Naturopathic Treatment for Frozen Shoulder Contents
1 Treatment for frozen shoulder 1.1 A corticosteroid injection into the shoulder joint for treatment of frozen shoulder 1.2 Joint distension. 1.3 Surgical treatment for frozen shoulder 1.4 Shoulder manipulation 1.5 What is frozen shoulder? 1.5.1 Symptoms of frozen shoulder Freezing stage: Frozen stage: Defrosting or thawing phase: 1.5.2 What causes frozen shoulder? 1.6 Home treatment for frozen shoulder 1.6.1 Warmth and stretching of the shoulder 1.6.2 Exercises – an important part of treatment for frozen shoulder 1.6.3 Naturally numb pain 1.6.4 Lower the level of inflammation and prevent complications 1.6.5 Acupuncture for frozen shoulder – an ancient Chinese treatment for frozen shoulder 1.6.6 Homeopathic treatment for frozen shoulder Rhus Toxicodendron: Sanguinaria Canadensis: Ferrum Metallicum: 1.7 Natural treatment for frozen shoulder in Philadelphia
Treatment for frozen shoulder Treatment for frozen shoulder typically necessitates an aggressive mixture of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, steroidal injection (s) directly into the affected shoulder joint, and physical therapy. Without a forceful treatment program, frozen shoulder, aka adhesive capsulitis can become a permanent or chronic condition. Diligent physical therapy for frozen shoulder is often essential for recovery. A physiotherapist will administer ultrasound, electrical stimulation, range of motion exercise maneuvers, stretching, ice packs, and possibly strengthening exercises. treatment program consisting of physical therapy for frozen shoulder may require weeks to months
for improvement, depending on the seriousness of the damaging of the tissues inside and around the affected shoulder joint.
It is very important for people with frozen shoulders to avoid re-injury to the tissues of the shoulder during the rehabilitation period. Such people should avoid abrupt, abrupt movements or lifting weights with an affected shoulder. Sometimes frozen shoulders are difficult to treat. Patients with a firm frozen shoulder may be considered for release of scar tissue through arthroscopic surgery for frozen shoulder or manipulation of the scarred shoulder under anesthesia. This manipulation is performed to physically destroy the scar tissue of the joint capsule. It holds the risk of crashing the arm bone known as humerus fracture. For patients undergoing manipulation, it is very important to participate in an active shoulder exercise program after the procedure. Only constant stress on the shoulder will optimize mobility and functionality. Other treatments for frozen shoulder are:
A corticosteroid injection into the shoulder joint for treatment of frozen shoulder This is another frozen shoulder treatment that can help reduce pain and improve range of motion. Joint distension. This means that your doctor will inject sterile water into the shoulder capsule to stretch it. This may improve your shoulder’s range of motion (ROM). Surgical treatment for frozen shoulder Frozen shoulder is another frozen shoulder treatment that is rarely used to treat frozen shoulder. But if other treatments didn’t help, surgery for frozen shoulder may be suggested by your doctor. It would probably be an arthroscopic procedure. This means it’s made with pencil-sized, illuminated tools that are inserted through small cuts in your shoulder. Shoulder manipulation This can help loosen the tissue in the shoulder, but it is very rarely done because arthroscopic surgery for frozen shoulder has replaced it. Surgeons moved the shoulder forcefully under general anesthesia. With this shoulder manipulation technique, the increased risk of complications is reported by physicians, and one of those complications are fractures. What is frozen shoulder? Frozen shoulder is a well-known medical condition when the shoulder joint stiffens, diminishing its movement ability. This medical ailment is also known as adhesive capsulitis. The expression “frozen shoulder” is frequently used improperly for arthritis, but these two illnesses are not even linked. Frozen shoulder
implies particularly to the shoulder joint, while arthritis can describe the condition of other or more joints.
