Hypnosis Treatment of claustrophobia

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Hypnosis Treatment of claustrophobia Contents hide 1 How to overcome claustrophobia 1.1 What is claustrophobia? 1.2 Sources of Anxiety and Claustrophobic Spaces and How to overcome claustrophobia 1.2.1 Symptoms of claustrophobia 1.3 Treatment of claustrophobia 1.4 Hypnotherapy to overcome claustrophobia. 1.4.1 How hypnosis for claustrophobia works 1.5 How to overcome claustrophobia in Philadelphia How to overcome claustrophobia How to overcome claustrophobia is not a very frequent question because people not always refer to doctor’s help thinking that they can manage it somehow without it but claustrophobia disorder is very common and needs to be cured by professionals. Claustrophobia is the condition, which comes from anxiety in certain situations. People suffering from this disorder struggle with the fear of enclosed spaces such as elevators, trains, and etc., and all of them are looking for the answer on how to overcome claustrophobia.

The fear of being in commuter trains, tunnels, and planes may increase to cause a serious disruption in normal life. Such people may report seeing frightening images of being trapped without space to escape. They, therefore, keep away from such places with great effort and extreme lengths. Hypnosis for Claustrophobia is an effective and highly demanded treatment for those patients who abnormally afraid of closed-in places. If you have not been to a hypnotherapist before, it would be vital to try one for a variety of anxiety-related issues. Hypnosis has for a long time, been associated with the healing of serious fears and phobias. Complications range from the fear of enclosed places such as trains and elevators to other varying phenomena, which depend on the cause of the phobia.

What is claustrophobia? Claustrophobia as said earlier is the abnormal fear of crowded or tight spaces. A claustrophobic person is not actually afraid of the enclosed spaces themselves, but of what may happen to them in enclosed spaces. Everyone needs some space – physically or emotionally. But, a claustrophobic person needs more space than others. It is possible for a normal person to be afraid of crowded places in some situations. For example, not everyone would fancy getting into an overcrowded elevator where crowding and exceeding the weight limits of the elevator is a serious safety concern. However, when the fear of tight spaces becomes abnormal, it is claustrophobia. There are some criteria for detecting phobias in general.

If you have some of these elements, you may be claustrophobic (always see a doctor for a proper diagnosis).  You are afraid of tight spaces like elevators, bathrooms, cars, etc… in an exaggerated, unreasonable and irrational manner. You think something bad might happen to you if you use such space  You have a panic attack anytime you find yourself in enclosed spaces

 You know that your anxiety is unreasonable  You will do anything to avoid closed spaces or crowded places.  Because you know that your fear is irrational, you are always afraid or concerned about having a panic attack  This has been going on for at least 6 months. Claustrophobia is a type of situational phobia, the situations usually involved are tight and crowded places. As much as 11% of Americans may be struggling with claustrophobia. Sources of Anxiety and Claustrophobic Spaces and How to overcome claustrophobia

According to statistics at least 4% of the world population is affected by claustrophobia. Studies have found that there is a consistent frequency across the globe on the condition. The studies also found that individuals with spatial distortion are most likely to fall into this condition. These people have an exaggerated feeling of their private space. Those with a higher tendency towards stress and anxiety have a higher probability to be claustrophobic. There are theories, which suggest claustrophobia is an evolutionary condition. Because claustrophobia is a common phobia it

depends on the latest things surrounding the person. And a person with this disorder needs professional treatment to help to reduce stress and anxiety. Symptoms of claustrophobia

The symptoms of claustrophobia can be divided into two parts: physical and psychological symptoms. The physical and easy to tell on a person like a loved one are;  Uncontrollable shaking

     

Tachycardia (accelerated heartbeat) Sweating Respiratory symptoms (throat closing up, tight chest) Nausea, vomiting Hyperventilation Fainting, lightheadedness

The psychological symptoms, which may be discreet and hidden or mistaken often include;  Urge to run away  Thoughts or images of being buried alive or trapped  Thoughts of death  Exaggerated perceptions of reality. Treatment of claustrophobia Treatment of claustrophobia could be a challenge since modern medicine doesn’t have any good solution for this psychiatric condition. There are many ways how to cure claustrophobia and how to overcome claustrophobia, but like most anxiety disorders, some of the methods used in treating it include cognitive behavioral therapy, medications, or hypnosis for Claustrophobia. We are going to focus more on hypnosis for Claustrophobia in this article.

