Naturopathic and Holistic Treatment for Leg Cramps.

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Naturopathic and Holistic Treatment for Leg Cramps Contents hide 1 Treatment for leg cramps 1.1 Stretching exercises 1.2 Medications for leg cramps 1.3 What are muscle cramps? 1.3.1 What causes leg cramps? 1.3.2 How to prevent leg cramps? Basic calf stretch Towel stretch 1.3.3 How to stop leg cramps immediately 1.4 Natural remedies for leg cramps 1.4.1 Home remedies for leg cramps Best home remedies for leg cramps: Magnesium supplements for prevention of muscle spasms. Zinc supplements for muscle spasms The use of heat – most common home remedy for leg cramps Hydration – an important part of the treatment for Charlie’s horse 1.4.2 Supplements for leg cramps 1.4.3 Foods to help with a nocturnal muscle spasm in legs. 1.4.4 Acupuncture for leg cramps 1.4.5 Chinese herbs for muscle spasm in feet, calves, and legs 1.4.6 Homeopathy – the #1 treatment for muscle spasm Most common homeopathic remedies for leg cramps: Cuprum Metallicum – natural leg cramps remedy Rhus Toxicodendron – Effective Homeopathic Medicine For Leg Cramps Relieved By Walking Calcarea Carbonica – Effective Homeopathic remedy for leg cramps At Night Anacardium Orientale – Homeopathic medicine for leg cramps from walking Causticum – Homeopathic Remedy for Morning Leg Cramps Sulfur – A natural homeopathic treatment for leg cramps caused by stretching the legs or feet Ferrum Metallicum – Natural treatment for leg cramps at night 1.5 Natural treatment for leg cramps in Philadelphia

Treatment for leg cramps is important because muscular cramps in the calf and feet could be very painful especially because they often happen in the nighttime your night sleep is disrupting. Treatment for leg cramps

You can generally treat muscle leg cramps with self-care procedures. Your physician can explain to you stretching exercises techniques that may help you diminish the frequency of episodes of muscular cramps. You have to maintain the well-hydration of your body. For persistent leg cramps that interrupt your night sleep, your family doctor might recommend some medications for leg cramps.

However, sometimes the issue is more complicated and requires proper diagnosis and professional care. In this article, Dr. Tsan will convey his opinion and experience on traditional and holistic options of leg cramps treatment. This article is to discuss, what are the most effective approaches to treatment for leg cramps, what are the best medications for leg cramps available OTC or by prescription, what are the most popular supplements for leg cramps, how to stop leg cramps immediately, and finally, how herbs, acupuncture, and homeopathic remedies for leg cramps can help you to fight this annoying medical condition. Stretching exercises

Most cases of leg cramps can be relieved by exercising the affected muscles. Exercising your legs throughout the day often helps reduce the frequency of cramps. To stretch your calf muscles, stand with the front half of your feet on a step with your heels hanging over the edge. Slowly lower your heels so they are below the step. Hold the position for a few seconds before lifting your heels back up to the starting position. Repeat a few times.

Medication is usually only required in the most stubborn cases where the spasms do not respond to exercise.

If you suffer from secondary leg cramps, taking care of the underlying medical condition will more than likely relieve your nocturnal leg cramps. Leg cramps that occur during pregnancy should go away after the baby is born. that occur as a result of severe liver disease can be more difficult. Your treatment plan may include the use of medications such as muscle relaxants. Treatment for leg cramps

Medications for leg cramps

At this time, there are no recommended medications for leg cramps that can prevent muscle contracture 100% of the time. However, there are some prescription drugs that show little evidence of preventing leg cramps. Under your doctor’s watchful eye, you can try the following: 

Carisoprodol (Soma®): A muscle relaxant.

Diltiazem (Cartia XT®): A calcium channel blocker.

Orphenadrine (Norflex®): Treats muscle spasms and relieves pain and stiffness in the muscles. Verapamil: A calcium channel blocker.

