Holistic Treatment for Anemia

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Holistic and Naturopathic Anemia Treatments Contents


1 Anemia treatments 1.1 Objectives of the anemia treatment 1.1.1 Diet changes and dietary supplements for the treatment of anemia. 1.1.2 Iron 1.1.3 B12 vitamin 1.1.4 Folic acid 1.1.5 L-ascorbic acid aka vitamin C 1.1.6 Medications for anemia 1.1.7 Blood transfusion for anemia 1.1.8 Anemia and surgery 1.1.9 Transplantation of blood and bone marrow stem cells 1.2 What is anemia? 1.2.1 Types of anemia Iron-deficiency Anemia Vitamin deficiency anemias Aplastic Anemia Hemolytic anemia Sickle cell anemia Anemia of chronic disease Diamond-Blackfan Anemia Pernicious anemia Fanconi’s anemia Mediterranean anemia Vegetarian anemia and vegan anemia 1.2.2 What causes anemia? 1.2.3 Anemia symptoms 1.3 Natural treatment for anemia. 1.3.1 Diet for anemia Iron-rich foods are: Food rich in Vitamin C: Foods rich in vitamin B12: Foods rich in folic acid (folate): 1.3.2 Lifestyle and home remedies for anemia 1.3.3 Herbs – safe treatment for anemia Spirulina: Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), dandelion root or leaf (Taraxacum officinale), burdock (Arctium Lappa), and yolk (Rumex Crispus): Gentian (Gentiana lutea): 1.3.4 Acupuncture treatment for anemia 1.3.5 Homeopathy – #1 anemia treatment Ferrum Metallicum: the best homeopathic medicine for iron-deficiency anemia Ferrum Phosphoricum: a hemoglobin enhancer 1.4 Natural anemia treatments in Philadelphia 1.4.1 Questions to ask the doctor

Anemia treatments Anemia treatments depend on the type of anemia and anemia caused in each particular clinical case. In general, the anemia treatments aim to increase the level of hemoglobin, however, while anemia is a polymorphic condition each case should be treated individually. Anemia treatments may include dietary changes or supplements, medications, procedures, or surgery to treat the blood loss.

Objectives of the anemia treatment The goal of treatment is to increase the amount of oxygen your blood can carry. This is done by increasing the number of red blood cells and/or the hemoglobin level. (Hemoglobin is the iron-rich protein contained in red blood cells that delivers oxygen to the different parts of a body.) One more goal of anemia treatments is to cure the primary causes of anemia. In this article, Dr. Tsan will share his personal experience on anemia treatments based on 40+ years of academic and clinical experience. Diet changes and dietary supplements for the treatment of anemia. Insufficient levels of vitamins or iron in the system can lead to some types of anemia. These low vitamins and/or iron levels could be due to poor diet or certain illnesses or conditions.

To normalize the levels of vitamins and/or iron levels, your doctor may ask you to change your diet or take vitamin or iron supplements. Common vitamins supplements are vitamin B12 and folic acid (folate). Sometimes vitamin C is given to help the body absorb iron. Iron Your body needs iron to make hemoglobin. Your body can absorb iron more easily from meat than from vegetables or other foods. For anemia treatment, your medical practitioner may advise adding more meat to

your daily diet, specifically red meat such as beef or liver, as well as chicken, turkey, pork, fish, and shellfish. This form of diet is commonly used for iron deficiency anemia treatment. The list of non-meat containing nutrients that are also a good source of iron includes: 

Spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables


Peas; Lentils; white beans, red beans, and bacon; soy; and chickpeas

Dehydrated fruits such as prunes, raisins, and apricots

Plum juice

Cereals and bread fortified with iron

Iron is also available at an additional cost. It’s usually taken with multivitamins and other minerals that help your body absorb iron. B12 vitamin Low levels of vitamin B12 can lead to pernicious anemia. This type of anemia is usually treated with vitamin B12 supplements and is also known as Vitamin b12 deficiency anemia. Good dietary sources of vitamin B12 that can be used for anemia treatments are: 

Breakfast cereals with added vitamin B12

Red meat such as beef, and liver, as well as poultry, and fish

Eggs and dairy products (such as milk, yogurt, and cheese)

Vitamin B12 fortified foods such as soy drinks and veggie burgers

Folic acid Folic acid aka folate is one of the group B vitamins contained in different foods. Your body needs folate to build and maintain new cells. Folic acid is also especially valuable for prenatal females. This helps them avoid anemia and promotes healthy fetal growth. 

