike Felker is a gay vet who is campaigning with pride for peace in the streets of Philadelphia.


Jen Colletta (ext. 206) Staff Writers Paige Cooperstein (ext. 215) Larry Nichols (ext. 213) Writer-at-Large Timothy Cwiek (ext. 208)

~ Ronda B. Goldfein, director of the AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania, on an HIV-positive person being denied pool access, page 6

Advertising Manager Greg Dennis (ext. 201) Advertising Sales Representative Jaleesa Hines (ext. 219) Prab Sandhu (ext. 212) Office Manager/ Classifieds Don Pignolet (ext. 200)

qFLIX’s James Duggan talks about why LGBT film festivals are still relevant.

Art Director/ Photographer

Scott A. Drake (ext. 210) 267-736-6743 Graphic Artist Sean Dorn (ext. 211)

Philadelphia Gay News is a member of: The Associated Press Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Suburban Newspapers of America


Tickling fetishes are no laughing matter. They’re serious business — and controversial, as one documentarian learned.

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The views of PGN are expressed only in the unsigned “Editorial” col­umn. Opinions expressed in bylined columns, stories and letters to the editor are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of PGN. The appearance of names or pictorial representations in PGN does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation of that named or pictured person or persons.


Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

New IBA award goes to healthconsulting firm with LGBT foundation

Please join us at the South Street Pop-Up Garden for a special LGBT Pride Night fundraiser for the survivors of the Orlando shooting tragedy. DJ Carl Michaels NEW DATE Drink specials 5-8 p.m. July 5 50-50 and prize raffles INAUGURAL INTEGRITY: Leadership from Sellers Dorsey and Independence Business Alliance celebrated the awarding of the LGBT business chamber’s first Integrity Business Award. Sellers Dorsey is an LGBT-owned health-care consulting firm. The award includes two paid registrations for Sellers Dorsey to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce convention next month. Photo: Scott A. Drake

By Paige Cooperstein When Martin D. Sellers cofounded a health-care consulting firm 15 years ago in Philadelphia, he didn’t give much thought to being a gay-owned business. “We said, ‘We are who we are and let’s go with it,’” Sellers recalled recently. He said in some places it was great to be a gay CEO and in others it raised some eyebrows. “We got a call from one of our strategic partners in Texas who said, ‘You folks are on the news,’” Sellers said. “Now it’s up in the blogosphere that you all are helping gay people sign up for this Obamacare thing.” Again, Sellers said he and his cofounder Brian Dorsey held to the philosophy that they would operate openly. “If people want to do business with us, fine,” Sellers said. “If they don’t, fine. Things will work out. And things have worked out in a really great way.” About 100 people applauded as Sellers Dorsey and Associates received the first Business Integrity Award June 27. The Independence Business Alliance and Integrity Staffing Solutions partnered to present the award, which came with two paid registrations to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce conference in Palm Springs, Calif., in August. Sellers told PGN it’s important to have thriving LGBT chambers of commerce. “All communities need to stick together and help each other grow,” he said. “I hope what we’ve done can be an example for other LGBT people who want to start a business, to show them a path forward.” Sean Montgomery, COO of Integrity Staffing, said the review committee picked Sellers Dorsey for the award because it

“represents the true spirit of the Business Integrity Award based on their hiring practices, their management policies, their community involvement and their philanthropic activities.” “This firm also provides a multitude of pro-bono consulting services to many LGBT organizations and nonprofits,” Montgomery added, noting the Sellers Dorsey Foundation that works to improve health outcomes in the LGBT community with education and grants. Rich Horrow, president of the IBA board, commended the partnership between the local LGBT chamber of commerce and Integrity Staffing, a member business. He noted the 19-year-old staffing company started with three employees in Delaware. It now has more than 500 full-time staffers working in over 100 locations in 25 states. In 2015, Integrity staffed over 140,000 positions at places like Amazon, JP Morgan Chase, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Target. Revenues exceeded $550 million. “They are, by far, the largest LGBTcertified business in this nation,” Horrow said. He also confirmed seven board members who are returning for two-year terms and inducted seven new board members who will start their terms July 1. “Each of you brings great energy and expertise,” Horrow said. “We can’t wait to tap into that and work with you to continue taking the IBA into what is promising to be a very exciting year for us.” The IBA will celebrate its 10th anniversary next year. In the past year, the board hired its first full-time staffers: Zach Wilcha as executive director and Jess Gregan as administrative assistant. The chamber also moved to its own office at 230 S. Broad St. from a shared space at 13th and Walnut streets. n

.. and send your own well wishes or personal message in a card donated by Philly AIDS Thrift and PAT@Giovanni’s Room!

Raffle drawings at 7:30 21+ with ID




Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

HIV-positive woman allegedly denied access to pool By Timothy Cwiek An HIV-positive woman who allegedly was denied access to a swimming pool in Pennsylvania has filed an antibias complaint in federal court. “Bonnie Jones,” 40, an Iraq War veteran, allegedly was denied access to a pool at OSS Orthopaedic Hospital in York, Pa. Jones would have benefited from use of the pool due to health challenges caused by wearing a bulletproof vest for an extended period of time while on active duty in Iraq. The named defendants in her lawsuit are the hospital, Drayer Physical Therapy Institute and Timothy Burch. The hospital performs orthopedic surgeries, and Drayer operates its physical-therapy program. Burch is a physical therapist affiliated with the hospital and/or Drayer. In June 2015, Burch allegedly denied Jones access to the hospital’s therapeutic pool because Jones is HIV-positive. When denying access, Burch allegedly informed several onlookers of Jones’ HIV status.

“Because of your HIV/AIDS, you’re not allowed to go in the pool,” Burch allegedly told Jones within hearing distance of others. “It’s our policy.” The lawsuit states: “Jones was embarrassed by Burch’s disclosure of her health status and offended at the discriminatory policy.” Defendants allegedly violated state and federal laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the state’s HIV Confidentiality Act. The suit demands that the hospital and Drayer stop all unlawful practices, develop antibias and privacy policies and conduct HIV training for all staff. The suit also seeks an unspecified amount in compensatory and punitive damages, and payment of Jones’ legal fees. The suit was filed on behalf of Jones by the AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania. Ronda B. Goldfein, director of the law project, urged a “common-sense” approach to HIV/AIDS. “Yet again, we see somebody in a healthcare setting without a full understanding of

BRIEFING from page 2

how HIV is transmitted,” Goldfein said. “There’s never been a reported case of anyone getting HIV from a swimming pool. And I think we also need to have a little common sense about HIV transmission. You don’t need to be a scientist to figure out that if people got HIV in a swimming pool, we’d have a lot more cases.” Goldfein said Jones continues to be affected by the incident. “She’s really, really upset. But she’s living her life. She’s a tough woman, a combat veteran. And this has really been upsetting to her, partly because it was so unexpected.” Attorneys Sarah R. Schalman-Bergen and Adrian M. Lowe also represent Jones. Charles I. Artz, an attorney for Burch and Drayer Physical Therapy Institute, said his clients deny the allegations. Kelley E. Kaufman, an attorney for the hospital, issued this statement: “OSS Orthopaedic Hospital denies the claims and will defend them in court.” The case has been assigned to U.S. District Judge Yvette Kane, and a bench trial has been requested. n

ing in Orlando. There will be a sober party July 21 at the center, 1315 Spruce St., while 13 bars host various entertainment. The event starts at 7 p.m., with most shows starting at 9 p.m. Confirmed entertainment includes: • ICandy: 18-and-over dance party with drag performances • Tabu: Burlesque performances • The Bike Stop: Leather party • Tavern on Camac: Showtunes party • Voyeur: Drag show headlined by Mimi Imfurst from “RuPaul’s Drag Race” • Woody’s: Latin dance party • Valanni: Kinky Quizzo • Bob and Barbara’s: Drag show headlined by Lisa Lisa • Boxers: Texas Hold ’em Tournament Some additional guest bartenders have also been added to the lineup, including Nellie Fitzpatrick, director of the Philadelphia Office of LGBT Affairs; and state Rep. Brian Sims, the first elected openly gay state lawmaker. For more information, search “Philly4Pulse” on Facebook. n — Paige Cooperstein



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LOCAL PGN MORRIS from page 1

generate and over which it has no legal duty to maintain,” the email states. “The Court opines that the multiple declarations made under penalty of perjury, by the DAO, are sufficient certification under the existing circumstances and, thus, no further certification is required.” Melissa B. Melewsky, media law counsel for the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association, urged the D.A. to produce the records. “The District Attorney should provide the requested records, as ordered by the Office of the Open Records and affirmed by Judge Carpenter,” Melewsky told PGN. “This has been extremely protracted litigation. And it’s a shame. Right-to-Know Law access should be quick, free and result in some measure of accountability. That has not happened in this case.” n

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Women’s Commission includes LGBT appointees By Jen Colletta The membership of Philadelphia’s inaugural Commission for Women was unveiled last week, and the list includes at least two LGBT community members. Twenty-seven women will sit on the panel, 10 of whom, including LGBT community members Kathy Padilla and Anne Wakabayashi, were appointed directly by Mayor Jim Kenney; the other 17 members were chosen by Philadelphia City Councilmembers. The commission was established through a voter-approved change to the city’s Home Rule Charter in the May 2015 election. The ballot question was made possible through legislation led by Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds-Brown. “This is a historic opportunity to bring women to the table of city government in an official leadership capacity,” Reynolds-Brown said in a statement, noting the commission will “provide the foundation for change, including building key relationships and helping to create equitable opportunities for women at all levels of the Philadelphia workforce.” Padilla, who is bisexual and of transgender

background, is the director of the Office of Business Diversity at Philadelphia International Airport. The airport has approximately $300 million in annual expenditures in such areas as concessions and contracts, Padilla said, and her office helped the agency achieve $100 million of diversity participation last year. Diversity will be key to the commission’s work, she said. “It’s indispensible to have queer women represented if we’re going to speak to the issues that all women face,” Padilla said, noting that, while the commission’s focus still needs to be defined, preliminary discussions have included exploration of economic disparity, health care and bodily autonomy. “I’m very excited to be working with this exceptional group on issues important to all queer women,” she said. Wakabayashi, who identifies as a lesbian, is the founding executive director of Emerge Pennsylvania, a statewide affiliate of a national organization focused on recruiting and training women to run for public office. Emerge PA’s training program includes 70 hours of training over the course of six months, including on fundraising, public speaking, messaging and field training.

Wakabayashi is also co-chair of Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club. “I want to look at the issues LGBT women in particular face,” Wakabayashi said about her goals for the commission. “Trans women in Philadelphia are still facing a lot of violence, which I think should be talked about within our work on violence against women. The issues of LGBT women can sometimes get lost in our wider conversations about feminism, so having people at the table to remind everyone else we need to take the community into account is very valuable.” Equal opportunity for women is also a priority, she said. “We need to make sure we’re creating opportunities for women to be involved in city government, on boards, within the private sector. Women need to be actively involved in moving Philadelphia forward. We have so much going on in the city right now, and we have to make sure women are part of that process.” Kenney appointed Jovida Hill, of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, as executive director of the commission, which will be under the Office of Public Engagement, led by Deputy Mayor Dr. Nina Ahmad. n


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Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


SEPTA: We’re pro-LGBT civil rights By Timothy Cwiek

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A SEPTA spokesperson this week said the agency supports LGBT civil rights, even though it doesn’t want to fall under the jurisdiction of the city’s Human Relations Commission, which enforces those rights. “SEPTA has strict, clear policies that forbid discrimination against customers and employers based on sexual orientation or gender identity,” said Andrew Busch. “SEPTA supports allowing transgender individuals to use restrooms appropriate to their gender identity.” Busch emphasized that the transit agency opposes all types of discrimination. “SEPTA works hard to ensure all customers and employees are treated fairly, and remains committed to staying in the forefront with efforts to prohibit discrimination in all forms,” he said. But Busch stopped short of pledging SEPTA’s support for the Fairness Act, which would create statewide LGBT civil-rights protections. Andrew A. Chirls, an LGBT attorney, questioned SEPTA’s commitment to LGBT civil rights. “We should wonder why SEPTA says that it promises not to discriminate based on sexual orientation but resists oversight by other governmental authorities,” Chirls said.

“That’s as good as the riders saying that they promise to pay fares, so long as they are on the honor system of enforcement. SEPTA wouldn’t allow that, and they shouldn’t. Neither should the court. Discrimination laws come with enforcement.” SEPTA is involved in contentious litigation with the city, dating back to 2009, to avoid falling under the jurisdiction of the city’s Human Relations Commission. SEPTA claims that, as a state agency, it’s only required to follow state and federal laws antibias laws, which aren’t LGBTinclusive. Commonwealth Court recently agreed with SEPTA’s position, but the city wants the state Supreme Court to overturn the lower-court ruling. In a June 22 filing, SEPTA contends that falling under the jurisdiction of the local HRC could increase taxes, reduce services and distract the agency from its core mission of transporting people. The brief also notes SEPTA’s non-position on the Fairness Act, currently pending in the state legislature: “If the General Assembly wants SEPTA or other Commonwealth agencies to be subject to broader antidiscrimination laws, it can easily pass legislation that accomplishes those ends.” Oral arguments in the dispute are set for 10 a.m. Sept. 13 in Courtroom 456 of City Hall. n

Killer of gay man persists in quest for new trial By Timothy Cwiek Attorneys for Richard R. Laird came out swinging last week, reiterating their request that Laird’s first-degree murder conviction and death sentence be vacated. In 1987, Laird and Frank R. Chester kidnapped gay artist Anthony V. Milano to a wooded area of Bucks County and used a box cutter to hack out his throat. Milano was targeted due to his perceived sexual orientation. In 1988, Laird and co-defendant Frank R. Chester were sentenced to death. Several years later, both sentences were vacated. Laird received a new trial in 2007, and was resentenced to death. In a recent plea deal, Chester pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and his death-sentence was permanently vacated. In return, Chester agreed to remain behind bars for the rest of his life. Laird is seeking a third trial, claiming his 2007 trial was unfair, mainly because jurors didn’t hear sufficient evidence about his child sex abuse at the hands of his father. Laird claims the alleged abuse imbued within him a deep homophobia that culminated in Milano’s killing when he was 23. “[Laird’s] murder of a man he perceived as gay was linked to his own experience of brutal and horrific sexual abuse,” a June 24 legal brief states. The brief emphasizes that Laird’s “intimate and senseless brutality” was due to

homophobia caused by his father’s repeated molestation. The brief states that Laird’s 2007 attorneys failed to adequately convey that point to jurors. “[Laird’s 2007 attorneys] were unable to manage the horrible specter of young Rick Laird’s repeated incestuous violent rapes by his father,” the brief states. Laird’s current attorneys also contend that prosecutors wrongly minimized Laird’s abuse by indicating to jurors that even if it occurred, Laird still committed first-degree murder. Additionally, his attorneys blasted the 2007 trial judge for permitting victim-impact testimony, even though that wasn’t permitted in 1987, when the murder occurred. “The introduction of impermissible victim-impact testimony tainted the jury’s sentencing decision,” the brief states. Moreover, his lawyers maintain, Laird was impermissibly found guilty of both first-degree murder and third-degree murder. “Richard Laird is guilty of first-degree murder or third-degree murder, but not both,” the brief states. The brief concludes by reaffirming that Laird’s first-degree murder conviction and death sentence are unconstitutional. Neither side had a comment. As of presstime, the matter remained pending before U.S. District Judge Jan E. DuBois. Laird, 52, remains on death row at a state prison in Waynesburg. n


Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


Attic youth played key role in crafting Philly schools’ trans policy By Paige Cooperstein Four months shy of graduation last year, Hazel Edwards walked into a meeting with her principal and guidance counselor at Boys Latin of Philadelphia Charter. She had studied the rulebook and intended to make sure she could wear a dress to prom and graduation. “It felt like they were looking at me with three heads,” Edwards, 19, recalled recently. “I knew they were sweet, kind people. We always had a good relationship. I was really trying to understand where they were coming from. “During the conversation, ‘You’re a boy’ was being said to me. They were just thinking it’s not possible.” Edwards said she had felt supported by her teachers and especially the theater department, but she wanted more official recognition of her gender identity. When that didn’t happen, she decided to leave school. Soon, she picked up an internship with the Bryson Institute, the training arm of The Attic Youth Center. In September 2015, three months after she was supposed to have graduated, Edwards returned to Boys Latin with Kel Kroehle, director of the Bryson Institute. The principal, Dr. Noah Tennant, had asked for a training, which 86 faculty members attended. “My principal said to me, ‘The student is now becoming the teacher,’” Edwards said. “He was there crying basically.” Tennant was out of the office this week and not available for comment. Edwards said it would’ve been nice to have administrators affirm her gender identity while she was still at school. But she doesn’t hold it against anyone. “I know my purpose is to educate folks,” she said. “The positive outweighs the negative if they take away from what I’m saying. And, if I hadn’t left the school, I wouldn’t be where I am now.” Edwards is studying for her General Educational Development tests and plans CASEY from page 1

munity in the wake of the shooting at an Orlando LGBT nightclub. The Scranton Democrat said it’s critical to get media attention for LGBT bills without being prompted by a horrific incident. He added the Equality Act — which would ban LGBT discrimination in housing, employment, public accommodations and other areas — has not yet had a committee hearing, the first step before it reaches the Senate floor for a vote. “The best way for us to keep the Equality Act in front of people and to really advocate for it is to do things at home,” Casey said, “to do things in states and congressional districts across the country so people know what we’re talking about.” As a lawmaker, Casey pledged to make

to take all four modules by the end of the year. She spent the last six months helping to write the transgender and gender-nonconforming policy that the School District of Philadelphia adopted last month, and she now works as a research intern with the University of Pennsylvania on a team that plans to evaluate the policy’s effectiveness.

Student Rights and Responsibilities with Philadelphia schools, first went to a meeting at The Attic. The parent of a transgender elementary-school student had approached Holzman about the need for a policy, and Holzman wanted input from The Attic. Two transgender teens and two gender-nonconforming teens shared their experiences at school with Holzman. Edwards Getting the policy off the ground was part of the meeting, as was Adrianna Branin, 17, who graduated last month from The School Reform Commission, the the Franklin Learning Center in a roygoverning body of Philadelphia schools, al-blue robe designated for males. on June 16 adopted a policy that addresses “I literally cried the whole meeting,” said names, pronouns, privacy rights, dress Branin, who came out as genderqueer at the code, physical education, gender-seg- beginning of their senior year. “I absolutely regated activities like sports teams, and hated my last year of high school because restroom and locker room access that cor- of how people reacted to my gender. respond to gender identity. “I was consistently approached about In a point unique from many other trans- my gender. It was consistently a topic gender student policies, it also stipulates of conversation among students. People that schools should could treat me any way use gender-neutral “I absolutely hated my because there were no language in commurules in place.” nication with all stu- last year of high school Amy Hillier, an profesdents and families, because of how people associate sor with Penn in the regardless of a student’s gender identity. reacted to my gender.” schools of Design The policy covers and Social Policy and 134,538 students in 218 city schools. It Practice, offered the Attic youth guidance does not apply to the 63,441 students in as they wrote the policy. 83 charter schools in Philadelphia, which “My role was to help get the green light make their own policies, said Fernando and put some initial language down,” she Gallard, spokesperson for the district. said. “I brought my privilege as a white “The policy showed up nearly as we Penn professor and they brought their courwrote it, which is really exciting,” Kroehle age.” said, noting about a dozen Attic youth went Hillier remembered a conversation about through four drafts of the policy. Some the need to include “questioning” in the adults guided the process, but the youth definitions section of the policy. She said were the ones who pulled apart the wording the youth wanted to make sure the policy from several model policies, including one accounted for gender outside the male and from GLSEN, an LGBT-advocacy group female binary. Branin said their favorite parts of the for K-12 educational settings. “We’re now working in tandem with the policy are the ones that stipulate treating school district for the process of imple- biological sex as a private record and that mentation,” Kroehle said. “We want this to gender-neutral pronouns must be used in be a living and breathing document in the school communication. Branin expects to school in advance of a conflict.” parlay their experience on the policy in their It was November 2015 when Rachel future work in college. Branin will attend Holzman, deputy chief of the Office of the Indiana University of Pennsylvania as

a biochemistry and pre-med major. They would like to work as a plastic surgeon with a focus in transgender medicine. “‘Doctor’ is a gender-neutral title,” they said. “I enjoy the thought of Dr. Branin instead of Ms. Branin.”

a little difficult for myself and my community to swallow.” Casey said the federal Equality Act still outlines comprehensive protections from discrimination. “At this time I don’t think there’s any strategy that would involve truncating it or only focusing on some of the titles in the Civil Rights Act as opposed to others.” In terms of funding for LGBT initiatives, Casey said it’s been about a decade since legislators were able to earmark small dollar amounts for projects. He said it used to be a way to give a seal of approval to a project in hopes of further government or private funds. Casey added he would have his staff look into grant options for specific projects. Chris Bartlett, executive director

of the William Way LGBT Community Center, wanted Casey’s office to guide him and the directors of the seven other LGBT centers in Pennsylvania on applying for federal funds to make their buildings more secure. “We don’t want to be fortresses,” Bartlett said. “But we can look at things that would make the center safer for our community. I think we’re really finding that’s a top priority.” According to FBI data, hate crimes disproportionately affect LGBT people. “Orlando is a wake-up call,” Casey said. “It’s not some theory. We have numbers that back up that [LGBT people are] a huge target for a lot of hate and a lot of violence. We need to use that as leverage to seek those dollars.” n

the case for the Equality Act not just in Philadelphia, but also in places of the state where there is less support. “Part of this is challenging people to disagree, but also engaging them and trying to persuade,” he said. “We’ve got to go to places where there’s an argument.” Deja Lynn Alvarez, director of the Divine Light LGBTQ Wellness Center in North Philadelphia, wanted to know what Casey thought of the state legislature pursuing three separate nondiscrimination bills. She said many think the community should settle for antibias protections in housing and employment, but forgo public-accommodations protections. “The trans community will be the ones hit the hardest if public accommodations are not covered,” Alvarez said. “I find that

‘We’ve come a long way’ The policy for transgender and gender-nonconforming students at Philadelphia schools ended up mirroring the accommodations provided to students in the Multiracial-Multicultural-Gender Education Policy that the district adopted in 1994. It outlines social consciousness in curriculum, after-school programs, community partnerships and professional development, among other things. The Attic also worked on that policy, said executive director Carrie Jacobs. Rita Adessa, who ran the Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force, wrote the 1994 policy and lobbied for weeks to get time for Attic youth to testify about its importance. “There were police officers on the sides and in the back,” Jacobs said. “Now in 2016, the youth actually worked with the school district to write the transgender policy. It went from a contentious process to a collaborative process. I hate to say, ‘Oh, we’ve come such a long way,’ but I’m certainly very pleased by it.” Everyone involved in the policy said the real work would come in the policy’s implementation. Hillier said she received funding to conduct a yearlong participatory action-research study. She expects to deliver preliminary findings at the end of the summer with a full report later. “It can say everything on a piece of paper,” Edwards said, “but if people aren’t following it, what’s the point?” Holzman said school counselors would likely train with The Attic during in-service days in September. She added student outreach on the policy is still in the works. The transgender and gender-nonconforming policy is posted at www.phila.k12. n


Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


Creep of the Week

D’Anne Witkowski

Tim Wildmon


Let freedom ring Philadelphia is an interesting place around Independence Day. Apart from Hoagiefest mania, our city this week is celebrating our status as the birthplace of American freedom. Philadelphia embodies what the Fourth of July represents: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness — and whatever that idiom individually means to the residents of our melting pot of a city. Our city largely celebrates diversity and encourages personal expression, but each day, we’re seeing just how far other cities, states and countries have to go until their citizens can be truly free. Abroad, Great Britain voted last week to leave the European Union, a move that many surmise was motivated by the same brand of racism and xenophobia that has propelled Donald Trump forward. Reports of harassment of immigrants abounded during the “Brexit” campaign, and especially afterward, as proponents of leaving the EU claimed victory. On our own turf, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked an order by President Obama to halt deportations of undocumented immigrants. The decision sent shockwaves through the immigration-rights community, including locally, where several activists were arrested at a large-scale Center City demonstration. In Pennsylvania, we seemingly got close to advancing LGBT protections in housing and employment, an effort that seems to now be blocked by a Republican lawmaker. Restrictions on freedoms have also trickled down to the individual level; just recently there were reports of a gay couple being ejected from a cab in California for nothing other than being gay, and of two local men being asked to leave a New Jersey boardwalk for seemingly nothing other than wearing an LGBT-supportive shirt. We are indeed fortunate in Philadelphia to enjoy so many liberties. We have a sea of LGBT-affirming elected officials, a bustling LGBT business and entertainment district and laws, policies and programs that encourage LGBT engagement and inclusion. There is certainly work that still needs to be done for LGBT equality in Philly, especially around trans and minority issues — though tangible efforts have been building toward those aims in recent years. By and large, it is a good time to be an LGBT Philadelphian. But there are many areas where oppression still rears its ugly head — a truth we must keep in mind as we celebrate our freedom. n

Happy belated Pride Month, everybody! “You know one Or as right-wingers like to call it, End of the real ironies Times. of this proclama As you may know, President Obama tion is the presonce again issued an official proclamation ident here cites that June was Pride Month and that, for 30 the need for more glorious days, all flags shall be rainbow, funding for HIV/ all marriages shall be gay and only transAIDS,” Wildmon gender people will be allowed to use public says. “But, unlike restrooms. Michelle Obama, Alas, not everybody was happy about who advocates that that. Take American Family Association children stay off president Tim Wildmon, for example. He’s, the sodas, he doesn’t advocate behavior like, totally grossed out by Obama’s supchange. When it comes to homosexual port for LGBT people. So grossed out, in behavior affecting your health, why doesn’t fact, that he and a couple of his buddies, he say, ‘Stop doing what you’re doing and AFA public-policy analyst Abe Hamilton you won’t get AIDS’?” III and AFA executive vice-president Ed I think we all know that “doing what Vitagliano, filmed a little gripe-fest video. you’re doing” means anal sex, which The video’s shot in what appears to be the Wildmon, who apparently didn’t get the AFA break room. It’s memo that HIV/AIDS “In this proclamation isn’t something only especially cute that homos get, and his the video identifies the the president states subjects as Abe, Tim friends are obsessed ... that you should and Ed, as if they’re with talking about. Also, I must’ve just three regular Joes not be fired for who missed the part of the shooting the shit in their proclamation that says, polo shirts and Dockers you are or who you next to an enormous love,” Vitagliano says. “Everybody bareback without condoms, woo coffee grinder that “I would like to see hoo!” looks like it was stolen Last time I checked, from a Trader Joe’s. the president also “Well, it’s June. So the president appointed add, ‘You also should the head of the Centers it’s LGBT Pride Month not be fired for what all over America, for Disease Control, Dr. maybe all over the Tom Frieden, in 2009. you believe. ’ Because world, I’m not sure,” The CDC website has the only ones I know a very comprehensive Wildmon begins the conversation. about HIV/ that are getting fired section Hamilton, standing AIDS including a Riskin this country in to the left and holding Reduction Tool that a copy of what is preallows users to investi2016 are Christians sumed to be Obama’s gate the risks of various because they oppose sex acts whether their proclamation declaring June LGBT Pride that proclamation and partner is HIV-positive Month, points out that or negaitve and whether Obama has been throw- the ideas behind it.” a condom is being used. The site minces no ing June LGBT wolves words in a section for men who have sex ever since 2009. Vitagliano then chimes in that this whole with men: “Anal sex is the riskiest type of thing is “pure politics.” sex for getting or transmitting HIV.” The “In this proclamation the president states CDC is hardly advocating unsafe sex. ... that you should not be fired for who you That said, I have a feeling that Wildmon are or who you love,” Vitagliano says. “I and his pals are not aware of the CDC site. would like to see the president also add, If they were, they’d be complaining that ‘You also should not be fired for what you Obama’s promoting sexual debauchery believe.’ Because the only ones I know that simply by acknowledging that men exist are getting fired in this country in 2016 are who have sex with men. No doubt any Christians because they oppose that procla- taxpayer money being spent on keeping mation and the ideas behind it.” homos from dying goes against their “sin Exactly. Christians can hardly hold a job cerely held religious beliefs.” n at all in America. It’s an epidemic. Why D’Anne Witkowski has been gay for pay since can’t we return to the kinder, gentler days 2003. She’s a freelance writer and poet (believe when people could tell gays to go straight it!). When she’s not taking on the creeps of to hell out of sincerely held religious the world, she reviews rock and roll shows in beliefs? North Carolina knows what I’m Detroit with her twin sister and teaches writing talkin’ about. at the University of Michigan.


Progress of Pride Last Sunday was Pride in New York City The Scientific Humanitarian Committee in and, of course for me, it is always a special Berlin, Germany, in 1895 — the world’s day regardless if I’m there or not. first LGBT civil-rights organization. It always brings me back to that first The point is, LGBT equality has not hapPride, when I was an 18-year-old marpened overnight. And in many ways, we shal. At the time, we only had two lanes still have a long way to go. blocked off, and it was our job On Monday after Pride, to keep the people in those I got to host U.S. Sen. Bob lanes and away from traffic. Casey of Pennsylvania as he The estimates of that first gay held a roundtable discussion Pride, then called Christopher with the LGBT community in Street Liberation Day March, Philadelphia. He explained the were anywhere from 5,000long road the Equality Act has 15,000. Last Sunday, there were taken since its introduction in between 1-2 million among 1974. I recall when that legisparade marchers and spectators. lation was first introduced by But that’s not the only change Bella Abzug; that 18-year-old in 46 years. boy at that first gay Pride would Last Friday on “The Late have never imagined he’d be Show with Steven Colbert,” introducing a U.S. Senator in the host came out on stage to an LGBT-friendly senior aparta cheering crowd and said, ment building to discuss LGBT “It’s Pride weekend in New Mark Segal issues. Those 5,000-15,000 people York!” The audience roared in approval. Later in the show, he had RuPaul who braved that first march in New York were marching with pride in themselves on to explain Pride. Then, of course, were and the community they were building. all the network reports on Pride — that Today, millions feel that Pride each year is, when there weren’t commercials with — and it is that Pride in ourselves and our Ellen DeGeneres, or one of the many TV community that will bring equality. shows with LGBT characters. As an 18-year-old at that first Pride, I To each of you, thank you! n often wonder what Henry Gerber would Mark Segal is the nation’s most-award-winning think. He founded the nation’s first LGBT commentator in LGBT media. His recently pubcivil-rights organization in Chicago in lished memoir, “And Then I Danced,” is avail1925. If I’m amazed at the progress that’s able on, Barnes & Noble or at happened, imagine what he would think. your favorite bookseller. Or Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, who founded

Mark My Words


Gwendolyn Ann Smith

The real fight For months, years even, the battle over transgender public accommodation has raged. What was originally a strategy to torpedo LGB- and trans-rights bills by raising the specter of sexual assault has grown to new levels. The issue of transgender access to restrooms and other gender-segregated spaces has become one of the big-ticket issues in a very strange election season. But as much as the topic of restrooms comes up, I want you to understand one important thing: While so much of this evokes their use, this really isn’t about bathrooms. Sure, the people behind all these bills have pushed any number of fear-mongering ideas, claiming to be concerned about the privacy and safety of women. Scores of commercials have been produced — some of them slated for national airing — that make the same, tired case that America’s daughters will be stalked by men in restrooms. It still baffles me that there’s such a disconnect on this. No one is going to get out of a crime by claiming to be transgender. It’s like that obvious detail is totally forgotten, either by accident or intent. Being trans is

not a “get out of jail free” card. The group behind the most recent advertisement push, the Conservative Republicans of Texas, is calling this move the “Campaign for USA,” repurposing the same materials they used in the successful repeal of the HERO initiative in Houston, Texas. Their website,, is full of the same misinformation one sees in the television adverts, but goes one step further. “The term transgender is a euphemism,” it states, “a weaker alternative, for the term pervert, in order to make the behavior seem more acceptable.” Of course, it gets a lot more wrong, claiming that public accommodations for trans people are all a part of recruiting children into “the homosexual lifestyle,” and equating transgender identity with “puppy play.” Much like the Conservative Republicans of Texas, Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council are listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups. The founder of the latter two, Dr. James Dobson, has also hopped into the fray. On Dobson’s “Family Talk” radio show, he kicked off a discussion about transgender

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


Street Talk What freedom do you treasure? "The freedom to pursue alternate health approaches, such as herbology, homeopathic medicine and dietary Dwayne Green adjustments. pharmacy technician I really Southwest Philadelphia appreciate all the natural-food stores. They offer organic, GMO-free foods that are great. A good diet is key to health and happiness. No matter how much money you have, if you don't have health, you're not going to be happy."

"The freedom from slavery, to a certain extent. I'm not in shackles or on a plantation, per se. But economically, Ardra Henderson I feel very writer enslaved. Yet South Philadelphia I'm optimistic that the economy will improve and people's attitudes will change for the better. I hope so."

"I'm an artist, so I'll say freedom of expression. I'm an American, living in England. It's vital for me to be creative Robert Sandom and say artist what I want, Cardiff, Wales without fear of reprisal. Those freedoms aren't necessarily guaranteed in other parts of the world."

"The freedom to be a woman of my own choosing. The ability to do what I want without expectations. I have a lot of options. That's very important to me. In many other cultures, way."

rights by quoting from Leviticus 19:29: “‘Do not degrade your daughters by making them a prostitute or the land will turn to prostitution and be filled with wickedness.’ That comes right to the heart of this,” Dobson said . “It sort of feels like that’s where we are. We’re taking our little, vulnerable kids and we’re saying in the name of political correctness, ‘Here are our children. Do with them what you want.’ And I’m here to say that I’m going to fight that as long as I have breath in my body.” He then turned his attention to his wife, Shirley Dobson, worrying about her “being in a bathroom where some grungy guy comes in there and zips down the zipper and does things that she will remember the rest of her life.” After this, with his guest on the show at the time, Janet Porters of Faith 2 Action, they questioned the manhood of anyone who would not “stand and fight” to defend their families against … well, I’m not entirely sure. The argument seems to be that by

Breeann Tancredi project manager Fishtown

it's not that

allowing your children to share facilities with trans people, you are “prostituting” them. I also find myself coming away from this with a big question in mind: What does Dobson think happens in restrooms? Does he somehow see these as a place for sexual contact, at least for men like him? That’s certainly what I’m reading into this. This whole image he paints of some man walking into a ladies’ room and “doing things” in front of his wife. The notion that letting your daughters use a public restroom that allows transgender people equates to prostituting them. It’s such a bizarre and irrelevant concept. As I said, though, while so much of this discussion has mentioned bathrooms, it’s not what this is all about. Not really. When the HERO initiative was repealed, it took with it a slew of rights for any number of classes, even beyond the LGBT community. It gutted a number of protections, PAGE 15 not solely the right for


Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016




Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

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a quote from Pat Robertson of the 700 Club Silent vigils were worldwide for Orlando saying, “Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, these past few weeks. I’m still devastated and have gone to several of the Gayborhood political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, events raising money for the victims and practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and their families. Philadelphia is bleeding hard become lesbians.” and it’s encouraging to see how our community has responded in Ten years ago, Robertson light of such devastating gore. may have foretold the massacre I am given hope when I see in a statement about Disney’s One Million Moms for Gun Gay Day at the park: “I would Control teaming with billionaire warn Orlando that you’re right Michael Bloomberg to fight back in the way of some serious huragainst the NRA. It’s heartenricanes, and I don’t think I’d ing to listen to comedian Hasan be waving those flags in God’s Minhaj shame Congress for its face if I were you ... It’ll bring inaction and even remind them about terrorist bombs. It’ll bring that they too have blood on their earthquakes, tornadoes and poshands; as Desmond Tutu said, sibly a meteor.” “If you are neutral in situations And of the massacre he said, Crystal “The left is having a dilemma of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” And Cheatham of major proportions and I think still, my hope rises when I look for those of us who disagree out over the cities of the world and those with some of their policies, the best thing individuals who stood in silent vigil and to do is to sit on the sidelines and let them marched in defiance for those who died in kill themselves.” Orlando’s Latinx gay club. One of the campaign’s more popular I do find myself wondering, how on earth memes displays a man staring zombie-like did this happen? It feels like a real setback at a blue-lit television. Out of the screen in our quest for equality. Maybe they will reaches two silvery arms, reminiscent of never accept us. Samara breaching the fourth wall in the The problem is that there is a real culture horror movie “The Ring.” The newly aniof hate that orbits the queer community. We mated arms claw at the air, grabbing at the are not able to travel anywhere in the world viewer who gapes in slack-jawed fear. The openly unless we know that we can be safe. TV is on an NRBtv station and the caption Safety is our number-one concern. Of any reads, “Ever wonder where the hate monsituation in our lives, we first ask, Will I be gering comes from?” fired? Will I be ostracized? Will I be tar It’s an advertisement linking the National geted? Will they discriminate against me? Religious Broadcasters to the underbelly Will my family be safe? of America’s racist, homophobic and xenoWhen pondering the origin of this fear, all phobic base. Alternatively it could read, road signs point to the religious right. The “Ever wonder who is voting for Trump?” problem is, the religious right has fueled a #StopQueerFear is now calling for conhate culture around LGBTQ people. I look tent-warning labels for fundamentalist at Orlando and think, How did this happen? Christian television. The Stop Queer Fear Where did the shooter get the gall to hate campaign is just a small voice on a vast queer people so much? Isn’t it obvious? Internet space, but it begs a very important I believe that the key to fixing this is edu- question, especially now that our democcation. First, the public must know where racy teeters on a precarious political cliff many of the hate messages are coming from that will define America as progressive or — who is promoting them and why they are launch us back to a time before the civdoing it. The right wing has done its work il-rights era. The campaign is evening the playing and they’ve created a clear social moral line in the sand where “traditional values” field against right-wing conservatives who mean “good and ethically sound” and anyhave fueled the kind of hate that allows a thing progressive is dirty, sleazy and moryoung man to step into a crowded room ally wrong; I’m talking about everything with a semiautomatic war weapon and related to and dealing with the media. Why casually slaughter people he does not know is it that we have ratings for shows that are from Adam. I’m curious to find out what overly sexual but we don’t have ratings for will come of this noxious ozone of hate shows that are spiritually violent? And by that is building in our nation — and can spiritually violent, I mean the kind of rhetcampaigns like #StopQueerFear neutralize oric that uses religion to beat people down it? n rather than build them up. I am not the only one asking this quesCrystal Cheatham is a writer and activist in Philadelphia. She chairs the Spirituality & tion. Recently, I ran into a campaign by Religion steering committee for the Human Know Your Neighbors called Stop Queer Fear. They’ve posted stickers and memes on Rights Campaign, volunteers with Equality Pennsylvania and William Way LGBT Community the Internet calling the National Religious Broadcasters’ NRBtv content “homophobic, Center’s Out & Faithful Committee and has written for the Huffington Post. You can find out xenophobic and anti-feminist.” Among the more about her at hateful messages that spew from NRBtv is

Queer Faith

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Stop queer fear, for Orlando



“Wicked Funny”


Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


The LGBT community takes on the NRA and gun control This quote by actor Don Winsor went at least 21 trans people killed by November viral almost immediately after the Orlando of that year. Eleven of them — all trans massacre and it is spot on: women of color — were killed by guns, “Congrats, murderer. You have turned according to a Human Rights Campaign the focus of the LGBT community, one of report. the most powerful progressive movements, HRC, the largest LGBT-rights organizaonto the crumbling edifice of tion in the country, announced one of our country’s biggest it is officially supporting stricter problems, gun reform. I don’t gun laws. The HRC’s board know if you’ve seen what they of directors made the decihave accomplished in the past sion during a special meeting, 25 years, but these queens get and agreed to support limitshit done.” ing access to assault weapons, In my time as a Philadelphia expanding background checks LGBT activist, not once has a and limiting the ability of those gay person asked me what he or on terror watch lists or with a she could do about gun control; history of domestic violence to this past week, more than 20 obtain guns. The announcement marks the first time in the orgapeople have reached out. Less history that it called than 48 hours after the Pulse Angela nization’s a special session to decide on a shooting in Orlando, Fla., the gay-rights movement’s next batGiampolo shift in policy. In addition to HRC, a group tle came into focus. Orlando was the worst mass shooting in U.S. history and of 50 mostly LGBT organizations, including GLAAD, the National Center for the worst targeted attack on LGBT individuals in modern Western history. The United Transgender Equality, Gay Men’s Health States has a gun problem and the LGBT Crisis, Pride at Work, the National LGBTQ community has now adopted gun control as Task Force and the Trevor Project, have all signed a pledge committing themselves to our cause. It makes perfect sense that we would take back gun-control legislation. Their stateon gun control because guns allow somement notes that LGBT people remain one’s hatred to turn into violence and that vulnerable to bias-motivated violence, anchors the gay-rights movement to gun especially the transgender community safety. For people who never made the con- and LGBT people of color, and calls on nection before, Orlando was a harsh awakCongress to take action to prevent known ening. Even before the shooting at Pulse, and suspected terrorists and those convicted LGBT people have been frequent victims of violent hate crimes from legally buying of violence in this country. In 2014, 1,178 guns and to ensure background checks on hate crimes, or 18.4 percent of all reported, all gun sales. were based on sexual orientation, according If you look at our history of successes, marriage equality started slow and gained to the FBI. In 2015, murder rates among huge momentum after incremental wins transgender people hit historic highs, with

Out Law

over a 10-year period. The AIDS crisis, however, took much longer and was more grassroots in nature. I would liken the fight against the NRA to the slower AIDS struggle rather than the marriage equality. Don’t forget that it took 15-17 years of activism just to get the medications necessary to take AIDS from a certain death sentence to something more manageable. The NRA has worked to make the right to own a gun even more entrenched in American culture than the idea that marriage was meant only for a man and woman. And the NRA is better funded than the evangelical Christians who pushed against gay marriage. To win, it’ll be important to frame this debate as not about gun ownership but instead of who should be able to access weapons and ammunition and what types of weapons the public should have access to. It is very possible to keep the most dangerous weapons off the streets without infringing on the Second Amendment. As we all know, Congress recently held a vote on barring people on terror watch lists from buying guns. It was voted down and a historic sit-in ensued, but that the measure even made it to the floor for a vote is notable. People are eager to turn their mourning into action — so what can you do here in the greater Philadelphia region? First of all, out of all the senators who voted down common-sense gun laws last month, 23 are up for re-election, including our very own five-year incumbent, Sen. Pat Toomey (R). The most impactful action I urge you to take is to vote for Democratic nominee for Senate Katie McGinty and donate to her campaign. McGinty supports legislation backed by

TRANSMISSIONS from page 11

EQUALITY PA from page 1

transgender people to use a restroom appropriate for their gender identity or expression. When North Carolina enacted House Bill 2, it did not just disallow people like me from using a restroom at rest stops in the state, but removed a number of otherwise unrelated protections from municipalities throughout the state. By conservatives focusing on what they think is the hot button of allowing sexual assault in women’s rooms, they’re creating a smokescreen that allows them to attack the rights of all. There is more to this for transgender people beyond restrooms, too. A number of my friends have decided to cut back or cancel vacation plans this year, for fear of increased harassment in the wake of bills like HB2, or actions like those of Dobson or the Campaign for USA. Others are opting out of public life in other ways, big and small. Many are avoiding public restrooms and other public accommodations overall. That, of course, is exactly what the Dr. Dobsons of the world want. He is feeding an audience with the notion that to be a proper man, they should be willing to hunt, even kill transgender people. At the same time, transgender people are forced to live in fear, worried that they will indeed be branded a pervert or worse and harmed by these same people. This isn’t a fight about bathrooms. This is a fight for our very humanity and our very existence. n

not yet organizing large-scale action against Folmer because Baker’s efforts represent a more immediate roadblock to a full Senate vote on some LGBT protections. “It’s frustrating, but we think we can overcome it,” Layendecker said. “We will keep pushing throughout the summer, absolutely. If the legislators don’t do this before they leave, we will be in their districts all summer long demanding this.” Successful advocacy for the Pennsylvania Fairness Act in the House and the three separate bills for LGBT nondiscrimination in the Senate comes down to funding, in large part, said Ted Martin, executive director of Equality Pennsylvania. “The way we stay here is we have to have staff and keep people in legislators’ offices,” he said. Equality Pennsylvania was part of a coalition that shared financial and staffing resources called Pennsylvania Competes. Including the Human Rights Campaign, American Civil

Gwendolyn Ann Smith isn’t afraid of Dr. Dobson. You can find her at

Sen. Bob Casey (D) that would prohibit people convicted of misdemeanor hatecrime charges from purchasing firearms as well as blocking suspected terrorists from purchasing guns. Moreover, she supports the end of the FDA’s discriminatory policy that prohibits blood donations from men who have had sex with men in the last year. In addition to voting, you can get involved in organizations whose mission is fighting gun violence. One organization that has been in the trenches is CeaseFire PA. Consider attending an event or donating a few dollars. It sounds cliché, but every little bit helps. Moreover, on July 21, the Gayborhood will be gathering for what is evolving into a huge fundraiser for the Community Center in Orlando. Lastly, a Philly contingent will march in Orlando Gay Pride this fall. Reach out to me for more info. There’s that expression, “Don’t wake a sleeping dog.” Well, they just woke up the gay dog. And what’s worst for the NRA is this dog isn’t afraid. We have faced all kinds of discrimination, persecution, ridicule and hatred over the years. This mass killing didn’t just affect parents, or the students at a university; this mass shooting woke up an entire community in the United States, and it seems as though everyone is in agreement that the “gay agenda” now includes firearm safety. n Angela D. Giampolo, principal of Giampolo Law Group, maintains offices in New Jersey and Pennsylvania and specializes in LGBT law, family law, business law, real-estate law and civil rights. Her website is, and she maintains a blog at Reach out to Angela with your legal questions at 215-645-2415 or

Liberties Union and American Unity Fund, the bipartisan nonprofit started in February 2015, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State, but ceased operations in June. Equality Pennsylvania officials, who spearheaded the coalition, said it was only funded for a year, but ended up being extended in hopes that the nondiscrimination protections would pass before the end of the current legislative session. Martin said Equality Pennsylvania had contributed close to a six-figure dollar amount to Pennsylvania Competes, and the other partners contributed more. He added it did not compare to the highly funded Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, which has lobbied hard against LGBT protections. Full financial information for Pennsylvania Competes was not immediately available through the Pennsylvania Department of State, which maintains records for corporations and charitable organizations in the state.

