Holistic and Naturopathic Treatment for Cold Sores. Contents hide 1 Treatment for cold sores 1.1 What is cold sores 1.1.1 What are the causes of fever blisters? 1.1.2 Symptoms of cold sores. 1.1.3 How to Get rid of cold sores 1.2 Natural and holistic treatment for cold sores. 1.2.1 Essential oils for fever blisters 1.2.2 Acupuncture – the ancient Chinese treatment for fever blisters. 1.2.3 Homeopathy – #1 holistic Treatment for cold sores. 1.3 Holistic and natural Treatment for cold sores in Philadelphia
Treatment for cold sores Treatment for cold sores is often a challenge especially if this condition is persistent and happens frequently. To help you to get rid of cold sores, a dermatologist might give you:
An antiviral drug is used to treat cold sores because they are caused by a virus, so antiviral drugs are used. You may be given medicine by your dermatologist: Docosanol cream or acyclovir cream can be put on the sores. Take by mouth, such as acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir, to get rid of the cold sores In the most stubborn cases, a dermatologist may prescribe you an antiviral drug that you get through an IV, like foscarnet or
cidofovir. The doctor will keep an eye on you if one of these medicines is needed. To treat cold sores, your dermatologist may give you a cream called penciclovir. Cold sores may not last as long with this. A cold sore must start to show up on the skin before penciclovir can work. You need to apply it to the skin when it starts to hurt or tingle. If you’re in a lot of pain, your dermatologist might give you a medicine to put on the sores, like lidocaine, that will help. Sunscreen for cold sores. Make sure you don’t let the sun get too hot on the sores while they are getting better. A lip balm with an SPF of 30 or more and broad-spectrum protection can help keep your lips safe from the sun and other things. Use this lip balm all year and it may help keep cold sores from coming back.
Treating cold sores is important. Cold sores treatment can help you get better faster. At the first sign of a cold sore, you should start taking the medicine. It might even stop you from getting a cold sore (a tingling or burning sensation on your skin) in the future. Treatment for cold sores can also make it less likely from spreading the virus to other people. Treatment is very important if you get a cold sore and:
Itchy skin that is caused by an allergy (usually begins in childhood and is often called eczema) Sores next to your eyes Lots of cold sores. A lot of hurts. Sores that spread to other parts of your body, like your hands or genitals, can be dangerous.
There are some medical conditions that can initiate cold sores.
HIV, AIDS, cancer or a disease that weakens your immune system can cause you to get cold sores. A person has cancer and is getting chemotherapy to treat it.
In those cases, you may get a prescription for medicines that make your immune system less active, such as medicines that are used to control severe psoriasis or keep a patient’s body from rejecting an organ. Cold sores are not a rear condition. This is a disease that may last for more than two weeks. The cold sores may not go away unless you treat them. Cold sores can spread to other parts of your body if you don’t get them taken care of. A lot of people get a new episode of skin eruption and become very sick. What is cold sores Cold sores are also known as fever blisters. There are groups of small blisters on the lip and around the mouth that are called cold sores. They are also called fever blisters. When you get a blister, the skin around it is often red and swollen. It is possible for the blisters to break open, leak a clear fluid, and then scab over after a few days. Commonly cold sores heal in a few days or two weeks.
When you have a cold sore, you get it because you have the herpes simplex virus (HSV). The two viruses are called HSV-1 and HSV-2. People who get genital herpes can get sores on their lips and mouth and on their lips and mouth. There are usually small holes in the skin around or inside the mouth where the herpes simplex virus can get into the body. It is usually spread when someone touches a cold sore or touches the infected fluid-like when they share eating utensils or razors, kissing someone who has a cold sore,s or touching that person’s saliva. They spread the virus to their child this way. Cold sores can spread to other parts of the body. Find out more about cold sore symptoms and how to treat them. What are the causes of fever blisters? Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Once this virus is in you, it can cause cold sores to appear. Cold sore outbreaks are often caused by things like the sun, cold wind, a cold or other illness, a weak immune system, hormone changes, or even stress.
