PGN Aug. 21-27 2009

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Philadelphia Gay News Honesty Integrity Professionalism

Aug. 21 - 27, 2009

Vol. 33 No. 34

Justice files 2nd DOMA brief

Civil-rights commission faces major budget cuts

By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer

By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer

The Department of Justice issued another brief in support of the Defense of Marriage Act this week, although President Obama formally reiterated his opposition to the federal ban on same-sex marriage. The department filed a motion Aug. 17 urging a federal court to dismiss a challenge filed by Arthur Smelt and Christopher Hammer against DOMA, which prevents the federal government from recognizing same-sex unions. The court papers acknowledge that the administration opposes the law, but must uphold it. “This administration does not support DOMA as a matter of policy, believes that it is discriminatory and supports its repeal ... Consistent with the rule of law, however, the Department of Justice has long followed the practice of defending federal statutes as long as reasonable arguments can be made in support of their constitutionality, even if the department disagrees with a particular statute as a policy matter, as it does here.” Beyond expressing the administration’s opposition to DOMA, the brief goes on to reject the notion that DOMA is constitutional in that it prevents children from being raised by LGBT parents, noting that the department “does not believe DOMA is rationally related to any legitimate government interests in procreation and child-rearing and is therefore not relying upon any such interests to defend DOMA’s constitutionality.” Obama issued his own statement this week, explaining the administration’s stance. “This brief makes clear that my

ing the deaths. But it cited a well-informed U.N. official as saying in April that the death toll was probably “in the hundreds.” The campaign has been largely blamed on Shiite extremists who have long targeted behavior deemed un-Islamic, beating and even killing women for not wearing veils and bombing liquor stores. Shiite militiamen have for the most part stopped their violence against rival Sunnis after radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr’s forces were routed by U.S. and Iraqi forces last year and declared a cease-fire. But the report indicated they were conducting a less-publicized campaign of social cleansing. “The same thing that used to happen to Sunnis and Shiites is now happening to gays,” said a doctor who had fled Baghdad and was interviewed for the report. The doctor, who described himself as gay, said several of his friends had been killed. An Iraqi Interior Ministry official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to discuss the issue with the media, acknowledged there has been a sharp escalation in attacks against gay men this year by suspected Shiite extremists. But he told The Associated

If the proposed Pennsylvania budget passes as is, it could have major implications for the state agency that investigates civil-rights violations. The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission is slated to take a $2.4-million cut in the current budget, which still has to be considered by a joint House and Senate conference committee, before it goes to the full legislature. The agency received approximately $12 million in state funding last year and an additional $3 million from the federal government. Steve Glassman, openly gay chair of the commission, explained that the majority of the agency’s funding — nearly 90 percent — goes toward staff salaries. In the past six years, the commission has decreased its staff size from 145 to 132 to save money. The current budget crisis has forced the agency to eliminate 12 vacant positions and mandate 20 furloughs and, if the $2.4-million funding decrease goes through, the commission will have to lay off another 18 employees, resulting in a 44-percent staff reduction in six years. “This is critical, particularly because we’ve already had our funding cut in previous years and we’re at the point where the loss of further positions will diminish our effectiveness,” said Glassman. “It will create delays in our ability to properly investigate and adjudicate cases because the caseload for each employee will dramatically increase and the entire process will be slowed down.” The agency takes on approximately 4,000 cases each year, with an additional 3,000 cases referred from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and 400 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Cases include discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex and national origin, among others. Presently, sexual orientation and gender identity are not protected classes at the state level. Glassman explained that a slower case


See FUNDING, Page 14

PDA WITH A PURPOSE: David Jones (left) and Chris Oronzi, Jim and Richie Madden and an ally couple embrace at Love Park Aug. 15 as part of the nationwide Kiss-In for Equality to raise awareness of LGBT issues. Kiss-ins were held in more than 40 cities throughout the country, with Philadelphia’s event drawing about two-dozen couples. The movement was spurred largely from several recent incidents in Texas and Utah in which same-sex couples were detained for public displays of affection. Photo: Scott A. Drake

Human Rights Watch: Iraqi gays tortured and killed By Kim Gamel The Associated Press

BAGHDAD — Militiamen are torturing and killing gay Iraqi men with impunity in a systematic campaign that has spread from Baghdad to several other cities, a prominent human-rights group said in a report. Human Rights Watch called on the Iraqi government to act urgently to stop the abuses, warning that so-called social cleansing poses a new threat to security even as other violence recedes. The bodies of several gay men were found in Baghdad’s main Shiite district of Sadr City earlier this year with the Arabic words for “pervert” and “puppy” — considered derogatory terms for homosexuals in Iraq — written on their chests. The New York-based advocacy group said the threats and abuses have since spread to the cities of Kirkuk, Najaf and Basra, although the practice remains concentrated in the capital. “Murders are committed with impunity, admonitory in intent, with corpses dumped in garbage or hung as warnings on the street,” the 67-page report said. Reliable numbers weren’t available, Human Rights Watch said, blaming a combination of the failure of authorities to investigate such crimes See DOMA Page 17 and the stigma preventing families from report-



AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009





AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

News Editorial Feedback International News Letter Mark My Words Media Trail News Briefing National News Regional News Street Talk

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505 S. Fourth St. Philadelphia, PA 19147-1506 Phone: (215) 625-8501 Fax: (215) 925-6437 E-mail: Web:


Strutting pride in Mumbai

What Will Lutherans Do? This week, they’ll decide if same-sex relationships will jeopardize a person’s option of being a pastor.

Mumbai Pride, gay sex = swine flu and George Michael gets detained again — this time after ramming another guy in his truck. See International News.

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22 32 34 23 22 27 31

Larry Nichols (ext. 213) Writer-at-Large Timothy Cwiek (ext. 208)

Family Portraits:

Comedian Eddie Sarfaty’s new book is out to prove that the funny stuff isn’t all in his head.

Dennis Kinney

Page 18

Page 23

Page 20

Graphic Artist Sean Dorn (ext. 211) Photographer/Graphic Artist Scott A. Drake (ext. 216) Advertising Manager Greg Dennis (ext. 201)


Classifieds Directories

Editor Sarah Blazucki (ext. 206)

Staff Writers Jen Colletta (ext. 215)

Times are a’changin’ along East Passyunk Avenue as more gay-owned businesses and eateries open there.

CD Releases Leather Lookout Ms. Behavior

Art Director Christopher Potter

Detour Comics Diversions Meeting Place Portraits Q Puzzle Scene In Philly Worth Watching


Mark Segal (ext. 204)

Advertising Sales Representatives David Augustine (ext. 219)

29 28 21

35 47

Morgan Levine (ext. 212)

Ms. Behavior

Leather Lookout


Worth Watching


Hers, mine and ours

The latest flap over flipping over

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney

Jeff Lewis is “Flipping Out”

Three for the taking

Page 21

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Page 31

Page 29

Poll results from our online survey as of Aug. 19:

What do you look for most in a nightspot?

Party posses unite on Passyunk Ave.

Page 8

5% Drink specials 12% Gay-owned 12% Music/DJ 20% Friendly staff 22% Eye candy/hotties 28% I prefer to stay home

Go to to weigh in on this week’s question:

How often do you patronize/support LGBT artists/performers?

Kelly Root (ext. 207) National Advertising Rivendell Media (212) 242-6863 Office Manager/Classifieds Don Pignolet (ext. 200) Executive Assistant Credit/Billing Manager Carol Giunta (ext. 202) Philadelphia Gay News is a member of: The Associated Press National Gay Newspaper Guild Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Published by Masco Communications Inc. © 2009 Masco Communications Inc. ISSN-0742-5155 The views of PGN are expressed only in the unsigned “Editorial” column. Opinions expressed in bylined columns, stories and letters to the editor are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of PGN. The appearance of names or pictorial representations in PGN does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation of that named or pictured person or persons.

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009



News Briefing


HIV/AIDS housing funds available

30 YEARS OF WORK: Dave Rumsey (left), communications director at Mazzoni Center, and Chris Veit put the finishing touches on “reflect back: Moving Forward,” a retrospective exhibit celebrating the LGBT health clinic’s 30 years in operation. The exhibit will be on display at the William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St., until Sept. 30. Photo: Scott A. Drake

SEPTA challenges city commission’s jurisdiction By Timothy Cwiek PGN Writer-at-Large The city’s transportation authority has filed a lawsuit that could limit the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relation’s scope of authority. On July 23, SEPTA attorneys filed legal papers in Common Pleas Court claiming the PCHR has no jurisdiction to investigate bias complaints filed against SEPTA because SEPTA is a state agency. SEPTA also requested a preliminary injunction to stop the PCHR from investigating seven pending bias complaints against SEPTA, claiming the agency otherwise would suffer “immediate and irreparable harm.” The case has been assigned to Common Pleas Judge Gary F. DiVito, who had not issued a hearing date by press time. “Pennsylvania law prohibits the City of Philadelphia or the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations from applying the Fair Practices Ordinance to a Commonwealth agency like SEPTA,” the lawsuit states. SEPTA’s attorneys argue that any bias complaints against SEPTA should be filed with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, which has the authority to investigate stage agencies. However, Pennsylvania state law doesn’t explicitly protect LGBT people from bias in housing, employment and public accom-

modations, and SEPTA’s lawsuit could limit the ability of LGBT people to file bias complaints against SEPTA. At press time, city attorneys hadn’t responded to SEPTA’s lawsuit. The seven bias complaints filed against SEPTA are pending at the PCHR, including two complaints dealing specifically with LGBT issues. Richard Maloney, director of public affairs for SEPTA, said the jurisdictional challenge was filed because the PCHR allegedly is exceeding its scope of authority — not because SEPTA wishes to single out the LGBT community for exclusion. “Regardless of what the issue might be, we are a state-chartered authority, and we have to abide by the charter,” he said. “Legal challenges have to go to the appropriate judicial authorities.” One of the seven complaints in question deals with the placement of gender markers on SEPTA’s TransPasses. Members of the LGBT community say the gender markers add to the stigmatization of gender-variant community members, and some riders have been denied services due to disputes with SEPTA operators about their gender. Maloney said SEPTA may phase out the gender markers within a year as it overhauls its fare-collection system. He said last month’s lawsuit has no bearing on SEPTA’s timetable for discontinuing the gender markers. SEPTA receives about $62.9 million

in city subsidies every year for its operating budget, according to budget records released by the transit agency. Maloney said that any financial support SEPTA receives from the city wouldn’t confer jurisdictional rights to the PCHR. Rue Landau, executive director of the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations, expressed confidence that PCHR’s jurisdiction over SEPTA will be maintained. “We’re confident that we’ll prevail in court, because we believe we do have jurisdiction over SEPTA,” Landau told PGN. “We’re confident that Judge DiVito will deny SEPTA’s request for a preliminary injunction along with the underlying complaint. The request for a preliminary injunction is particularly dubious because of SEPTA’s spurious claims of urgency and irreparable harm.” Amary S. Chaudhry, legal director of Equality Advocates Pennsylvania, was disappointed with SEPTA’s lawsuit. She said the lawsuit doesn’t bode well for a prompt resolution of the TransPass gender-marker dispute. “SEPTA’s decision to file this lawsuit is just the latest development in an ongoing series of delay tactics,” Chaudhry said. It’s disappointing that SEPTA doesn’t appear willing to resolve this TransPass issue.” ■ Timothy Cwiek can be reached at (215) 625-8501 ext. 208.

The city’s Office of Housing and Community Development has issued a Request for Proposals for nonprofit organizations that provide rental assistance for people living with HIV/AIDS. The funding is available to organizations with previous experience in the HIV/ AIDS housing field in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties. The money, generated through a funding increase from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS program, will likely only be available for two years. Local nonprofits interested in learning more about the funding opportunity are invited to attend a briefing session at 10 a.m. Aug. 26 at 1234 Market St., in the 17th-floor boardroom. The RFP and other information about submissions are available at www.phila. gov/ohcd.

Yoga marriage benefit Dhyana Yoga, 3945 Chestnut St., second floor, will host a special yoga class from 1-3:30 p.m. Aug. 22 that aims to raise awareness of and funds for the fight for marriage equality. The Partner Yoga for Marriage Equality workshop will allow participants — both new to yoga and those who are more experienced — to explore a series of linked poses. All proceeds from the class will go to benefit Equality Advocates Pennsylvania. Attendance is $50 per person. Participants can come as partners or singles. For more information, visit or call (215) 496-0770.

Try out for Crusis women’s choir The Anna Crusis Women’s Choir will host auditions for its upcoming season from 7-9:30 p.m. Aug. 25 at Magee Rehabilitation Center, 1513 Race St. The choir is seeking women of all skill levels and has parts available for both sopranos and altos. To schedule an audition, call Leona at (215) 848-2045. Special arrangements can be made for those who want to try out but can’t make Tuesday’s auditions. For more information about Anna Crusis, visit ■ — Jen Colletta



AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009




Media Trail

Lutherans begin gay-clergy discussion

School district to pay harassed student

By Patrick Condon The Associated Press FRIDLEY, Minn. — The Rev. Dave Glesne stood before the members of Redeemer Lutheran Church a few weeks ago and told them there might be some painful decisions in the near future. Glesne is against letting people in samesex relationships serve as pastors of the Chicago-based Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, and he says his congregation is behind him. They’re worried this suburban Minneapolis church could find itself on the losing side as leaders of the nation’s largest Lutheran denomination vote on whether to take that step at their biennial national convention, held this week in Minneapolis. “Of course the question was asked: What will we do, Pastor Dave, if this goes?” Glesne said. “The conversation we had left me no doubt that we will definitely have a discussion about leaving the ELCA.” Avoiding such divisions was a main goal of an ELCA task force that prepared recommendations for debate by the 1,045 voting members at the convention. One is a revision of ministry standards that would let individual congregations employ gay and lesbian people in committed relationships as clergy. The other is a broader statement on human sexuality, a 34-page document that tries to craft a theological framework for differing views on homosexuality — but which critics say would simply liberalize the ELCA’s attitudes. At 4.7-million members and about 10,000 congregations in the United States, the ELCA would be one of the largest U.S. Christian denominations yet to take a more gay-friendly stance on clergy. In 2003, the 2-million-member Episcopal Church of the United States consecrated its first openly gay bishop, deepening a longrunning rift in the worldwide Anglican Communion about homosexuality and Scripture. Last month in Anaheim, Calif., the Episcopal General Convention declared gays and lesbians in committed relationships eligible for “any ordained ministry.” The move came despite Anglican world leaders’ calls for a clear moratorium on consecrating another gay bishop. The divide in the Episcopal Church in the last few years has led to the formation of the more conservative Anglican Church in North America, which claims 100,000 members. Headed into this week’s convention, ELCA leaders on both sides of the issue wondered if a similar split could be in store for them. “I’m not going to predict that,” said Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson, the denom-

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports a school district in Minnesota agreed to pay a $25,000 settlement to a high-school junior who was subjected to harassment by two teachers around his perceived sexual orientation. Teacher Diane Cleveland commented that the boy’s “fence swings both ways.” When he wrote a paper on Ben Franklin, Cleveland said he had a “thing for older men.” Another teacher, Walter Fison, said the boy “enjoys wearing women’s clothes.” The settlement comes after an investigation by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights; the school district denies it violated the Minnesota Human Rights Act. Both teachers have received “outstanding performance” awards from the district in recent years.

INTERPRETING SCRIPTURE: Pastor Carl Richard Evenson of Neenah, Wisc., checks out the Saint John’s Bible, a hand-written and hand-illuminated bible commissioned by Saint John’s University, which was on display at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America Convention Aug. 17, at the convention center in Minneapolis. More than 1,000 ELCA members met this week to decide whether to lift a ban on gay clergy to remain celibate while leading churches. AP Photo: Dawn Villella

ination’s national leader. “I’m also not going to deny that I have concerns about the implications about whatever we do, for our life together coming out of it.” A variety of views are represented at Redeemer Lutheran, a congregation of about 2,000 that has grown steadily in recent years. “We value intellectual honesty around here, and we are willing to look at other views,” Glesne said. But he said most of the congregation sides with him against changing church policy on gay clergy. “I think I’m a voice that represents the great majority of the people in the ELCA who are sitting in the pews,” Glesne said. That wasn’t the case, however, in recent synod votes on the proposed change. Thirty-four synods approved resolutions supporting the change and 12 called for its rejection. The votes put synods on record for advocating for a position, which ultimately will be decided by voting members at the national assembly. Past efforts to change the ELCA’s policy on gay clergy have failed. ELCA churches can already take on celibate gay and lesbian pastors, a policy in place since the early 1990s. Some churches are already testing the denomination’s position by taking on pastors who are open about their gay relationships. The proposed changes are designed to avoid divisions by letting congregations decide whether to have pastors in same-sex

relationships. The Rev. Bradley Schmeling, an Atlanta pastor who became the focus of a church disciplinary hearing in 2007 after he acknowledged being in a relationship with a man, said he’s aware of the argument that the ELCA would lose some members and churches by liberalizing policy. “What they don’t say is that we’re losing people now who see that exclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals by the church is unloving and hypocritical,” said Schmeling, who was removed from the ELCA clergy roster but whose congregation kept him on as pastor. “We have the chance to demonstrate to the next generation of Christians that our church can be open and loving to all people.” People who favor the recommendations to be considered in Minneapolis say the Evangelical Lutheran Church has never demanded what Schmeling calls a “blind obedience to one point of view.” Bishop Peter Rogness, leader of the church’s St. Paul, Minn., synod, said differences over homosexuality are “driven more by the hysteria in the culture” than by what Scripture says. “If someone tries to argue this is going to be the test as to whether we are scripturally faithful or not, that’s a hard argument to make because Scripture says so little about homosexuality,” Rogness said. At the grass-roots level, he said, “people don’t want their church to go to war over this.” ■

Few seeking marriage in Vermont The Barre Montpelier Times Argus reports same-sex couples in Vermont can get married in the state as of Sept. 1, but so far, town clerks have received very few applications. Susan Clark, the assistant town clerk in Rutland, said one couple has taken out a wedding application, but the staff doesn’t really expect too many more in the next several weeks. In Montpelier, where supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage battled just months ago, no gay or lesbian couples have yet to ask for a civil-marriage license application.

Anchorage mayor vetoes gay-rights ordinance reports the mayor of Anchorage, Alaska, vetoed a recently passed gay-rights bill. Mayor Dan Sullivan said the “vast majority of those who communicated their position on the ordinance are in opposition.” In his veto message, he said there was “a lack of quantifiable evidence necessitating this ordinance.” The Anchorage assembly approved the bill on Aug. 11 by a 7-4 vote, but eight votes are needed to override a veto. The ordinance would have banned discrimination against LGBT people in employment, credit, public accommodations and housing. The bill passed after churches and other religious organizations were deemed exempt. ■ — Larry Nichols



AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

TUESDAY AT THE TAVERN: Our Night Out and Queers on the Avenue joined forces Aug. 18 for their monthly social-networking events, this time held at Stogie Joe’s Tavern in South Philadelphia. Perry Monastero, who has headed ONO since its creation nine years ago, estimated the joint venture brought in at least 200 people, with many unable to squeeze into the packed venue. The event marked the final ONO organized by Monastero, who’s passing the torch to a 12-member committee to be led by Paul Grossman. “It was a really nice sendoff,” Monastero said. Photo: Scott A. Drake

New owner serving up changes at the Westbury By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer


Gay is our middle name.