Martin said a “significant amount of pressure” led to LGBT protections in housing and employment making it out of committee, representing the first Senate action on an LGBT measure since 2006. In lieu of Pennsylvania Competes, Martin said Equality Pennsylvania would continue to look for other coalition partners and is currently working closely with Freedom for All Americans, a Washington, D.C.-based bipartisan campaign for LGBT nondiscrimination protections. In a separate effort June 28 in Harrisburg, LGBT community leaders from across the state announced the formalization of the Pennsylvania LGBTQ Leadership Council as a long-term commitment to supporting education and advocacy efforts in state government. The group of more than 20 LGBT leaders has been meeting since January. Jason Landau Goodman, a core member of the group and founding executive director of the Pennsylvania Youth Congress, was not immediately available for comment. n


Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


Local gay vet, campaigning for peace, featured in PBS series By Jen Colletta Disbelief was clear on Mike Felker’s face as he heard the news about the mass shooting at an Orlando gay nightclub last month. “I was telling somebody the other day it felt like November 1963, when Kennedy was shot,” Felker said about the news. “I just thought, That didn’t happen.” Felker’s reaction to the news happened to be caught on camera by a film crew following him for a series called “Veterans Coming Home.” The 10-part digital series — spearheaded by Kindling Group and Wisconsin Public Television, in partnership with PBS Stories of Service — focuses on the transition back to civilian life from military service. New episodes are being posted twice a week to through July 4; Felker’s piece premiered last week and can be viewed at The crew interviewed Felker for several hours last month, attended a meeting of the local chapter of Veterans for Peace and covered the club’s participation in the Philadelphia Pride Parade, which it has marched in since 2010. “It’s just a given now that Veterans for Peace participates in the Pride parade,” Felker said. “It’s almost all straight vets participating, but they really want to do it and they like doing it.” The group handed out wristbands with the organization’s name on it to cheering crowds at the June 12 event. The LGBT community’s reception of veterans wasn’t always that warm, Felker noted.

Felker, 66, a Philadelphia native, entered the Navy in August 1968, primarily as a means for paying for college. After boot camp, he intended to enter the Navy’s journalism school but was ultimately assigned to its hospital corps, which focused on medical training and patient care. Although he didn’t support the Vietnam War, the military ordered him overseas at the end of 1969. Felker spent eight months as a medic with an infantry unit, largely performing first aid for Marines injured by land mines and booby traps. He also spent time doing mine sweeps with Marines and sick calls in local villages. While Felker wasn’t yet out, he said his fellow servicemembers in Vietnam didn’t pressure him for not conforming to masculine stereotypes. “I wasn’t the most macho person,” he said. “I wasn’t military-minded. I was issued a .45 but I didn’t want to carry a weapon; I considered myself an undeclared conscientious objector. But the Marines were very supportive and took care of me. They showed me respect.” That was harder to attain once he returned from Vietnam in December 1970. He served out his remaining 18 months on a naval base in San Francisco and later settled in the city — where he said he felt comfortable being out as a gay man, but not as a veteran. “I was taking a class about homosexuality as a social issue at San Francisco State University — and this was one of the first gay classes offered anywhere — and someone brought up Vietnam. The instructor said something about how American

Happy Independence Day from Scott A. Drake Photography

mothers weren’t raising their sons to be murderers, killers, and it kind of turned the whole class against me.” In 1980, he contacted organizers of San Francisco’s Pride parade to inquire about veterans groups participating. “They told me no and that half the Pride committee thought that every Vietnam vet should be tried as a war criminal,” Felker said. Undeterred, Felker marched with a group of lesbian mothers, wearing a shirt stating that he was a Vietnam veteran against war. Felker said stigma around being a Vietnam vet began to fade in the early 1980s. “I think people started to see that people were dealing with the draft, dealing with

“The concept is, we’ve seen what the military is like and some of us have seen what combat is like,” Felker explained. “So we want to use our experiences to speak out against militarism, against war, to try to promote peace issues.” Because of his particular experiences, Felker has worked around a campaign to ban land mines and cluster munitions. The group’s message was unintentionally timely the morning of Philadelphia Pride, as the crowds began hearing about the attack in Orlando, the deadliest mass shooting in American history. Before the group set off in the parade, Felker requested a sign that said: “Every day, 90 Americans die from gun violence. We must stop the carnage.”

limited options,” he said. When Veterans for Peace formed in the mid-1980s, Felker joined, and later got involved in the Philadelphia chapter when he moved back from the West Coast in 1990. The organization is comprised of vets who served as far back as World War II and up through the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

“It was unfortunately too appropriate for that Sunday morning,” he said. “It was horrendous but we felt like we had to go on; everyone was expecting a parade, and I’m glad we did it. The vets who marched with us really enjoyed it and I feel like we really got our message across.” For more information about Veterans for Peace, visit www.veteransforpeace. org. n


Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


Without our volunteers, Pride Day just couldn’t happen! Thanks to: Congressman Bob Brady, Mayor James Kenney, Rep. Brian Sims, Rep. Dwight Evens, Councilman Mark Squilla, Councilman Bill Greenlee, Councilwoman Helen Gym. We also thank our parade judges and announcers: Jim Donovan, Rudy Flesher, Jim O’Toole, Tami Sortman, Rue Landau, Tara Lessard, John Loesch, Samantha Giusti, Jen Victor, Deborah Johnson, Marc Coleman, Anne Fadullon, Gary Hines, Landis Osbourne, Rep. Brian Sims and Joan Manuel Rivera, as well as our parade security “Ingage,” grand marshals Mayor Jim Kenney, Paige Cortez, Vincent Taylor, City of Philadelphia employees and honored guest Stonewall Veteran Nance Lomax. Entertainment performers and stage crew: Deborah Cox, Jessica Kirson, Betty, Prancing Elites, Jade Starling, Pure Dance Fusion, Queer Tango, Steve Cohen, Dan Callahan, Henri David, Greg Giovanni, Manny aka Alexis Cartier, Timmy Lynch, DJ June Rodriquez, Dale Varga, Jennifer Alvarez, Rainere Hale Martin, Jay Gates, Lisa Thompson, Kimberly Bonner, Deaf Interpreters, Les Price, Ken Gardner & Erik Jefferson, Paul Struck, Jen, Larry, Prab of PGN, Jimmy Masiak, Royal Bank Tellers, Stephanie Love, Monica Burns, John McNeill, John Fluehr, Justin Schneider, Denise Giannascoli Blum, Tammi Coleman, Linda Martin, Kevin Turner, John Brady, Nic Greiner, Bill Hunt, Alex Lewis, Jay Pugh, Allen Harris, Aaron Morgan, Sal Loggia, Jamie Roberts, Tracy Buchholz, Michael and Stephen Castura Duerr, Kris Foreman, Robert and Carmela Pinto, Bill Wood, Steve Carlino, Randall (UBAR), Darryl DePiano, Jeff Sotland, Philadelphia Freedom Band, Liberty Tennis Association, PNC, Christopher Hendricks, Carrie Jacobs, Rich Lee, Philadelphia Family Pride, Bob & Barbara’s, Mazzoni Center, Chuck Volz, Franny Price, Denise and Mike Amoroso, Zach Blum, Sarah Reice, Chris Bartlett, Avis Albuladejo, Eric Bunting, Danielle and Jimmy Archambault, Albert Fernandez, Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus, Earl Driscoll, Alex Davis, Phyllis Ehrlich, Sharon Tice DelCotto, Gabby Worthington, Mark Segal, Marlo Clarke, Steve Getzo, John McMinn, Scot Gansl, Steve McCann, Melissa Donovan,, Josh Schonewolf, Jo Mason, Kathy Ochs, Jason Campbell, Rocco Gallelli, Innovative Catering, William Way LGBT Community Center, Justin Ackerman, Shelvia Williams, Joe Forkin, David Moore, Jody Milkman, Poncho, David Moore, Michael Peabody, Domenic Gallelli, the representatives from our sponsors, Penn’s Landing staff and Dori Shields. Thanks as well to the lovers, partners, wives, husbands and children of our Pride Committee. Our sponsors, without whose financial support we couldn’t put on a fabulous Pride Day: 12th Street Gym, Aramark, Andre Richards Salon, Angry Orchard, AT&T, Barefoot Wine, The Bike Stop, Blue Moon, Boxers, Campbell Soup Company, Capital One, Comcast, Coors, Discover Financial, Fiat, Funky Junk Wipes, Hardrock Café, Hilton Garden Inn, ICandy, Lincoln Financial, Knock, More Than Just Ice Cream, Optimal Sport Health Club, PECO, Penn Medicine, Philadelphia Gay News, Red Bull, Sonesta Philadelphia, Space & Company, Spruce Street Video, Stoli, Sugar House Casino, Sundance Vacations, Tabu, Tavern on Broad, Tavern on Camac, TD Bank, TMobile, U Bar, Voyeur, Walgreens, Woody’s, Yuengling and Zip Car. Our venue, Delaware River Waterfront Corporation, the nicest on the East Coast and perhaps the entire nation, for letting us celebrate at Penn’s Landing Great Plaza, and Independence Park for permitting our reviewing stand on the most historic area in the country. Thank you as well to the City of Philadelphia, Manager Director’s Office for the parade, special-event and block-party permits, Mayor’s Office of LGBT Affairs for proclamations and citations, and the Sixth District police for making sure our parade participants got to the festival safe. A special thanks to Jazelle Jones, Robert Allen, Michele Sabb, Andrew McDougal and Nellie Fitzpatrick. Other companies that make Pride Day happen: Casswood Insurance, Golf Cart Services, Bette Bounces, Left of Center Productions, Party Center Rentals, National Fence Rentals, Pottie Queen, City Engraving and Delaware River Waterfront Corp.




Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


CLAIM WHAT’S YOURS Last year, the Pennsylvania Treasury returned more than $136 million of unclaimed property. We might have money for you – just search or call 800.222.2046 to find out. Every year, Treasury receives millions of dollars in unclaimed property, such as: Abandoned bank accounts / Forgotten stocks / Uncashed checks / Certificates of deposit / Life insurance policies / Safe deposit box contents / Recovered stolen property Treasury works hard to find the rightful owners of this unclaimed property. But even if we can’t find you, you can claim your property. It’s easy. Just visit and search for your name. We are required to publish one time the names of owners of property valued at $250 or more. Our online database is available 24/7 to search by name for property that may belong to you, a family member, a business, or organization you know. One of Treasury’s most important jobs is to collect, advertise and return unclaimed property.

There could be money waiting for you right now! Even if your name does not appear on this list, we may still have property for you. Notice of Names of Persons Appearing to be Owners of Abandoned and Unclaimed Property.

Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia Counties Listed in Alphabetical Order Delaware County Abdulghani Khadir About Art Glass Acharya Sudhi Adams Cynthia H Ahl Cary W Akram Kamrul Alan Warfield Alexander Ernest Ali Khalid Ali Toure Allen Ebony Allen Gladys Alobayed Ayman Altemus Christopher Altis Ives Amadio John Od Amrhein Emily Dalton Esq Annkin Oneil J Anthony Joshua P

Anthony Trolio Anthony Walter Y Apfelbaum Bruce DMD Apple Towing & Recovery Inc Aqua Pennsylvania Arbors At Buckru The Armstrong Jennifer Arnold Timothy Arteaga Porfirio Asbury Ellison Corrine T Assoc In Hematology Oncology Psp Palmer Patricia A Auclair Robert A Austin Heather Auton Brian J Avellino Peter Azar P Aziz Abdul Babin Joseph Backey Samuel Baez Carlos D Bailey Allen

Baillis James F Baker Letitia Balefsky Lee B Banfield Ambrose E Bangura Ya Baribault Joan, Grappo Kristina Barker Daniel S Barker Edward A Jr Barnes James D Barnes Patrice Barney Smith Barr Jason K Barr Meredith Bartholomew Arthur Bates Gregory B Bayonne Imaging Assoc Bayside Consulting Llc Bean Naomi Beebe Ellen L Beebe Frederick Beebel Ellen Belguet Fawzl Malilat Nouria

Bell Ira B PHD Bell Jason M Bell Margaret Beluah Lavinia Benedetti Theresa M Bergeman Albert Bergman Rozalind Bethay Yvonne Bhattacharji Siddharth Bhuiyan Mohammad Birch Gina Birmingham Lisa Bisbee L D Est Black Christopher P Blake Howard Blosenski Florence Blye Richard Bobiak Matthew Bomz Jeffrey P Bond Mamie Bono Katharine Bono Shirley

Bontempo Cathleen Bosley Judith Boyle James J III, Patricia Bradley Vera Bradshaw James L Brady Charles A Brake Shop The Branyan Sheila E Brest Norman A Brighten At Bryn Mawr Brod Kohutiak Jamali Ltd Brooks Latoya B Brooks Richard W Brose James F, Andrew J Brown Adam Brown Bettie Brown Darlene Brown Jerome Brown Mary J Brown Prince Brown Shanai E Bryn Mawr Dental Assoc Ltd

PGN Bryn Mawr Trust Co The Bryn Mawr Wound Care Bubb Anne Buckley Brian M Budge Scott Budnerbrown Hope Buhle Mandy Bunch Carl Bunton Carmen Burgy Diane Burke Susanne Burks Emma Burns Andy Burroughs Barbara R Est Burroughs Harry D Burstein Laurie Maxwell Bustamante Jorge Butler Monica Buxton Judy L Cadiz Aneth Callaway Michael J Callinan Taylor Cameron Brendan O Canby Jeanny Carazo Andres Carberry Declan L Carchidi Robert Cardone Michael Cargile Felicia Carlin Francis G Carlin Thomas Carol Riley Ta Tea & Cakes Carolina Ins Agency Carroll Stacey L Casimir Clothilde Catherine Ryan Cawleys Irish Pub Chakrabarti Indranil, Anindita Chantaraswuwan Noparat Charrington Pamela V Chaudhari Somabhai G Chaudhry Naz Rubina Chavous Colin Chavous Lee C Chen Hong Cheng Roger Cherry Kennth Cherry Sheila Chi Chis Chuckran Gabriel Chung Seoyoung Clark Sydney Clarkson Jennifer J, Jennifer Clayton Purnell Cardella M Clearwell Systems Cleary Edmund Cmi Collection Cohen Stephanie Coleman Jerene Collins Gertrude Commercial Construction Mgmt Concetta Connie Kirman Concord Mall Fast Foods Inc Concordia Worldwide Condos Richard C Coppola Joseph A Cornell Homes Corp Kevin H, Mary P Mitchell Covello Thomas A Coyle Patricia Crane R T Crawford Margaret Crawford Thomas Cresap Mark W Crisp Hazel Cropper Kim T Crown Fried Chicken Cruz Rafael Cullen Daniel Cullinan Jean Cummings Victor J Custom Cleaners Llc Custom Tees Printhouse Cuzo Luis Dagostino Jacqueline M Dalton Harold S Dambrosio Michael Dandra Willams Daniels Laura C Daniels Roger B Daramy Hassan

Davies Lucia Davis Derek Davis Mark Davis Sarah Davis Trachtenberg Inc Davocato Jacqueline Day Susan Dayanandan Babyshsha De Simone Rachel, Gary Decarlo Nichola Co Surgical Assc County Jpo Delong Childrens Trust Trust Delorenzo Robert Demuro Dorothy C Designor Denise, Thomas Desimone Maria Devine Nicole Devitt Andrew J, Christine Devonshire Cheryl Tonge Dhimlon Rudina Dicesare Edward J Dicocco Family Diehl Karen Diggs Dewayne Digironimo M Dimarco Dolores Dimatteo Maryellen Dinger Austin K Dinger Bradley R Dingler Diane Dinh John Ditzel Aaron E Donegan William D Donna L Coyne Donoho Linda Doran Laurie K Dorothy Dewey John M Dorsey Mary Dougherty Thomas G Dovana Llc Dow Elizabeth A Doxiadi Emma A Doyle Kimberly Duitch Sylvia A Duncan Ashley D Dunkin Heather A Dunkle Donte Dupont Andrew J Dweck Amy Eagles Nest Mgmt East Coast Pool & Spa Eazy Wireless Ehmann Patrick F Eideh Hind El Roeiy Albert Eley Stephan W Ellis Sally L Ellison Donna Emper Nicholas R Engidashet Ashebir Environmental Equip & Serv Erie Ins Group Erskine Kate Escolan Jimena Fantalis Amy Farina Patricia Farrell Emily Ferguson M E Ferguson Peter Figueroa Rosa Filip MD John B Finnerty Mary E Finnerty Megan Fischer Mae Fischer Marc I Fisher Amy Fitgerald Michael Fitzgibbon Kay Flanagan Robert R Flannigan Michele Flood Helen C Foley Michael Foley Sherry Llc Fooskas James Forester Brad Fowler Charles Fox Michael Francis J Curran Law Ofc Frank Timna Frazier Marian

Frazier Pattie Freilich Adeline Frey Kelly J Fry Francis Fuller Cynthia I Gabe James W Gallagher Erin P Gallagher Maryann A Gallagher Patrick Gamble Terrance Gant N Garcia Paulina Gastner James L Gavin Judith Gayle Errol Gaynor Judith E Gbodai M Geistweit Alfred M Generations Restaurant Gentile Automotive Gentile James J Gerace Gary Geranios Nikolaos Ghulam Syed M, Ahsan Amber Giannascoli Patricia Gilbert Louise Gilman Daniel Gluck Luukia Gold Andrew Goldsteiw Scott Goodman Kimberley Goole Andrew Gordon Randall G Gortian Lisa Gov Phetra Graham Leo Graham Patricia Y Graham R Grandizio Francis Granger Diane Gray Linval Greene Manor Inv Greenwood Bette L Griarte Charmaye B Grivas George Grobisen David Grover Floor Covering, Benjamin Grover Gubernick Kathy Gundala Kesava R Gunn Shirley Gupta Divya Haack Frederick L Hackler Victoria Hackman George H Jr Hahn Declan Mccurry Halligan Gladys Hallowell Roger W Halpert Sam Halpert Samuel M, Michael P Hanser Albert Hao Phung Harding Jane, Closson Viola Harris Lloyd Q Harris Rebecca Harris Tonya Hart Eleanor D Hartnett John B Harvey Daniel Haslett John Haughey Robert Jr Hawkins Tyleah Hayes Paul Healey Michael F Health Recruiters Inc Heaton Jeremy Hendricks Robert Henry Aubrey Herring Christina M Hespenhe Dorothy Hickey D Higginbotham William Higgins Robert B Hill Top Summer Camp Hillyard Diane Hinckley Richard Hines Harry B Hines Paulette Ho Thuan V Holland Barbara J Holland Jahmal J Holland Lauren

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Hollingsworth Rochelle, Keenan Auto Hoole Mary M Horstmann Helen M Horton Rovellar E Howie Harriette Hudson Lillian Hull James S, Margaret D Hwang Misun Iacoboni Tessa Internal Trading Svcs For Concrete Irani Zena Irving James Isaacs Robert H Islamabad Mudassar I Ives Theresa M J & J Systems Inc Jackson Ann M Jackson David C Jackson Merryann Jacobspoles Karen James Audrey T James Elizabeth Jardia Harrison Jeffery Celedre Jenkins Matthew Jerrybandon Preston Jhagroo Michael Jim Ludovici, Ludometa Consult Jm Singley Assoc Inc Joaddar Biplob Kumar John Tansey Dba Tansey Landscaping Johnson Effay J Johnson Eric A Johnson Jane Johnson Michael Jonathan Rivera Jonathan Rogers Jones Burt Jones Frances Jones Roges Jones Susie Foundation Joseph Callahan CC Sales Assoc Joseph Peter Joseph Raymond Joseph V Restifo Dgn Jrs Acquisition Corp, Algar Julow Kayla R, Corinn M Kachur Bogdan A Kahn Barbara E Kalbach Ann S Kalikiri Pramood C MD Kaliku Sunday J Kamau Simon Kamisetty Arjun Karabari Balaji J Karalis James Karamfilova Desislava S Karen Kleiman T A Karwaski Paul A Kaur Bhupinder Kay William Kaye Karen Kazanjian Leon Keen Janice S Keenan James Kelleher Patrick M Keller Suzanne E Kelly Brian P Kelly Stephen Kemmerer Gail Kemp Dareth A Kender Alain R Kenneally E Kenneth Schuster Assoc Kerr Suzanne, Mcilhenney Thomas M, Margaret M Kessler Alyson Ketterer Robert Kevin Mark Wray Law Office Of Keystone Premier Khatchadrian Arusiak Kidd Dean Kim Chong K Kim Young Kinney Joan Kirifides Vasil K Esq Kirk Kimberly Kirschner Robert Kline E H Kluberton John Koblos Rita

Koch Chour Kodumal Luis E Kohler Catherine Koita Boureima Komar Stephen J Konnully Reagan Abraham Kopperud Berit Kosmidis Patricia Kotarra Joseph Kpanlin Patricia Kron Violet S Kuitcha Kwandjeu Rodrigue Kumar Jatinder Kyourktchiev Alexander I Lafaitey Farnesther Lafleur Vetter Hazel A PHD Laguerre Roberta L Lajoie Joan Elizabeth Lakoff Kenneth Lam Tuan Lama Tsering L Lane Tanya Lange Charles R III, Rachael A Lange Jan Lange Norman R Lantz Sarah Laskaris Emily Lassiter Luther A, David A Latney Yolanda R Lattanzio Lora Laverne Waters Lawlor Tim Layser Evan T Le Thu Leading Benefits Inc Lee Helen M Lee Jerry Lee Keejoon, Mi H Lee Nicolette Lee Richard B Lee Yoon Hee Leebov Golde Assoc Lejarde Rolando Levinson Michael Levy Jennifer A Lgo Sports Lilley Preston WLilley Dorothy M Lin Andrew Lindholm Mary Lindholm Robert N MD Linn Robert H Liquid Knowledge Group Ltd Little Treasure Books Liu Edward Livingston Julie Lochner Leo H Logan Grace E Logishev Vitaliy Logue Patrick, Mary Lohmeier Anthony J Long George N Longstre Louise Lor Ka Lorenz S Loro Maria Louise Mcilhenny Roberts Trust Lowe Elisha Lowe Michael Lowe Stanley A Jr Luffey Ryan Patrick Lundin Etta M Lynn Evan Vincent, Conlon John G Lynn Maureen, Conlon Ann Ma Xiaoli Macartney Jessica Macwilliams Jeanine Mader Vicky Maguire Susan M Mai Cac Main Line Family Dentistry Ltd Malone Norma J Manci Christopher Manfra Richard Mann Food Market Llc Manners Marah Manning Patricia Mantegna Joan Maples Sian Mapp Paulette Marinelli Serena C Mariotti Denise



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Marisiddaiah Santish Mark Bradley Ta Yant Wanhua America Marquet Jennifer Martin Gwendolyn Martin Joann Martin Rachel Martin Ryan J Martinez Mesias Fuentes Martino Amy Marzano Alana Mason George, Maryann Massaquoi Joseph A Matt Jerald S Mattress America Llc Matusow Donald Mayfield C Shahida Mayo Joseph Mazur Andrew Jr, Anna Mazur Edmund Mc Investors Morgan Cobb Mcadoo Robert Mcandrew Robert Mccallion Paul Mccann Corey Mccarrin Chiropractor Mccarthy Heather, Kevin Mccoy Charlotte Mcculloch A D Mcdermott Joseph Mcdowell Margaret Mcgee Shifrah Mcgehean Jane Mcginley David Mcintosh Edith Mclaughlin Amey Mclaughlin Brian J Mclaughlin Joseph R Mcloughlin Heather Mcnulty Monica Mcpartland Marge Mead Daniel Walter Mediterranean Grill Medley Music Corp Meigs Divina J Melfi Albert Melvin Thomas O Mercado Felix Mercer Scott Messey Louis Messick Guy A Metzger Gregory D Michael Agostini, Agostini Remodeling Michaels Amy J, Marcia M Michaels Koenig Julia Katherine Mid County Radiology Miles William R Miller Bernard R Miller David Miller Leslie Miller Louellen, Kenneth G Miller Louise Miller Norman Minker Allan Mintz Wanda D Mioli Evelynn D Mitchell Charles L Moffa Lori C Moffett Marie Moghadam Marc N Monastra Karen Montenegro Esther Montessori Middletown Moppert Harry Sr J Morales Jose Morinelli Ryan Morro Jennifer Mortelliti C Muchnik Jack Muckle Amanda B Mulcahy Martin Mullings Dwight R Mummah Henry E Murarka Nishita M, Saahil M Murphy Bridie I Joh Murphy Lamar Murphy Roscoe B Murray Overhill Pharmacy Musa Said Myers Andrew M Myers Skyler Nair Ranjit

Narrigan Elizabeth Narvaez Maria Natalini Cheryl Neese Jeanne Neiberg Marc H Nembhard Travis S Nemours Children Clinic Nesmith Shanita Neuman Robert E Neurological Mgmt Group New Girard Pharmacy Inc Newman Jonathan Nguyen Ann Nguyen Dangminh Nguyen Diemquynh T Nguyen Hoang M Nguyen Hong Nguyen Kieu L Nguyen Quy Nicholas John Ninan Divya Norman T D Agostini DDS Norris Charles Norsworthy Sallie North M Novak Allison M Nowoswiat Rachel M Obee Lauren Oconnell Steward Oconnor Patrick B Odonnell Corey Odonnell Kelly Oeur Tom, Diec Jenny Ohara Christopher Okeefe Katherine E Okereke Maurice Olszewski John One Physical Therapy & Wellness Llc Oneill Elsie Flaherty Onwubiko Christian I, Golden Latoya D Ortenzio Emily Orthopaedic Specialists Osborn Michelle Osmon James Ostiguy Joanne Our Web Group Ovchar Joseph Jr Overstreet Annabelle Overstreet Major Pacheco Ramon Packard Lynne D Palma Margaret Est Panes Maria C, Abarintos Ray G Pantis H J Est Pantis Ruby B, Bank Scott A Paoletti William Parakhoodi Shabnam Parchment Curtis Park Barbara Park J Park Nina Park Soon Patel Jayeshkumar V Patel Shailesh P Paterson Geraryln Paterson Vincent Patrick Gallagher Patterson Jason M Patterson Samuel J Paul Fasbinder T A Paul Keisha Penn Bernice Pennsylvania Reproductive Asso Ptns Pereira Christopher M Perkins Felicia M Perzchowski Diane Pettey Verdeen Abdulla Pettinos Mary Phan Nghia T Phan Tony T, One Stop Communications 09 Pharmadiversion Llc Philistin Alexandra C Phillips Deborah Phillips Stephen Phuhuatalad Suwandee Piazza Elizabeth Picchioni Charles A DMD Pluck Lawrence III Pokalo Gillian A Poleck Aaron Poletti Linsey R

PGN Poole Timothy Powell J Pratt Christopher Pratt Glenn Pratt Lisa Premakumar Nayantara Premier T Co Press Jason Pribish Jessica, Ingiosi Paul M Pridgen Gerald Princeton Windrows Proctor Bernard S Prout & More Inc Psc Info Group Public Drug Pulmonary Critical Care & Slee Qiu Jean Quach Le Quercetti Laurie Quinde Marco Quinn Dylan Quituizaca Victor Quizhpe Carlos Radcliffe Margaret Rainey Ralph G Ramon Ines Raphael James S Rayer Kimberly Raynes Stephen E Ready To Wear Llc Record Production Solutions Record Reproduction Service Reddy Chandrashekh K Reese Rebecca Reid Raymond S Reingold Dolly Richards Susan Riddell Lois L Riddle Village Rieger Rita Riley Clarence Rinaldi Andrew R Ring Michael O Rite Aid Pharmacy Rittenhouse John S Rizzello Joseph Roberts Obert L Robinson Garfield Robinson Susan Rodriguez Manuela Rogalski Thomas J Rogers Helen H Rogers J Rohde David L Rose Nicholas K, Kenneth Rosen Elmer I Rosen Janie K Rotundo John Rubenstein Martin Rudolph Thomas T Jr Rutledge Sandra, Keenan Lumpkin Sabir Mohammad Sacks Daniel P Sadler Emily Sagnia Yatunde Sahed Abdul Saifizon Attallah Sakr Riad Sala Maria G Saliba Athena Salmi Erin M Salvatore Mary E Samuels Philip Sanchez Cesar A Sanders Rebecca C Sarfaty Mona Sassi Melissa Scanlan Tim Scarborough Richard L Schaeffer Amy L, James R Schaeffer Myrl Schatzberg Chiropractic Scheppman Carol J Schiraldi B M Schneider Jeannette Schwartz Alvin T Scott Greg Scott Lana Scott Nannie Scudder Empson B Scully Shannon

Seaver Christine Seger Tara J Sen Vannak Senior Ambler Senior Care Of Pa Serrano John Shaheen Abdul G Shamsher Tasnuva Shapiro Nicole Shaw Frank W Sherman Barry Sherman Eric Shippam Christine Shirey Harriet Shmokler Ryan M Shooster Harry Shore Bertha Shyne Anita Silver Meyer L Silverman Andrew G Singh Daljit Singh Harvinder Singh Surjit Singh Yadwinder Siravo Patricia Small Cheryl Smith Anne Marie Smith Centz Seonaid Smith Charles Smith David W Smith Esther Smith Florence Smith Louise Smith Maryrose W Smith Raymond Smith Robin Est Snyder Therese Solomon Charles Sonia Beauty Place & Boutique Ultra Sood Akshay Soricelli Richard R Sos Communications Spahr George W Speigner Danielle R Spina Adams Collision Spivak Herbert Sportiche Noemie Spot At Rittenhouse The Staats Barry J Stanley Margaret M Steele Michael D Stepalovitch D Stephens William T Stierstorfer Michael B Stokes Kianna E Stonehenge Advisors Streamline Improved Strong Cleary Alice Struble Margaret C, Puppio Micheal V Jr Struckmann Helen L Stuart Geoff Suburban Spine & Orthopedic Center Llc Sue Brown Sultana Parveen Summers Charlotte Suplee Anne Suplee Envelope Co Inc Surrichio Christopher Surrick Richard B Sutton Lossie Svenconis Kristen Tahopoulos Thom Tarbuck Diane J Tareen Nadia Taylor Jacquelin Taylor Kenneth Teah Lee Clark Teller Jarrad R Terwilliger Courtney A Tessler Steven Thoma William A Thomas F Sacchetta Esq Thompson Angela Thompson Donald Thompson Gregory Thorbahn Amy Tindall Jesse Tkach Olga Todd Ins Agy Tolbert Darnell L Torres Arline

Tov Stephanie Tran Hai Traylorfield Amy Trempe Steve Trieu Alan Tripier Barbara Triplett J D Tucker Maria Turf Club Turner Nicole M Tuten Virginia Umezawa Kiichi United Pharmacy Upm Corp Uppal Harjinder K Urey Anthony Van Eaptouch Vance Jennifer Vassal Ins Svs Ltd Vassia Florence P Veloric Gary Vidal Taimeka Vidi Eugene Vilgos Renee J Viti Albert J Volciak Jessica M Volciak Justin M Vuocolo Joseph M Wagner Catherine Wahrhaft Clara Walker Angela T Walker Obrien A Wallace Shamika Wallen Michael Walter Tinsley Wanninayake Jagath Wapner Ronald J Washington Shyrel Wasrdow William Waterman Scott F Waterton Ryan Watts Julia Waverley Ray Dba Weems John Weiah Ujay Weichman Herbert A Est Weiss Marilyn Weiss Nancy B West Mark C Wheaton Donna White Donna White K Hohn J Whittington Richard Whittle Aljana Whw Trust, Wurster W H Wickens Elaine Wikowski David Wilkerson L Douglas Williams Brittney Williams Clive Williams Ollie M Williams Thomas James Jr Wilner Robert Wilson Johnny Wilson Marvin, Seacola Wilson Quinetta Wiltfang Shane Wiskowski Christina Wolfe Arthur C Wolfington J Eustice Wolfson Helen A Wp Realty Inc Wright Charmaine S, Banks Alexandria C Wright Dawn Yancy Elizabeth Yanoshak Kathleen M Yates Bonita Yes I Got The Job Young Carla J Young Paul Yum Sabrina Zachai Constance Zacharias Peter K Zack Tonys Auto Body Inc Zahm Joseph E Zaman AsmaNuruzzaman A Zaman Khaleq Zaveri Mehdi K Zerweck Charles R Zibelman Sadye Zoll Jo A


Montgomery County 1319 Enterprises Llc Ab52 Inc Dba Bryces Catering Abramson Sandra V Md Alexander Mary A Altman C American Bread Co Panera Anita Greenfield Arronson Marlene Atlantic Fire Equip Atlantic Food Group Inc Attex Deirdre Ayres Cynthia T Back Strategiesinc Barsh Stanford E Basler Judith A Bellah Richard, Annamerle Bental Yaron, Sinai Chen Bernhardt Scott Billingsley Lance W Blackhatzen Bloom Stefanie Blount Karen Blum Christopher Blum Jeffrey R Bowers Michel H Bramble Linn Braunfeld Roger Brown Nancy Bufalino Charles Burns Kathleen Byers Daniel J Cardiovascular Assoc Carter Shabazz Aginah Chung Yung Cms Companies Cramer Evan Curedm Inc Dalessandro Roseanna Day Linda B Desouza Bryan X Detitto Alaina M Devine James Diamond Carol L Diefes Gerard Dienes Henrietta Dreyfus Nancy Edible Arrangements Eisenstaedt Jocelyn B Ewen Charles B Fernsler Jeremy Finley Michele C Fisher Philip W Fisher Suzanne Flannery Susan Folwell Aqueelah Freiwald Aaron Garrison Pamela Ann Gondek Geneva Greater Phila Cardiology Assoc Greater Philadelphia Spine Greene Mitchell A Grossinger Rana Gumeiner Steven C Hackman Joyce K Halligan Gregory, Susan Hamilton Betsy Heeke Debra E Herlich Amy B Herrmann Michael Hertzog Dustin Heyward Roslyn Y Hofmann Rich Hofmann Richard W Hopi Intl Inc Hot Wire Communications Howard D Huang Yao C Jefferson Health System Jordan James L, Lai Chiunghui Judge Cathleen Keefe Rosemary D Kennedy Stephen Kent William Kim Edward Klein Lynn M MD Kumar Anil Kurtz Liza M Lauro Dolores Est

Lavin Anne Leonard Barney Levandowski Henry M, Darpino Maria A Levin Rachel Lowen Kirk J, Tierney Lois Mahrt Russell Main Line Affiliates Main Line Cardio Surg Pc Mainline Emerg Medicine Assoc Malloycarr Megan Manley Donelson R MD Mansfield Kathleen Maran Peter M Marks Louis N Mcfadden Keith Mcvail Maureen M Milman Seth Aaron Monteagudo Alejandro D Morris Denise Moscow Harriet Muratovic Mario Myers Ellen P Nanees Kitchen Llc Nephrology Assoc Nocella Mary D Obrien Dan Obrien Joan Marie Orodenker Pearl Ot & Rehab Svcs of Pa P C Ot Rehab Svcs of Pa Pc Otto Marla Owston Thomas P Frank A Page Mark A Park Sanghoon Park So Jung Patricia Kirkland Phelan Lawrence T Phillips Dorothy K Phillips Georgette Pincus Wendy, David Porges Arnold B DDS Princess Gerber Pugliese Sebastian, Margaret Raychaudhuri Sarama Reiser Dale Reuven Asher Rivera Nina C Rogers Cleaners Rogers Elia E, Carmen Russino Chasteney Assoc Saltzburg Leonard Schmukler Anita Select Physical Therapy Serota Ronald D, Rosa J Shander Neil L Shaner Gloria Silver Hill Inc Simpser Chana Sinotte Claire Smith Kevin, Saleema Snider Craig, Elizabeth Sonstein Rose Stafford Cynthia E Stefanysz Annesley Flanagan Tannebaum Joan Tash Melody Taylor Lisa Tello Muhannad Thompson Gary Torgan Jared Toth Louis A Umin Arlyn Wachs Saul Wahlgren Curtis G Wald David Wallace Kelly Weiss Jonathan H Weissman Mary Ellen Williams Joshua Williams Nathan A Wintz Elizabeth Work Wonk Yang Sung K Zatuchni Robin

Philadelphia County 10 South Front Street T A 118 Dylan Corp 1207 Race Inc

1839 43 Poplar St Llc 1903 Spruce Condo Assoc 1a1cc 1st And Fresh Catering 1st Class Ambulance Inc 2011 East Cambria L P 237 N 12th Inc 24 7 24 Seven Food Mart 2424 East York Street Partners Lp 272 S 23rd St Lp 3300 Henry Lp 39 North York Road Llc 4666 Edmund Street Lp 5344 Alston Inc Ta Chelten Deli 7 Eleven 703 Management Corp 7th Day Adventist 8 Twelve Mini Mart 89th Corp 8th St Pharmacy A 1 Family Dental Ca A And S Manufacturing Inc A Computer Sales & Services Llc A L Feingold Associates A O K Auto Body Inc A Z Family Hardware Inc Aa S Things On Shirt Aaron Quinelius Abbott Courtney Abbruzzese Joseph Abbruzzi Rocco Abc Discount Auto Parts Abdel Salam Emad Abdul Halim Mohd Farid Abdul Kuddus Abdul Shakirah Haqq Abdulatif Hakami Abdullah Amir Abdullah Medina Abella Romeo S Abernathy Harvey Est Abernathy Harvey N Ablaza Rubyfausto F Abner Brian Abner Laura Abney Saudiek Abraha Senait Abraham Joby Abraham Michele Abrams Jeffrey L Abramsky Alexander Abramson Jonathan Abrantes Marta Abreu Justo Abruscato Jean F Abston Linda Ac Auto Clinic Aca Auto Parts Inc Academy of Ambulatory Acavino Anthony Sr Accu Credit Restoration Llc Ace American Ace American Insurance Co Acevedo Felix Ackley James Acosta Edwin Acosta Jameel Actionaids Acuna Hector Acutep Philadelphia P Ad Frenzy Ad Itive Llc The Adamczyk Stephen Adams Colleen M Adams Durrell Adams Elabio Adams George William Adams Jennett Adams John Adams Justin A Adams Lisa Ann Adams Lori Adams Patricia M Adams Phillip D Adams Rosetta Adams S Adams Stanley Adamski Barbara C Addeo Viola Adderly Eldon

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Addison Derrick Adejoh Chubi Adel Al Zaid Adelante Financial Group Adem Sara Adens David Adens Lolita Adger Wadiyah Adhicary Abhilash Adiarra Sanjare Adji Moustapha Adjintettey Ismaila Adkinson Roosevelt Adler Allen B Adney Ontra Adorno George L Adou Maliki Adrienne Card Crystal Clark Adughneim Nadal Advanced Staffing Inc Advantage Car Truck Sales, A & Cars & Trucks In Advocare Llc Llc Aegis Property Group Afar Real Estate Llc Afridi Noman Agabegi Michael Agarwal Sweety D Agarwal Vivek Ageyev Ivan Agnew Danielle Agnew Isabella P Agosto Edgardo Agosto Juan Agosto Juliette Agovino Rose Agrawal Kalika Agrawal Vipin Agro Trans International Inc Aguayo Ricardo Aguero Edgar C Aguero Yolanda A Aguiar Jose Aguilar Octaviano M Aguilar Ruiz Roberto Agustin Bernardo Agweb Farm Journal Media Agyeman Afia Ahart Carolyn Ahfcu Ahil Inc Ahlman Lindsay C Ahmad Nabila Ahmad Reida Ahmed Alyousef O Ahmed Javed Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Muktar A Ahmed Nahreen Ahn Sungsoo Ahuja Anant Ahuja Jaya Ahya Vivek Aiello Frank Aiken Particia M Aikens C Est Aiyegbusi Dotun Ajibade Sharisse Akaida Ikumi Akers Joseph Akes Mia Akes Ronald Akhmetova Natalya Akinsola Olukayode Al Abdulhadi Meshari Alabi Caroline Alailima Epati Alamri Tariq M Alansari Abdulla Alaseri Abdalaziz Alaulaqi Maan Alavi Reza Alba Frances A Albaki Rabih Albarracin Diana Albatroff Llc, Le Cochon Noir Albaugh Mildred Albert Christophe Albert Deutsch Assoc Albert Einstein Med Ctr Teen Clin Albert Leach, Leach Insurance Agency

Albornoz Francisco Albright Fame Alc Enviromental Alcorn Ykiea D Aldinger Francis J Aldinger Jonathan Aldolphe Phito Aldulimie Asad Alegre Esteban R Alejandro Angel Alenezi Fahad Alessandrini Evaline A MD Aleux Antonio Alex Roiz, Woodland Money Loan Alexander Alfredo Alexander Alfredo Dmd Alexander Blair Alexander Charles T Alexander Derrick Alexander Edith Alexander Estelle R Alexander George Alexander Inn Alexander James L Est Alexander Neleta Alexander of Texas Inc Alexander Pierrot Alexander Richard C Alexis Mitchelle Alford Joseph Alford Robin Algassimu Bah T A Alhag Amin Alharbi N Ali Abdullah Ali Edith Ali H A Ali Hadiyyah A Ali Kamau Ali Kashif Ali Limo Inc Ali Mohammed Ali Yasser M Alicampbell Rashida Alicea Anita Alicea Carmen Alicea Elvin Alicea Esmeralda Alicea Jose Aliesh Entertaiment Inc All Ocassions Flowers Allan Kardec Educational Society Allan Yaser Allcare Medical Equipment Inc Allegheney Ave Chiro Center Allegheny Business Center Allegra Nicole M Allen Bailey Jacquelyn Allen Belitia Allen Charles Allen Charlotte Allen Cherry Allen Christa Allen Delores A Allen Elaine Allen Eric Allen H Walker Allen J Allen Jessica Allen Ramone Allen Ronald Allen Shaheem M Allen Shay Allen Tariq Allen Tony Allende Ellud Allender Jerome S Alleyne Memorial Allicock Shirleen Allied Medical Group Pc Alloy Curtis A Do Allstate A S O Victor Perez Allston Harry Allston Spence Mavil E Allura Jiles Allya Nashia Almazrouei Rashed Almonte Jose Almonte Ovidio E Almquist Jenimae Almudarra Mohammed A



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Alongi Dina Alonso Katherine Alorabi Futun F Alpert Dana Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Steven E Alphonso H Ibrahim Esq Alpo Transport Inc Alqazzaz A Alrich Robert Alsamh Elaf Alshanf Ahmaed Alshehri Anas Alsiddiq Mohdfeizel Alsiddiqi Abdulla H Alston Alson Alston Carlos Alston Henry G Jr Alston Robert Altawil Ayat Alvarado Crystal Alvarado Janin Alvarado Luis Armando Alvarado Luis O Alvarazo Jaime Alvardo Juan Alvare Dylan Alvarest Kareem Alvarez Fernando G Alvarez Jose Alvarez Ortiz Alexis Alvarezolarra Silvia Alvin Willie Alwahaiby Raed Alwared Radhid Abdulla Alzahrain Joman Amadou Modi Amaker Lamar Amara Doucoure Amari Dan Amarilla Andres Amber Pharmacy Pa Ambrose Joseph E Amdera Art Shop Llc American Board of Surgery American Credit & Coll American Express American Express Travel American Heritage American Law Institute American Red Cross Sepa Chapter American Theater Arts for Youth Amicone Vito Amigo Music Publ Co Amin Larry Aminas African Market Amini Ben Amiri Shaima Amisson Catherine Amjad Dental Associates Inc Ammerican Services Brokerage Inc Ammons Stephanie V Amoco Columbus Blvd Amodei Russell C Amonte Jose Amoroso Eleanor Amuneal Retirement & Savings Anacreon Barbara Anaya Victoria Jr Ancone Joseph Anderson Carl Anderson Carlos Anderson Crystal Anderson David Anderson Dean W Anderson Deborah Sinni Anderson Doreen Anderson Douglas M Anderson Earlene Anderson Eric Anderson Garrett Anderson James Anderson Jerome Anderson Johanna Anderson Karma Anderson Kirk Anderson Kivette R Anderson Lacey Anderson Leonard R Anderson Lisa Anderson Marilyn Y

Anderson Rashi Anderson Rashida Anderson Scott N Anderson Thomas Anderson Walter Anderson William J Andi Simge Andiricola Thomas Andrade Clever Ramiro Andrew Laude Andrew Laura Bulman Andrews Dorothy Andrews Hakim Andrews Joan C Andrews Karim Andrews Peter A Andris Brencis Android Apps Androni Richard Andros Marie I Miss Androyan Miriam Andrusca Evgheni S Aneja Mansimar Anello Esther Anesthesia Specialists Angel S Care Angela Court I & II Angela Housing Services Angelucci Joseph Anggrianto Daniel Anguela Xavier Anh N Ly Dmd Anishin Igor Anitra Oliver Ann Lou Anna Bean Anna Meadows Dr Anne & Eric Gleacher Foundation Anne P Brown Trust Anonymous Graphix Ansah Kwabena Anson Deon E Anson Ken Anthony Ashley Anthony Jacob Anticoli Maichael Antinoff Maxine Antoine Multi Services Antoine Wayne Antoinette Davis Antonetti Rosemary Antonio Michael D Anyaso Cynthia Ao Brothers Inc Aok Auto Body Aomf Partners Inc Aon Risk Services Inc of Pa Obi Aoyagi Mariko Aozana Juvenal Aparicio Miguel Apellaniz Lybeth Apex Molded Products Co Inc Apody Jamie Aponte Angel Aponte Sanchez A Apos Conor Applegate Frances P Apte Saket A Aquinas Pennbrook Lp Aramark Corporation Arantes Gilberto Araujo Andres Araujo Dias Isaura Arbelo Andrea Arbiv Moshe Arbor Associates Arcarese Brian Arch St Hotel Partners Llc Archer Larry Archie Shirley A Archinal Cathryn Ardit Llupi Arebalos Armando Ariela R Aristilde Rony Armbrister Clarence D Armington Quinn Armstead Tiffani N Armstrong Andrew B Armstrong Mary P Arnold Elise

PGN Arnold Gwendolyn Arnold Jeff W Arnold Sean Arnold Stephanie R Arnone G Aronson Samuel Aros Arostegui Suzette Arredongo Johanna R Arroyo David Arroyo Hector Art of Wellness Llc Arthur Phyllis A Artis Dolores Artwork Projects Inc Artyushevskaya Olga Arufo Gilmour Aryani Hamad S As Chandrashekar Asadov Ulugbek Asal Berk Asavarahapun Tukseena Asencio Brenda Ashman Jacqueline M Ashton Winston Askew Antwyne R Astorga Carol A Astro Food Mart Astrologo Robert At Tauhidi Muhammad A Atem Abraham Athenaeum of Phila Co Atkin Katrina Atkins David P Atkinson Jeremy Atlantic One Funding Atlernative Jones Atmodjo Hondoko Est Atoine Lesly Au Karen Au Nai M Aubrey Jonathon Aubry Dominique Audesirk Christian Audrey Tyler Auguste Jeffrey Augustino Thomas J Auricchio Daniele Auriemma Marybeth Aust Cornelia Austin Jacqueline Austin Leila Austin Olivia G Auston Homer Aut Eng Electric Auto Closet The Automotive Extreme Inc Avakian Greg Avalos Mynor D Avarbock Andrew Avenue Chiropractic Avery Shamika Avi Ezra Advertising Avial Jose Avinger Terry Avington James Avraham Ron Awtry Deidre Axelrod Firm Llc The Axelrod Mpd of Philadelphia Ayala Aileen Ayala Manuel Ayala Reinaldo Ayala Sheila Ayalaguzman Heriberto Ayes Dental Assoc of Southern New J Azur Inc B And S Wholesale Inc B B Funded Properties Llc Babakhanov Borukh Babb Selicia V Baber Robert J Babiner Boris D Baccia Frank L Baccini Lauren J Bach Lawrence Bacha Shah R Bachen Jenna M Bachler Jessica E Bachman Amber M Bachman Jason