HSV-1 is very contagious, with 67% of the world’s population under the age of 50 having it. You can never get rid of the virus after you get it. It stays in your body. ii Most people don’t know when they first got the virus, but it’s usually caught in early childhood, even if it didn’t show up as a cold sore. As soon as you get the virus, you may not show any signs until the virus is “activated.” People get cold sores at this point because the virus gets more active. This is when you’ll get cold sores. Cold sores are caused by things like colds, flu, and fever, which is why they’re also called “fever blisters.” They can also be caused by stress, fatigue, sunshine, and wind.
Some people, on the other hand, may have the virus but not show any signs of it. In other words, they don’t get a cold sore, and they may pass the virus on to others without realizing it. Symptoms of cold sores. A cold sore usually goes through a few stages:
Intense tingling and itchy are among the first symptoms of cold sores. Many people start to feel itchy, burning or tingling around their lips for a day or two before a small, hard, painful spot and blisters start to form. Blisters are the common symptoms of cold sores. The small, fluidfilled blisters are forming on the outside of your lips. Around the nose or cheeks, as well as inside your mouth. Oozing and hardening up. They may merge and then burst, leaving small open sores that ooze and crust over.
You might see and feel different signs and symptoms of cold sores depending on if this is your first or second outbreak. During the first time that you get a cold sore, symptoms may not start for up to 20 days. The sores can last for a few days, and the blisters can take two to three weeks to heal. In most cases, the outbreaks happen in the same place each time. They also tend to be less severe than the first one.
The first time you get sick, you might also experience:
Fever The gums hurt. A sore throat. Headache Muscles hurt when they are tired. Lymph nodes that have swollen
Under the age of five, children may have cold sores inside their mouths. People often mistake them for canker sores. Canker sores aren’t caused by the herpes simplex virus. They only affect the mucous membrane and aren’t caused by the virus. How to Get rid of cold sores In acute cases of cold sores that happen once in a while, you may be able to get rid of cold sores using simple home remedies.
If you want to try a different way to heal a cold sore, there are a lot of things you can do. However, you should know that there isn’t enough evidence to support the use of these complementary therapies on a regular basis to treat cold sores, so you should be careful. Before you use them, you should talk to your doctor about them. They should not be used as a replacement for more traditional treatments. When you put new things on your skin, be careful. Some of these treatments have been known to cause things like irritation and allergic contact dermatitis to happen. The Trusted Source says that propolis, which is mentioned below, can cause allergic contact dermatitis in people who aren’t used to it. Before you use this treatment, you might want to talk to your dermatologist about it. To see how your skin reacts, you could try it on a small area of skin, like the inside of your forearm, to see how it feels. This is what is called a patch test. It’s easy to soothe a cold sore at home using home remedies for cold sores such as:
Ice is not a treatment for cold sources, but a fast method of killing pain and swelling. If you put a cold compress on the sore, you can make it less painful. The skin could get hurt by putting ice right on it. There are painkillers. There are over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen that you can buy to help with a cold sore that hurts a lot. This is not the method of treatment for cold sores.
The creams are sold over the counter. At the drugstore, you can buy things that can help ease the pain of a cold sore or keep the skin soft as it heals. Aloe vera gel – #1 in the category of home remedies for cold sores. It may help a cold sore to heal if you use the same gel that you use for sunburn. The gel may be able to fight viruses, such as herpes simplex, in lab tests. If you have cold sores, this supplement may be used sometimes to help them go away. It comes in cream or pill form.
People who took lysine were less likely to get cold sores again, according to a review in 2017. These studies, on the other hand, have some limitations, and some of the evidence isn’t clear. For example, there was no ideal dose or even type of preparation of lysine. The only thing that seems to help the patient’s “subjective experience” of the disease is if the dose is more than 3 grams per day, though. Also, research from 2015 says that taking lysine won’t stop you from getting a cold sore, but it doesn’t hurt to try. This important amino acid can be taken by mouth or applied with a cream. It’s important to know that OTC oral supplements, such as lysine, aren’t very well regulated by the FDA. Before taking any oral supplement, you should talk to your doctor about it. There is new research that shows that some supplements can be contaminated with active pharmaceuticals that could be bad for you, like those found in 2018.