It commonly affects people between the ages of 40 and 60 and is more likely in women than men. It is estimated to affect around 3% of people. A frozen shoulder ailment can impact either one or both shoulders. Frozen shoulder is a medical disorder that impacts your shoulder joint. This is usually associated with pain and stiffness that develop gradually, get worse, and finally go away. This can take anywhere from a year to 3 years. Your shoulder is made up of three bones that form a ball-like connection. These are your shoulder (humerus), scapula (scapula), and the collarbone (collarbone). There is also tissue around the shoulder joint that holds everything together. This is called the humeral capsule. When the shoulder is frozen, the capsule becomes so thick and dense that it is difficult to move it. Streaks of scar tissue form and there is less fluid called synovial fluid that keeps the joint lubricated. These things further restrict movement. Symptoms of frozen shoulder
The most common symptoms of frozen shoulder syndrome are severe pain and stiffness that make it difficult or impossible to perform any movements in the affected shoulder joint. If you have a frozen shoulder, you are likely to feel a dull or aching pain in one shoulder. You may also feel pain in the muscles in your shoulder that span the upper arm. You can feel the same sensation in your shoulder. The pain can get worse at night, which can make it difficult to sleep.
You usually go through the frozen shoulder stages. Each stage of this illness has its own unique signs and timing. Freezing stage:
You feel pain (sometimes severe) in your shoulder with every movement.
The condition worsens over time, and pain may worsen at night.
The freezing stage can last from 6 months to almost a year.
Your shoulder’s mobility is limited.
Frozen stage:
The pain may decrease, but the stiffness will worsen.
It becomes more difficult to move the shoulder and it becomes more difficult to cope with daily activities.
This stage can last 4-12 months.
Defrosting or thawing phase:
Both, active and passive ROMs are back to normal.
The defrosting phase can last as long as 1.5 – 2 years.
What causes frozen shoulder? The causes of frozen shoulder are unclear, but some groups are more at risk. Frozen shoulder occurs more often in women than in men, and you are more likely to get the disease if you are between the ages of 40 and 60. The risk could also be increased if you are about to recover from a medical condition such as a stroke, or surgery such as a mastectomy that prevents you from moving your arm.
Certain medical conditions can also increase the risk. One possible cause of frozen shoulder is diabetes. About 10% -20% of people with diabetes get their shoulder frozen. Other medical problems such as heart disease, thyroid disease, or Parkinson’s disease are also linked to frozen shoulder. Home treatment for frozen shoulder Home treatment for frozen shoulder is another type of the use of the natural approaches for the treatment of frozen shoulder that you perform
at the comfort of your home. Home treatment for frozen shoulder can help reduce symptoms of the illness.
Following are the most common home remedies for frozen shoulder: Warmth and stretching of the shoulder Before starting any shoulder exercises for frozen shoulder, you should warm up your shoulder to promote blood flow to the affected area and prevent further injury. Patience is key to treating a frozen shoulder, so give yourself time to slowly heal and progress. The goal is to get the shoulder moving again gently, safely, and gradually, but this can sometimes take months, so don’t rush. Some of the most effective ways to stretch and warm up the shoulder include applying heat for 10 to 15 minutes, taking a warm shower or bath (including one with Epsom salts), and moving the shoulder gently in small circular movements if possible. You can create your own heating package or use a commercially available heating pad. Exercises – an important part of treatment for frozen shoulder Exercise for frozen shoulder is one of the home remedies for a frozen shoulder that can prevent and possibly reverse shoulder stiffness. One of the simple frozen shoulder exercises is the cross arm stretch.
See the most common exercises for frozen shoulder described below:
Cross Arm Stretch: This frozen shoulder exercise involves holding the upper arm on the affected side, gently pulling the arm in front of you, under the chin. Hold for 30 seconds. Relax and repeat.
Pendulum Stretch: Stand with your shoulders relaxed. Bend forward with the hand of your good arm resting on a table. Let the affected arm hang vertically and swing in a small circle, about 1 foot in diameter. Enhance the diameter of the pendulum-like movements over several days as you gain strength.