Good sources of folate include:

Bread, pasta, and rice with folic acid

Spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables

Black-eyed peas and dried beans

Beef liver


Bananas, citruses, orange, and lemon juices.

L-ascorbic acid aka vitamin C This vitamin helps the body to absorb iron. Good sources of L-ascorbic acid are fruits and vegetables, especially citruses. Citrus fruits include oranges, grapefruits, mandarins, lemons, limes, etc. Fresh and frozen fruits, vegetables, and juices usually contain more vitamin C than canned ones. If you are taking any medicines, ask your doctor or pharmacist if you can eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice. This fruit can affect the strength of some medicines and their effectiveness. Other fruits rich in vitamin C are


strawberries, and


Vegetables rich in vitamin C are 







potatoes, and

leafy greens such as turnip greens and spinach.

Medications for anemia

Your doctor may prescribe medication to help your body make more red blood cells or to treat an underlying cause of anemia. The list of these medications for anemia may include: 

Antibiotics to treat infections.

Hormones to treat heavy menstrual bleeding in adolescent and adult women.

A synthetic form of erythropoietin accelerates the body to generate more red blood cells. The consumption of this hormone has some risks. our medical practitioner will make a decision whether the advantages of this medicine for anemia outweigh the known risks.

Medicines to prevent the body’s immune system from destroying its own red blood cells.

Chelation therapy (ke-LAY-shun) for lead poisoning. Chelation therapy is mainly used in children. This is because children with iron deficiency Anemia are at increased risk of lead poisoning.

If Chronic Kidneys Disease is the main cause of anemia, in addition to iron infused via IV or consumed by mouth, the anemia treatments may also incorporate erythropoietin (EPO) injections.

For Sickle cell anemia treatment the following medications are recommended: 

Droxia, Hydrea, Siklos (generic name Hydroxyurea). Daily intake of these medications for Sickle cell anemia treatment lowers the occurrence of painful strikes and can lower the level of necessity for blood transfusions and hospitalizations. However, Hydroxyurea can enhance the risk of bacterial and viral infections. Pregnancy is a contraindication for the prescription of this medicine for anemia.

Endari – the Oral L-Glutamine Powder. The Food and Drug Administration lately authorized this medicine for the treatment of Sickle cell anemia. Helps reduce the frequency of pain attacks.

Adakveo and its generic version Crizanlizumab. The FDA recently approved this drug for the treatment of Sickle cell anemia. Given the venous route, it reduces the frequency of painful crises. Unfortunately, Adakveo causes some side effects such as nausea, joint pain, back pain, and fever.

Analgesic drugs. Your doctor may prescribe narcotics to relieve pain during sickle cell attacks.

Voxelotor and Oxbryta. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved this oral drug to improve anemia in people with Sickle cell anemia.

Voxelotor (formerly known as GBT440) is the first of its kind oral medication for the treatment of sickle cell disease. This drug works by changing the affinity between hemoglobin and oxygen. It acts through the formation of a covalent bond (reversible in nature) with the amino acid valine located at the N-terminus of the Hb α-chain. This results in an allosteric modification of Hb and increases the affinity between oxygen and Hb. The most common side effects from Voxelotor are: 





rash, and


Blood transfusion for anemia If your anemia is severe and your hemoglobin levels are critically low, your doctor may recommend a medical procedure known as a blood transfusion for anemia. A blood transfusion is a safe, common procedure that involves giving you blood through an intravenous (IV) line into one of your blood vessels. Transfusions require careful matching of donated blood with that of the recipient.

Anemia and surgery If your anemia is caused by internal bleeding, your provider may need to have surgery to stop it. Surgical intervention has been commonly used to cure anemia in patients with the para esophageal type of hiatal hernia, with or without ulcers (called Cameron’s ulcers).