A longtime Gayborhood locale is getting a facelift in the wake of new ownership. Chuck Brault said he officially took over the Westbury, 261 S. 13th St., from former owner Ned

Katuran on Aug. 11. Brault and other staffers have been renovating the space ever since, hauling out old equipment and bringing in new fixtures, and are open for business beginning 5 p.m. weekdays and noon on weekends. He expects to have the renovations finished by mid-

September. “We’re completely redoing the interior as far as the décor is concerned,” Brault said. “We’re going for more of an eclectic, industrial look.” In the past week, the workers have installed three flat-screen plasma televisions, and plan to affix three more before the renovations are complete. The new TVs measure 42 and 50 inches and are replacing the 13- and 19-inch tube televisions previously used in the bar. “With the flat screens, there will be great opportunities for people to come in and watch games, so in that respect we are leaning a bit more toward a sports bar,” Brault said of the venue’s new direction. Patrons looking to drown their sorrows if the Phils are trailing behind or celebrate when the Eagles are flying high can partake in the new, wider selection of beverages at Westbury. Brault is replacing the former six-tap system with a new 12tap dispenser, which will serve just two domestic beers and 10 See WESTBURY, Page 9

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009



New director FIGHTs for youth By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer The Youth Health Empower Project, a program of HIV/AIDS service organization Philadelphia FIGHT, recently welcomed a new director, who, despite her young age, has already accumulated about a decade of experience in the field. Katie Dunphy, 27, began her position as director of Y-HEP Aug. 11, taking the reins from Robin Brennan, who headed the organization since 2005. Dunphy’s interest in social work was initially sparked during her senior year2008 of high school, MARCH 21 - 27, when she spent time as part of a school working at Planned that theproject mayor of the Athens suburb Parenthood. eduof Kessariani Throughout has agreed toher perform cation at Muhlenberg College, she the ceremony. continued garnertoexperience “I have noto objection celebrating within the so field, this union longand as earned the lawher is respected,” degree Mayor in Spyros Tzokas bachelor’s communicasaid.and sociology in 2004. tion It is uncertain whether the Dunphy said her studies melded government will recognize the well with her desire to help those marriage. who are struggling. The always Greek found government is “I’ve it really preparing to introduce civilimportant and just in my core to partnership later this year, give back legislation to other people,” she granting legal rights to unmarried said. “I’d felt drawn to STD and couples. But, it has not said if sameHIV work early on in my life, and sex couples would be included. that’s just always been where my interest and focus has been.” After men graduation, Dunphy Gay jailed in accepted a position at Planned Morocco Parenthood and remained parttime with the organization after The hired Moroccan for being as a Association case manager

Human Rights, along with Human Rights Watch, has launched a petition following the imprisonment WESTBURY of six men for homosexuality. Moroccan arrested the men From Pagepolice 8 in November 2007 after a video circulatedand onmicro the Internet Belgian or craftshowing brews. aDomestic-beer private partylovers in Ksar-el-Kbir, should not Morocco, that theaspress claimed fret, however, Brault saidwas he a gay-marriage has “installed ceremony. new coolers under country’s penal beers code theThe bar, and what domestic criminalizes sexual conduct between we don’t carry on tap we will have members of the same sex. Despite bottled.” the fact that the video showed no The bar alsoacts, expanding its evidence of is sexual the six men micro and Belgian-bottled selecwere convicted of committing “lewd tion to at least different varior unnatural acts25 with an individual eties; thesentenced past week, of the just samewithin sex” and to Brault acquired betweensaid, fourhe’s andalready 10 months in more prison.than a dozen labels. The Westbury will also serve Australian The Moroccan Association for

with ActionAIDS, a position she held for about two years. She went on to work for another two years at the Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Greater Philadelphia before joining the FIGHT team as a research assistant.

Human Rights and Human Rights Watch are petitioning the Moroccan government for a fair trial for the men and to protect their right to DUNPHY privacy. The groups are asking supporters to show their opposition Moroccan Jane Shull, executivetodirector of authorities byshe sending anDunphy’s e-mail to FIGHT, said expects transition within the organization

to be seamless. “I think Katie’s going to do a Cartoons terrific job,” Shulldraw said. “We’ve known her for a while Russian ire and she has tremendous energy and enthusiasm and is really to Protestant groups committed in Moscow this program.” are trying to shut down a cartoon Dunphybecause noted she wasclaim initially channel they it drawn to thehomosexuality position so that she promotes and could become a more active parreligious intolerance. ticipant in a2x2 program that provides Channel broadcasts Western cartoons like Park,” which essential, and“South much-needed, sersome believe promotes “homosexual vices to the city’s most vulnerable

propaganda.” Vitaly Vlasenki, a spokesperson for Consultative Council of wine,The instead of the domestic wine the Heads of Protestant Churches served by the former owner. in Russia, said the group had sent Braulttosaid the establishment’s a letter Prosecutor General Yury restaurant will also update and Chaika on March 12 accusing the refresh selections. networkitsof promoting “cruelty, Most ofhomosexual the bartenders under violence, propaganda, the former owner stay on, but religious hatred andwill intolerance.” Yekaterina Doglosheveva, Brault said he’s brought in all head new of corporate for Prof-Media, kitchen and affairs waitstaff and is condismissed the criticism from the tinuing to hire. religious group. Brault is openly gay, while “The was Federal Culture and Katuran not, and said he’s Cinematography Agency may be “definitely planning to contribable to control the activities of our ute to the community” channel, but[LGBT] the Protestants cannot,” through charity functions and Doglosheveva said. other events. 2x2, which also Channel In October, Westbury broadcasts “The the Simpsons,” has

populations. “The thing that stands out about Y-HEP is its ability to reach the most at-risk youth,” she said. “The harm-reduction model we use is critical to be able to outreach and connect with those who are really in need. There’s somewhat of a lack in social-service agencies for that particular population and we fill that need.” Dunphy said she’s looking to employ numerous organizational developments in order to continue to build Y-HEP’s successes. “It’s going to be critical to strengthen the relationships we have with other organizations in thePHILADELPHIA area, so I’d likeGAY to continue NEWS to develop our communication externally awith organizations we built cultthe following in Russia work with, as well despite gaining just as 1.9internally,” percent of she audience said. “In share the long term, I think the in February. we’ll be looking strategic MTV in at Russia also planning and goalsPark,” and how ouryet projshows “South but has to anyteam criticism ectreceive and our tiesfrom backtheinto Protestant group.mission.” FIGHT’s larger Dunphy said the staff at Y-HEP will play an integral role in helpTrans meeting ing the program meet its goals — and she’s confident they’re up for set for Berlin the job. “The is so March diverse It was staff announced 14 and that creative able of to the do European so many the secondand meeting things with Council limitedwill space and Transgender be held resources, every social-service this year in as Germany. agency Even just within the The faces. council, comprised last week, I’ve been Europe, so impressed of Transgender the by their dedication.” Transgender Network■ Berlin and TransInterQueer Berlin, will meet May 2-4 in Berlin. last event Jen Colletta can Their be reached at was held in Vienna in 2005. Representatives from international activist groups and experts such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty will host a silent auction featurInternational are expected to attend ing items from throughout the the event and share their experiences bar’s in rights the local eld tenure of human and in the long LGBT community,work. with all protransgender-related ceeds The going results toofthe theMetropolitan Study of the Area Neighborhood Lives of TransgenderNutritional people In Alliance,conducted which provides meals Europe, by Press for Change will be revealed, to those (U.K.), with life-threatening illwhich polledas HIV/AIDS. more than 2,000 nesses, such transgender people. Brault said he anticipates the Berlin has aWestbury diverse transgender redesigned to be a scene, Wigstoeckel diverseand gathering spotTransgender for LGBT United is set to organize the city and ally individuals. council’s ofcial show and party for certainly going to � the“We event.are

be welcoming to everyone and

encouraging to come Larry Nicholseverybody can be reached at in.” ■



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AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

Editorial Healthcare for all It seems as though healthcare is on everyone’s mind, with the hostile town meetings and overblown rhetoric by pundits dominating the landscape. And there is certainly much to talk about. Americans know that healthcare costs are rising each year. According to reports, the U.S. spends nearly twice the average of other developed nations on healthcare — $7,421 per person in 2007. The average American spends more on healthcare than housing or food. There are also significant disparities in healthcare correlated to income and minority status, resulting in higher incidence and reduced care in obesity, cancer, HIV/AIDS and diabetes. Additionally, nearly 46 million Americans do not have healthcare at all. One of the major topics of discussion at recent town-hall meetings and in the media is the concept of having a public option — in essence, a governmentrun insurance provider to compete with privately held insurance companies. This concept, essentially Medicare and Medicaid for the rest of us, is making people very nervous. Some have compared healthcare reform to a Nazi policy (U.S. Rep. Barney Frank responded to the speaker by asking her what planet she spent most of her time on, and then said, “Ma’am, having a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table. I have no interest in doing it.”) Some have attended town-hall meetings with assault weapons in tow, courtesy of open-carry laws. For the public option, critics say it will increase wait times for treatment and increase mistakes, ultimately costing lives. Supporters say it will create a safety net for the millions who have no care at all, and improve preventative care, resulting in improved health and reduced costs. There’s no doubt that the system needs reform. Even if moving to a single-payer system is too far of a leap, making sure that average Americans can afford healthcare is essential to ensuring that America has a competitive edge in the global economy. And if you aren’t sure the insurance companies are ripping you off, consider this: recently published a list of the highest-paid CEOs in the 10-county region (Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia; Burlington, Camden, Gloucester and Salem, N.J.; and New Castle, Del.) Of the top 25, 11 are in the fields of healthcare, pharmaceutical or retail pharmacy. Their salaries range from $11 million to $21 million. Someone is making a bundle off of you and me. ■

Tell us what you think Send letters and opinion column submissions to:; PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147; fax: (215) 925-6437. Please include a daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity, style and space considerations.

Glenn Lash (

Letter Calling out discrimination In the Aug. 6 issue of the Jewish Exponent, the newspaper of the Jewish community, a very brief mention was made of the murders of two young innocent gay Israelis who were brutally gunned down recently at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center in Tel Aviv. The mention comes on page 35 of the newspaper. For the record, that issue runs 43 pages long in total. To add insult to injury, the mention is placed next to the obituary section. What is particularly ironic about this placement is that the obituaries are the only section of the Jewish Exponent that even mentions our lifecycles. The Jewish Exponent has a stated policy of prohibiting gay and lesbian wedding announcements, “the holy grail of inclusion,” as well as gay personal ads from being placed in the paper. So the bottom line is that this so-called community newspaper will only recognize us in death but not in life. I do not find it comforting or acceptable that we have visibility through random feature stories. Aren’t we all tired of just being a feature story or a photo-op? Isn’t it time to have full inclusion? So, I share with your readership my letter

to the editor of the Jewish Exponent: I was very disheartened and disgusted to read the only coverage of the vicious murders of two young gay Israelis who were brutally gunned down at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center in Tel Aviv on page 35 of the Jewish Exponent in your “News in Brief” section. This is certainly not news in brief and most definitely should not be relegated to the back section of this paper. This is a front-page story. Jews murdered by a terrorist — yes, that is front-page news. I guess it is appropriate for the Jewish Exponent to place this story next to the obituary section of the paper, as that is the only part of the paper that even recognizes us. To this day, some 15 years after being made aware of this issue, The Jewish Exponent still does not recognize the life cycles of gay and lesbian Jews including the “holy grail” of gay marriage/ unions. We are only recognized in death. Like pariahs, we continue to be relegated to the back of the bus. This only promotes continued anger, frustration and

despair among the gay and lesbian community and does nothing to bring us closer to the mainstream of Jewish life, let alone active donors to the Jewish Federation. Will the day ever come that the Jewish Exponent fully recognizes us as full citizens of the Jewish community? I continue to hold out hope, but that hope fades with each passing edition of this “community” paper. Lee Rosenfield Lambertville, N.J. Editor’s note: The Jewish Exponent printed a photo on page 3 depicting a memorial service for the Tel Aviv shooting victims held in Jerusalem’s Zion Square in its Aug. 13 issue; additionally, the paper published a story about the incident on the “Cover Page” section of its Web site, also dated Aug. 13. Executive editor Lisa Hostein said comments on the notices policy can be sent to, and will be directed to the board of directors, who set, and are planning to review, the policy. ■


AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

Mark My Words

Street Talk

Mark Segal

Picking a date, strategy for CA marriage Equality California, which ran the campaign to kill Proposition 8 (that’s our side, folks) last year and lost, is considering when they’ll push for marriage equality once more. They have two choices on when to put it on the California ballot: 2010 or 2012. They have chosen 2012. The reasoning is that 2010 will be an election for governor and thus get a smaller turnout, while 2012 will be a presidential election, and President Obama will be up for reelection. At first glance, 2012 seems the best choice since it allows more time for organizing. And that would be true if California Equality has learned one small lesson: Do not take the African-American community for granted, as it did last year. The point is simple politics and religion, and unfortunately an oversight of our political groups.

Since most of the LGBT political organizations meet with black elected officials who are supportive of our community, they assume that means the black community, which itself understands the struggle for equal rights, would be supportive. Wrong. The African-American base is organized around its churches, which are mostly conservative Baptist. But since they fully understand discrimination up to this date, we have a common understanding and can begin a dialogue. As soon as they realize same-sex marriage does not infringe on their religious rights in any way — and right now, they don’t — we have an opportunity to have a strong force join with us. The same cannot be said about the Mormons or Catholics, but in 2012 Barack Obama will be up for reelection and the black community will be out in force. It is up to us to go to the mountain and reach out our hand. ■ Mark Segal is PGN publisher. He can be reached at

Feedback In response to “Stylist files gender-bias suit,” Aug. 14-20:

In response to “Covington case postponed,” July 24-30:

Who will defend her in court? Chris Crocker? Will she wear Daisy Dukes in court? She could always get a gig at the Ripley’s Believe It Or Not store in New York.

I’m glad you are not concerned about the below facts. However, I am. So was the judge and jury. Five or eight years ... wrong ... but also, is that enough? I really don’t think so. Let us never forget! 1. Bill allowed Jason to lie in his home for days, naked and dead. 2. Bill filed a missing-person report on Jason knowing full well where Jason was. 3. Bill picked up Jason’s family at the airport and promised them to help find Jason, while Jason lay decomposing in Bill’s own home. 4. Bill lied to the authorities over and over. We are now expected to believe that what he says now is true? Once a liar ... always a liar.

— Jack the Toad I think he looks kinda hot in the picture. The way he dresses would be a complete non-issue in Los Angeles. In fact, it would probably generate business for him. Is Philly really this backward? — quesera Racism is alive and well in Philly. Someday, people will realize that it is not the color of your skin, the clothes you wear, sexual orientation or anything else. What is important is the person that is inside, that’s what they should be paying attention to. Daniel, I wish you luck. — Karen Diane Thomas

— concerned? 1. We are supporting a call for a proper investigation and trial to determine what really happened to Jason Shephard. 2. Bruce Covington obstructed justice by lying to the authorities during the investigation.


3. People on drugs’ actions are never justified, but the drugs should be taken into consideration when they are injected into another (willingly or not) by someone who is not medically qualified to do so. 4. Bill could not have injected himself. He was not capable of doing that. If Covington was not there to inject him with whatever amount of drugs he felt was adequate for either of their purposes that night, do you think the murder [would] have happened? Please answer honestly; I do value any opinions that may help me see things more clearly. So far none of yours have been helpful in doing that. 5. Bill lied to the authorities in the beginning when he was in whatever state of mind the drugs and shock put him in. Covington has lied to investigators and been elusive with authorities in cases against him in both Delaware and Montgomery counties ever since. The court system still allows this former Mormon bishop, high-level administrator of a Catholic college and lawyer to be protected. ■ — Silly Silly Man Cont

Should the Pittsburgh-area gym shootings be reported as hate crimes to the State Police?

Erin Bloom teacher Washington Square West

Michael D’Onofrio accountant Manayunk

“No, I doubt it was a hate crime. The man [George Sodoni] isn’t alive anymore. We can’t get a psychiatric analysis of him since he’s dead. So, we don’t have enough information to classify it as a hate crime.”

“Yes, the shootings fall under that classification. The shooter hated a specific group, namely women. That was the reason he killed and injured them. Officially recording these incidents as hate crimes helps to raise public awareness.”

Emily Mosier nanny Rittenhouse Square

Heather O’Malley hair stylist Washington Square West

“Yes. Misogyny is rampant. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been hassled. Female victims tend to blame themselves. Let’s call these crimes what they are — hate crimes. Clearly, that man had a deep hatred of women.”

“No. He was mentally ill. True, he hated women. But he wasn’t right in the head. He was just lashing out irrationally. Obviously, he hated himself. After his crime spree, he killed himself.”



AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

CA gay-rights group: Wait for 2012 to attack ban By Brooke Donald The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO — California gay-rights activists are at odds over when to ask voters to repeal the state’s same-sex marriage ban, with one of the largest groups saying it needs until 2012 to put together a winning campaign and two others saying they plan to go to the polls next year. For months, organizers have been weighing the best strategy for gaining back marriage rights for gay and lesbian couples following their devastating loss last fall, when voters passed Proposition 8, banning same-sex nuptials just months after the California Supreme Court ruled to allow them. Outrage at the defeat caused gay-rights activists to spill into the streets, their anger galvanizing supporters in California and elsewhere to push forward. Yet at the same time, a rift developed among California activists, with critics claiming the failed “No on 8” campaign had focused too intensely on liberal enclaves along the coast and did not effectively reach more conservative areas of the state, or minorities. Equality California, which led the “No on 8” charge, said last

week that holding off until 2012 gives organizers more time to raise money and win over residents in those conservative areas. The group also said turnout in a presidential election year will be higher than in next year’s gubernatorial race and will include more young people who tend to favor gay marriage. “Emotionally, we all want to win marriage back as quickly as possible,” said Marc Solomon, Equality California’s marriage director. “We really think that we have a shot in the next three years. But we have one shot, we don’t have two shots. We’re not waiting at all. We’re going hard. But we think the campaign is a three-year campaign.” Meanwhile, Los Angeles-based Courage Campaign announced in an e-mail to supporters last Wednesday it would push to get a measure on the 2010 ballot. And John Henning, head of Love Honor Cherish, said his group also would continue to focus on next year. “If you tell people that they’re going to have to wait, a lot of people are going to lose interest,” Henning said. “They’re going to make other commitments, they’re going to get the message that this isn’t important enough to act

now.” The anger over losing marriage rights — as well as the momentum from legalization in New Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont and Iowa — have been strong arguments to launch the earliest campaign possible. Even Equality California was eyeing 2010 immediately after Prop. 8 passed with 52 percent of the vote. But Solomon said recent interviews with donors, sympathetic clergy, political consultants and organizations that work with gay families advised waiting for 2012. He said it was unrealistic to quickly raise the needed cash — likely $40-$50 million — in a bad economy, especially when big donors are being asked to give to social-service organizations whose budgets have been slashed. The 2008 fight cost supporters and opponents $83 million. Both Equality California and the Courage Campaign allowed for a possible change in strategy. Solomon said he would not rule out playing a role if an initiative does make it to the ballot next year. And Courage Campaign Chairman Rick Jacobs said before his group can take the battle in


California to voters, it must help other states fighting to legalize same-sex marriage, including Maine, which became poised to recognize the unions when lawmakers in May set aside a state law defining marriage as between a man and a woman. Gay-marriage opponents want to force a November vote in Maine to outlaw the nuptials, and Jacobs said the Courage Campaign needs to be involved in that fight. Voters in 29 states have approved state constitutional amendments

that ban gay marriage. Meanwhile, an effort to legalize gay marriage in California is also playing out in federal court. Last Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker in San Francisco said he is dissatisfied with all the court filings meant to lay out the important legal issues and key evidence, and ordered new submissions with more details. ■ Associated Press writers Lisa Leff and Paul Elias contributed to this report.

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009



Obituary George Waters, engineer, 81 By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer George Waters, a former Philadelphian and longtime employee at Radio Corporation of America, died Aug. 9 of pneumonia. He was 81. Waters had been living in Wilton Manors, Fla., for the past several years, but prior to that was a longtime resident of Center City. He was born Nov. 1, 1927, in Livonia, Mich. After high school, Waters entered the U.S. Navy and was stationed in California, during which time he earned a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. Roy Harker, a lifelong friend, said Waters’ military career was cut short in the 1950s because of his sexuality, which he said went on to shape his future career path. Together WeofCan, a discussion “He was one the unfortunate group who for people dealing for with people was dismissed emotional, mental and addictive being homosexual,” Harker said. problems, will meet at 7 p.m. at The “As an engineer, he was supposed to be working on government The Trans-Health Information contracts but, because of the disProject will hold a drop-in center missal, he wasn’t able to get the for all trans persons from 7-11 p.m. security clearance he needed oor; so that kind of forced him onto a different Thecourse.” Humboldt Society, a gay and Harkernaturalist moved toclub, Philadelphia lesbian will meet and received master of sciat 7:30 p.m. his at the William Way ence degree in electrical engineering University Ties from That Drexel Bind Us, a 12-step and, in 1953, went to work at RCA, where he ultimately spent 35 years in the company’s broadcast division. Waters designed and produced videotape recorders that were used at television stations and was eventually named engineering manager. Waters retired in 1988 after General Electric, which took over RCA in 1986, closed the division. A year after he was hired by RCA, Waters began a relationship with Philadelphia conductor and organist Earl Ness. The couple remained together for 33 years, until Ness’ death in 1987. Harker said Waters and Ness


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Harker said Waters also volunteered nearly every day at the William Way LGBT Community Center and participated in local bowling and pool leagues. PAGE 20 “He was always a very highenergy person,” he said, noting that Waters was also a cancer survivor. Waters is survived by his PSYCHIATRY FOR LGBT COMMUNITY partner, Frank Restrepo of Ft. PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY Lauderdale, Fla.; his sister, Janet AND PSYCH0THERAPY Hymes, of Michigan; Ness’ son, DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, CraigHIV, Ness and his wife, Anne, CHRONIC PAIN and their two children of Houston, had a garden outside their Center Texas; and many OFFICES AT 1601 WALNUT ST., SUITE 1128 nieces, nephews City home inAND which Waters COUNTY and friends. MONTGOMERY invested a great deal of time and Waters was cremated and burEVENING HOURS ied alongside Ness at Laurel Hill energy. AVAILABLE “He was so proud of that gar- Cemetery. (215) 740-4311 den. He threw lots of parties there Memorial donations can be and used to entertain lots of peo- made in his name to any charity. ■ ple out in the garden,” he said. “Anybody who knew George Jen Colletta can be reached at Waters knows that garden.”



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(609) 538-0025.

