Natural and Home Remedies for Eczema That Actually Work Contents hide 1 Treatment for eczema 1.1 Eczema medication 1.1.1 Topical steroids 1.1.2 Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors (TCIs) 1.1.3 Tar-based soaps and shampoos for Eczema 1.1.4 Antihistamines 1.2 Treatment for eczema on hands. 1.3 Treatment for eczema on face. 1.4 What is Eczema 1.4.1 Eczema vs dermatitis 1.4.2 Causes of eczema Genetic Condition Allergies Hormones Stress Exercise The Seasons 1.4.3 Types of eczema Atopic eczema Contact Dermatitis Seborrheic eczema Stasis Dermatitis Neurodermatitis Xerotic Eczema Dyshidrotic Eczema (Pompholyx) Discoid eczema Nummular Eczema 1.4.4 What are eczema triggers? 1.4.5 Symptoms of eczema 1.5 Home remedies for eczema – the most common natural treatment for eczema 1.5.1 Colloidal Oatmeal – one of the most common home remedies for eczema 1.5.2 Coconut Oil – topping the list of most popular home remedies for eczema 1.5.3 Aloe vera gel – an effective home-based treatment for eczema. 1.5.4 Sunflower Oil – another famous home remedy for eczema 1.5.5 Honey – great home remedy for eczema 1.6 Alternative Treatments for eczema. 1.6.1 Homeopathy for Eczema – #1 natural treatment for eczema 1.6.2 Acupuncture for eczema – Chinese ancient natural treatment for eczema 1.6.3 Herbs for eczema – popular natural remedies for eczema 1.6.4 Ayurveda – an ancient Indian herbal treatment for eczema 1.7 Conclusion
Treatment for eczema Treatment is the most often used process to modify or alter a health problem. If you are looking to find the best eczema treatment, it is better to first understand what type of eczema you are suffering from and what causes it. When suffering from eczema, the best treatment to start with is to avoid scratching to trigger the itchiness of the skin. A cold compress can be helpful to relieve the itching.
Listed below are the Treatment for eczema Eczema medication Medicines for eczema are added to your daily skin care when itching and rash from atopic dermatitis are not well controlled. Medication is also required if there is an infection. Listed below are medicines for eczema Topical steroids Topical steroids are medicines for eczema that fight inflammation. They are very helpful when the rash is not well controlled. Topical steroids are available in many forms for the treatment of eczema on the face such as ointments, creams, lotions, gels, and even tape. Steroid pills or liquids, such as prednisone, should be avoided because of side effects and because the rash often comes back after they are stopped.
Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors (TCIs) TCIs are also medicines for eczema and Treatment for eczema on hand. They also treat inflammation but are not steroids. TCIs don’t cause steroid side effects. A common side effect of this is skin burning. Tar-based soaps and shampoos for Eczema Coal-tar extracts have long been used as a treatment for eczema on the scalp. Tar shampoos, such as T-Gel, are often helpful for red and itchy scalp. For scalp scaling or flaking, T-Sal may be helpful. Antihistamines Antihistamines taken by mouth are used to control allergy symptoms and can help reduce itching from atopic dermatitis. Some antihistamines cause drowsiness. This can make you feel less itchy and help you sleep. Note: Due to the side effects caused by some of the medicines for eczema, a lot of people are looking into the natural treatment for eczema. Treatment for eczema on hands. Treatment for eczema on hands involves first of all avoiding the cause. Finding the cause often takes time, detective work, and expertise.
But finding the cause of eczema is important to get relief from the treatment of eczema on hands. Once you know what is causing hand eczema, treatment can bring relief. Treatment involves avoiding what is causing the hand eczema. To help your hands heal, your dermatologist may also include a moisturizer, barrier repair cream, or cortisone cream in your treatment plan. A dermatologist can also tell you how to avoid what is causing eczema on your hands. Even though it seems unlikely that you will be able to avoid certain tasks, such as dipping your hands in water throughout the day or putting on a pair of latex gloves, a dermatologist can help. Dermatologists have developed strategies to help their patients continue to work, avoiding what is causing their hand eczema.
Treatment for eczema on face. Eczema on face aka atopic dermatitis can be persistent. It may be necessary to continue various treatments over months to control it.
It is important to recognize the condition early so that you can start treatment. Treatments for facial eczema may include:
Identifying and preventing skin irritants
Avoid extreme temperatures
Lubricate your face skin with bath oils, creams, or ointments.
Use a humidifier. Warm, dry indoor air can dry out sensitive skin and make itching and flaking worse. A portable home humidifier or oven connected adds moisture to the air inside your home.
