Acupuncture for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Contents
1 Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome 1.1 What is carpal tunnel syndrome? 1.1.1 How Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Develop? 1.1.2 Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome 1.1.3 Carpal tunnel syndrome causes 1.2 Natural remedies for carpal tunnel 1.2.1 Home remedies for carpal tunnel most popular natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome 1.2.2 Acupuncture for carpal tunnel old Chinese natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome 1.2.3 Massage – an essential form of natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome 1.2.4 Vitamins or supplements 1.3 Conclusion
Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome is always a challenge. Due to the nature of this disorder, allopathic medicine has no choice but surgery as a form of palliative cure exercises and physical therapy modalities commonly used by the majority of the medical offices. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can happen for reasons that are understood and for reasons that are unknown. However, practicing self-care can prevent some of the symptoms that arise no matter the underlying cause. From keeping hands warm to improving posture, and from relaxing the grip while performing tasks with the hands to taking frequent breaks, the best chance at preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome usually lies with some conscientious effort.
However, there are many treatment options for carpal tunnel syndrome. Most treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome involve physical therapy machines like ultrasound and muscle stimulation that help reduce inflammation. Stretches and exercises are also usually recommended. These treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome can temporarily reduce the inflammation and pain but do nothing to eliminate what is causing the inflammation.
Some doctors prescribe pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, and even anti-depressant drugs for carpal tunnel syndrome treatments. These also just treat the symptoms while doing nothing to eliminate the cause. Many of these drugs have negative side-effects and some (cortisone injections) may even weaken your tendons or ligaments leading to even worse problems. Another treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome is Surgery. Surgery usually involves cutting the flexor retinaculum in half and allowing it to heal with scar tissue in the gap. This makes the ligament longer, and the carpal tunnel larger so there is less pressure on the median nerve. This may help for a while but, once again, as the problem progresses, the condition worsens until the pressure in the larger tunnel becomes high enough to cause the pain to return. Most people who had surgery and continued with the same job had their problem return. Most of those who quit doing the job that caused the muscle damage had relief. In these cases, however, it will just be a matter of time before normal daily activities will cause the problem to progress into pain again. As you can see, none of the typical treatments for CTS do anything to eliminate the cause. Note: Carpal tunnel syndrome is difficult to treat if you do not understand the progression of this unique condition or how to eliminate the cause. This is why most people seek natural remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome because researches have proven that it is effective with no side effects. What is carpal tunnel syndrome? Carpal tunnel syndrome reached epidemic proportions in the ’90s and has now achieved a status equaling pandemic proportions in the 21st century. With carpal tunnel syndrome having such devastating effects on millions of people each year, how do you know if you or someone you know has it?
With so much attention and hype the past 10-years concerning carpal tunnel syndrome in the workplace, you would think that a clear-cut picture would exist regarding the “how’s” “why’s” and “what is it’s” of carpal tunnel. Although carpal tunnel syndrome should be easily recognizable with such extensive media exposure, you would be amazed at how many people, including a lot of doctors, do not recognize the
symptoms or misdiagnose it as something other than carpal tunnel syndrome. To provide a clearer picture of what is carpal tunnel syndrome, why and how it develops, and what can be done to eliminate it, the information provided below in this article explains the process so that you can better identify and therefore prevent carpal tunnel syndrome from taking over your life. Carpal tunnel syndrome, also known as median nerve compression, is a condition that causes numbness, tingling, or weakness in the hand. This happens because of the pressure on your median nerve, which runs the length of your arm, passes through a passage in your wrist called the carpal tunnel, and ends in your hand. The median controls the movement and feel of your thumb, as well as the movement of all fingers. How Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Develop? Because the finger and wrist muscles are constantly overused in oneway movement patterns, (Gripping, squeezing, typing, etc.) a “muscle imbalance” develops, causing the carpal bones to shift, in turn, making the carpal tunnel smaller and impinging the structures within, resulting in painful and debilitating symptoms. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome
Loss of grip-strength / coordination
Weakness in your hand and trouble holding things
Shock-like feelings that move into your fingers
Other carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms are sensations involving tightness, discomfort, stiffness, and pain on the front side of the hand and wrist may be present in the carpal tunnel, but may also be symptoms of a general repetitive strain injury.
The only true symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome that you need to be aware of are the effect on the thumb, index, middle, and sometimes one-half of the ring finger. (All of the fingers and symptoms listed do
not have to be experienced simultaneously for you to have carpal tunnel syndrome.) Carpal tunnel syndrome causes Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is usually caused by repetitive finger and hand use (especially with improper positioning). Such repetitive movements of the fingers and hands can cause the median nerve to become compressed and irritated as it passes through the carpal tunnel. But there is another way that carpal tunnel can develop-through disease. Many diseases such as leukemia, multiple myeloma, and sarcoidosis can also lead to this condition. These diseases cause substances to be deposited around the median nerve, thus causing the irritating pain, tingling, and numbness of the hands associated with CTS.
Other carpal tunnel syndrome causes are:
Pre-existing conditions: The diagnosis of another illness in which symptoms include lack of blood flow to the hands, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and hypothyroidism.
Smoking: It decreases blood flow to the median nerve.
Gender: Women who are pregnant, taking birth control pills, taking hormone replacements, or going through menopause are sometimes known to develop CTS.
Age: People in the age range of 40 to 60 years old are more affected than any other age group.