Claustrophobia is one of the most common psychiatric conditions which medical providers see in about 3=5 percent of patients. Most children are afraid of the dark. When the boogeyman comes to get them at night, they usually hide in closets or under the bed. This is probably because they believe the

boogeyman cannot find them there. However, for some people, the boogeyman is in the closet. The boogeyman is just lurking under the bed and in all enclosed places. They cannot stand being in tight corners. These people are claustrophobic. A claustrophobic person cannot stand tight spaces. They may experience a crushing feeling – as if the walls are going to close in on them at any point and crush them to death. Perhaps claustrophobia may go unnoticed in ancient times but nowadays we’re getting into tight spaces like elevators and most restrooms are small spaces, it could be quite difficult to

hide. Claustrophobia can hinder daily activities and is an irrational type of fear. For many people, not being able to use the elevator, most bathrooms, or even their cars because they are scared of being in small enclosed spaces can be a major drawback. People suffering from claustrophobia will do almost anything to avoid the feeling of “being trapped” in small spaces. For example, they may prefer to climb the stairs of a 324-story skyscraper because they are afraid of using the elevator.

Hypnotherapy is the #1 treatment for claustrophobia based on the understanding that fear is irrational. The individual involved should accept that there is no harm that will come from the situation they face. hypnosis for claustrophobia is intended to deal with experience to the trigger situations, which are specific to the individual. There is no general solution for anyone. Each patient needs to address his specific problem. A trained practitioner will provide safe and non-invasive healing without any risk of side effects. Curing phobia by hypnosis is by far the safest method today. Guiding you to believe the fear does not make sense is a vital part of the process. Overcoming the fear and curing the phobia means getting back to normal life. The reason is rational knowledge that locked up in a specific part of the brain, which is not accessible to create anxiety. An experienced hypnotist will help you to work with this part of the brain to help you to resolve your issue. Hypnotherapy to overcome claustrophobia. Hypnosis has been associated with the healing of serious fears and phobias for a long time with complications range from the fear of enclosed places such as trains and elevators to other varying phenomena, which depend on the cause of the phobia.

If you have not seen a hypnotherapist before, it would be vital to visit one for a variety of anxiety-related issues. Hypnosis for Claustrophobia works by making suggestions to the subconscious mind. Although it is not as commonly used as cognitivebehavioral therapies and medications in the treatment of claustrophobia, it is quite common. Not just any hypnosis method is used in the treatment of claustrophobia. The type of hypnosis for claustrophobia is neuro-linguistic programming. The

basis of this is that people suffering from claustrophobia may have had some terrible past experiences or events (maybe a traumatic event or so on). When these people are exposed to small spaces, they trigger traumatic memories or thoughts which cause their fearful reactions. These memories haunt a person in the subconscious for a long time. The sight of an enclosed space is a visual input that links them to their phobias. Visual inputs whether positive or negative are called anchors The neurolinguistics programming is the type of hypnosis for claustrophobia that dissociates a person from these traumatic memories or experiences. They do this by the use of suggestions. There are three steps to neurolinguistics programming. The first step is to create a safe anchor which is basically a mental image that is perceived by the claustrophobic patient as safe. This could be a wide space such as a quiet park. They then try to make the patients dissociate themselves from the traumatic events by imagining themselves just before the events and then seeing themselves floating away from the event gradually (just like you see in the movies). The problem with the neurolinguistics programming method of hypnosis is that some people are resistant to it especially if they are skeptics. To make the method better, the Ericksonian method of hypnosis can be used for suggestions. Instead of saying something direct like “you would feel better”, indirect suggestions that use stories and metaphors are used. This has increased the effectiveness of hypnosis.