Wear fresh, smooth-textured clothing. Reduce irritation by avoiding rough, tight, or rough clothing. Also, wear suitable clothing in hot climates or during exercise to avoid excessive sweating. Treat stress and anxiety. Stress and other emotional disorders can make atopic dermatitis worse. Recognizing this and trying to improve your emotional health can help.
And even if the treatment for eczema on face is successful, the signs and symptoms can return. What is Eczema Many people asking what is eczema and what is the difference between eczema and dermatitis. In this article, we’ll discuss the causes of eczema, symptoms of eczema, types of eczema, and of course most effective and safe, and best treatments for eczema.
Eczema is a typical skin condition that many people suffer from. The skin is often itchy, red, and flaky and is a result of the physical and environmental irritants that affect the skin. Eczema can affect anyone no matter the age or race. Research however has shown that it is most common in infants. It is also said people with eczema often have a small family history of the condition or other allergic issues. As stated before, eczema can occur in infants, children, and adults on any part of the body. In an infant, you can see an outbreak of eczema on the forehead, cheeks, legs, scalp, and neck while in adults these red scaly spots appear on the neck, face, knees, and ankles. Eczema can also be a lifelong condition that recurs at different times in an individual’s life
The word eczema can even be interchanged with dermatitis. However, dermatitis commonly implies the eczema is the result of contact with some form of substance or item. It’s a condition where patches of your skin become rough, cracked, red, itchy, inflamed, and occasionally, blisters can also form. ‘Eczema’ particularly refers to atopic dermatitis, the most common form of eczema. ‘Atopic’ is used to describe various diseases that affect your immune systems, such as hay fever, asthma, and dermatitis. Dermatitis is skin inflammation. It usually develops in early childhood. Some people outgrow this skin condition, whereas others live with it for the rest of their life. Eczema symptoms can vary according to the age of the person. Generally, atopic dermatitis develops by the age of 5. If you have eczema, you may experience periods of flare-up as well as periods where the symptoms clear up or improve. Symptoms of eczema vary greatly. However, some common symptoms include:
Areas of swelling
Crusting or oozing
Scaly, leathery, or rough patches of skin
Dark patches of skin
Severe itching
Red inflamed skin
Sensitive and dry skin
If you’re showing similar symptoms, it’s essential to visit a doctor and figure out if you have eczema or not. If you do have this skin condition,
various home remedies for eczema can be effective in mitigating the symptoms. Eczema vs dermatitis There is no difference between Dermatitis vs. eczema as both generic terms for “inflammation of the skin.” Both are used to describe several types of skin conditions consisting of red, dry patches of skin and rashes. Generally, the words “eczema” and “dermatitis” are used interchangeably, although certain conditions are more often referred to as one or the other. Causes of eczema We don’t know exactly what causes eczema. For most types of eczema, however, researchers believe that a combination of genes and triggers is involved. People with eczema tend to have an overreactive immune system that, when triggered by a substance outside the body, causes inflammation. It is this inflammation that causes the red, itchy, and painful skin symptoms that are common with most types of eczema.
Clinical studies also discovered that a mutation in the gene responsible for creating filaggrin can increase the risk of eczema in some people. Filaggrin is a protein that helps our body maintain a healthy protective barrier on the top layer of the skin. Without enough filaggrin to build a strong skin barrier, moisture can escape and bacteria, viruses, and the like can enter. This is why many people with eczema have very dry skin that is prone to infections.
Listed below are some of the most common causes of eczema Genetic Condition Research indicates that the cause of atopic eczema is mostly genetic. Unfortunately, the precise genetic cause has still not yet been discovered. If someone with atopic eczema has a child, that child has a high chance of developing the condition well. It has been shown in studies that almost two-thirds of children born to a parent with atopic eczema will then go on to develop the condition themselves. If both parents have the condition, then it’s about a 4 in 5 chance that the child will have it. Allergies Atopic eczema can be made worse by several factors in the environment. For example, if a person is allergic to a particular substance, this can cause an allergic reaction which causes the body to react abnormally. Examples of common allergens are pollen, pets, and dust mites.
Several food allergies have been known to aggravate atopic eczema. These include foods such as milk, nuts, eggs, wheat, and soya. About one in ten children react badly to such foods, although it is rare for foods to trigger eczema in adults. Other Factors that can Cause Eczema Hormones Changes in hormones during a woman’s menstrual cycle can cause a flare-up of eczema. Nearly a third of women experience eczema symptoms in the days leading up to menstruation. Also, about a half of all pregnant women find that their eczema becomes worse while they are pregnant.