A Loving Family of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Christian & education program will be Transgender held fromCatholics 6-10 p.m.& at theallies William our Way Community Center. invites you to celebrate

� Metropolitan Community Church’s

From Page 19

Alcoholics Anonymous meeting for the BDSM, leather and alternative � Peer counseling services will sexuality Sunday community, willMass, be be available 7:00 fromPM 6-9 p.m. at the held from 7:30-9 p.m. in South William Way Community Center; Social immediately following Mass Philadelphia. For location, call (215) 732-8255. Join Us! - Services are held at St. Luke & the Epiphany (800) Please 581-7883. � Men ofstreets, Color United, a discussion/ 330 S. 13th Street, between Spruce and Pine Philadelphia, PA � The Women’s Programming support group for gay and bisexual Committee will inmeet at 7:30 p.m. menbread, Communion the form of Consecrated wine and grape juice. of color, will meet from 6:30Gluten-free communion available upon request. at the William Way Community 8:30 p.m. at 1201 Chestnut St., 15th Center. Information: 215-546-2093 oor; (215) 496-0330. � Youth in Transition, a support � Sistah2Sistah, a discussion/ group for transgender and support group for sexual-minority questioning youth ages 12-23, will women of color ages 16-24, will meet from 7:30-9 p.m. at The Attic meet from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at 1201 Youth Center. SERVICES: Chestnut St., 15th oor; (215) 496-

F i r s t B ap ti s t C h u r c h

Wednesdays Noontime 0330. Wednesday, Jan. 9 � Sundays You’re Not11a.m. Alone, a support � A support group for HIV-positive group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, Contemporary Service: women will meet from 9:30-11:30 transgender and questioning youth, Last Sunday of month a.m. at the Arch Street United will meet from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Breathing Room Methodist Church, Broad and Arch Rehoboth Library, 226 Rehoboth Wednesdays 7 p.m. streets; (215) 387-6055. Ave., Rehoboth, Del.; (800) 810& Sand ANSOM STREETS � 17 TheTHGay Lesbian Latino AIDS Pastor 6776. Jerry deJesus PHILADELPHIA , PAwill 19103 Education Initiative offer free, � Pink and Blues, a free depression on-site walk-in HIV testing and bipolar support group for sexual 3-6 p.m. at 1233 Locust St.; (215) minorities, will meet at 7 p.m. at St. 985-3382. Luke and The Epiphany Church, � The library and reading room will 330 S. 13th St.; (215) 627-0424. be open from 3-9 p.m. at the William � Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus Way Community Center. will rehearse at 7 p.m. at the William � Project Teach, a peer-education Way Community Center; (215) 731and empowerment program for 9230. people living with HIV/AIDS, will � The Temple University Lambda meet from 3-5 p.m. at the William Alliance will meet from 7-8 p.m. Way Community Center. at The Village outside the Lambda � A smoking-cessation support group ofce, SAC 205, 1755 N. 13th St.; for sexual minorities, conducted by (215) 204-6954. the Mazzoni Center, will meet at � The Trenton Gayat and Rodeph Shalom Lesbian A GLBT synagogueWest welcoming people of all gender and sexual identities since 1975 5:30 p.m. at the Washington Civic Association’s card and games Project, 1201 Locust JOIN St.; US (215) 563TWICE MONTHLY FOR SHABBAT AT 8:00 PMp.m. night will be SERVICES held from 7-10 Coffee, cake & conversation at the oneg following services 0663 ext. 242. at 986 S. Broad St., Trenton, Friday, August 28th, 8:00 PM: Beth Ahavah Shabbat service. Please join us for a lay-led BA service, followedN.J.; by � AIDS Services inhour). Asian the oneg (social (609) 638-7264. Communities’ weekly Saturday, Septembervolunteer 19th, 12:45 PM: Beth Ahavah Rosh Hashanah Luncheon. Please join Beth Ahavah Center members and friends for a special High� Holy DayThe meal. $18Women’s per person. Please RSVP to 215-923- of work group will meet 2003. from 6-8 p.m. Montgomery County’s lesbian Holy Day Schedule of Services at 1201 Chestnut St., Suite High 501; will meet Saturday, September 12th, 8:00 PM: Selichot. support Grand Dessert group Buffet followed by a Study Sessionfrom with Dr. 7(215) 563-2424 ext. 10. Jonathan Steinberg, Professor of History9at the University of Pennsylvania. Selichot services follow p.m. at 101 Washington Lane, 9:30 PM. � Coming Out, a atsupport group for Jenkintown; (215) 885-8440. Friday, September 18th, 8:00 PM: Erev Rosh Hashanah Service. gay, bisexual or Saturday, questioning men, September 19th, 10:00 AM: Rosh Hashanah Morning Service. ** coming-out group will � A men’s will meet from 6-7:30 p.m. at12:45 AIDS PM: Beth Ahavah Rosh Hashanah Luncheon. (See above.) meet at 7:30 p.m. at The Pride Sunday, September 8:00 PM: Kol Nidre Service. ** Delaware, Suite 315, 10027th,W. 10th of** New Jersey. Monday, September 28th, 10:00 AM: Yom KippurCenter Morning Service. St., Wilmington; (800) 292-0429. 1:30 PM: Informal Afternoon Study Group. of Suicide Inc. Chester � Survivors � A gay-friendly Scrabble Club 2:30 PM:will Afternoon Service. County, a support group, will meet PM: Memorial/Concluding Service followed by Congregational Break Fast. meet from 6-11 p.m. in the4:00P.I.C. at Alternative 7:30 p.m. All services are held in the Main Sanctuary. services (**)atalso Paoli held on RoshMemorial Hashanah Building, 42nd and Locust streets; morning, Kol Nidre, and Yom Kippur morning.Beth Ahavah and Rodeph Shalom are affiliated inRoom, spirit Hospital, Willistown and share a sacred home. In July 2007 Beth Ahavah affiliated with Rodeph Shalom. Beth Ahavah (215) 382-0789. retains its congregational status within Medical the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) and proudly offers its Ofce Building, Lancaster congregation Group dual membership synagogues. � The LGBT Discussion willat bothPike, Paoli; (215) 545-2242; Web Visit information, programming and directions meet from 6-8 p.m. at the United for additional site: 615 North Phila., PA 19123-2495 Church of Christ, 300 E. Main St.,Broad� Street, Under the Rainbow, a discussion 215.923.2003 E-mail: Newark, Del.; (800) Phone: 292-0429. and social group 18-25-year-old Free secure parking: Cross Spring Garden at 13th St., left at next light, Mt. Vernon St. for Parking lot entrance on left. � A meeting/activity night will gays and lesbians, will meet at 7:30 be held for gay, lesbian, bisexual, p.m. at The Pride Center of New transgender and questioning youth Jersey. and their friends from 6-8 p.m. � The Gay Married Men’s



Read it here first.


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(215) 740-4311

FUNDING From Page 1 turnaround resulting from the layoffs could also put the agency’s federal funding, which it receives from both the federal EEOC and HUD, in jeopardy. “The federal funding comes to every state commission on a caseby-case reimbursement basis, so if our staff diminishes to the point where we can’t accomplish the work in a timely fashion, we’re penalized by both federal agencies with regard to the amount of money we receive per case,” he said. “And then as we receive less money because it takes longer to complete the work for each case, we then have to have

RIGHTS WATCH From Page 1 Press that the ministry does not have numbers “because in most cases the family members themselves are either involved in the killing or prefer to keep silent, fearing shame.” The former No. 2 official at the U.S. Embassy in Iraq, Patricia

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

fewer staff members to accomplish the same amount of work and it just becomes a downward spiral.” Glassman said the budget’s elimination of the governor’s advisory commissions could also have a negative impact on the agency’s productivity. The commissions, which focus on the issues of women, African Americans, Latinos and Asians, often bring cases to the Human Relations Commission and additionally provide guidance and outreach to minority groups within the state. “Their existence is vital to the wellbeing of all minorities and women in the commonwealth,” Glassman said. “They provide extremely important advocacy ser-

vices, education, outreach activities and a visibility and awareness with regards to the needs and current issues affecting the lives of those who are already marginalized.” Glassman said he and other commission representatives have been meeting with legislative leaders from both parties over the past few months to communicate the organization’s funding needs and encouraged “everyone to contact their legislators to demand that our agency be fully funded at last year’s levels so that we can continue to do the essential work required to eradicate discrimination and bias.” ■

Butenis, wrote in a letter to a U.S. congressman that reports from contacts familiar with the areas where some of the bodies were found “suggest the killings are the work of militias who believe homosexuality is a form of Western deviance that cannot be tolerated.” The letter was in response to concerns raised by U.S. Rep. Jared

Polis, a Colorado Democrat who is openly gay. Polis had brought up the issue during a visit to Iraq. Homosexuals have been targeted throughout the Iraq war, but the killings appear to have intensified as improvements in overall security led gay men to begin going out to cafés in groups and socializing in public, according to the report. Human Rights Watch accused authorities of doing nothing to stop the killings and warned that it reflected an overall inability to protect the people. “These killings point to the continuing and lethal failure of Iraq’s post-occupation authorities to establish the rule of law and protect their citizens,” said Rasha Moumneh, a researcher at Human Rights Watch. The Human Rights Watch report was based on interviews with more than 50 Iraqi men who identified themselves as gay, as well as Iraqi human-rights activists, journalists and doctors. The Iraqi government’s Human Rights Ministry has condemned the killings of gay men. “We are against any violation of their rights because they are after all Iraqi citizens,” said ministry spokesperson Kalim Amin. “The government should not allow any armed group to launch random killings against people.” Human Rights Watch singled out the use of glue to seal men’s rectums as a common form of torture. The report said Iraqi law does not ban consensual homosexual conduct between adults but contains provisions that can be exploited, including Saddam Hussein-era provisions that could reduce penalties for so-called honor crimes and crimes against people due to their sexual orientation. ■


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AUG. 21 - 27, 2009





International News Doc says gay sex causes swine flu A prominent doctor in Malaysia is claiming that gay sex and masturbation make the body more susceptible to the H1N1 virus, commonly known as swine flu. According to Bernama, Malaysia’s state-run newspaper, Dr. V.M. Palaniappan, a practitioner of complementary therapy, lists avoiding masturbation and homosexual activities as preven-

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

Larry Nichols

tative measures against H1N1. Palaniappan claims that “when one masturbates, or indulges in homosexual activity, his (her) body develops friction heat, and that produces acid, making the body hyperacidosed, giving burning sensation while urinating and toileting, and making the person an easy target for H1N1 infection.” He emphasized that sex between members of the opposite sex was completely safe. Dr. Palaniappan also suggests coconut water as an

herbal remedy for the prevention of H1N1. In Malaysia, homosexuality is considered a crime punishable by 20 years in jail, caning and, in some states, execution.

Mumbai celebrates Pride Inspired by a recent high-court decision that decriminalized consensual gay sex in New Delhi, thousands took to the streets of Mumbai on Aug. 16 to celebrate growing freedoms in the largest LGBT Pride parade in India. The annual Queer Azadi March Gay Parade Mumbai drew participants whose jubilance contrasted the mood of previous years, when the focus of the event was protest. “The ball has started rolling and now it’s only going to get better,” said Kumar Iyer, a gay makeup artist. In July, the Delhi high court ruled that a British colonial-era ban on sodomy was unconstitutional and violated individual rights. Opponents in the conservative, family-oriented country are challenging the ruling, which applies only to the New Delhi area. The supreme court of India is scheduled to deliver a decision about decriminalizing sodomy nationwide in September.

An Indian gay-rights supporter participates in the Pride parade in Mumbai, India, on Aug. 16. AP Photo: Dhiraj Singh

Human-rights activist Peter Tatchell, who is leading the campaign to save Nawi from jail, is urging more people to sign the petition. “Ezra Nawi is a human-rights defender of conscience and courage,” he said. “By supporting the human rights of the Palestinian people as an out gay man, Ezra is probably doing more than anyone else to undermine homophobia in Palestine. He is a bridge-builder. His life shows the possibility of unity, solidarity and respect between gays and straights in Palestine and Israel.” Nawi credits his campaigning work to his homosexuality, saying, “Being gay has made me understand what it is like to be a despised minority.” However, he has frequently been a target of homophobic abuse and says his opponents even spread rumors he was suffering from AIDS around the Palestinians he helps.

Thousands work to free Israeli

Trans men win court appeal

An online petition to prevent a gay Israeli peace campaigner from being jailed has gathered 19,000 signatures but more people are being asked to pledge their support. Ezra Nawi, a plumber from Jerusalem in his 50s, may be imprisoned for up to 18 months. He has opposed the demolition of Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank and has also worked to help Palestinian farmers defend their land for the last eight years. In March, he was convicted of taking part in a riot and assaulting a police officer. Nawi, who is staunchly anti-violence, denied the assault charge but was found guilty in the 2007 incident, which happened when the Israeli military tried to demolish Palestinian homes close to Hebron. He is expected to be sentenced in the coming weeks.

Two Australian trans men have won a court appeal allowing them to be legally recognized as men without having to have their female reproductive organs removed. The West Australian Gender Reassignment Board had denied them certificates recognizing their new gender. The men then appealed to the State Administrative Tribunal, which said that while they still had vaginas, ovaries and uteruses and had not had penises constructed, they “presented as, and appeared to be, males.” In its findings, the tribunal said: “Both applicants had undergone bilateral mastectomies and testosterone treatment as a result of which each had undergone extensive physical changes consistent with being male.” The tribunal also accepted

medical evidence that each was, and would remain, infertile for as long as he continued testosterone treatment. It added that a female reproductive system was “a fundamental, although not essential, physical characteristic of being female” and that the Gender Reassignment Act did not require surgical procedures to be carried out. One of the men said: “It means that it opens up lots of opportunities for lots of other people who until now have never tried to get their sex legally changed because they didn’t think they’d be able to.”

George Michael crashes, arrested Police arrested openly gay pop star George Michael in the early hours of Aug. 14 following a collision with a truck in England. The singer was arrested on suspicion of driving while under the influence of drink or drugs. Lawrie Rowe, 43, who was driving the truck, claimed the singer “must have been doing 100 mph. When he got out, he couldn’t walk straight.” “I was really shaken and thought someone had died,” he said. “Eventually the guy got out of his car. He came over to my cab and asked if I had stopped to give him a lift. I was stunned. He was absolutely not with it, so I told him no. But he insisted and came around the other side of the truck and tried to get in the passenger door. When it finally dawned on him that I wouldn’t give in, he walked off down the verge.” Michael was later taken to a nearby police station but was released without charge. In 2007, the singer was banned for driving for two years after he was convicted of driving while unfit as a result of drug use. ■ Larry Nichols can be reached at

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009


DOMA From Page 1 administration believes that the act is discriminatory and should be repealed by Congress. I have long held that DOMA prevents LGBT couples from being granted equal rights and benefits. While we work with Congress to repeal DOMA, my administration will continue to examine and implement measures that will help extend rights and benefits to LGBT couples under existing law.” Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Commission, said the department’s and the president’s expressed disagreement with DOMA cannot counter the department’s continued legal support for the law. “It is not enough to disavow this discriminatory law, and then wait for Congress or the courts to act,” Solmonese said in a statement. Smelt and Hammer, who were married in July 2008 before the passage of Proposition 8, filed

the suit in California state court in December and it moved to federal court in March. The suit alleges that DOMA violates the couple’s constitutional rights to privacy, travel and free expression. This week’s court filing, issued in response to a brief filed on behalf of the plaintiffs, states in part that Smelt and Hammer do not have legal standing to file the suit, as they did not try to secure, and were subsequently not denied, rights from any other state or the federal government. The motion also puts forth that issues of sexual-orientation discrimination should be looked at through the legal lens of rational basis — the least stringent test — as opposed to strict scrutiny, typically used in cases of racial or religious discrimination. Kate Kendell, executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, said in a statement this week that she was “disappointed” in the brief’s support of the rational-basis test.

“We believe that the Justice Department would be unlikely to make that argument in defense of a law that discriminated against women or other minorities,” Kendell said. Jenny Pizer, marriage project director at Lambda Legal, shared Kendell’s sentiments about the need for strict-scrutiny review but also went on to say the motion is an “enormous improvement” on the previous brief the department filed in the case in June. That motion drew strong criticism from the LGBT community for its strong support for DOMA and its comparison on same-sex marriage to incest. Also on Monday, the department announced the creation of an LGBT liaison position within the DOJ, which will be filled by Matt Nosanchuk, an openly gay former legal adviser to U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.). ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at


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By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer Philadelphia’s Gayborhood has long been the main gathering point for LGBT residents from around the region — home to parades and protests, business openings and closings, and a witness to the evolution of the LGBT-rights movement throughout the past several decades. Ye t t h e w o r d s “ N e w Gayborhood” have been used to describe the East Passyunk Avenue neighborhood of South Philly — which has in the past several years become a haven for LGBT merchants and residents alike. Many East Passyunkers insist they’re not trying to usurp the title, but that the area is quickly evolving into a community that has found success by relying on the strengths of its diverse populations. Renee Gillinger, executive director of the East Passyunk Avenue Business Improvement District, said many LGBT people have headed to the South Philly area motivated mainly by “wordof-mouth marketing” about the


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AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

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A departure from the ordinary



MUSICAL GATEWAY TO SOUTH PHILADELPHIA: The Singing Fountain, as locals call it, is situated where East Passyunk Avenue and Tasker and 11th streets intersect. Speakers around the fountain broadcast Sinatra and other South Philly favorites continuously. Photos: Scott A. Drake

neighborhood’s many assets. “Real estate is very affordable. It’s one of the last neighborhoods that’s in the periphery of Center City that’s really remained affordable,” she said. “And I think when folks get down here and see how walkable the neighborhood is, that’s a big draw. For people who live or work in Center City, that’s a really important factor.” Gillinger said 30-40 percent of the businesses along the Avenue are new, but exist alongside shops and restaurants that have been fixtures in the community for years, creating a true blend. “As the neighborhood changes, the businesses will change and that is happening. What makes the Avenue so charming is that you have both here: There are new businesses but also some that have been here for 20 or 30 years. You can’t have a good community corridor without those longterm stable businesses,” she said. “And over and over again I hear people say how nice the neighbors are and how accepting they are of the neighborhood’s transition to a more mixed area than what it’s historically been. As

neighborhoods transition, sometimes it goes well and sometimes it doesn’t, but everyone down here has had such a positive and accepting reaction to it.” Gillinger and several other community leaders launched a monthly LGBT social event, Queers on the Avenue, in March as a response to the increasing LGBT presence there. “Friends of mine kept saying the same thing, that there are so many LGBT folks in the neighborhood, and we thought we needed a night, a place for everyone to get together,” Gillinger said. The group launched QOTA at Paradiso, anticipating up to 60 people — never expecting the 180 who showed up. “When that happened we said, ‘We’re really onto something here.’ It was one of those, ‘If you build it, they will come’ type of things.” David White and his partner, James McManaman, hosted a QOTA event in the spring at their new store, Absolute Abstract, 1616 E. Passyunk, and also were overwhelmed by the attendance.