Bachstadt P Backes Roy Backhaus Christopher Backus Taryn L Bacon Alfred Bacon Thomas M Bacote Peter Badalamenti Vanessa Bademosi Adeola J Badey George J III Bagiatis Katerina Bagley Dorothy A Bah Alhassane Bah Alseiny Bah Fatoumata Bahng Agnes Y Baicker Sarah Bailey Albert Bailey Belinda Bailey Benjamin Bailey Brandon E Bailey Domenique Bailey Geffrey Bailey John L Bailey Kristen Bailey Wendy L Bailey Willie Bain Jenna Baiocco Susan E Baj Virginia Bakari Hasani Baker Delores Baker Hardy Baker Marie E Baker Michelle Baker R Baker William Edward Bakhri Syaiful Bakhsh Shatha Bakir Afif M Baksh Fareed E Balakhane Edmond N MD Balasubramanian Easwdran MD Balcerek Joanna Baldassarre Edmund C Est Balducci Julia Baldwin Derek A Baldwin Keith Baldwin Kelly Baldwin Kenneth Baldwin Sheila A Baldwin Shelly Balen Isabel Balgobin George A Ball Derek Ball Shirley Balla Angela M Ballance Mary Ballard Anne Ballard Marshall G Ballard Spahr A Ballas Jon K Ballato Kymberley Ballen Carolyn F Balmont Family Practice Group Baltacigil Efe Balthazard Roseline Baluyot Eliezer Bam Bam Biologics Bangura Adama Banks Byron Banks Debra L Banks Lesley Banks Rodney Bannan Khalid T Bannies Domenica A Bantum Dorothy Banwell Larissa Bao Qin Yu Bao Shao Baquero Pamela Baraga Michelle S Barakat Michael A Baraldi Alessio Baran Bridget I Baran Erica Barber James Barber Maimuna S Barber Raymond Barbier Necker Barcenas Rodrigo

Barch Joseph Barclay Demetrius Barg Michael Bargardh Roy Barge Jeffrey J Barghout Kamal Barikos Ermioni Barkley William M Barkley Willie M Barksdale Terrance Barlett Jason Barley John P Barloin Austin Barmore Jerome Barnes Amber Barnes Elick Barnes Gertrude J Barnes Gregory Barnes Kaylie M Barnes Marylew Barnes Norma Barnes Otis Barnes Pauline D Barnes Ray Barnes Timara Barnes Timara Shemin Barnes Unknown Barnes Vera Y Barnett James Barnett Joseph L Barnett Keisha Barnett Virginia Barnick Frances Baron Joanne Baron Serina Barr Betty Barr Chantal Barr Ford Beverly Barr Mariel Barr Matthew Barrera Andres Barrera Bonilla Theresa Barrera Rubi D Barrett Barbara Barrett Joseph Jr Barrett Leon Barretta Robert Barrie Mohamed Barron William Barrow Claudia Barrucco Vincent R Barry Dawn M Barry Erica Barry James Barry Margaret Bartash Publications Barth Douglas Bartlett Christopher D Barton Amp Phillips Llc Barton Joanna Barucki Laura Basboyaci Ilker Basilovecchio Katie Baskerville Halim Basol Kerem Bass Alfred L Bass Gregory Bassett Ralph Bassett Sean Bassetti Joseph D Basta Luke Bastik Belgin M Baston Joseph Basualdo Farrell Monica Basyuk Helen Batastini Orthodonti Bate Richard Bateni Cyrus Bates Joan Bates Kim Batista Pedro P Batkie Ryan R Batools Furniture Linen Batsikadze Emzar Batt Kaitlyn Batties Markeisha Battle Dandy Est Battle Maurice T Batzell Dana Bauer Bruce Bauer Robert Att

PGN Baugh Geraldine Baur Norma Baxter Gary Baxter Ryan M Baxter Sabree Baylis Mildred Est Bayliss Phil Baylor Jason Baylor Jerry Baylor Marcia Baylor Robyn Lorraine Baynes Eugene Baynes Jason Bayokbags Bayton Harry W III Bazile Marie Beach Henrietta Beacham Diane Beacon Financial Srvcs Ins Beady Edward Beale Lucille Beard Justin L Beasley John Beaulieu Joseph Bebe Jeffery Bebe Sheila Bechtel Catherine G Beck Bill Beck Keely Becker Michael Beckley Rachel Beebe Neil Beer Jacob Beersueba Enterprises, Birds B Begley Leonard Behl Madhur Beitler Guillermo Bekele Tirusew Bekkai Diaby Belasik Wylie Belcak Ghislaine A Belcher Edna Belen Antonio Belen James Belfie William Belger Kelly A Belger Stephen A Belkowitz Sam Bell Easton J Bell George E Sr Bell Kevin Bell Latisha Bell Norman N Est Bell Patrice Bell Rita M Bell Sarah R Bellamy Michelle Bellin Harvey J Bello Gerardo Bello Mewada Mamadou Bellows Sam P Belman L DDS Belton Corey Benales Michael Bencosme Jose Bender Janet M Bender Sheldon Benedict Anthony B Benedict Kerry M Beneficial Savings Bank Benefield Christian M Benefit Services Beneluxx Inc Benigni Lisa M Benitez Salvador Benith Penelope Benjamin James Benjamin Robert Benjamin Ul Benko John T Benkouar Salima Benner Thos Bennett Arisa Bennett Charlotte Bennett Chris Bennett Ciara Bennett Clyde J Bennett D Bennett Jay Bennett Jeffrey Bennett Jessica A

Bennett Juan Bennett Maurice Bennett Ronald Benninghove Ed Bennito Hair Salon Bennov Benjamin Z MD Benson Charles E Benson Jobanna Bentco Transportation Group Llc Bentley James F Est Bentley Lennard Bentley Marcel Bently Robe & Monogram Factory Benton Nakeisha Benton Sade M Benyaminov Sinead Benz Wm H Berd Anna K Berel Florence S Berger Irving Berger Jonah Berger Robyn Berger Wilson Bergeron Andrea Bergeron Robert Bergeron Robert D Bergman Harold B Bergren Michael P Bergsman Robert P Bergstein Adam Berkery Paul Berkowitz Asaf Berkowitz Stephen Berkv Leo Berlant Allison Berman Cindy Berman Merle Bermudez Pedro Bermudez Rosali M Bernadette Dye Photography Llc Bernard Hodes Bernard Hodes Group Bernard Phillip Bernard Shera Bernard Thompson Bernhardt Rothermel & Siegel Pc Berns Cameron Bernstein Harry Bernstein Susan N Bernstein Todd Berrios Albert Y Berrios Jose Berrotaran Gorka Berry Alexis A Berry Curtis Berry Edward M Berry Herbert L Berry James Berry Nancy Berry Raymond S Bersani Anthony Bershadsky Lev Bersin Barbara Berta Erik Bertoni Michael Bertotti Emma Berwyn Lancaster Lp Berzin Anton A Berzins Karlis A Besong Chandra Bess Karen Best Jessie Best Nest Inc Betancourt Omar Bethea David Bethea Lemoyne L Bethea Terron Bethell Allison Betteridge Elizabeth A Bettis Sallie Betz Mark Beugroy Enock Bevan Carolyn Beverly Adrian Bewley Myrtle Bey Abdullah M Bey Ali Bey Gladys B Bey Marvin T Bey Nashid Beybrown Gladys

Bezotsky Rose Bezuk Stephen Bhattacharyya Sayan Bhaumik Patricia M Bhavnani Sandhya Bi Wei Bialoszewski John Bialy Frances Biaselli Geraldine Bican Orhan Biddle Owen Bidin Walter Bielawa Matthew Iii Bielawski Elizabeth Bienenfield Henry Big Brothers Big Sisters Intl Bigelow Eric Bilella Svetlana M Bilger Dana Bimc Khh Emerg Medicine Bines Judith Bing Bong Inc Bing Terrance Bingham Alma J Bingham Richard A Birchall Bill Birchard Joshua K Bird Luis J Bird Robyn Birkin L Birmingham P Bishop Dorfmann Lazaroff Mee Bishop Rolanda Bisio Katherine Bismout Atara Bissell Amanda S Biswas Sayantan Bitting James Bittle Bruce Bittle Delores Bittner Kurt Adam Bittner Michael Bivins Angela Bixon Delores Blachard Gary Black Andrew Black Beatrice Black Cheri Black James B Black Pearl Jahmal I Black Tawana Blackburn Rachel A Blackman Joan Blackmore Bernard Blackshear Barbara Blackshear Deidra E Blackshear Virginia Blackwell Brenda Blackwell John F Blaine Richard Blair Christopher Blair John Blair Renay Blakeney Tyrone Blakey Doris E Blalock Anthony Blanco Jose L Bland E J Bland Glenn L Bland Leslie Blanding Bobbie Blaney Christine M Blassey Valerie H Blaszczyk Edward Blaszczyk Edward C Blecher Mark H MD Bleier Joshua Blice Colleen N Blim Daniel Blizzard Raymond Bloch Lugo Yvonne Block Kevin Blocker James Bloom Iris Marie Bloom Roy D MD Bloomgarden Assoc Bloomquist Sarah Bloos Frederick Blouse Carrie A Blow Travis Blue Andrew

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Blue Margurite Blue Visual Effects Blumbach Christina Blv Property Management Llc Boak Merewyn Board Certified Board of Education 1646a Lawton S Boateng Rebecca Bobb Derrek Bobo Eli Bobroski Richard M Bocchicchio Louis Boccuto Simona Bock Brandon Bock Jim Bodell Bove Grace & Van Horn Bodenschatz Heinrick L Bodine Tina Boe 7420 Smedley Kgtn Kindergarte Boehm William Boehner Donna Boell Joseph Boeun Sany Bogen Dorothy Boggi Adeline A Boggs Mercedes Bogle James A Bohannan Carl Boisrond Yves H Boland Jill Bolding Ola Mae Est Bolger Beatrice Boll Ryan Bolling Bettye Bolling Durrell Boltaev Gayrat Bolton Gwendolyn Bolton Robert W Bolvin Pearl Bonachea Margarita Bonaparte Herman Bonaparte Kieasha Bond Derek Bond Emma M Bond Quinton Boness Kita M Bonet Wilma Boney Linda Bonilla Teofilo Bonnell Kevin Bonnem Shirley Bonner Michael Bonney Carolyn Bonovitz S Bonser Corey B Booker Anthony P Booker Bruce Booker Darrell Booker Harry Boone Daniel Boone Nicole Booth Christine M Booth Edward C Booth Katherine Boothroyd Lidie Borden Celeste J Border Alice M Bordonaro Margaret Boreman Joseph W Borfay Manegoe Borges Edwin Borgia Anthony Borlase Marion Borosh James Borovich Allen Borowsky Freda Borson Steven H Borst Philip L Bosch Barbara L Bosch Eleonoor Bostani Abdul Bostic Markesha Bostic Michael Bostick Kenneth Simon Bostick Stanley Boston Essie M Bostongeorgecom Boufelja Ahlam Boughter Rowena Bouie Mae E Bouknight Natasha

Boulden Edna L Boulware Shakia Bouma Penthea M Bouris Todd M Bourne Lily Boutique Corp Bowden Joseph III Bowdren James P Bowe Doran Bowen Anthony C Bowen John Bowen Norman Bowens Paula Bowens Tahirah Bowers John Bowers Lynn M Bowie Elizabe Bowie Taahir Bowman Elaine Bowman Elizabeth Bowman Karol J Bowmont Jesse Boyatian Arto Boyd Alexander F Boyd Charles J Boyd Erik Boyd James S Boyd Maheia Boykin John Boykin Reola Boykins Ralph Boyko Brian Boyle Francis Boyle Grace Boynton Albert Boynton Alice Boys Kevin A Bozyk Michael I Bozzini Carl C Brachtenbach David Bracken James M Bracy Annabelle Bracy Lysandra L Braden Jerome K Jr Bradford Leslie Bradley Barbara A Bradley Dim Bradley Enterprises Ltd Bradley Francis Bradley George Bradley Joelle Bradley Joseph R Bradley Kenneth E Bradley Maryann Bradley Maura Bradley Michael J Bradley Rebine Bradley Sean Bradley Thomas Bradshaw Deborah A Bradshaw Steve Bradsher Moses Brady Daniel Bragg Kirsten A Brahl Guy Brahn Jeffrey H Braid Arthur Branch Carol L Branch Christina Branch Ina Branch Samuel L Branch William Brand Brenda Branded Sound Studio Brander William Brandon Lawrence E Brandstetter Mark Brannan Shaline Branshaw Algia Brantley Thomas Braude Richard Brautigam Kristin Bravo Health Pa Inc Braxton June B Bread Roses Commun Breaking The Silence Brecht Mary E Brehmer Carl Bren Jose Brendle Anna Brennan Barbara



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Brennan Brian Brennan Cynthia Brennan Donald Brennan Robert P Brenner Clifford Brenner Erika Brenton Joseph Dba Breslin Daniel Breslin James B Breslin Shannon Bresnick Michael Brett Ashley T Breucker Martin Brewer Judith Brey Jane R Brhanu Almaz Bria Michael A Brian Abrams Brice Ethel Brice Maureen Brice Walter Brick Ian Bricker Rory Bridgeman Vivian Bridgers Trumiller Bridjpar Inc Briedo Konstantin Briggs Donald Briggs Wayne Bright Anthony Bright Garoid Bright Steven Bright Yvette D Brightlight Co Inc Briglia Construction Briker Viktor Brinkley Curtis B Brinson David C Brinson Fabian Brinson R Briones Daniel Brister James P Brito Modesto Britt Kelly M Britt Mary Britt Robert Brittingham John Broadnax Walter Broadwater Ida Elise Broadwater Khari E Brockington Charles Broderick Jessica Brodie Edward Brodovsky & Laucius MD Assoc Brody Kevin Brogdon Muhir Bronov Oleg E MD Bronson Kim Brooker Lee E Brooks Christine M Brooks Darrell A Brooks Dorothy Brooks James Brooks Myron L Brooks Robert Brooks S Brooks Stephanie Brooks Tondalaya Brossman Helena B Brough Dolores K Brown Abdulkhaaliq Brown Ada E Brown Alberta L Brown Alfonzo Brown Alison B Brown Allen Brown Anna Belle Brown Anthony Brown Arthur J Brown Askew Jr Brown Barry Brown Bertha Brown Cantrell Brown Carlon Brown Carmela Brown Carmhiel Brown Cheskasha Brown Christine L Est Brown Cynthia Brown Dajuan Brown Danielle

Brown Darryl Brown Darryle Brown David J Brown Dorothea Brown Edna G Brown Eleanor Brown Elliott Brown Ellis Brown Erik Brown Felicia Brown Francis D Brown Frank Brown Gary L Brown Gregory Brown Isaiah Brown J Dykeman Brown James M Brown Janet Brown Jeanna Brown Jerome Brown John L Brown Joseph Brown Juan R Brown Julia E Brown Julio Brown Julius Brown Kariyma Brown Katherine Brown Keeley Brown Kenneth Brown Kevin Brown Kirk Brown Lawrence Brown Leonard J Brown Leroy Estate Brown Lindsay Brown Lisby Kashonda Brown Mae Brown Malik Brown Marguerite F Brown Mary Brown Mary M Brown Matthew Brown Mattie Brown Michele Brown Morris Brown Nedra Brown Nicole D Brown Odella Brown P Brown Patrick Brown Paul Brown Peggy Marcus Brown Peter Brown Ralph Brown Rese Brown Richard Brown Robert Brown Rose Brown Safiya Brown Sammy Brown Sharon C Brown Stefan Brown Stephanie Brown Stephen Brown Teresa Brown Terrance R Brown Terrill Brown Thomas Brown Tracey Brown Tyrone Brown Victoria A Brown Wadie Brown William C Brown William N IV Brown Wytia Browne Marguerite Browning Joe Brownlee Keith Bruce Christopher Bruce Leon Brumbach Marissa Brumbaugh Daniel Brummer Sara M Bruno Jean V Brunson John Est Brunson Kevin Brunson Njia K Brusco Bruce Brust Brigit Bruza John M MD

PGN Brw Bryant Audrey Bryant Brandon Bryant Emanuel Bryant Felicia Bryant Joel Bryant Kristol Bryant Reginald Bryant Rosale Bryant Yolanda Bryce Teresa Bt Washington Inc Bubble House Co Bucceroni Emil Buchaman Stormy Buchanan Marcus Buchanan Maryann Buchanon Christine Buckley Alfred Buckley Kathleen Buckworth Andrew Buddha Belly Llc Budnick Helga Buffalo Victoria Buffardi Carmen L Jr Buffert Emily Buffington Sean T Buglak Robert J Jr Buhles Deborah A Bui Nhan T Bui Phuoc Bujiashvili Ketevan Bukowski Elizabeth Bulkin Eugene M Bull Rosalva Bullins Derek Bullock Joe Bullock Misty Bullock Rasheed Bum S Bbq Grille Bun Yan Bunch Venezuela Bundy Anthony Bunte Ralph Bunting George L Bunya Vathana MD Buonacuore Tiffany Buoy Nina Burch Jessica L Burch Vanessa C Burd Katherine Burger Walter S Burgess Aquil Burgess Elizabeth A Burgess Tony Burgi Stephan L Burgos Alicia Burgos Ephraim Burgos Joel Burgos John L Burgos Luis Burgos Miguel Burgos Noe Burgos Roselyn Burgoyne Jessica L Burke Edward Burke Kelly Burke Margaret A Burke Sonia Burke Thomas P Burkert Mark Eliot Burkhalter Ellen B Burkhardt Harry Burkman Heather Burleson Toni Burnam Michael Burnell Isabella Burnett Deneen Burnett Karleem Burney Hubert Burnham Rashida M Burnham Roger M Burns Alexander Burns Andrew Burns Christopher J Burns Lori Ann Burns Rose Burns Samuel Burrell Elsie Burrell Pattie Burrell Robert

Burritt Miller Violin Maker In Burstein Med Assoc Pc Burston Tanya Burt Catherine Burthey Gaston M Burtin Derek Burton Amelia B Burton Barry G Burton Doris Burton Dwight Dexter Burton Isha Burton Julia Burwell Robin Buryachenko Yuliya Buryn Hanna Busby Joseph Busch Robert Bush Donna J Bush Gregory Bush Matthew Bush R Bush Zachary Busis Debbie Busis Deborah Bustleton Benga Butcher Arun Butler Angela Butler Eula Butler Georgina Butler Gerald Butler Jake Butler Matthew Butler Paul Butler Samantha Butler Sasha Butler Voidilla Butov Alexander Butts Betty Butts George Butts Otis Butts Randall J Butts Sam Butts Verona Buyske Susan Buzzelli Inc Byars Tammy Byers Aryn M Byers Foundation Bynes Raymond E Bynum Michael Byrd Briana Byrd Gwendolyn M Byrd Leroy V Byrd Leroy V Sr Byrd Quinn Byrd Sallie Byrne Matthew Byrnes John J C Erickson & Sons C F S Steel Co C M Consulting Services C M Trading Inc C Morgan Chiropractic Center Caal Carlos Cabrera Nelson Caddy Christopher Cadet Jean Jacques Cadwalader G Cafes Incorporated Caffarelli Jennie Cag Development Inc Cahill John MD Cahill Shawn P Cai Andrea Cai Han Cai Nick Cai Xinmin Cain Fernandez Cainas Miguel Caine Frances Cajou Elkerby Calafell Bert Caldwell Richard Cale Edgar B Cales Maria Calhoun Theodore A Calihan Chandra Call For Freedom Call The Handyman Home Repair & Improvem Callaghan K

Callagher Charles Callahan James M Calon Jose Calvarese Dominic J Camacho Luis Camacho Miquel Camacho William Camal James Camara Mohamed Camarata Hannah N Camarata M Camarota Samantha Cambridge Sheilynne M Camburn Peter F Cameron Krista Caminito Salvatore Camm Karen Cammarata John Camody Johnston Patricia Dr Camp Summerlove Hol Campaign Group Campanaro Vincent M Campbell James E Campbell John Campbell John E Est Campbell Katherine Campbell M Campbell Marlise Campbell Patricia Campbell Percy Campbell Rebecca F Campbell Robert Campbell Shawn Campenella James J Campetti Mark A Campfield Lamar Campis Leonarda Camps Jeannie Campus Properties Campus Technologies Canada Keith Canada William Canales Genaro Daniel Cananwill Inc Cancel Ancelet Candelario Arlinda Caney Joel D Canfield Charles Cann Lara Cannady Brandon Cannon Charles J Cannon Donald Cannon Elijahwan Cannon Jacob M Cannon John J IV Canter Mary Cantor Phillip I Cantrell Elizabeth Est Cantres Victor Sr Cao Linsen Capaldi Christa M Capaldi Richard Capers Hubert Capezzano Alyssa Capitanio Thomas Caporusso Frank MD Cappa Anthony A Cappass Nicole G Capps Sr Alfred Cappy Alexandra Capriccio Inc Capriotti Margaret H Capron Mauricio Capstone Caraballo Hector Luis Caraballo Joe M Jr Caraballo William H Carber Jeremiah Carbin John J Carbiou Cafe Cardiovascular Medical Assoc Cardona William Cardone Ind Cardoso Janice Cardwell Anthony E Cardwell Florence Care Pavilion Walnut Park Careertv International Inc Carello Carla A Caremore House Carenza Antoinette

PGN Carey Adrianna M Carey Robert Caribbean Multiservi Carine Seth Caring Heart Rehabilitation Cariss Jean L Carla M Barone Dba Salon Bardot Carleton A Brown Horowitz Studio Inc Carlisi Nick Carlisle Mary R Carlos Santiago Carlson Alfred Esquire Carlton R Carmen Mestres Carmen Pizza Inc Carmona Carlos Carmona Victor Carney Irving S Est Carolyn A Carotenuto Madeline Est Carpenter Roy T Carr Christopher S Carr Kevin Carr Linda A Carr Micheal T Carr Stephen Carrera Reynaldo Carrero Darren Carriage Stop Motel Carrigan James Carritte Amanda L Carrol Miles Cynthia L Carroll Forrest Carroll George Est Carroll Nate Carroll Wesley Carrozza Anna Carrpierce Anthony J Carruth Barbara Carson Sylvester Cartagena Angel L Jr Cartagena Angie Cartagena William Carter Anna Carter Barbara Carter Brenda C Carter Christopher Carter Douglas Carter James Carter Janie Carter Juanita Carter Kenneth Carter Lillian I Carter Lois Carter Queenie Carter Ronesha Carter Sharon Carter Vernon Caruso Anna M Carusona Thomas M Carvalho Veronica Est Carve Media Group Custom Card Zone Cary Beatrice Casanova Roman Eliot Casebere Cynthia Marie Caserta Elizabeth Casey Pamela J Casey Sarah R Cash Mike Casino Evelyn Casino Maurice Cason Nathaniel Casper Kaya Casper Lindy L Cassel Judith L Cassidy Julia E Cassidy Tom Cassino James Castagna Emil E Castagna Joseph F Castaneda Adekis Castaneda Adelkis Castelli Jonathan Castelluccio Michael Castillo Adoni Castillo Jorge Castillo Zulma Castoral Paul Castro Elmy N Castro Luis Castro Raymond

Castro Vidal Catalano Anita Catalano Maureen Catelli Laura I Cattani Francis Cattlelogos Brand Mgmt Sys Cautoclaud Cantz F Cavalier Angela Cavalieri Josephine Cavanaugh Brian Cavanaugh Garrett Cavanaugh John Cavanaugh Nicholas R Cavara Teresa Cave Keith J Caven Philip Cavuto Joseph A Cedano Yelitza Cedar Supermarket Cedrone Josephine G Celebre Salvatore Celia George J Celious Albia Cen Kenneth B Cenaj Alket Cenneno Angela Center City Chiropractic Center City Listings Cepeda Benjamin Cephas Gene Cerniglia Kristen N Ceron Garcia Leopoldo Cerrano Gloria Cerrone Frank A Cerruti Vincenza Cerullo Michelle Cesarine John A Ceurvorst Michael Cha Moon C Chaban Roman M Chacko Oommen Chackunny Anup Chadrick Theodore R Chadwick Mark C Chakravarty Rajit Challenger Real State Investment Chambers Eugene Chambers Howard K Jr Chambers Louis Chambers Robert Chambers Stacey R Chambliss Rosa Chamczyk Barbara Chamleywatson Santorri Champ Kathryn Champ Paula C Champion Anthony Champion Charles W Champva Champy Adam S Chan Amp Kyong Pak Inc Chan Carrie Chan Samnang Chan Vanessa Z Chance Quajune Chandler Claude Chandler Myers Gail Chandra Anita Chandrasekaran Shiva Chandrasekharan Vyasan Chang Albert Md Chang John Han Chih Chang Natasha S Chapasco Michael Chaplin Joseph Chaplin Leonard Chapman Alphonse Chapman June J Chapman Justin T Chappelle Edith Chaput Wayne Charles Marie Lourdes C Charles Matthews Charles Michael Charles Nelson Hall Charles Price Charles Willette Charles Zachary William Charleston Wayne Sr Charpaci Maria Chase Pmi Mip

Chaselevin Elizabeth Chatman Bertha A Chatman David Chatman Robert M Chau Chelsea Chauhan Dushyant Chauhan Shriram Chavez Jorge Chavis Dwight Chavis William Chavis William J Chazak Glenn M Chea Sophea Cheatham Abdallah Cheatham Antoine Cheatham Tamika Cheek Dashawn Cheeran Kuriakose A Cheever James Cheezum Kelly Chellis Carrie B Chen Bao P Chen Bici Chen David Chen Han Chen Jayme Chen Ju G Chen Meifang Chen Meihua Chen Robert Chen Samson Chen Shao W Chen Sijing Chen Wei Chen Yue Chen Zun Xiu Chenery Linda Cheng Chui Cheng Irene Cheng Joanne Chenofsky Adam Chepiga Virginia Cheriyan Cecil T Cherkassky Irene Cherne Brian K Chernoff Johanna N Cherokee Rose Emerg Physicians Cherry Eric N Cherry Kent Cherubin Reginald Cherwinski Karyn E Chesnick Richard M Chester Tabitha Chestnut Hall Chestnut Hill Emerg Physicians Chew Weng Chheng Song Hour Chhim Maxandria Chhinsong Pa Chi Neil Chiang Courtney L Chiang Hui Ling Chiapa Lazaro Chiarolanza Anthony Chick Samie Chickson Kara A Chigozilu Enigwe Children Surgical Assoc Ltd Childs Barbara Childs Harry L Childs Marjorie E Childs Murice Chillogalli Manuel Chilnick Yukari S Chin Kingsley China House Chinian Rachel Ann Chinta M Shah Amp Chirico Kabalan Amanda L Chirico Michael Chiro Michael A Chisley William Chiu Alice Chlader Paul Chmielarski Kristin Cho Jonj H Choate James F Jr Choates Sandra Choe Yoonju Choeun Sim Choi Daphne

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Choi Jun Choi Miyong Choi Young Ji Chokshi Shweta Chong Peter H Chong Suen L Chop Primary Care Ctr 39th Chop Primary Chcc Cobbs Creek Chopra Apoorv Chosen Generation Chou Soennatra Chou Wei H Chou Yu H Chou Yuhsi Choub Savoeun Choyne Amy Christian Adena Christian April Christian Coretta Christian F Santana DDS Christian Tamara Christiani Andrea M Christie Panasevich Christmas Taylor M Christodouleas John MD Christopher E Andrews Dt Christopher G Christopher Glenda A Christopher Janene Christopher John Christy Richard Chu David Chu Kevin Chuai Shannon Chubb Nancy A Chulliyil Annarose Chun Stephen J Church Michael A Chuzhaya Roza Chwistek Karolina Ciabattoni Stephen Ciappa Danielle T Ciccone Samuel Ciccotti Michael G MD Cico Rachel Ciesielski Andrea Cifuentes Edison Ciliberti Diane L Cimochowski Stanley Cintron Alexander Cintron Nadya Ciocca Adriano Cionca Ruth A Ciorciari Karen Cipriani Tricia Citizens Bank of Pa Citizens Bank Park 2 City Line Pizza City Of Hope City Real Estate Investme Citywide Exterminators Cj Supermarket Cjd Fashion Inc Clacks Michelle Claflen Assoc Architects Clanton Nannie Clapper Lauren E Clark Annie M Clark Antony Clark Antony J Clark Augusta Clark Bernadette Clark Bruce J Clark Christopher Clark Curtis Clark Dana Carlton Clark Daphne V Clark Debra Clark Emily Clark James Clark Kevin P Clark Lauren Clark Linda Clark Linda P Clark Lynda Clark Mary Clark Maynard Mecca Clark Michael Clark Michelle R Clark Norman C Clark Otis H

Clark Raoul Clark Sarah E Clark Sharilyn Denise Clark Tammy Clark Tanya Clark Trome P Clarke Jessica M Clarke Kevin Clarke Melvin A Jr Clarke Neville Class Christopher Clay Evelyn Clay Joseph Claytor Kandis Cleary John E Jr Cleary Justin Cleary Keith Cleary William Cleaver Daniel E Cleaver James J Clement Matthew Clemente Stephanie Clemon Michael Clemson Philomena A Clemson Ronald Clerger Jean M Clesi Gina Clever Gloves Cliett Mark Clifton Lucas Clifton Warren Climaco Steve Clincy Christine Cline Aaron Clinical Health Care Asso Clinkscales Bianca Clinton Mamie Cliveden Maplewood Center Clodomir Gerard Cloney Mary Clothes Pin Clotman Kimberly Cloutier Jeremy Co Op Nursery School Cobbs Richard W Cobia Krystal Cobra Construction Coccagna William Cochetti Alfred Cochran Richard C Cocke Sarah C Coddington Michael Codispoti Leah Coduti Kelsey Coe Anthony Coffer Shawn Coggins James Coghlan B M Coghlin James Cohade Alexia Cohan Adam Cohen & Willwerth Cohen Benjamin S Cohen Cara R Cohen Chanan Cohen Cruz Rosa Cohen Daniel Cohen David Cohen Diane Cohen Frederick Cohen G Cohen Gail Cohen Jacqueline Cohen Jake Cohen Jay S Cohen Marion D Cohen Mark R Cohen Michele M MD Cohen Reuben Cohen Robert T Cohen Warren M DO Cohill Megan M Cohn Adam Cohn Caroline Coia George B Colabelli Michael Colavita Kristen A Colavita Pasquale A DO Colbert Elijahaun Colburne Felicia Colby Dental Laboratory Inc



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Cole Kym Cole Marc Cole Michael Cole Rashon Coleman & Turner Dental Associates Coleman Blanche Coleman C Coleman Carolyn D Coleman Chris C O Iloan Llc Coleman Derrick Coleman Dorothy R Coleman Dwayne Coleman Kevin Coleman Leroy Coleman Magdeline Coleman Marquis R Coleman Samantha Coleman Tyrone Coleman William Scott Coles Kenneth Coles Leon Coletti Thomas Coley Donald E Coley Jill Colganation Llc Colin Max Collazo Florence Colledge Robert College Casey M Colliano Trevor Collier Alexandria Collier Ebony M Collier Reginald D Collington L Collins Andrew J Collins Conrad Collins Derrick Collins Francis J Collins Gavin Collins John Collins Keith Collins Martha Collins Ryan Collins Sabrina Collins Sean Collins Seth Colmines Andre Colon Angela Colon Carlos Colon Daniel Colon George Colon Gonzalez Alexis Colon Hector Colon Jason Colon Joanna Colon Jose A Colon Luis Colon Madera Jose M Colon Marilyn Colon Miguel Colon Ruth Colon Sophhia Colon Stephanie Colon Wanda Colonial Cleaners Colson Damon Colter James Colton Carolyn Colucci Helen M Columna Karina Comber Theresa F Combs Delores Combs Kinyetta Comcast Financial Agency Corp Comcast Financial Corp Comegys Lloyd Comfort Care Medical Equip Comfort Diane E Miss Comfort Zone Inc Commerce Restaurant Commodore Commodore Sonny Community National Bank Comp Rating Bureau Admin Acct Obi Compas Esaie Compoverde Julio D Compservices Inc Compton Joe Compton Lorenzo Computer Command & Control Computer Wizards

Comtel Wireless Inc Conaghan Anthony C Conallen Brian Conaway Darcell Conaway Edward Jr Concannon Jessica R Concepcion Diana Conde Bermudez C Condell Harry Condello Elizabeth A Condo Joseph Conestoga Bank Conger Mary C Congleton Dietra Congleton Stacy Conklin Kathleen Conklin Kurt Conlin Debra A Conlin Margaret Connections Double Connell Charles Connelly Craig S Connelly Mark Conner Ebony Connor Bridget Connor Cozen O Connor Michael F Connor Shawna Connors Austin Connors Germaine Conrad Nathan Conrad Street Distributors Conroy Donna Conroy Patrick G Conte Grace Conte Joseph Contes Mary Conti Joann Continental Party Rental Corp Contractor Aashish A Converter Jovanie Conway Frank Conway Joseph Conway Margaret Conway Shawn Conwell Inn Conyer Genevieve Conyon Martin Coo De Cuisine Llc Cook Jasmaine Cook John Cook Kimberly Cook Leslie Cooke Anika Vaughn Cooke Dorothy Cooke Reginald Cooley Andrew Cooley Lilly Coonan Leah Cooney Willie Mae Cooper Annie Cooper Benjamin F Cooper Carol I Cooper Clarence Cooper Dora A Cooper Douglas Cooper E Cooper Jennifer M Cooper Lula Cooper Mark Cooper Mark A Cooper Mary Cooper Matthew Cooper Michael Cooper Rachel L Cooper Robert O Cooper Roxanne M Cooper Schaffer Llc Cooper Wali Coor Oscar Copeland Bradley R Copeland Diaemia Copeland Jeff Copeland Librea T Coper Stella Copestick William D Copit Plastic Surgery Assn Copper Tiffany Coppola Louis Cora Juan Corbett David

PGN Corbin Richard F Corbitt Marilyn Corbitt Wilie Corchnoy Esther Cordaro Laura Cordero Louis Cordero Natalie R Corenzwit Anne Corey Dana Corley Desmond Corley Edward R Cormier Patricia Cornelius Jacob Cornelius Lisa A Cornell Bradley Cornell Hilary Esq Cornish Darryl Corse Sara J Corson Thomas Cortez Cynthia P Cortez Garcia Pedro Cortez Stephanie Cortizo Erika J Corwin Cynthia R Cory Food Services Cosby Virginia Cosi Inc Cosme Candice Cossidy Helen Costello Helena A Costello John F Costello Robert Costello Stephen Costner Dorothy Cottle Cheryl Cotton Henry S Cotton Norman E Jr Cottone Michael Cottrell Marques A Cottrell Richard Coughlin James Coulibaly Daniele Council Adult & Exper Learn Courduff Fred Courtney Louise Coury Martha J Couser Rondal Cousins Mkt Coutinho Andrew Covenant Properties Llc Covenia Warren C Covington Office Products Inc Covington Tina Cowan Lisa Coward Robert Cowles Paige Cowlin Jeremiah Cox Alex F Jr Cox Audrey Coyle Casey Coyle Michael Coyle William K Cozen & Oconnor The Atrium Cozzalio Samantha M Crabtree Brian Craig Timothy Craig William H III Craighead Elizabeth Cram Arthur Cramer Susan H Crane Johanna T Crane Martina Cratil Frederrick Crawford Andrew Crawford Angelee Crawford Bryn E Crawford Elizabeth Crawford Elizabeth A Crawford Morgan Crawford Robert Crawford Tunde Crawford Wesley Crco Phil Limited Partnership Crea Dorothy Creado Bradley Creech Curtis Creedon Erin P Creedon Margaret Creegan Patricia J Est Cregg Patricia A Creighton Terrence

Cres Property Investments Crespo I Crespo Lopes Joaquin Crestian Roxane Crews Clarence Crippen Amir Cristea Mihail Cristobal Claro C Croasdale Stephen Crocodile Philly Llc Crofford Marsha J MD Crompton Paige N Cromwell Theodore A Cronin Melissa Cropper Tanya L Cropt William Crosier Victoria Crosland Marjorie Cross Danielle Cross Lakeisha D Cross Micah Cross Taylor Cross Tracey L Crosse Michael Croston Valerie E Crouch Jason Crow Will Crowder Charles P Crowell Evelyn Crowfeather Brandon Crowl Rachel Beth Crowley Annette Crowley George D Crowley Joseph Crowley William Crown Fried Chicken Crown Louis E Crowne Plaza City Croy Ronald Crubbrest Hattie L Cruckshank Alyce Cruckshank Percival Crugnale Jacklyn Cruice Frank Cruiser Olympia Historical Society Crum Forster Cruz Alberto Cruz Alexander Cruz Angelo Cruz Anna Cruz Carmen Cruz George M Cruz Isreal Cruz Joel Cruz Kelsey Cruz Marisa Cruz Molina Cruz Myrna Cruz Quintana Angel L Cruz Rafael Cruz Roberto Cruz Vega Cynthia Cruz Victor Crystal Petruvvi Ct Wireless Inc Cu Unjieng Nicole Cuadra Jose Cuccinello Matthew P Cuevas Anibal Cuevas Zoraida Cuffeld Charles H Cugini Dolores M Cullen Frank Culler Sylveslier Cullinan William H Cummings Joseph R Cummings Margaret A Cummons Richard Cundo Peter Cunningham Albertha M Cunningham Community House Cunningham Constance L Cunningham David Cunningham Geraldine D Cunningham Katelyn Cunningham Leyla Cunningham Rebecca A Cupeles Wilson Jr Curcio Caralin Curinga Joseph Curll Joannae

Curran Hope Curran Margaret Curran Philip Currell Tracey Curry Jazmyn N Curtin Thomas F Curtis Caswell Curtis Holly Curtis Horace E Curtis Tiffany Custer Stephen Custis Taqiuddin Custodio Welison Customs & Border Protection Cutler Gary B Esquire Czarda Hilary D & L Business Services Inc D & T Properties Inc D And R Pizza D S Auto Tags Insurance D Trade Lp Dabar Dev Partners Llc Dabney Leroy Dabney Tawanna Dachille Jessa L Dachtler Dennis Dada Jumoke K Daenen Philip Dahl Melynda K Dai Yuqing Daisher Kasey J Daku Jashar Dalal Chintan A Dalal Saloni A Dalembert Samuel Dalessio Robert Dalfonso Thomas Dalia Gabbay Dalin Joseph Dall Valle Michael Dalsilva Luciano Dalton Steve Daly Barbara A Daly Joseph J Daly Kyle Daly Robert Md Daly Timothy Patrick Dalzell Kelly Dam Vincent Q Damask Chris Dambman Bike Taxi Damiani Yolanda Damico Amanda L Damico Gerald Dams Scott T Dan Nguyen Inc Dancy Marialice Danczak John Dangelo Stephanie Daniel Barbara Daniel James Ins Agcy In Daniel Thomas E Daniels Amala Daniels Carol Daniels Darryl Daniels Michael Daniels Michael MD Daniels Phyllis Lavette Daniels Terance Daniels Terri Y Daniels Theodore T Dankoff Robert Danso Yaw A Danta Lori Danzeisen Thomas Danzig Stuart J Dao Stephanie L Darami Zion Darcy Thomas E Darden Tariq Dardin Tariq Dark Asher Darling William Darrow Lavinia J Darryl Felder Darwish Ibraheim Darwish Ibrahim A Das Mayuri Dasent A C Atty Dash Khadija Dash Shirlana


Dashiak Francis J Dasilva Fabio A Dass Aaron J Dass Maryam A Dassy Wilbur F Daulagala Saluwadana Davalos Anthony Davenport Averill David Koneski David Petrillo David Spilkia DMD Pc David Vanderlyke DPM David Yaron Davidon Maxine Davidson Lauren Davies Deborah Davila Ramona Davila Rossana Davilavelez Jose Davis Andre Davis Anthony Davis Asia M Davis Blair Davis Brendan Davis Candace Davis Christian Davis Christina Davis Clifford Davis D Davis Darcell Davis Detoine Davis Diane Davis Dorothy Davis Eleanor Davis Golden Bernadette E Davis Henry Davis J Davis James Davis Janice Davis Jeanne Davis Keith Davis Khadijah A Davis Kyran Davis L Davis Lauren Davis Leonard Davis Luther Davis Malik Davis Marcus Davis Matthew Davis Mia S Davis Miracle Aa Davis Monique A Davis Moses Davis Pharmacy Davis Rahshene Davis Rashaan Davis Rick Davis Roberts Arlene Davis Ronald Davis Ryan Davis Saphire Davis Scott Davis Talaya Davis Theresa A Davis Thomas M Davison Ann Dawson Corey J Dawson Julia Dawson Street Pub Day Ella Day Robert Day Susan C MD Day Timothy Z Day Zimmermann Dayao Manuel S Daye Ebony D Dayle Leroy Days Inn Dayton Adriance C Dayton Eugene J De La Cruz Bernardo Deack Ada J Deamico David Dean Courtney Dean Rosalyn Deangelis Nigil B Deangelo Anthony Deangelo Frank Debela Melat

Debella Jean Debnam Willa M Debra Rainey Law Offices Debrest Daryl M Decastro Miguel A Dechert Tracey Dechnik Henryk Decicco Helen Decoteau Kordai I DPM Deely Diane M Defelice Virginia Defeo Simona Deflavia Antoinette M Degaetano Richard D Degatis John Degerlund Kurt J Deguzman Rolando T Dehuff Jennifer R Deissler Kathleen Dejean Joanne Dejesus Edwin Dejesus Epifanio Iii Dejesus Germain F Dejesus Joseph Dejesus Luis Dejesus Michael Dejesus Mossetty Luis A Dejesus Nicole Dejesus Rebecca M Dejesus Reinaldo Del Pesco Nicholas Del Real Alexandra Delacr Virginia Jeannette Delacruz Hope A Delahanty Mary Delaine B Elisabeth Delamater James R Delancey Joseph N Delany Dolores M Delatorre Natalia Rosa M Delatour Wm J Delaware Funds Delcid Elbin Delciotto Tony Deleo Ryan Deleon Lidia Deleon Rafael Deleso Jamie L Delgado Keith Delgaldo Francesco Delgiorno Nicholas J Delia Charlene Delice Fritz Delisi Bertha Dellapia Angela Delnegro Adam Deloach Kimberly M Delphine Wietek Deluca Cas Delullo Joseph F Delvalle Aida Delvalle Ines Demarco Anthony J Demarco Claudia Demarinis Carol Dembowski Joellyn Demby Joseph Demelash Demessie Demeter Douglas J Demetrio Alverez Jose Luis Demilio Gia M Demmel Sarah Dempsey Logan Dempsey Maurice Denagy Arpad Est Denardos Auto Body Dendy William Deng John Denichilo Michael Denise Bartholetti Denman Scott Dennis Christina M Dennis David Dennis J M Dennis William Dennis William J Denofa Cheryl Densen Joshua S Dent Julian Dent Rose

Dental Health Systems Dental Pavilion Denzler Edward F Depiero Zack Derbrew Nega Dereef Joseph Dereef Richard Dericom Enterprises Lp Deritis Ron Derkas Auto Body Derkas Auto Glass Derose Carolyn Derrickson Tonya M Derrico Dennis Desai Alpesh Desai Janak Desai Sonam Desantis Maryann Deshields Eric S Deshields Mildred Deshields Tinika Desimone Kristin Lengle Desouza Daniela M Desouza Gilson A Desphanches Isabelle Destefano Christian Destefano Grace P Desteffano Samantha Destin Margueriit Destin Mike Deussing Corazon Deutch Genevieve Deutsch Emily Deutsch Haber Deutsche Management Obi A Develasco Joseignacio M Devers Casey Devin Carr Devine Dolores Devine Jacob Devine Michael Devine Nicholas M Devine Nicky Devine Timothy Devlin Edward F Devlin Kenneth Devlin Mary E Devlin Melissa Devor Alvin L Devore Jake Dewolney Omar Dewyngaert Richard Dezheng Jin Dezwaan Feico Dhima Lefter Dhs Dia Ibrahima Diabate Salimata Diagnostic Rehab Services Diagnos Diakite Yssa Diambrosio Joanne Diamond Clara Diana Texeina Diarra Kalilou Diarrassouba Mohamed Diaz Anna Diaz Carmen Diaz Endo Diaz Fidelina Diaz Jesus Diaz Lourdes Diaz Maximino Diaz Perez Jose Diaz Rafael Diaz Willliam Dibb Malcolm B Dibelardino Anthony Dibiagio Kathryn A Dibruno Bros Dicello Charles A Dichter Adrienne G Dickerson Daphne Dickerson Erica Dickerson Margaret Dickerson Theresa Dicko Moustapha Dickson Lindsey Diclaudio Demi Didonato Natalie Dies Andrew J

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Dietz Frances A Dietz Watson Inc Dietzel William L III Dietzman Bryan Difeliciantonio Gabriel Diggins Omar H Digiavonie Joseph Digital Legal Services Digrazio Danielle Diguglielmo Peter Dihn Huong K Diing Alakiir Dilauro Gustavo D Dill Chester Diluzio Daniel Dilwar Hussain Clocks Watches Jewelry Dilworth & Paxson Dilworth Paxson Llp Dimaura Darleine Dimensional Health Care S Dinapoli Paola Ding Luyao Dingle Eleson Jr Dingle Evonne Dingle Lamia Dingle Tanisha Dinh Thai Cao Kiet Dinh Thaikiet C Dinh Tuan Dinics Roast Beef Dinkelacker Samantha Dinucci Angelina Dioli Marco Diomande Linda Dion Llc Dipalma Joan S MD Dipaolo Mary F Dipasquale Anthony Dipinto Marc Diplacido Janet Dirscherl Danielle Diruocco John Disanto Caroline Distefano Christopher Distephanie Joseph E Ditheodore Anthony Divenscogez Miwa D Divercity Developers Lphi Diversified Ins & Financial Group Inc Dixon Adalynn Dixon Anthony Dixon Buriel Dixon Carl J Dixon Georgia P Dixon Shannon Dixon William Dixonbailey Dawn Djb Studio Djerassi Isaac Djerassi Isaac Est Dlima George Dlin Geoffrey W Do Francis S Dobbins Walter N III Doberstein Joan Dobi Vladimir Dobrowoloski Albert Dobry Robert Dobson Steven Dockery Kevin Docs Phy Aff With Bimc Doctor Christopher William Doctor Sheris Dodmerb Remedial Program Doffoney Richard E Doghramji Rosemarie Dogin Judith Doherty Jeanne Doherty John F Dolan Joseph A Doletski Lloyd Dolleh Aminata Dombkowski Beth Dombroski Madeline M Dominguez L Dominus Richard Don S Auto Truck Repair Don Scott Creative Group Llc The Donacki Alfeda Donahue Annmarie