If you have severe or life-threatening bleeding that is causing anemia, surgery may be necessary. For instance, your condition may require surgical treatment to control continuing blood loss due to a stomach ulcer or colon cancer. If your body is destroying red blood cells at a high rate, it may be necessary to remove the spleen. The spleen is an organ that removes spent red blood cells from the body. An enlarged or diseased spleen can remove more red blood cells than normal, causing anemia. Transplantation of blood and bone marrow stem cells A blood and bone marrow stem cell transplant replaces damaged stem cells with healthy cells from someone else (donor). Stem cells are produced in the bone marrow. These stem cells at some point turn into red and white blood cells and platelets.

In a transplant, which is similar to a blood transfusion, you receive stem cells from your donor through a tube in a vein in your chest. Once the stem cells are in your body, they travel to the bone marrow and start making new blood cells. What is anemia? Anemia is one of the most frequent blood diseases in the USA. Anemia impacts red blood cells and hemoglobin. Hemoglobin, located in red blood cells is the protein that unites with oxygen and the combination of them known as oxyhemoglobin that transports oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Obviously, when the level of hemoglobin is low blood can’t transport enough oxygen.

Anemia happens when there is an insufficient amount of healthy red blood cells. Cells travel with iron and hemoglobin, which is a protein that helps carry oxygen through the bloodstream to organs throughout the body. When someone develops anemia, they are considered “anemic”. Being anemic can mean that you feel more tired or cold than usual, or that your skin looks very pale. That’s because your organs don’t get the oxygen they need to do their job. Some people find they are low in iron when they go to donate blood.

Types of anemia There are several known types of anemia, and each one lowers the number of red blood cells in the bloodstream or the amount of hemoglobin in each red blood cell. Red blood cell levels can be low due to the following reasons: 

Your body cannot produce a sufficient amount of hemoglobin.

Your body produces hemoglobin, but hemoglobin is not functioning properly.

Your body is not producing enough red blood cells.

Your body destroys red blood cells early and quicker than the body can replace them.

See the list of the most common types of anemia below:

Iron-deficiency Anemia Iron deficiency anemia is the most popular form of anemia. It starts when your body experiences a deficit of iron. Iron deficiency is usually due to blood loss, but it can occasionally be due to poor absorption of iron. Pregnancy and childbirth consume a lot of iron and therefore can result in pregnancy-related anemia. People who have had stomach reduction surgery for weight loss or other reasons may also be iron deficient due to malabsorption.

Vitamin deficiency anemias Vitamin deficiency anemias can result from low levels of vitamin B12 or folic acid (folate), usually due to insufficient food intake. Pernicious anemia is a condition in which vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Aplastic Anemia Aplastic Anemia is a rare disease of bone marrow failure in which the bone marrow stops making enough blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets). This happens as a result of the destruction or deficiency of hematopoietic stem cells in your bone marrow, especially when the body’s immune system attacks the stem cells. However, the few blood cells produced by the marrow are normal. Virus-related diseases, radiation, and exposure to poisonous substances or drugs can also lead to aplastic Anemia. Hemolytic anemia Hemolytic anemia occurs when red blood cells are broken down in the bloodstream or in the spleen. Hemolytic anemia can be due to mechanical causes (leaky heart valves or aneurysms), infections, autoimmune disorders, or birth defects of red blood cells. Hereditary abnormalities can affect the hemoglobin or the structure or function of red blood cells. Examples of hereditary Hemolytic anemias include certain types of thalassemia and low levels of enzymes such as glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Treatment will depend on the cause. Sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemia is inherited hemolytic anemia in which the hemoglobin protein is abnormal, which causes red blood cells to become rigid and clogged up because they are unable to flow through small blood vessels.

Anemia of chronic disease Some diseases can affect the body’s ability to make red blood cells. For example, some people with kidney disease develop anemia because the kidneys do not make enough of the hormone erythropoietin to signal the bone marrow to make new or more red blood cells. Chemotherapy used to treat various types of cancer often affects the body’s ability to make new red blood cells, and this treatment often leads to anemia.