“I was very surprised at the number of people who turned out,” White said. “It’s nice to see that people aren’t afraid to come

East Passyunk sees growth through LGBT businesses, residents to these events.” White and McManaman opened Absolute Abstract at 13th and Walnut streets about four


AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

years ago and, after moving their residence to East Passyunk last winter, decided to expand their business south. “We’d been wanting to open a second location for a while and were looking into places like Northern Liberties, Rittenhouse or across the bridge in Cherry Hill; we just weren’t sure where to go,” White said. “But once we moved here and started hanging out on Passyunk Avenue, we realized that there’s a lot going on here.” Jimmy Contreras has lived in the neighborhood for about six years and launched homegoods store JimmyStyle, 1820 E. Passyunk, in May. “I love the neighborhood and what it is and has become,” Contreras said. “So I thought, why not be a part of that growth?” Although South Philly typically was considered an area resistant to change, relying instead on the relationships among its many lifelong residents who’ve fueled the area’s “Little Italy”-type atmosphere, Contreras said he’s seen


many who moved to the area from such locales as Texas and Arizona. Clouston has lived in South Philly his whole life and said he started noticing the diversification of the neighborhood about two years ago, when East Passyunk “started to just explode with gay people, as well as a lot of non-gay people moving down here from Center City,” whom he surmised took note of the affordable home prices and safety of the area. Restaurateurs Maria Vanni and MaryAnn Barncaccio tapped into the appeal of the neighborBLACK N BREW hood back in 2003, when they opened August, 1247 S. 13th that stereotype proven wrong. “People have these precon- St, just a couple blocks from the ceived notions that the neigh- Avenue. Vanni said the neighborhood borhood’s very old-school and they don’t let new people in, but has always been accepting of her they’ve welcomed us with open and her partner and their busiarms and are very accepting of ness and that they’ve never faced the LGBT community,” he said. anti-gay sentiment. She too has “It’s actually been the old-school noticed an influx of LGBT cusmom and pops who are extra wel- tomers at her BYOB since it coming and so excited to see the opened. “It was a good, solid neighborneighborhood changing. They want us to be able to come in; hood to start with,” Vanni said. they’ve accepted what’s already “But in the past couple of years, flourishing here, and are eager for we’ve seen a lot of young gay us to add to it and help the entire people coming in, who I think see all that the neighborhood has area grow.” Michael Clouston, who opened to offer and are smart enough to Michael’s Café, 1623 E. Passyunk, come down here.” Colleen DeCesare, who in March, said his clientele exemplifies the ever-expanding spec- opened Black N Brew, 1523 trum of East Passyunk residents E. Passyunk, in 2007, said she launched her business when she and visitors. “We see everyone from old discovered the area’s potential. “I was living down here and Italian ladies to young gay coujust riding my bike around East ples to straight professionals, and Passyunk one day and I thought, everything in between,” he said. Clouston’s employees also rep- ‘Oh my God, this is so cool. resent the changing face of the Look at all these shops and resneighborhood, with a large pro- taurants,’” DeCesare said. “And portion of Jewish staffers and there wasn’t even too much then


compared to what there is now, but I still thought it just really had something.” LGBT business is booming along the corridor, and LGBT residential life is thriving along with it. W h e n ’ D o l p h Wa r d Goldenburg, executive director of the William Way LGBT Community Center, moved into the area about five-and-a-half years ago, he was the only openly gay person on his block — a statistic that since has changed. Goldenburg said he did not experience any homophobia from his neighbors besides one incident involving a teenager, the resolution of which he said typified the attitude common in the area. “There was a 17-year-old boy who was the son of a resident on the block and he was screaming and shouting right in the center of the street one day at me, and the mother comes over and says to me, ‘We haven’t raised our son to be prejudiced,’ and she made him apologize,” he said. “I couldn’t have asked for a better block than that.” Goldenburg said the revitalization of Passyunk Avenue businesses, both gay-owned and not, is continuing to draw homebuyers. “The day I moved here, I could go down to the Avenue and get a good meal; now I can go get a good meal, a cup of coffee, a beer and do some shopping,” he said. “It’s almost possible now, if

you live along Passyunk Avenue and work in the area, you can live your entire life within a 5-6block radius.” Gloria Casarez, the city’s director of LGBT affairs, moved to East Passyunk with her partner about two-and-a-half years ago, and realized the overwhelming LGBT presence when they hosted a fundraising party for local grantmaking organization Bread and Roses Community Fund. “Our tiny house was packed with people from the area and almost everybody was a member of our community,” Casarez said. “As I was making the money-pitch talk, I looked around and, of the 5060 people we had, I could barely see anyone who didn’t identify as a member of the LGBT community. I triumphantly said, ‘This is clearly the New Gayborhood.’” But Casarez noted some inherent differences between East Passyunk and the city’s original Gayborhood. “The Gayborhood in Center City is mixed, residential and commercial. People come there to go out and meet up with friends socially and, while some people also live there, the neighborhood in South Philly is much more residential. There are some great shops and restaurants, but it’s not an LGBT social mecca in quite the same way as Center See EAST PASSYUNK, Page 25




AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

Out comedian goes ‘Mental’ the funny way By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer Some comedians write funny routines. Eddie Sarfaty lives them. The out comedian recently committed some of his finest misadventures to print with his first book, “Mental: Funny in the Head,” a collection of comical essays that frequently star Sarfaty’s family

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members — sometimes in a lessthan-flattering light. But most of them are OK about appearing in his stories. “My mother is great about it,” he said. “She tells all her friends. I heard her tell a friend, ‘The book is wonderful. I could do without the language though.’” Sarfaty added he doesn’t come out smelling like a rose either, but that’s part of the charm. “There’s a line in the book when I have my breakdown and I worry that people are going to think that I’m crazy, and someone says, ‘Oh sweetie, everybody has their fucked-up shit,’ and that has stayed in my head forever. No matter who someone is, no matter how they look, how handsome they are or what their life appears like, they have some dark, secret, sick, twisted, funny, quirky, weird thing going on. So everyone is kind of mental.” Before “Mental,” Sarfaty’s stories could only be appreciated in the comedy club or during his appearances on TV shows like Comedy Central’s “Premium Blend” or Logo’s “Wisecrack.” He said he hopes the book will coax readers into catching his live performances. “I hope people see my standup and think, ‘Oh, I should get this guy’s book,’ or read the book and think, ‘Oh, I should go out and see

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this guy when he’s performing.’ Gay people in particular are not fans of standup because traditionally in comedy clubs it was OK for the comics to make gay-bashing jokes. So I think a lot of gay people think they’re not going to be comfortable in a comedy-club situation. So hopefully this will get more people out there.” A piece of “Mental” can also be appreciated on screen. The shortest story in the collection, “Second-Guessing Grandma,” first appeared in the LGBT anthology “When I Knew,” and was recently made into a short film starring Tony-nominee Kathleen Chalfant. The film, which has been screened at film festivals across the U.S. and in Italy, Britain and Brazil, is Sarfaty’s true story about coming out to his grandmother despite her views about gays and pressure from his mother and boyfriend. Though initially harsh about the revelation, Sarfaty’s grandmother eventually comes to accept his sexual orientation. “It’s an expanded version of the short story,” Sarfaty said of the film. “It was a great experience. My little grandma would be amazed to discover she’s been at film festivals around the world.” Another story in “Mental” near and dear to Sarfaty’s heart is “My Tale of Two Cities.” “It’s about me taking my par-

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EDDIE SARFATY ents to Europe when my dad had dementia. It’s funny, it’s got tension, but it’s real. I think the marvelous bits of my father that I got to see on that trip before he faded away were some of the most wonderful moments of my life. Everyone loses their parent and a lot of people have a parent or loved ones with dementia of one kind or another. And everyone can identify with the stress of being cooped up with their parents for two weeks.” Sarfaty has spent the better part of the summer promoting “Mental,” which has him doing more readings than com-

edy shows. But, he said, the more regimented book events are a welcome change from comedy. “The only problem I have doing readings is that I’ve lost my glasses. I have to squint at the book because I can’t remember it. It’s kind of nice to have the book there because those words are so specifically chosen. I agonize over every sentence.” “Mental: Funny in the Head” is in stores now. For more information on Eddie Sarfaty, visit www. ■ Larry Nichols can be reached at

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009




Ms. Behavior Meryl Cohn Parenting, from pregnancy to teenage sexuality Dear Ms. Behavior: My partner, Maya, and I are trying our first child. Maya is Mexican and I am white. We plan to have two babies and we’ve agreed that she will carry the first one. I think we should use sperm from a white donor for me, and a donor of color for her, so that we will each have a baby who looks like us. Maya does not want me to use any white sperm. She can’t bear the idea of my having a child who isn’t related to her, doesn’t look like her and leaves her out. There are lots of issues in our marriage. I am thinking not being able to agree on a donor is a bad sign. What should we do? — White Mama Dear White Mama: You and Maya probably need assistance to resolve this issue. A couples therapist could help you to explore the big scary issues of identity that come up around having babies — (e.g., Can you feel equally attached to and responsible for a baby when only one of you is the biological mother? How do you deal with feelings about the child not looking like you?) — which in your case is also mixed with the politics of race. One practical solution could be switching your plan around: Instead of each of you caring only about creating a reflection of yourselves from the fruit of your loins, it would be great if you and Maya could compromise and agree on one particular donor — so that the children will be biologically related to one another, too. But how do you agree about a donor if you’re committed to having a white baby and your wife is committed to a baby of color? Perhaps you can jointly choose a talented and attractive latte-colored donor and call it a day. Dear Ms. Behavior: We are two rather tired lesbians who have somehow managed to raise a pretty good male child

into near adulthood. He is 19 and home for the summer from college. The problem is that Kirby wants us to allow his girlfriend (who is 17) to stay in his room and sleep over. This means having sex, we assume. Neither my partner nor I are comfortable with this idea. There have been many long family debates about the topic. Kirby says we are being sexist old farts by overprotecting his girlfriend who is perfectly capable of making her own decisions. What do you think? — Concerned Moms Dear Concerned Moms: Many people are a little

freaked out by the sexuality of their children; but old-style lesbian separatists may be even more sensitive to the appearance of male sexuality, even in the boy child who once sprang from their women-only wombs. However, there are a couple of issues that need to be teased apart: Does Kirby seem irresponsible? Does his girlfriend seem too young to decide to have sex? Can you remember your own teenage years and what if felt like to be young and juicy? It isn’t actually clear whether or not you’ve met Kirby’s girlfriend. If so, you should be able to assess her level of matu-

rity and find out (since she’s technically a minor) whether her parents know where she’d be sleeping. If all that seems kosher, and you’ve already talked with Kirby about things like birth control and STDs and condoms, you should let your son have his overnight guest, even if it means that you and your partner need to sit in the garage cross-legged and take some deep yogic breaths. You obviously mean well; now it’s time to give up some control. (And be thankful that you’re not the parents of a girl — who you’d probably feel that you needed to protect from all the turgid penises of the world.)

If you’re really afraid to condone adolescent sex (and not just plain horrified by the thought of heterosexual intercourse), think back for a moment to what it felt like to be young and sexually driven. Sexually active teens will find places to hook up, whether in cars, alleys, beaches or deserted buildings. Having sex at home is really rather safe by comparison, even without the four watchful eyes of Kirby’s Two Mommies. ■ Meryl Cohn is the author of “‘Do What I Say’: Ms. Behavior’s Guide to Gay and Lesbian Etiquette” (Houghton Mifflin). Email her at



Q Puzzle Above the Fruited Plain Across

1. Place for a stud 5. Shakespeare, for one 9. The Pet Shop Boys “___ to Heaven” 15. Opening for the crack of dawn 16. Protected from the wind 17. Make fizzy 18. Educator/writer ___ Lee Bates 20. Film in which Tom Wilkinson played a transsexual 21. Southwest California city 22. Suffix with switch 24. Org. for Vijay Singh 25. Relates 26. Type of marriage named for the college of 18-Across 29. P-town’s Crowne Pointe, e.g. 30. Roof animal of Tennessee? 32. Diner sign 33. “Camelot”’s “___ Moi” 35. The Oscars, e.g. 38. Took the center out of a fruit 39. With 68-Across, song lyrics written by 18-Across 43. “My Own Private ___ “ 46. “Hot L Baltimore” producer 47. Blow to the buttocks 51 Stud of the early days of horse racing 54. Chop down 56. Congressman Hutchinson


AUG. 21 - 27, 2009 57. Colorado mountain that inspired 18-Across to write the song in this puzzle 60. Seafood sauce type 62. Net destination 63. Garb for Troy Perry 64. Natural talents 65. Misleads with the tongue 68. See 39-Across 70. Incites to attack 71. “You want the light ___ off?” 72. Maupin story of the city 73. David Sedaris’ works 74. Distant prefix 75. She and she or he and he


1. “Legally Blonde” director Robert 2. Like a rainbow of colors 3. Fastens (down) 4. Gay cultural values, e.g. 5. Lord Byron was part of this 6. MacGraw of “Love Story” 7. Continue to get “On Our Backs” 8. Handle on a tractor? 9. Kind of cooking oil 10. Matthew in “The Producers” 11. Hockey legend Bobby 12. Box of Whitman’s chocolates 13. Place for trinkets 14. Passed along 19. Mabius of “The L Word” 23. Picador’s cheer 27. Engrave with acid 28. Madonna wore 45 pairs of these in “Evita” 31. Billy Budd, for one 34. California border lake

36. Like a one-incher, in Dogpatch 37. Aviation hero 40. Does some yard work 41. Mouth-open-wide sound 42. She recorded “Radio Quiet” with Cris Williamson 43. Sudden urge 44. Where milk comes out 45. Low socks 48. Queen of “Chicago” 49. In general 50. Green garnish 52. Nick Malgieri’s protection 53. Old Olds 55. Peter Doyle’s partner Whitman 58. Monastery head 59. Carolyn who wrote about a Nancy 61. Singer Bonnie 66. FICA funds it 67. Plaything 69. Embarqmail competitor


AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

Family Portraits Dennis Kinney started out bartending at the Holiday Inn in Princeton almost 22 years ago. The ruggedly handsome mixologist then worked at the Raven in New Hope, where he was the toast of the town for 17 years. “Those were crazy, crazy times and I loved it! They were some of the best times of my life. We always had fun and we wanted for nothing. We were a bunch of kids living it up!” Kinney is still living it up and having a great time as one of the feature bartenders at Stir. PGN: How long have you been at Stir? DK: I’ve been there since it opened. I’ve known [co-owner] Stacey Vey for 20-plus years. We used to go to Atlantic City and she used to work at the Trump doing PR or something. When she was thinking of opening the bar, she called me. She and Holly are by far the best bosses I’ve ever had. PGN: So barkeep, what do you drink? DK: [Laughs.] Anything with Patrón! PGN: What was your first big mistake? DK: Well, when I first started training at The Raven, I was working as a waiter. I was working a brunch shift and I had a table order, some mimosas and other drinks. One woman ordered a hot bloody Mary. I went to the bartender, Hedda, and she showed me how to dress up the mimosas with the oranges, etc. I took the bloody Mary she gave me and walked into the kitchen and stuck it in the microwave. Everyone looked at me and said, “What are you doing?’ I said, “She said she wanted a hot bloody Mary, so I’m heating it up!” It took me years to live that one down. PGN: Celebrity encounter? DK: Well, working at The Raven, I’ve had quite a few. I met Sally Jessy Raphael, Tyne Daly, Tim Daly and Arlene Dahl, who looked like a drag queen. Did you know that she’s Lorenzo Lamas’ mother? I also dated someone who was high-profile in the equestrian world. It didn’t work out, but he was a nice guy so I don’t want to put his name out. PGN: Where are you from?



Suzi Nash DK: Originally from Levittown. I’ve lived in Bucks County pretty much all of my adult life. I’ve moved out a few times, but I always come back. PGN: Do you live there now? DK: Yes, I have a condo in Warrington, but I spent a good deal of time in South Philadelphia as well. In fact I’m looking for an apartment right now. I love Philly! PGN: Family? DK: I have two younger brothers: one lives in North Philly and the other lives in Johnstown. My father is still in Bucks with his wife; he was a truck driver. My brothers followed suit. I was the only one who branched out. Imagine that. Looking back, I can’t believe no one saw that I was a bit different. PGN: So what was an early sign that you were different? DK: I used to love “Charlie’s Angels.” Farrah was all right, but I was obsessed with Jaclyn Smith. There was an episode where her real-life husband at the time, Dennis Cole, had a guest appearance. There was just something about him that I was drawn to, and that was my first inkling that perhaps I liked him as much — or more — than her. PGN: You can have Dennis but Jaclyn is mine! I loved her voice. I would tape the episodes on a little square tape recorder and listen to them at night. There was one episode where Kelly mentors an autistic kid and tells him a fairly tale. That was my bedtime story for a good part of my adolescence. DK: Oh my God, I’m getting chills, I remember that episode! PGN: So tell me about “little Dennis.” DK: I was a very quiet, shy little boy. Even through high school I kept to myself. I went to an allboys Catholic school. It wasn’t until I graduated and came out that I began to blossom. It was such a huge weight lifted that I became a whole other person. PGN: So you’re the oldest brother. Did you torture your younger siblings? DK: I definitely tortured my middle brother, John. I used to get together with my youngest

brother, Pat, and we’d get a big pot of cold water and sneak up on John in the shower. Pat would pull the shower curtain open, and giggling and laughing, we’d douse him with the freezing water. He would scream for my father and I’d get grounded for the day. My baby brother Pat is my best friend. PGN: How did you come out to the family? DK: It’s kind of bittersweet. I went with some friends after work to the Cartwheel in New Hope. I had a really bad cold and the bartender, Kitty, suggested I have Grand Marnier on the rocks to help with the cold. Well, drinking Grand Marnier at 21 while sick was probably not the best advice. Later that night, a friend of mine got jumped in the parking lot. I went to help him and got pulled in. I got jumped again later that night and was dragged through the parking lot and hurt badly enough to need to go to the hospital. The police were called in and everything. That’s how my father found out I was gay. I didn’t get in that night until 3:30 in the morning and I had stitches and bruises all over and he asked me what happened. I decided to come clean. I’d already told my mother that I was gay a few months earlier. He was great about it. After that incident, the rest of my family found out pretty quickly. It actually turned into a positive thing. I wouldn’t have changed it. PGN: Do you think the fact that his son was hurt helped your father deal with it better? DK: Yeah, he was blown away by the fact that I was beaten up just because of who I was. I think it helped him fast-track to what was important. Plus I had a great circle of friends. My parents’ house was the house that everyone hung out at. We had a pool and, after hanging out at the bars, we would go to my house and my mother would make everyone breakfast. My dad took it really well and so did my brothers. Everyone was welcome. PGN: Your first crush? DK: Oh, I hope that he doesn’t read this. OK, Joe Sweeney. He was the homecoming king at my high school. Hot, hot, hot. OK, I definitely knew I was gay after looking at him.

DENNIS KINNEY PGN: Last time you laughed so hard a beverage came out of your nose? DK: I was in St. Thomas for my birthday with a bunch of friends. We rented a boat, went out, had drinks and got silly. One of my friends is this guy who is pretty conservative. We were standing around talking and I snuck up behind him and pulled down his swimsuit. I laughed so hard there was beer flying everywhere! PGN: What’s a trait you’ve inherited from a parent? DK: My father’s odd sense of humor. He can be a cretin sometimes, but I have his sense of humor. PGN: Favorite line from a movie? DK: “Hit Ouiser!” from “Steel Magnolias.” I love that movie. PGN: Best gift you ever received? DK: It sounds sappy, but the time I got to spend with my mother. We were very close and I lost her to metastatic lung cancer right before her 50th birthday. She was a proud, courageous, incredible woman. I was in my mid-20s when she died. When she was diagnosed, they gave her three months to live and she hung on for 10 months. It was a remarkable time and we were able to get even closer. I was with her when she passed. She was so brave. PGN: Any hobbies? DK: Well, I work a full-time job at a real-estate title company, so bartending is kind of my hobby.

I’m 43 now and I’ve been doing it since I was 22, so I guess I enjoy it! I love being around people, making people laugh and the whole creative aspect of the job. PGN: “Star Trek” or “Star Wars”? DK: “Star Trek.” My father was a huge fan. PGN: Who’s your favorite character? DK: Spock. The outsider, big surprise! PGN: If you could have a cocktail with anyone, outside of friends or family, who would it be and why? DK: Kathy Griffin. I’m pretty sure it would be a good time. Her show is really funny. PGN: Do you talk in your sleep? DK: Yes, but let’s not even go there. PGN: What’s the funniest thing you’ve said? DK: “I’m not gay.” PGN: You often dream that you are ... DK: ... naked in the freezer section. PGN: What’s your least favorite word? DK: “Declined.” ■ To suggest a community member for “Family Portraits,” write to: Family Portraits, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 or



AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

New, established businesses thrive in Passyunk A. Criniti Realty The story of A. Criniti Realty Inc. began in 1975, when Anthony Criniti 3rd bought his first property at age 24. He always had a passion for real estate but waited for the right opportunity to pursue his interest. When he met his mentor, Bob Aversa, the late owner of Aversa Realty, he was given the chance to learn more about the business. In 1987, he decided to pursue his passion full-time and began studying for his broker license. Shortly after he received it in 1991, he opened A. Criniti Realty Inc. at Broad and Reed streets. The company gradually built up

its reputation. In 1994, Anthony bought the building at 1633 E. Passyunk Ave. and relocated his business. Working on its 18th year, A. Criniti Realty Inc. has grown a reputation for being one of the best familyowned real-estate companies in South Philadelphia. For more information, contact A. Criniti Realty Inc. at, or (215) 465-4225. Absolute Abstract Owned by life partners David White and James McManaman (19 years and counting), Absolute

Abstract has become a neighborhood fixture in Midtown Village, 141 S. 13th St., in the last four years. Now they have opened a second location in South Philly, 1616 E. Passyunk Ave. “The area is bustling and we wanted to be a part of the energy,” White said. Absolute Abstract offers affordable, decorative giclee prints on canvas that are fully resizable. Prices start at $199. Absolute Abstract also offers complimentary layout design to help clients make informed decisions. The shop also carries “vintage” tin signs ($15) and decorative art blocks ($39) that make unique and affordable gifts. Also,

the more art blocks you buy, the cheaper they are. For more information, call Absolute Abstract at (215) 7330190 (Midtown) or (215) 5514378 (Passyunk), or visit www. Black N Brew B l a c k N B r e w, 1 5 2 3 E . Passyunk Ave., is a friendly, yummy neighborhood café that proudly serves La Colombe coffee and Metropolitan Bread, as well as offering a full coffee bar, fresh-fruit smoothies and a pastry case filled with treats, including vegan fare. Black N Brew specializes in breakfast and lunch, with pancakes that have won citywide praise. Other café highlights include free Internet access, outdoor seating and dog-friendly accommodations, new local art on the walls every month and ample vegetarian fare.