But first things first. What are muscle cramps?

Leg cramps are sudden, involuntary, intense muscle pains, usually in the calves, feet, or thighs. This condition is also known as “Charlie’s Horse“. Sometimes a cramp can cause a muscle spasm, an uncontrollable strain. While cramps could be very painful, they are generally harmless and not life-threatening. A charley horse feels like a muscle contracted and tightened in a knot. Muscle spasms can be cruelly unpleasant, excruciating, or even intolerable. Your muscles in the area may ache for hours after the cramp is gone.

occur when you are not very active or when you are asleep. They can wake you up, make it difficult for you to go back to sleep, and leave you feeling sore all night. Annually, monthly, weekly, or nightly – the rate of recurrence of muscle spasms varies from person to person depending on general medical condition, routine diet regimen, and of course age. Nocturnal leg cramps can affect anyone of any age, but they are most common in older adults. Of those over 60, 33% experience leg cramps at night at least every two months. Almost every adult over the age of 50 will experience them at least once. Seven percent of children will do it too. About 40% of pregnant women suffer from leg cramps at night. This is probably because the extra weight of pregnancy puts strain on the muscles. Leg cramps at night

Three-quarters (75%) of all reported leg cramps occur at night. An occurrence of a leg cramp can go on from several seconds to several minutes. The older a person is, the more likely he/she experience leg cramps. This is because tendons (the ligaments that connect your muscles and bones) naturally shorten with age. Women are also more likely to experience muscle spasms than men. Up to 60% of adults experience leg cramps at night, as do up to 40% of children and teenagers. Some patients ask about the differences between nocturnal leg cramps and restless legs. Although both nocturnal leg cramps (leg cramps that happen at night time and waking up sufferer) and restless legs syndrome tend to occur at night or when you are at rest, restless legs syndrome does not cause severe pain. Restless Legs Syndrome is unpleasant, but not painful. It’s a discomfort feeling that forces you to move your legs. When you move your legs, the restlessness ends for a short while, but there is still discomfort. What causes leg cramps?

The causes of muscle cramps not always can be determined for each particular patient. Sometimes nocturnal leg cramps arise for no identified reasons and those muscle spasms are known as idiopathic leg cramps. Another medical term secondary leg cramps applied to muscle spasms that are symptoms or complications of underlying health conditions. The root cause of idiopathic cramps in the legs is up for discussion and further investigation.

Possible causes of idiopathic muscle spasms are: 

Involuntary nerve discharges.

Restriction of blood supply.


Too many high-intensity exercises.

Pregnant women often have leg cramps during days and nights.

Possible causes of leg cramps at night (nocturnal leg cramps) include:

Sitting for long periods of time.

Overuse of muscles.

Standing or working on concrete floors.

Sitting improperly.

Secondary leg cramps are caused by an underlying condition or other identifiable cause. The list of those conditions may include: 

Pregnancy: The extra weight of pregnancy can put a strain on the leg muscles, making them more prone to cramps Training: Leg cramps often occur when you are resting after training Neurological disorders (disorders affecting the nerves in your leg muscles): for example motor neuron disease or peripheral neuropathy Liver disease: When your liver isn’t working properly, toxins build up in your blood, which can cause your muscles to spasm Infection: Some types of bacterial infections, such as Tetanus, can initiate muscle spasms and seizures Contaminants: In some individuals, high levels of toxic elements in the bloodstream, such as lead or mercury, can trigger leg cramps Dehydration: In some people, low levels of water in the body can cause salt levels to drop, which can trigger muscle cramps

Certain medications are known to cause leg cramps in a small number of people. The list of these pharmaceutical drugs include: 

 