Diamond-Blackfan Anemia Diamond-Blackfan Anemia is an uncommon blood illness that can be hereditary or developed. In this type of anemia, the bone marrow does not produce enough red blood cells. This type of anemia is usually identified in the first year of life in nearly 90% of babies who inherited or developed it. Pernicious anemia In a strict sense, pernicious anemia occurs when a person lacks something called an intrinsic factor, which allows them to absorb vitamin B12. With no vitamin B12, the body system cannot build healthful red blood cells. Other types of anemia that are the result of a shortage of group B vitamins, for example, B9, are also frequently considered pernicious anemia. This name can refer to other conditions, including folic acid deficiency anemia and Addison’s anemia, even though there is no intrinsic factor deficiency. Fanconi’s anemia This type of anemia is also rare and genetic. This is because the bone marrow does not produce enough red blood cells. There are some physical symptoms of this medical condition, such as aberrant bone composition and atypical color of skin. About 50% of people with this condition are diagnosed when they turn 10 years old. Mediterranean anemia Mediterranean anemia is a medical condition also known as Cooley’s anemia and actually refers to major beta Thalassemia anemia. Thalassemia anemia is an inherited condition in which the body does not produce enough hemoglobin. In addition to not making enough of these cells, red blood cells do not live as long as in a healthy person.

Vegetarian anemia and vegan anemia Vegetarian anemia and vegan anemia refer to the fact that vegetarians and vegans experience a lack of iron because they don’t consume meat, poultry, or seafood. However, careful meal planning makes this statement false. There are many ways to get enough iron through a plantbased diet. Your healthcare provider may also use terms for anemia that refer to the size of your red blood cells. These words include terms such as macrocytic anemia (larger than normal cells) or microcytic anemia (smaller than normal cells). What causes anemia? To understand the causes of anemia it is important to be familiar with the physiology of the blood system. While many systems of the body can help to manufacture red blood cells, for the most part, the production is done in the bone marrow. The bone marrow is the delicate, velvety tissue in the center of the bone that creates and delivers to the bloodstream all kinds of blood cells. Healthful red blood cells stay alive from 90 to 120 days. Spleen, then eliminate old blood cells. Kidneys at the time when red blood cells are losing their vitality infuse into a bloodstream hormone erythropoietin that sends signals to the bone marrow to create more red blood cells. Hemoglobin, which contained red blood cells is the oxygen-carrying protein. Hemoglobin makes red blood cells red. Anemic people do not have a sufficient amount of hemoglobin. In another word, any factor that leads to the lack of hemoglobin falls into the category of causes of anemia.

The body demands a variety of vitamins, microelements, and nutrients to fabricate an adequate amount of red blood cells. Three of the most important are iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid. The body may not get enough of these nutrients due to: 

Changes in the lining of the stomach or intestines that affect how nutrients are absorbed (for example, celiac disease)

A poor diet

Surgical procedures that cut off a portion of the stomach or guts

Iron deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Folate deficiency

Some drugs

Breakdown of red blood cells earlier than normal (which can be caused by problems with the immune system)

Long-term (chronic) illnesses such as chronic kidney disease, cancer, ulcerative colitis, or rheumatoid arthritis

Some types of anemia, such as thalassemia or Sickle cell anemia, usually are inherited


Bone marrow diseases such as lymphoma, multiple myeloma, aplastic anemia, myelodysplasia, or leukemia

Slow blood loss (for example, from a heavy period or stomach ulcers)

Sudden and profuse blood loss from the injured part of the body.

Anemia symptoms Symptoms of anemia vary depending on the type of anemia, the underlying cause, the severity, and the underlying health problems such as bleeding, ulcer, menstrual cramps, or cancer. Specific symptoms of underlying medical conditions can be noticed first.

The body systems have an incredible power to compensate for the lack of hemoglobin and the deficit of red blood cells for the early stages of anemia. If your anemia is moderate or has developed over a long period of time, you may not notice any anemia symptoms. All types of anemia have a number of common anemia symptoms, such as: 


Shortness of breath,

Feeling cold

Dizziness or weakness.


Painful tongue.