Black N Brew also offers takeout, so call ahead to place your order. All major credit cards are accepted. Black N Brew is a perfect spot to pick up your morning coffee on your way to work or, if you have more time, stay for breakfast or lunch. The owner believes in good-quality food and great customer service. For more information, call (267) 639-6070 or visit www.blackbrew. net. Interior Concepts As a family-owned business with attention to detail and style, Interior Concepts Furniture, 1701 E. Passyunk Ave., has been a fixture in South Philly for over 40 years. If you are looking for something that offers high fashion and quality at a discount price, you won’t find it at anywhere but here. Interior Concepts specializes in




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“The Little Gift Shoppe” Doll Box 1825 E. Passyunk Ave. Philadelphia, Pa 19148 Tel: 1-888-465-6111 or 215-465-6111

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

leather furniture and, with over 60 models displayed on the showroom floor, its selection cannot be beat. It has the hottest colors, coolest shapes and most stylish designs, all of which has made it famous. Even celebrities have discovered Interior Concepts and decorated their homes with contemporary panache. Customers entering the 14,000square-foot showroom will be impressed by the choices of leather styles and the sales staff’s knowledge of the products. The merchandise is comfortable, appealing and a superb value. After a long day, what is better than unwinding and relaxing on the most comfortable furniture, knowing it will last you many years? Interior Concepts also carries furniture for the entire home and

EAST PASSYUNK From Page 19 City is.” The East Passyunk area will, however, play host to the monthly LGBT party called Scene, which recently relocated to Adobe Café, 1919 E. Passyunk, starting Aug. 22. Tracy Buchholz, who launched the party in January, moved to the Avenue several months ago and said the neighborhood is the perfect fit for the event. “My impression of South Philly was always that it was a very oldschool, family type of place, but it really is inclusive of everyone,” she said. “It’s a good mix of the family environment, with cool places to eat and fun bars. And, being openly gay, I don’t feel uncomfortable there at all.” Buchholz said she lived in the Gayborhood for about 10 years but has found the atmosphere in


many unique pieces from around the world. Most items are available for immediate delivery. Customers have come from all over the United States because of the tremendous savings and beautiful styles available. For more information, call (215) 468-6226 or visit www. The Little Gift Shoppe With over 20 years in the business, The Little Gift Shoppe, 1825 E. Passyunk Ave., carries the finest collectibles and dolls for children and the kid in everyone. The shop carries a large inventory from Adora, Madame Alexander, Lee Middleton, Raggedy Ann & Andy and many more — all at competitive prices. The Little Gift Shoppe is always

East Passyunk to be more conducive to residential life and not as “loud.” Gillinger postured that there may eventually be more LGBT nightlife options in East Passyunk, but not to the extent of the Gayborhood. “I don’t think we’re ever going to see anything like the concentration of gay nightclubs that you have in the Gayborhood,” she said. “The neighborhood here is much more mixed and, in a place like this that has such a strong residential community, I think that would be difficult to have here.” Beyond the neighborhood differences, DeCesare said she didn’t think the “New Gayborhood” moniker was entirely appropriate, as East Passyunk represents the interests of a wider community. “What South Philly and East Passyunk are becoming is so awesome, but I don’t think it needs to be the Gayborhood,” she said. “It’s such a mix and it works. Just leaving it as is is fine. It’s cool people are saying that, but I think it’s a little bit more diverse than the Gayborhood.” Gillinger agreed the changing face of East Passyunk doesn’t necessarily represent a “New Gayborhood,” but rather new attitudes toward gays and lesbians. “Twenty years ago, openly gay folks saw the need to live in a safe place, but I think the world is different today. It’s thankfully a different time now and I think people feel more free to live anywhere.” ■


Jen Colletta can be reached at

updating its vast inventory on its Web site, so be sure to check often for new items. For more information, call (888) 465-6111 or (215) 465-6111, email or visit Metro Men’s Clothing Opening this fall, Metro Men’s Clothing, 1615 E. Passyunk Ave., is committed to providing customers with a fun atmosphere, superior customer service and a wide selection of men’s casual sportswear at a price that fits as well as the clothes. The store is for independent people who follow their own unique path in life and for those guys who define their individual-


ity by the way they dress. Owner Tom Longo is excited to join other new businesses along Passyunk Avenue. For more information, call (267) 324-5172. Le Virtù Located along the bustling East Passyunk corridor, Le Virtù, 1927 E. Passyunk Ave., offers authentic cuisine from Italy’s Abruzzo region, lovingly prepared by celebrated executive chef and Abruzzo native Luciana Spurio. Handcrafted pastas, slowcooked duck and lamb ragùs, savory chocolate rabbit-filled ravioli and roasted meats are uncompromisingly prepared according to centuries-old traditions.

Your iendly neighborhd ca

Dine alfresco on the beautiful patio overlooking the garden; inside in warmly lit, romantic rooms decorated with ceramics from Abruzzo; or at the elegant, granite-topped bar. Choose from over 40 Italian wines, six craft tap beers, 16 bottled craft and imported beers, specialty cocktails and a full selection of liquors. Come in for drink specials on Sunday and Wednesday nights at Le Virtù, where the trattoria is casual but refined as the owners strive to make their guests feel at home. Their dining rooms, patio and garden are available for any special occasion or ceremony. For more information, call (215) 271-5626 or visit www. ■

We feature delicious breakfasts and lunches, with vegetarian and vegan options, featuring La Colombe coffee and Metropolitan breads. Also free wifi for your convenience.

If you are in a rush, we have take out available. Please call ahead for orders of any size... Hold off on the drinks; we want to make them for you when you arrive! Catering available upon request.

• Environment friendly • Pet friendly • People friendly

Cafe Hours: Monday to Friday (7am-5pm) Saturday & Sunday (7am-4pm)


1523 E. Passyunk Ave. (between Tasker and Dickinson on 11th) Philadelphia, PA 19147

Phone: (267) 639 - 6070




AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

PGN Your city, your lifestyle, your paper. Improve your photographs Award-winning photographer and Philadelphia Gay News photojournalist

Scott A. Drake is teaching two classes this fall at the William Way Community Center as part of Way Gay U Photographic Techniques I is for the photographer who wants to improve photo compostition, better understand lighting and learn how to use their camera more effectively. Learn how to shoot events and tell an effective story in time for the holidays. Introduction to Photoshop will familiarize the newcomer to the toolboxes and palettes as well as light and color balancing techniques to create better images for printing and the internet. Explore your own artistic side by learning how to create your own art from photographs.

Meeting Place

Go to for more class information or to enroll. Classes begin Sat., Sept. 19.

• AIDS/HIV • Community centers • Recreation • Activism/politics • Youth • Recovery • Religion • Professional groups A bulletin board for support groups and other organizations

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009





AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

Leather Lookout Jim Kiley-Zufelt Barebacking banned at IML and other issues There’s been a lot of chatter lately about a letter sent last month from International Mr. Leather founder and president Chuck Renslow about a new policy on barebacking. In short: “The Executive Committee of International Mr. Leather has decided that it will no longer allow participation in the IML Leather Market by any entity which promotes barebacking or distributes/sells any merchandise

tending to promote or advocate barebacking. This restriction will also apply to distribution of gifts, postcards or any other information via our facilities.” The letter states that IML feels it is obligated to do everything in its power to educate anyone who may believe that HIV/AIDS is manageable or curable, particularly younger generations who may not have experienced the overwhelming loss of loved ones to AIDS or the expense and difficulties associated with HIV meds. I applaud IML for taking this stance, but at the same time I can’t help but scratch my head. It goes without saying that

barebacking is at the top of the list of high-risk sexual activities that can result in exposure to HIV. And it follows that community leaders should do everything they can to encourage people to make sound decisions that lead to healthy, happier lives. But if IML is going to be honest about this policy, then the Leather Market could be a ghost town next year. Some feel the policy targets certain companies known for producing bareback movies, such as Treasure Island Media. Founded in 1998, TIM certainly seems to enjoy its outlaw reputation, even going so far as to film in rooms and stairwells at the

PHILADELPHIANS TAKE TO THE WOODS: Members and friends of Philadelphians MC traveled to The Woods Campground Aug. 8 to host the Pavilion Party. PHOTO: Jim Kiley-Zufelt

NEW Gay Owned & Operated Cafe on E. Passyunk

Voted Best Brunch on the Ave. Michaels Cafe BYOB 20% off parties of 4 or more with this ad

Tues-Thurs 7am-10pm Fri & Sat 7am-11pm Sun 7am-10pm

1623 E. Passyunk Ave. - Philadelphia Pa. 19148 215-389-9915

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host hotel during IML weekends. They may be one of the more notorious purveyors of bareback porn, but they are just one company in a very crowded and competitive market. In fact, the times I’ve been to IML, the TIM booth was completely dwarfed by those of “mainstream” companies like Colt, Raging Stallion and Channel One Releasing. If you check their Web sites, you’ll find that each of these companies currently lists a number of bareback or “pre-condom classic” movies for sale. Will they all be banned from the Leather Market too? Saying that a pre-condom movie is not the same as a bareback movie is misleading and dishonest. The term barebacking may not have been coined until the ’90s, but the movies have the same goal — to get you off by showing guys not using condoms. Are these companies really asking us to believe they’re selling pre-condom classics solely as a service to film-history buffs? As a film-history buff myself, even I don’t buy that. Barebacking is barebacking, plain and simple. And the current genre, if you want to call it that, exists because people think it’s hot and they want to purchase it. One of the things that surely helps make it hot is the risk factor and the forbidden nature of it. Which, coincidentally, is also one of the things that draws men to leather. This is very complicated. See LOOKOUT, Page 30

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009



Divas and rock bands go electro-pop on new releases By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer Queen Latifah Persona Flavor Unit Entertainment Damn! Add some more titles to Queen Latifah’s impressive résumé. She’s already got rapper, movie star, jazz singer, producer, model and spokesperson locked down. Now she’s going after pop star. And it looks like she’s going to take that title easily. Latifah has already represented her unique style in the realms of old-school rap (1989’s “All Hail The Queen”), new-school rap (1993’s “Black Reign”) and jazz (2004’s “The Dana Owens Album”). With her latest, she is poised to make her presence felt in the mainstream pop world: Rihanna, Pink and Jennifer Hudson should all be shaking in their boots. Latifah wastes no time getting down to business with the bombastic hip-hop of “The Lights,” in which she name-checks every big name that came out of her native New Jersey. The same vibe carries over to “Long Ass Week,” where the melodic chorus is the perfect counterbalance to the street-savvy rhymes on the verses. Mary J. Blige even shows up to help the Queen hold down the groove on the excellently funky “People.” Auto-tune, often a played-out

deal-breaker these days, brings a welcome texture (especially since Latifah can actually sing) on the Motown-meets-modern-pop of “Fast Car” and the clubby but laidback “With You.” Latifah then gets her rock-star groove on with crunchy and propulsive songs like “Cue the Rain” and “Runnin’.” She finds time to get her sexy going with sultry tracks like “My Couch” and “Take Me Away,” as well as the more-island-flavored “If You Wanna.” This Queen isn’t in any danger of losing her crown any time soon. Colton Ford Under The Covers Peace Bisquit It sounds like porn-starturned-singer Ford is starting to get the hang of it. Ford’s 2008 album “Tug of War” wasn’t bad, just unconvincing in its R&B and pop aspirations. It’s obvious Ford loves R&B. The problem is his ambitions sometimes outstrip his vocal talent. Ford can sing well enough, but not enough to pull off some of the emotive vocal acrobatics he tried on his last album. Luckily, “Under The Covers” overall is a better effort, with Ford sticking to what he does well vocally and sonically. Not that there aren’t some missteps. Ford, for some reason, loves to lay down multiple vocal tracks — in essence creating a one-man

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vocal chorus that can be quite distracting. For that reason, avoid all the interlude tracks, as well as the very-dated-sounding cover of Robin S’ “Show Me Love.” And another thing: no grownass man should ever, ever, ever cover a Britney Spears song (“Trouble”), unless he is performing it in full drag. Still, Ford’s choices of cover songs does yield some pleasant surprises. His stabs at R&B covers work out well in some places too. His take on Alicia Keys’ “No One” is pleasantly laidback and his dance-heavy rendition of Babyface’s “It’s No Crime” is better than it should be. Ford is even more successful at turning rock songs into electroclub monsters. R.E.M.’s “Losing My Religion” gets a well-done club makeover and Faith No More’s “Ashes To Ashes” gets an industrial-dance upgrade that is still faithful to the original. His take on Nirvana’s “Lithium” is more predictable, but not so much

that it seems like sacrilege. Ford isn’t 100-pecent there yet, but he’s headed in the right direction. Datarock Red Nettwerk This album is proof that ’80s nostalgia isn’t entirely played out just yet. “The Blog,” the opening track on Datarock’s second album, is a big, wet, sloppy digital-punk kiss to ’80s pop rock and ’90s techhappy optimism, dripping with bravado and references to Guns n’ Roses and Prince. It’s catchy enough, but thankfully these Norwegian rockers don’t repeat the same trick. On the rest of “Red,” the group artfully fuses retro global punkrock sensibilities with vintage synth noise. Listening to songs

like “Molly” (and yeah, it’s exactly about the Molly you’re thinking of), “Give It Up,” “The Pretender” and “True Stories” is like playing an Atari 2600 and while listening to your favorite albums from The Clash or The Police at jet-engine volume. Further down the line, “Not Me” is arguably the best song a young U2 never wrote, as it rocks with an infectious, self-righteous energy. Datarock is also not afraid to trade in its hipness for some full-on nerdy experimentation. Tracks like “Fear of Death,” “In The Red” and “Amarillion” ease off the rock throttle of the track preceding it for some pleasantly smarter Talking Heads-style vibes. Even if you didn’t love the ’80s, Datarock has enough fire and inventiveness on its new record to win over even the most jaded of indie and modern-rock fans. ■ Larry Nichols can be reached at



AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

LOOKOUT From Page 28

(302) 226-2006 or (866) 412-2625

Personally, I’m torn on the issue. I’ll be honest: I think bareback porn is incredibly hot, but I think random bareback sex in the real world is stupid and irresponsible. I recognize the paradox and the hypocrisy. I know those are real guys in bareback porn because I’ve met a few of them. I worry about those guys. Not while I’m sitting there with a handful of Gun Oil enjoying their performance, mind you, but afterward I do think about them and how they got in front of those cameras. What led them to make the decisions that landed them on my TV screen? I tell anyone who asks for my advice what my mentor told me as a teenager: You should treat everyone you’re with as if they’re HIV-positive and keep yourself safe any way you can. You’re free to make any decision you want, but some decisions have consequences that are tough to live with. “Safe, Sane and Consensual,” urged by the leather community for many years, is a fine policy, but are we now going to start enforcing it? If so, who’s going to do the enforcing? Is greater acceptance by the general public worth the price of our personal freedom? On the flip side, what about personal health and safety, and the health and safety of the community? By showing a bareback video at a play party, what are we saying to the next generation of gay leathermen? And, last but not least, what about censorship? Do leathermen need IML and Renslow exerting their influence on the marketplace and deciding what we are and are not allowed to see? If there’s a demand for it, who are they to cut off the supply? I’m still searching for answers to many of these questions. It’s difficult for me because, like so many things, there just aren’t any easy answers. I’d be very interested to know what you think about this. Email me at the address below if you want to sound off in next month’s column.

Leather gossip, girl Speaking of contests, it looks like the status of this year’s Mr. and Ms. Philadelphia Leather contest is in limbo. The producer, MidAtlantic LeatherSir 2008 Andy Liu, recently moved out of the area and had to step aside from the position. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: There’s nothing like competing in a leather contest. You can meet some amazing people and get the chance to do some amazing things. But without a producer, the show cannot go on. I’ve also said I think there are too many contests these days, severely diluting the pool of interesting contestants and interested guests. But with 25 years of fun and outrageous history behind it, I think it would be a crying shame if the Philly contest didn’t happen. I hope they find someone soon. UPCOMING EVENTS — BLACK AND BLUE BALL: 9 p.m. Aug. 29 at The Bike Stop, 206 S. Quince St., with DJ Goddess Morgaine, dungeon play area, Jell-O shots, discounted draft and raffles, sponsored by Boy Butter. — KOMMONA WANNA LAYA POOL TOURNAMENT: 4 p.m. Aug. 30 at The Bike Stop, $5 entry fee, cash prize to the winner. Beach or swimwear encouraged! — BODY HEAT: FEMME PORN TOUR: 8 p.m. Sept. 2 at The Bike Stop. Body Heat will turn you on while challenging all of your gender, sex, feminist, social and political boundaries and assumptions. Body Heat is porn, kink, smut and erotica that will entertain the hell out of you and leave you panting, begging and dripping for more. — LAID SATURDAYS: Every Saturday at 8 p.m., 200 S. 12th St., featuring hot bartenders and guest DJs. Wear your gear! www. — WOOF! PHILLY: Every Sunday at 5 p.m., 200 S. 12th St. See for DJ and dancer schedules. ■ Questions? Comments? IML opinions? Contact Jim at


AUG. 21 - 27, 2009


worth watching:

Q on the tube:

FRIDAY The Dark Knight Heath Ledger’s final tour-deforce performance. 8 p.m. on HBO.

stifle her efforts. 8 p.m. on NBC.

Queer Eye A TV cameraman gets made over by the five queens. 8 p.m. on FLN.

SATURDAY The Asphalt Jungle This film noir marked Marilyn Monroe’s movie debut — and featured a plethora of homoerotic gangster action. With Sterling Hayden. 8 p.m. on TCM.

Southland Michael Cudlitz stars as John Cooper, a gay butch cop in L.A. with a Latino lover. A dead woman in a South L.A. alley leads Lydia to attempt to reopen a 10-year-old case, but politics and LAPD command priorities

Mean Girls Lindsay Lohan joins the clique-y girl pack. 9 p.m. on TBS.

SUNDAY Silence of the Lambs Jodie Foster as FBI agent Clarice Starling up against Anthony Hopkins’ Hannibal Lecter. The

film won Oscars for Best Picture, Director, Actor, Actress and Screenplay. 7:30 p.m. on The CW. True Blood Sookie, Bill and Jason return to a Bon Temps turned upside down by Maryann. Sookie tries to push through the darkness consuming Tara. 9 p.m. on HBO. Mad Men A taboo office romance is revealed. Peggy proves to be more than a secretary, opening up new opportunities for her. Rachel faces her conflicted feelings. 10 p.m. on AMC. MONDAY Gimme Sugar: Miami The LA Truck Stop gals are in Miami to hook lesbians up for love. 10 p.m. on Logo. Weeds Celia explores her sexuality. 10 p.m. on Showtime. Nurse Jackie Season finale. Kevin invites Jackie to a midnight rendezvous. The comatose movie critic wakes up, but his “tastes” have radically changed. 10:30 p.m. on Showtime.

HOUSE FALLS: We were wondering when the economic crisis was going to rear its ugly head on one of the many, many house-flipping shows. The third season of “Flipping Out” finds openly gay and obsessive-compulsive house-flipper Jeff Lewis trying to deal with the collapse of the real-estate market and in the uncomfortable position of having to take on design clients. Tuesdays at 10 p.m. on Bravo. Photo: Vivian Zink

Queer TV you can always see: Guiding Light Now that Natalia is back, CBS is promo-ing the Olivia-Natalia love story as “soul mates” who have been separated. Huge. Olivia is afraid to take Natalia back — she doesn’t want her heart broken again. Natalia isn’t giving up, even though she’s pregnant with Frank’s baby. With just a few weeks left ’til the show ends its 72-year run in September, this love triangle will be front-burner. Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. on CBS. The Young & The Restless Rafe deals with his feelings for Adam by trying to find a way to link him to the attacks on Ashley. Also heartbroken by Adam, Heather is his unlikely accomplice.


Monday-Friday, 12:30 p.m. on CBS. As the World Turns After Holden is killed in Kentucky (or was he?), Luke feels he’s to blame. Noah tries to comfort him. Mason tries to comfort Noah. Monday-Friday, 2 p.m. on CBS. One Life to Live Fish thinks about his kiss with Kyle — while he’s kissing Layla. Cris threatens to tell Layla about Kyle if Fish doesn’t. But Fish’s parents love Layla ... MondayFriday, 2 p.m. on ABC. The Rachel Maddow Show Monday-Friday, 9 p.m. on MSNBC.