Water pills: diuretics eliminate a significant amount of fluids from the body and are thus used to deal with medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart failure, and some types of kidney diseases Statins: are used to treat people with high blood cholesterol levels Raloxifene: is used to prevent osteoporosis (thinning of bones) in women who have gone through menopause Nifedipine: Nifedipineis represents a category of pharmaceutical drugs known as calcium-channel blockers. These medications typically used to treat angina pectoris and Raynaud’s disease Nicotinic acid: is used to treat high cholesterol

It is important to pinpoint what causes muscle cramps in your particular case. Based on the cause of muscle cramps your treatment may vary. Contact your doctor if you think your medication may be causing leg cramps, as your dosage may need to be adjusted. Never stop taking a prescription drug unless your GP or other qualified healthcare professional responsible for your care advises you to do so. How to prevent leg cramps?

The most common question I hear from my patients is: “How to stop leg cramps at night?” If you often get leg cramps, regularly stretching your lower leg muscles can help prevent cramps or reduce their frequency. You may find it helpful to stretch your calves before going to bed each night.

If you’re prone to nighttime leg cramps, these 6 tips can help prevent the cramps from happening again: 

Lots of uphill walking/running or stair climbing shortens the back muscles and the muscles and tendons on the back of the legs, making them more susceptible to cramping later on. Focus your attention on stretching these muscle groups after a hilly workout.

Opt for a therapeutic deep tissue massage with an experienced practitioner. Ask him to teach you techniques for the leg and foot muscle groups, so you can get rid of knots before they become disabling cramps. Loosen bedspreads so they don’t press down on your feet and shorten your arch muscles, encouraging them to cramp. Drink when you feel thirsty, especially after exercise. Don’t overdo it. Tea, coffee, smoothies, fruit, and vegetables contribute to meeting your daily fluid requirements. Eat a variety of foods rich in potassium and magnesium daily. Good choice: black beans, beans, nuts and seeds, potatoes, sweet potatoes, leafy vegetables (especially beets), bananas, and other fruits. Stay flexible by stretching regularly.

Here are two typical episodes: Basic calf stretch

Stand with your palms against the wall, arms outstretched

Step back with the affected calf leg

Put forward on the healthy limb and push counter to the wall

You should feel a stretch in your calf muscle and the back of your leg.

Towel stretch

Keep your legs straight in front of you

Point the toes of the affected foot towards the ceiling so the leg is engaged

Take a towel or tie and wrap it around your foot, holding it with both hands

Raise your leg a little until you experience a decent stretch

The following nightly advice can also help:

If you lie on your back, make sure your toes are facing up – placing a pillow on your side at the end of the bed, with the soles of your feet propped up against it, can help keep your feet in the correct position. If you lie on your front, hang your feet over the edge of the bed – this will keep your feet in a relaxed position and help prevent your calf muscles from twitching and straining. Keep your sheets and blankets loose. How to stop leg cramps immediately


Take several deep breaths and try to stay relaxed. Panic may cause the affected muscles to tighten further, and the contraction may lengthen or worsen.


If the contraction is in the muscles of the arch or calf, pull your toes tightly towards the head and continue stretching until the contraction subsides. The stretching will reduce the strain so that

the muscles can rest. You may need to sit down, bend over, and stretch your fingers forward with your hands. 3.

If the contraction is in the back of your thigh, get out of bed, bend at the waist against your forearms, and bend forward until you feel the contracting muscles stretch. Keep the stretch until the contraction subsides.


I was lucky enough to use a towel or a woven stretch strap to straighten out particularly malignant hamstrings in hamstrings.


When the acute pain has subsided, stand up and walk a little to get oxygen to the tense muscles. A cold compress or a hot compress can help. I like long, rectangular “bean bags” (canvas casings filled with beans or other seeds) heated in the microwave for a few minutes and wrapped around sore muscles.

Natural remedies for leg cramps

Cramps usually occur for a reason. If you haven’t pulled a muscle, you are likely experiencing cramps because your muscles are tired or excessively worn out or your body is dehydrated. Or maybe you don’t have enough electrolytes like potassium or magnesium. These minerals help your muscles run more smoothly, and the fluids help your body process the minerals.

