1 minute read

Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse

of the patients (in our practice 99.9%) never experience Disulfiram Ethanol Reaction aka DER and any toxic effect of this drug is virtually impossible.

Is Antabuse / Disulfiram treatment is completely safe?


This is the question that people are having generally in their mind. Though the Antabuse / Disulfiram is having many side effects to human bodies as discussed above but then also it is a safe treatment subject to be done under the watch of a qualified and experienced physician. It is highly recommended to use Antabuse / Disulfiram under the surveillance of a physician otherwise it may lead to the acne, impotence, headaches, skin rashes, drowsiness, and several other disorders.

Esperal Implant resolves this issue and is hundred percent safe. Check our article about Esperal and become educate patient before you make a decision for your future treatment approach.

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