Pale skin,

Dry skin,

Easily bruising skin,

Unintentional movements of the lower limbs,


You may possibly have no symptoms of anemia if the deficit of hemoglobin is not significant or if the condition develops slow. Natural treatment for anemia. Most often, the causes of anemia are a lack of iron or vitamins. Changing your diet or taking supplements usually helps. However, you should ask your doctor about the cause of your anemia. For example, too

much iron is toxic and you shouldn’t take supplements unless you have iron deficiency Anemia and your doctor recommends them. Herbal and nutritional treatments can help when used in conjunction with medical treatment. Diet for anemia Eating a balanced diet can help prevent some types of anemia. Eat foods rich in iron to avoid deficiency. Iron-rich foods are: 

Red meat


Offal (such as liver)


Dried fruit


Beans (especially lima beans)

Dark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach and broccoli)

Iron-fortified foods like bread and cereals (see label)

Food rich in Vitamin C: Vitamin C can help your body to absorb iron. Try to eat foods rich in vitamin C such as like

fruits or juices,






Brussels sprouts


peppers, and


Some foods can make it difficult for your body to absorb iron. These include coffee, tea, milk, protein, fiber, and soy protein. Avoid these nutrients if you suffer from iron-deficiency anemia. Foods rich in vitamin B12:

Meat and poultry

Offal (such as liver)

Fish and shellfish

Eggs, milk, and dairy products

Some fortified cereals, grains, and yeasts (see label)

Foods rich in folic acid (folate): 

Dark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach and broccoli)





Bananas, oranges, and orange juice

People who are pregnant can be tested for anemia or take an iron supplement to prevent it. However, the American Academy of Family

Physicians (AAFP) does not have enough evidence to evaluate the benefits and risks of screening all pregnant people for iron deficiency Anemia or having them take an iron supplement. There is also a lack of evidence to measure the benefits and risks of screening children between the ages of 6 and 24 months. To help your child prevent iron deficiency Anemia, you can: 

Use an iron-fortified formula

Use iron-fortified cereals from 4 months of age

Limit your child to less than 24 ounces. (3 cups) of cow’s milk per day (after 12 months of age)

Introduce iron-rich foods from 12 months of age

Lifestyle and home remedies for anemia

Taking the following steps to stay healthy can help you avoid complications from sickle cell disease: 

Take folic acid supplements daily and choose a healthy diet. The bone marrow demands folic acid and other microelements to produce new red blood cells. Ask your doctor for additional folic acid and other vitamins.

Consume a mixture of colorful fruits and vegetables.

Consume whole grains.

Drink a lot of water. Dehydration can raise the risk of sickle cell crisis. Drink water throughout the day, aiming for about eight glasses per day. Drink more water if you exercise or spend time in a hot, dry environment.

Avoid extreme temperatures. Exposure to extreme heat or cold can increase your risk for a sickle cell attack.

Exercise regularly, but don’t overdo it. Ask your physician what is the best exercise program for you.

Use over-the-counter (OTC) drugs with caution. Use over-thecounter pain relievers like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, Children’s Motrin, others) or naproxen sodium (Aleve) because of the possible, if any, effects on your kidneys. Consult your physician before taking over-the-counter medications.

Do not smoke. Smoking increases the risk of pain crises.

Herbs – safe treatment for anemia The use of herbs is an age-old approach to strengthening the body and treating illnesses. However, herbs can trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. For these reasons, only take herbs under the supervision of a healthcare practitioner.

Spirulina: Spirulina, or blue-green algae, can treat certain anemias. The dose is 1 full teaspoon per day. If you are taking medication to weaken your immune system, consult your doctor before taking spirulina. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), dandelion root or leaf (Taraxacum officinale), burdock (Arctium Lappa), and yolk (Rumex Crispus): These plants have traditionally been used to fortify and cleanse the blood. For mild cases of anemia, they can help bring hemoglobin levels into the normal range. Simmer the roots for 20 minutes and the leaves for 5 minutes. You can use a single herb or a combination of these four herbs. These herbs can interact with several drugs, including warfarin (Coumadin) and other blood products – slimming drugs, as well as lithium and digoxin, among others. Gentian (Gentiana lutea): This herb is often used in Europe to treat anemia, stimulating the digestive system to absorb iron and other nutrients more easily. Traditional Chinese herbalists do not make use of Gentian widely except for cases when someone has chronic pain or frequent urination. Gentian can lower blood pressure, so be careful if you already take high blood pressure medications. Taking Gentian can make your blood pressure drop too much. Acupuncture treatment for anemia People are usually pleasantly surprised to learn that acupuncture with Chinese herbal medicine is actually a very effective method for anemia. These alternative medical treatments have been used for thousands of years to manage symptoms of anemia such as pale complexion, weakness, and fatigue. In Western medicine, anemia is the most common