Natural remedies for carpal tunnel Our patients often ask how to cure carpal tunnel syndrome naturally and also if there are many options for treatment for carpal tunnel at home. In this article, you will find answers to those questions. Natural remedies for carpal tunnel can often be more beneficial to us than plowing our way through stacks of pain medication. Natural remedies for carpal tunnel often have little or no side effects whereas conventional medication can often come with a whole bunch of other complaints.
The great news is that natural remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome are less expensive and can be found in our homes. Listed below are ways to cure carpal tunnel syndrome naturally: Home remedies for carpal tunnel most popular natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome If you are one of those who are looking for treatment for carpal tunnel at home read about home remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome below. For most people, prevention is the key to fighting carpal tunnel syndrome: making changes before CTS becomes a problem. If you already have mild tingling, numbness, and burning sensations associated with CTS, you may be able to prevent further damage and promote healing by making some simple lifestyle changes.
Home remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome can help keep your hands and wrists healthy and reduce symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Listed below are home remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome: Use ice.
The use of ice is one of the home remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome to help reduce swelling and inflammation by placing an ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth on your wrist and
forearm for 5 to 15 minutes two or three times a day. But at the same time, be sure to take steps to eliminate the cause of the trauma to your wrist. Wrist exercises
Simple wrist exercises can help relieve pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. First try bending the wrist forwards and backward, taking the fingertips down towards the ground then up towards the ceiling. Then try gently circling the wrists in one direction and then the other way. Finally, open the fingers as wide as you can and then clench them into a fist, repeat this 5-10 times.
Eat food that can help reduce inflammation
This is another home remedy for carpal tunnel syndrome. Try including more antioxidant-rich foods, such as bell peppers, that have the effect of reducing inflammation. Walnuts are another good inclusion to consider as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which can also work to decrease inflammation. Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain that is thought to help break down the inflammation, which can, in turn, aid carpal tunnel symptoms.
Other home remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome are:
Relieve nighttime pain by gently shaking your hand and wrist or hanging your hand over the side of the bed.
Buy a wrist splint at the drugstore to keep your hand properly aligned. It may help to wear the splint at night to keep you from flexing or overextending your wrist while you sleep.
Various kinds of bodywork can help reduce carpal tunnel symptoms and retrain you to use your hands and arms in more natural ways. Yoga is one of carpal tunnel natural treatments that can help improve grip strength and increase flexibility.
However, if your symptoms are severe (such as interfering with your daily activities), if they do not go away after two weeks of self-care, or if they are accompanied by fever, swelling, and rash, skin or redness on your wrist, or loss of function or muscle mass, contact Your doctor. Acupuncture for carpal tunnel old Chinese natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome
Acupuncture for carpal tunnel is one of the most effective treatment methods for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Independent research confirms that acupuncture for carpal tunnel is more effective than anti-inflammatory drugs. Acupuncture for carpal tunnel successfully relieves pain, Inflammation, numbness and restores motor dexterity. Acupuncture is a common carpal tunnel natural treatment, though it doesn’t work for everyone. Traditional acupuncture theory holds that pain can be caused by blockages along energy pathways in the body, called “meridians”; by inserting thin needles into specific points, these areas are unblocked, and the flow of energy is improved. The contemporary theory holds that the needles release natural pain-relieving chemicals in certain areas, both improving circulation of body fluids and balancing the nervous system. For carpal tunnel treatment, needles are usually inserted in the hands, wrists, and arms; needles may also be inserted in the upper back and neck, along with nerves that run from the spine down the arms to the hands.
Acupuncture for carpal tunnel is only effective when applied in a series of treatments; a single treatment will have little effect. If you are squeamish about the needles, some acupuncturists are using laser therapy instead, following the same acupuncture principles. Another non-invasive technique is acupressure; the application of directed pressure to points on the wrists, forearms, and hands is thought to stimulate blood flow to the wrists and ease swelling and numbness. If you wish to seek a practitioner of any of these techniques, be sure that
your practitioner is experienced specifically with carpal tunnel, and get references from people who have already been treated. Massage – an essential form of natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome Massage is a natural remedy for carpal tunnel syndrome that can help to heat up, lengthen, and relax the tissues. Here are some easy massages you can do at home.
Take the injured hand palm up and bend the wrist slightly so the fingers are angled down. Use the thumb of the other hand to massage from the palm toward the forearm and over the wrist. Repeat this several times.
Massage the forearm muscles from the wrist toward the elbow.
Lightly massage with long strokes from the wrist to the armpit. This light massage can help move lymph toward lymph nodes resulting in reduced swelling at the wrist.
Vitamins or supplements Vitamins are carpal tunnel natural treatment that has been credited with alleviating or even curing carpal tunnel symptoms. Taking 50 to 100 mg of B6 daily can relieve symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome such as swelling and inelasticity due to B6 deficiency. It has also been suggested that because B6 is a diuretic, it can help relieve the body of some fluids that can cause unnecessary swelling in the hand and wrist – causing discomfort and pain.
However, it is important not to take too much vitamin B6, as this can lead to photosensitivity and rashes. Therefore, you should never exceed 100 mg per day. Vitamin B6 is also naturally found in foods like potatoes, bananas, chicken breast, fish, brown rice, and avocados. Conclusion Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome is important and should start as soon as the disease manifests itself. One of the major symptoms of
carpal tunnel syndrome is sensitivity deficit in the first, second, and internal half of the third fingers. It makes it impossible to perform any precise motions by the affected hand. Allopathic medicine proposes either surgery or palliative physical therapy and painkillers. In many cases, however, holistic medicine has the answer in the form of acupuncture, homeopathy, exercise program. To schedule the first appointment for evaluation and treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome contact our clinic (267) 284-3085 or use our online scheduling application