Stress It is known that stress can contribute to eczema, although exactly how is unknown. However, sometimes it can also be the other way around, in that eczema can cause a person to feel stressed. Exercise Some people find that intense exercise can worsen their eczema symptoms, due to the sweat irritating the skin. The Seasons A lot of people find their eczema symptoms are worse in the winter but better in the summer. Types of eczema The most common type of eczema is Atopic Dermatitis, but there several different types of eczema that affect people in many different ways.
The different types are listed below. Atopic eczema This is the most common form and it is believed to be genetic. It is the form that is usually seen in children. If a parent suffers from asthma, hay fever, or eczema there is a good chance that the child will also suffer from eczema. Atopic eczema is characterized by itchy, inflamed skin. Atopic eczema will come and go depending on exposure to several different factors including things in their environment like pollen and
mold, contact with certain soaps and detergents, contact with nickel in jewelry and perfumes, food allergies, or other allergies. There is strong evidence that this condition is worsened by a weak immune system. So it will probably help to do as much as possible to strengthen your immune system. Contact Dermatitis This is a localized form of eczema. There are two types of contact Dermatitis. The first is irritant contact dermatitis where the skin is exposed to a chemical substance such as that found in cleaning agents. The second is known as allergen contact dermatitis. This is where the person suffers a reaction to an allergen like pollen, cosmetics, perfumes, or fabrics. It can be difficult to discover the trigger for contact dermatitis due to the large number of things that people come into contact with daily. Seborrheic eczema The typical symptoms of seborrheic eczema are scaly, oily, yellowish patches usually found on the face and scalp. The most common places to find it are around the creases of the cheeks and the nose. This type of eczema is usually not associated with itching. Oily skin, infrequent shampooing, and weather conditions can increase the chance of developing this form of eczema. Stasis Dermatitis This condition generally affects people over fifty years old. It affects the lower legs and ankles and is associated with bad circulation in those areas. The key symptoms for this area dry, rough, scaly, red rash-like patches of skin and in the worst cases itching and swelling to the lower leg and ankle. This type of eczema can sometimes lead to leg ulcers so it is best to seek medical advice.
Neurodermatitis This is a chronic skin inflammation that starts with an itch such as an insect bite once you start to scratch the itch it results in a flare-up of this type of eczema. Women are generally affected more than men and it usually affects people in the twenty to fifty age group. The best cure for this type of eczema is not to scratch it in the first place. Xerotic Eczema This is a rare form of often seasonal eczema which is caused by very dry, cracked skin. It is usually found on the limbs and torso and usually develops in older people Dyshidrotic Eczema (Pompholyx) This type of eczema only occurs on the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. Its characteristics are deep blisters that become itchier at night. It often gets worse in the spring and summer. Discoid eczema In contrast to Dyshidrotic, Discoid eczema is a condition that gets worse in the winter, identified by round red lesions, usually on the lower leg, which can either be excessively dry or oozing. Nummular Eczema This is a rare form and generally affects elderly men. it is characterized by round patches of irritated skin usually found on the back, buttocks, lower legs, and arms.
What are eczema triggers? Eczema influences everybody in a different way. Someone’s triggers might not coincide with one more’s. You could experience eczema symptoms at certain times of the year or in various locations of your body.
The most common eczema triggers are:
Dry skin. When your skin obtains as well completely dry, it can quickly become weak, scaly, rough, or tight, which can result in a dermatitis flare-up. Learn more about the importance of moisturizing skin to take care of eczema flares. Toxic irritants. Day-to-day products and also all-natural materials can cause your skin to burn as well as itch, or come to be completely dry and also red. These can include items that you make use of on your body or in your home– hand and also meal soap, washing detergent, shampoo, bubble bath, and also body laundry, or surface cleaners and also anti-bacterial. Also some allnatural fluids, like the juice from fresh fruit, veggies, or meats, can aggravate your skin when you touch them. o
cigarette smoke.
soaps and household cleansers.
particular textiles like wool and also polyester.
antibacterial ointments like neomycin and also bacitracin.
formaldehyde, which is located in home anti-bacterial, some injections, adhesives, as well as adhesives. isothiazolinone, an antibacterial that is found in individual care products like infant wipes. Cocamidopropyl betaine, which is utilized to enlarge hair shampoos and also lotions.
Paraphenylenediamine, which is made use of in leather dyes and short-lived tattoos, among others. Tension. Psychological tension can be an eczema trigger, however, it’s not exactly recognized why. Some individuals’ eczema signs worsen when they’re really feeling “worried.” Others might come to be stressed out, feeling in one’s bones they have dermatitis, and also this can make their skin flare up.