TUESDAY Hell’s Kitchen Gordon Ramsay abuses gay and straight chefs with relish. 9 p.m. on Fox. America’s Got Talent The best talent show on TV has moved to the live competition. 9 p.m. on NBC. Elimination rounds air Wednesday at 9 p.m. WEDNESDAY The Real World: Cancun Bronne is a nude model and boxer from Penn State who has issues with boundaries and likes to get naked. Derek is very pretty and openly gay.10 p.m. on MTV. THURSDAY Big Brother Live elimination show. With gay contestant Kevin Campbell, the toughest of the players. 8 p.m. on CBS. Project Runway The most elegant queen on TV, Tim Gunn, is back in the best fashion show ever. 10 p.m. on Lifetime. ■

News you’re not seeing By Victoria A. Brownworth PGN Contributor Remember Iraq? The U.S. invaded Iraq in March 2003. There are still at least 150,000 U.S. troops in Iraq. Yet Iraq gets no more than six minutes per week of news coverage on the four major networks and PBS, according to Media Matters. In the U.K., BBC does report on Iraq, however. The British network also airs in the U.S., with BBC World News being broadcast on PBS as well as on BBC America and NPR radio. On Aug. 17, BBC ran a long news report by Natalia Antelava about the link between the murders of gay men in Iraq and militia death squads there. The U.K. has a large Iraqi immigrant population and the London-based Iraqi LGBT, led by Ali Hili, has been detailing atrocities against gay men and lesbians in Iraq for the past five years. Much of the data on these atrocities has been collected by Human Rights Watch and reported by BBC. Human Rights Watch issued a fact-finding report on the brutality, disappearances, torture and murder of gay men and lesbians on Aug. 16. Antelava’s Aug. 17 BBC report excerpting these findings was horrific. It noted that hundreds of Iraqi gay men had been targeted and killed since 2004. The murders are both death-squad killings and so-called “honor killings,” according to BBC. (Honor killings are prevalent throughout Islamic countries. Women and girls are the primary targets, but queers are now increasingly targets as well.) The extent of the problem in Iraq was brought to the attention of Human Rights Watch by Iraqi expatriates like Hili, as well as gay men and lesbians still living in Iraq, many of whom Antelava interviewed for her disturbing report. Hili told BBC that 87 gay men and lesbians had been murdered just since January and that seven gay men had been murdered in just the past two weeks. According to Antelava, gay men have been found with their throats gouged out and their genitals cut off and chopped up. These murders, noted Antelava, were the least gruesome. The HRW report gives testimony from doctors and BBC notes on its Web site that gay men have had their anuses glued shut and then were force-fed laxatives, resulting in a grisly and excruciating death. Hili noted that extremist religious factions had taken over in Iraq since the U.S. invasion and, as a consequence, secular society has all but vanished. “Lots and lots of nightclubs and bars” existed in Iraq prior to the U.S. invasion, Hili said, and added that since Iraq was a secular state under Hussein, there was “more sexual freedom” for gays and lesbians at that time. “Unfortunately, Iraq’s become the worst and most dangerous place on [the] face of [the] earth [for gay men and lesbians]” since the fall of Saddam Hussein and the rise of the theocratic state in Iraq, Hili told BBC. BBC reported that “in some cases, Iraqi security forces had actually colluded and joined in the killings” of gay men. One gay man who asked to remain anonymous told Antelava, “These killings will continue, because it has simply become normal in Iraq to kill gay men.” His voice was fraught with fear. Posters appeared recently in Sadr City, an extremist Shia enclave in Baghdad, which said citizens should be on the lookout for gay men. The posters listed the names and addresses of known gay men, according to BBC. Antelava’s report, more on the Human Rights Watch report and the interview with Hili are available at ■




AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

Your guide to arts and entertainment


Broadway: A Celebration — An Original Revue Dramateurs at the Barn present a collection of Broadway music and a stroll through the years and the musicals that have become part of history, through Sept. 13 at The Barn Playhouse, Christopher Lane and Rittenhouse Boulevard, Jeffersonville; (610) 5392276. Buddy ... The Buddy Holly Story Surflight Theatre presents the hit musical about the magical early days of rock ’n’ roll, through Sept. 5, 201 Engleside Ave., Beach Haven, N.J.; (609) 4929477. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged Little Fish Theatre presents all 37 plays in 97 minutes in an irreverent, fast-paced romp through the Bard’s works, Aug. 27-28 at The Broadway Theater of Pitman, 43 S. Broadway, Pitman, N.J.; (856) 3848381. Dangerous Corner Langhorne Players present a fascinating combination of mystery and psychological study involving the story of how a dead man disrupts his family and friends until every character and relationship is tested and revealed to be other than it appears, through Sept. 12 at Spring Garden Mill, Tyler State Park, Route 332, Newtown; (215) 860-0818. The Fully Monty ReVision Theatre dares to bare all with the musical based on the Oscar-nominated film through Sept. 6 at the historic Carousel

House on the Boardwalk, 700 Ocean Ave., Asbury Park, N.J.; (732) 455-3059. Glengarry Glen Ross Emanon Productions presents David Mamet’s Pulitzer Prize-winning dramatic comedy, through Aug. 23 at the Dante Hall Theater of the Arts, 14 N. Mississippi Ave., Atlantic City, N.J.; (609) 344-8877. Little Shop of Horrors Surflight Theatre presents the morbidly upbeat musical about a carnivorous plant, through Aug. 16, 201 Engleside Ave., Beach Haven, N.J.; (609) 4929477. Never the Sinner: The Leopold and Loeb Story Mauckingbird Theatre Company presents John Logan’s crime drama set in 1924 in which two young wealthy Chicagoans set out to commit the perfect murder, through Aug. 30 at Adrienne Theatre’s Mainstage, 2030 Sansom St.; (215) 923-8909. The Real Housewives of Philadelphia The N Crowd presents all the familiar drama of your favorite cable reality show, completely live and unscripted, 10 p.m. Aug. 21 at Actors Center, 257 N. Third St.; (215) 413-1318. The Rock Tenor The Wilma Theatre presents a show fusing rock ’n’ roll anthems, Broadway classics, opera favorites, country rhythms and classical melodies, through Aug. 23, 265 S. Broad St.; (215) 546-7824. Souvenir The New Hope Arts Center presents the funny yet touching play by Stephen Temperley exploring

Florence Foster Jenkins’ rise to fame, culminating in her sold-out performance at Carnegie Hall in 1944, through Sept. 6, 2 Stockton Ave., New Hope; (877) 238-5596.


beta hi-fi Music Festival 2009 The showcase of the region’s finest emerging performers runs through Aug. 21 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 222-1400. Colin Hay Band The former Men At Work frontman performs at 8 p.m. Aug. 21 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 222-1400. The Moody Blues The classic-rock group performs at 8 p.m. Aug. 21 at the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa Event Center, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; (609) 317-1000.

ALL IT’S CRACKED UP TO BE: It will be a meeting of the twisted minds when Twelve Gates Art Gallery presents the works of two distinct artists in “Kiss’d Cracked World” through Aug. 27, 305 Cherry St. Out Arizona-based sculptor Bryce LeVan Cushing’s meticulous constructions stand alongside Barcelonabased painter Michael Maier’s vivid and wild creations (pictured). For more information, visit or call (267) 519-2737.

Parrot Beach The Jimmy Buffett tribute band performs at 8:30 p.m. Aug. 21 at Sellersville Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Theatre 1894, 24 W. Temple St.; (215) 257-5808. Keswick Ave., Glenside; (215) 572-7650. Mama’s Black Sheep The Neville Brothers The power-pop duo perThe R&B group performs forms at 9 p.m. Aug. 21 at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 25 at at Baxter’s Restaurant & Lounge, 2006 Pennsylvania Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside; Ave., Wilmington, Del.; (215) 572-7650. (302) 654-9858. Chickenfoot The rock supergroup featuring Sammy Hagar and Joe Satriani performs at 8 p.m. Aug. 22 at the Borgata Hotel Casino’s Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; (609) 317-1000.

King Crimson’s Adrian Belew featuring Julie and Eric Slick The prog-rock musicians perform at 8 p.m. Aug. 26 at Sellersville Theatre 1894, 24 W. Temple St.; (215) 257-5808.

Avant The multi-platinum R&B singer-songwriter performs at 8 p.m. Aug. 22 at

Blink-182 and Weezer The alt-rock bands perform at 7 p.m. Aug. 27 at Susquehanna Bank Center,

1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J.; (856) 365-1300. George Benson and Ledisi The jazz guitarist and the R&B singer perform at 8 p.m. Aug. 27 at The Mann Center for the Performing Arts, 5201 Parkside Ave.; (215) 893-1999. Peter Frampton The classic-rock guitarist performs at 8 p.m. Aug. 27 at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside; (215) 572-7650.


The Art of Japanese Craft: 1875 to the Present

The Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition surveying the rich diversity of 20th-century Japanese craft, through Oct. 18, 2600 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy.; (215) 763-8100. Bodies The James Oliver Gallery presents an exhibition uniting the works of Julia Day, Brooke Hine, Sky McDonagh and Dallas Shaw, through Aug. 22, 723 Chestnut St., fourth floor; (215) 923-1242. David Kube The William Way LGBT Community Center presents an exhibition celebrating the grand-prize winner of the center’s fourth annual

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Diversions, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19147; fax them to (215) 925-6437; or e-mail them to diversions@epgn. com. Notices cannot be taken over the phone.


Gail Bracegirdle, through Sept. 6, 32 Coryell St., Lambertville, N.J.; (215) 638-4614. A Modern Eye Part 1I Edge Gallery presents an exhibition of abstract paintings by the gallery’s stable of artists, through Aug. 30, 72 N. Second St.; (215) 413-7072. Richard Schultz: Five Decades of Design The Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of works by the legendary outdoor furniture designer, through Aug. 23, 2600 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy.; (215) 763-8100.

Juried Art Exhibition, through Sept. 25, 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 732-2220. Say Good Morning Tiger Lily ArtStar Gallery hosts an Folk Art exhibition of works from The Philip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art at mixed-media artist Amy Rice, through Sept. 13, 623 Ursinus College presents an installation focusing on N. Second St.; (215) 2381557. examples from Dr. David Bronstein’s collection of Pennsylvania and Northeast Shopping in Paris: French Fashion 1850folk art and artifacts, 1925 through Aug. 29, 601 E. The Philadelphia Museum Main St., Collegeville; of Art presents an exhi(610) 409-3500. bition exploring the American experience Frenz abroad between 1850 and Fleisher/Ollman presents 1925, through Oct. 25, an exhibition of works 2600 Benjamin Franklin selected by Will Oldham, Pkwy.; (215) 763-8100. the prolific singer-songwriter who records and Something to Wear: performs under the moniFashion in Print 1850ker Bonnie Prince Billy, through the end of summer, 1925 1616 Walnut St., Suite 100; The Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibi(215) 545-7562. tion exploring the world of fashion and consumer Kiss’d Cracked World culture through printed Twelve Gates Art Gallery presents an exhibition fea- publications, through Sept. turing the works of sculptor 7, 2600 Benjamin Franklin Bryce LeVan Cushing and Pkwy.; (215) 763-8100. Michael Maier through A Taste for Modern: Aug. 27, 305 Cherry St.; The Jeanne Rymer (267) 519-2737. Collection of 20thLittle Show of Horrors Century Chairs The Philadelphia Museum This multimedia exhibiof Art presents an instaltion presents artist interlation of 23 chairs by pretations on the theme of the acclaimed designer, Darwin and carnivorous through Sept. 20, 2600 plants, through Aug. 23 at Historic Bartram’s Garden, Benjamin Franklin Pkwy.; (215) 763-8100. 54th Street and Lindbergh Boulevard; (215) 729What Were They 5281. Thinking: 160 Years of Bad Taste Meanderings Mid-Atlantic Center for Artists’ Gallery presents the Arts presents an exhian exhibition of work by artists Jennifer Cadoff and bition of styles that were

the height of fashion at some point in recent history, through Nov. 8 at The Carriage House Gallery at the Emlen Physick Estate, 1048 Washington St., Cape May, N.J.; (609) 884-5404.


Into The Wild The 2007 drama is screened at 2 p.m. Aug. 23 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; (610) 9170223. I Love You, Man The “bromantic” comedy is screened at 8 p.m. Aug. 24 at Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; (215) 922-5483. Under Our Skin Bryn Mawr Film Institute presents a screening of the


film about Lyme disease at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 25, 824 W. Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr; (610) 527-9898. Casablanca Bryn Mawr Film Institute presents a screening of the classic 1942 film at 7 p.m. Aug. 26, 824 W. Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr; (610) 527-9898.


Darren Littlejohn The recovering addict, scholar and author of “12-Step Buddhist” hosts a reading at 6 p.m. Aug. 22 at Robin’s Books and Moonstone Arts Center, 110a S. 13th St.; (215) 7359600. Husain Naqvi The author of “Home Boy”


The Alice Paul Institute marks the Women’s Equality Day Celebration with guest speaker Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) discussing her new book, “Rumors of Our Progress Have Been Greatly Exaggerated: Why Women’s Lives Aren’t Getting Any Easier and How We Can Make Real Progress for Ourselves and Our Daughters,” at 6 p.m. Aug. 26, 128 Hooton Road, Mount Laurel, N.J. As a renowned champion for domestic and international women’s issues, Maloney helped passed legislation to target the demand side of sex trafficking and provide annual mammograms for women on Medicare. Maloney also authored the Debbie Smith Act to process DNA kits, which has been called the most important anti-rape legislation in history. For more information, visit or call (856) 231-1885.


hosts a reading at 7 p.m. Aug. 27 at Robin’s Books and Moonstone Arts Center, 110a S. 13th St.; (215) 7359600.


Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus PGMC is looking for singers of all skill levels and voice parts Aug. 26 at Lutheran Church of the Holy Communion, 2111 Sansom St. No walk-ins; call (215) 731-9230 or 187-PGMC-SING or e-mail


Mitch Fatel The comedian performs Aug. 21-22 at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; (215) 496-9001.

Stimulus Party DJs Just Jess and Kit spin the best of hip-hop, reggaeton, Latin, R&B, bmore, house and electro from 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Aug. 21 at Marathon Grill, 929 Walnut St.; (215) 7330311. Scene The LGBTQ dance party celebrates its new location from 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Aug. 22 at Adobe Bar and Lounge, 1919 E. Passyunk Ave.; www.TLBTBProductions. com. Kevin Pollak The comedian seen in films like “The Usual Suspects” and “A Few Good Men” performs Aug. 27-29 at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; (215) 496-9001. ■



Meeting Place A community bulletin board of activities, facilities and organizations

Community centers ■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held from 4-8 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday through Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; (215) 545-4331 ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St.; (215) 898-5044;, Summer hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. ■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Allies Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; (215) 348-0558 ext. 65; ■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 732-2220; Peer counseling: Monday through Friday, 6-9 p.m. Library hours: Mondays 3-9 p.m., Tuesdays 3-6 p.m., Wednesdays 3-9 p.m., Thursdays 3-9 p.m., Fridays 3-9 p.m., Saturdays noon-6 p.m., Sundays noon-6 p.m. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.; Volunteer Velada, third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.

Health Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 166 W. Lehigh Ave.; (215) 763-8870 ext. 6000. AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., suite 205; (2215) 536-2424. Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday and 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursdays at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; (215) 851-1822 or (866) 222-3871. Spanish/English. HIV testing Free, anonymous testing and counseling is offered from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday and by appointment at AIDS Resource, 520 W. Fourth St., suite 2A, Williamsport; (570) 322-8448.

Key numbers

HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; (215) 685-1803.

Men’s Coming Out Group, N.J. Meets at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at The Pride Center of New Jersey. Men’s Coming Out Group Meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St.; (215) 563-0652 ext. 219. Men of Color United A discussion/support group for gay and bisexual men of color meets from 6-8 p.m. every Wednesday at 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 496-0330. Men of Standard Provides a place for gay men of color 21 and older to share issues of concern. Meets 7-9 p.m. every Thursday at Camden AHEC, 514 Cooper St., Camden, N.J.; (856) 963-2432 ext. 211; ruberte_ Philly DADS An association of gay and bisexual fathers supporting each other meets at 7:30 p.m. fourth Friday of the month at the William Way Center; (215) 668-5239.


Renaissance Transgender Assoc. Meets at 8 p.m. third Saturday of the month at Into the Woods office complex in King of Prussia; (610) 975-9119 box 5; and 7:30 p.m. first Thursday of the month at the William Way Center; T-MAN People of color support group for transmen, FTMs, butches, studs, agressives, bois, genderqueer and all female-born individuals with gender questions meets 7:30-9:30 p.m. Mondays, second floor, 1201 Locust St.; (215) 834-9063; Transhealth Programming Committee Meetings are at 5 p.m. second and last Sundays of the month at the William Way Center. Transhealth Information Project Sponsors a weekly drop-in center from 7-11 p.m. Tuesdays at 1201 Locust St.; (267) 549-6497. Transgender Health Action Coalition Peer trans health-advocacy organization meets at 5 p.m. second and last Sundays of the month at the William Way Center; (215) 732-1207; www. WeXist FTM support group meets from 6-8 p.m. second Friday of the month at the William Way Center; first hour is open; second hour is for people assigned female at birth who have gender issues; (267) 2501548;

Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 1201 Chestnut St.; (215) 563-0652. www. Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; (215) 985-9206.

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Philadelphia Meets from 2-5 p.m. third Sunday of the month at the LGBT Center at the University of Pennsylvania, 3907 Spruce St.; (215) 572-1833.

Expressions Women’s Space Lesbian singles, family and coming-out groups meet at 1538 Church St.; (215) 535-3600.

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Princeton, N.J. Meets at 7:30 p.m. second Monday of the month in the George Thomas Room at Trinity Church, 33 Mercer St.; (609) 683-5155.; Fax: (215) 686-2555

■ AIDS Library: (215) 985-4851 ■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: (215) 592-1513

■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): (215) 572-1833

■ AIDS Treatment hot line: (215) 5452212

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: (215) 686-4670

■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: (215) 685-1633

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: (215) 772-2000

■ Mayor’s liaison to LGBT communities: Gloria Casarez, (215) 686-2194; Gloria.

Men of All Colors Together Meets at 7:30 p.m. third Friday of the month September through June at the William Way Center; (610) 277-6595;

Mazzoni Center Family and Community Medicine Primary healthcare and specialized transgender services in a safe, professional, non-judgemental environment, 809 Locust St.; (215) 563-0658.

African Asian Latina Lesbians United Social-issues discussion group meets fourth Thursday of the month at The Pride Center of New Jersey.

■ Mazzoni Center Family and Community Medicine: (215) 563-0658

■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: (215) 732-TALK

Gay Married Men’s Association Meets at 8 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays at the William Way Center; (215) 483-1032.

Oasis Meets 7-8 p.m. Wednesdays at 1201 Chestnut St.; (215) 563-0652 ext. 509.

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Cape May, N.J. Meets at 2 p.m. third Sunday of the month in the Maruchi Room of Burdette Tomlin Memorial Hospital, 2 Stone Harbor Blvd.; (609) 861-1848. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Chester County Meets at 7 p.m. first Tuesday of the month at the Unitarian Fellowship of West Chester, 501 S. High St., West Chester; (484) 354-2448.

HIV health insurance help Access to free medications, confidential HIV testing available at 17 MacDade Blvd., suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; (610) 586-9077.

■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: (856) 933-9500 ext. 221

■ Equality Forum: (215) 732-3378

Delaware Valley 40-plus Club for Men Social group meets every other month; (215) 587-9933.

Young, Trans, and Unified! Support group for transgender and questioning individuals ages 13-23 meets from 7-8:30 p.m. every Thursday at The Attic Youth Center; (215) 545-4331 ext. 24.

■ Mazzoni Center: (215) 563-0652; www.

■ Equality Advocates Pennsylvania: (215) 731-1447; (866) LGBTLAW

Boys Night Out A social gathering for gay men, meets at 7 p.m. every second and fourth Tuesday at Iron Hill Brewery, 30 E. State St., Media;

Interweave New Jersey An organization of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Unitarian and their allies meets every third Sunday at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 401 N. Kings Highway, Cherry Hill, N.J.; (856) 667-3618.

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Bucks County Meets at 7:30 p.m. third Thursday of the month at Penns Park United Methodist Church, 2394 Second Street Pike, Penns Park; (215) 598-8005.

■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: (215) 587-9377

■ The COLOURS Organization Inc. 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 4960330.


AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Chief Inspector James Tiano: (215) 685-3655 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: (215) 494-LGBT; ■ Philly Pride Presents: (215) 875-9288 ■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: (717) 920-9537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: (215) 732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays, and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Wilmington, Del. Meets at 7 p.m. second Thursday of the month at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 13th and Rodney streets; (302) 654-2995. Philadelphia Family Pride Advocacy, support and social network for LGBT families offers play groups, monthly kids and teen talk groups, activities and outings. Planning meetings are held monthly; (215) 844-3360; www.


Gender Rights Advocacy Association of New Jersey A transgender civil-rights group meets first Sunday of the month at 1 p.m. at The Pride Center of New Jersey.


Bucks County Lesbian Alliance Meets monthly for social events;

Lesbians and BiWomen in Heterosexual Marriages A support group meets at 7:30 p.m. on third Wednesday of the month at The Pride Center of New Jersey. Lesbian Community of Delaware Valley Social group holds monthly meetings and activities for gay women of all ages in Delaware, Chester and Montgomery counties; P.O. Box 962, Phoenixville, PA 19460; group/LCDV/;

Social group for women in their 20s meets weekly; (215) 468-1352; queerconnect@yahoo. com. Republican Lesbians Meetings held at 7:30 p.m. on first Monday of the month at The Pride Center of New Jersey. South Jersey Lesbians of Color Meetings are the first and third Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at The Starting Point, 215 Highland Ave., Suite C, Westmont, N.J.; (856) 824-0881; e-mail: Women’s Coffee House for Lesbians A group for lesbian and bisexual women meets on first Saturday of the month at 7 p.m. at The Pride Center of New Jersey. The Womyn’s Village The first womyn-owned and operated thinktank targeting black African, Asian, Latina and Native American LBT and two-spirited womyn. Meets at 5 p.m. on third Thursday of the month at COLOURS Organization, 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 765-0121; the_womyns.