Donahue Jeff Donald Breanna Donald Selkow Ta Sales Inc Donaldson Andrea Donaldson Andrea F Donaldson Shanika Donatelli Barbara Donato Anna Maria Donegan Gertrude Donehue Brian Donnelly Joseph M Donneys Alexis Donohue John H Donovan Jeffrey D Donzo Musa Door Of Damascus Dopiero Danielle Doran Amanda Dormans Andrea L Dorner Charles R Jr Dorsey Darrell Dorsey Frances T Dosso Lacina Doty Eric Doubet Holly Double As Auto Service Doucette Felice Dougherty Donna Doughty Barbara Doughty Jeffery Douglas Caliph Douglas Catherine D Douglas Chanel Douglas Dorothy Douglas Emily W Douglas John Douglass William Douse Cynthia Dovas Vasilios P Dover Jamie Dowey John Downes Kathryn Downey Joseph Downeys Irish Pub Downing Caldonia Downing John Downing Joyce S Doyle Deborah L Doyle Donald L Doyle William Dpmkentnerprpa Llc Dr Denim Inc Dr Marilyn Luber Dr Steven Samuel Dr Swartz Imaging of MD Dragone Vincent Draine April Drake Eric Drake Woodrow Drayton Bryan Drayton Byron T Drayton Diane Drayton Knitwanza Dream Team Dresnin Stanford E DDS Drexel Emergency Medicine Drexel Internal Medicine Drexler Alain Drinkbunny Drinks Mark Sr Driscoll Amanda M Driscoll Francis E Drozalvarado Carmen I Drozdowski Robert Drt Industries Inc Obi Drummond Beatrice Drummond Marion Drummond S Druzba Brian Dryjanski Alejandro Dubin Samuel Dubin Stephanie J Dubroff Ralph Duck Marlene D Duckworth Angela L Ducoeur Danielle C Dudley James Dudlick Barton Duerson Abraham Duff Lisa M



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Duffy Bridget Duffy Patricia Duffy Suzanne Dufresne Rachel F Dugan Gerard Duhaime Annchristine Duke Chnel D Dukes George Dukes Gregory Dukes Irvin Dulin James J Dumas Michelle J Dumpson Donald Dumu Zhou Dunbar Harriet J Dunbar Michael Duncan Dayton L Duncan Kenyon Duncombe Smith Kelsey Dunham Edward Dunkerley Dennis Dunkle Christopher Dunlan Charles Dunlap Richard Dunlevy Hillary A Dunn Camille N Dunn Charles W Dunn Hakeem Dunn Jeanmarie Dunn Thomas Dunne Christopher Dunphy Allison Dunphy Kimberly A Dunson Monte G Dunst Mildred Dunston Angela Dunston Esther M Dunston Jodi Duong Stephenson Dupree Reese Dupree Rodney Dupree Teri Duprey Esteban Durachko Joseph Duran Cassidy A Duran Kelvin Duran Theodore Durant Eve Durant Immacula Durham Dorothy Durt John Dwyer Neil Dy My Dyak Ihor Dyard Siediah Dye David R Dyer George Dymek Monika Dynamic Photo Dynamic Service Inc Dyson Barbara A Dyundik Victor Dzebisashvili Marina Dzemaili Kathleen E Way Auto Sales Inc Eagan Joseph A Earley Amanda Earley Janine M Earp Wyatt Allen Easley Michael Easley Preston Easley Robert East Coast Flag & Banner Co Eastern Dental Assoc Eastern Star Sprmrkt Inc Eatmon Gregory D Eauclaire Steven Ebaid Rasha A Eburuoh Lawrence Ecker Adrian J Ecker Christopher Eckhardt Duncan Economic Food Market Economical Construction Inc Edb Financial Group Inc Eddings Brenda Edelman Cherna Edelman Jeffrey D MD Edens David Edmonds Herbert L Edmonds James

Ednedy Freddric T Eds Buffalo Wings Edward Reif P C Obi Edwards Alaska Edwards Amanda Edwards Barbara A Edwards Brenda Edwards Claire Edwards Elnita C Edwards Grace Edwards Inez Edwards Jacqueline Edwards Jamal Edwards John Edwards Kathrine N Edwards Margaret Edwards Mary Edwards Norma Edwards Sara M Edwards Tianna Edwards W Edwin Marshall Efford Jahmaar Egan John M Do Egen Elizabeta M Eggear Melissa Eggermaldonado Barbara Eggleston Ruth Eh Co Ehr Clinical Staffing Solution Ehrle Gregory Eichman John A III Eichner Elaine Eichstedt Julia Eidle Mike Einheber Matthew Einstein Practice Plan Inc Eisenberg Benjamin Eisenberg Lauren Eisenhart Lisa Eisenmenger Kristin Ekeleme Hyacinth A Ekwueme Comfort Ekwunife Odera I El Carrusell Inc El Paso Fino Lounge Elaine Ferst L Elbegdorj Erdene Elder Jess Eldridge Kyle C Elf Atochem N America Elgammal Eman I Eli Amsalem, Mattress & Appliances Elias Darren Elite Builders Inc Elkhalile Othamane Ellen Weisberg Ellerbee Carol J Elliot Cheryl Elliot John B Elliott Barbara Elliott Carolyn Elliott Hollie C Ellis Allen Ellis Angel Ellis Antone Ellis Arlene Ellis Aubrey E Ellis David Ellis F Ellis Jose Ellis Samuel Ellis Taylor Judith A Ellison Delores Ellison Roberto Ellison William Elrod Eric Elsis Shaunna Elwnyn Dental Clinic Ely A Ely George Elysyah Lilis Emanuel Jessie Emberger Christopher S Emeral Cutz Hair Salon Emerald Equipment Systems Emerald Windows Emerg Physician Assoc Emergency Physicians At Lich Emerson Steven Emlen Thomas F

PGN Emmett Rebecca P Emos Smoll Variety Store Empire Food Emrich Shawn Patrick Endocrinology Assoc Endura Technology Ll Engel Stephanie Engle Edward Englert Rebecca English Gloria Engram Kiara Enigwe Ifeanyi Ensterling Larry Entwistle Jeremey J Enwele Stella Eos Antiques Epps Ernest Epstein Doris Forman Living Epstein Matthew Epstein Rachel Epting Frederic A Equivest Development Erazo Maria Eugenia Erb Barbara Erdogan Mehmet Erdogan Melis Eren Nimet Ericken Eugene P Erin Treacy Erinoff Gertrude Erivett Robert Ernest Maria Erraioui Houria Erwin Terri Esenwein Debra Eskander Ramy Espillt Erica Espinal Rosa Espinoza Guasco Espinoza Julio R Espiritusanto Juan Esposito Alex M Esquire Michael D Essg Gaa Estabrook Winifred Estevez Geimy Estevez Samantha T Esq Estilow Brooke Etezadi Vahid Ethridge Andres Etienne Donita Etsell Michelle L Eugene Charnin Co Eugenia Guadalupe Eun Daniel Eustace Nicole Evangelista Bryan Evans Bruce Evans Dennis Evans Dolores Est Evans E Evans Elizabet Evans Ferrell Rose Evans Jalina Evans Jereal Evans Kyle W Evans Robert Evans Ruby Evans Tahaira A Evans Terry Evans Yvette M Evelyn Sanders L P Evenson Harry Everage Dwight Evercrest Lending Everett Steven Evergreen Home Buyers Llc Evers Joseph P Evilsizor Emily Beth Evin Harbitter Ewida Ashrafe Ewing Cole Inc Excel Medical Center Llc Excell Michael Eye Kenneth R Eye Logic Ezekiel Lundy Leticia F And T Appliance Faber L Fabey Joseph Fabian Gevanny

Fabry William Fabulous Stationary Fabulousstationery Com Llc Faeth Sean M Fagan John J Fagg Marvin Fahy Dorothy Fair David Fair Lawrence Fairall Cheri Fairmount Med Inc Faison Nakia Faith And Hope Boutique Llc Fakhri Ben R Falck Sunshine Falkove Rachel Fallon Timothy Falls Pharmacy Fam Tw Elizabeth Flower Family Planning Council Famous Wings Things & Pizza Inc Fanelli Angela Fang Chenlu Fannie Wilson Personal Care Home Fannings James Farber Harvey Farber Paul Farbman Jared M Farid Mohammed Farkas Andras Farley Bernard H Farley Bradley Farley Kevin Farley Makeda Farmbry Larry W Assoc Farmer Byron L Farmer Jasmine Farmer Rufus III Farnschlader Ashley Farole Anthony DMD Farquhar Kathryn H Farquharson Henry Farrare Lizzie Farrell Anna Farrell Eric W Farrell Gabriel Farrell Mary Farrell Stephen Farrell Thelma Farrell Thomas Farrington Joseph Farris Edward Farris Rushon Farrow Anthony L DMD Farry Vincent L Fassel Donna F Fast 8 Auto Fattah Chaka Faulkner Mary Faulkner Sally S Fauls Ryan P Faunce Delores Faustman Jennifer Faustov Yoriy Fauzer Victoria Fayssoil Abdallah Fazekas Alan Fazelbhoy Rafiq Fazio Alexandra Fazio Carla Fazlollah Mark Fb4h Feagin William Bethany Feaster Donald Feaster Valerie Fedeli Catherine Feder Jay MD Federal Insurance Co Federman Phelan Nka Phelan & Hallinan Fedor Britney Feerrar Joey Feeser Chelsea Feigenbaum Katie N Feigenbaum Mark Feigenberg Janet Est Feighery Margaret Feigin Irene Felder Esther Felder Ruth Feldman Arthur Feldman Blake

Feldman Charles Feldman Michael S MD Feldsher Steven G Feliciano Annette L Feliciano Idel Feliciano Lucesita Fell Chris Felton Derek R Felty Kayla Felzer Jeffrey E Fenimore Allison Fenner & Boles Llc Fenton John G Fera Donna Ferdinand Paul Ference Joseph E Ferguson Amanda Ferguson H Ferguson Thomas Ferguson W Ferguson William Fernan Jesus Germain Fernandes David Fernandes David M Fernandez Adolfo L Fernandez Dieppa Carlos Fernandez Eulogio Fernandez Grace Fernandez Jose Fernandez Katti Fernandez Kieron Fernands Stephen R Ferrara Benjamin J Ferrari Laura Ferrau Anthony Ferro Joseph Ferry Laura M Ferry Nicholas Fesnak S Fetfatzes Olimpia Fetherston Sheree Fiber Tech Networks Llc Ficher Abigail Fichtenbaum Rachel Fick Eva Fickling Riheem Fida James R Fidelity Alarm Co Inc Fields Carrie Fields David A Fields Donte Fields Leonard Fields Rachel M Figuereo Jeisson A Figueroa Angel Luis Jr Figueroa Efrain Figueroa Genard Figueroa Hilda D Figueroa Israel Figueroa Lucia M Figueroa Marilyn Figueroa Monica Figueroa Nelson Figueroa Otoniel Figueroa Ricardo Fike Richard J Fileva Iskra Filewicz Francis Filiios Elizabeth Anne Filippello Anthony Filon Ruth Final Mile Technologies Inc Financial Exchange Centers Financial Ins Serv Corp Fineman Krekstein Pc Finer Allan Fingert Evelyn Est Finizio Helene F Finn Deborah Finn Joan Finn Steven Finnegan Geraldine Finney Carl E Est Finney Joni Fiordaliso Dana J Fiorella Paula Firmani James A First Class Restoration First Class Subpoena Services Inc First Security Corp Firstrust Bank Bourse

PGN Fischer Ariane Fischer Rebecca Fiserv Securities Inc Fish Lonny Fishberg Andrea Glenn Fisher Andrew Fisher Anne E Fisher Anthony Fisher Gail Fisher Karen R Fisher Martin Fisher Sara Fisher Seth Fisher Tony Fitchett Carl Fitchue Ebony Fitschen Jeanclaire Fitts James A Fitz Gerald Elizabeth Ann Fitzgerald Edward Fitzgerald Geraldine Fitzgerald Kaylah Fitzgerald Kimberly A Fitzpatrick Sheila Five Star Parking Flagagan Sharon Flaherty Kathleen Flaherty Mary Patricia Flam Frances Flamer George E Flamm Mara Flanagan Hillary Flannagan Dennis Flannagan Molly Fleekop Howard Fleet Truck Service Fleetwood Lee Fleischman Fleischmann Sven Fleissner Rose Fleming Christopher Fleming Daniel Fleming James Fleming Robert Flemke Kimberly Fletcher Leah Fletcher Pearl Fletcher Samuel J Flint Jerrell Flis Bohdan Flora Bernadette A Flora Sanchez Florence Genevieve Florence May Est Flores Gil Flores Gilbert Flores Rafael Flournoy Eric Flowers James Floyd Carl Floyd Dennis Floyd Lindsay Floyd Reina Floyd Seth Fluck Timothy Flying Monkey Llc Flynn Karen Flythe Sharon Flythe Thomas Fnma Biltmore Portfolio Foa Yael R Focusers Inc Fofana Mohamed Fogarty Josh B Foggie Patricia Foggy Walter Foley Gerald Foley John Foley Thomas Foley Timothy Font Rodolfo Fontaine John M MD Fontana Anthony Fontanamalan Estella C Fontanilla Rodolfo Fonte Diwata Fontro Brenda Foot Comfort Center For The People Housing Llc Forbes Lisa Forchetti Stacy

Ford Abdel Ford Jill Ford Lewis Ford Ralph Ford Yourlonda Foreman Josette Foreman Levon Jr Foreman Toni Foreman Troy Foresta Beth Forman Willie Formiglia Marie Forrentino Philip Forsyth Nakima N Forti Agustin Fortino Frank A Forton Christopher Fortune Kathleen Forzano Joe Fosco Michael Fossum Jeff O Foster Dorothy M Foster Hattie Foster Jamie E Foster Mary C Foster Mindy J Foster Odell Foster Sheila Fotiadis Donna Fouks Lusien Fountain Stephanie Stoke Four Star Remodeling Inc Foutch E Fowler Charles L Fowler Luida Fowler Pollitt Megan Fox Corey N Fox Jennifer Fox Street Auto Foye Ella Est Fralinger String Band Frammajo Inc Frampton Michael Francis Addo Francis Christopher Francis Cynthia K Francis Greene, Look At Me Now Francis Jhenelle Francis Lonyard Francis Stephen Francis Suzanne Francois Evans Francoisponcet Maxime Francoreyes Carlos Alberto Franey Terrence Frank Lisa Frankel Dean H Frankel Jordana Frankel Sunne Eden Frankford Ave Dental Center Frankford Medical Pain Management Frankfort Business Center Franklin Law Center Pc Franklin Mark Franklin Melvin Franklin Steven Franks Carly Franks Dana O Frannyaposs Floor Mat Fransel Kristina Frantzreb Charles Austin Fraser Geraldine P Fratantoni Norma Fratz Alex Frazier Annie Frazier Etta M Frazier Rochelle Freamon Jessica Fred Emanuel Fred Francano Fred Samuel Frederick Dawn Fredoun Rashidan Freehafer Patricia Freeland Brenda Freely Ernest Freely Joseph Freeman Freeman Freeman Joseph Freeman Kareem Freeman S A

Freeman Susan L Freeman Tyrone Freese Lawrence A French Edith Fretz Kathryn R Frey Todd Fridie James R III Fridman Ida Friedberg Joseph Friedland Zach Friedman Esther Friedman Joe Friedman Marlene Friedman Michael Friedman Michelle Friedman Mordechai Friend Raymond Friendly Corner Frings Victoria Frisby Roland M Frisch Daniel R Md Frishmuth Charles Fritchman Frederick Froehlich Timothy Fromsen Irene Frunzi Frances T Est Frustieri Jean D Fry Jeffrey Fry Michael Fry Sylvester C Frye Daniel Frye Tina L Fryer Kathleen Ftaiha Ian Fudge Robert B Fuelleborn Andrew C Fuentes Angel Fuentes Brian Fuentes Jonathan Fuentes Luis A Fugueroa Lisa I Fuhrmeister R Fujiyama Hiroki Fuller Chevaz Fuller David Fuller Renee Fulton Helen Fulton Tiffany L Fulton Tony W Fultz Steven Funchess Daryldre Fung Maly Fung You Mark Est Funk Abigail Furfari Louis Furman Valerie Furniture Connection Furniture Imports Inc Furr Arwilder Fuscellaro Cosmo Fuscellaro Jimmy Fuseini Nurain M Futryk John Fw Morgan Fyock Andrew Gabay Ent & Assoc Gabinsky Gala Gabriel Bryan Gabriel Wanda L Gaddy Carleen Y Gadley Lyndsay E Gadsden Maurice Gaffield James K Gaffke Jamie Gailforce Gailforce Communications Gaine Noah Gaines J Gaines Sarah M Gaiser Zell Marie T Galan Mark Md Galarza Lora Galaxy Wireless Inc Galczynski Zachary Galea Sarah Galeano Andres Galeano German Gales David M Gales Marjorie Galkin Yelena Gallagher Brian P

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Gallagher D Gallagher Edward W Gallagher Eillen Anne Gallagher Harry Gallagher Joan D Gallagher Joseph Gallagher Joseph T Gallagher Linda Gallagher Maria Gallagher Marylou Gallagher Melanie Gallagher Paul F X Gallashaw Matthew D Gallegos Jose Gallelli Domenic Galligar Linda A Galligher Tracy Gallivan Kathleen Gallivan Mark Gallow Rick Galloway Kelley A Gallub Charles Gallucci Rockland Ryan Trust Galus Edyta Galvan Marlon Galvez Luis Gamarra Natalia Gambaatar Khulangoo Gamble Matthew Gamboa Gioumie Gambrel William Gamburg Michael S Gamma Epsilon Gandhi Harish Gandhi Poonam Gandhi Raghav Gandy Cheryle Ganesh Arjunan MD Gannon James D Gannon Mark Ganser Meghan Gao Caiyu Gao Qinping Gapour Viviene Gapsa Garate Grisel Garay Mercedes Garber Stefy Garcia Alfredo Garcia Carlos Garcia Castillo Martin Garcia Christopher Garcia Envios Llc Garcia Facundo Est Garcia Fermin Garcia Frank D Garcia Ileana Garcia Jaime Iglesias Garcia Javier Garcia Jorge E Garcia Jose Garcia Leslie Garcia Marrie Garcia Marylou Garcia Milagros Garcia Rodriguez Oscar Garcia Tiffany M Garcia Virginio Garcon Loic Garden State Cardiology Gardendale Athletic Gardner Albert Gardner Dorice P Gardner Lisa Massey Gardner Patrice Gardner Scott Gardner Shyrelle Gardner Thersia Garfield Garfield Garfield Katrina Gargani Jamie C Gargantos Christopher Garland Linda Garner Derrick Garner Jerome Garner Kelly Garner Rickina N Garnett M Garrett Debbie Garrett Jamahl Garrett Joanna

Garrett Shari E Garrett Tianna Garrett Warren M Garson Henry Garson Michael Gary Cheryl Gary Dwight Gary Michael Gary Rosetta Gaskin Yvonne Gaskins Howard Gaskins James R Gaskins Loretta Gaskins Michael Gaskins Tammy Gaston Farrah Gaston Nena Gatan Adam J Gateka Millie R Gateward Bessie Gatling Danetta Gatta Ciriaco A Gatto John Gaughan Dmd Gaver Justine E Gavigan David Gavin Diane Gay Bernard Gay Ronald Gay Roy N Gaylord Lindsay Gaymon Rosia Gaynor Irene Gbayor Nilsa Gbolo Albert G Gdula Sara Ge Heming Geain Leadopoe Gedeon Amber Geffert Willis P Geftman Firm Geier Mary Ann Geiger Anna Gelb Elaine M Gelberg Mark A Gem Enterprises Pa Ii Llc Gemini Bakery Equipment Co General & Vascular Surg Grp Genesis Chase Founda The Genkin Alexander S Gensel Lauren Gentile John E Gentry Stephen Genua Marco George Errol George Hummel Airduct Cleaning George Joby George Joji George Koshy George Lijo P Georgiades Panagiotis Georgiou Kyriacos A Gerena Garcia Luz Maria Germantown County Da Germeyer Germaine Gerngross J Jr Gershenfeld Walter J Gertrude H Dodge Trust Geryk Scott R Gessese Dawit Get It Done Here Geter Kathi L Gfin6 Management Inc Gi Press Project Giacomazzo Jeremy Giacomini Nicholas John Giannini Egino Giarelli Emily J Giarraffa Robert Gibb Matthew Gibbons Eric Gibbons Rose Gibbs Arthur Gibbs Carrie R Gibbs Excie Gibbs Herbert Gibbs Herman Gibbs Patricia Gibson Ashely Gibson Dwight Gibson Edna



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Gibson Eric Gibson Lelia V Gibson Michael Gibson Shatiera Gibson Taraya E Giddens Victor D Giel John M Giel Michael Gierke Jillian N Gift of Life Donor Program Gigliotti Yvonne Gilberg David A Gilbert Browning Studios Gilbert Maurice Gilbert Stacey D Gilbert Valerie Gilchrist Jacqueline Giles Gladys Est Gill Jamal Gill Mark John Gill Miesha Gillespi Soledad Perez Gillespie James Gillespie John Gillespie Richard Gillespie Soledad P Gillette Nicholas B Gilliam David Mustafa Gilliam Jackson Taleatta C Gilliard Lawrence Gillie Jeffrey R Gilligan James Gillis Harvey Gillispie Michael Gilmore Joshua Gilwhite Francisco J Gina White’s Catering Service Gingrich Teresa A Ginion Donald Ginorio Madeline Ginsberg Alice Ginsburg Dana Giordano Edythe Giordano Lucio Giordano Rita D Giordano Tracey A Giove Raffaele Giplaye Emma Giron Saily Girvin Gerald Giterman Igor Gitlin David Gitter Gal Giuffrida Michelle A Giunta Michael Givebooks Givens Matthew Givens William Gjeli Ylli Gladden Catherine Gladys Andrews Bazemore Glantz Luke Glantz Luke D Glasgow Leonard Glass Demetrius Glass Fatimah Glass Workz Inc Glawson Edwina Glaxosmithkline Glazer Esther Gleckman Nicholas Glen Greene Elizabeth Glen Jeffrey D Glenmede Trust Co Glenn Kyle Glenn Lois Glickstein Melvin Global Arena Llc Global Commercial Mortgage Brokers Global Health Adv In Globo Chem Inc, Resurrection Ale Hous Glon Llc Gloria Davis Gloster James Glover Candeesha Glover Douglas Glover Kieeme D Glover Naseem Se Glover Thelma Glowienka John Glukhov Igor

Glyn Jonathan Gmac Mortgage Llc Godboldt Veronica L Godfrey Winston Goel Kriti Goff Carlise Densten Goffi Nicholas Goginashvili Mikheil Goins Robyn L Gokul Ragunathan Gold Rose Gold Standard At Penn Inc Goldberg Jessica Goldberg Mark Goldberg Michael N Goldberg Miller Rubin P C Goldberg Samuel Golden Anna Marie Golden Bridge Partnership Golden Kathleen M Golderer William A Jr Goldfarb Joseph Goldfisher Edna Goldfrad Lillian Goldman Blaise Goldman Liz Goldman Lloyd Goldman Randolphdgn Goldman William Est Goldsborough Taisha Goldschmidt Jessica Goldsmith Callie Goldsmith Darrell A Goldsmith Jason Goldstein Amanda Goldstein Farrell M Goldstein Najah Goldstein Stephe Goldwire Denis Golla Thomas F Gollomp Kandace Goltra David D Gomez Dario Gomez Edwin Gomez Frank Gomez Franklin Gomez Georgina Gomez Sandra Gomley Mary A Gommer Tatiana Goncharova Alexandria Gonick Paul MD Pc Gonji Lula Gonzales Luis Gonzalez Angel Gonzalez Antonio Gonzalez Erteran Gonzalez Francis J Gonzalez Gilberto Gonzalez Gloria Gonzalez Johnny Gonzalez Jose Gonzalez Jose M Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez Kimberly Gonzalez Makaylah Leilani Gonzalez Miranda Jose A Gonzalez Natasha Gonzalez Obdulio N Gonzalez Samuel Q Good Elizabeth N Good Linda Good Shepherd Physicians Group Goodbred Andrew Gooden Dolores Annette Gooden Wilton Goodman Adam Goodman Anne Goodman Barbara Goodman Lowell Goodnick Regina Goodson Robert Goodwin John Goodwin Stephanie Goolsby Larry E Gopinath Mohan Gorden Eugene Gordon Arlen Gordon Denise E Gordon Douglas Gordon Efim

PGN Gordon Lillian Gordon Lisa Gordon Patricia Gordon Rawlin Gordon Robert Gordon Roger Gordon Sheryl Gordon Tarehe Gordon Thomas Gore Alma Gore Charles Gore Eric M Gore Frances Gorham David Gormisky Dolores Gormley Christopher Gormley Dawn M Gormley Jacqueline M Gormley Sean Gorovits Lilia Md Goryanto Goryanto Goss Larry R Gottlieb Diane Gottlieb Julia Gottlieb Mchale Lily A Gotzis Lori L Gough Raymond Gould James E Gould Malik Gowarty Jacob Grabowski Leit M Graduate Hospit Grady Barbara E Grady Michael S MD Graf Erin Graham Beverly Graham Dataya P Graham Deyona Graham James Graham Kelly Graham Linare Graham Percy Graham Troy J Granato Anthony Grandizio Steve Grandom Institution Granite State Inpatient Grant Angella D Grant Deidre Grant Janel Grant Lycia Grant Michelle Grant Paul M Grant Seneca Graphic Art Inc Graser Ryan Grasse Dane Grassi Anna Gravelle Marc Graves Michael J Graves Savain Graves Vaughan C Gray Dwayne Gray Edward D Gray Joel R Gray Lewis Gray Minie Grayson David J Greater Philadelphia Health Action Ind Greco Anthony Greco Attilio Greeley Benjamin B Greeley Siri Green Andrew Green Autumn Green Brady Green Brenda Green Cheryl Green Clayborn Green Damon Green Deborah Green Eartha Green Elizabeth Green Gerald C Green Geraldine Green Grandel C Green Howard Green Jamal R Green Jan M Green Jennifer Green Joe

Green Joll Green Joseph Green Kamero Green Kathleen Green Mayme Green Mercita Green Nickeish Green Omar Green Rafael Green Rodney Green Ronald Green Sky Investments Llc Green Sylvia Green Thomas Green Travis Green Vivian Green William S Greenbaum Linda Greenbaum Steven S MD Greenberg Gillian Greenberg Jack Greenberg Leon I Greenberg Steven M MD Greene Elizabeth Greene Howard L Greene Kenneth W Sr Greene Melena Greene Nicole Greene Robert L Jr Greenfield Albert M Greengas Rachel B Green-Parkinson Rebecca Greens Deli Dba Michelle Green Greenspan Hannah V Greenstein Hannah L L Greenstreet Milton W Greenwood Mark Greer Robert Greg Santoro General Gregg Anthony Greggo Vincent T Gregorczak S Gregorio Dino J Ii Gregory Brian Gregory Charles Gregory Dipadova Gress Charles J Greves Edward Grey Eric D Grey Flor Judith Gribb Maureen Griffin Anette I Griffin Blake S Griffin Cheryl R Griffin Jamaal Griffin Jeanne G Griffin Kum S Griffin Martha Teahdee Griffin Ruby Griffin Vogler Griffith Melba Griffith Melba J Griffith Patricia A Griggs Willie J Grills Jeff Grimmer Sonny Grimsey Matthew Grinberg Ilya Grinschpun Finia Groce Dorothy Grocery Galvan Grodnitzky Andrea S Groff Brandon N Grom Taren Grose Kenneth M Gross Larry M Gross Lauren Gross Lawrence Gross Thomas Grossman J Grossman Matthew Grosso Barbara Grosso Michael Group Specialist Inc Grugel Caitlin M Grumer Frances Grunewald Kathryn Gruszka C Grybok Andrii Grydok Andrii Guang Xing

Guaracino Jeff Guaranty Insurance Services Inc Guaranty Radian Guareschi Stefania Guddah Josephine Guelen Lizette Gueno Christopher Guenther Scarlett Guerreo Juan Guerrero Maryjemm Guerrieri Eva Marie Guertin Marie E Guess Bernard Guess Catherine Guess Mills Synearr Gueteoala Manuel Guevara Dora Guevarea Juaquin Gueye Diariata Guggino Associates Inc Guglielmelli Frank Guidry John Guillemin Kierin C Guillen Steven Guilmet Inc Guioirate Thomas Gullett Charles Gullicksen Sandra Gunawan Standly Gundersheimer William I Gundrum Natalie Gunduz Nevin Gunter Petronia S Gunther Cory A Guo Yin Guo Ying Gupta Archana Gupta Mohit Gupta Radhika Guru Samita Gusman Carlos Gutenberger Rose Guterl Brian Guth Christopher Guy Danae L Guyapersaud Fareena Guzel Bayrin B Guzman Angel Guzman Molina Sharyl Guzman Ramon Guzman Robert Gyasi Diane Gyeong Moon Dba Crispy Swettie H Abdul Fatihah H And J Wireless Pa Inc H And S Enterprises Inc H3 Hybrids Ha Co T Ha Khoa A Haas Andrew R Md Haba Yamit Habboushe Fawzi P Habitat For Humanity Phil Habtewold Getahun Hachey Michael G Haciomeroglu Sirin Hadiyah Dwyer, Umm Taahir’s Interactive Hadley Larry Hadley Maria Hadley Monica Haft Darin Hagedorn Katherine Hager Jacob Hagerty Jennifer Hagg Shahia Haggerty Joseph J III Haggerty Lindsay Hahn Samantha Hai Tien Restaurant Haig Christopher Haileselasse Gideon Haimowitz Lynn F Hainsworth Charles J Hair Du Jour Hairston Frances Haladay Gavin Halayquas Hawqui Hale Herman L Jr Est Hale Romona Haley Jane E Haley Nijan J

PGN Haley Peay Lillian M Haley Randle Halim Dahlia Halkin Barry Hall C Hall Chante Hall Diane Hall Dorothy Hall Elijah Hall Ericia Hall Germaine Hall Joseph Hall Marva Hall Marva E Hall Milton Est Hall Robert Hall Ronald Hall Ryan Hall Ryan V Hall Thomas Hall William Haller Josephine Hallinan Maureen Halmilton Nanette Halpern Kaufman Pc Halpern Martin J Halpern S Halpin Kyle Halterman Donna Ham Charles Hamilton Alberta Hamilton Grace F Hamilton Kevin Hamilton Leeann Hamilton Rosalie Hamilton Sam Hamilton Stephanie Hamlin James Hamlin Patrick Hamm Derrick Hammel Theodore Hammer Scott D Hammond Richard Hammonds Henry Hammonds Michael L Hammonds Ronald Hampton Annette V Hampton Leslie A Hampton Sophia Han Frank Han Jeoneun Hanby Charles C Hancock Arlen Hand Duerrell M Hand Susan Handoko Tejo Hands Melvin Haneman Kristen D Hang Phia Hankins Madelyn Hanks Andrew C Hanks Naeem Hanna Anthony Hannah Brian Hannah Lewis Hannan Kelly Hannon Elizabeth Hannon Melanie Hanns Maurice Hanosek John E Hanrahan Daniel Hansen Alison Hanson Kristin Hao Tong W Haplea S S MD Happy Birthday Denison Harbitor Evin Harden Lisa Harder Barbara Hardway Kimberly Hardwick Fareed Hardy Esther Hardy Jeanne B Hardy Terrance Hardy William Hare Breyon Haring Jesse Hariston David Harkins Anna Harkins Janice Harkins Michael

Harley Carl I Harley John H Harley Larry Harlow William D Harmata Pelaggia Harmon Alma Harmon Louise Harmon Maxine Haroldjkobb Harper James W Harper Richard Harper Sallie Harrard Emmett Harrell Christian A Harrell Cordell D Harrell Howard D Harrell Jason S Harrell Michael Harriet Bellon Harrington Jesse C Harrington Shannon K Harrington Vernon Harris Amber E Harris Aquil A Harris Blain Harris Bonita Harris Brian Harris Bruce C Harris Charles J Harris Cornelius Harris Daniel W Harris David Harris Ernest Harris George Harris Helena Harris James Harris Jean Harris Jerome Harris Jerome P Harris Keith R Harris Kim D Harris Layla A Harris Maurice Harris Maxine Harris Michael Harris Michael G Harris Pearl Harris Sarne Harris Sebastian Harris Stephen Harris Steven Harris Tamika Harris Tanya M Harris Tonya R Harris Vaughn Harris Vernon Harris Vittorio Harris Zaire Harrison Jason Harrison John Harrison Mark E Harrison Samuel Harrison Starr Harrod Raymond S Harrop Robert J Harry Eger Harryhill Joseph MD Harrys Coin Center Harstad Kelsey Hart Amy Hart Andrew A Hart Billie Hart Jeff Hart Orlando Hart Terry Hartage Hafiz L Hartage James Harte Francis J Hartley Willie Hartman David C Hartman Gerald Donald Hartman Joseph Hartman Matthew R Hartman Richard L Hartung Dane Harvell Lester Harvey Ethel Dc Harvey Evelyn Harvey Hosea Harvey John Harvey Pennington

Harvey Theresa Harvey Virginia A Harvin Imani Harvin Andre Has Jenny Hasan Nur Hasan Salmaan M Hashim Inez F Hashim John Hassell Rose M Hasson Kathleen A Hasty Gwendolyn Hatcher Sterling Hatchett Joyce Hatchett Marcia Hatem Joseph Hatfield Gerald Hatton Keith Hausle Frances Haviaras Stephanos Haviland Claire Hawake Tecles Hawes Merceline Hawilo Carolina Hawkes Jessica V Hawkes Jonathon Hawkins Katherine L Hawkins Leonita C Hawkins Richard E Hawkins Terrell Hawkinson Christine Chila Hawrylak Mary Hayes Cynthia Hayes George Hayes Jason Hayes Julius Hayes Kimberly Hayes Kristen Hayes Marcus Hayes Meaghann C Haynes Bruce Haynes J Haynes Keacha L Hays Stephanie Hayward Tyrone Hazel Wayne He L He Mai Feng Ping Healey Thomas E Health Net Of Pa Inc Healthcare Management Alt Healthstar Rehab Pc Heard Charlene V Heard Walter M Hearsay Ent Docs Inc Heath Madeline L Heaton Sean Hebron Margaret Hecker Shaka Hector Diana Hedberg Kristin Hedelund Betsy Hedgerow Apts Hee Dong Choi Hee Yi Dba Beauty Coll Heena Contractor Heffernan Jamie Heffner Hannah Hegel Kevin Heid Russell P Heidorn Samuel Heim William Heinisch Christian Heinz Joanna Helen Mahil Helios Builders Heller Alice M Heller Jeffrey Heller Ruth Hellinger Deborah A Helman James E Hembarsky Alexandra Hemingway Leroy Hemrajani Vishal Henaghan Ryan J Hence Catherine Hence Michele Jeanine Hendel Erika G Henderson Anna Henderson C Henderson James

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Henderson Kenny Henderson Lyndsey Henderson Veronica Hendreuk Aami0043 Hendreuk Aami0385 Hendreuk Aami0510 Hendreuk Aami0579 Hendreuk Aami0789 Hendricks Leonard G Hendrickson Douglas Hendrickson Matthew Henfield Gloria Heng Beauxart Heng Siv H Hengen Maryann Henkel Rudolph Henofer Joseph Henriques Christina M Henry Alexander Jr Henry Benjamin Henry Eric Henry Jessica Henry Kevin Henry Kevin A Henry Paulette Henry Tyrone Henshel Andrew Todd Hepburn Regina Hepp Norma D Her John Herbert Brenda Herbert Eleanor Hercot Alexandre Heriawati Umi Herkabi Mourad Herman George J Hernadez Perez Hilario P Hernandes Jose Hernandez Alberto Hernandez Bulmaro Hernandez Carlos Hernandez Fatima Hernandez Gerardo Hernandez Gilberto Hernandez Jackmely Hernandez Jose Hernandez Juan Hernandez Julia Hernandez Julio Hernandez Leonaldo Hernandez Melinda Hernandez Miguelina Hernandez Nancy Hernandez Nelly Hernandez Nilda Hernandez Poli Aparicio Hernandez Ralph Marlon C Hernandez Raymond Hernandez Ruben Hernandez Sabina Hernandez Silverio Hernandez Troy L Hernandez Zepeda Eufrosino Hero Thrill Show Inc Heroldcordova Kyra Heron Johnathan Herrara Mario Herrera Alejandro A Herron Jeffrey M Hersh Elizabeth G Hertz Jessica Hertzler Christina E Heskampgoode Johanna Hesser Roy A Hessert Jessica Hessert Tom Hession Colleen M Hetzell Christopher Heverling Robert Heyday Entertainment Hias & Council Migration Hicks Juliet Hicks Melvin Hicks Robert Hickson Viola Hidalgo Lena M Hidalgo Marisol Higgins Joseph Higgins Michael L Higgins Michael N Higgins Ralph C

Highlander Rob Highley Matthew D Highsmith Brian Highsmith Claree Highsmith Leola Hightower Sarah D Hill Alberta Hill Bodney Hill Catherine Hill Cathy R Hill Deshall Hill Earleston E Hill Elwood Hill Frederick B Jr Hill Gloria Hill Henry Hill L Hill Lillie G Hill Monica Hill Naurette J Hill Patricia Hill Percy Hill Ralph Est Hill Rielle Hill Shawn Hill Stephone J Hill Tom Hill Troy Hill Tyrone Hill Vincent Hill Wayne Hillard Jonathan Hillgrube Michael Hills Carver A Hillson Christina M Hilton William Hima Xhevdet Himala Imports Himmet Hisham Hinderliter Nicolette Hindson Wilfred I Hines Robyn Hines Welmer Hinkie Irene Hinkle Chris Hinkle Corey Hinkle Dorthy Hinlein Liane Hinojosa Fidel Hinson Catherine Hinson Tamelia Hionas Guss Hipple Joan Hirons Nicholas Hirth Anna H Historic Philadelphia Inc Hixon Keith Hlis John Hma Health Plan Ho David Hoang Vu Hobbs Barry J Hobbs Dorene M Hobbs Erinlyn K Hock Amelia Hocker Marilyn O Hodges Danielle Hodges Richard Hodges William Hodzima Steve Jr Hoenninger Christopher Hoff Henry III Hoffler Mark G Hoffman Daniel G Hoffman Eric W Hoffman H B Hoffman Jeremy Hoffman Joseph Hoffman Tina Hoffman Wilma Hoffmann Egeli Anastasia Hoffner William J Hofmann Theresa Hogan Margaret Hogan Myron Hoggard Jerry Hogwood Jennifer Hohenstein Catherine Holcomb Calvin Holden Barbara Holden Ernest



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Hollamby Christopher Holland Jasper Holland Leonard Holland Paula Holland Seneathia Holland Shawn Holland Timothy Hollander Vessal Hollen Lees Lynn Holloman Jessie Hollow Dimitra Holloway Adele Holloway Harding Victoria M Holloway Kenya Holly Pearlette Holly Shawn Holman Margaret Holman Raymond W Holmes Anna Holmes Charlene M Holmes Darnell Holmes Demetrius Holmes Jevon Holmes Lucy M Holmes Marie Holmes Mattie Holmes Shelley Holmes Tara Holmes Tondra A Holmes Victoria Holovkin Hennadii Holowka Nina Holston Doris Holt Mikel Holtby Nicholas Holtzman Audrey Holtzman Daniel Holuta Daniella Holz Jesse Holzman Lawrence B Home Fantasy Design Inc Homestaff of Delaware Valley Obi Honcharyk Oleh Honda Financ Eexchange Inc Hong Huynh Hong Seungki Hong Shi Shu Honor Foods Div of Burris Honorat Desir Hoo Joe Hood Curtis Hoogeveen Ashley M Hook Michael Hook Theodore Hooker Sharif Hooks Carla Hoooper Samuel M Hooven Michael Hope Carlotta Hopkins Hanif T Hopkins Joseph M Hopkins Latasha K Hopkins Ronald H Hopper Lynne Hopper Sara Hopson Shanika Horan Andrew J Horan Michael Hordijk Duco Horizon House Inc Horn John Horner Daisy Horrell Augustus W Horton Grady Horwitz Harry M Hosford Barbara C Hosneara Mst Hosting Wsd Website Design Hostler Adam Hostutler Robert S Hou Shihe Houda Abdellatif Houde Heather M Houn Cau Music Video Hounkpe Lazare House Of Umoja Housseine Mbirikat Houston Lillian Houston Raymond J Houston Samuel P Jr Houstoun Kate

Howard Anne Howard Jeffrey Howard Siegel Dba Gma Services Howard Thomas Howe Lacy C Howett Michael K Howland Allan O Howley Margaret Hoy Shawn Hsouna Riah Hsu Chuen Wei Hsu Hsuanhao Htath Michael Hu Jia Hu Xin Z Hu Xueyou Hua Tien Huang Bo Huang Jianfeng Huang Jui Han MD Huang Liwei Huang Ming Huang Xue Juan Huang Yayi Huang Ying Huay Chan Hubbard Jerry Hubbard Roxie Huber Lawrence K III Hudgen Kahliyah Hudgins Joseph Hudoba Eszter Hudson Darnell S Hudson Hakim Hudson Jamil Hudson Michelle J Huertas Hector Huff Leslie Huff Scott Hugel Maxwell Hughes Brad Hughes Daniel Hughes Eileen A Hughes Halbert Chanita Hughes Hensell Assoc Pc Hughes Mark Hughes Vincent J Huh Mock I Huitt Sean Hulsey Catherine H Humenik Joelle Humphrey Gwendolyn Humphreys Kimberly A Hundley Gwendolyn Hundzynski John Hunley James M Hunley Munier Hunnicut Cory Hunsberger Lillian Hunt Leann Hunt Peter Hunt Richard Hunt William Huntbach June Hunter Annette Hunter Charles Hunter Joseph Hunter Lillian Hunter Raynard Hunter Thelma Huntington Minnie M Huot Claudia Hurd Christine Hurricane Trading Inc Obi Hurst Kalib Hurtado Pedro Husband Samantha Hushen Edward Hushen Inc, Garden Fresh Deli Produc Husky Trading Hussain Abdulla Hutchens George Hutchings Cecilia Hutchinson William Jr Hutson Marvin L Hutty Carol Huynh Danh Huynh Phuong Huynh Ruong Huynh Susan Huynh Trung

PGN Hwang Joseph Hwang Oe Son Hwang Woonbong Hylton David Hyman Benjamin Hyman Calvin Hyman Dwayne Hyman Vivian Hyon Michael Hyseni Berat I & Ddqnb Inc I Brewster Company Iacm The Radian Iacono Florence Iacono Jennifer R Iames Edward S Iannace Joseph Amedeo Iannella Vincenzo Iannelli Mary Iannotti Rachel Iannucci John Ibrahim Ibrahim O Icon Jamil Idiculla Jessica Ifoma Givens Igarashi Atsushi Igler Aaron Igoe Patrick T Igor Benenson MD Dopa Ihlenfeld Charles Ihnatovich Andrei Ikeda Debbie Impagliazzo Rita Imperial Parking Us Inc Incollingo Virginia Indemnity Insur Co of North America Inden Susan Independence Real Estate Infinite Investments Ingold Jason Ingraffia Roy J Ingram Karla Inlingua Innervision Eyewear Inc Ins Consultants Insurance Co of N America Intelligent Mgmt System Llc Interactive Communication Llc Intercept Courier International Circuit International Sos Interstate Health Care Intl Beauty Acad Invernizzi Ethel A Inverso Philip Investment Group Inc MD Investments Next L Ioannou Antonios Iovine Bros Inc Ipc United Plaza Lease Lp Ippolito Kathryn R Ireland Charles S III Irie Caribeean Grille Irizarry Barbara Irizarry Darla A Irizarry Maria Irizarry Ralph Irons Loretta Irrera Dolores Irvin Thomasina Irving L Starkman Associates Irving Nina M Irving W Jacobson DMD &Assoc Irving William L Irwanto Fnu Irwin Stacy Isaac Latanya F Isaac Norman Isaacs Wilhelmina Isaacson Ronald Isheen Johnson Isheen Johnson Dba Pretty Boy Production Ishii Ken Iskhavok Valeriy Isle Of Capri Associates Issei Suzuki Iturrino Linda J Ivey Gwendolyn Ivy Ridge Persnl Care Home Inc Iwamoto Nao Izmaylov Victor

J And B Sharpening Serv J And S Auto Body J Lombardo M J M Lichterman Company J N Fauvner Co J&S Communication J&W Auto Repair Jablonowski Jessica L Jablonski Erna Jack & Jill Boutique Jackels Luke Jackson Alicia Jackson Allen M Jackson Cardell Jackson Chiquita D Jackson Curtis Jackson Darrell K Jackson Darryl Jackson Dwayne Est Jackson Erika Jackson Ernestine Jackson Fred Jackson Hewitt Jackson Irene Jackson James Jackson James I III Jackson Jean Jackson Joann Jackson John H Jackson Juliette Jackson Kevin Jackson Krisdeann Jackson Lavern Jackson Leola Jackson Leonard T Jackson Lorene H Est Jackson Louis Jackson Louise A Jackson M Jackson Marc Jackson Marcus Jackson Molly E Jackson Nadiah Jackson Odessa Jackson Peter Jackson Robert Jackson Ronald Jackson Ronald R Jackson Sharleen Jackson Tyreck Jackson Violet Jackson William Jacob Abraham Jacob Samuel Jacobs Frances Jacobs Nokisha D Jacobs Paul Jacobs Paula A Jacobs Zipporah Jacobsohn Lela Jacobus Wayne Jacoby Adrienne Jaconski Amanda Elizabeth Jacqueline Bertrand Jacqueline Long Massage Jacquet Teddora Jacuk Rita Jadzko Jatkowsk Joanna Jaeger Arthur Jaeger Scott Md Jafar Mohammad A Jaffe Kay Jaganath Javaraiah Jaglal Rampersad Jahmier Lee Jain Nitish Jainlett Kevin Jakovic Ivan Jakubiec John A Jalivay Glenn K Jalkut Meredith Kathleen Jalloh Montaga James Byrnes James Carrie James Ciera C James Dorothea James Jamal S James Jesse James Lola James Lucas James Maria