Whether hypnosis works or not is still under debate. Although good results have been observed in studies and participants (some of the participants even thanked the hypnotists after the sessions), the results still seem inconclusive by some scientific parameters. You can’t blame science anyway as science has a reputation for doubting things and always questioning things – even if people say it works. Science sees anecdotes and testimonials as subjective and wants something “more objective”. Though this makes sure procedures are rigorously tested

before they are approved, it would mean that some methods that actually work, may take some time (even decades) before they are widely accepted. So this does not mean hypnosis does not work, it just means it has not been proven – yet. Some advantages of hypnosis over cognitive behavioral therapy are that it is more cost-effective and it takes less time and sessions. Usually, most people with anxiety require only a one-hour session to be treated for their anxiety problems. If you have not yet had any luck with your claustrophobia treatment, then try hypnosis. Hypnosis for claustrophobia ensures restoring calm and relaxed conditions for reviewing the horrifying experiences, which led to the condition. Hypnotherapy is the answer to How to overcome claustrophobia since it is designed to train your mind to respond the right way. It is an ideal and non-invasive alternative treatment with no side effects attached. Most importantly, the process helps to treat deeplyrooted sources of phobias. These fears are rooted in the subconscious mind and have an effect on a huge percentage of a person’s habits whenever they are in enclosed places. Eliminating the phobia requires individualized programs with different techniques and neuro-linguistic programming to remove unusual perceptions. While the patient is in a deep hypnotic state, the hypnotist can guide them to re-assess the way they view specific things in life. The hypnotist will help them re-think in a better and healthier manner. How hypnosis for claustrophobia works When Claustrophobia is left untreated, it spreads and causes people to feel insecure even in large spaces. As the condition escalates, they tend to avoid situations that may trigger the condition. This means that they become afraid of the fear itself. The result is an escalation of the problem into a worse condition. This causes them to change their lifestyle they cannot enjoy, as they avoid different situations. For example, they will not be happy to be found in parties and crowded rooms that limiting their life experiences in social circles. This problem can be traced to up to 10% of Americans. A significant number of sufferers can trace the cause of their triggers and point out when it started. While some have a single traumatic event as the trigger, others have progressive and consistent causes with existing stress levels.

Other contributing factors include the approach to handle the situation, the supportive loved ones, and prior trouble with the mental being. A person with strong fear reactions may take lengths to avoid people and events. While avoiding the triggers and live a normal daily life is difficult, hypnosis for claustrophobia comes to eliminate the fear by confronting it. The result will be an individual who is not afraid to face the very thing they feared because of a shifted perception in their mind. How to overcome claustrophobia in Philadelphia If you are living in Philadelphia PA or the nearest suburbs you can Google for  how to overcome claustrophobia,  hypnotist near me or  hypnosis near me and see the list of practitioners and clinics that perform this complicated neuro-linguistic programming treatment. When you are googling how to overcome claustrophobia also use the keywords best hypnotist near me, and best hypnosis near me to find the best hypnosis clinic in your area. And don’t forget that a good hypnotherapist is first of all medical doctor, who understands the mechanism of medical conditions and knows how to apply the hypnosis technique. Don’t allow everyone to play with your subconscious mind.

Medical Director of Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic Dr. Tsan and his associates successfully treat this condition using the techniques of hypnosis for claustrophobia along with acupuncture and homeopathic medicines. The effectiveness of the treatment is above 90%. The combination of different alternative techniques makes the treatment efficient and pleasant. If you or someone you know suffers from claustrophobia and would like to find out how to overcome claustrophobia you are in the right place.

At the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic treatment of Claustrophobia provided by a team of medical practitioners under the supervision of internationally recognized specialist Victor Tsan, CHP. Contact us to make an appointment for a holistic evaluation and discuss with Dr. Tsan your best options for the cure for claustrophobia syndrome

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