40 Acres of Change Discussion group for teen and young adults meets from 6-8 p.m. Thursdays at The COLOURS Organization Inc., 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 496-0330. Drop-in Group For gay, lesbian and bisexual youth; meets at 11 a.m. Saturdays at AIDS Delaware, 100 W. 10th St., Suite 315, Wilmington, Del.; (302) 652-6776. HAVEN For GLBT, intersex, questioning, queer and allied youth ages 14-20; meets from 7-9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Lehigh Valley, 424 Center St., Bethlehem; (610) 868-2153. HiTOPS A safe-space support program for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth, will meet from 2:30-4:30 p.m. at 21 Wiggins St., Princeton, N.J.; (609) 683-5155. Main Line Youth Alliance Meets from 7-9:30 p.m. Fridays at 109 Lancaster Ave., Wayne; (610) 688-1861; info@myaonline. org. Mountain Meadow For youth with GLBTQ parents. Monthly programs for ages 8-16, family programs and parent coffee groups. Residential program offered in August; 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 772-1107; Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s LGBTQ and Allies Youth Center For ages 14-21; meets 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays at Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; (215) 3480558 ext. 65; Social X Change Social activity group for LGBT youth of color ages 13-23 meets from 6-8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays at 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 496-0330. Space to be Proud, Open, and Together Open to all LGBTQ queer youth and allies, ages 14-21, the SPOT meets Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Planned Parenthood of Chester County’s West Chester office, 8 S. Wayne St., West Chester; (610) 692-1770 ext. 108 or

Lesbian Couples Dining Group of Montgomery County Meets monthly; (215) 542-2899.

Teen Support Group Drop-in group for teens and adolescents meets Thursdays from 4:30-6 p.m. at 1201 Chestnut St.; (215) 563-0658 ext. 319.

Lesbian Social Network of South Jersey 500-member social group for lesbians holds monthly activities in South Jersey and surrounding area;

Youth in Transition A support group for transgender and questioning youth ages 12-23 meets from 7:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays at the The Attic Youth Center.

Lesbians with Breast Cancer A support group meets from 6:30-8:30 on second Wednesday of the month at Gilda Club Delaware Valley, 200 Kirk Road, Warminster; (215) 4413290.

Youth Making a Difference For GLBTQ African-American and Latino youth ages 13-24. Meets from 6:30-8:30 p.m. every Wednesday at Camden AHEC, 514 Cooper St., Camden, N.J.; (856) 963-2432 ext. 205; gibbs_

Queer Connections

Send submissions to or fax (215) 925-6437 PGN Meeting Place, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 Meeting Place is a public service. Submissions must include a phone number for publication.

Complete Meeting Place listings of all Parent/Family, Professional, Recovery, Recreation, Religion, Sports, Men, Women, Trans, Youth groups can be found online @ and

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009




With Real Estate, Help Wanted, Services and Personals

Fed says economy leveling out; rates stay at lows By Jeannine Aversa The Associated Press The Federal Reserve delivered a vote of confidence in the economy last Wednesday, saying it would slow the pace of an emergency rescue program and indicating the recession appears to be ending. The central bank also held interest rates steady at record lows, with a closely watched bank-lending rate near zero, and again pledged to keep them there for “an extended period” to nurture an anticipated recovery. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and his colleagues said the economy appeared to be “leveling out” — a considerable upgrade from their last meeting in June, when the Fed observed only that the economy’s contraction was slowing. “We’re no longer at DEFCON 1,” said Richard Yamarone, economist at Argus Research, referring to the defense term used to indicate being under siege. “The Fed is pulling in some of its life preservers now that the economy is no longer sinking.” The Fed said it would gradually

slow the pace of its program to buy $300-billion worth of Treasury securities and shut it down at the end of October, a month later than previously scheduled. It has bought $253 billion of the securities so far. The program is designed to force interest rates down for mortgages and other consumer debt and spur Americans to spend more money. “I think the Fed is feeling increasingly comfortable about where the economy is going,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s “For the first time in two years, the Fed is taking one step — a baby step — toward unwinding the massive stimulus.” The Treasury-buying program’s effectiveness has been questioned on both Wall Street and Capitol Hill, with critics saying it looks like the Fed is printing money to pay for Uncle Sam’s spending binge. As the Fed winds down the program, rates on government debt might edge higher, economists said. But the Fed appeared to feel

sufficiently secure that higher rates would not jeopardize a recovery, they said. Chris Rupkey, an economist at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, viewed it as a “vote of confidence that credit markets and the economic outlook has improved and will show even further improvement down the road.” The Fed left unchanged another program that aims to push down mortgage rates. In that venture, the Fed is on track to buy $1.25trillion worth of securities issued by mortgage finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by the end of the year. The central bank’s recent purchases have totaled about $543 billion, suggesting the Fed still has firepower in its arsenal. The Fed left the target range for its bank-lending rate at 0 to 0.25 percent. And economists think it will stay there through the rest of this year. The rationale: Supercheap lending will lead Americans to spend more, which will support the economy.

If the Fed holds rates steady, commercial banks’ prime lending rate, used as a peg for rates on home-equity loans, certain credit cards and other consumer loans, will stay at about 3.25 percent, the lowest in decades. The Fed gave its assessment after its first meeting since the economy began flashing significant signs of turning a corner. They include fewer job losses in July, slower economic contraction and stabilizing consumer spending. But dangers still lurk. Further job losses, sluggish income growth, hits to wealth from tanking home values and still-hardto-get credit could make Americans cautious in the months ahead, the Fed said. The Fed expressed confidence that low rates and other aggressive action will gradually bolster the economy. Even so, economic activity probably will “remain weak for a time,” the Fed warned. Against that backdrop, the Fed said inflation is likely to stay “subdued.” Fed policymakers predicted that idle factories and

the weak employment market will make it hard for companies to jack up prices. While unemployment dipped to 9.4 percent in July, the Fed says it’s likely to top 10 percent this year because companies are in no rush to hire. The Fed has been weighing whether it should end some of its economic-revival programs now that signs are growing that the worst recession to hit the country since World War II is drawing to a close. Many analysts believe the economy — which logged a mild contraction in the second quarter after a dizzying fall in the prior six months — is growing now. “A paradigm shift is occurring at policy deliberations of the Federal Reserve,” said Sung Won Sohn, an economist at California State University, Channel Islands. “The officials are no longer worried about a severe retrenchment as they were late last year. Now, they are trying to sustain the economic recovery in motion.” ■

Location! Location! Location! This week’s featured property

40 Treaty Elms - Haddonfield, N.J.

Beds: 4-5 Baths: 2.5 Square footage: 2,370 Cost: $559,000 Realtor: Elaine Palecki Real-estate co.: Weichert Realty Phone: 856-983-2888 Direct Phone: 856-983-2307, ext. 219 E-mail:

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English Tudor style Colonial. All-brick exterior. Oak hardwood floors. Full bsmt. part. fin. 2-car det. garage. Secluded courtyard. Updated and in excellent cond. Move right in. Open house Saturday, Sept. 12 from 1-4 p.m.

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MAY 136- 7, 2009 PAGE


45 AUG. 21 - PAGE 27, 2009

����������� Real Estate

����������� REAL ESTATE �SALE ����

MAY 1 - 7, 2009

GREAT BUILDING IN GAYBORHOOD ���������������������������� INVESTMENT Available inGREAT time for summer fun. Located on the ����������� BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY river in quiet Beachwood, NJ. Large home with & LOCUST, �11TH 6 bed,NEAR 3.5 bath, water views from$599K all rooms, 6 Come this wonderful bldg w/2 spacious decks, see inground pool, hot tub and much more. rental apartments large commercial Priced at $899K. Call and LBO Realty, ask for Elliott space on 1st floor. In the heart of Center City. 732-674-3851 for info and for showing. Currently a doctor’s office, zoned C-1. Could _______________________________33-18 be made into condos or large single dwellWarminster > 55 community. 2 BR, 2 BA with ing. location. Call for bsmtGreat condo.condition, $200K. price, appointment. _______________________________33-18 JULIE WELKER COLDWELL BANKER WELKER REAL ESTATE 215-235-7800 _______________________________33-40 NYS CAMP SALE 5AC W/ CAMP- $19,900 Access to 1000’s of acres of gamelands 19 AC INDEPENDENCE RIVER LODGE. Beautiful wrap-around porches overlooking falls, pools, & easy flowing rapids. Full size cabin w/ loft on the river. WAS: $189,900 NOW: $139,900 Financing available- full guarantees CAll 800229-7843 Or visit _______________________________33-34 Cameron County- 7 acres with trout stream frontage and State Forest frontage. Electric, perc, wooded, north of Emporium. $59,900. Owner financing. 800-668-8679 or _______________________________33-34 A Bank Repo! 4BR/2BA $205/Mo! More Homes from $199/Mo! 5% down 15 years @ 8% APR. For listings 800-546-8656 Ext R944. _______________________________33-34 Bank Foreclosure! 4 Br 2 Ba $10,000! Only $225/Mo! More Homes from $199/Mo! 5% down 15 years @ 8% APR. For listings 800546-8656 ext 1482. _______________________________33-34


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����������� REAL ESTATE ����������� � ���� SALE �����

����������� REAL ESTATE ����������� � ���� SALE ����� PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS

Attention Hunters! 60 Acres- $99,900 Timber ������������ liquidating a hunting 20AC with Utilities & paradiseCountry loaded Road w/big was Condo ����������� 4 Sale, End Unit, 3rd Fl., 2 BD/1 BA, co. ����������� whitetail hardwood trails me$99,900 deer. Now All $69,900 BLMsetting, access. Deer & XL Kitchen-granice countertops, cherry wood � � to view andering throughout, pristine mountain views. elk galore! Call 877-229-7840 www. cabinets, H/W wood floors t/o, Mstr. BD with Old state road frontage, just 20 minutes to Best buy in West Virginia! Easy owner w/i closet & loft, hi ceilings, 6ft. windows in $4 town. _______________________________32-16 hund’s. Pet friendly. Doree Gitzes, Realtor, financing. Call now 1-877-526-3764. _______________________________33-18 Luxury four LongCorners & FosterofReal Estate, 215-348-0000, Routes 390 & 447 • Candensis, PAbedroom, 18325 four bath. Fully furnished. ������������������������������������������������ Mountain and lake views. $678,000. Call Dave X-8015. Open House, Sunday May 3, 1-3 �������������������������������������������� �������������������� _______________________________33-18 _______________________________32-16 ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������� ����� ���along ����� 72 acres McKean/Potter County line near Shinglehouse. Mostly wooded, some ������������������ �������� ������������������ open area, includes old hunting cabin, ����������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� electric, $199,000. Field and Stream RE. �����������������������������


���� ���� Areas include Shawnee, Camel Back, �������������������������� Mt. Airy������������� Casino and Rainbow Mt.


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�������������� Cell: �������������� Cell: 609.221.1196 609.221.1196 �������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� satellite TV, heat and hot water, all included. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Washington Township WashingtonYou Township Offi ce and electric. Subway pay; gas Office cooking ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42 and 5070 bus atRoute the front ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5070 Route 42 door. $1,200 / month. 215-416-5545. Available May 2008. This is a ��������������������������������������������������������������������� Turnersville, NJ Turnersville, NJ 08012 08012 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� _______________________________32-18 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 bedroom, 2 Baths Bank Repo only $45,000! ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Payments from $199/month! 5% down, 20 ����������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� _______________________________32-16 � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 Bedroom Bank foreclosure only $207/month! ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 bedroom, 2 bath home only $238/month! 5% down, 20 years @8% apr! For listings ��������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������� ��������������������������������



Art Museum Area-- off 26th St. (800 N. �������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� _______________________________32-16 Bambrey, �������������������������������� 1608 Spruce 19130) St., Philadelphia,Corner PA 19103 house on quiet street, close to public transportation. Newly ������������������������� TIRED OF2 YOUR COMMISSION ONLY___________________________________ REAL ESTATE SALES JOB???? renovated, 2 bedrooms, baths, hardwood floors, AC, laundry, deck, PARKING, PROPERTY MANAGERwired. POSSISION���������������� AVAILABLE ����������������� IMMEDIATELY. $1600+ call 215-990-4850. Go to kratzworks. Have your own bedroom in a beautiful split GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO COMBINE MANAGEMENT RENTALS AND SALES SKILLS. com for pix. level home with 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 Lovely 3 W/D, bd. 1upper ba. fully furnished home in CALL US TODAY FOR A CONFIDENTIALfull INTERVIEW. 215-545-6111 xt10lower _______________________________33-20 baths, and decks, use of beautiful secluded gay court. 2 blocks to ����������������REAL ESTATE LICENSE kitchen. Property is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 REQUIRED.. beach, jitney at corner. Long season-12,500. Two bedroom split-level apartment on second min. to 58 bus. We ask only that you be at least floor of row home at 20th and Christian streets. reasonably AVENUE OF THE ARTS neat and employed. Rent is $600 + _______________________________32-17 LR, kitchen/dining, bath, small foyer. On-street 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. 250 S. 13th Street1 br, doorman building, hw fl , tenant occupied $230,000 Kera Ritter parking, pets okay. Utilities separate. $875+two _______________________________33-19 Lg. twhnse, 3 BR, 2.5 BA. No pets or smoking. months deposit. Scott 267.736.6743. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA NE Phila. house to share. $350/mo. Call Jim, _______________________________32-19 _______________________________33-18 215-821-1062. 1904 S. 9th����������������� St- 2br home in Bella Vista w/ large living room, $139,900 John Perno _______________________________33-18 selection�������������� of affordable rentals. Full/partial 1 BR apts. avail. Various choices. $750 to Best WASHINGTON SQUARE weeks. Call for free brochure. Open daily. $1000/mo. Call soon, 215-901-0041.����������� Beach blk. Share lovely 3 BR house w/senior Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102 Online (SOLD)1213 Pine St- 3br,2.5bth, in Washignton Sq West w/ Full private garden and garage $529,900 _______________________________33-21 citizen. house privileges. Must be employed. $950/mo. Call Jim at 609-458-3711 �������������������� _______________________________32-16 ���������������������. Furness Flats. Large 2 bed, 1 bath. last John Perno (SOLD) to discuss details. eld, Debordieu, The 3 unit room apartment, living room, desirable kitchen, bath,building. left in this highly Close to all Center City Jewels of the South Carolina Coast. House/ and bedroom (all Large rooms) 2nd floor, _______________________________33-19 FOR................................������������� RENT Hospitals. Low fees and taxes condo 2rentals. Beach start cable. here! Share BR apt. Uppervacations Darby, W/D, private entrance. $1000.00 month, includes For availability call 1$350. Call 610-352-1188. utilities. CallSt-. 215Sunny 686-3431 215-468-9166 240 S. 13th studio,ornew kitchen, hardwood floors, $1000 includesUnique heat-Kera Ritter ������������������������ “George T._______________________________33-21 Sale Condo” Garden _______________________________32-16 evenings. Roommate wanted to share home 250 S. 13th St #13C-2br,2bth in Lenox Bld designated parking, heat incl $2500mo Kera Ritterin Norrislevel 1 bd, 1 ba. unit w/ private entrance.. Low fees & Tax _______________________________33-24 town. $600/mo. + half utils. Ref. req. Must love Abatement. Lowest area ........................��������. 3512 BARING ST – Studio, utilitiesprice included1 inbd. rent in starting $900 mo Kera Ritter No drugs. ������������������ cats. at call 610-270-0288. _______________________________33-21 Entire 3rd floor apartment for rent has large 1919 GREEN ST- Various apts available. ����������� Great for students close to university Kera Ritter eat-in kitchen with ice maker, built in micro, 644 N. 32nd St-Bilevel4br/3bth, close to Drexel UPenn. w/d, g/d, micro $2000 mo Kera Ritter d/w, garb disp. lots of counter and New storage. hall andstyle ����������������������. open 2 bedroom, 1 bath condo �������� closet, very large living room, rent includes all SPECIALIZING IN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT-CONDOS AND APARTMENTS 2-10 UNITS with low taxes and condo fees. Great small pet friendly building. channel Tevo. bathroom has a washer/dryer, � .........................................................................�������� CAREER OPPORTUNITY FOR FULL TIME SALES AGENTFOR INTERVIEW CALL OFFICE another hall closet and two bedrooms with more closets. Heat and hot water is also included. ������������������� Old Swedes Court. ��������������������� New Listing Large 3 $1,200.00/month. This is a non-smoking buildSuper-private 5 1/2 hardwood acres with views, stream, Bedroom 2.5 Bath with Garage, roof deck and floors. ing. 215-416-5545. waterfall,....................�������� 20’ X 36’ pool. Fully funished 3 Low association fees in Queen Village _______________________________33-20 bedrooms, 3 baths, 4 TVs, 1 flat screen, DSL,

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Mystery shoppers, make up to $150 a day. Drive the Big Rigs! 30 Trainees Needed ASAP. Undercover shoppers needed to judge retail $700-$800 per week, Benefits, No CDL, No ��� not Problem. No������������������� and dining establishemnts. Experience Credit, No Problem. GIT-R-DONE required. 877-280-7603. Call Now! 1-800-961-4319. ������������������������������������� _______________________________33-19 _______________________________33-18 ������������������������ Pensioner, GM inn, 609-287-8779���������� 9 AM-1 Over 18? Between High School and College? PM only. Travel and Have Fun w/Young Successful ����������������������� _______________________________33-19 Business Group. No Experience Necessary. �������������������������� 2wks Paid Training. Lodging, Transportation No exp. necessary, will train. PT or FT. SJ Provided. 1-877-646-5050. shore area. Call 609-645-2010. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-19 Now Hiring OTR Dry-Van Drivers! WESTERN Travel, Travel, Travel! $500 Sign-on and EXPRESS *Regular Home-Time *Excellent $500 Performance bonuses. Seeking Sharp Equipment *One-Day Orientation *BCBS ������������������� ������������������� Guys/Gals, Blue Jean Environment, Music Insurance *Stable,Growing Company, Must Lovers Welcome! Janelle ����������������������� #888-375-9795 be 22Yrs. Old, Class-A CDL required 866Start Today! ��������������������������� 863-4009. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-18 Part-time, home-based Internet business. Earn $500-$1000/month or more. Flexible hours. Mailing Brochures! Weekly pay + Bonus. SupTraining provided. No selling required. FREE plies furnished. Guaranteed Opportunity. Call Now! 1-800-307-7131. details. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-18 “Can You Dig It?” Heavy Equipment 3wk ������������������������ Avg. Pay $21/hour or $54K annually including Training Program. Backhoes, Bulldozers, Federal Benefits and OT. Paid Training. Vaca- Trackhoes. Local job placement asst. COULD QUALIFY FOR GI/VA BENEFITS. 866-362tions. PT/FT 1-866-945-0341. _______________________________33-18 6497. _______________________________33-18 ���������������� National Company Hiring 18-30 Sharp People. NOW AVAILABLE! 2009 POST OFFICE JOBS. Able to Start Today. Transportation & Lodging $18-$20/hr. NO EXPERIENCE, PAID TRAINFurnished. NO EXPERIENCE Necessary. Paid ING, FED BENEFITS, VACATIONS. CALL 1-800-910-9941 TODAY! Ref #PA09. Training. Over 18+ 866-734-5216. ������������������������ _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-18

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������������������� ���������������������������� Seeking part-time editorial intern �������������������

The Philadelphia Gay News is seeking a part-time editorial intern. As editorial intern, you will perform a variety of duties in support of the editorial staff. Duties might include writing short articles and weekly event listings, research, fact checking, ling, archiving data and special Noon - 1:00 PM projects.