James Patricia James Purvis James James Stephen James Tony Jamieson Alex Jamieson Marian Jamison Geraldine D Jamison Sharon Janavey Daniel M Jane L Hileman Irrevocable Trust Jane Paulino Jang Elizabeth Janicka Karina A Janney Montgomery Scott Inc Janssen Dana January Jo A Janus Izabella Jap Wei Ming Japanese Fusion & Saki Bar Japanese House Jaquez Dennis Jaquez Raysa Jarman Sales & Service Inc Jarrett Michael Jarvis Keith Jarzebowski Claudia Jasgopi Inc Jasper Bryant Jassim Ahmed Java Painting Java Painting Inc Jay Bucks Plumbing Jcj Management Ltd Jda Realty Llc, A Trunk Show Bo Je Park Ta Beauty Point Jean Lovana L Jean Yves Jeffers Christobel C Jeffers Jon Jeffers Jonathan A Jeffers Michael Jefferson Dental Assoc Jefferson Gladys Jefferson Infectious Disease Practice Manager Jefferson Jerry Jefferson Methodist Heart Center Obi Jefferson Smurfit Jefferson University Physicians Jefferys David Jeffrey Pearlman Atty Jeffries Brendan D Jeffries Seth Jeffries William E Jeleniewska Agnieszka Jenkins Akie Jenkins Brenda Jenkins Daniel Jenkins Janice Jenkins Jazmane C Jenkins Keenan Jenkins Kress Patricia Jenkins Maurice Jenkins Robert Jenkins Samuel Jenkins Terrance A Jenkins Tobias Jenkins Vivian Jenkinson Denise Jennings Betty A Jennings Jessica Jennings Robert Jennings Sara Jennosa Tina Jensen Leonard M Jeon Hyun J Jeremiah Etheda I Jerman Sadie Jernigan Shane Jerome H Lacheen Atty Jerry Tyrell J Jeske C Jesse Callsen, Me Jesse’s Jessup Sharon Jester Peter J Jesus Issac Jeter Rana D Jetro Cash & Carry Enterprises Jewell Frank Jewell M Md Jewett Frank

PGN Jeyes David Michael Jf Macks Group Llc Jian Bo Md Jiang Xiang Q Jiang Xiurong Jiang Yi T Jiang Yizhou Jimemez David Jimenez Jorge S Jimenez Jose Jin Kyung J Jkt Contractors Jo Kim Y Jobs Edward Jobson Christopher Joceville Gina M Johanson Grace E John Christopher John Darius John Giordano 2011 Llc John Grace John Mandisa John Morgan Society Johnakin Alexander Johns F Johns James Johns Theresa Johnson Alma Johnson Annette Johnson Antoine Johnson Bryan Johnson Caldonia Johnson Calvin Johnson Candace Johnson Catherine A Johnson Catherine E Johnson Charles Johnson Charles B Johnson Charles S Johnson Cheryl Johnson Claudette Johnson Corolea Johnson Crystal R Johnson Dante Johnson Darnell Johnson Darnella Johnson Devin Johnson Dolores Johnson Dontei R Johnson Elaine Johnson Eliane A Johnson Eric Johnson Ethel Johnson Evan Johnson Evelyn Johnson Gail J Johnson Gaymel Johnson Gloria Johnson Greg Johnson H Johnson Harry Johnson Helena R Johnson Jenica Johnson Jimmie Johnson Johanna Johnson Jordan Johnson Julius Johnson Kevin Johnson Kirk W Johnson Larry Johnson Leslie Johnson Luther Johnson Mark Johnson Mary Johnson Maurice Johnson Megan Johnson Michael L Johnson Muse Patricia Johnson Myron Johnson Nancy Johnson Natalie Johnson Natasha Johnson Nathaniel Johnson Norman K Johnson Robert P Johnson Rodney Johnson Salath Johnson Sarah Johnson Sean Johnson Shamar Johnson Shaniqua

Johnson Sherrell A Johnson Smith Gisela S Johnson Tara Johnson Theresa Johnson Thomas J Johnson Tiffany R Johnson Timothy M Johnson Tina Johnson Todd M Johnson Tyrone Johnson Vernon Johnson Viola Johnson Walter Johnston Anthony Johnston Arlene D Johnston Gregory L Jr Johnston Jake Johnston Moira Johnstone Alison M Johnstonie Mabel L Joiner William Jon S Fisher Do Jonas David W Jonathan H Stanwood L L C Jones Agnes Jones Alanna G Jones Alfred Jones Alice M Jones Anthony Jones Ashley Jones Betty Jones Beverly M Jones Chantel L Jones Charles Jones Christopher Jones Clarence Jones Clea Jones Courtney L Jones Darlene Marie Est Jones Darryl Jones Davud Jones Dba Raymond Jones Delores Jones Denise L Jones Donald N Jones Donte Jones Earl Jones Elaine B Jones Elizabeth Jones Fred Jones Gregory Jones James Jones Jamie C Jones Jennie Jones John Jones John H Jones Keith Jones Lauren Jones Lester E Jones M J Jones Marion Jones Mariso Jones Mary Jones Michael Jones Michal D Jones Paul Jones Reginald Jones Renee Jones Retter C Jones Rheelmer M Jones Rita Jones Robin L Jones Roman Jones Shamir M Jones Sherylle Jones Shirley Jones Tamara Jones Thomas Jones Timothy Jones Tomara N Jones Tracey MD Pc Jones Tracy W Jones Walkens Lisa Jones Walter L Jones William Jones William A Joniec John E Jonik Stanley Jordan Gwendolyn Jordan Robert E Jordan Samuel IV

Jordon Thomas Jorvig Jennifer Jose Bibin Joseph Christine A Joseph Eric Joseph Jiju J Joseph Larkin Joseph N Reilly Real Estate Inc Joseph Pamela L Joseph Stokes Jr Research Inst Joseph Todd Joshua Chapter 1 Joslin Danielle Jovanovic Stevan Joyce Edward J Est Joyner John W Joyner Minnie Joyner Rita Joynes Ellery F Jt Givinsh Juarez Guillermo Jubinville Angela Jules Bieniane Edith Juliano Michelle D Julius Bess Julmisse Gerald Jumbo Dwoh A June Anthony Jung Ji W Jung Tanya A Jungclaus Sabrina Juniata Golf Foundation Junne Rose Jurich Heather Jusko Marcin Just Sparklin Cleanin Justice Kyle S Justice Leisha M Justine Lorraine F Justiniano Maximino Juvenile Justice Ce K B Autocraft K B Trucking Inc K Mart Pharmacy 3516 Kabalan Amal Kacewich Jaclyn Kaczmarczyk Kathleen E Kaczmarczyk William Kada Peter D Kades Ventures Inc Ta Kafrissen Arthur S Kaganova Tatyana Kahan Scott E Kahele Nicole Kahmann Alexandria E Kahn Adam Kahn Dawood Kaiser Jeffrey Kaiser Rosen Dental Kajkowski Richard A Kala Savita Kaleagasi Merve Kalemnous Stefani L Kalilou Kimba Kalinov Danail I Kam Louise Kamara Amadou Kamat Vishal G Kaminisky Sharon Kammerle Laura M Kamron Operating Association Kamzelski Bernice J Kancherla Vishal S Kandravi Stephanie C Kane Arlene R Kane John T Kane Kevin Kane Sean Kang Jonathan Kang Jungyeon Kang Norma H Kanikkannan Sowmya Kanjilal Samyamay Kankanian Karapt Kansupada Sanjay B Kantanick Kathleen Kantor Daniel Kaplan Aaron Kaplan Amy Kaplan Danny Kaplan Lee M

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Kaplan Steven S Kapustin Vladimir Karamoko Inza Karamoko Keita Karaynik Sally Kardon Joshua Karin Flynn Rodden Karistinos Kathy Karlik Steven G Karnatsevitch Valeri Karp Linda Karp Michael A Karpf David A Karpf Jared L Karr Samuel Karusala Vinod K Kasalica Aneta Kaser Richard T Kashlak Walter Kasih Devi A Kassis Najib Katherine Berg Katowitz James Katz Dorothy Katz Leo Katz Michael Katz Olga A Katzin Harry Kaucher Catherine Kauffman Brett C Kauffmann Mark V Kaufman Amy Kaunga Munsha Kaur Nirpinder Kavitsky Bernard Kawano Yukio Kawski Veronica Kawut Steven M MD Kay Matthew E Kaye Matthew L Kaz Tire Inc Kb Consultants Ke Investments Llc Kearney Brian N Kearney David Kearney Elizabeth Kearney Paul Kearse Nicholas S Keating Aaron E Keating Colleen J Keaton John R Keaton Loveie Keeler Cameron Keeler Joshua D Keenan Brian M Keenan Edward J Keenan Frances M Keenan John Keenan Michael Keenehan James P Kegler Johnson Renate D Keinard Andrew M Keith Abele M Keitt Betty A Keitt Marion Kel Barbara Ann Kellam Darryl Keller James R Keller Mildred J Kelley & Murphy Attorney Trust Acc Kelley Jason M Kelley Peter Kelling Ernest C Md Kellogg Leon Kelly Briana Kelly Charles Kelly Christine Marie Kelly Francis Kelly Jarvis A Kelly Johnson Kelly Joseph Kelly Kevin R Kelly Kimberly Marie Kelly Mary P Kelly Michael Kelly Partners Inc Kelly Pollan Kelly Ray Kelly Robert H Kelly Shawn B Kelly Stephen B

Kelly Terrance Kelly William C Jr Kelly William L Kelly William P Kels Kevin L Kelvin Stephen E Kemal Gurdal Kemp La T Kempf Francis C Jr MD Kemps Brian Kendrick Robert Kenilworth Group Inc Kennedy Annette Ta Kennedys Auto Kennedy Eric Kennedy Frank Kennedy Jamie Kennedy Marvin Kennedy Miles Kennedy Spencer Kennedy Tyfease Kenneth Brodsky Esq Llc Kenney Diane Louise Kenney Lindsay Kenny Geraldine M Kensington Dollar Plus Kent Darrell Kent Frank Kent Walter David Kenton Adrienne Keogh John Keomanee Sompone Kerby David H Kern Family Life Ins Trust Pelino Lentz Pc Kern Nicolle Morales Kernicky John Kerper Michael Kerri Kuhn A Kersey Rudy M Kershaw Nicole C Kersis Dorothy M Kesaria Shivani Kesselman Adam L Kessler David Kessler Sudha K MD Ketter Paul Ketterer Alyssa F Kettler Amanda J Kevin F Donohoe Co Kevin Obrien Studio Kew Oi L Key Capital Management Key West Keyes Jerrell Keys Kathleen V Keys Patricia Keyser Walter Keystone Appraisal Keystone Health Planvista Obi Kfour Music Khan Sabbir Khandhar Mary Khanna Peeyush Khatri Azaad Y Khol Heng Khon Togen Khounthongsaly Cinvee Khuman Ravjyot Khwaja Adil Mudassir Kibow Kidd Anthony Kidd Joseph J Kidder Anatoly Kidron Stephen R Kiene Joseph F Kihn Harry Kilber Shaheed Kilgarriff Kevin Kilian Jennifer L Killelea Grace Killing Dianne Killion Robert S Kilnoffer Jonathon Kilstein Candace Kim Boo J Kim Byung K Kim Cha Kim Duk H Kim Frantisco S Kim Heon Kim Hyun S Kim John J



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Kim Kwan E Md Kim Michelle Kim Minji Kim Myongji Kim Sarang Kim Se W Kim Sojung Kim Son T Kim Sujeong Kim Yong C Kim Youri Kim Yun Sik Kimball David W Kimble Ani Kims Electrical Service Kinard Hakim Kincade Betty N Kincaid Benjamin King Adrian R King Brogan King Casey King Edith King Financial Svcs Corp King Irving King James R King John King Natalia King of Prussia Chiropractic & Rehabil King Renard King Robert King Sidwel King Susan A King Tyrone King Zalea Kingsessing Medical Assoc Inc Kinley Dale L Kinsey Tisha Kiperman Zhenya Kirby Dennis Kirby Jospeh Kirby Robert F Kirksey Jessica Kirlew Rhonda D Kirn Bridget Kirn Daniel R Kirn Florence W Kirrane Ann M Kirton Terreyl T Kittrell Russell I Kizeridys Constantino Kizhakken Mathews Kizzie Alfonza Klaushernandez Michele Klein Ed Klein Luke Klein Michael Klepac Arielle Kletzel Helen M Kletzel Paul M Klhatri Azaad Kliger Michael Kline Dean Kling Edward Klinger Sigmund Klinger Terry Kloss Gerald Knab William J Knauss William Knecht Clayton E Knecht Henrietta M Kneeshaw Blaine Kneipp Vincent K Knight Brittany Knight Calbe Knight David Knight Eric Knight Eugene Knight Merylyese J Knight Rasoul Knight Stephen Knights Rd Assoc Knorr Michael Knowles Kia N Knowlton Damelba Knox Auto Repair Knox Richard E Knox Sherman Koblenzer Jonathan Kobylinsky Heather L Koch Catherine Koch Charles

Koch Dianne L Koch Evan Koch Nina Kocher Gillian Kochuba Matthew Kodrasov Matthew Koenig Kristina L Koennecker Robert Kofke Leigh B Kofke Liegh B Kogan Gregory Kohler Jack Kohler Lucartha Kohlhas Sophia Kohn Andrea Kolb John M Kolesnik Oleksandr Kolesnikov Xenia Cristina Kollonige Dawn Kolody Jill Kolodziej Bernard Kolsenko Alex Kolsky Rebecca D Kolstad Julie Koman Owen Kondrad Stanley Konefsky Albert Konell Laura Konik Ilona Konik Julie Konrad Maria Konteh Hawana Kopleman Maxx Koppel Max Korean Comm Dev Ser Korfin Arthur Kormshchikov Alexey N Korn Melissa Koroleva Elena Kostelansky Amy L Kostic Vernon J Kostlowska Kinga Dmd Kotak Brinda Kotecha Sanjay Kotovnikov Sofya Kotulka Frank S Koubaissi Soukaina Koutaeva Evguenia L Kovach Stefanie Kovacs Andrew J Kovacs Bela Kovalenko Yekaterina Kovasics Colleen Kowalczyk Laura Kowrak Kristina Koyunpinar Korgun Kozeff Dana Kozlowska Mary Kozmenko Natasha Kpassawah Abraham Kpou George B Kr Scranton Associates Kraidy Marwan Krakowianca Llc Kramer Sherry Krape Kyli N Krasnosielski Norbert N Kratochwil Friedrich Kraus Dennis Krause Patricia A Krausz Dennis Kravitz Robert Kreger Nora Krempa Thomas Krieger Norman C Kriete Andres Krimmel Pauline Krimmel William Kripal Nick Krisbianto Beny Krishna Krupa Krishnamurthy Ganesh MD Krivitsky Leonard Krol Arkadiy Kroll I J Kromah Fatoumata Kroser Joyann A MD Krr Properties Inc Kruglikov Sheva Krupa Jessica Krupnick Mark D

PGN Ku Bon S MD Kuberiet Jaclyn Kubilus Erick Kuc Helen J Est Kuehn Colin Kuhn Henry J Kukuljevic Alexander M Kulig Eva Kulp Lillian P Kumar Anoop Kumar Monisha A Kumar Zal A Kunkel Martin Kunzru Poorvi Kuo James Kuperman Julio L Kupres Kyle Kurimoto Kei J Kurnick Sarah Kushnir Igor Kusuma Hengky I Kut Eric A Kut It Up Kuykendall Alyssa Kuznits Joel Ella Kuzomunhu Lovemore Kvasov Aleksandr Kvatadze Andrew Kwok Suk Yee Kwon Ki Kyle Carolyn Kyle Joyclyn Kyp Systems Inc L And M Medical Assoc Pc L Phillips & Associates L S Glory Inc La Esperanza Gro Labidas Aili Labov Stephen Laboy Belen Labra Fernando Lacey Caitlin Lacher Rebecca Lachman Marlene Lachmansueker Benjamin Lacock Tammy Lacounte Vernon Lacy Carol J Lacy Tarika Lacy Thomas Lafazam Jeffrey Lafleur Kara Lagbara Najuma Lagera Francisco Lahr Steven Lai Phoebe W Laiss Monica Lake Bea D Lakins Sean Lal Priti Md Lally Ryan Laluna Lisa Lam Khanh N Lam Thuy T Lam Wisely Andrew Lamar Jackson Lamar Sean Lamarre James C Lamarre Suze Lamb Anna Lamb William Lambert Kevin Lambert Robert Lambert Worldwide Lampe Nicolle E Lana Richard Lancaster Food Gas Land Robert Att Landamerica Commonwealth Land Title Ins Landan Deborah Landau Joseph Lande Harold Landers Megan Landis Keith C Landman Sara Landolp Ryan Landrum Harry J Lane Eugene Lane Mary E Lane Robert Lane Theodore

Lane Wesley Lanes Erie Lang Nikki Langdon Lynn O Lange Kenneth W Lange Philo Langedijk Joris Langford Anthony C Langford Tiffany T Lanier Robert B Lanier Roosevelt Lanza Laura Lanzilli Giovanni Lanzo Wilfredo E Lao Yesenia Lapearl Beauty Empor Lapergola Micheal Lapshina Nina Laracuente Jose Laramy Laramie A Lareau John T Largaespada Marvin Lariviere Joseph T Lark Laroy Larkin Patrick Laroco Aurora Larose Rebekah Larsson Victor Lasalle David Lasalle Jason Laser Plus Car Wash Lash Alexandra E Lash David J Lask Martha Laskow Paul Lassiter Franshone Lassiter Virgile Laster Samans Levin In Lasuchin Victor S Latham David Latham Hazel Latigo Reuben Latini Angela Latini Gregory Latney Aaron Jr Latney Crystal Latoya Woods Kelly Ann Latte Shelly Lattman Matthew Latty Jason Latvinsky Oleg Lau Michael Lau Zoe Laub Joanne Laudenbach Kenneth W Lauerman Eddie Laughinghouse J Laughlin David G Laughlin Mary H Laughlin Thomas J Laurel Tor Management Lauren Maria Donohue Lauren Scott Dba Laurenti Giulio Lautenbach Jesse A Lavagnini Susanna Lavelle Brendan Laveson Sanford Law Joseph W Law Lundy Law Office Of Keelin S Barry Law Office Of Kevin V Mincey Iolta Law Office Of Thomas Hardy The Law Offices Of Debra G Speyer Law Offices Of Eugene P Law Offices Of Jeffrey H Eiseman Law Offices Of Marvin Lundy Llp Law Offices Of Zhen H Jin Llc Lawall Kenneth M Lawler Denis Lawler John Lawrence Christopher Lawrence Daniel Jr Lawrence Ethel Lawrence Gregory Lawrence Willie Lawrie Katharine Laws Jenelle Laws Myisha Lawson Aimee Lawson Antione

Lawson Meaghann Lawton Frankie Lawton Julia E Lawton Sheena Lay Natalie Layes Wilfredo Layton Benton L Lazaine Louis Lazar Meri Lazarev Boris Lazarow Lee Lazarz Nicole Lazin Malcolm L Lazoff Marjorie Lazovitz Sandra Lazzaro Marie Lcy Clothing Inc Ldersch Rusty Le Bec Fin Le Chinh Le Hy V Le Long Le Minh Le Phuoc Duy Le Thuy Lea Don D Leahy Ian M Leahy Mararet Leahy Tara E Leak Donte Leaman Kaplan Lean Brett Leary Amber R Leary Keeya Lebron Rodolfo Lebrun Marcarthur Lechat Phyllis Leclair Edward Lee Adonis K Lee Alex Lee Antoinette Lee Benjamin P Lee Brooks Lee Brothers Lee Charles Lee Courtesy Lee Huai C Lee James Lee Jaquil B Lee Johnny Lee Jong Lee Jun Youb Lee Juyoung Ms Lee Kenneth C Lee Meng T Lee Michelle Lee Min Yeong Lee Nicole Lee Rusheev Lee Sade Lee Sondra Lee Souminsonia Lee Sowon Lee Ted T Lee Wagenhoffer Lee Yee Leehe Fai Lefort Elisabeth Legal Ease Enterprises Inc Legal Pool Legare Tameka L Legette Anita Legg Conncepcion Leggett Keith Lego Management Legrandmurray Andrea Lehigh Pharmacy Lehman Michael Lehman Sarah Lehr Alexander Leibowitz Patrick Leigh Heyward J Leigh John S Est Leilani Frances Leininger Mark Leipold James G Leisman Yael Leiva Javier R Lelina Edward R Lelli Amy A Lemaire Ashley E

PGN Lembersky Alexander Lemerand Kerrie Lena Weredene Co DCR Inc Lennon Melda Lennon Michael Lenoir Marquerite Lentini Lawrence Leo Christopher J Leof Joan Leon Luis Leonard C Leonard Dan Leonard E Rosenfeld DO & Assoc Leonard Todd D Sr Leonard Vonda Leone Anthony D Leonetti Micheal D Leow Christine Lepore Holly Leposa Bradley Lerner Rachel C Les Petits Cherubs Les Robert Leshinsky Alexander Lesinski Edward J Leslie Jasper Leslie John Leslie Joncee Leslie Lenhardt Leslie Robert E Lester Chante Lester Coll Nataniel Letnom Brookes Julian Leung Daniel Lev Raisa Levensten Law Firm Levere Margaret Levi Netanel Levin Dmitri Levin Erica Levin Marc A Levin Paul Levin Rebecca Levine Louis R Levine Paul Levine S S Levitsky Frank Levy Bertram A Levy Michal Levy Steven Lewandowski Waclawa Lewis Allyson Lewis Belinda Daniels Est Lewis Cheri Y Lewis Clinton Lewis Edward Lewis Heather Lewis Janet L Lewis John Lewis John R III Lewis Juanita Lewis Juliette Lewis Lisa Lewis Lopez Lewis Loretta Lewis Nadiyah Y Lewis Rasool Lewis Ronald Lewis Ronald K Lewis Stith Jewel A Lewis T Lewis Taquilla Lewis Tasia Lewis Trecia Lewis Tyrone Lewis Veronica Lewis William Lexter Corporation Li Chen Li Fan Li Hong Mei Li Kaichen Li Xinpeng Li Xinyun Li Yifang Liang Zhuo Lib Ra Liberace Nicole Liberties Manayunk Liberto Gloria Liberty Andrew

Liberty Dental Llc Librado Juan Lichtenberg Edward Lieberman Jacob M Lieblich Max Liebman Jamie Liebman Jared Liebman Julie I Lieu Chesson Lieu Cop Light David A Ligon John Lilly Theresa Lilly Thomas Est Lim Dong Y Lim Por Lim Tang Lima Natale Limelight Arts Lin Ai Jie Lin Bao Shuan Lin Guo Long Lin Meiying Lin Sheng Li Lin Xia B Lin Xiu Ying Lin Xiuqing Lin Xun Fu Lin Yan Chun Lin Yan Zhu Lincoln Court Apts Lincolnconner Corey Lind Sarah E Lindenmut Catherine Linder Eric J Lindermayer Steve Lindgren Barrett J Lindler Aisha Lindner Lauren Lindquist Nathaniel D Lindrith Corp Cushman Lindsay James Linevich Uladzimir Ling Vincent Linguiti Rita Link Michelle L Linn Aversa Attorney Linnetts Gulf Linsenberg Myrna Linton Dennis Lipitz Benjamin Est Lipman Andrew C Lipp June Lippincott Eleanor Lipscomb & M Sissmanptn Lister Jeff Litsch Julie E Little Timothy Litvin Blum C B Mclaughlin Litvinenko Nikolay Liu Bing Ta Lucky Dragon Liu Chang T Liu Chui Liu Chuiliang Liu Grant T DO Liu Hong Z Liu Jinglin Liu Min Liu Wei Liu Wen Liu Xi Liu Xin Liu Zhandong Livingston Loretta Liyew Befaku Llo Toi Lloyd Alvin Lloyd Ebony Lloyd Frank A Jr Lloyd Kara Loag Elizabeth Loag William Lobach Thomas Lobenfeld Margot Lober Richard Lobreglio Jesse Locascio Matthew J Lockett Kristen Lockhart Annette Lockhart Arthur J Lockman Lydia

Locks Law Firm Locraft Lindsay Locust 23 Associates Locust Xena Loeb Roberta Loev Iris A Lofton Annie D Lofts At 1835 Arch Loftus Kathleen M Loftus Michael A Loftus Patricia Logan Betty Logan Dwayne Logrip Fr Joseph Loiseau Robert Lojeski Walter Lok Sambo Lolin Hui Y Lomax Edoris Lomax Jessie Bishop Lombard Rob Lombardi David R Lombardo Gary G MD Lombardo Maria Lombardo Vincent Lomova Olga London Barry London David London Jack I London Loretta Lonergan Donald Long Claudius Long Ellen Long Helen Long James Long Lauren Long Robert F Long Stewart Long Theodora Longo Kim M Longshore Films Longstreth Community Green Assoc Lopatto Miroslaw Lopes Eduardo J Lopez Angelma Lopez Annette Lopez Arelis Lopez Evelyn Lopez Hilda Lopez Ivonny G Lopez Karla Lopez Lidia M Lopez Louis Lopez Zenaida Lopizzo Emily Lopuszanski Charles Lording Douglas Lorine Jeff Lorraine C King MD Pc Losier Picard Esq Lotuszka Maria Loucella Antonetta Loughnane Courtney A Louis Arge Atty Louis Marie E Louis Verruni Love Amp Pride Llc Love Bryan Love Bryan E Love Dylan Love Eileen S Love Marc Love Patrick A Love Porcha Love Tamaria Love Your Fruits & Vegetables Lovejoy Robert Lovell Edmond J Lowe Tristin Lowenstein Lillian Lowery Clifton Lowery Patricia G Lowrey Mildred Lowry Atiya N Lowry Sarah M Lowther Michael Loza Mayra J Lozano Ubaldo M Lozelle Terry M Lsc Philadelphia T A Nix Funeral Lu Chanh

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Lu Kang Lu Lining Lubert Jon M Lucas Shannan C Lucas Yerodin S Lucchesi Jared Lucci Leonard Lucher Emma Luckens Jonathan Luckey Orin Lucky Stars Academy Ludwig George Luebbert Kristin Luge Till Lugo Helga E Lugo Jamie Lui Peter Luizaga Ever Md Lukasavich Molly Lululemon Usa Inc Lumbis Christina R Lumen Annie Lumkenheimer Ashley Lun Lawren Yu Lok Luna Jose Lundy Judy Lundy Marcus Lundy Yves Luo Man Luo Yan C Lupul Joffrey Lupul Joffrey E Lurye Leonard Luster Sylvia Luu Bach Luu Diemphenug Luu Lam T Luukkonen Satu Lvechenco Ted Ly E Chi S Ly Heng Ly Huynh Ly Niem X Ly Samba Lyceum Chiropractic Lyde Peter Lyles Eli Lyn Diana R Lynch Adam Lynch John Lynch Mary Lynch Richard M Sr Lynch Ronald Lynch Tocarra Lynes James J Lynn Kenneth Lynn Rebecca Lyon Sarah M Lyons Albert Lyons Earl Lyons Jamal Lyons Rachel Lytton Calinda M & M Seafood Connections M & J of Penna Llc M N New Corporation M Power Software Services M R Food Market M Vidal M Ma Jingyi Ma Lixin Mabogunje Adedamola Mac Victor Andrew Macafee Ida G Macbeath Amy A Macchiavelli Anthony J MD Macdonald David E Macdonald Justin Macdonell Neil Macdonnell Walter Mace Hassan Maceachern George Macgregor Mather Mary A Mack Andru Mack Bernard Mack Chantel Mack Gregory V Mack Kenneth Mack Stanley Mackaronij Anthony C Mackerer Andrew

Mackey Alvera Mackey Lena Mackinlay Andrew Macklin Jacqueline Macklin Tracey Maclauchlan Bennett E Maclaughlin William Maclure Megan Macnamee Stephen L Macrina James Madden Kathryn Maddox Donald Maddox Steven A Maddrey Gerald Made Hariani Mademann Jessie Madere Glenn D Madgey James Madigan Jeane Madison Kiana Madrak Robert J Madrid Nesser Rene Maechum Jay Maffei Philip Maggi Raymond T Maggianos Little Italy Maggio Thomas P Magnolia Mews Apartments Maguire Noreen Mah Good Never Lost Mar Mahaney Leah M Maher Mark A Maher Phillip Mahler Deborah Maholick Michael J Mahoney Gordon Mahoney Phillip M Mai Anh Maida Joseph Main Street Dental Center Maio Catherine A Maiorini Antonia Mairena Adan A Maisonet Abimael Maitz Ann Maj Marek Major Charles Major Jermaine Makarewicz Dolores Makarova Elena Makofske Catherine L Maksimak Emily A Malaise Mary Malana Marilou A Malave Ana Malave Nancy Malave Samuel Malcom Harris Maldonado Divina Maldonado Efran Maldonaldo Luz N Malik Nihar Malik Zulqurnan I Malinowski Dorothy C Malinski Teresa Malloy Beverly Malloy David Malloy Joseph J Sr Malloy William Malloy William G Malloy Willie Malone Joseph Malone Michelle J Maloney Barbara Maloney Jacqueline K. Maloumian Florence D Malson Kyle E Maltepes Michael Malvey Paul F Mamani Oscar Maminski Bridget Mammarella Jessica Mamo Gatinet Mamuka Matrevelle Mamuka Matreveze Management Limited Risk Inter Management Mechanics Llc Leah Lim Manasyan Vladik Manatee Management Manayunk Brewery Mancarella Antonio



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Manchester Wilson Mancini Leonard Andrew Mancusi Thomas Mand Robert Mandanas Victor J MD Mandes Tito Mandingo 2 Maneely Fund Maneely Howard Mangano Alfred G Mangano John Mangini Sabatino Mangiola Lucy Mangum Ditria Manh Cheng T A Mani Darlene Mani Hariharan Mani Linda Manigault Janie A Manigault Mary Manley Kimberly Mann Jack P Mann Ly Mann Melissa Manna Michael Manning Cathering Manning Dianne Manning Joy Manning Patricia L Manning Teresa Mannino Alexis Mannion Maureen Mano Carmen Manojlovich Masha Mansi Lisa Mansker Christyna Mansoor Basheer Manspeaker Brian Mantey John Paul Manton Lois Manway Sarah B Mao Leakana Maple Point Developers Inc Marable Dyshon Marans Jon Marasco Gerald Marathe Amit Marathon Grill Maravilla Fer Mate Marchetta Anthony Marchousky Carmella Marchunt Elsie Marcia Rose Shestack Marcinek Joseph Marciniak Mariola Maria Marco Z School Support Int Marcos Bassem Marcott Gillian L Marcus Num, Prime Time Books Marcus Susan Marden Gabrielle Z Marek Rachael Marfione Michael Margaret H Meigs Trust Margay Kathleen Margolis Katherine Margraf Alexandra M Marguerit S Devine Maria Del Rocio Migoni Briones Maria Dominican Beauty Salon Marian Valentin Marice Pogue M Marilyn Bradley Marin Johnny Marin Marilyn Marinakos Plato Marinelli Cosmo J Jr Marino Mary E Marino Michael Marinucci Liza Marion Jackson Idris Mighael Markanni Enterprises Inc Markee Ann Market Place Cleaners Tae Ho Yi Market Sean P Markham William Marklein Ross Markley Melissa Marks Francis Marks Jeanette Marks Sherry

Marlin L K Marlton Animal Hospital Pa Marone Phillip Marquett Darlene Marquis Sarah Marra Catherine A Marrero Jesus Marrero Marina Marrero Omar Marrow Imahad Marsella Deana M Marsella John Marshall Bernard R Marshall Decarlos Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman And Marshall Dustin Marshall Kim Marshall Sabriya Marshall Saniyyah S Marshall Toney Marsico Louis Marson Angela Martella Barbara Martens Elizabeth H Martha Knox A Martin Banks Pond Lehocky & Wilson Martin Becker Martin Candace G Martin Carol M Martin Chris Martin Christopher Martin Doike Ren Martin Eileen A Martin Emily Martin Karisa Martin Kelsey Martin Laura Martin Loretta Martin Mark A Martin Melissa Martin Sarah Martin Weinberg DMD, Myron B Goldberg Martinez Adrian Martinez Alexander Martinez Andrea Martinez Andrew Martinez Castro Maria Martinez Emiliano Jr Martinez George Martinez Gerardo Martinez Hector Martinez Henry Martinez Jennifer Martinez Jose Martinez Luis Martinez Maria Martinez Maria D Martinez Mark Martinez Miguelina Martinez Nadia Martinez Nancy Martinez Norma Martinez Omar Martinez Perez Felix Martinez Romero Susana Martinez Wilfredo Martino Alberto Martino Andrew Martiny Donald E Martorano Emily A Martray Aleksander Martucci Law Offices Llc Iolta Marvania Sunny Marvin Todd Marx Herbert Jr Maryak Dennis G Marzar Francis Marziani Robert Marzulli Anthony Marzullo Marion M Marzullo Samantha Mas Plumbing Heating Inc Masaki Nakamura Mascuilli Richard A Maser Dana E Maser David M Masjid Muqbil Masko Griffin & Interstate Collision Inc Mason Cornish Norma Mason Dwight Mason Janet

PGN Mason Laronda Mason Larry J Mason Marguerite Mason Mary Mason Robert J Mason Sarah Mae Mason Trent Mason Willard Sr Mason Zina Mass Carlos Massa Robert J Massara Edward Massey Patricia A Masso Sammer Masters Errol Masters Timothy Mastropieri Daniel J Matakanure Givemore Matamoros Manuel Matarazzo Francis S DDS Mateo Laura Mathalon Edward Mather Company Mather Elizabeth Mathews Garvin Mathews Gilbert C Mathews Stefanie Mathias Peggy S Mathur Tarun Matienzo Carlos J Matos Anthony D Matos Claudia M Matos Eleizer Matos Luis Matos Paula Matsuo Kenichi Matthew Alyssa M Matthew Joseph Matthews Brian T Matthews Hafeeza Matthews Joan Matthews Jovan Matthews Kerin Matthews Marcus Matthews Robert Matthews Samuel Iii Matthews Terrance Matthewsreeder Johnna Mattingly Michelle Mattix Anthony L Mattox Erren Mattox Joseph Mattress Factory Matuszewski Deborah J Matyasovsky Allison Matzke Shawn Maureen Tobin Maury Rebecca Maxman Susan A Maxwell Anna Maxwell Christina R Maxwell John May Abdulwahab Almugait May & Assoc In May Merteen Maya Wade Maybank Ernest Mayer Ashley Mayer Malika Mayers Bryan Mayfield James J Maynard Clement Mayoros Leslie Mays Clothing Inc Mays Taylor Mazagi Auto Corp Mazuca Joseph Mazur Izabella Mazuras Debbie A Mazuras Ronald Mazuruk Anna Mazzotti Maria DO Mba Ndukwe Mcandrews Karen Mcbreen Kopko Mcbride Doris Mcbride Pearl Mccabe Adam Mccabe Megan Mccabe Thomas B III Mccafferty Brian

Mccain Beverly Mccairns Joan A Mccall Alesha Mccallister Michael Mccann Mitchell T Mccarl Steven D Mccarry Patrick Mccarthy Thomas Mccarthy Thomas P Mccarty Samantha Mccarty Theresa Mccary Earl H Mccary Kyle C Mccauley Dennis J Mcclain James Darren Mcclam Construction Inc Mcclammy Lillian Mccleary Pauline Mcclellan Manuel Mcclelland Andrew C Mcclernon Michael Mcclinton Rosalee Mccloud Carlton A Mccloud Clifford Mccloud Deborah Mccloud James Mcclure Kelly S Mccollum Isabelle Mccomas Christian Mccomas Christian I Mccomb Emily K Mccommon James Mccorkell Kelly Ann Mccormack Michael Mccormick Willis A Mccoy Dolores Mccoy Michael Mccoy Nancy Mccoy Queenie Mccoy Wesley Mccracken Rita Mccrae Paul Mccray Charles D Mccray Sean Mccray Stanley Mccuen John R Mccullough Francine Mccullough Helen J Mccullough Patrick Mccullough Shalee Mccusker Jeffrey S Mccutchen Nathaniel Mccutchen Ronald Mcdade Dolores Mcdaniel Corey Mcdaniel D Mcdaniel Justin Mcdaniel Micheal Mcdaniels Brian Mcdermott Andrew Mcdermott Brian D Mcdermott Durbin D Mcdermott James Mcdermott Kaitlin Mcdermott Tsega Z Mcdevitt Jeffrey Mcdevitt Kenneth Mcdonald Mcdonald Amanda C Mcdonald Brian A Mcdonald Chapell Mcdonald Corin J Mcdonald Jeanette Mcdonald Johnny Mcdonald Mark Mcdonald Matthew F Mcdonald Paper Resturant Supply Mcdonald Vincent Mcdonnell Joshua S Mcdowell Maureen Mcdowell Shaderah Mcduffie Helen Mcduffie Randy L Mcduffie Rasahn Mcdussey Diane Mcelligott Liam Mcelveen Lisa C Mcenerney Bridget Mcfadden Cieje K Mcfadden David J Mcfall Johnny

Mcfall Robert Mcfarlan John J Mcfarland Herbert Mcfarland Peter Mcfeeley Amanda J Mcfeeters Dorothy M Mcfillin Christopher L Mcgarrigle Daniel Mcgarry Daniel Mcgee Deborah M Mcgill Laura D Mcginnis Adam R Mcginnis Courtney M Mcginnis Helen Mcginnis John Mcginnis Joseph Mcginty Dacey Mcginty Maureen Mcgivern William III Mcglaughlin Thomas Mcgoldrick Matthew W Mcgonigal Louise Mcgovern Colleen Mcgovern Daniel P Mcgovern Joseph Mcgovern Loretta Mcgovern Maureen Mcgovern Stella Mcgowan Michael Mcgowan Patrick Mcgrath Brooke Mcgrath Cole Ent Inc Mcgrath Vernose Mcgrink Jennifer Mcguckin John Mcguckin Michael Mcguigan Thomas Mcguinness Grainne G Mcgurk Joanne Mchale Matthew Mchugh Brendan Mchugh Kelly A Mcintyre David J Mcintyre Michael Mckay Ann Mckay Thomas N Mckee Garey A Mckee Sharon D Mckeeve Sarah Mckeever Donna M Mckeever Jesse Mckeever Maureen L Mckeither Lois Mckellar Jamal Mckelvy Robert A Mckenna Elizabeth Mckenna Stephen Mckenney Brett Mckenney Rudolph Mckinley Michael Mckinnon Diana Mckinnon Girard Mcknight Cecelia J Mcknight Stephen Mcknight Tinita Mclaren Evadney Mclaughlin Herbert Mclaughlin John Mclaughlin Louis Mclaughlin Patricia A Mclaughlin Tatiana Mclaurin Daniel Mclean Ornamik Mcleod James Mcmain James A Mcmanus James Mcmenamin Amy Mcmenamin Amy L Mcmenamin Erin Mcmenamin Helen Mcmenimen David J Mcmillan Wanda Mcmiller Leon Mcmullin Anna Mcmurren Curtis Mcnally Matthew Mcnamara And Co Obi Mcnamara Casey Mcnamara John M Mcnamara Meghan T Mcnamee Elizabeth

PGN Mcneal Eleanor E Mcneal Linda Mcneal Scott Mcnear Roshell Mcneil Aaron J Mcneill William A Mcnellis Edward Mcnichols Erin Mcnulty Film & Vid Mcnulty Sarah K Mcpeak Elizabeth R Mcphaul Troy Mcphelim Lisa Mcpherson Kenneth Mcpherson Kenneth D Mcpherson Pauline Mcqueen Samuel Mcquiller Dorothy Mcrae Danielle S Mcrae Michael A. Mcray Monique N Mcray Sophia Mcs Mcs Group Inc Mcshane Nancy B Mcshea Christopher R Mcshea Mark Mctague Caitlin Mctamney James J Mctear Brian D Mctique Bill Mcveigh Rachel Mcwilliams Christopher Meachum Sokoni Meade Austin Mealey Sharlene Mearsjackson Dorothy R Mecchella Eleanor Med Rite Pharmacy Med University of Pa School Dental Medability Pain Management Centers Medability Physical Therapy Medical Legal R Medical Socieity of Eastern Pa Medina Bido Odette-Del C Medina David Medina Janel Medley Arnold K Medley Jerry L Medley Lowiest Medley Maurice Medrite Pharmacy Medvec Sagan Meehan John Meehan Joseph Meeth Katrina Mehta Mayank Mei Yide Mei Ying Lin, Ne Laundromat Meibeyer Leland Meisner Kenneth Meisser Ryan Mejia Remedios Mejia Ricardo A Mejias Aron Mejias Natividad Mekonnen Yenework Melara Claudia P Mele Sonia E Melegari Camilla Melendez Felix F Melendez Ismael Perez Melendez Maria Melendez Michelle Melendez Ruben Mellers Barbara Mello D Alice M Melton James D Meltzer Peter E Pc Melvin Akeem Memelson Laura Menard Manake Mendez Carrero Angel Manuel Mendez Eduardo Mendez Evelio Mendez Jose Mendez Lorelys Mendosa Jeiner Mendoza Anna Mendoza Luis Mendozatall Melissa

Meng Ke Menlki Lofti Menna Chris J Mennella Carlo Mennitt Christianna Menzel Clare Meramo Michael Mercado Adlberto Mercado M M Mercado Torre Grosa Lilliana G Merced Pinky Dela Mercedes Rafael Mercy Douglas Center Inc Mercy Management of Sepamcmcm Meredith John Meredith John R Meredithwhamilton Meronyck Vittorio A Merrell David Merriman Tara Merschen Daniel G Mertz Marguerite A Mesado Molenaar Beatriz Messam Sivoston A Messeges Messick Debra G Messina Amelia Est Messmore Scott Metro Pcs Metroka David C Mettaway Gwendolyn Metz August Metzger Chris A Metzinger Melvyn J Meyer Carly J Meyers Chris Meyers Patricia Meyerson Lowell D Meytis Fanya Meze Cafe Mghensa David Mia Ortiz Micelialbertson Dana Michael Ashlei A Michael Joshua B Michael Restaurant Michael Ryan Michel Claudel Michelina Grosso Michella Stephanie Michelle Albert J Michelle Howard Michellov Yehezkel Michini William Mickeals Jasmine Mickens George Mickens Jean Mickey & Moran Mickins Barbara Mickle Charles Mid City Federal Savings & Loan Midatlantic Surgical Midatlanticprocessing Center Midcity Associates Inc Middleton David Middleton Nathaniel Middletown Community Health Center Miezio Halina Miglino Felicia Mike Spano & Sons Mikell Dorothy Mikes Steaks Milam Jerry Milanese Dino Milbourne Donna Yw Milburn Dale F Milburn Rachel Miles Brandon J Miles Justyn B Est Milestone Construction Milestone Realty Group Milinchuk A Millennium Ob Gyn Miller Aja Miller Alan R Miller Allison Miller Anthony Miller Antoinette Miller Bryan Miller Charles Miller David

Miller David J Miller Don R Miller Donna Miller Eric A Miller Esther Miller Felicia L Miller Florence Miller Gregory Miller Hallie E Miller Harold Miller Harry Miller Helen J Miller James Brian Miller James G Miller Jennifer Miller Jessica J Miller Julia Miller Katelyn Starr Miller Katie Miller Matthew J Miller Merrill Miller Nakiah Miller Randy H Miller Stephen Miller Stephen C Miller Stephen M Miller Tina Miller Titiania A Miller W Miller W Michael as Tte for Meridian Au Millerline Mark Mills Cecile Mills Delores Mills Louise Mills Yvette Milner Andrew J Milzrek Andrew Mimouni Chokri Mims Antoine G Mims Daisy Mims Jones Yvonne Mims Rhasheeda Minar Palace Indian Mincey Doris Miner Dora Miner Phillip Ming Yan Travel Inc Minimarket El M Ministers Parham C I Minnis Shawn Minor Jowanna Minter Turiya Mioduszewski Michal Mir Kahlil Mira Rose Miraglilo Leonard Miraglilo Michael A Miralevich Sviatlana Miranda Miguel Miranda Milagros Mishan Edward J Misnik Steven Jr Mitchel Neil Mitchell Akil Mitchell Caroline Mitchell Cleavant A Mitchell Donovan Mitchell Eddie Mitchell George F Mitchell Hefertiti Mitchell Jerel Mitchell Latrell Mitchell Mattie Mitchell Rashiem Mitchell Richard T Mithcell Brittany Mizrahi Michael Mizroch Brandon Mobley Harold Mockewich Anna M Modarelli Kristy Modi Pragnesh Modi Ronak S Moffitt Jennings Jane Mogilner Catherine Mohamed Hadley Alisha A Mohammed Ahamed Mohamud Asha S Mohanned Kareema Mohannes Josef Mohanraj Bhavana

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Mojica Anna Hilda Mok Sreyleak Molchan Otoo Colin A Mole Street Productions Llc Molina Margarette Molinadiaz Gloria I Molino Hector Mollinger Florence Mollo Vera Molnar Elizabeth Monaghan Ficaro Eileen E Monaghan Joseph Francis Monahan Joseph S Monast Calixte Mong David Mong Sophal Monge Janet Monk Donnie Monk Leigh Monnich William J Monroe Robert H Monroe Zchagiel M Montagne Layla Montague Dexter Montague Viola Montalvo Samuel Montanaro Alma Montanero Rocco Montano Robert Montazami Shane Montealegre John Monteiro Peter Montgomery Beatrice Montgomery David Montgomery Joan Montgomery Lamar Montgomery Robyn M Montgomery Sidiq Montrose Jean Monument Mews Moody Anthony Moody Brandon Moody Doris Moon Sharon E Mooney John P Sr Mooney John W Mooney Ruth Moore Anthony Moore Askari J Moore Breanna Moore David Moore David F Moore Eileen L Moore Erika M Moore Franklin Moore Jamar Moore Kenneth Moore Krystle Moore Lauren Moore Leo J Estate Of Moore Linda Moore Lucretia Moore Lyquan A Moore Maurice Moore Messiah K Moore Nikisha Moore Peter J Moore Ryan Moore Saoihah Moore Sarah Moore Stacey Moore Timothy Moore Valerie Moore William Moore Willie Moores Steven Morabito Donald Morace Gregory Morales Alberto Morales Anselmo M Morales Fuentes Sunilda R Morales Joel Morales Jose Morales Julio Morales Luis Morales Lydia Morales Migdalia Morales Veronica Moran Michael W Moran Nicole Morant Bennie