Muscle cramps remedies are commonly

used in both western and holistic branches of medicine and scientists from both sides found them highly effective and safe. Most cases of muscle spasms do not indicate a disturbing underlying condition. People aged 65 and over are more at risk for them. The cramps may be related to alcoholism, hypothyroidism, or diabetes. If your contraction frequency bothers you, tell your doctor. Home remedies for leg cramps

Leg cramps are triggered by overuse of muscles, dehydration, stress, or fatigue. This is a very common condition, however, if your calves cramp painfully when you try to fall asleep, or if a muscle frequently locks up for no apparent reason, the root cause is a faulty chemical signal from the nervous system. which signals the muscle to contract. So, what’s good for leg cramps? What are the best remedies for Charlie’s horse?

Let’s discuss. Best home remedies for leg cramps:

Place an electric heating pad or warm washcloth over the misbehaving muscle to relax the cramp and increase blood flow to the affected tissue. Set pad to low, apply for 20 minutes, then remove for at least 20 minutes before reapplying. Get a long-lasting hot shower or hot bath. For extra relief, pour half a cup of Epsom salt. The magnesium in Epsom salt promotes muscle relaxation. Find the epicenter of the muscle cramp. Press down on this spot with your thumb, the heel of your hand, or a slightly closed fist. Hold for 10 seconds, then press again. You’re doing it well if you feel some discomfort, but not excruciating pain. After a number of repetitions, the pain from the cramp should begin to lessen.

Magnesium supplements for prevention of muscle spasms.

If you regularly have leg cramps that are not related to a more serious condition, you can try adding more magnesium to your diet. Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of magnesium. Magnesium Trusted Source has been suggested to treat muscle spasms in pregnant women, but more research is needed. Talk to your doctor before taking any magnesium supplements if you are pregnant.

Zinc supplements for muscle spasms

This paragraph explains that zinc benefits the body in many ways. Zinc is well-known in both traditional western medicine and homeopathy as a microelement that supports a vigorous immune system, improves learning and memory ability, maximizes and speeds up wound healing processes, reduces age-related medical conditions, and improves fertility. Research has also found that this nutrient can help relieve specific types of muscle cramps. For example, a 2000 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition involved 12 cirrhotic patients who experienced muscle cramps at least three times a week, usually in the calves, feet, and hands. After receiving 220 mg BID of zinc sulfate for 12 weeks, 10 out of 12 patients reported improvement regarding muscle cramps. Seven of them indicated that their cramps had completely disappeared. Zinc has also been found to be beneficial if cramping is related to menstruation. An article in Medical Hypotheses states that up to three doses of 30 mg of zinc taken daily for one to four days before menstruation can help prevent menstrual cramps. The use of heat – most common home remedy for leg cramps

Many personal trainers, trainers, and physical therapists also recommend using magnesium on the outside of the body in the form of Epsom salt. A great selection of these products is available online. Try applying this old-school remedy to a damp cloth and squeezing it against a tense muscle or adding a little to a hot bath to soak yourself. In fact, a hot bath brings relief to many people, with or without Epsom salts. Dry heat procedure, application of a heating pad is often effective.

Turn on the pad on the lowest setting and only increase the heat when you are not relieved at all. If you suffer from diabetes, a spinal cord injury, or another condition that may prevent you from feeling the heat, an electric pillow is not a good option. Hydration – an important part of the treatment for Charlie’s horse

Dehydration is one of the main causes of leg cramps – and muscle cramps in general. In general, you should drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water every day, according to Dr. Goldman, but increasing your intake is recommended if you’re active, especially outdoors. Generally, the purpose of hydration is to keep the urine clear. If the urine turns yellow, amber, orange, etc., it indicates that you may be dehydrated and you probably need to increase your water intake. Another way to avoid dehydration is to limit the amount of alcohol and caffeine you consume. Supplements for leg cramps