blood disorder and, in severe anemia, can cause shortness of breath and palpitations. Recent studies have found that acupuncture can increase serum Ferritin levels. Those who conducted these studies used only one acupuncture point called Zu San li, which in Chinese translates to roughly three miles of leg. This particular point has historically been used as an acupuncture point to increase the body’s strength in such an incredible way that an individual could walk more than three miles at the end of a day of walking. This exceptional acupuncture point is linked to the functions of the spleen according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. Based on TCM, the stomach receives food while the spleen processes it. Needling specific acupuncture points can boost nutrients that can increase iron absorption. Stimulating Zu San Li on a leg can also resolve shortness of breath, palpitations, pallor, and tiredness—all symptoms corresponding to anemia. When an individual is suffering from anemia, it also makes sense that his diet needs to be addressed. In this regard, acupuncture can be the catalyst for improving digestive function and food absorption. Acupuncture is not just about puncturing the leg or other parts of the body. The body has some sensitive pressure areas and anatomical locations that a licensed acupuncturist finds before inserting the needles. The needles used for the treatment can vary in thickness and length based on the type of effect the acupuncturist wishes to achieve. After a needle is inserted, the acupuncture practitioner can use certain techniques to stimulate the body. She can turn the needle in certain directions or lift it up and down. The above studies included the use of certain needle techniques, such as lifting and pushing techniques, that help stimulate the acupuncture point’s life energy to increase its strengthening ability. Patients usually experience constipation and stomach problems when taking iron supplements. In addition, the underlying problem of their

anemia must be taken into account in order for patients to achieve more sustained balance and health. Chinese herbal medicines and acupuncture are effective in treating the symptoms of anemia and promoting nutrient absorption. Obesity negatively affects iron content. A possible mechanism is hepcidin-mediated inhibition of iron absorption in the duodenum. In obese patients with iron deficiency, the response to oral iron therapy is reduced. This study was designed to evaluate whether acupuncture could improve the effectiveness of oral iron supplementation for treating iron deficiency (ID) associated with obesity. After 8 weeks of acupuncture treatment, there was a significant decrease in body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and waist/hip circumference ratio of patients in the acupuncture group, while no substantial difference was detected in the control group. Oral iron supplementation provided more obvious improvements in indicators of iron status, including absolute increases in serum iron (11.08 ± 2.19 mol / L vs. 4.43 ± 0.47 μmol / L) , transferrin saturation (11.26 ± 1.65% vs. 1.01 ± 0.23%), and hemoglobin (31.47 ± 1.19 g / L vs. 21.00 ± 2.69 g / L) in the acupuncture group than in the control group (all P <0.05). During this time, the serum concentrations of leptin (2.26 ± 0.45 ng / ml vs. 8.13 ± 0.55 ng / ml, P <0.05) and hepcidin (3.52 ± 1.23 ng / ml versus 6.77 ± 0.84 ng / ml, P <0.05) decreased significantly in the acupuncture group than those in the control group. Acupuncture-based weight loss may enhance the therapeutic effects of iron replacement therapy for obesity-related ID/IDA by improving intestinal iron absorption, possibly by lowering systemic leptin and hepcidin levels. Homeopathy – #1 anemia treatment While few studies have assessed the effectiveness of specific homeopathic remedies, professional homeopaths prescribe their

medications for the anemia treatments only based on “like cures like” philosophy and their expertise and experience. Before prescribing a remedy, homeopaths take into account a person’s constitutional type, which is your physical, emotional, and psychological makeup. An experienced homeopath assesses all of these factors to determine the most appropriate treatment for each individual. A homeopath will generally consider anemia to be symptomatic of an underlying condition and treat that condition.