Towel stretch: grab both ends of the towel behind your back. With your good hand, pull the towel and the diseased hand towards the shoulder. Perform towel stretch exercise 10 to 20 times a day.
Underarm Stretch: This home remedy for a frozen shoulder is obtained by placing the affected hand on a ledge up to the chest area. Bend your knees slightly and straighten them to stretch under your armpits. Try to bend your knees deeper than the heels of your shoulders.
Toe walking: Stand in front of a wall with your fingertips placed on the wall at waist level. Keep your arm slightly bent. Slowly and evenly place your fingers up against the wall as much as possible without putting too much strain on your arm. Do this exercise 1020 times a day.
Naturally numb pain As you have probably realized by now, continuing to gradually move the frozen shoulder is the key to treating the condition. However, this can cause pain and discomfort. Instead of putting your faith in pharmaceutical painkillers, you can control your shoulder pain naturally
with the help of holistic, naturopathic frozen shoulder treatments such as essential oils and other muscle relaxants. Try using peppermint oil on the affected shoulder to increase circulation, reduce inflammation, and reduce pain. Massage therapy, physical therapy, magnesium cream, and acupuncture for shoulder pain could also help control swelling and improve range of motion. Lower the level of inflammation and prevent complications To help control inflammation in the long term and prevent the injury from recurring, focus on a medicated diet and take anti-inflammatory supplements to help improve recovery. Anti-inflammatory supplements and herbs include turmeric, omega-3, magnesium, and CoQ10. Foods that help fight inflammation include all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits, probiotic-rich foods (yogurt, kombucha, kefir, and farmed vegetables), grass-fed beef, wild-caught fish, cage-free eggs, and healthy fats such as nuts. seeds, avocado, coconut, and olive oil. Also, try to reduce other factors that contribute to inflammation, such as high levels of mental stress, being overweight or obese, sitting for long periods, smoking, exposure to chemicals or toxins, and high exposure to vibration from vehicles (for example, being a truck driver). for life). Acupuncture for frozen shoulder – an ancient Chinese treatment for frozen shoulder Frozen shoulder acupuncture is an effective treatment modality for frozen shoulder relief. Also called adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder is characterized by shoulder pain and loss of range of motion in the rotator cuff region. Arm movements become difficult and a frozen shoulder often interferes with a peaceful night’s sleep.
In a controlled experiment, researchers determined that frozen shoulder acupuncture alleviates pain and restores shoulder range of motion in frozen shoulder patients. The researchers measured the effectiveness of electroacupuncture and extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) as separate and combined treatment modalities. Both protocols achieved significant positive patient outcomes. The best results were achieved when both treatment modalities were combined into a comprehensive, integrated care regimen. A combination of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) and electroacupuncture reduces pain and improves the range of motion
(ROM) of the shoulder joint in patients with frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis). Homeopathic treatment for frozen shoulder Frozen shoulder homeopathy is fundamentally different from conventional medicine. Natural remedies not only help to recover well from the symptoms of the disease, but also treat the cause that is responsible for the appearance of the discomfort. Homeopathy believes in treating the underlying, or underlying cause because if the cause is eliminated an individual will not have symptoms of the disease. A complete medical history by the homeopathic doctor, which includes information about the duration of the symptoms, the underlying cause, the symptoms, and the modalities specific to the patient, will guide the doctor to the most appropriate medicine for the patient. If the drug is administered according to the similarity of symptoms, the patient can make a wonderful recovery from the disease. Frozen shoulder homeopathy has proven to be effective in treating frozen shoulder symptoms and reducing the chances of the disease reappearing. Also, homeopathic remedies can help a person maintain a healthy lifestyle once they have fully recovered from pain and stiffness. Rhus Toxicodendron, Sanguinaria Canadensis, and Ferrum Metallicum are among the top 3 homeopathic remedies commonly prescribed for frozen shoulder. Below are detailed descriptions of these popular homeopathic remedies for frozen shoulder. Rhus Toxicodendron: Rhus Toxicodendron is a homeopathic remedy that is made from the raw leaves of the plant which belongs to the Anacardiaceae group. Rhus Toxicodendron is a fantastic homeopathy remedy for a frozen shoulder
that can help to alleviate and often cure long-standing conditions associated with significant stiffness in the shoulder joint. Rhus Toxicodendron is commonly used when the shoulder is extremely stiff to move. The rigidity of the shoulder’s joint gets usually better by warmth application. It can also be helpful in cases where motion and massages tend to offer relief in stiffness. There is terrible tearing, shooting pain at the top of the shoulder joint. Discomforts and pains get worse for the duration of cold and rainy, damp weather. Pains become severe during the rest especially at night preventing the patient to fall asleep. There is a persistent sense of tension or pressure on the shoulder as if something heavy is placed upon it. Key Indications for using Rhus Tox:
Stiffness of the shoulder.