Propolis – a traditional home remedy for cold sores to be used as a treatment for cold sores. This is a substance made by bees from the buds of poplar and cone-bearing trees. It looks like resin and is made from these trees. If you have cold sores, you can use them like an ointment to treat them. Like honey, propolis is a bee product that may help heal wounds and scars on the skin. In 2016,
the research found that the antiviral properties of propolis could help your cold sores heal a little faster. The lemon balm – is a great way of Treatment for cold sores. The lemon balm extract can also help cold sores get better. Trusted Sources says that a 2008 study found that applying an extract of lemon balm, which is a herb from the mint family, can help stop the HSV virus that causes cold sores. They say that lemon balm could be used to treat HSV, but they say that more research is needed. A case study for 2020 trusted Source found that applying a gel that had lemon balm, St. John’s Wort, lavender, licorice, and Siberian ginseng in it worked better and faster than OTC cold sore medicines. However, bigger studies are needed to find out how this home remedy for cold sores helps people. Lemon balm is also sold in capsule form, and it can be used for a lot of different things, according to a 2015 research review. It is honey made from the manuka tree Kanuka honey, which is made by bees in New Zealand, is just as good as a topical medication for treating cold sores, according to a new study in BMJ Open. People love honey because it helps heal wounds and skin injuries. A study in 2018 found that kanuka honey that comes from the manuka tree could be good for treating cold sores as well.
This is what happened in the large randomized clinical study. It found that a medical-grade version of this honey seemed to be as good at treating cold sores as acyclovir.
Taking vitamin C and vitamin E is good for your health They have been shown to help fight cold sores. Studies have shown that vitamin C can kill the virus that causes cold sores. Study: Vitamin E can help cold sores get better. Using apple cider vinegar as a treatment is something many people are interested in, according to research from 2019. It is
thought that apple cider vinegar can fight off bacteria, viruses, and other germs. However, full-strength apple cider vinegar is too strong to put on a cold sore right away, and it could cause a lot of damage to your skin. Always make sure to dilute it before you use it. Then only use it once or twice a day.
Stress reduction. Taking steps to lessen your stress may help you avoid cold sores. Make a plan to meditate or do deep breathing exercises.
In case of chronic and persistent cold sores contact a medical doctor. Natural and holistic treatment for cold sores. It’s possible to get cold sores or have cold sores spread to other parts of your body if you have certain habits or do certain things. If your cold sores are recurrent and flair up multiple times during a year, professional medical help is necessary. It is up to you to choose between Western or Holistic medical approaches, but it is important that either treatment is provided by a medical professional. We will discuss the most effective ways of prevention and naturopathic Treatment for cold sores in the rest of the article.
Anyone who has oral herpes should take steps to keep the virus from spreading to other people. Here are some things not to do:
Touching or picking the cold sore can spread the virus to other people through your hands. A blister may be painful, but touching it can spread the virus to other people through your hands. When you touch an open blister and don’t wash your hands right away, you could spread the virus to someone else. Do not try to pop the sore. There are other risks, too. If you poke or prod the sore, you could spread bacteria from your hands into it. A cold sore isn’t a boil. If you pinch it or try to pop it, it won’t make it lesser. You may just pinch it and allow the viral fluid out onto your healthy skin. By doing this you will unintentionally spread the virus to healthy parts of your body. Throughout the time when the sores are open, the HSV virus is most transmissible. A person can get herpes in their genitals by having oral sex. HSV-1 can spread when it comes into contact with the mouth and genitals. If a person has early signs of a cold sore, they should not have oral sex or must use a barrier method, such as a condom. Cutlery, toothbrushes, and lipstick should not be shared with anyone who has a cold sore, because they could come into contact with the cold sore. Avoid things that will activate the virus. A hot, sunny day at the beach or a lot of stress can make you break out in cold sores. If you can, stay away from these situations as much as possible. Stop it in its tracks, or keep it from getting worse.