There are scientifically proven pieces of evidence that certain vitamin and microelement deficiencies can initiate leg cramps. Some of these vitamins and minerals, based on their Recommended Dietary Allowance for adults and youngsters help to alleviate the intensity of leg cramps or even prevent them from arising. Vitamin or mineral

RDA for adults

Thiamine (Vitamin B1)

1.1-1.2 milligrams (mg)

Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)

2.4 micrograms (mcg)

Vitamin D

15 mcg (600 international units – IU


310-420 mg


2,600-3,400 mg

Note that potassium has an Adequate Intake rather than an RDA because there is not yet an adequate amount of evidence to confirm an RDA. A person’s RDA or AI can change based on a number of factors, such as age and gender, and whether they are pregnant or breastfeeding. The above amounts are suitable for most adults. Foods to help with a nocturnal muscle spasm in legs.

In terms of TCM, leg cramps are associated with poor circulation and cold feet, so people are advised to eat foods that can provide warmth and promote body circulation, healthy foods include black fungus, brown sugar, animal liver, lamb. , beef, goose, duck, eggs, rabbit meat, Chinese yam, sesame, glutinous rice, dates, longan pulp, mushrooms, nuts, and leeks. The daily diet should include a variety of foods, and frozen and raw foods are best avoided. In addition, they should eat more foods that promote muscle and tendon healing. Healthy foods include chicken, shrimp, snake meat, sea cucumber, animal tendons, carp, cuttlefish, taros, celery, mulberry, cherry, carambola, chestnut, walnut, soy. , hyacinth, daylily, olives, loofah, onion, ginger, coix seeds, cinnamon, and fennel, which help dispel cold and dampness and improve blood circulation in the limbs. Acupuncture for leg cramps

Acupuncture is an effective option for relieving and eliminating muscle spasms. Muscle cramps are usually a sign that there is a blockage in the blood and energy flow to an area of the body. When this happens, the area becomes weak and less able to function properly, making it more vulnerable to injury, overwork, and pain. Additionally, in Traditional

Chinese medicine, the liver and gallbladder meridians are accountable for feeding the tendons and ligaments of the body. If there is an imbalance in these organs or if they are not functioning properly, muscle cramps can be one of the symptoms that occur. Acupuncture treatment for muscle spasms usually involves restoring the energy flow of the liver and correcting any problems associated with its functioning. By addressing underlying health conditions or imbalances that may be contributing to muscle spasms, we can help restore health to prevent future muscle spasms from recurring.

Acupuncture can help increase blood circulation, relieve muscle spasms, and relax the body, and the results are usually quite immediate. That makes acupuncture a perfect alternative choice for treating muscle cramps. With ongoing treatments, acupuncture can help improve the health and functioning of the body, so that it performs better and is less prone to muscle cramps. In this way, it not only offers relief but also the resolution of the problem. Whether you’re an athlete striving for peak performance, or you have a chronic illness and live with muscle cramps, acupuncture can provide relief and help you get back to your daily routine. Acupuncture and moxibustion can effectively suppress overactive muscles and are usually used to treat muscle cramps. In TCM, leg cramps are mainly due to cold stimulation and improper leg blood and qi activities, acupuncture may play a role in promoting circulation, loosening tendons, relieving cramps, and relieving pain. Recommended acupoints: cheng shan (BL 57), Wei Zhong (BL 40), Kun Lun (BL 60), yang ling Quan (Gb 34), and hou xi (Si 3) and Zu san li (St 36).