More Carrol Morelos Inc Moreno Adolfo Moreno Oscar Morgan Andrea S Morgan David Morgan Dennis Morgan George H Jr Morgan John F Morgan Lewis Bokius Morgan Marie Morgan Myrna E Morgan Properties Corp Morgan Sean Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Llc Morgan Wallace E Morgese Alexa Moriartys Restaurant Morillo Angel Moris George Morman E Moronese Patricia Est Morrell Francisco Morris Leah Morris Christopher Morris E E Morris Galveston B Morris Herbert Morris Jill E Morris John Morris Lydia Morris Nirel Morris Sue Morrison Phyllis Morroni Virgina Morrow Jessica Mortelliti Lucille Morton Craig P Morton David A Morton Horace Morton Max Morton Richard Mortons Steak Mortris Keith Moryl Frederick Moscola Eleanor T Moses Deborah Moses Hiram Moses Lehman Moshe Shriki Mosheyev Anna T Moskowitz Max Mosley Daniel Mosley Jacquelyn Mosmen Craig Moss Albert Mostafa Karim Mostoller David B Moszczynski John P Mote Gregory A Motley Marlene D Moton Aisha Mott Joshua Motyl Ryan Moua Vang Moudriy Vladimir Mougianis Ifigenia D Moukoulis Tina Moulkiotis Sotirios Moumoutjis Anastasia Moumoutjis Zoe Eleni Mount Airy Pain Practice Mount Kisco Medical Group Mouzon Jeanette P Movado Watch Service Moving Mail Systems Lp Moya Francisco Moyer Paul Moyer Susan M Moylan Kathleen E Moylan Marissa Moyle Christine L Mpofu Nkanyiso N Mpolanco, Dominicano Hair Mroz Barbara A Mt Airy Amb Endos Surg Ctr Mtiah Amy Mu Tong Mucanda Joaquim Mucci Guylaine Muckensturn Christopher



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Mueller Matthew Muhammad Munazza Muhanna Jazzys Muhsin Zahir S Muir Shannon Mukewar Pushkar Mukhopadhyay Anirban Mulamootil John A Mulbah Jeannet Mulholland Sean P Mulla Ahmed Mulla Nazz Mullen Clodagh R Muller Margaret Mullica Frank J Mulligan Elizabeth Mullings Crystal Mullings Wayne Lamont Mulrain Erin E Mulroney Jessie L Multz Michelle A MD Mulvey Flanagan Mulvey Flanagan Pc Mumola Paula Mumpher Denise Muncie Bill Mundhra Harsh Mundy Teckl Munez Luis E Munin Harold Munir Danish Muniz Luis F Muniz Lydia M Munnelly Margaux Munoz Franklin Munroe Rohan Munsing Peter N & Assoc Munson Abdu Munson Chester B Jr Murali Karthik Murawski Daniel P Muray Jon Adams Murph Marie Murph Steven Murphy Anne Murphy Catrina Murphy Heller Murphy Ilyasha Murphy Kathryn Murphy Kevin D Murphy Lincoln Murphy Margaret Murphy Rachel Murphy Reba Murphy Sherry Murphy Stacey Murphy Tiara Murphy Tracey Y Murray Anthony Murray Barbara J Murray Brian Murray Carolyn Murray Cheryl Murray Emily K Murray Hulon Murray Karen Murray Kevin R Murray Laura R Murray Margaret Murray Nakea Murray Patricia Murray Paul Murray Paul D Murray Rasheem Murrell Kathryn Murt Dennis Murta Shaun Murtagh Dean Murtaugh Timothy P Muschek Harry Musgrove Malcolm J Musisha John Mustu Basak Mutch Grace Mutula Gabriel C Muzo S Chicken Steaks Mw Moss Ltd Myers Edward Myers Ethyl R Myers George Myers Hightower Karlisse

Myers Jeanette Myers Kathleen S Myers Precious Myers Robert L Myers Roberta Myfame Corporation Myles Devin Myree Shawn Myrie Delroy N & E Automotive N And F General Contractoprs Inc Nabried Cynthia Nabulsi Abdul R Naccarato Anthony Nadav Shlomi Nadeau George A Naderi Sarah Nadine Price Nagle Scott Nagy Ken Naha Marketing Inc Nahas Stephanie Nahmias A Nakamura Takashi Nakeya Lyde Namerow Anna K Nanakasse Saouty Nance Naim Nanoselect Inc Napper Brian Narang Puja L Nardi Mary Narducci Joseph Narozhnaya Zhanna Narula Munish Nash Jillian Nash Kelly Nash Patrick Nashi Layla Nasser Rani Natale Rachel L Nataloni Assunta Nath Abhinav Nathan Jason Nathaniel Sarai N National Group Management Corp National Multiple Sclerosis Society National Renal Admin National Youth Congress Natural Healing Natural Wellness Spa Nautly Robert J Naval Square Condo Navalkar Chandangauri C Navarrete Jose Navarro Francisco J Navarro Rafael Nave Charles H Navek Giocondo Nawn John P Nazario Wilfredo Ndoci Thomas Ne Psychology Neal Jesse Neal Mary Nederlof Trevor Neenan Matthew Negron Eusebio Negron Maria A Nei Maromi MD Neighborhood Restoration Neights Michael Neil Jessica Neil Robert Neill Brian O Nejedly Michael P Nelson Benjamin Jr Nelson Bryant Nelson Devonna V Nelson Frank J Nelson Fred Nelson George Nelson Joyce Nelson Marc Nelson Medical Group Nelson Napoleon Jason Nelson Nicole Nemec John Nemirov Anton Nemirovsky Irina Nentwig Eric

PGN Neon Video Neris Jason Nesbitt Dorothy Nesmith Gladys Nester Michael M Nesti Leon Nestico Pasquale Netsky Lester Neuman Brian Neuman William Nevima Lc Nevraumont Arica New Century Travel Inc New Consolation Christian New Courtland Eldercare New Deal Optical New Life Affordable Housing New York Pizza & Fried Newberg Herbert Newburger Harriet Newcomb Jennifer K Newell Paul A Newell Shayna Newkirk Communications Inc Newman Elise Newman Miriam Newman Pia Newman Virnetta Newsletter Publishing Co Newson Mary Newton Joseph Ng Hoi Ching Ng Leh Hong Ng Siuwai Ngai Brandon Marshall Ngan Muk T Ngo Chan Ngo Dung Ngo Peter Ngo Trung Van Nguen Hien Thi Ngoc Nguy Minh Cam Nguyen Anh Nguyen Binh Kim Nguyen Binh Phouc Nguyen Chanh V Nguyen Christie M Nguyen David Nguyen Diep Nguyen Han Nguyen Hanh Nguyen Hien Nguyen Hiep V Nguyen Hoang Nguyen Hong T Nguyen Hung Nguyen Huong Nguyen Jason E Nguyen Johnny Nguyen Joseph Nguyen Le Coc Nguyen Linna Nguyen Nhan Q Nguyen Nhinh Nguyen Phuc Nguyen Que T Nguyen Quy V N Nguyen Ricky S Nguyen Tai Hgu Nguyen Tien D Nguyen Toan Nguyen Tony Nguyen Tu Nguyen Van Nguyen Vivian Nguyen Vu Nguyen Yen Nhon Trong Niangane Janice Niblack Virgil Nice Lacey Nichol Francesca Nicholaides Anna Elizabet Nicholas Bettina A Nicholl Patricia Nicholls Joseph D Jr Nichols Calvin D Nichols Charles Md Nichols Corina D Nichols Debra C Nichols Jose

Nichols Mike Nicholson Dahnisha Nicholson Malik Nicholson Regina M Nicklin David MD Nicolazzo Sarah E Nicoletti William A Nicolini Andres Nicozisis Jonathan L Nidecker E Nied Mary Niemiec Gabrielle Nieto Jorge E Nieto Maria Nieves Angel L Nieves Ortilio Nieves Virginia Nigam Anuranjini Nigro Domenico Nijs Els Md Nikolaeva Elena Ninevolt Systems Ning Yue Ninth Street Internal Med Nisdor Dumidru Nisenbaum Harvey Md Nisperos Dalisai S Nissan Yakir Nissley Ben J Nitin Khanna Nitsche & Ferguson Ins Agcy Nix Robert C Nixon Pearl L Nkemdirim Adaeze Nkwento Nathalie Nnoli Mary Noble Jason Nobleza Sally Nocella Jeff Nocella Pat J Nock Sr William E Noel Jean Nolan Corey L Nolan John T Nolan Juanita Nolan Patrick J Noll David Noll Meagan Noor Ellahi Norbitz Annie Nordstrom Brian Norek Bernard Noriko Shin Nork Christopher A Normand Peter Norris Christopher Norris Debra A Norris Gorden Norris Prentice Norris Square Civic Assoc Norrispinkney Naquan A North American Security North Philly Pharmac Northrop Grumman Corp Norton James R Norton Nicholas E Norton Ruth Norwood Arketia Notar Francesco Erinn Notte Ian Nottis Alice Noun Rith Novak Pearl Novak Sarah A Novelli Jennifer Nowak Joseph Nowak Mariolta Nozil Nesly Nrs W Philadelphia Nsp Rehab Partners Llc Nsungwe Swamatutu Nuble Kevin Andre Nuble Krystiannicole T Nucero John Nudy Nicholas Nugyen Annie Nunez Jose Nunez Lourdes Nunez Luimi Nuriddin Nasir Nurse Alvin

Nursecom Inc Nussbaum Bruce Nwj Nwj Companies Nwj Management Ny Import Total Nyholm Matthew L O Donnell Cheryl L Oagles David N Ii Oaktree Healthplan Oakwood Healthcare Llc Obasiolu Charles Oberholzer Francis Obilo Odinakachukwu Obrien Auto Obrien Eileen M Obrien J Obrien R Obriens Serv Co Inc Ocaksonmez Serdar Ocampo Christopher Ocasio Edward Ocasio Eileen Ocasio Lisa Ocasio Lizandra Ocasio Yisel Oceanaire Restaurant Co Oceanaire Seafood Perm Ochabillo Santos Oconnell Corinne M Oconnell Joan Oconnell Kathryn Oconnor Cozen Odegaard Silje Odenwelder Amanda L Odonnell James Odonnell Michael Odonnell Robert F Oduffy Micheal S Oece Family Literacy Program Oehlberg Susan Offodile Nnaemeke M Ofidis George Ofori Ella Ogara Meghan Ogarro Candice Ogburn Nadiyah Oglesby Yvonne Oh Sung K Oh Sung K Md Ohene Kwaku A Ohl International Ohstrom Katrina Ok Bea Lee News Stan Olagunju Leslie Old Citadel Inc Old City 108 Old City Pretzel Co Llc Old Philly Pharmacy Oldrati Andrew Oleary Bethany L Oleksiak Ana Oliva Ignatius Oliva Jane Oliveira Anne Oliver Crystal K Oliver Debra D Oliver Desiree Oliver Joseph Oliver Mary Olivieri Augustine Olmedo Mercedes Olney Pain Management Olonoff Evena Olsen Jessica E Olsen Levi B Olsen Llc Olson Christopher Omalley Erin Omara John Omara Michael Omega Chapter House Corp Omega Watch Service Omeruah Chiazom C Omojola Omoniyi F Oneal James E Oneill Joseph T Oneill Kyle M Oneill Patrick Oneill W Onley Carrie F

PGN Onley Tremayne Only Childs Brothers Music Onono Beatrice Onorato Joseph Onuchukwu Josephat Onyekwe Ugonna N Ookie & Lala Kids Llc Operation Brigh Opher Paula Oprea Alina Opsitos Ryan Optivest Holdings Llc Oquendo Vanessa Ordo Robert J Orelien Guy Orellana Edwin Orellana Garcia Baudilio Orellana Joseph A Orensky Joan Orfanou Georgia Orlando Anthony Orlow Matthew Orme Johnson Doris Orourke Daniel Orr Richard Ors Tibet Orsini John Ortega Carmelo Ortega Joshua Ortiz Abimael Ortiz Alex Ortiz Alyssa Ortiz Angel Ortiz Calixto Ortiz Edgardo J Ortiz Hector Ortiz Hiram Ortiz Jennifer Ortiz Johnathan Davis Ortiz Luis Ortiz Luz Ortiz Matthew Ortiz Rafael Ortiz Victor S Ortizaponte Edgardo J Orzeck Martin Orzol Edmund Osawaru Julius O Osborne M Est Osborne Marie Oshaughnessy Ellan Clelia Oshaughnessy Timothy Oshea Terrance Oshiver May Osorio Raquel Ospina Michael Oswald Marie A Otakhonov Alisher Otero Julio L Otis Otis Otitoju Oluwatosin Ott Caroline Ott John J Otterson Roma Ottery Faith Ottinger Alexander T Ottinger Clara Ou Ya F Ouch Melinda S Ouch Racing Oumar Mody Ly Outlaw John J Outlaw Sinclair Outlaw Tivona S Outtaw Grace Over Brooke Art & Environmental Center Overbrook Education Overby Dante Overton Fred L Owen Amanda K Owens Sean Owens Sharif Oxendine Frank Oymak Samet Ozark Mahoning Co Oil Div Ozarkiw Chrystyna Ozineck Adam R Pabon Nestor Pace Fabrizio Pace Lyshane M Pace Marc

Pace Theresa E Pacheco Alexander Paciorek Wojciech K Pacor Settlement Trust Paddy Ernest E Padgett Cherry Ann Padgett Marian Padilla David Padilla Ferdinand Padilla Kenia Padolina Angela M Padro Orlando Padua Neyda Padulo Louis Paetsch Charles Pagadala Ravikanth Pagan Andrew Pagan Angel Pagan Juan Pagan Rodrigues Jorge Pagast Peter Page Scott Pagent Benjamin Pailas Christa Paisley Rose Paist Elizabeth B Pajkert Emil Palacio Angel Palange Rosemarie L Palimore Leona T Paljug Brian Palladino John Pallante Denise Pallante John D Palmer Aquil Palmer Bridget Palmer Construction Inc Palmer Georgia Palmer Patricia Palmer Ronald Palmer Stefan Palmer Thomas Palmero Liset Palmieri Robert Panarello James M Pandolfo Robert Pandya Maulik Pang Sam Pangilinan Maria Cristina Pankey Stanley Pannell Mary E Paolaco Joseph Papadopoullos Michalis S Papadopoulos John T Papasadora Nicholas Papeika Betty J Parada Xochitl Paramaporn Chaimongkol Paramore F Paranzino Pietzo Paredes Teodoro Parentebeard Llc Pargamanik Dmitry Paris Jeanette Parish Dujuan Parisi Michael Park Elizabeth T Park Heejoon Park Hyejin Park Keehwan Park Serye Parker Abba Parker Bulia Parker Catherine Parker Charles Parker James Parker Kellin M Parker Latoya Parker Lloyd Est Parker Margaret Parker Moises Parker Rena Parker Rodger Parker Tracey M Parks Derrick H Jr Parks Inc Parks Jennifer Parks Julia N Parks Shirley Parler Babs L Parrett Julie

Parrilla Carmelo Parrilla Edwin Parrilla Edwin E Parrish Nancy Parrishjenkin Leah S Parsell Michael R Parson Elizabeth Parson Raynetta Partridge Compr Partridge Evelyn DO Pasciullo Constance Pascoe Charles T Paskal Arif Paskin Rhoda Paslay Christopher Pasquale Tony Passante Catherine Passyunk Properties Llc Pasternack Ian Pastor Lola Munroe Pastva Joelen Patapis Nicholas Patchell Susan Patchen Mary Ann Patel Ami Patel Amy Patel Ankur K Patel Baupendra F Patel Bijal Patel Chetnabahen R Patel Dipen R Patel Hetal R Patel Ishwarbhai S Patel Jaimin Patel Lilaben Patel Riddhiben V Patel Rohit A Patel Sunitkumar Patrick Phanvanh Dba Patrizio Stephen P Esq Patsy Rainford, Mango Bush Pattamasinghnaayutha Rawin Pattani Noel Patten Rose Mary Patterson Claristine Patterson Gerard Patterson Gordon Patterson Henry Patterson Irene Patterson Leola Patterson Michael Patterson Robert Patterson Rolanda Patterson Shanice Paul Green Sch Rock Music Pa Paul Harris Paul Jason Paul Kayleigh M Paul Kenneth Paulin Keturah M Paulino Denise Paulino Vicky Paulos John A Paulus Virginia Pavel Remus Pavia Samantha N Pawelski James Payable Accounts Payne Andre Payne Laevie Payne Lindell Payne Maureen Payne Russell W Jr Payne Stephon A Payne Thomas R Payton Lee Peach Dental Center Peachey Christine Peacock Nicholas Peacock Temple Peaks Maurice Pearce Jeff Pearo Louise F Pearson Jacqueline Pearson Lynn Pearson Nathaniel Pearson Odessa Pearson Ruth Peay Maurice Peckham Tyler Peddick Leroy

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Pedraza Jacinte Peebles Barbara Peeks Stanton Jr Peele Malcolm Peer Monica Peezick Sophia Pegrem Carole Peirson Samantha Pelham Wright Jason M Pelici Snejana Pellegrini Anthony A Pellegrino Joseph Pelliciotti Margaret Peltzman Jacob Peltzman Jaimie S Pelzer Fannie M Pelzer Victor Pemberton Jacqueline Pembleton William Pembrooke Peter R Pen Mon Pena Rafael E Md Pena Valdes Hilda Noemy Pendowski Richard Peng Haibo Penjerdel Employee B Penman Ashley S Penn Dental Associates Penn Medicine at Rittenhouse Penn Midwifery 2011 Penna Cardiology Assoc Ltd Pennington Bagw Yasir Q Pennock Eva Pennrose Mgt Inc Pennsylvania Cardiol Pennsylvania Dental Assoc Ltd Pennsylvania Optometrics Pennypacker Thomas Penrose Management Co Penrose Park Associates L Pensabene Craig Pentz Deborah Pep Boys Pepper Hamilton Llp Pepperjam Pera Salvatore Peralta Bonilla Hilda Peralta Juan Percec Ivona Perdue Terrance Perdunn Florence R Pereira Bradley Perera Koralagamage M Perez Angel Perez Clarisa M Perez Daniel Perez Feliy Perez Jonatan Perez Jose Perez Juan C Perez Marrero Noemi Perez Miguel Perez More Ruben D Perez Oscar M Perez Rodolfo Perez Samuel J Perez Stephanie G Perez Ulises Perez Victor Performance 1 Collison Perilstein Louis Perkins Helen Perkins Perkins L Jr Perlata Food Market Perlman Anita Perlman Jeffrey L Perlman Raymond Perna Karen Pernell Walter Perri Matthew Perrier Andrea L Perry & Cedes Ice Inc Perry Bernice Perry Christina M Perry Harvey M Perry Jason Perry Joseph Perry Lillie M Perry Lynwood Perry Peter E Jr Perry R

Persch Terri Pershing Deborah Perskie Timothy A Persson Eric G Pet Vet Clinic Petaccio Joseph F Jr Pete Devon Erin MD Peter Longo Peterman Alexander N Peterman Heather R MD Peters Andre Peters Katherine Peters Kenneth E Peters Richard Peters Sarah Peters Wanda L Petersen Alana Peterson Barbara Peterson Georgianna W Peterson Iva M Peterson Lateon J Peterson Muir Darlene Peterson Walter L Petriello Louis Petrilli M L Petrone Tammy L Petroski Michael E Petrowski Lana E Petrysszyv Nick Petty Eva Petty Jacqueline Pfeffer James E Pfeiffer Louis S Est Pgw Pham Hoang Pham Kien Duc Pham Thuy B Pham Xuan Phan Hung Pharaon Paola Pharmacy & Nutrition Shoppe Pharmaplan Hatch Llc Phatak Manu Phavisith Khonlachack Phelan Shawn Phelps Professional Srvs Phelps Washington Javese Phila Cash And Carry Phila Family Medicine Assoc Phila Occ Hlt Pc, Ncare Rox Phila Real Estate Convers Phila Reinsurance Corp Obi Phila Urosurg Assoc Philadelpha Eye Associates Philadelphia Anti Drug Anti Vio Philadelphia Area Labor Philadelphia Auto Philadelphia Brokerage Corp Philadelphia Diamond Co Philadelphia Doh Fin Philadelphia Ear Nose Philadelphia Family Medic Philadelphia First Llc Philadelphia Fringe Philadelphia Gas Works Philadelphia Hlth Ctr Phc Philadelphia Hong Kong Trade Philadelphia Inernational Med Philadelphia Management Philadelphia Post Acute Partner Philadelphia Sharks The Philadelphia Sleep Ctr In Philadelphia Vamc Pharmacy Philadep & Co Philalom Khammouk Philarx Pharmacy Phildelphia Vision Center Philippe Corbanese Pt Philippe Delvirance J Phillip C Warholic Col Credit Cor Phillips Alan L Phillips Camille Phillips D G Phillips Elvira Phillips Eward Phillips Ryan Philly Real Estate Co Phils Collision Llc Phinizy Sabrina Phoea Tjin J Phommaa Pansa



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Phuoc Tran B Piacentini Kristin Piano Tuning & Rep Piatrou Vitali Piazza Adrienne Picariello Richard Piccolo Dustin F Piccolo Michael Pichacz Alex Pickens Antoinette J Pickron Alexas Picton Dustin Pierce Bessie Pierce Chris Pierce Lorie Pierce Tiffany Pierce Tyler Pierre & Carlo Inc Pierre Marie V Pierrelouis Claudel J Pierron David Pignataro Alphonse Pikkles Plus Pile William Pileggi Julianne S Pilgrim Brown Ayana Pilkinton David T Pina Hernandez Pinardo Megan Pinc Associates Pinchbeck Bruce Pincituro Florence Pinckney Alvin Est Pinckney Baseemah Pinckney Joseph Pinckney Sharica Pinder Betty Pindle Shadera Pindziak Charles Pineda Gladys Pinick Kelcie Pink Ribbon Movement Pinkney Nia Pinkneyrouse Beverly Pinkston Tracy Pinnacle Bags Pinnock Chantel Pinskaya Milana Pinto Anna Pinto Victoria Pipano Valerie B Pires Stephanie Pirrone Augustine Pischel Matthew R Piscitelli Carol Piston M J Brooks J Pitt Beatrice Pitts Abe Pitts Derrick Pitts William Pixley Marvin E Pizzi Keith W Pizzica Health System Juanita Park Pizzica Health Systems Pizzo Jessica Placke Franz Plager Unger Rose Plain Jane Cleaning Svcs Plakas Christos Plantamura Devin Platania Matthew Platoff Rebecca M Platt Judith K Platt Sandra Plattus Danielle Plenn Frances Plenn Sarah A Poccia Nicholas Podaralla Srikanth Poeng Jennie Pointer Kelly Pointer Michael Pointer Tony V Polanco Euridicy Polanco Grocery Polansky Marcia Polecritti Derek C Poley Matthew Poli Florence Policarpo Gina D Pollack Charles

Pollack Steve Pollard Mark Pollock Charles J Pollock Joyce Pollock William Polt Julius Pond Jane Pond Jane B Poniatowski Lauren Ponzek Bartholomew P Poole Darnell Poole Francine Poole Ronnell Poole Shelly Poor Boyz Pizzeria Popa Melba D Pope Barbara Pope Darry Pope Debra Pope Novella Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen Poretsky Sidney Porrett Lewis Port Richmond Llc Porteous Tiras Porter Barry J Jr Porter Florence Porter George Porter Joseph W Porter Walter Portnoy Monica Posada Nolvi Positive Effects Inc Posner Anna L Post & Schell Pc Potamia Enterprise Llc Potbelly Sandwich Works No 187 Pou Luz Pouchnikova Maria Poulson Jaquil Powel Lindsey Powell Cohen Rachel Powell Lindsey Powell Lisa Powell Patrick M Powell Robert Powell William Powers John Pownall Robin Poy Sen Pozimski Janina Pr Gallery 1 Lp Prado Miguel Praissman Ida Est Prak Bunny Prats Antonio Md Pratt Daveena Pratt Heather Pratt Joseph Pratta Alison Prease Kelli A Premier Medical Mfg Premier Travel Svce Inc Prendergast Dennis Presbery Bennie Prescod Paul Presiso Presley James Pressley Bell N Pressley Jeffrey A Pressman Deborah Pressman Maurie D MD Preston General Cont Prettyman Jacquelyn Prewitt Michael D Price Albert Price Audrin Price Cindy Price Donnell Price Dustin M Price Edward Price Florentine Price James Price John Price Michael N Price Scott Md Price Sharon Price Timothy Pride Taneesha L Pril Chhearr Primerand John

PGN Primos Grocery Store Prince John P Prince Marilyn Pritchard Benjamin C Pritchett Jaymes Pritt James Procacci Daniel Prochak Christopher Prochaska Erica Proctor Rosa Profy Joseph Pronto Gia Property Main Group Prosser Sidney Prouse Emily Prouse Goldstein Carol Prudential Prudential Fox & Roach Pruyn Phyllis M Pruzan Jennifer Puchowitz Shayna Puentes De Salud Puglisi Nicholas Puha Nicole Pulling Wilson Punzo Frank Pupke Daniel Purchasing Mgmt Assoc Purdy Joseph Pure Bliss Wellness Purewal Uplekh Purificato Deborah Purnell Alberta Purnell Leeanna C Purnell Markeil Purnomo Lea Pursan Mohammad Purtell Rebecca J Purvis Phyllis Pushpa Domadia DDS Putti Joseph M Pwi Supply Llc Pyle Jay R Pyles John Cameron Pylypchuk Orest Pyzyna Kristine Q Trucking Inc Qadir Farheen Qiu Shu Qiu Vicky Qu Xiaonan Qu Xiaopeng Quaker Notes Quality Air Hvac Llc Quality Litigation Svcs Qualls Kristin Qualmed Quan Kevin Quan Stephen Choo Quang Quach Dba Quarles Tyesha Quddus Ali Queenan Maria Queenan Victoria Queeney Donnamarie P Quertani Imed Quezada Rafael J Quick Key Quick Laraya Quick Stop Quigley Teneece R Quihuis Jasmin Quilesmangual Catheryn Quinetta Sewell Quinn Arthur C Quinn Bruce Quinn Dennis Quinn Fran Quinn John Quinn Nashawn T Quinn Thomas R Quinones Juan Quintana Jorge L Quirk John Quiros Velez N Quitter Martin Quong Judy R & K Enterprises R J Properties Limited R T M Electrical Contractors Inc R Zak Inc

Raab Nathan Rabinow Laura E Rabrach Lona Racioppi Anne Radatti Damian Raday Charles S Jr Radecki Tim Radel Trigg Radian Guaranty Inc Radian Mortgage Assurance Co Radian Services Llc Radiology Associates Radmonski Alison Rado Damian Radomski Thomas J Radona Alfred Radona Alfred C Rafeek Hashmi Raffellini Lydia Ragin Carrie Ragin John Rago Joseph A Raha Maria Rahim Khalil Rahman Ebuthahir Rahming Norma G Rahul Komati Rai Jaspal L Raieta Joseph A Rainey Angela L Rainstar Investments Raj Siddharth Rajon Davis Rakes Joel Rakhvorger Biana Rakitskaya Svetlana Rakowska Mary D Ralley Juliette Ralph Jazmine Ralph Ricky, 007 Ralston Jennifer Raman Albert Ramires Silva D Ramirez Alberto Ramirez Alfredo Ramirez Camilo Ramirez Cynthia Ramirez Daniel O Ramirez Franklin Ramirez Isaac Ramirez Juan Ramirez Victor Ramirez Yashira Ramkelawan Narinedat Ramon Diamante D Ramos Andre Ramos David Ramos Depaula W Ramos Detorres Juana Ramos Elizabeth Ramos Elvis Ramos Jaime A Ramos Johanna Ramos Juan F Ramos Melissa Ramos Vega Jose Ramsay Byron Ramsbottom William Ramsden John G Ramsey Christopher Ramsey David C Ranalli Michael Rancis Awnings & Signs Inc Randall Brianna Randall Fredrick Randall Rasheda Randall Thelma Randazzo Ciro G Randle Ruth Randle Sheila F Randmark Properties Llc Randolph Elijah J Est Randolph Stephanie Randomsanta Org Ranganath Bharat Rankine Cecil Rankine Wilfred Ransone James Ranstead Tracy Rao Lotte E Rapaport Michael A

Rascoe Valerie Rash Kathreen Rasheed Hakim A Rathgeb Kathleen M Rathnakumar Swaminathan Ratsamy Khamhou Ratsamy Khamhou K Ratto Luca Raudenbush Lee Ravine John Ravital Genie Ravitch Edward Ravnell Kim H Ray Dolores Ray Jeaneen Ray Melanie Ray Torrence A Raymer Ronald A Raymond Kenya Raymond S Johnson, Rice & Things Rayner Jillian Raynor Alice Raynor Selene K Rayo Maria Razak Samina Rbs Snacks Llc Re Al Development Rea Florence M Reach Melissa A Reades Sharlette Realdine Kristen A Rearden Clarence Reardon Gerald A Reaves Leroy Rebecca Shanaman M Rebeille J C Rebmann Godfrey R Est Rebmann Pauline C Est Recacho Justin M Rech David Recinto Lon Record Copy Services Red Hook Red Lion Food Mart Red Red Red Inc Redd Clarence Redd Dana C Reddick George Reddick Mary Reddick Russell Redding Leola Redic Christopher Redmon Shanice Redmond John J Redmond Joyce Reece Deraile Reece Richard Reece Tia Reed Abigial Reed Agnes Reed Beverly Reed Eleanor Reed Eric Reed George Reed Loralee Reed Maurice Reed Patsy Reed Sean Reed Smith Shaw Mcclay Reeder Pearl S Reese Jeffery P Reese Kritopher S Reese Nepheteria Reese Tracey Regan Kristy Regan Selena Regan Vince Reger Rizzo Attorney At Law Regina Cooke Regni Kristen Regosch Stephen Rehmann Richard Reichardt Keith Reichert David Reid Bryan Reid Clinton Reid Darryl Reid Eric Reid Fletcher Reid Lashonda Reid Nella

PGN Reid Thomas Reilly Janiczek Mcdevitt Pc Reinitz Shlomo Reinoso Lauro G Reinsch Marshall Reinsosanchez Waldo Reiser Dale Reismeier Thomas Reiss Pointer Laura A Reit Management Reitz Meredith Reitzes Judith Relave Elise Reliable Copy Service Reliable Motor Truck Reliable Wgn And Auto Bdy Inc Remley Don Renato Roque Renee19134 Renier Anne M Renko Jon Renna Kaitlyn Rennolds Justin Renova Contracting Rentas Lucila Renteria Masedonio Renzi Medical Republic First Bank Resagnio Victor John Resmer Philip Resnic Joanne Resnick Kimberly Resnick Michael Resnitsky Julia Restaurant Quality Prod Retacco Lyandra Rettinger Bryan Reukauf Julia Rev Edward G Rice Revell Susan Revens Earl Reviere Lanin Revol Rafael Rex Margaret M Reyes Antonio Reyes Cordelia Reyes Enrique Reyes Giovani Reyes Inez I Reyes Marangeli Reyes Robert Reynolds Audrey Reynolds Carl Reynolds Helen Reynolds Julie K Reynolds Rakia R Reynolds Staci Reynolds W Rezi Anna Reznev German V Rhine Allison Rhinehardt James Rhoades Kevin Rhoads Rhodes Carol D Rhodes Geraldine Rhodes Kathleen Rhynhart Daniel Rhys Munroe E Ribot Rivera Juan Ribot Wilson Ricci Bella R Ricci Bill Ricci Micheal Ricciardelli Brendan R Rice Anthony Rice Megan Rice Russell Lemont Rice T Rich Keith A Richa Gupta Richard Andrenor Richard Andrew Richard B Misher Dds Pc Richard Green Johnny Richard Rush Architectural Richards Ernestine R Richards Nigel Richards William Richardson Anita Richardson Brian

Richardson Curtis Richardson Edith Richardson Effie Richardson Henrettia Richardson Ida Richardson Keneka Richardson Khan X Richardson Leo Richardson Linda Richardson Malik Dawud Richardson Mark Richardson Marlon Richardson Michael Richardson Paul Richardson Qwendolyn Richardson Stacey Richardson Wilbur Richberg Rosa Richman Dan Richman Scott Riddick Elaine Rideout Mabel Rider Vincent Ridgeway Arbanna H Ridolfo Joseph A Rie Claude Riederer Anthony R Riegner Peter Riffert Darlene Riggan Katherine Riggins Raheim Riggins Roger Riggs Florence Riley Charles Riley Elizabeth Riley Gerald P Riley Israel Riley Ramond R Riley Stephanie Riley Tyree Rinaldi Dana L Rinehart Cheryl H Ring Arthur Ringing Rocks Foundation Ringle Lauren Rios Carmen Rios Luisa Rios Maximo Sandoval Rios Patricia Rios Raymundo Corona Rios Victor I Rios William Ripkin Mitchell Risk Management Ristila Brittany Ristine William Sr Rite Aid 3227 Ritman Morris Ritner Associates Llc Rittenhouse Anesthesia Assoc Rittenhouse Commons Rittenhouse Regency Rittenhouse Reo Specialist Ritter Montez Rittereiser Frederic W Ritz Camera Centers Inc Ritzheimer William River Associates Rivera Albert A Rivera Altagracia D Rivera Angel R Rivera Angelikah M Rivera Anna Rivera Camille Rivera Carlos Rivera Carmelo Rivera Carmen Rivera Dominique Rivera Francisco Rivera Heriberto Rivera Ilianexsii Rivera Irene Rivera Jacqueline Rivera Javier Rivera Jonathan Rivera Jose Rivera Jose L Rivera Judith Rivera Katherine Rivera Kenny E Rivera Kevin

Rivera Lisa Rivera Louis Rivera Luis Rivera Menliza Rivera Michelle Rivera Miguel Rivera Olga Rivera Orlando Rivera Ralph Rivera Stephanie Rivera Steven Rivera Waymon Rivera William Riverdawn Property Group Riverloft Rivers Derrick Rivers Robert Sr Rix Joshua D Rizzo Daniel J Dmd Rizzo Stephanie A Rnandez Magtangol V Roach Gaddiel Roarty William Robb Mildred Robbins Christopher W Robbins Zachary Roberson Michael Robert D Erickson Assoc Robert Land Attorney Robert Morris Associates Robert Veitz Robertiello Matthew Roberts Amy Roberts Dawn Roberts Henry Roberts Jamie Roberts Jared Roberts John Roberts Leonard Roberts Patricia A Roberts Sharon R Roberts William W III Robertson Andrew G Robertson Brandon J Robertson Joanna J Robertson Mack Robertson Odingo Robertson Thomas Robins Betty T Robins Elizabeth Robinson Belasco Robinson Bernard Robinson Bernice Robinson Brian Robinson Charles Robinson Charlotte Robinson Cheryl Robinson Clevus Robinson Daniel C Robinson Doreen Robinson Dorothea Robinson Edward W Robinson Esther Robinson Kimblery Robinson Laval Robinson Lesley N Robinson Mark C Robinson Ombre Robinson P Robinson Paul Robinson Ratiana Robinson Robert Robinson Ruth Robinson Ruth B Robinson Tyree Robinson Wanda Robinson Wanda T Robinson Wilfred Robles Benjamin Robson Richard Baden III Roccato Gerald Rocchino Gabrielle H Rocha Barrios Jorge Roche Angel Roche Jose Rock James G Rocke Ved Kim Rockemore Carlease Rockenbach Steven A Rocti Greg Roded Yorai

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Rodef Shelby Roderick Ryan T Rodgers Donnell Rodgers Doris Rodgers Gloria Rodgers Kenneth M Pc Rodgers Leonard Rodgers Megan Rodgers Travel Inc Rodrigiuez Jose Rodrigues Iraida Rodriguez Angel Rodriguez Asencion Rodriguez Bienveniga Rodriguez Cathino Rodriguez Cecilia Rodriguez Daniel Rodriguez David Rodriguez Edwin Rodriguez Eleine Rodriguez Eric Rodriguez Esteban Rodriguez Eva Campo Rodriguez Heriberto Rodriguez Israel Rodriguez Jeniera Rodriguez Juan A Rodriguez Karelyn Rodriguez Leonardo Rodriguez Leonida Rodriguez Leticia L Rodriguez Lidia Rodriguez Loida Rodriguez Luis Rodriguez Margarita Rodriguez Michael Rodriguez Miguel A Rodriguez Orlando Rodriguez Roberto Rodriguez Theodore Rodriguez Varona Yudeliz Rodriguez Yanira Rodriguez Yesenia Rodriquez Daniel L Rodriquez Mario G Rodriquez Victor M Roebuck Jackson Gwen Roebuck Victoria Chantel Roeun Sarun Rogal Kim Rogalski Thomas Rogers Courtney Rogers Home Improvement Rogers Newstand Rogers Nikki Rogers Travis Roggie Laura E Rojas Anthony Rojas Braulio Rojas Dana Rojas Jose Rojos Jorge Roland Sean C Roldan Pedro Roller Kyle Rollins David Rollins Rayce Roman Angel Roman Catholic Roman Claudio Roman Dzhutov Roman Giselle Roman Gustavo V Roman Valerstein Roman Victor Romanelli Gabriel Romano Crystal Romanov Ilya Romero Antonio D Romero Giovanni Romero Ivan Jr Romero Leah M Romero Manuel A Romero Ramirez Crisoforo Romon Diaz Romy Maurice Ronald Bodanza Ronan Investment Growth Inc Ronan Joseph E Rondosh Amanda M Roney Alice

Rongrong Mu Ronogh Pooya Roofscapes Rooks David Roosevelt Blvd Investment Llc Roper Christopher Roper John Roper Marycatherine Roper Stanford A Ropiak Caroline Rorie Ciera Ros Seng Rosa Joseph M Rosa Lucrecia Rosa Natividad Rosado Andres Rosado Brenda Rosado Emerlinda Rosado Wigberto Rosalind Eddy Rosario Angel Rosario Felix M Rosario Leon Rosario Luis Rosario Nateli Rosario Nurvidia A Rosario Paulo Rosas Rebekah Rosati Daniel Rosato Joseph C Rosato Peter L Rose Gary Rose Margaret P Rose Petra Rose Tiffany Roseberry Jessica Roseboro Timothy Rosen Keith M Rosen Morris G Rosen Simon Rosenberg Elaine Rosenberg Leslie Rosenberg Melissa L Rosenbloom Jacob Rosenfeld & Maron Medical Rosenfeld Meyer R Rosenfeld Rebekah Rosenthal Charlotte Rosenzweig Laurance G Rosenzweig William Rosh Melanie Ross Christopher Ross David Ross James Ross Jonathon M Ross Josiah Ross Kenneth A Ross Michael Ross Rebecca Ross Stanley Rosser Anthony Rosser Dennis Rosser Octavia Rossi Wilma C MD Rossow Melissa Rost Brian Rota Marla Rotem Usa Corp Rotermund Kathleen Roth Micheal A Rouchdy Yousef Roundtree Jamal Rouse Katherine M Roussel Robert P Roux Kelly Rovelto Hope Rover Margaret Rowan Eugene Est Rowe Jessie Rowh Adam Rowland Clarence E Rowland Steve Roxborough Stars Roxys Sandwich Grille Roy Sudeep Rozanov Roman Dmd Rtm Electrical Contr Ruan Jeff Rubin Alan M Rubin Allen W Rubin Julia



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Rubin Nancy Rubinstein Ruth Rucker Kenyata Rudisill Chester Rudnitsky Gail Rudsill Henry Ruffin Rosemary Ruffin Yvonne Ruhe Eric Ruiz David Ruiz Thomas Rukavytsya Vadym Rundle Jonelle Runsey Paige Ruotolo Sandra Ruse Elissa Rush Appliance Svcs Llc Rush Kenyatta Rush Mattie Rushton Llc Russ James W Russell Adam Russell Adam W Russell Crystal Russell Lisa M Russell Michael Russell Paul Russell Rose Russell Spencer Russo Jason Russo Madeline Russo Stefano Rustay Matthew Rutledge Brian Ruzann Amanda Rwabwogo Barbra Ryan Brienne Ryan Corinne M Ryan John Elliot Ryan Matt Ryan Michael J Ryan Tracy Ryats Vadim Ryder Addie Rymerblatch Jerome Rzayea Gunel S Kane & Sons Saada Adel Saalbach Raymond Sabani Atip Sabatino Lillian Sabatino Mary Therese Motley Sabio Brett W Sabir Lynch Saboktakin Marjan Sabur Mohammed Sacca Carmella Sacca Debra A Sacco Kristen Jean Sacks Harry J Sadek Yen T Sadel Marsha S Sadler Sandra E Sadowski John Saeman Adam Saengkhed Skhone Saffren Weinberg Law Offices Sager Damage Restoration Inc Sah Santos Sahay Nisha Saini Sharon Sainsbury Dennis Saint Katherine Saintjean Mathias Sajadi Saeid Sakata Yuko Sakhiashvili Temur Saleh Ahmadsaeed N Saleh Salwa Salek Stephanie E Salem Houd Saligman Carolyn D Salkade Nitin S Salkade Suresh Salmon Elizabeth Salmon James M Saltz Andrew Saltzburg Levin Sam Joe Sam Sat A Samarov Fakhriddin

Sambasivan Bhaskar Sammon Cheryl A Sammon Joshua Samost Linda Sampayo Felix Sampson Major J Samuel John Samuels Lula Samuels Margaret L Samuels Steven San Phoeun Sananman Peter Sanat K Mandal MD Assoc Sanberg Colin Sanchez Alberto Sanchez Andres Sanchez Angel R Sanchez Anitrea Sanchez Apolonio Sanchez Aurelio Leonidez Sanchez Hector Sanchez Ileine M Sanchez Israel Sanchez Jose Sanchez Padro Sanchez Reina Sandberg Carol E Sander Richard Sanders Dante Sanders Delores Sanders Evelyn Lp Sanders Jerry L Sanders Joseph Sanders Lajuan Sanders Millard Sanders Nathaniel Sanders Tamara Sanders Thurman Sandford Walter Sandille Emma T Sanford Atif Sang Han Sang Yick Food Co Sangare Moussa Sansom Coin Exchange Sansone Stefano Santa Fe Burrito Corp Santa Rose M Santana Christian F DDS Pc Santana Ricardo Santiage Lydia Santiago Alberto Santiago Alejandro Santiago Alvaro Santiago Barbara Santiago Carloe Santiago Carlos R Santiago Daniel Santiago Efrain Santiago Evelyn Santiago Jack Santiago Juan Santiago Julio Santiago Rosmel Santilli Vincent Santini Denny Santo Janet Santos Alicia Santos Carmen Santos Carmen M Santos Emir Santos Jose Santos Justin Santos Ramon R Santos Ramona Santos Sandro Sanya Aduragbemi Sao Horn Saponaro Cara Sara Bouraee Llc Sarah Galama Sarahsweeneydenham Sarantdid Gregory Sargent Marilyn Sargis Adam I Sarnese Marie Sarnoff Jesse Saroeun Sarah Sarti Ana G Sarver Matt D Sarwar Ghulam

PGN Sassa D E Sassafrasbar Llc Sassholtz Judith Sassoon Jodi Satmary John Sauer Keith Sauer Paul F Jr Saul Richard B Saulin Mary Saunders Oscar Saunders Stefanie Sautner Ryan Savage Gregg L Savage Rudolph Savage Tim Savage Tyrone Savia John Savic Velibor Savickas Rachael Savino Louis T Jr Savoca Cathry Savoye Carlton O Savulionis Lukas Saweikis Molly I Sawhney Kanika Sawicz Michael Sawkowski Dawn Sawyer Wanda Say Bunnary Sayed Palker Scafidi Jean Scanlan Robert P Scarborough Carl Scattergood Cath Scavelli Cecilia F Scaven Frank Schada Charles Schaeffer Susie E Schaffer Bernard F Schaffer Jason Schaffer Kristen Scharff Daniel S Schaut Christoper R Schaye Andrew Scheffler Megan Scheibner Paul Scheiner Dave E Schembri L Schew Leah C Schick Zachary Schickling Elizabeth Schickling Thomas R Schieder Timothy Schindl Alan M Schindler Ulrich Schlein Noah Schlom Evan N Schmalzle Ed Schmeer Lee C Schmeling William T Schmerty Joshua Schmid Jean A Schmid Paul Schmidt Adam K Schmidt Elizabeth Schmidt John T Schmitt Sarah Md Schmitz Edward Schmuckler Irwin M Schneider Alexander Schoell Elaine Schoenbaechler Christine Schoenholz Samuel Schonferger M Schopfer August Obrien Schpak Dawn Schrager Bruce Schreffler Kelly M Schuh Wayne Schukar Matt Schulman Harriet F Schulten Ryan Schultz Anna Est Schultz William Schultz William L Schumer Gregory P Schure Lois Schuster Derek Schwartz Althea Schwartz Gladys Schwartz Harry

Schwartz Mai Schwartz Scott E Schwebel Andrew D Schweizer Melina L Schwenzer Gretchen Scimone Matthew Scipione Frank Scoggins Darryl Scorsone John F Scott Abdur Scott Alice J Scott Allean Scott Becker Scott Bradley Scott Christina R Scott Eboni Scott Eric Scott Feotis Otis Scott Gregory Scott Gwen Scott Helen Scott Janet Scott Jawana Scott Joel E Scott Johnnie Scott Karl Scott Martha Scott Maurice A Scott Mhari Scott Monique G Scott Ruby L Scott Shirley Scott Stanley Scott Tony Scott Tran Dr, Washington Well Scott Wayne Scott William Scovers Jerry Scpa Dev Medicine Screnci A Scribner Jessica Scruggs Desi Scruggs Velvita Scull Ellen Scull Laura E Scullion Frances M Scully Patrick Scutti Cristina Seal Ins Agency Seamon Sharnese Searles Beulah Seawright Randy Sebastian Devon Sebesto Jenna Sebuabeh Esi Seckinger Robert Sedgwick Esther M See Bonita Seetoo Robert B Segal Evalyn F Segal Steiner Segall Abe Segear Elizabeth A Segerra Deborah Segura Gabriel E Segurne Desgranges Seibt Julie Seidel Richard Stephen Seidel Vanessa K Seiferheld Wendy Seipel Amber Selby David Selby Elsie Selby Holly Seldon Lakita Select Brok Inc Sellarsjaynes Shayla Sellers Hazel K Sellers Kelley Sellers Tyree Selva Megan Selvaggi Mario M Semon Erica Sen Kasturi Sen Sanhita Sena Carlos Sendra Marc Seng Vanna Senichka M J Senior Wheels East Senn Andrew M