Essential oils for fever blisters Studies have found that a number of essential oils, which are concentrated oils that contain plant compounds, can help stop the herpes
simplex virus, which causes cold sores. These oils are called “essential oils.” A study from 2015 found that a variety of essential oils may slow down or stop the spread of the herpes virus, which could help heal and prevent cold sores. Antiviral effects have been found in a study from that year and another study from 2007. The following essential oils have antiviral effects against the herpes virus:
Essential oil of rosemary peppermint oil. It was found in one study that peppermint oil could stop both the herpes virus types 1 and 2. The study found that peppermint oil might help treat herpes infections that keep coming back. A few drops of peppermint oil mixed with another oil, like almond oil, can be put on the sore. Essential oil of cinnamon It is the basil essential oil that makes you smell good essential oil of ginger clove oil The herpes simplex virus and other viruses, like hepatitis C, have been studied to see if clove can help them, as well as other things Clove may be able to fight both bacteria and the herpes simplex virus. It may also lessen the pain of a cold sore. Clove is bad for your skin if you put it on right away. It should be mixed with a milder oil, like coconut oil. Users should be careful when they apply the mixture to their sores because it can be dangerous. thyme is a plant that has a lot of essential oil. Thyme oil has been tested to see if it can help treat herpes simplex virus type 1. The results of one study show that essential oil has antiviral properties against the virus. Before applying thyme oil to a cold sore, it should always be mixed with another oil, like olive oil.
tea tree oil. This is according to a review in the International Journal of Dermatology. Tea tree oil has been shown to stop or kill the herpes simplex virus. So, it’s best to use this oil with care. Users should mix it with a carrier oil to make it less likely to cause skin irritation. Hyssop plant essential oil. Research on hyssop oil revealed that the essential oil initiated a decrease in viral activity. A few drops of hyssop oil can be watered down and put on to the cold sore blister. sandalwood is an essential oil. oil from Zataria multiflora has a lot of different scents. Eucalyptus oil is beneficial for your skin very popular and commonly used essential oil is made from the plant Artemisia Kermanensis Even though chrysanthemum oil may not be able to treat the herpes simplex virus, research has shown that the oil has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, which could help relieve symptoms. Allergies to chrysanthemum oil are not very rare. Before applying the essential oil to a cold sore, it is best to try it on a small area of the skin to make sure it doesn’t hurt. When applying to the skin, always mix it with a carrier oil first.
A lot of the research on essential oils and HSV-1 is out of date. The Trusted Source found that tea tree oil has some antiviral properties that could help fight off the herpes simplex virus. A lab study from 2003 found that peppermint oil can fight off both the HSV-1 and the herpes simplex virus type 2. (HSV-2). A 2007 study says that ginger, thyme, hyssop, and sandalwood essential oils could even be good for people who have a virus that can’t be treated with drugs. These studies, on the other hand, have flaws, and the evidence could be anecdotal. Both of the studies used herpes cells from monkeys, not
people. Besides that, they were done in the lab, which means in a test tube or in a culture dish. More research is needed to find out how effective these oils are against viruses in humans. Dilute any essential oils in a carrier oil before applying them to your skin, and do this as soon as you start to feel a cold sore coming on. The FDA doesn’t keep an eye on or regulate the purity or quality of essential oils, even though research shows that they can be good for your health. Before you start using essential oils, you should talk to a doctor or other health care professional. You should also look into the quality of a brand’s products. You should always do a patch test before you try out a new oil. Acupuncture – the ancient Chinese treatment for fever blisters. When you get a virus like herpes or varicella, you get a red, blister-like rash on your body. According to TCM, this is caused by heat and dampness. In most cases, acupuncture and herbal supplements will be used to clear heat and dampness from the liver and gallbladder. This will help quickly cool down an outbreak of painful sores. People who keep their liver systems healthy and balanced for a long time will help to avoid future infections. TCM also takes into account an individual’s emotional well-being when looking at how a disease looks in that person. A flare-up of the herpes simplex virus is linked to stress and negative emotions, especially anger. Some people have herpes skin disease in their eyes because they are angry. Anger is linked to the liver and gallbladder, as well as the eyes. There are things you can do in your life and your diet that will help you keep your emotions in check and keep your body from overheating. This will also help you avoid having herpes flare-ups more often.
There are some herbal formulas in TCM that work well to treat sores caused by a herpes outbreak. There are also some Chinese herbs that are “antivirals.” These herbs can help control the virus in the body, which, when used with treatment and herbs that boost the immune system, can help prevent herpes from coming back. Homeopathy – #1 holistic Treatment for cold sores. Homeopathy is very good at treating fever blisters. It helps the body’s own self-healing system fight off the virus and makes sure it can get better naturally in cases of fever blisters. Natrum Mur, Rhus Tox, Apis Mellifica, Hepar Sulphur, and Nitric Acid are some of the best medicines used to treat fever blisters. When someone has fever blisters, the medicine that will work best to treat them is chosen based on the person’s main symptoms.