The most common homeopathic remedies for anemia are:

Ferrum Metallicum: the best homeopathic medicine for irondeficiency anemia There are several natural homeopathic medicines that are of great help in treating anemia, but Ferrum Metallicum, as it is known, is at the top of the list. People who need Ferrum Metallicum are weak with pallor and have frequent false blushes appearing at the slightest excitement. Vertigo, throbbing headaches, and ringing in the ears are also experienced by patients. Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath with heart palpitations are predominantly present in such patients, as is the coldness of the body. The homeopathic remedy Ferrum Metallicum needs a special reference for its use in anemic women due to excessive bleeding during periods. Blood flows profusely and periods last much longer than usual. Ferrum Phosphoricum: a hemoglobin enhancer Ferrum Phosphoricum is the most widely used natural homeopathic medicine to increase the hemoglobin level. This remedy can be safely prescribed to patients of all ages. Even during anemia in pregnancy, Ferrum Phosphoricum is a safe homeopathic remedy although the dosage must be properly managed by the doctor during pregnancy. The skin appears pale in people who need Ferrum Phosphoricum and also experience heart palpitations and weakness. The pulse rate is accelerated. Dizziness and headache also appear as symptoms. Ferrum Phosphoricum is also the best homeopathic remedy for sweat control in anemic patients, especially at night. Aletris Farinosa: homeopathic remedy for anemia in females with severe exhaustion In homeopathy, Aletris Farinosa is known as the best homeopathic medicine for females suffering from anemia accompanied by extreme tiredness and fatigue. There is marked tiredness and fatigue throughout the day in these patients. The energy level appears to be significantly

reduced and the body feels helpless. Frequent episodes of fainting and dizziness are common and the face also appears very pale. Anemia in women due to repeated miscarriages is best treated with the homeopathic remedy Aletris Farinosa. Vaginal discharge due to anemia can also be corrected with this homeopathic medicine. Aletris Farinosa is also the ideal homeopathic treatment modality for women with anemia due to heavy bleeding during periods. China: One of the best homeopathic remedies for anemia after excessive bleeding Anemia caused by extreme blood loss is best treated with natural homeopathic medicine known as China. Bleeding may be the result of trauma, excessive menstrual bleeding, or bleeding from any part of the body such as the throat, intestines, nose, etc. The person is exhausted and even faints from extreme anemic conditions from blood loss. There are also episodes of dizziness with pronounced weakness. The flesh is cold and the pallor is marked. The face is particularly pale with sunken features. China works both ways simultaneously as hemorrhage control and stimulator of production of blood after bleeding events. Natrum Muriaticum: One of the best homeopathic remedies for anemia associated with significant weight loss The natural homeopathic remedy Natrum Muriaticum works very effectively to control weight loss due to anemia. The person looks very thin and emaciated with the loss of the body. Anemia associated with headache is also best cured with Natrum Muriaticum. The headache is mainly crushing in nature. Headache may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Natrum Muriaticum is also a homeopathic medicine when anemic patients experience palpitations. The Natrum Muriaticum has the great ability to control heart palpitations due to the reduced amount of blood. Anemia due to prolonged grief is best treated with the homeopathic remedy Natrum Muriaticum. There is also a clear need for additional salt in those needing Natrum Muriaticum to treat anemia.

Natural anemia treatments in Philadelphia Make an appointment with your primary care doctor if you experience prolonged fatigue or other signs or symptoms that worry you. He can refer you to a doctor specializing in the treatment of blood illnesses (hematologist), heart (cardiologist), or digestive (gastroenterologist) disorders. Here is some information to help you prepare for your appointment. Before your visit, make a list of: 

Your symptoms and when they started;

Important personal data containing general stresses, implanted medical gadgets, exposure to contaminants, pollutants, or chemicals, and latest life changes;

Any medications, vitamins, and other supplements you take, including dosages.

Questions to ask the doctor In case of anemia, the basic questions to ask your doctor include: 

What are the most likely causes of my condition?

Do I need tests?

Is my anemia likely temporary or long-term?

What therapies and remedies are accessible and which of them do you propose?

What side effects can I expect from treatment?

I have other medical conditions. What are the best approaches to deal with them together?

Do I have to restrict my diet?

Do I need to add food to my diet? How often do I need to eat these foods?

Do you have brochures or other printed materials that I can take with me? What sites do you recommend?

For a holistic approach to anemia treatments consider Philadelphia Holistic Clinic where all naturopathic treatment approaches reside under one roof. At the clinic, you will meet Victor Tsan, MD who will examine you and discuss a treatment plan. We have licensed acupuncturists, reiki practitioners (Master Level), and homeopaths on board. Contact us at (267) 284-3085 to schedule an appointment for a holistic evaluation or use our online scheduling application by scanning the QR code below.

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