Senseny Victoria K Sephes Louise Septa Serdahely Franz Sere Rachele Serena Carol A Serlen Gertrude Serone Adrian Serota Meral Serrano Andres Serrano Emmanuel Serrano Juana Serrano Julio Serrano Sandra Sestito Nicole Sestopal Epelman Monica M Sether Randi Settle Susie Settlement Music School Settles Marlena Settles Michelle Setzler Ethunnia Seven Brothers Super Market Sexymaidz Seymour Colonel Sfs Philadelphia Con Sgp Limited Partnership Sgro Placido Shabazz Jabari Shaddy Robert Shaen Harrington Inc Shah Chetan Shah Dishank Shah Khushbu Shah Pankaj Shah Ruchi S Shah Supriya Shah Zeal Shahabuddin Munir Shahsamand Zabi Z Shaird Lolita Shakes Horace Shamael Ffa Alsanafi Shambor Geraldine Shamisi Khaled A Shamloo Angelo Shamrock Painting & Plastering Shamwell Charles Shanklin Linda Shanks Darron Shao Ming Shao Siwen Shapiro Ira Est Shapiro Jennifer Shapiro Joan Poliner Shapiro Rachel Shapleigh Tara L Sharky Linda Sharon Jennifer L Sharp Derek B Sharp Elaine M Sharp Lily Sharpe Rosemarie Sharpe Rosie Sharpe Wilmer Sharper Sandra Sharps Sondra L Shatz James Shavkatov Ramiz Shaw Christopher Shaw George Shaw George A Shaw George R Shaw Gertrude W Shaw James E Shaw Jessie L Shaw Thomas Shaw Vonger L Shaw Zachary Shawe Jennifer Shawne Wilkerson, A & S Ins Age Shea Roger Shears James Shedrick Deneen Sheed Kelee Sheed Tia J Sheehan Eoin Sheehan John J Sheldon Crosbie Sheldon Jennifer Shelly Henry J

PGN Shelon Allen L Shen Rhuna Shenawi Rana Shenberger Ella Shenk Hayden Shepard Rachel Shepherd Margaret Sherfield Luther Sherman Anne L Sherman D Sherman Johnny E Sherman Properties Sherri Tate Sherrod Walter R Sherwin Nicholas Sherwood Daniel C Sherwood Gary Shi Qin Shields Herbert Shields Ridley Shiflett Catherine Shihchiang Fen Lan Shimamoto Kirk Shimko Mark Shin Samuel Shin Yeo Shindell Stacy Shindle Carol A Shipman Gwendolyn Shipmanmeyer Betha Shirleyanne Arnold, Rainbow Recovery Shisler John D Shivers Helen Shiwaku Risa Shlomo Tzur Shlw Lp Shoeford Shawn Shore Gate Short Samuel Showell Christina Shpaner Alla Md Shriji Medical Asscociates Shrom Brandon L Shusman Rachel Sianis Towing Sicola Gina Sidberry Demetrius A Siders Joseph Siegel Alan Siegel Robert Siemon John Sietz Deborah J Sievert Jeff Sigma Sound Studios Sigmond Melissa Sigona Joe Sihau Chen Sikaffy Jorge J Silberman Scott P Sileo Dominick C Silica Builders Sillik Randolph M II Silva Artur Silva Elizabeth M Silver Stone Wireless Llc Silver Sylvia Silverberg Farrell Silverberg Richard J Silveri Lisa E Silverio Victor Silverman Eric Silverman Laurie I Silvester Alexander Silvesti Carlo Simbaina Luis Simboli Dolores Simeon Patrick Simmons Alvin Simmons Caroline Simmons Claudette Simmons Edie Simmons Elsie Simmons Harry Simmons Jacqueline Simmons Rufus Simmons Thelma Simms Elvis Simms Jeffrey Simms Jerome Simms Khalil Simms Marquetta

Simms Merritt H Simms Rachel E Simms Shari Simon Quanda Simon Sarah Simon Stephanie Lytkjen Simon Theodore Simonato Enea Simonds Amber Simone Joseph Simone Kathy A Simone Mary Simonic Jacob Simons Ann B Simons Mary J Simons Robert Simpkins Alice Simpson Alan Simpson Darryl L Simpson Harold Simpson House Simpson Linda Sims Brenden Sims Dorothy Sims El Adrian Sims Leona Sims Mary Sinclair David Sinclair Thelma Sinese Rayan Sing Gon Restaurant Singer Allan Singh Amandeep Singh Brian Singh Kenson S Singh Mohanlal Singh Monica M Singh Sasha Singhvi Piyush Singletary Eugene Singletary R Singleton Antwain Singleton Dorothy Singleton J Singleton Jonathan Singley Yolanda E Sinicropi Angela Sink William Sinkler Jennifer Sinkosky Julie Sippel Amber Sippel John Henry Sirotocivitz Monica Sisavath Symeck Sitedogscom Sitron Justin Siu Yan Y Six Sigma Technology Inc Skai Blue Media Skeenes Louanne Skeini Anders L Skerski Mary Skiathitis Epaminondas Skibiszewski Kenneth Skierski Mark Skinner Anthony Skinner Romell Sklar Jeremy Skorski Caroline M Skye Management Llc Slack Frank Slater George Slater Kristin A Slater Lucille Slattery John Slavin Julia A Slawek Michael A DDS Slawek Robert D Sledge Wallace Sligh Gabriella Sligh Tanisha Sligh William Slivinsky Boris Sloan David M Sloan Robert Slocum Kevin A Slovich Anna Slovik Nora Smack Bernard Alexander Smaczylo Michael Smagach John

Small Donald M Small Ellen Small Lila L Smalley Margaret Smalls A Smalls Jason Smalls Patrick Smallwood Roosevelt Smarro Emma Smart Genetics Smart Sara Smile Center 2 Smiley Michelle A Smith Adam Smith Agnes B Smith Albert H Smith Amanda P Smith Andrea Smith Andrew R Smith Anise M Smith Anthony Smith Berdine Smith Brandon Smith Brenda L Smith Brian Smith Bros Smith Carole Smith Cedric Smith Charles Smith Charles B Smith Christine Smith Clifford L Smith Clinton D Smith Deborah Smith Denika Smith Desmond Smith Donald Smith Edward Smith Edwin Smith Edwin G Smith Eldrige Smith Elijah Smith Emily A Smith Eric Smith Erma E Smith Florence Smith Flossie Smith Frank C Jr Smith Freddie Smith Gabriel A Smith Gerald Smith Geraldine E Smith Gregory Smith Harold Smith Helen Smith Horace F Jr Smith James Smith Jamie Smith Janice A Est Smith Jeffery L Jr Smith Jenna H Smith Jennifer B Smith Jerome Van Smith Jhon Smith Joe E Smith Jordan Smith Joseph T Smith Juanita Smith June R Smith K Smith Kara Smith Kevin P Smith Kristen Smith Krystal Smith Kyle Smith Kyle R Smith Lillian Smith Lional Smith Lisa M Smith Lucy A Smith Mandi L Smith Marie L Smith Martin Smith Mary E Smith Melena Smith Mike Smith Nadir M Smith Nellie Smith Nicholas Smith Otis J Smith Patricia

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Smith Patricia A Smith Pery Smith Ralph Smith Rashonda Smith Richard Smith Robert Smith Rodney Smith Ronald Smith Rose Smith Royce Smith Ruth Smith Sara Smith Sarah Smith Sarah W Smith Schariese Smith Sharon Smith Tecia A Smith Timothy L Smith Tykeem Smith Tyree M Smith Venessa Smith Wade Smith Whit Smith Wilfred Smith Willie Smith Yolanda Y Smith Zettroy Smithkline Beecham Smolen Daniel A Smolen Gary R Smoot Kaitlyn A Smyth Julie Snavely Zachary J Sneaker Villa 9 Snee Michael A Snell Clayton Snell Lacy Snitynski Anastasia Est Snoparsky April Snorton Chalee Snowden Thomas Snyder Allan R DO Snyder Deven Snyder Felicia Snyder Madeline R Snyder Marcus D Snyder Mildred Snyder Nicholas K Snyder Peter J MD Snyder Quin Snyder Sarah C Snyder Walter So Philly Family Prac Med Sobahi Rozan H Sobecki Gerald Sobel Erica G Sobel Gene H Sobiloff Alexander Society for Medical Decision Making Soda Kate M Soehl Douglas W Soekandar Santoso R Soelberg Cobin Soesilowati Fnu Softstuff Inc Sokoloff Genia Sokoro Import Export I Sokumbi Mujiatu Sol Minwoo Solano Jady Soliman Rasha K Soll & Soll Llp Solmon Sherman & Gabay Soloman Linda Dc Solomonov Tomer Soloway Michael S II Soltesz Dedra A Som Samantha O Sommer Melanie Sommers Rudolph Sommerville Jillian Song H Multi Services Llc Song Qiao Song Ying Sonner Deborah Sonte Anthony Reavis Soos John A Jr Soper Darcy L Sorey Anthony Sorg William Soriano Luis

Sorrentino Joseph Sosa Marisol Soslow Julie Soto Elizabeth Soto Jose Soto Louis A Soto Sanchez J Sotomayor Felix Sotomayor Noelia Souder P Estate Of Soule Devin South of Senter Lp South Phila Oral Maxillofa Southeastern Pa Tran Southern Liberties Llc Southwest Health Center Sova Rennae Sovanarit Sokhan Sowicz Helen Sowinski Judy Soylu Mehmet Cagri Space Design Inc Spach Stephen J Spalding Maryjane Spallone John Spanky Ghm Music Spann Carmen Spann Caroline Sparks Frank Sparks Joseph Sparks Joshua Sparrow Patricia Spatocco Michael Spatoulas Georgianna Spearman Richard Special Smiles Ltd Speck Cornelia Spector Gadon Rosen Spector Sol K Spectrotel Spectrum Managed Care Ins Co Speece Angelia L Speed Beverly Spellman Lillian Spence Ian Spencer Dorothy G Spergel Jonathan M MD Spicer John Spiewak Steve Spiller Ellen Spinks Joseph Spinrad Kyle Spiro Yakov Spitzer Lynn Spivack Daniel E Spivey Lucille Sponburgh Elizabeth Sposato C Spragg Scott W Spring Garden Supply Springer Mary G Sproul Richard L Sprowles Jane H Spruce Chiropractic Centre Squilla Mark Srikanthan Dinesh Srinivasan Aria Srinivasan Lakshmi St Anthony Senior Assoc St Clair Margaret L St Denis Fin Serv St Thomas Aquinas Staab James Stabler John Stache Stephen Stachecki John Stackhouse Delores Stackhouse Sara Stacom Paul J Stafford J Micheal Stafford James H Staham Alfonzo Stallings Sharon C Stancil Patricia Stancil Tanya M Stancu Julie Standard Robert Stanek Susan D Stanfield Peter Stangl Andrew Stankiewicz Raymond



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Stanley Richard E Stanley Shawn P Stanly Minnie Stanly Minnie B Stansberry James E Star Rto Services Inc Starkman Louis Co Starling Darius R Starosta Amy Starostenko Nataliya Starr Kimberly R Statewide Agency Stathos George Staton E Stavis Jeanette Stay Anna Stclair Theodore Steel Factory Lofts & Condo Asso Steel Richard D Steel Rudnick & Ruben Steelan Michael Steele Eli Stefenack Ian Stein Dennis Stein Jacob S Stein Judith Stein Rachel A Steinberg Amanda Steinberg Covone Helene A Steinbrecher Mark Steiner Amanda Steiner Heather L Steiner Mcivor L Steingall Scott Steingraber Jonathan Steinhauser Adam J Steinitz Lauren A Steinmetz Harry Steinruck Alison K Stelweck Jerry P Stempler Ashley Stenton Avenue Medical & Rehab Stepania Nana Stephens Capus Stephens Christopher Stephens Shannon Stephens Wilma Steps to Success Intl Inc Sterling Charles A Sterling Mel Stern Charles E Stern David Esq Sternberg William N Steve Belkowitz Photographer Inc Steven M Janove Stevens Barbara Stevens Calvin Stevens Edith Stevens Emily Stevens Jacqueline Stevens Louann Stevens Natasha Stevenson Howard C Stevenson Paul Stevenson Rickia Stevenson Shawn Stever Elizabeth A Stevko Rachel L Steward Marlo Steward Tanya Stewart Alfred Stewart Anthony Stewart Arlene Stewart Carrie Stewart George Stewart Jeffrey Stewart Jerome Stewart Millie Stewart Sally Stewart Zeka Stewward Kenyatta Sticks & Stones Stier Marc Stiles Alan Stiles Robert Still James Still Richard Stinsman Joshua D Stinsman Kimberly Stinson Assurance Assoc I Stipa Robert Jr

Stirm Michael Stoch Joel Stock Robert Stodart Zachary A Stojkovic Marjan Stokes Althea Stokes Rakeam Stolinski Christopher L Stolker Leonard Stoll Meredith Stolley Andrew Stone Caitlin E Stone Judson Stone Robert M Stone Ruth E Stonehouse Carolyn Storino Mildred Storniolo Leo Stott Jonathan R Stradley Ronon Stevens Young Strain Jacqueline Strange Jonathan B Strategos Capital Management Llc Stratton Carole Stratton Margarete Straub Alice Straw Raincoat Entertainment Strawberry Justin Strawberry Mansion Dist Hlth C Streeper Jennifer Strickland Kevin Strochlic Justin S Stroud Wahlee L Strzodka Mark J Stuart E Beck P C Stuart Oris R Jr Stuchinski Ignatz Stucki Marvin A Stumpf Biro Balazs Sturges Brad Sturgis Robert Sturgis T S Sturgis Woodrow Su Xi C Suarez David M Subbarao Gorti Subbotin Constantin Subram Aarthi Subramanya Dudda R Subramanya R Dudda Sudchawa Nattawan Suh Cheon Won Suh Soomin Sulimay Joseph Sullivan Kathleen Sullivan Kathryn Sullivan Katie Sullivan Michael J Sullivan Michael J III Sullivan Rashan Sullivan Robert Jr Sullivan Shelly M Sullivan Walker Sulpizio Michael Sultan Abdulaziz Sultan Saqib Suma Ibrahim Summers Chantel Summers Randy Sumpter Philip Sumter Julius Sun Ang Sun Company Inc Sun Fazhan Sun Norea Sun Supermarket Sun Zhi Ming Sunderland Matthew Suner Oriol Sungard Computer Svcs Sungard Epi Sungard Iworks Llc Suniewick M Sunnys Sportswear Sunoco Sunoco A Plus Sunoco Maint Sunrise Books Sunstein Emily W Super T Inc Supple Michele A

PGN Supreme Yeiby R Supremo Supurdan Julius Surakiatchanukul Thamolwan Susan Lee Susilo Stefani Susquehanna II Apts Sustaita Daniel Jr Sutanto Tan Sophia Kristine Sutherland Emmalia Sutton Dominique Swank Amanda Swann Edward J Swanson Heather Swanson Melissa B Swanson Thomas Swanston Michael Swarts James Swartz Alexandra E Swartz Joseph J Sweeney Christopher Sweeney Gene Sweeney Helena Sweeney Kirsten Sweet Michaela Sweet Ryan Swider Frank Swider Kevin Swift Jacqueline J Swinson Ravi Switaj Stanley D Syan Inc Sydnor Dominique Syed Uzair B Sykes Abraham Sylvert Jean Sylvester Esther Sysco Fd Svc Phila Syverud Gretchen Szczesniak Regina Szyrmer Magdalena T Food Services Inc T R Malloy MD Ta Chiem Taber Gary D Tabon Gwen Tabu Salon Spa Tachdjian Peter O Tackett Martin Tacoma Lauren Tafler Alan H Md Taggart John Tagliavia Nicholas Tague Christopher J Tahiliani Anand T Taiclet Lauren E Tain Tuanban Taina Nieves Talhah Bermudez Taliaferro Joshua R Talibah Halina Talley Melaina E Talmadge Daisy Tamayo Mariano Tamburrino Gina Maria Tamika Mustafa Tan Crystal Tan Ganhong Tan Lam Tan World Tan Zhao Y Tang Danrong Tang Peggy Tang Pharmacy Inc Tang Tang Tang Thanh M Tankle Paul Tanksley Levi T Tanner Burnole Tanzer Samuel Tanzymore Hattie Mae Est Tapia Jose Tapia Lixia Tapia Magdalena Tapper C P Taqiyya Johnson Tarejc Vishal Tarkenton Stephanie Tarnoviski P Tarpey Timothy Tarquinio Julia T

Tarrachh Alexanoelle Tarry Brianna Tartaglione Christine M Tarver Sharif Tarver Sunni S Tassi Vanessa Tate Harry Tate Heather Tate Johnny W Tate Terron Tate William G Tatom Pamela Tavani Margaret Tavares Paula C Tavares Ruth Taveras Joan Taveras Teresa D Tawanda Burton Taxin Jean Taxin John E Taylor Andre Taylor Brian Taylor Bryant A Taylor Carl Taylor Charlene A Esq Taylor Corey Taylor Edna B Taylor Gbelley Taylor Gertrude Taylor Gloria Taylor Helen Taylor James Taylor Jason Taylor Jennifer Taylor Kathleen Taylor Kevin Taylor Kimberly Taylor Lonnie Est Taylor Mahasa Y Taylor Marlene Taylor Mary R Taylor Nicole Taylor Oethel Taylor Richard Taylor Richard K Taylor Robert Taylor Rosaida Taylor Sylvan K Taylor Tamira Taylor Tamya Taylor William Taylor Yaphet Tayrimov Rakhman Technology & Health Inc Tedesco Joseph Teevan Katherine Teixeira Cristina Tekeli Hakan Tekle Mulu T Tellez Benjamin Telymonde Dominic Tem Sovanarith Temple James S Temple Phys Klebenoffrosentemple Temple Physicians Tenesaca Yupa Edgar T Tenet of Home Infusion Tenth Street Pourhouse Cafe Inc Teo Huiying Teodosia Zapata Tepper James Tepper Shane Terak Emily Terchi Investments Teresa Rios T A Rios Terminal Pain Management Terrell Christopher Terrell Leander Terrero Laksmi Terroni Michael J Terry Robert Terry William R Terway Patricia A Terzano Peg M Tesfai Gebriel Tessemia Frewaine Test Director Teterus Adam J Tetlow Georgia Tevelin Benjamine Tha Thea

Thach Chandy Thach Kosol Thach Lyah Thach Tola Thackray Mark Thakir Abdul Kareem Thakkar Nipa Tharpe Otha Thaslim Nicole Thaxter Norman The Deffen Co The Secret Garden Theiler Jonas Theo Hippy M Therapy Feinblum Thezard Richard Thi Vinh Q Thielens David Thiemann Matthias Thilo Elaine D Thion Stephane Thomas Alexis Thomas Alice Thomas Anthony Thomas Ariane M Thomas Audrey Thomas Brenda Thomas Bruce D Thomas Dennis Thomas Elder Rose Thomas Ernestine Thomas Glenn Thomas Gregory Thomas J Amerman, New Age Deals Thomas Jeffy Thomas Johnaton Thomas Kennedy Shirley A Thomas Kevin Thomas Kevin C Thomas Kuruvilla C Thomas Lisa Thomas Lorraine Thomas Michelle M Thomas Nathaniel Thomas P Carney Inc Thomas Paul Thomas Paul D Sr Thomas Rosa M Thomas Sean Thomas Silas Thomas Tisha Thomas Waltina Thomas Wanda Thomases Andrew D Thompkins Carl Thompkins William A Thompson Ahmir K Thompson Avon Thompson Bryan Thompson Charles Thompson Charlotte Thompson Cynthia D Thompson Jacqueline Thompson Kalin Thompson Kerry Thompson Larry C Thompson Lisa Thompson Long Kathleen Thompson Louis Thompson Margaret Thompson Mark A Thompson Nia N Thompson Pauline Thompson R Thompson Raymond Sr Thompson Rosallind Thompson Scott A Thompson Shani S Thompson William Thomson Joseph J Thomson Luke I Thomson Maria Thorn Rodney K Thorne Rosie L Thornton A Elizabeth Thornton Ernestine Thornton Neil Thoronka Selena Thorsen Neil Threlfall Alexander Thrones Michael

PGN Thrower Caitlin P Thrower Daisey Thursby Jacklyn Thwaites Euriel F Tian Tuanban Tibbs Arthur Tiemey Mary Tien David W Tienda Inc Tierney Joseph Tierney Michael C Tierno Nicholas Tigreros Martha Tikhonova Elizaveta MD Tikhonova Ksenie Tilery Donnell Tilghman Marion Tiller Ashley C Tillery Missoura Tillger Margaret Tilli Dennis J Tillman Russell Tilson Tricia D Timbers Shaheeda Timby Daniel Tindal Gina Tindall Nicole Tineo Antonia Tinovsky Ilya Tinsley Benjamin Tirado Angelo Tirado Elizabeth Tisdale Sharice Tisdell Larry Tiwari Megha Tjandra Fariawaty Tkaczyk Rachel Tlili Mohamed M Tlili Mohamed R To Ai To Bac To Linh Tobia M Tobiasen Noel Tobin R F Tobin Robert Tobin Rosemary Tobolsky Robert D Tobon Catalina Toconita Mark Todd Elizabeth Todd Jason Todd Patrick S Todd Robert Todd Sean Todd Thomas G Toerner Patricia Toland Michael Toledo Martin R Toliver Demetrius Tolomeo Todd Tom Laurence Toman Anna M Tomaseti Michael E Tomasvicci Adriana Tomback Michael Tomchik Courtney Tomczak Beverly Tomczak Jennifer L Tomlin Andrew Tomlinson Property Lp Tomlinson Shannalee Y Tommy Toledo Productions Tomson Sheena Tonelli Nicole Toner William J Toney Juanette L Tong Kin Man Tony Diantonio Toolan Heather K Tootle Vinella L Top Job Disposal Inc Top Notch Roofing Inc Top Tech Llc Toren Shirley Torrance Thacher W Torrence James Torrence Nicole S Torres Antonio Torres Brenda Torres Daisy

Torres Daniel Torres Dianild Torres Edwin Torres Hernand Blanc Torres Irma I Torres Jesus M Torres Jose Torres Josefa Torres Mark Torres Michael Torres Nelson Torres Ramon Torres Rosabel V Torres Rosaura Torres Sadler Rosavra Torres Victor L MD Torres Yadira Torresdale Auto Parts Tortorice Anthony Tosado Schin Toscani Regina F Toshimasa Okabe Total Bakery Source Llc Total Insurance Plans Iroq Pa1 Total Package Experts, One Hour Messengers Totally Wireless Totoki K Totoki Kathy Y Towers Watson Pennsylvania Inc Towing By the Hook Inc Town Robert Towne Park Townsend Felicia C Townsend Gordon B Townsend Monica Townsend Ramond D. Tpds Incorporated Trachtenberg Sari Trader Tyrone Trakhimovich Uladzimir Trammel Thomas P Tran Hao Tran Jacky Tran Khanh Tran Nhi Q Tran Quang Tran Tanbuu Tran Tino Lan Trani Donnamarie Trannghiem June Trans Star Express Dist System I Transitions Phase III Traore Assica Traore Brahima Trasatti Violet M Trauger Howard A Trayte Kate Treadwell Lyteka Treadwell Simone M Trefny Jason Sears Trench Shirley I Trenchak Patricia A Trent Horace A Triangle Medical Inc Tribble Brian Tribuiani Maureen Trice Howard Trice Michael Trifu Pauna Trimarco Vito Trina A Trinh Hoa Trinh Khai Trinh Lan Trinh Nguyen Trinh Phuc Trinidad Garcia Angel Trinity Tlg Trioli Patricia A Triple S Inc Triumph Dining Triumph Marketing Trivarelli Rocco Troche Marco Trofimov Vladimir Trotzer Daniel Truesdale Kairi Trujillo Zuzel Trumphfeller Kathry Truong Le Truong Thanh L

Truong Tinh Tryon Denise Tsai Hsun Chih Tsang Kevin Tseler Anna M Tseler Anna M OD Tsuchiya Atsushi Tsyfra Viktor Tsyutsyak Bogdan Tu Van Quoc Tucci Frank Tucker Juliette Tucker Michael Tucker Ophellia Tucker Sara R Tucker Tameka Tufino Rafael Tuft Jennifer R Tuheu Jean P Tuhsco Corporate Headquarters Tuite Tyler T Turco Marie Turcotte Tinae Turnbull Justin B Turnbull Margare Turnbull Scott J Turner Allison K Turner Beatrice Turner Christopher Turner Clyde Turner Darrell Turner Fronie Turner Haley Turner Jas F Turner Jesse H Turner Julian J Turner Louise Turner Mark Turner Nathaniel Turner Roberta Turner Samantha Turpin Clarissa Turse William Turso Kelly A Tusk Elliot F Tutundji Ronald Tveito Stig M Two Brothers Applicance R Two Dogs Designs Inc Two Square B Twyman Zachary Tygh Brian J Tyler Adell Tyler Albert Tyler Faye D Tyler Sabrina Tyler Schaffstall Vernice Tymoshchuk Nataliya Tyriq Washington U of P Federal Credit Union Ua 09 13 01 Zefferino A Aversa Jr Revoca Ble Trust Ubaghs Melissa I Uban Sonal Ubotee James Uchimoto William Uffalussy Adam T Ulerick Paul Ulissi Robert S Ullrich Kirsten R Ulrich John R Un Khemarak Unangst Erica L Uncommon Properties Lp Underwood Althea Underwood Hassaan Uni Thomas J Union Flooring Llc United Maids of America Universal Connection Inc Universal Mortgage University City Dental Center Llc University Collision University of Family Planning Unwon Gail Upenn Social Entrepreneurial Network Uplift Inc Uppal Anshu Ups Ann Wolk Upson William Urban Collection

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Urban Educ R&R Center Urban Patricia A Urbanczyk Sara R Urbanelli Anthony Urbani Nicholas Urbany Arthur Urena Ramon Urevick Daniel A Url Pharma Inc Uscis Usher Chelsy Usov Nikolay V Utain Evans Aaron M Uw Tillie Glass FBO Mark G Jacoby Uy Veronica Uy Veronica C Uzhansky Mark Uzun Gunalp V Tech Services Inc V V Constructors Inc Vadlamudi Koti Vafek David Vakili Shahla Valdes Barbo Valdivia Enrique Valentin Ana Valentin Angie D Valentin Haydee Valentino Beth Valentino Judith A Valentino Veronica M Valeus Jean C Valmord Ritchlet Valtri Lidia Van Patricia G Vanacore Sarah M Vanarsdale Andrew J Vanartsdalen Nicole Vanblunk J Vanburen Kristin N Vance Nicole Vancola Susan Vanderhelm Mark J Vanderkemp D Vandeventer Donald J Vandeventer Jean Vanessa Marshall Vangala Anand Vanloan George W Vann Karen Vann Michael Vann Ronald P Vanpelt Square Lp Vans Laundromat Inc Vanthanh Thuy Varalli Ernest Varallo Katie Varcues Louis Vargas Larissa Vargas Maria Varghese Cherian V Varghese George Varghese Sunita Varkey Mathew Varsanyi Joseph Vartanov Laura Vartholom Ruth Vascular Access Center of New Vashishtha Sheela Vasilios Kritikos Vasquez Edwin Vasquez Gregorio Vasquez Juan Vasquez Lourdes Vasquez Miguel Vasquez Nestor Vasquez Sixto Vasquez Yony Vass Georgia Vass Stephanie Vatanparast Rodina Vattikonda Nagarjunasagar Vaugan Meridith Vaughan Joshua D Vaughan Laura R Vaughn Charlotte Vaughn Constance Vaughn Craig T Vaughn Edwin J Vaughn Reginald Vaynshteyn Aleksandr

Vaynshteynm Ilya Vaysman Alyssa Vazquez Alberto Vazquez Antonio Vazquez Gonzalez Baldomero Vazquez Michael Vazquez Miguel Vazquez Roberto Vazquez Suleica Veal Christine Veale Mildred S Vecchiarelli Nathan V Vecchio Christopher Vega Noel Vega Ramona Vegapagan Jose A Veghte Sarah Veitz Joseph Velasco Alfredo Velay Frances A Velazquez Debra Velazquez Fernando Velazquez Ruben Velez Carlos Velez Paula Velezardon Milagros Velitchko Alexis M Veney David Vennam Sujay Ventidream Ventura Guillermo Venuto Claire Venutonewsham Alexia R Vep Fxo 0669 Vera Francisco Verbrugghe Eileen Verdino Steven Verdun Matthew B Vereen Irma Veritext Veritext Corp Verma Ambika Vernacchio Adeline Vernau Daniel Veronica Valdes Dds Verrecchia Kim J Vespoli Elena Viashow Inc Vic & Liz Enterprises Vic Auto Tag Place Llc Vicente Carlos Vickers Patricia Victoria G Castelli Vidal David Vidot Gumersindo Vie Financial Group Inc Vila Melissa Vilaysaeng Chanday Villafana Juan Villain Financial Villalta Aura Villaneuva Jose Villanueva Edilberto Villarreal James A Vinokurou Vladimir Vinokurov Maria Vinson Corey Vinson Millard Virgili Valeria B Visile Bageag Vitacco Vicki A Vitanzo Peter C Jr MD Vitebsky Alex Vitello Millie Vito Petitti, Quaker Sheds Vivar Daniel M Vivian Kristen Vlasov Alex Vo Michael Vo Van M Vogelman Paul Vogelsong Jeremy Vohra Kunal R Vohra Sean Voli Lindita Volinsky Jonathan Volk George Volk George Est Volotao Julio Volz Frederick S Von Czoernig Mary



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Vong Thoa Minh Vonrodeck Gilbert J Votta Barbara Marie Vqc Designs Vu Chinh T Vu Phuoc Vu Vuong Huu Phuoc Vuong Nhan W Ri C Wack Jerome Waddell Charlie T Waddell Linda Wade Don Wade Erin Wadlinger Damaris Wagaman David Wagman David Wagner Allison Wagner Andre Wagner Donald J Est Wagner Larry Wagner Valerie L Waiel Abdallah Waisbord Ivy Waite Daren B Waite John P Waites Florence D Waithera Anne Waj Llc Waks Sima Wal Mary T Walch Aloysius Walch Louise Walcott Javel W Walczak Gregory Wald Doreen Wald Jason Walden Harrod Walder John M Waldman Lora Wali Ahmad Walkenstein Noi Walker Andrel Walker Asia C Walker Betty Walker Deboran R Walker Donald Walker Earnestine Walker Ebone L Walker Gwendolyn Walker Ida B Walker Jeanna Walker Kenneth L Walker Lisa Walker Mark Walker Marshall Walker Michelle Walker Rachel A Walker Robert Walker Susan Walker Tannise K Walker Terrence Walkerjordan Doris Wall Kevin Wall Options W Wallace Bernice Wallace Brian O Wallace Charles Wallace Delzora Wallace Ellen Wallace Gordon J Wallace Jeffrey M Wallace K Wallace Kenneth Wallace Kevin Wallace Melvin C Wallace Rufus Waller Maurice L Wallick Kenneth J Wallin Jamie Walls Brian Walls Maurissa A Walpot Wim Walsh Brigid Walsh Dolores M Walsh Ian Walsh Jason V Walsh Joseph Walsh Michael P Walsh Nicholas P Walsh R T

Walsh Rosalie A Walsh Thomas P Walston Charles Walter Frank Walters Christina Walters Helen Walters Jeffrey Walters Justin Walters Mark Walters Pearl Walthour Arline Wan Asdy Wanamaker Building Wang Huidong Wang Jin Wang Joseph Dc Wang Meirong Wang Rufang Wang Xiaoyi Wang Yiwan Wang Yujun Wansacz Melanice Ward Carol Ward Matthew Ward North America Ward Richard Ward Rod Wardle Marc D Warfield Erwin Waring George Waring Haylie B Waring Linda M Warkulwiz Joshua Warren Doris Warren Mildred Warren Ronald W Warrier Dilip Wasatch Software Wasenius Robert Washington Alfonso Washington Buddy Washington Carletha Washington Carlton Washington Center for Best Practices Inc Washington Eleanor Washington Gerald A Washington Keith Washington Lawrence Washington Naadiya M Washington Phylis Washington Raven Washington Ronald Washington Shea Washington Sq Property Gr Washington Tamaro Washington Tyrone Washington V Watches Etc Waters B Waters Charles Waters Geneva Watkins Alan Watkins Henry Watkins Kaycee Watkins Marc Watkins Paul A Watkins Syreeta N Watson Andre Watson Beatrice A Watson Joseph G Watson Kasey Watson Khalilah Watson Lewis Watson Lisa Ann Watson Philip Watson Raheem Watson Robert Watson Roderic Watson William Watt Mary Watts Jeffrey Watts Jessica Watts Jon O Watts Marie J Watts Shannon R Watts Stephen P Waugh Reik Wayne Preyer We Care We Care Screen Printing Wearing Terrance

PGN Weaver Allen Weaver Leonard Weaver Lesley Weaver William Webb Elizabeth A Webb Halpern Sheila Webb Lynne Webb Robert Webb Shauntee Webb Theodamus Webber Tony Weber Benjamin Weber Jamie L Weber Luke Weber Terry Webley Alec A Webmarkets Vstoremarkets Com Webster Terrance M Weeks Charles Wegener Leavitt Ins Agency Weger Gerald P Dds Wehrli Cleatrice Weidel Miranda Weidenmiller Danielle Weigelt Vickie Weigle Elizabeth Weikel Andrew Weil Marjorie Wein Daniel R Weinberg Adam Benjamin Weinberg Zach Weinberger Lenore Weiner Isadore Weiner Kenneth M Weiner Lindsay Weingard Fred Weinstein Anna Weinstock Richard Weisheit Raymond K Weisinger Marsha Weiss Allison Weiss John Weiss Julie C Weiss Michael Weiss Michael Y Weiss Roger E Weiss Stuart Weister Kenneth Weitzel Thomas J Weldon Jennifer Welfare Mary Ellen Weller Dolores Wellington Horace Wellington Laura Wells Donald L Jr Wells Furniture Wells Jacques Wells Preston Wells Rodsewell Welsh Mary Weltman David I MD Weng Shulei Wenit Minnie Wentz Sabrina T Werner Rocca Wernert Charles Wernik Morton Est Wernik Morton R Wernovsky Gil MD Werts Elizabeth Wescott Angela N Wescott Yusef Wesley Devin Wessell Julian C III Esq West Alice H West Carolyn West Ishmael West Mack C West Naeemah West Park Cultural Oppo West Phila Child Care Ne West Powelton Concerned Comm Counci West Sharon Westerfer Patricia Westin Philadelphia Westnedge Tyler R Weston Ella J Westrum Byberry Lp Wetzel Marissa Wexler Adrian Wexler Zikos Barbara

Weygand John Whalen Dennis Whartnaby Lisa Wharton Health Care Business Conf Wheaten Yelena Wheatley Ava G Wheeler F Wheeler Maurice Whelan Daniel Whelihan Kristen M Whiplash & Injury Center Whistleman Dayton Whitaker Eboni N Whitaker Ellenora Whitaker Lorenzo Whitbeck Caroline White & Williams Llp White Ailya White & Williams White Betty White Brian L White Carolyn White Catherine C White Christopher T White Clarence White Clyde White Curtis White Dehurd J White Demetris S White Dog Cafe White Frazier Claudia White Grace White Howard White Jahzavya White James White Janine White Jessie Jr White Kali White Keirah K White Kereem White Lillian White Marcus White Matthew White Omar White Paul J White Quincy A White Ramone White Richard White Sabrina K White Sarae White Shannon White Sylvester White Timothy White Wayne Jr White Williams Whitehead Nobleen Whitemore Donnell Whitfield Deloris Whitfield Irene Est Whitfield Leon Whiting Bruce Whitley Jimmy Whitman Glenn Dr Whitten Jane P Whittenberger Wade Whittington Ethelbert Whyte Kathleen Wicker Marvin Wideman James M Wideman Tracy Widing Jessica Widjaja Johan Widney Stephen S Wiegel Anna B Wierzbowski John Wiesner F Thelma Wiest Alexandra Wiezer Betty Lynn Wiggins Cedric E Wiggins Erma Wiggins Joseph Wilcher Sherman Wilcox Michael Wilcox Thelma Wildenmuth Bridget Wiley Angela Y Wiley Carla Wiley Roger Wiliams Garland Wilkerson Darrell Wilkerson Elise

Wilkerson Freddie Wilkerson Robert Wilkes & Mchugh Wilki Buick Wilkins Thomas Wilkinson Faithlynn Wilkinson Ryan Tess Wilkus Helen T Willaims William Willams Mark Willard Loretta William Calandra Dba William Hirshfield Rev Liv Tr 10 14 97 William Tauheed Williams Aaron Williams Abigail M Williams Aliyah Bint Williams Alma J Williams Angelina Williams Ann Est Williams Annabelle Williams Anthony Williams Ashley A Williams Audrey Williams Bernard Williams Carla Williams Carrie Williams Catherine Est Williams Charles E Williams Darren Williams Darryl Williams David Williams Dawn Williams Deborah Williams Denise Williams Deshena Williams Dorothy M Est Williams E M Williams Edith Williams Edna Williams Elaine Williams Eric Williams Erik J DMD Williams Ernestine Williams Evelyn Williams Fannie Williams Frank Williams Gerald Williams Gladys Williams Glenell Williams Gregory Williams Gustavia Williams Henry Williams Hiram J Williams Israel Williams James Williams Jannel Williams Jasmine Williams Jazmine Williams Jermaine E Williams Jessie Williams Joanne Williams Jonathan Williams Jonell Williams Jordan D Williams Joseph Williams Joyce C Williams June Williams Karen L Williams Kareneem Williams Keith V Williams Kevin Williams Krista Williams Kristie S Williams Kyla Williams Kyree E Williams Lavette M Williams Leanora Williams Lori Williams Louvan Williams Luther Jr Williams Marion F Williams Marion J Williams Marjorie V Williams Mark Williams Matthew Williams Michael Williams Michele Williams Michelle A Williams Minnie E Williams Montrell Lee


Williams Nakia Williams Narcissus Williams Natasha Williams Nikkia Williams Quianna Lisette Williams Reggie Williams Reginald Williams Robert Williams Rodney Williams Ronald Williams Roxie Williams Samir Williams Shakidah Williams Shelley Williams Sonia M Williams Steven Williams Tamika Williams Theolphas Williams Thomas Williams Thomas Marian Williams Tyhesha Williams Tyrone Williams Victor E Williams Wade A Williams Wayne C Williams Zachary C Williams Zack Williamson Iris Louise Williamson James Williamson Mollie Catherine Williamson Shirnett K MD Williamson Valley Willie Norton Willis Mannie Willis Rodney Willis Taysir Willow Grove Va Cboc Wills Eye Optical Wilson Alex Wilson Alicia Wilson Apollo Wilson Ashley Wilson Bernice Wilson Curt M Wilson Darrel Wilson Daryl Wilson Deborah Wilson Evelyn Wilson Howard Wilson James R Wilson James W Wilson Jennie Wilson Joseph L Wilson Julie Wilson Lanee Wilson Marcus Wilson Margaret Wilson Marsden Wilson Michael Wilson Minnie P Wilson Miquon D Wilson Morgan Wilson Robert Wilson Ronya M Wilson Rosalind S Wilson Shalonda Wilson William Wilwohl Michael Wimberly Ciara Wimberly Ella Wimbley Beatrice Wims James R Wims Ralph Winbush Joyce Winchester Tyrell Windrim Allen III Wing Kee China Importe Winsch C Winslow Brown Dawn Winterbottom Stephen

Winterle Jenna M Winters David J Winters Evelyn Winwin Kyaw W Wireless Destination Wisdom Jason L Wisdom Kristen Wise Alaretha Wise Celeste Victoria Wise Clarice Wise Ins Group Wiskowski Christina A Wisneski Antoinett Wisniewski David Wissahickon Realty Wissman Francis E Wister Noelle Witcher Deryl Withmory Amy Wixted Thomas Wjo Inc Wohlmuth Lillian F Wojcik Edward Wojdyla John A Wojtach Iwona Woldoff Grant P Wolf Jamie Wolf Lucy C Wolf William Wolfe Charles Wolfe Evan J Wolfgang Lenora Wolfington John Wolfs Variety Wolpe Gerald Wolson Joshua D Wolters Kluwer Health Womack Angelique Womack Leonard Womelsdorf Mary A Wong Christopher Wong Kelvin Wong Melissa Wong Natalie S Woo Jaeman Wood Anthony Wood Jeffrey M Wood Moira Woodbury Sharon Woodford Allison Woodford Earl Woodhead Christopher Woodland Cyril Woodland Gulf Woods Lillian C Woods Nolan Woods Renee Woods Richard Woods Robert P Woodward Allyson Woolfolk Woolley Adelaide Workman Jeffery Workman Linda Worldwide Ins Sys Enterprises Worrell Dominique Wortham Rayvone Worthington Armstrong Venture Retir Worthington Ruthanne Worthy Murphy Charlotte Woudstra Allison Wrenn Kathryn Wrig Raquel Singleton Wright Aaron Wright Antoine Wright Ariane Wright Brenda Wright Catherine M Wright Clarence F Wright Demtrius

Wright Elizabeth A Wright Ellen Wright Fred Jr Wright Herman Wright Ida Wright James H Wright Jerome Wright Jimmy Wright Jonathan Wright Kenneth Wright Lee Wright Milton Jr Wright Pamela M Wright Sevena Wright Shaline J Wright Spencer Wright Susan Wright Theodore Wright William Wu Chia Wen Wu Haifen Wu Lynn Wu Peishuan Wu Yanmei Wu Yu Kai Wulfhart Management Wummer Kate Wurster Caroline J Wyatt Ruby Wydell Ronald Wygrade Jason Wylie Andre Wynn Alvin Wynn Antwain Wytish William Xavier Jalil Xavier Leon Xaviers Llc Xiao Zhifen Xiaohui Yu Xiong Lian Xu Xuandian Xu Yunhan Xyzme Y Ong Yaa Marfo Maame Yacou Kone Yadav Nirajan K Yali Yang Yamanak Masato Yamin Courtney Yancey Joseph Yang Cindy Yang Qing Yang Zhichen Yangibaev Firdavs Yao You Yarash Yuliya Yates Charles Yates Ophelia Yath Trace Ye Tao Ye Yihong Yeager Joseph Yeatts Robert Yee Ka Lai Yefremova Anastasia K Yeh Kevin Yeiser Maynetta Yeo Jacqueline Yergen Robert Yetman Duncan Yghw Ventures Yi Darda Yi Son M Yi Young Ran Ying Samnang Yiv Chamran Yizzi Ida L Ymca Roxborough

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Yoblick Elaine Est Yocum Charles Yocum William A III Yoder Rebecca Yoeum Rath Yoga on Main Yokomori Kazuhiro Yolo Insurance Inc Yoo Daniel Yoo Jin Shin Yoon Chee H Yoon Ro Yoon Sujy Yoon Tiffany York Leonard Yorker Scott E Dc Dr Yosefien Soraya Yoshida Makoto Yost Associates You Guoping Youm Nali Youndblood Jordan Young Chan Seo Co Young Crawford Sr Young Damien Young Debra Young Earnest Young Eleanor Young Emil Young Eugene S Jr Young Henrietta Young James R Young James S Young John Young Kaleem S Young Louis Young Michael Young Quentin E Young R Est Young Shawn Young So Young Thelma Est Young Tylisa Young William Youngblood James Younge John M Youngvignola Eileen Your Career Calling Llc Yousef Amin Yousif Ahmad Youthbuild Philadelphia Charter Yow Krista M Yu Eunjo Yu Hye Jun Yu Meifang Yu Mirye Yu Yuan Jun Yuan Xiu Yuen Hung K Yun Andrew S Yurek Lydia Yurovsky Renee Yuxuan Tian Ywca Mid Atlantic Z & V Properties Zabalapena Arismendy Zabel Matthew Zaccone & Petrone Pc Zacharia Thomas J Zacks Eran S Md Zagorsky Kristin Zahir Nastaran Zaitsev Alexandr A Zakhour Ziadghassan Zakrzewski Henry Zaks Alexander Zalewski Andrew J Zaliner Zachary B Zall Harry MD Zambrana Luis

Zamora Franklin Tigreros Zampirri Mary Zanaras Julie Zanaras Reporting Video Zangaladze Andro T MD Zani Stephen Zanoni Paolo Zanoyan Varant S Zapertov Nikolai Zats Elena Zavod King Bartlett Pediatrics Obi Zawieja Barbara Zaytseva Uliana Zbikowski Carol J Zebrowski Edward Zebrowski Janine Zeigler Allen Zelaya Porforio Zellner Peggy A Zemble Robert Zempoaltecalt Armando Zenith Marketing Group Zenta Recoveries Inc Zepp Beatrice Zeppieri Charolette Zettel Brent Zhang Chang Chen Zhang Guo Tuan Zhang Jun Zhang Li Zhang Tong Zhang Xiao Tong Zhang Yuan Zhao Chong Ming Zhao Sijia Zhao Xia L Zhao Yue M Zheng Hua Bo Zheng James Zheng Jianya Zheng Jing Pc Zheng Jing Y Zheng Mei Jiao Zheng Xui M Zheng Yan Zheng Yong Zheng Yong Zhang Zhou Fang Zhou Jiacheng Zhou Xinyu Zhu Ming Zhu Weiwei Zhu Willis Kai Zhu Yan Zhuang Wei Chun Ziegler Carrie A Zienkiewicz John Zilka Diane T Zimmer Dana J Zimmerman James Zimmerman Michelle Zingle Madeline Zingler Beth Zinni Maria Zion Ame Church Zitt Matthew Zlupko Dmytro Zomchick Julia Zork Freya Zou Yuping Zubenko Vladimir Zukauskiene Neringa Zulli Christen Zumbriski Kristen Zungolo Julia Zwiefel Wes Zwolinski Wojciech Zydel Frank Zysk Anthony

For information about the nature and value of the property, or to check for additional names, visit: | 1.800.222.2046 | | Paid for with Pennsylvania tax dollars



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


THERE’S MORE SUMMER FUN IN BALTIMORE. With art in the street, music in the air, beautiful parks and celebrations all over town, Baltimore is the place to be for summer fun.



Be a part of the National Park Service’s Centennial Celebration along the scenic byways and historic trails and in Baltimore’s exciting parks. Special events at Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine and throughout the city take place all season long.

This three-day festival showcases creative expression of all kinds, including outdoor sculpture, photography, live concerts, dance, opera and more, as well as family-oriented demonstrations and street performances. An international menu of food and beverages is available throughout the festival.

Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine and throughout Baltimore Through September 2016


Camden Yards Sports Complex July 2–3, 2016

Celebrate the Fourth of July weekend at the 40th anniversary of the African American Festival. Bring the entire family to enjoy celebrity entertainment, food and drink, beauty and wellness demonstrations, kids’ games and free concerts featuring an extraordinary roster of musical icons.

Bolton Hill and Station North Arts & Entertainment District July 15–17, 2016


Participating Restaurants in Baltimore July 22–31, 2016 Dine your way through Baltimore! The metro area’s largest culinary tradition is a celebration of outstanding chefs and dining diversity. Enjoy specially selected three-course, fixed-price brunches, lunches and dinners at more than 90 of our best restaurants.


Inner Harbor July 4, 2016

Nobody celebrates the Fourth of July like Baltimore. This Independence Day spectacle kicks off at 7 p.m. with live music and entertainment up until the spectacular fireworks finale at 9:30 p.m., all choreographed to your favorite patriotic tunes.

160536_VISIT_10.125x11.35_PGNad.indd 1

Plan your visit today at BALTIMORE.ORG

6/23/16 3:14 PM

AC ul t ure rts


qFLIX returns with new, classic LGBT titles By Gary M. Kramer PGN Contributor qFLIX, the annual LGBTQ film festival, takes place July 5-10. The festival opens with the world premiere of writer/director J.C. Falcón’s “People You May Know,” a romantic comedy-drama about three friends — Joe (Sean Maher), Delia (Andrea Grano) and Herbert (Mark Cirillo) — facing romantic troubles when the gay Joe gets the married Delia pregnant. Cirillo will be attending the festival. One of the highlights of qFLIX is the 20th-anniversary screening of Cheryl Dunye’s classic Philadelphia-set and -shot drama “The Watermelon Woman.” The first feature film by an AfricanAmerican lesbian, this funny, sexy and very clever mix of fiction, documentary and direct address features Dunye as a young lesbian who makes a journey of self-discovery when she researches the life of Fae Richards, a (fictional) African-American actress who intrigues her. “I think beyond simple representations and DIY filmmaking: My film went into collaborating and practicing what I preached,” Dunye noted. “I featured people in my community, investigated my past and put my politics and passion into my art. My film wasn’t just about lesbian/gay identity, but something bigger. That set me apart from African-American representation. That’s where I found my niche and what I used as a springboard. It wasn’t simply representing myself; I did more — creating a whole world of identity politics present, past and future.” Another local voice at qFLIX is Todd Shotz, producer of the film “Lazy Eye.” In this romantic drama, Dean (Lucas Near-Verbrugghe) is an L.A.-based

graphic designer with the titular ocular problem. One day, out of the blue, he gets an email from Alex (Aaron Costa Ganis), his ex and true love from 15 years ago. After some email exchanges, the pair arranges to meet in Dean’s Joshua Tree home for sex, true confessions and a possible second chance at their relationship. The film pivots on the dynamics between the attractive leads, and Near-Verbrugghe makes his despair palpable while Costa Ganis gives a very sly, seductive performance. Shotz, who grew up in Elkins Park and went to Cheltenham High School before studying English and theater at the University of Pennsylvania, hopes audiences will connect with the guys in “Lazy Eye.” “We did a lot of talking about how the film is an LBGTQ story, but it’s a universal story about the vision you have for your life, and reconnecting with what might have been,” said Shotz in a recent phone interview. “What if I had stayed with this person, or reached out to them again? People connect with this movie so much because they have all had these thoughts — especially people who are in their late 30s and 40s. I hope that it will bring up for them what they are doing in their lives.” Another strong entry with a similar “recapturing the past” theme is “Retake.” In this terrific American indie, Jonathan (Tuc Watkins) hires Evan (Devon Graye) to “become Brandon,” his former boyfriend, so they can recreate the couple’s California road trip. Whereas Jonathan is holding onto his past, Evan is escaping from his. While this two-hander has some contrived road-movie moments, the performances are strong and the ending is highly satisfying and earned. Producer Sean Mandell said over Skype that he appreciates that the film

engages the audience by “playing back and forth between the characters. One time you’re in the driver’s seat with Jonathan, and then next you’re in the passenger seat with Evan.” Mandell planned the film meticulously, finding places that “felt authentic to the story — that dusty road trip of the past — so viewers feel they are walking into the rooms and lives of other people.” It works beautifully. A third film about two guys together is “Paris 5:59: Theo and Hugo,” by gay filmmakers Olivier Ducastel and Jacques Martineau. This remarkable French romance opens with an astonishing, explicit and nearly wordless 18-minute sequence set in an afterhours Parisian sex club. Theo (Geoffrey Couët) sees Hugo (François Nambot) and is smitten. They have an erotic encounter that segues into spending the night together. But the journey of Theo and Hugo is sex first, then love. This sweet, serious — Hugo is HIV-positive — and enchanting romance follows the characters in real time as they bike through the streets, share a meal and stare at one another lovingly on the metro. Both Couët and Nambot are magnetic together (and they are quite sexy sans clothes). Co-director Ducastel discussed the astonishing opening sequence over Skype. “We knew what we wanted — that it didn’t look like a porno scene — but we wanted to film the sex in a very direct and sincere way without porn grammar and close-ups,” Ducastel said. “It’s a little idolized, but it’s realistic. We wanted to show the friendly and generous energy of the group, so that’s what I asked everybody: to be sensual with each other.” Moreover, Ducastel remarked about the importance of PAGE 50

LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION: “Retake” (from top), “Paris 5:59: Theo and Hugo,” Mr. Pam and Eric from “Queer City,” “Shared Room”

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Family Portrait Get Out and Play Out & About Q Puzzle Scene in Philly PAGE 57

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Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

PGN FEATURE QFLIX from page 49

having an HIV-positive character. “It has been 18 years since our film ‘Jeanne and the Perfect Guy’ [which also depicted an HIV-positive character], and in that time the attitudes towards HIV have changed and this film is recording that.” “Queer City” by Draper Shreeve is a fabulous documentary that showcases various LGBTQ New Yorkers, from Kris and Sarah, two lesbian parents; to Tom Duane, an openly gay senator; and Mr. Pam, a bisexual gayporn director. The film also includes profiles of Eric, a transgender Haitian immigrant, and Tee, a Latina lesbian. Shreeve’s subjects are fascinating individuals with compelling stories of everyday queer life, which is what makes his portraits of them so inspiring. In an emailed director’s statement, Shreeve explained how he assembled his subjects and allowed them to describe their lives. “The emphasis is on their personal stories, but serious issues are addressed along the way,” Shreeve said. “I feel they capture the spirit of queer life … in this strange and exciting time of change. Maybe we all have more in common than we thought.” qFLIX also presents the world premiere of Todd Verow’s “*Required Field,” a dreamy, globe-hopping, experimental and existential film. The story concerns a serial killer named NO1KNOWS (Verow) whose audio and video diaries are found, but they offer no motivation or meaning for his crimes. Most of the film consists of NO1KNOWS traveling through America, Europe and Israel for random hookups, private moments of contemplation and a few discretely filmed murders. Of local note, one sequence was shot in a Philadelphia nightclub. Verow explained, via email, that “*Required Field” is “a film about loneliness and how online hookups and anonymous sex, sex without commitment or feelings, can rot

away a person from the inside out. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for promiscuity, but sex should always be about making an emotional connection, no matter how many partners you have, or how quick and nameless the sex may be.” “The repression of feelings can be just as harmful and dangerous as the repression of sex,” he continued. “The lead character in ‘*Required Field’ feels he has a mission to free the lost souls he encounters, to make them into ‘something,’ but in reality, he is just trying to obliterate himself, to feel nothing.” The closing-night film is writer/director Rob Williams’ amiable romance “Shared Rooms,” about three couples dealing with parenthood, roommating and nudism. Williams said in a recent phone interview that he wants viewers “to leave with a smile on their face, feeling good about themselves and the world.” It is Williams’ love of Christmas films (he previously made “Make the Yuletide Gay”) and the idea of “finding family” that prompted him to merge three stories of gay couples who face personal and romantic challenges for “Shared Rooms.” Although the film is set at Christmas, it is also set in Los Angeles, so the attractive guys are not wearing bad reindeer sweaters. In fact, two of the men in the film wear nothing at all through most of the running time. Williams acknowledged that casting the “nudists” simply involved “finding actors willing to do whatever it took to be real to the characters,” adding, “It’s rare to find actors who are gung ho, but they got the characters and were true to my vision as a writer/director. It was great working with them, and I know the audience will enjoy them as well.” n For schedule, tickets and more information, visit

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Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


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Family Portrait

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


Suzi Nash

James Duggan: Behind the scenes of community film fest “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” — Marcus Garvey

my brother and I and that difference continued as I explored it while I was growing up. I started identifying myself, personally, internally as a gay person at 16.

The way we often find cultural identity is when we see ourselves reflected in art and in the media. It’s where many of us learned that we were not alone and simultaneously that we were everywhere, in every country and from all walks of life. Films can show us what we share and what challenges or customs are unique to us all. If you feel like I do, you’re in luck. qFLIX, Philadelphia’s LGBTQ film festival, starts July 5 and runs for six days, with a variety of comedies, dramas and fascinating documentaries that reflect all aspects of our community. (Full disclosure: I was in charge of the committee that selected the majority of women’s films.) There are too many films in the festival to start naming them, but my faves are the “Keeping it 100” and “Damn Danielle” short-film programs, as well as a fun trans feature called “Two 4 One.” My conversation this week is with one of the festival’s co-founders, James Duggan.

PGN: Where do you think you got the desire to serve and do good work in the community? JD: From my parents. My mom’s from Georgia and my dad’s from Brooklyn, and they both brought interesting dynamics and traditions to the family. They both felt it was very important to help people, to be there for people when they needed it. My father was an amazing man, he still is. He’s a lover, he always gave to people; it was amazing watching him with his employees and his customers, with his friends … the way he gave friendship and help so openly and my mother was the same way, she was a nurse. It imprinted on me.

PGN: Tell me a little bit about James Duggan. JD: I was born and raised in Levittown, N.Y., and when I was 17 I joined the Air Force. So I left home and became a nuclear-weapons specialist. I worked on the internal components of nuclear warheads. It was strange doing that at 18 years old.

PGN: So even with a dad who worked with flowers you managed to avoid becoming a florist! JD: I did, I did.

PGN: Somebody must have thought you were a responsible kid! JD: [Laughs] I guess they did! Well, I’d been an Eagle Scout and was always involved in community service growing up so I guess they thought I was up for it. They did do an FBI background check on me, though, which was also a little weird, for a teenager to be getting a background check. PGN: And you were there at a time when it wasn’t OK for someone to be openly gay in the military. JD: That’s right. I had to lie to get into the military and they did check. They asked me if I was a homosexual and I said no. I wanted to serve and that’s what you had to do. It was strange being there as a gay man, having to keep my identity a secret, especially when there were so many other gay men that I knew in the military. PGN: So you obviously were out at least to yourself at that point. JD: Yes, I knew that I was very attracted to men and I’d known that from a very young age. I can remember being 7 or 8 years old and my brother would look at the JC Penney catalog to look at the women in bras and I’d look at the men in underwear. So I knew there was a difference between

PGN: So mom was a nurse and what did dad do? JD: He had a landscaping business and nursery when I was growing up.

PGN: That’s a lot to deal with as a young person. JD: It was, but you know, my father was the hero in all this. My father who, until that point, didn’t know I was anything but a heterosexual man, learned that I was in love with this man James. He held me and said, “You’re not going through this alone. You’re not taking his body back to Chicago by yourself and you’re not going to be alone at the funeral.” And he put aside any differences or thoughts he may have had and he came with me and stayed by my side through everything. So yeah, he’s one of my heroes. PGN: Wow, that’s really a tale! I think he’s my hero now too. So when you left the military, what did you do? JD: I was interested in the restaurant and nightclub-management business. I ended up working at a nightclub on Long Island and went to school to get my degree in marketing. From there, I moved into Manhattan and worked for Leona Helmsley.

PGN: Ha. There was a guy I used to work with at the 2/4 Club ages ago who was a former monk. He said that he had more sex in the seminary than he did in New York in the ’70s! JD: Oh really? That’s funny. I didn’t have that but my experience with the church was a very positive one. It helped me understand who I was and that being gay and Christian wasn’t an oxymoron, that I could be both. PGN: I noticed that in your QUEERtimes post about Orlando, you ended it with a Bible quote. JD: Yes, these days I consider myself a Catholic in exile. I think of myself as very much a Catholic but the church and I see each other very differently. While there are progressive voices in the church, the old guard is still entrenched. But my spirituality is strong. I work part-time at the Catholic church as a sexton but I don’t participate in the sacraments or in the services because I can’t be fully welcomed as an openly gay man.

PGN: Tell me about your time in the service. How did you know about the other gay men? JD: There were a lot. Actually I met my first lover in the service. His name was James too. We met and instantly fell in love with each other but he wasn’t gay! He’d never identified as gay, didn’t think of himself as a gay man in any way, but we had a non-sexual romantic relationship for two-and-a-half years. When he realized how much we loved each other, he was ready to take it to the next level and we became lovers. PGN: That sounds like it could be a film! JD: Yeah, the sad part is that he passed away the weekend we were going to move in together. It was a beautiful love story turned tragic. PGN: Oh, my. What happened? JD: He had a massive coronary, died of a heart attack. We were both 22 at the time and were making arrangements for him to move to Long Island. I was about to tell my family everything when he moved in. I woke up that morning — it was the first day on my new job — and he woke up not feeling well. I called my sister, who’s also a nurse, and said, “Please come check on James, he’s not feeling well and I have to go to work.” Things unraveled quickly and within a couple of hours I was back at the house, but he had passed away.

PGN: Did you ever see the cat she left $12 million to? Or was it a dog? JD: It was her dog, Trouble. No, I never met him. I wish I did; that caregiver position was a nice job! After working at the café, I decided to go back to school and get a degree in psychology. After James died, I was searching for something and found it in the Catholic church of all places. I rediscovered my Catholicism and went to a very conservative Catholic university. I pursued my spirituality for almost 10 years in the church, where I studied to be a priest.

PGN: The Queen of Mean? JD: Yes, I was the manager for her Cafe de la Paix in the St. Moritz Hotel. I have to say I met her many times and she was always friendly to me. I had no complaints about her or her behavior or attitude. I was 23 and in a position of responsibility and she was wonderful to me and the other staff there. Though I did see her lose it on occasion with other people, so I can’t say she didn’t have that in her.

PGN: How did you get involved in the queer community in Philadelphia? JD: When I first moved here, I used to go to The Bike Stop a lot. One year, they invited me to be on their Pride float and as we were going down the street in the parade waving and celebrating, I saw antigay protesters with religious quotes on the signs. Something just set me off and I jumped off the float and ran over to them and started quoting the Bible right back at them. It became my thing and I staged a counter-protest every Pride for about five years. It gave me a voice in the community. PGN: Nice, though I never pictured you as a Bike Stop guy. PAGE 58


Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


Out filmmaker’s new doc exposes ‘tickling’ culture By Gary M. Kramer PGN Contributor

When gay New Zealand pop-culture reporter David Farrier finds a story on “competitive endurance tickling,” he discovers a wormhole so weird and wild, he and his colleague Dylan Reeve had to make a documentary about it. “Tickled,” opening July 1 at the Ritz at the Bourse, is that fantastic — as in great, as in unreal — film. The “sport” (if it can be called that) involves guys, ages 18-23, being strapped down on a bed or bench with their hands and feet bound and tickled by other guys for up to 18 minutes. The scenes are filmed and uploaded to the Internet. And, as Farrier discovered, if you investigate or try to leave, you will be harassed. Farrier gets a homophobic response, as well as a legal notice from a tickling site, Jane O’Brien Media, which only arouses his curiosity. As he ferrets out this tickling fetish subculture, “Tickled” becomes both a serious and funny-strange cautionary tale. The filmmaker spoke with PGN about his amazing documentary. PGN: Are you ticklish, David? DF: I am. I didn’t know how ticklish I was before I met Richard [a tickling fetishist featured in “Tickled”]. When we set up the interview, Richard said I had to be tickled first. So I did 10 minutes in his tickling gym. I wanted to see what being tickled by a professional tickler was like. PGN: What do you think the tickling fetish represents? DF: It’s a combination of things. I think power comes into it. It’s kind of like BDSM, but brought way down. PGN: What appealed to you about the Jane O’Brien site? DF: It was more the competition — this idea that there is a tickling competition and really good money in it. That’s what I found interesting. PGN: Your investigation took some unusual directions. How do you feel about how things turned out? DF: We made the film because we saw this online harassment was happening. I was getting harassed. The guys from the videos were getting harassed. We wanted to shine a light on these things. I’m proud of the film. But there have been some defamation lawsuits, which is stressful. PGN: What was your sense of the people you interviewed, and how their lives were affected by Jane O’Brien Media? DF: A lot of the people [we interviewed] were drawn into this world because they were offered money and they went for it. There are countless examples of how

money is used to gain control over other people. I want people who see the film to think twice about things. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. People who grew up with the Internet think they


have seen it all, but there are still ways to be tricked. PGN: You and your co-director Dylan were very shrewd investigators. Can you talk about how you approached the “mystery”? DF: I think Dylan and I brought different things to the table. Dylan can dig into websites. We spent time on the phone chasing leads. Some people think that if they don’t get information through Google or Facebook, they give up. We called [folks] again and again, especially when we were doing research to connect dots on the historic aspect of the story. PGN: Given that you are a gay man, and the tickling sites are pretty homoerotic, can you talk about how you presented the “queer” content in “Tickled”? DF: From the beginning, when I got the homophobic response, I wanted to know who had said this to me. I saw people were being harassed and had their lives ruined. I think the power of journalism and documentary filmmaking is the opportunity to expose people for the public good. Overall, the film is less about tickling, and more about the mystery. I wanted to treat things fairly objectively. I wasn’t giving my opinion. I don’t see “Tickled” as a “gay” film, but it will be of interest to the gay community. A lot of the reasons these videos were troubling to these young men was because they were from areas of the country where being gay — or being seen as gay — was a problem. The fact that it’s a problem is a problem. Many of the guys weren’t gay. Anyone being called gay shouldn’t be a problem, but Jane O’Brien Media played with that. I hope people think twice before bullying anyone or being homophobic or negative in any way. n

Theater & Arts Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, Jr. Take a trip down the rabbit hole in this updated take on the classic story July 7-8 at Bristol Riverside Theater, 120 Radcliffe St.; 215785-0100. Always ... Patsy Cline Walnut Street Theatre presents the stories of laughter and heartache that brought together a housewife and a legendary country singer through July 3 at Independence Studio on 3, 825 Walnut St.; 215574-3550. Breaking Ground: Printmaking in the U.S., 1940– 60 Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition exploring the variety of ways in which artists in the 1940s and ’50s pushed the boundaries of printmaking through July 24, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215763-8100. Creative Africa Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of photography, fashion, sculpture and architecture by artists from Africa through Sept. 25, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215763-8100. Dave Chappelle The comedian performs 7 and 10 p.m. July 5-6 at the Punch Line Philly, 1004 Canal St.; 215-309-0150.

‘COOL IT’ ONE MORE TIME!: New Edition, the only boy band and R&B group in history to have all of its members leave the group and attain even bigger success, reconvenes (sans Bobby Brown) for an evening of hits spanning their career 9 p.m. July 8 at Caesars Atlantic City, 2100 Pacific Ave., Atlantic City, N.J. For more information or tickets, call 609-343-2535.

Embracing the Contemporary: The Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Collection Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of some of the most prominent European and American artists of the past 50 years through Sept. 5, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-7638100. Footloose: The Musical The musical about a small town where the youth rebel against a ban on dancing, through July 3 at Bristol Riverside Theater, 120 Radcliffe St.; 215-785-0100. Inside Out Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of largescale, high-quality replicas of favorite works from the museum’s collection to neighborhoods in and around Philadelphia through Nov. 1,

26th Street and the Parkway; 215-7638100. Lloyd Ney: Local Color The Michener Art Museum hosts an exhibition of works by the American painter, sculptor, writer and artistic innovator known for pushing boundaries, embracing Modernism and stirring up controversy through Sept. 11, 138 S. Pine St., Doylestown; 215340-9800. MOMENT(S) The Kun-Yang Lin Dancers perform three world-premiere pieces 8 p.m. July 7 at Prince Theater, 1412 Chestnut St.; 215-569-9700. New Jack City The crime drama is screened 8 p.m. July 5 at The Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215-922-6888. Plays of/for a Respirateur Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an

installation by Joseph Kosuth that includes a selection of his work, along with a group of seminal works by Marcel Duchamp, through the fall, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-7638100. qFLIX Philadelphia 2016 The region’s only LGBTQ film festival screen films from all over the world July 5-10 at Prince Theater, 1412 Chestnut St.; 215-422-4580. Russell Peters The international comedy star performs at the grand opening of The Punch Line Philly July 8-10, 1004 Canal St.; 215309-0150. Sister Act Walnut Street Theatre presents the musical comedy based on the hit film through July 17 at the Mainstage, 825 Walnut St.; 215574-3550.


Get Out and Play

NEW COMEDY CLUB COMES OUT SWINGING: Brandspanking new comedy club Punch Line Philly celebrates its grand opening some comedy superstars, including Dave Chappelle, who performs July 5-6, and Russell Peters July 8-10, 1004 Canal St. For more information or tickets, call 215-309-0150 or visit

Tête-à-Tête: Conversations in Photography The Michener Art Museum hosts an exhibition celebrating more than 25 years of regional photographic programming through Sept. 11, 138 S. Pine St., Doylestown; 215-340-9800. Three Aksha The Indian dance troupe performs 7 p.m. July 3 at The Painted Bride Arts Center, 230 Vine St.; 215-925-9914.

Music The English Beat and Soul Asylum The rock bands perform 7 p.m. July 2 at The Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215-922-6888. Smithereens The rock band performs 7:30

p.m. July 3 at Sellersville Theater, 24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville; 215257-5808. Hollywood Vampires The rock band featuring Johnny Depp and Alice Cooper performs 8 p.m. July 3 at the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Event Center, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-3171000. Steely Dan and Steve Winwood The classic-rock bands perform 7 p.m. July 3 at BB&T Pavilion, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J.; 609-365-1300. Stephen “Ragga” Marley The reggae singer performs

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Out & About Listings, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 fax: 215-925-6437; or e-mail: Notices cannot be taken over the phone.

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


Scott A. Drake

Phillies up the ante for Pride night

8 p.m. July 3 at The Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215922-6888. Weezer and Panic! At the Disco The rock bands perform 7 p.m. July 5 at BB&T Pavilion, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J.; 609-3651300. Vans Warped Tour An all-day festival of punk rock and metal bands starts at noon July 8 at BB&T Pavilion, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J.; 609365-1300.


Philadelphia Battle Burlesque Royale It’s naughty vs. naughty 9 p.m. July 7 at Tabu, 200 S. 12th St.; 215-9649675.

Outta Town Papillon The classic drama is screened 2 p.m. July 3 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-1228. The Yardbirds The classic-rock band performs 8 p.m. July 7 at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400.

Liberty City Kings Drag & Burlesque Drag kings take over 9 p.m. July 2 at Tabu, 200 S. 12th St.; 215-9649675.

New Edition The R&B supergroup performs 9 p.m. July 8 at Caesars Atlantic City, 2100 Pacific Ave., Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-343-2535.

HUGS DJ Ed Christof gets Independence Day weekend started with a bang 10 p.m. July 2 at Franky Bradley’s, 1320 Chancellor St.; 215-735-0735.

Blobfest 2016 The classic horror film is celebrated with a weekend of screenings July 8-10 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610-917-1228. n

We all had misguided hopes when the season started that the Phillies were actually better than the pundits proclaimed, when they were within 1.5 games of first place in early May. Sadly, the last month has proven critics more right than wrong. It’s not that the team is terrible; they just can’t get the offense fired up when the pitching is on point, and the pitching is disastrous (think: Aaron Nola the past four games) when the bats are hot. Then there’s the seriously bad fielding that results in so many errors and bad plays, you want to go back and root for Taney, hometown Little League heroes, again. The Phils have some time to get better (or implode completely) before the Aug. 29 match-up against archrivals Washington Nationals, a game at which the Phillies will host the first “official” Pride Night at Citizens Bank Park. We got our tickets for the gig last week for several reasons. For one, the first 1,000 people who buy a ticket using the PRIDE code at jsp gets a limited-edition rainbow Phillies T-shirt. (You must use the link to get the shirt.) You will get a voucher in the mail to collect the shirt. Also, there are many great seats available because of the Phils’ less-than-stellar record this year. We got near-front-row seats in the THE PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES ARE outfield, not far from Ashburn Alley, so we OFFERING A LIMITED-EDITION not only have easy access to the overpriced T-SHIRT WITH THE TEAM LOGO IN beer and food, we also can watch the relievRAINBOW COLORS FOR THE FIRST ers warm up. It also puts us in a place where OFFICIAL PRIDE NIGHT ON AUG. 29. we could catch a home-run ball. And, of course, it’s a fun time. If you don’t already know their record and you look back at LGBT community nights over the past 12 years, you’ll find that the team is at a dismal 2-10. That’s even worse (by a little) than they are playing this year. But it’s still fun to go sit in the park, have a couple of dogs and a brew (that’ll be $87.50) and wander through the stadium checking out the sideshow. But the upshot of all of this comes down to this: After a decade-plus of getting the community night on the schedule with the Phillies, the team is opting to recognize the LGBT community willingly and shouldn’t we go and return the favor by supporting them now, when they need us? Yes, we should. Short stops • Falcons summer league kicks off 8 p.m. July 1 at Tavern on Camac. Come join the team for a drink, talk soccer and make some new friends! • There is still a little time to get your team together for the first Stonewall beach volleyball competition. A team of six is required to sign up and the fee is $45 per person. Games will be played at Drexel University at the Buckley Sand Volleyball Courts, 33rd and Arch streets. Go to to register. Sorry, but you must be 21-99. No centenarians need apply. • If you’re interested in rugby but don’t know if you have that killer instinct to get down and dirty, head over to 11th and Wharton streets 1-3 p.m. every Saturday for some “informal touch rugby.” This is the first time the Philadelphia Gryphons RFC have had this touch-and-go sort of play and it’s to let those who might be interested in trying the sport learn some basics and get into a ruck or two in a less-intimidating manner. For more infor-

mation, search Philadelphia Gryphons RFC on Facebook. • City of Brotherly Love Softball League has already had two weeks of play cancelled and rescheduled due to weather and wet fields, and with no play over the Fourth of July weekend, it’s going to be a long(er), hot season! If you’re not playing this summer but are considering the fall league, go to cblsl. org/ and take a very short survey about playing levels, days of play and length of season to help organizers plan ahead. • The Philadelphia Liberty Tennis Association is actively recruiting new and returning players for friendly competition on Saturdays and Sundays this summer in FDR Park. Registration is also open for the Philly Open, held the first weekend in August at the Legacy Youth Tennis and Recreation Center. is the place for more info. n Help the community keep on top of what’s going on in your sports organization. Email



Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

PORTRAIT from page 55

JD: I was always on the second floor for the sports stuff. In school, I was more into the theater scene by the time I graduated, but when I was younger I played football and baseball and ran cross-country. PGN: An actor, huh? What was a favorite role? JD: We did “Bells Are Ringing” and I played Dr. Kitchell, and I also played Sky Masterson in “Guys and Dolls.” I loved that part because it was so different from me. He was the bad guy and I was always such a goody twoshoes. PGN: How and when did you start QUEERtimes? JD: I met Thom Cardwell at a GALLOP/ GPPN Christmas party many, many years ago. We became instant friends and soon after started talking about doing some kind of Philly-centric food newsletter. At the time we were developing the idea, Michael Nutter was beginning to run for mayor for the first time. No one from the community was supporting him and I believed it was essential for us to get behind him and support his efforts, so I talked to Thom about QUEERtimes endorsing Michael Nutter for mayor. He got on board so we sent out a letter describing each candidate and explaining why we were endorsing him. It was a hit and I realized that people wanted to hear from us. That was almost 10 years ago and we’re still going strong. I think it’s important to have as many voices as we can speaking for and about our community. PGN: And I guess your friendship with Thom got you involved with QFest and qFLIX? JD: Actually, I started going to the LGBTQ film festival back in the ’90s when it was still the Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. I would go by myself and watch films. Then Thom and I became friends and I became more involved behind the scenes. I was devastated when the festival closed shop. I thought, Philadelphia is too big a city not to have an LGBTQ festival. It would have been the 20th year of the festival so I tried to see if we could take it over but that was a no-go, so I talked to Thom and we put a new festival together in two months! It was five days instead of the 12 people were used to, but it’s growing and I’m proud that Philadelphia didn’t miss a beat. It’s definitely a world-class festival. PGN: I know why I think LGBT films are important but tell me what you think. JD: To me it’s all about sharing stories. Without our stories, we can’t grow. Films help us become stronger, more passionate and more knowledgeable about who we are as a people. By telling our stories, from local to international, not only do we learn about each other but other people learn about us as well. PGN: What are some of the things you’re looking forward to this year? JD: The film I think I’m looking forward to the most is called “Play the Devil.” It’s an excellent film from Trinidad-Tobago that tells the struggles of different people. The film

itself can’t be shown in that nation but we’re going to be showing it. But for me, I get most excited about the audiences, the people who come to the festival, making them feel happy and good about themselves. I look forward every year to seeing how people react to what we’ve programmed for them. PGN: And speaking of people, are you single or partnered or other? JD: I’m single but I like to say I’m on the cusp of discovery. I have wonderful people in my life but I haven’t settled down yet. And no one’s given me a ring so far! PGN: What’s your favorite recreational thing to do (other than movie-watching)? JD: Taking a long hike in the woods. I used to be a long-distance back-packer and once made a 143-mile trip across the New Mexican Rockies. Stealing time for myself is one of my favorite things, though I don’t often get to do it. PGN: Remember your first boy kiss? JD: Boy, do I! But the first one that meant anything was with James. PGN: Celebrity you’d want to do a love scene with? JD: Oh gosh, a young Brad Pitt! PGN: I feel fiercest when … JD: When my community is attacked. PGN: Hobbies? JD: I used to have so many but now there’s no time. I love to travel. I lived in London on a work-study program when I was 21 and spent some time traveling around. I back-packed through Europe for three-and-a-half months and had some amazing adventures.

Q Puzzle Bi TV Across

1. TV show with bisexual Damon Drecker 5. Symbol at Metropolitan Community Church 10. Rubber stamp PGN: Do tell. 14. Melville story of JD: I met a man on the train in Stockholm the sea and he fed me and took care of me all the 15. Teased 16. M or G way to Italy. He was very kind. And then in 17. Have dog Italy, I met a ballet dancer on the street. He didn’t speak English and I didn’t speak Italian breath? 18. City of Lorca’s but we had a two-day romance that was very homeland memorable. 19. Unbending 20. TV show with bisexual pol Frank PGN: Well, who better than a dancer to use Underwood body language? 23. Used rubbers JD: Oh yes! 26. Kerouac’s “Big ___” PGN: I’ll tell you what I was surprised to 27. Threesome for find. [Laughs] When I first met you, you were Caligula such a big handsome guy, I was afraid you’d 28. YMCA activity be a jerk or full of yourself. I was surprised to 29. Morse clicks 32. Minute part learn how thoughtful and kind you are. 34. Competitor of JD: Thank you so much, I really appreciBarneys ate that. It means a lot to me. What’s funny, 36. Russian river to though, is that when I look in the mirror I the Caspian don’t see someone who would be attractive to 38. Shaw of swing 39. TV show with me, so it kind of puts it in perspective. I just don’t see what other people seem to see. I like bisexual Dr. Eleanor OíHara it that way. 42. Barber manuscript, e.g. PGN: Well, hopefully people will come out 44. Hacienda room and see both of us at the festival! n 45. Not straight 48. Loser’s catchqFLIX runs July 5-10. For more information, word 50. Bryant once of visit hoops

52. Carnaval resort 53., for one 54. “Vox populi, vox ___” 56. “Let’s get one thing straight: I’m not.”, e.g. 58. TV show with bisexual Dr. Callie Torres 62. Ares of “Xena” and others 63. Innocent ones 64. Put the top on the cake 68. “___ of Seventeen” 69. “Seascape” author 70. Village People’s “In the ___” 71. “Caught in the headlights” animal 72. Gaily colored flowers, commonly 73. TV show with bisexual cheerleader Brittany Pierce

Down 1. Peter Cottontail’s move 2. Thurman of “Kill Bill” 3. No to Rimbaud 4. Teens in black makeup, e.g. 5. I, Derek? 6. Jane Spahr and Mychal Judge 7. Comic strip dog 8. Fat lady songs at the opera 9. Cluster “fornica-

tions” 10. Sundance’s Place. 11. Ben Hur, and competitors 12. Guy often found in handcuffs 13. Where to be, re the closet 21. Brit. word ref 22. Need lubricating, maybe 23. Hesitation sounds 24. “Breakfast on Pluto” actor Stephen 25. Recognize gay rights, e.g. 30. Uno + dos 31. He’s a wheel man 33. Manger, to Mary’s boy 35. Foam at South Beach 37. Composer Edouard 40. Enjoys Quentin

Crisp 41. Rear ends 42. Coldcocked 43. Eat away at 46. Peeples of “Fame” 47. Pull behind 49. Dip it in your cup 51. Shade maker 55. Including everything 57. Bombing, on stage 59. River of the Singing Nun’s country 60. “Mamma Mia!” band 61. Began like Sheehan, with “off” 65. James Dean’s “East of Eden” role 66. Mother without a mother 67. Color for Easter eggs


Classifieds All real-estate advertising is subject to Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). PGN will not knowingly accept any realestate advertising that is in violation of any applicable law.

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Real Estate Sale

Help Wanted

VENTNOR, NJ House for sale in Ventnor NJ. 2 story 5 bedroom house, needs some repairs. Priced right. Call 215 468 9166. ________________________________________40-36 38 LAKEVIEW DR., MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 Location, Location, Location. Just 20 minutes to downtown Philadelphia and a stroll away from Strawbridge Lake park and downtown Moorestown. This 1940’s circa beauty offers the personality of a Character home with the luxuries of Modern Day. Exposed beams, double apron sink, granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, 4 bedrooms 2 full baths just to name a few. A must see. Call Lora 609-7814559 Weichert, Realtors. ________________________________________40-27

Vacation / Seasonal Rentals OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Resort Services. 1-800-638-2102. Online reservations: ________________________________________40-27 NORTH WILDWOOD, NJ Southern Comfort Apartments located on 18th Ave. 1 blk. from the beach. Large 2 & 3 BR apts. Pet friendly. Web Call Cheryl Crowe at 609-846-1254 for more information. ________________________________________40-29

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Space, Light, and Low Condo Fees. In Center City. 1352 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147

Teaching vacancies: Vocal/Choral, Early Childhood Special Education, Reading Specialist, Business & Information Technology, Middle School Mathematics, Special Education General Curriculum, History & Social Science, Mathematics, Journalism/Theatre Arts, High School counselor, Electronics/Robotics, Earth Science, Spanish, Drafting, Reading Literacy, Alternative Education (Core subject endorsement required). To apply, visit and complete the online application. Prince Edward County Public Schools, Farmville, Virginia 23901 – 434-315-2100 - EOE ________________________________________40-27

Business Opportunities Bimbo Foods Baking Distribution LLC has distributions for sale in Pennsylvania and NJ. Full equity ownership in established routes. If interested call 732-684-1468. ________________________________________40-27

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Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

AC ul t ure rts

Because Life Is More Than Just Gay News Nightlife, Concerts, Art Exhibits, Readings, Cabaret, Film Reviews, Theater Reviews, Food Reviews, Book Reviews, Music Reviews, Sports and Travel

120 Eshelman Road Lancaster, PA 17601- $1,249,900 - Magnificent Manheim Township Lancaster Country Club home. Exposed beams, wood-burning fireplaces, and exquisite chandeliers are all highlighted in this extraordinary property. With over 5,000 square feet of living space, this home sits on 2.4 acres of land and features remarkable amenities.

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Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


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Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016

Friends Men LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. ________________________________________40-29 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. ________________________________________40-29 Cute black guy, 8” seeks Latin male 21 to 38 for relationship. Looking for soneone to love. 267-318-8352. WM, stocky a plus. ________________________________________40-27

Massage David, 66, 6’, 200 lbs., attentive. 215-569-4949. (24/7) ________________________________________40-42





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Half Price Rooms & Lockers (6am Sunday till 8am Monday) ROOMS: Members: $12.50 and Non-Members: $22.50 LOCKERS: Members: $9.00 and Non-Members: $19.00

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SATURDAY AFTERNOON DELIGHT 4 Hour Lockers (8am - 4pm) Members: $5.00 and Non-Members: $15.00

Check out our website for our WEEKLY SPECIALS & JOIN OUR e-mail List to get the latest information on upcoming events....





Delco Dudes A men’s social and support group meets 7-9 p.m. the first and third Wednesday of the month at Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County, 145 W. Rose Tree Road in Media; delco.

Evolutions A drop-in support group for anyone on the transgender spectrum meets 6 p.m. Thursdays at 21 S. 12th St., eighth floor; 215-563-0652 ext. 235.

40 Acres of Change Discussion group for teen and young adults meets 6-8 p.m. Thursdays at The COLOURS Organization Inc., 1207 Chestnut St., third floor; 215-851-1975.

Mazzoni Center Family and Community Medicine Primary health care and specialized transgender services in a safe, professional, nonjudgmental environment, 809 Locust St.; 215-563-0658.

GLBT Group of Hunterdon County Social and support groups for youth, teens and young adults, as well as parents and family members, meet at North County Branch Library, 65 Halstead St. in Clinton, N.J.; schedule at www., 908-300-1058.

Gay Married Men’s Association Meets 7-9 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St.; Men of All Colors Together Meets 7:30 p.m. the third Friday of the month, September through June, at William Way; 610-2776595, Men’s Coming Out Group, N.J. Meets 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at The Pride Center of New Jersey; Men of Color United A discussion/support group for gay and bisexual men of color meets 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays at 1207 Chestnut St., third floor; 215-496-0330.

Parents/Families Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Bucks County Meets 7:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month at Penns Park United Methodist Church, 2394 Second Street Pike, Penns Park, and hird Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at Warminster UCC, 785 Street Road; 215-348-9976. PFLAG/Chester County Meets 7 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month at the Unitarian Fellowship of West Chester, 501 S. High St.; 484-354-2448.

T-MAN People-of-color support group for transmen, FTMs, butches, studs, aggressives, bois, genderqueer and all female-born individuals with gender questions meets 7:30-9:30 p.m. Mondays, 1201 Locust St., second floor; 215632-3028, Transhealth Information Project Sponsors a weekly drop-in center from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays and and 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fridays at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; 215-851-1822. Transgender Health Action Coalition Peer trans health-advocacy organization, 1201 Locust St., fourth floor; 215-732-1207. Young, Trans and Unified Support group for transgender and questioning individuals ages 13-23 meets 7:15 p.m. Thursdays at The Attic Youth Center, 255 S. 16th St.; 215-545-4331, www.

Women Hanging Out With Lesbians A group in Central Pennsylvania that organizes concerts, camping, golf, picnics, hikes, plays and game nights in nonsmoking environments; http://groups.

PFLAG/Collingswood, N.J. Meets 6:30-9 p.m. the fourth Monday of the month at Collingswood Public Library, 771 Haddon Ave.; 609-202-4622,

Lesbian Community of Delaware Valley Social group meets monthly for activities for gay women of all ages in Delaware, Chester and Montgomery counties; http://

PFLAG/Media Meets 7 p.m. the second Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universal Church, 145 Rose Tree Rd.; 610-368-2021.

Lesbian Couples Dining Group of Montgomery County Meets monthly; 215-542-2899.

PFLAG/Philadelphia Meets 2-5 p.m. the third Sunday of the month at the LGBT Center at the University of Pennsylvania, 3907 Spruce St.; 215-572-1833.

Mt. Airy Lesbian Social Club For lesbians in the Philadelphia area ages 35-plus; www.meetup. com/mtairylesbiansocial/.

PFLAG/Princeton, N.J. Meets 7:30 p.m. the second Monday of the month in the George Thomas Room at Trinity Church, 33 Mercer St.; 609-6835155. PFLAG/Wilmington, Del. Meets 7-9 p.m. the second Thursday of the month at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1502 W. 13th St.; 302654-2995. Philadelphia Family Pride Advocacy, support and social network for LGBT families offers play groups, monthly kids and teen talk groups, activities and outings. Planning meetings held monthly; 215-600-2864,,

Queer Connections Social group for women in their 20s meets weekly; http:// queerconnections/. Sisters United A social/support group for transwomen of color ages 13-24, with weekly social events, open discusson and monthly movie/ discussions meets 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays, 1207 Chestnut St., third floor; 215-496-0330. Women Coming-Out Support Group Women, ages 18 and over, who consider themselves gay, lesbian, bisexual or questioning and are at any stage of the coming-out process are welcome to meet 7:30 p.m. the first Tuesday and third Thursday of the month at the Pride Center of New Jersey;


HAVEN LGBT, intersex, questioning, queer and allied youth ages 14-20 meet 7-9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Lehigh Valley, 424 Center St., Bethlehem; 610-868-2153. HiTOPS A safe-space support program for LGBT and questioning youth meets 2:30-4:30 p.m. the first and third Saturdays at 21 Wiggins St., Princeton, N.J.; 609-683-5155, Main Line Youth Alliance Meets from 7-9:30 p.m. Fridays at 106 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne; 610-688-1861, info@myaonline. org. Project Keeping it Safe LGBT youth drop-in center offers meetings, HIV and STD prevention and testing, counseling and other services on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 514 Cooper St., Camden, N.J.; 856-963-2432, PRYSM Youth Center Youth ages 14-20 meet 6:30-8:30 p.m Wednesdays at the center, 126 East Baltimore Pike, Media; 610357-9948. Rainbow Room: Bucks County’s LGBTQ and Allies Youth Center Youth ages 14-21 meets 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays at Salem UCC Education Building, 181 E. Court St., Doylestown; 215-957-7981 ext. 9065, rainbowroom@ppbucks. org. Social X Change Social activity group for LGBT youth of color ages 13-23 meets 6-8 p.m. Tuesdays at 1207 Chestnut St., third floor; 215-8511975. Space to be Proud, Open, and Together Open to all LGBTQ queer youth and allies, ages 14-21, the SPOT meets 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursdays at Planned Parenthood of Chester County, 8 S. Wayne St.; 267-6876648. Young, Trans and Unified A support group for transgender and questioning youth ages 13-23 meets 7:15 p.m. Thursdays at The Attic Youth Center; 215-545-4331, You’re Not Alone Sponsored by AIDS Delaware, the group for gay, lesbian and bisexual youth meets during the school year at 100 W. 10th St., Suite 315, Wilmington, Del; 800-810-6776. Youth Making a Difference A group for LGBTQ AfricanAmerican and Latino youth ages 14-24 meets 5-7 p.m. Tuesdays at Camden AHEC, 514 Cooper St.; 856-963-2432.

Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


Community Bulletin Board Community centers

■ The Attic Youth Center 255 S. 16th St.; 215-545-4331, For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held 4-7 p.m. Monday-Tuesday and 4-8:30 p.m. Wednesday-Friday. Case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday-Friday. ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St., 215-898-5044, center@dolphin. Regular hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. MondayThursday; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday; noon-6 p.m. Saturday; noon-8 p.m. Sunday. Summer hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

■ ActionAIDS: 215-981-0088

■ Rainbow Room: Bucks County’s LGBTQ and Allies Youth Center Salem UCC Education Building, 181 E. Court St., Doylestown; 215-957-7981 ext. 9065, Activities held 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays.

■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220, Hours: 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday, noon-5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays Peer counseling: 6-9 p.m. Monday-Friday Library: noon-9 p.m. Monday-Friday, noon-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Volunteers: New Orientation, first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

Key numbers

■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: 215-587-9377

■ Equality Pennsylvania: 215731-1447;

■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: 856-933-9500 ext. 221

■ Equality Forum: 215-732-3378

■ AIDS Library: 215-985-4851 ■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: 215592-1513 ■ AIDS Treatment Fact line: 800662-6080 ■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: 215-685-1633 n The COLOURS Organization Inc.: 215-496-0330

■ LGBT Peer Counseling Services: 215-732-TALK ■ Mazzoni Center: 215-563-0652; Legal Services: 215-563-0657, 866-LGBT-LAW; Family & Community Medicine: 215-563-0658 ■ Office of LGBT Affairs — Director Nellie Fitzpatrick: 215-6860330;

■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Deputy Commissioner Kevin Bethel: 215-6863318 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: 215-760-3686 (Rick Lombardo); ■ Philly Pride Presents: 215875-9288 ■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: 717-9209537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: 215-732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)

■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): 215-572-1833 ■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: 215-686-4670


Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 216 W. Somerset St.; 215-763-8870. ActionAIDS Provides a range of programs for people affected by HIV/ AIDS, including case management, prevention, testing and education services at 1216 Arch St.; 215-981-0088, www. GALAEI: A Queer Latin@ Social Justice Organization Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; noon-6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St.; 215-851-1822 or 866-222-3871, Spanish/English HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays (walk-in) and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays (by appointment) at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; 215685-1821. HIV health insurance help Access to free medications and confidential HIV testing 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesdays at 13 S. MacDade Blvd., Suite

■ Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia Board meetings at 6:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at 100 S. Broad St., Suite 1810; free referral service at 215-6279090, ■ Independence Business Alliance Greater Philadelphia’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce, providing networking, business development, marketing, educational and advocacy opportunities for LGBT and LGBT-friendly busi-

108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; 610-586-9077. Mazzoni Center LGBTQ counseling and behavioral health services, HIV/ AIDS care and services, case management and support groups; 21 S. 12th St., eighth floor; 215-563-0652, www. Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine Comprehensive primary health care, preventive health services, gynecology, sexual-health services and chronic-disease management, including comprehensive HIV care, as well as youth drop-in (ages 14-24) 5-7p.m. Wednesdays; 809 Locust St.; 215-563-0658. Philadelphia FIGHT Comprehensive AIDS service organization providing primary care, consumer education, advocacy and research on potential treatments and vaccines; 1233 Locust St.; 215985-4448; Washington West Project of Mazzoni Center Free, rapid HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 pm. Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Sunday; 1201 Locust St.; 215-985-9206.

Professional groups nesses and professionals; 215557-0190, ■ National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association Philadelphia chapter of NLGJA, open to professionals and students, meets for social and networking events; philly;

■ Philadelphia Gay Tourism Caucus Regional organization dedicated to promoting LGBT tourism to the Greater Philadelphia region, meetings every other month on the fourth Thursday (January, March, May, July, September and the third Thursday in November), open to the public; 215-8402039,


Philadelphia Gay News July 1-7, 2016


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