To treat Fever blisters, Natrum Muriaticum is one of the best medicines out there.
For treating fever blisters, Natrum Muriaticum is one of the best homeopathic medicines out there commonly used as a treatment for cold sores. The mouth looks a little different in cases where you need Natrum Muriaticum. The blisters are filled with water and look like pearls around the mouth. Tiny bumps also show up on the upper lip. In the blisters, you may feel pain and burn. Their walls break and get covered in a red scab that falls off and leaves a red mark when it comes off. Lips can be dry, sore, or cracked. This can happen. Swelling of the upper lip may also be present. 1.
Rhus Toxicodendron – for blisters around the mouth and on the chin. Rhus Toxicodendron is good for fever blisters that show up around the mouth and on the chin. As a group, the blisters are all over. They are filled with water. Vesicles sometimes have yellow liquid inside of them, but this is not always the case. The edges of the vesicle are red. Vesicles hurt when you touch them, so don’t do that. People who have vesicles feel like they are being bitted. You might want to rub your body parts with something rough because they are itchy. When you have blisters that hurt when you touch them, use Apis Mellifica. To treat fever blisters that cause pain that is both stinging and burning, Apis Mellifica is the best medicine. In places where Apis Mellifica is needed, the vesicles are small and many. The vesicles may have yellow crusts on them. Vesicles also feel very itchy, but they can also be very intense. Hepar Sulphur – for painful and sensitive fever blisters, this is the one to use. Hepar Sulphur is the next good medicine for fever blisters. It is a good idea to use it to treat fever blisters that are very painful and sensitive to touch. It also feels hot in the corners of the mouth. In cases where Hepar Sulph is needed, a red spot with itching first shows up under the lower lip, where blisters will then form. Most of the time, blisters are yellow. If you use Hepar Sulph on your chin, you may also get blisters on the chin.
When you have blisters on your lips that hurt like they’re being stitched together, use Nitric Acid – it helps. This medicine is good for people with fever blisters on their lips that hurt when they stitch. When you stitch, the pain is like getting splinters. When you touch your lips, you can feel them the best. Lips may be swollen. Cracks and sores could also happen on the lip. Arsenic Album – great treatment for cold sores that manifest by blisters that burn. Arsenic Album is good for fever blisters that have a strong burning feeling, and it can help. It looks like blisters have formed on the lips and around the mouth. This is because you have a virus. This happens mostly at night and it hurts a lot. Cold air also makes the burning worse.
Graphites – for blisters with sticky fluid. Graphites is good for fever blisters that leak sticky fluid. The fluid is clear and watery, as well as sticky and glutinous. Another thing you should know about the skin that is affected: It is also red and swollen. The blisters can be very itchy and painful at times. Graphites is also good for fever blisters that have scabs on them.
Blisters on the lips and tongue/gums. Mercurius Solubilis is for this. For people who are having fever blisters on their lips and their tongue and gums, Mercurius Solubilis can help. People who have blisters on their lips may have crusts that are yellow. Pain from the blisters on the tongue and gums is like a fire. Painful gums, a sore throat, and a fever may also be signs that you’re using Mercurius Solubilis.
Holistic and natural Treatment for cold sores in Philadelphia If you suffer from persistent cold sores that you believe require professional attention, if you prefer naturopathic, holistic, safe forms of treatment for cold sores – Philadelphia Holistic Clinic is the best
medical center for you. All naturopathic modalities that can be utilized as a treatment for cold sores, are available at the clinic and performed by licensed practitioners under the straight supervision of the Medical Director of the clinic Victor Tsan, MD.
Dr. Tsan has more than 45 years of academic and clinical experience in internal medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, hypnotherapy, and energy healing. During the initial visit, Dr. Tsan will examine you and perform any necessary tests (including iridology, magnetic scan, pulse diagnostic, etc.) to find the core of your condition and apply the specific treatment directly to the roots of the illness. Cold sores are not treatable in Western medicine, however, according to the scientific studies many patients were cured with homeopathy, acupuncture, and medicinal herbs.
To schedule your appointment with Dr. Tsan and start your treatment journey contact our clinic at (267) 403-3085 or scan the QR code below.