Tearing shooting pain in the shoulder.
Pains get better by the movement of the shoulder.
Sanguinaria Canadensis: Sanguinaria Canadensis is derived from the plant bloodroot of the Papaveraceae family. Sanguinaria Can. it is an excellent remedy that shows an affinity with the pains that occur in the right shoulder. The pains are present in the upper part of the right shoulder. The pains usually worsen during the night and while trying to roll over in bed. The patient feels great difficulty in raising his arm due to distressing pains. Key Indications:
The right shoulder is affected.
There is a nocturnal aggravation of pain.
Difficulty lifting the arm.
Ferrum Metallicum: Ferrum Metallicum is an excellent treatment for frozen left shoulder disease. The left shoulder constantly hurts. The pain is pulling, shooting, tearing, and limping. The pains usually shoot downward and radiate down the arm, and the patient may feel unable to raise the arm. A person who needs this medicine feels a great heaviness in the shoulder joint. The slow movement of the shoulder gradually improves the condition. Warmth can be given to relieve pain. The pain increases in bed, the patient has to get up and move slowly to feel relief. Main indications:
Left shoulder affected.
Increased pain on movement.
Pains are ameliorated by heat or in a warm environment.
Natural treatment for frozen shoulder in Philadelphia Frozen shoulder is initiated by insufficient movements and elasticity around the shoulder joint, along with inflammation of the shoulder capsule, joints, and ligaments. The “capsule” of the shoulder joint contains ligaments that hold the shoulder bones together and help with normal movement and movement, but the capsule can become inflamed due to injury, overuse, surgery, or other reasons that impair the capacity of the shoulder bones. to slide inside the joints. As the shoulder capsule becomes thicker and tighter, it tightens the shoulder joints even more and makes the movement very painful. Because the inflammation associated with a frozen shoulder starts to cause pain, it usually results in less movement. This starts a downward spiral, contributing to less movement and even more stiffness. So, unfortunately, the frozen shoulder sometimes becomes a vicious cycle: the initial pain and reduced mobility cause stiffness, which only causes a
further reduction in mobility and pain. That’s exactly why stretching and exercising the frozen shoulder helps to prevent and resolve the problem. Experiencing a frozen shoulder can keep you from exercising or pursuing your hobbies, but remember that a sedentary lifestyle and immobilization of your arms are major causes of a frozen shoulder. Exercising regularly will actually help keep your joints supple and prevent injuries if done safely. Sport has a natural “lubricating” effect on the joints and tissues, it also transports fluids from the lymphatic system through your body and strengthens the immune function – that’s why they say: “If you don’t use it, you will lose it!” Holistic treatment for frozen shoulder is effective and safe and in many cases, acupuncture for shoulder pain along with homeopathic remedies appeared to be more effective than traditional protocol.
Contact Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic to schedule your appointment for evaluation and discuss with Dr. Tsan which treatment modalities are better for you.