Symptoms of eczema Symptoms of eczema are different for everyone. Eczema is usually itchy. For many people, the itch can range from mild to moderate. But in some cases, it can become much worse and you might develop extremely inflamed skin. Sometimes the itch gets so bad that people scratch it until it bleeds, which can make your eczema worse. This is called the “itch-scratch cycle.”
Listed below are the common symptoms of eczema
Dry, sensitive skin
Inflamed, discolored skin
Rough, leathery, or scaly patches of skin
Oozing or crusting
Areas of swelling
You might have all of these symptoms of eczema or only just a few. You might have some flare-ups or your symptoms could go away entirely. The best way to find out if you have eczema is to consult with a medical professional who can look at your skin and ask about your symptoms. Home remedies for eczema – the most common natural treatment for eczema There are many creams available for treating different types of eczema, however, these creams often only provide a temporary solution to the problem. Research has suggested that the best and most effective way to cure eczema fast is to use natural remedies. Natural Treatment for eczema can help manage the symptoms of eczema without causing more damage or any side effects. Listed below are natural Treatment for eczema Home remedies for eczema are safe and effective. In the United States, an estimated 35 million Americans suffer from eczema, with 10-20% being children. It might not be life-threatening; however, the red itchy skin can be excruciatingly uncomfortable to live with. Prescription drugs
and over-the-counter medications are generally prescribed, but they often lead to adverse effects such as dry skin and irritation.
If you’re suffering from eczema, don’t worry, various natural and home remedies for eczema can provide you with relief. They have fewer side effects and are also significantly cheaper in comparison to conventional methods. The home remedies for eczema listed below are easily accessible, and results can often be impressive more impressive than from the use of steroids and other pharmaceutical drugs.
Colloidal Oatmeal – one of the most common home remedies for eczema Colloidal oatmeal has calming and soothing properties that can help with inflamed skin. It’s available in powder and cream form. If you want this natural treatment for eczema, simply mix the powder with lukewarm bathwater and soak in it for about 10-15 minutes. After your bath, gently pat your skin dry and apply a generous amount of hypoallergenic moisturizer to your skin. Colloidal oatmeal, also known as Avena sativa, is made from oats that have been ground and boiled to extract their skin-healing properties.
A study reports that colloidal oatmeal lotion had antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties, resulting in improved:
Skin dryness
Itch intensity
Coconut Oil – topping the list of most popular home remedies for eczema If you’re looking for gentle home remedies for eczema, coconut oil is an effective natural moisturizer. Thanks to its anti-bacterial properties, coconut oil can minimize staph bacteria, which can prevent infection. This is extremely beneficial for people with eczema as patches of irritated and inflamed skin can crack and ooze, increasing the chances of bacterial infection.
Coconut oil contains healthy fatty acids that can add moisture to the skin, which can help people with dry skin and eczema. Also, virgin coconut oil may protect the skin by helping combat inflammation and by improving the health of the skin barrier. Note: Using coconut oil can improve the symptoms of eczema better than mineral oil.
Aloe vera gel – an effective home-based treatment for eczema. Aloe vera gel is derived from the leaves of the aloe plant. People have used aloe vera gel for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments. One common use is to soothe eczema. The fluids in Aloe Vera form a thin film on the surface of the skin. Eczema is often aggravated by dry skin, so anything that adds moisture will help to relieve the redness and dry patches characteristic of eczema. A review carried out shows the effects of aloe vera on human health. The researchers reported that the gel has the following types of properties:
Immune system-boosting
The antibacterial and antimicrobial effects can prevent skin infections, which are more likely to occur when a person has dry, cracked skin. Aloe’s wound-healing properties may soothe broken skin and promote healing.
Sunflower Oil – another famous home remedy for eczema Studies show that sunflower oil is very effective in protecting the skin’s outer layer, retaining moisture, and preventing the entry of bacteria. It can also reduce inflammation, itching, and provides hydration for your skin. The best way to apply this natural treatment for eczema is direct to your skin, undiluted, preferably after a shower or bath when your skin is still damp. Along with these home remedies for eczema, there are various alternative treatments like homeopathy, acupuncture, and herbs for eczema that can provide wonderful results. Honey – great home remedy for eczema Honey is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent, and people have used it to heal wounds for centuries. Honey can help heal wounds and boost immune system function, which means that it can help the body fight off infections. Honey is useful for treating a variety of skin ailments, including burns and wounds, and that it has antibacterial capability. Applied directly to
eczema, honey could help prevent infections while moisturizing the skin and speeding healing. Alternative Treatments for eczema. Many people with eczema use products and practices outside of western or conventional medicine to help manage their symptoms. If you use these natural therapies along with medications prescribed by a doctor, you are using a “complementary” method of managing your eczema. If you are using natural therapies instead of conventional medicine, you are using an “alternative” method. Before considering any type of treatment, it is important to understand what is triggering your eczema. Knowing about the irritants in your daily environment can help you manage the condition better, whether you are using traditional medications, alternative therapies, or both.