Open Houses Sunday Aug. 23, 2009 �����������������

�������������������������������� 927 Spruce St. Unit 2F “Shippen House” (Carl) New ������������������������ Intern(s) may also have the opportunity (depending level of interest Boutique Condo Conversion. “Shippen House”onLarge 1bd. 1ba

and journalistic skills) attendfllocal conferences, rallies, totally renovated withtowood oors,events high (press ceilings etc. ................... etc.) and write news and features articles. ...................................................................................$265,000 ������������������������ Intern(s) highly motivated with strong A 318 S. should FawnbeSt. (Lou) New Listing Largewriting 1 bd, skills. 1ba. with journalistic background is hidden preferredstreet but not required. Intern(s) must Full large Garden on lovely near 12th and Spruce. �������������������� have the ability stay focused Intern(s) basement andtostorage attic. while Priceworking below aindependently. 1 bd. condo............... ������������������������������������� must be able to meet deadlines both on a daily and longer-term basis. ...................................................................................$249,900 927 Unit 1F (Dan) New first 15-20 time open, This isSpruce an unpaidSt internship (academic creditlisting available), hours ������������������� per week. junior bd. 1 ba. fully rehabbed condo. South facing Charming ������������������������������������ with lots of light, wood floors and fireplace. Great price............... Skills: ...................................................................................$225,000 �������������������� cient. (Prefer Word, e-mail, In-Design, Excel. Computer pro 1:30 - 2:30 Photoshop a plus.) ����������� 927 Spruces St.oriented Unit 2R NEW LISTING. (Dan & Carl) Organized, detail Large bedverbal 1 ba communications with hardwoodskills; floors,knowledge high ceilings, SolidJunior written1and of AP style Team kitchen, player ������������������ deluxe newly rehabbed. Unbeatable price..................... ...................................................................................$235,000 Please send résumé, cover letter and three writing samples to �������������� 1216 1218 Panama St. (Lou)Gay NEW LISTING. Rarely Sarah -Blazucki, Editor, Philadelphia News, 505 S. Fourth St., available GEM in thePAheart of Washington Sq. West. Totally ����������� Philadelphia, 19147. Or e-mail, rehabbed 3 bed. 2 ba. Gourmet Kitchen....................$699,900


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����� Dan Tobey

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The Curtis Center 170 W. Independence Mall , Suite L-44 �������� ���������� Philadelphia, PA 19106 2001 Toyota Celica GTS $2500! 2 door,custom Wishing to adopt newborn to nurture and 215.546.2700 • 267.238.1061 adore.Direct Will provide your baby with warm, made orange exterior, blackBusiness interior, 96500 CellContact • 215.546.7728 Fax stable home. You will be treated with miles, 6 speed 215.432.7151 manual, 4 cyl. info: loving, or call at (208) respect/ confidentiality. Expenses Paid. Please call Glenna 1-866-535-8080. 977-9080. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-18 ����� �������������� Receive $1000 Grocery Coupon. Noah’s Childless loving woman (teacher) wishes to

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AUG. 21 - 27, 2009








NEAR 11TH & LOCUST, $599K Come see this wonderful bldg w/2 spacious rental apartments and large commercial space on 1st floor. In the heart of Center City. Currently a doctor’s office, zoned C-1. Could be used made into condo’s or large single dwelling. Great condition, price, location. Call for appointment.






12TH & DICKINSON ST. 3 Room Apt for Rent. Living Room, Kitchen, Bath and Bedroom w/walk-in closet (very large rooms). $800. mo plus util. Call 215 468-9166 after 6 pm. or 215 686 3431 daytime. _______________________________33-38 12TH & DICKINSON AREA Furnished Townhouse for rent: 3 levels. Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms , bath. Very Unique. 1500. mo plus util. (negotiable). Call 215 468-9166 after 6 pm. or 215 686 3431 daytime. _______________________________33-38 CHERRY HILL 2 BR apt., pvt. entr., W/D, near mall. Pet allowed. $950, utils incl. 856-220-9407. _______________________________33-34 MODERN EAST FALLS HOUSE 3 Bedroom. LR w/fireplace. Spacious kitchen. 2 baths. Patio w/grill.1 block to R6. $1650/month! Avail. now. Call 610.764.7451 or go to www. _______________________________33-35 SOUTH PHILA. 2/3 BR HOUSES Durfor bet. 3rd & 4th: award winning street! 2 BR,C/A, EIK, LR/DR, back yard w/flower beds, W/D, plenty of storage. $995/mo. + utils. 27th & Reed: 3 BR. open porch, LR/DR, EIK, window air, back yard, ample storage, W/D.$730 + utils. Hemberger at Passyunk: 3 BR, LR, DR, closed in porch, EIK, window air, W/D, ample storage. $922/mo. + utils. CALL 215-849-4049 OR 215-990-3405 _______________________________33-34

THE QUINTESSENTIAL PHILADELPHIA Lifestyle! Tastefully designed 1 BDR/1 BA apt. available now! Features oversized windows, renovated kitchen and baths with gorgeous tiling & hardwood flooring. First Month Free! The Duval, 6350 Greene St., W. Mt. Airy. 267-335-2751 _______________________________33-38





Sunny 2 bedroom, 2 bath at 17th and Lombard on 3rd floor. New kitchen, granite, stainless. central air, dishwash, W/D, hardwood floors. Pets OK.

267 544-0260 or VACATION


OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102 Online reservations _______________________________33-34


Cook Position Sisters Nightclub is now interviewing for a Full-Time Cook. This is a great opportunity for a Sous Chef or well experienced Line-Cook to step up to the responsibility of operating a small kitchen on their own. Please send Resume and Salary requirements to Denise Cohen at Sisters 1320 Chancellor St. Phila., PA 19107 or via Fax 215-546-5580 or by email at



Driver-CDL A. Professional Flatbed Drivers Needed. OTR Runs. Competitive Pay & Regular Hometime. OTR Van Drivers Also Needed. Western Express/SMX Class A CDL, 22 yrs. old, 1 yr. exp. 888-801-5295, _______________________________33-34 Tired Living Pay To Pay? Drive the Big Rigs! 35 Driver Trainees Needed. Start Monday $700 To $800 Week. No CDL, No Problem. No Credit, No Problem. Call 800-961-4319. _______________________________33-34 Mailing Brochures! Weekly pay + Bonus. Supplies furnished. Guaranteed Opportunity. Call Now! 1-800-307-7131. _______________________________33-34

ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE From Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 866-858-2121 _______________________________33-34 AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified -Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888)349-5387. _______________________________33-34

Advertising Sales Representative PGN, one of the country's most award-winning Gay and Lesbian publications, is looking for a special candidate to fill this position in our advertising sales department. Applicants should have previous advertising sales experience, preferably in a similar environment. You should have a strong work ethic, good communication skills (both written and verbal), and an aggressive desire to sell advertising in this very special niche market. Most important, you should aspire to become an integral part of our successful sales team. We offer a competitive salary plus bonus, as well as Health Insurance. Applicants should call Greg Dennis at 215-625-8501, ext. 201. Email resume to or send resume to: PGN, 505 S. 4th St., Phila. PA. 19147 Attn.: Greg Dennis EOE



PGN WILL NOT PUBLISH RACIAL DISTINCTIONS IN ROOMMATE ADS. SUCH NOTATIONS WILL BE EDITED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ___________________________________ GREATER NE PHILA. Have your own bedroom in a beautiful split level home with 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 full baths, W/D, upper and lower decks, use of kitchen. Property is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 min. to 58 bus. We ask only that you be at least reasonably neat and employed. Rent is $600 + 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. _______________________________33-39 EWING, NJ 2 BR STONE COTTAGE Masc. or bi RM. very private location on 1 acre. $600/mo. + 1/2 utls. Call 609-216-2584, Ed. _______________________________33-35 COLLEGE HILL, EASTON, PA Share pvt. Victorian home. Lg. unfurn. BR, share common spaces. Hi sp. internet, kitchen priv.. WD. $600 + utils. 908-528-7820. No drugs, neat, clean, responsible & reliable. _______________________________33-35

SAWMILLS From Only $2,990.00--Convert your LOGS TO VALUABLE LUMBER with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. Free information: 1-800-578-1363-Ext300-N. _______________________________33-34 POLE BUILDINGS Residential Garages, Agricultural, Commercial, Horse Barns - Many options, colors, and sizes available. Fully erected. Maintenance Free. 1(800) 331-1875. _______________________________33-34 TRAMADOL 180 Tablets $112 with FREE overnight delivery! Butalbital 90 Tablets $101. Generic Soma 90 Tablets $100. NO HIDDEN FEES! US Pharmacy 1-888-738-3822 _______________________________33-33 AAA POOL! We’re overstocked w/HUGE 31’x19’ Pools complete w/Sundeck, Fence, Filter, Ladders NOW ONLY $825! 100% FINANCING! (Install. extra) CALL for 3-Day Installation! 1-866-2372217 _______________________________33-33



OPPORTUNITIES ALL CASH VENDING! Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 25 Machines and Candy All for $9,995. 1-800-460-4027. _______________________________33-34 Insurance Agency for Sale. Affiliated with major national carrier. A great business opportunity! Upcoming Webinar September 16th. Please send inquires to: or Fax: 866-296-7535. _______________________________33-34 Major National Insurance Company has a limited number of local agencies for sale in PA. A Great Business Opportunity! Please send inquires to: or/Fax:866-296-7535. _______________________________33-34

AUTOS DONATE VEHICLE Receive $1000 Grocery Coupon. Noah’s Arc Support No Kill Shelters. Research to Advance Veterinary Treatments. Free Towing, Tax Deductible, Non-Runners accepted 1-866-912-GIVE _______________________________33-34 Buy Police Impounds! 99 Honda Civic $500! 00 Toyota Camry $700! 97 Nissan Altima $600! Hondas, Chevys, Jeeps & More! For listings 800-546-5204 ext 3553 _______________________________33-34

ADOPTION ADOPT Truly loving couple longs to adopt a newborn. Will provide a lifetime of warmth, security and endless love. Expenses Paid. Victoria & Paul 1-866-450-8405. _______________________________33-34


Dining out? Read about restaurants and industry news every other week.




AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009





AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009





AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009





AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009





AUG. 21 - 27, 2009


PAGE 106


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AUG. 21 - 27, 2009



SERVICES DIRECTORY ����������������

PAGE 108


W m APRIL 25 - MAY 1, 2008

Want to let mom, dad and all of your exs know you’re tying the knot?

Is it time to Is it time to look for a look for a new doctor? new doctor?

Is it time to look for a new doctor?


o ex



Reach Over 40,000 Readers Weekly For As Little As $25.00 A Week. Call 215-625-8501 Today!

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Deadline for Line Advertising is Friday at 3 p.m. for the following Friday’s issue. You may place your ad via our secure voicemail system, fax or e-mail at any time, or on our Web site. Please have the following information ready to place your ad:


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All classified advertising must be in our office by 3 p.m. Friday for the next Friday’s paper. Ads arriving after that time will be held for the next available issue. PGN reserves the right to edit or rewrite ads as needed, to refuse any ad for any reason and to determine the final classification. Ads determined to be in bad taste, directed to or from persons under the legal age of consent or containing racially or sexually discriminatory language will be refused. We need your full name, mailing address and daytime phone number on the insertion order form for you ad. This information is confidential and will not appear in the paper. Any ads received without full information will be destroyed. Sexually explicit language will be edited or refused at the discretion of the management.


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Web Personals



PAGE PAGE 48 110

APRIL APRIL25 25--MAY MAY1,1,2008 2008



AMY F. STEERMAN Attorney at Law

Concentrating in Planning for Lesbian and Gay Couples • Probate • Wills • Living Wills • Powers of Attorney CLASSIFIEDS


1900 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

APRIL 25 - MAY 1, 2008

William A. Torchia, Esquire

Terence S. Brady, Esq.


Legal Representation In New Jersey

Estate & Tax Planning

Drunk Driving, Speeding, All Traffic Cases, Family Matters, Divorce, Visitation, Custody Criminal Matters, Real Estate Purchases, Foreclosures

GENERAL PRACTICE FOR THE COMMUNITY ������������������������ ����������������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� APRIL 25 �����������

Mt. Holly, N.J. 609 504 6310

��������������������� ����������� ������������� -��������������� MAY 1, 2008 ��������������

��������������������������� ����������������������

215-546-1950 (Voice)

215-546-8801 (Fax)

James JamesM. M.Quesenberry, Quesenberry,MA, MA,CRC, CRC,CVE CVE Disability Consultant James M. Quesenberry, MA, Disability Consultant CRC, CVE Disability Consultant

James M. Quesenberry, MA, CRC, CVE Disability Consultant

Social SocialSecurity SecurityDisability Disability Social Security Disability Claims Appeals Claims Appeals Claims Appeals 215-629-0585 215-629-0585 CLASSIFIEDS 215-629-0585

Social Security Disability Claims Appeals

Suite Suite202 202 Suite 202 Rd. Oxford Valley Oxford Valley Rd. Oxford Valley Rd. Fairless Hills, PA Fairless Hills, PA19030 19030 Fairless Hills, PA 19030

215-629-0585 Suite 202 Oxford Valley Rd. Fairless Hills, PA 19030

James M. Quesenberry, MA, CRC, CVE Disability Consultant

Are You Facing: Overwhelming Debt? Foreclosure? Repossession?

Social Security Disability Claims Appeals

725 Bainbridge St., Philadelphia Pa 19147 215-925-1002 •

215-629-0585 MARCH 28 - APRIL 3, 2008 Suite 202 Oxford Valley Rd. Fairless Hills, PA 19030

��������������� ���������� ���������������� ����������������� �����������

The Law Office of Alfonso Madrid


AUG. 21 -1,27,2008 2009 APRIL 25 - MAY

Want to let mom, dad and all of your exs know you’re tying the knot?

FREE LEGAL HOTLINE (215) 731-1477

Reach Over 40,000 Readers Weekly For As Little As $25.00 A Week. CallPAGE 215-62575

As a federally designated Debt Relief Agency, CLASSIFIEDS I assist people with finding solutions to their debt problems, including, where appropriate, the filing of petitions for relief under the Bankruptcy Code.


AMY F. STEERMAN Attorney at Law

Concentrating in Planning for Lesbian and Gay Couples • Probate • Wills • Living Wills • Powers of Attorney


1900 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19103


Weekend and evening appointments available.

this space:L.L.C. Torchia & Kaufmann,

THIS SPACE ISMA, YOURS James M. Quesenberry, CRC, CVE Only $25.00* Per Week! Social Security Disability

only $25 per week* Attorneys-at-Law

Disability Consultant

Claims Appeals

That’s Less Than 215-629-0585 A Week’s Worth Of Suite 202 Double Mocha Lattes

Estate & TaxYour Planning ad

dollars go further when you target your audience 1528 Walnut St. Suite 1220,


• Domestic Relations • Incorporation

• Wills, Living Wills, Trusts • Powers of Attorney

• Adoption • Name Change

• Criminal • Immigration

• Property Agreements • Accidents

• Guardianships • Real Estate

• Social Security • Elder Law

Philadelphia, PA 19102

Oxford Valley Rd. *8 Week Minimum Fairless Hills, PA 19030

215-546-1950 (Voice)

*when you run 215-546-8801 for(Fax) a minimum of 8 weeks


Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia


Bar Association Serving Southeastern PA., South Jersey; and Delaware. Organized to promote civil and human rights. GALLOP Referral Service provides free referrals to attorneys sensitive to the needs of the community For info or a referral, call 215-627-9090 P.O. Box 58279, Penn Center Station, Phila., PA 19102

THIS SPACE IS YOURS Only $25.00* Per Week!

That’s Less Than A Week’s Worth Of Double Mocha Lattes

Thomas E. Hora Attorney-at-Law All Serious Injuries Automobile Accidents Medical Malpractice Wills, Estates, Probate

Send us your Philadelphia (215) 735-2255 wedding/civil union/ New Hope commitment (215) 862-7101 ceremony announcement Equality and we’ll share it Advocates withPennsylvania the City of Brotherly Love. formerly the Center for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights


PROVIDING DIRECT information to LEGAL SERVICES, EDUCATION & *8 Week Minimum POLICY or faxREFORM us at FOR THE LGBT For As Little As $25.00 Week. As $25.00 A Week. Call A 215-625-8501 Today! (215) 925-6437. COMMUNITY. FREE LEGAL HOTLINE

AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

PAGE 106





Dowd Heating & Air Inc. 215-752-3638

2490 Williamson Court Bensalem, Pa 19020

Fax : 215-501-8306

this space: only $25 per week*

Your ad dollars go further when you target your audience *when you run for a minimum of 8 weeks

Reach Over 40,000 Readers Weekly For As Little As $25.00 A Week. Call 215-625-8501 Today!

Erotic Dungeon Master



Adult/Personals FRIENDS


No Matter...




LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. _______________________________33-38

Erotic Dungeon Master

GWM, Italian, top or bottom, 7” cut. Also into assplay, toys & water sports. Bi, straight, out of towners welcome. Day or night. Call Jeff at 215-850-7900. _______________________________33-35 SEEKING FRIENDSHIP AND MORE GWM, 50, 5’7”, 140, attractive, easy-going, seeking younger males 18-40 for friends and more. Let’s check out the fun places in the city together: restaurants, plays, movies, concerts, clubs, bars. Contact: _______________________________33-34 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. _______________________________33-34 Looking for top or bottom. Any race or age. Lancaster, PA area. Call after 5 PM, leave message: 717-201-8324. _______________________________33-35 LOOKING FOR A BIG BOTTOM You: WM, 230 lbs. +. Me: WM, 6’1”, 210. Call 8-11PM, 215-732-2108. _______________________________33-35 SHE MALES, XDRS, QUEENS Who expect, deserve, cum and worship 2 her creamy white, smooth legs, thighs, cheeks. U2B mature, 38-52. Me: D/D free, genrus, obed, sincere subm snr bi WM. 215-574-1802. OK to leave any kind message. _______________________________33-36



6’, 165 lbs., 60 year old Master, greek active, french passive requires obedient slave for training, S&M, B/D, W/S, etc. Limits respected and expanded. Assistant Master wanted. Call Dave at 215-729-6670, day or evening. _______________________________33-48

How You...


6’, 165 lbs., 60 year AUG. old Master, 21 greek - 27, active, 2009 french passive requires obedient slave for training, S&M, B/D, W/S, etc. Limits respected and expanded. Assistant Master wanted. Call Dave at 215-729-6670, day or evening. _______________________________33-48 Xdress sex party. CD house orgy every Sat. nite. GWM couple ISO GWMs 18-40 yrs. for 1 on 1 and group sex. Stockings, pantyhose, etc. Starts 9 PM Sat. Call Sat. 7-8 PM 856910-8303, ask for Mark. _______________________________33-24 GWM, Italian, top or bottom, 7” cut. Also into assplay, toys & water sports. Bi, straight, out of towners welcome. Day or night. Call Jeff at FRIENDS 215-850-7900. _______________________________33-18



You Can Always Trust

E-mail us:



Recreational Activities IN THE

Meeting Place



Gay is our middle name.

Look at it...

You: big 215-732_______

• Sensual • Erotic

Available for in/out appointments.

Discreet, clean and relaxing atmosphere. AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

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Submit and Surrender • Full Body • Deep Tissue Deep tissue/Erotic massage • Sensual • Erotic BDSM training Body shaving in/out

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SSiinnccee 19 198877

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by handsome athletic man

Deep tissue/Erotic massage BDSM training Body shaving in/out

Ask about the After Midnight Special.

Call Franco anytime 24/7 at 215-463-0368 B24

KEN 215-317-8378


PA , N J & D E S i n c e 19 8 7

Reservation deadline Nude M4M Massage Friday, 3pm, prior Sensual Manisfor Man Massage For DISCREET MEN ONLY Handsome, 46 yrs.old Tall, attractive, muscular 5’-10”,; hz.eyes to issue to appear. Sensual/Erotic Massage Well endowed; fat mush.head I will tailor your massage Camera to suit yourready must Incall/Outcall arrive by noon on OUTCALLS ONLY! Michael 609-238-6247 Monday prior to issue. 215-313-1010


Handsome Certified Therapist 6’,Handsome 195 lbs, Muscle Gives Sensual / Certified Therapeutic Massage Therapist

Call 215-432-6030

6’, 195 lbs, Muscle Gives Sensual / Therapeutic Massage


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30 Others Available On Our Website - Black Box = New


Phila. 11AM 215.733.9779 til 2AMOr Always Toll Free 888.765.6665 Hiring Alwaystil 2AM Hiring Hours:11AM Our Special Guests OurSpecial SpecialGuests Guests Our Work Out Exclusively at WorkOut OutExclusively Exclusively at at Work 12th Street Gym 12thStreet StreetGym Gym 12th

B-7 B-7 B-7





Convenient to Lower Bucks, NE Phila. 15 mins from CC & S.Jersey Available to any Phila area Hotel



PGN deadlines are strictly followed.

Hot, Muscular, Defined, Smooth, Solid Pecs and Abs, with a Great, Warm and Friendly Personality. I am very discreet. I offer a Strong Deep Tissue, Very Sensual, and Erotic Session.


Available NOW-September.

Call or text my cell: 213-595-9552 D96


7 Make waves. Write a letter.



Now In Our 2 2 n d Ye a r !

215-733-9779 Jon-Jon

Call 215-432-6030 FRIENDS


G-02 G-02 G-02 G-02

Submit and Surrender



Let hands Let my strong hands Letmy mystrong strong hands release release your tensions. releaseallall allyour yourtensions. tensions. FULLBODY • SENSUAL • EROTIC FULLBODY •• SENSUAL •• EROTIC FULLBODY SENSUAL EROTIC “Ask about my specials” “Ask about “Askcar about my specials” Have andmy willspecials” travel Have car Have car and and will will travel travel •• City/Suburb/Jersey City/Suburb/Jersey Shore City/Suburbs/Jersey Shore/HotelsShore

(215)465-2427 (215)465-2427

21 s t Ye a r ! PAGE 51


Display Advertising Deadlines

Deep Tissue, Sensual and Erotic Massage

B-2 B-2

sensual massage tailored to your needs in my convenient NW THE PLAYGROUND suburban location

Gay is our middle name.



AUG. 21 - 27, 2009

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