Homeopathy for Eczema – #1 natural treatment for eczema
Homeopathy for eczema provides a holistic approach. After an exhaustive evaluation, medications are personalized according to your symptoms, making it an effective treatment for eczema. Homeopathy doesn’t have a single remedy but has various natural remedies for eczema, some of which include:
Sulphur: If your eczema is very dry and inflamed, particularly after taking a bath, this homeopathic remedy can provide effective results. Graphites: If eczema particularly prevails in your groin, knees, and elbows and is painful, itchy, red, cracked, and very dry, graphite can be an excellent remedy. Calcarea carbonica: If you’re suffering from moist and discharging eczema, particularly on your scalp, this homeopathic remedy can be useful. It’s particularly effective for young children.
Homeopathy for eczema is a safe and effective approach with little to no side effects. In combination with other natural remedies for eczema, the results can be even more profound. Acupuncture for eczema – Chinese ancient natural treatment for eczema Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient wellness practice that balances all aspects of human health. Practitioners believe in a life force called qi that pervades the body, and when qi becomes unbalanced it can lead to illness or disease. TCM includes several treatments that are tailored to individual needs. This can be acupuncture or the practice of inserting thin needles at strategic points on the body; massage techniques such as acupressure, cupping, and Gua Sha; mental-bodily practices; and traditional Chinese herbs. TCM’s herbal arsenal includes more than 10,000 herbs, which are mainly found in the leaves, stems, and roots of some plants and can take the form of powders, liquids, or topical agents.
Acupuncture for eczema offers a natural and effective treatment for eczema and can dramatically reduce the symptoms. This ancient Chinese method inserts very thin needles into your skin, affecting your nervous system, and helps with eczema by influencing the pathway of itching. It can be particularly effective for inflammation and itchiness. By calming down the itchiness, acupuncture also minimizes your chances of infection and skin damage. There are various acupuncture points for the treatment of eczema, for example, the ‘Bai Chong Wa’ point can be effectively utilized for dealing with itchiness, which can, in turn, prevent thinning or thickening, darkness, or redness, and discoloration of your skin. Acupuncture is able to achieve this by promoting blood circulation and encouraging your body’s natural repairing and healing mechanism. Additionally, acupuncture for eczema can help increase sleep quality and decrease emotional stress. It can also regulate cortisol levels and detoxify your body, aiding in preventing future flare-ups.
Herbs for eczema – popular natural remedies for eczema If you’re looking for alternative treatments, you might consider herbs for eczema. Various herbs can provide relief from symptoms. Turmeric, with its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, is one of the most popular herbs for eczema. It not only soothes your skin but minimizes your digestive tract inflammation and enhances liver detoxification. Many herbalists swear by calendula for skin inflammation. When you apply it topically on your skin, this herb provides instants relief from nourishing, anti-inflammatory, and promotes natural healing. If you’re considering herbs for eczema, you should consult a herbalist to choose the right herb for your symptoms. You can also combine with other natural and home remedies for eczema to increase its effectiveness. Ayurveda – an ancient Indian herbal treatment for eczema Ayurveda, which translates from Sanskrit as “knowledge of life”, is a system of medicine that originated in India over 5000 years ago. Similar to traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine seeks to balance the body through a specially selected toolbox that includes herbs, oils, dietary changes, massage, and body and mind practices such as yoga and meditation.
In the Ayurvedic system, people have life forces called “doshas” that help determine what type of imbalance of mind and body they may be prone to. Ayurvedic practitioners use these doshas to describe how the body functions and how it can respond to various factors, such as what you eat or what you put on your skin. Conclusion For some people, eczema can be a life-long chronic condition. It might not be dangerous, but the symptoms can often be unbearable and make life very difficult. Medications are costly and can come with adverse effects. The natural remedies for eczema mentioned above can be very beneficial in managing the symptoms and providing results. They have very little or no side effects and are also significantly more affordable. They can even be used alongside each other or with conventional treatment for increasing effectiveness. For your appointment for evaluation and natural treatment for eczema, contact our clinic and meet Dr. Tsan