During an episode of cramps, the hou xi (Si 3) on the opposite side is selected. Insert a needle and rotate to get the feel of the needle, then use the reducing method to increase the stimulations until the cramp disappears. During the period of remission, cheng shan (BL 57), Wei Zhong (BL 40), Kun Lun (BL 60), yang ling Quan (Gb 34), and Zu san li (St 36) are stimulated. ). Apply daily, on an alternate side each time, and hold the needle with moxa heating or electrical stimulation for 1 hour, 10 times in a treatment cycle. Cupping therapy is also appropriate at these points, and the cups are retained for 5 minutes. Analysis: The Leg Tai Yang Bladder Meridian runs through the affected region, acupuncture stimuli are usually along this meridian to promote blood and qi flow from the legs, for example. cheng shan (B 57), Wei Zhong (B 40), and Kun Lun (B 60). The yang ling Quan (Gb 34) is a point in the sea where the qi meridian meets. It is also an influential point that specializes in solving the tendon problem. The Hou xi (Si 3) is a merging acupoint, where it connects with the Yang Heel Vessel and helps normalize and control lower limb movement and sleep cycle.

The scraping therapy promotes blood and qi flow, activates the meridians, and induces sweating to expel pathogens from the body’s surface, facilitating the body’s recovery. It’s an easy and convenient way to promote health. The operator uses a tool lubricated with vegetable oil or warm water to scrape on the body’s surface until the skin area turns a purplish-red color. For lower leg cramps, the selected regions are the back and sides of the spine and the back of the knees. First clean and wipe the regions with a damp cloth, then scrape the sides of the spine, always scraping in the same direction, apply evenly, gradually increasing the strength. Scratch 10-20 times on each side until some reddish streaks appear on the skin. Then scrape the back of your knees in the same way.

Don’t scratch the same spot again until the patches of skin have faded. The scraping therapy is NOT a suitable treatment for leg cramps for people with serious medical conditions, skin lesions, a tendency to bleed, too thin or hungry, or immediately after eating. Chinese herbs for muscle spasm in feet, calves, and legs 1.

White Peony Root (7.5g) and Roasted Licorice Root (7.5g). Decoction with 750 ml of water, first bring to the boil then simmer for 30 minutes. Drink daily for 7 days.


Flowering quince fruits (7.5 g), medicinal evodia fruits (6 g), and salt (1.5 g). Decoction with 750 ml of water, first bring to the boil then simmer for 30 minutes. Drink daily for 7 days.


Flowering quince (5 g), white peony root (7.5 g), roasted licorice root (7.5 g), fossil bone (7.5 g), and oyster shell (7.5 g ). First, decoct the fossil bone and the oyster shell with 1000ml of water, boil briskly for 30 minutes, then add the other ingredients and simmer for 30 minutes. Drink daily for 7 days.


Angelica root (4.5 g), white peony root (7.5 g), oyster shell (15 g), spatholobus stem (7.5 g), and roasted licorice root (4 .5g). First, decoct the oyster shell with 1000 ml of water, boil briskly for 30 minutes, then add the other ingredients and simmer for 30 minutes. Drink daily for 7 days.


Anemarrhena rhizome (6 g), flowering quince (6 g), white peony root (6 g), toasted licorice root (6 g). Decoction with 750 ml of water, first bring to a boil and then simmer for 30 minutes. Drink every day for 7 days.


Black soy (made with vinegar), eat 20-30 pieces per day.

Homeopathy – the #1 treatment for muscle spasm

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that is very holistic in nature. The goal of homeopathy is to focus on the causes of an ailment rather than just treating the symptoms. Homeopathic remedies do not produce any side effects, unlike conventional treatments. In addition to treating the symptoms, homeopathic remedies also help improve your overall wellbeing. There are numerous homeopathic remedies that are effective for the treatment of leg cramps. The remedies focus on treating any underlying condition that might be causing these leg cramps, as well as relieving symptoms. The first step in treatment is diagnosing the condition, which is done by a qualified professional. You will be asked questions related to cramps and your diet. Once the diagnosis is complete, medications are prescribed based on the diagnosis. There may be some dietary

restrictions that you will need to follow in order for your medications to work optimally. This system of medicine may also require you not to do any hard work that involves your legs as rest is required to speed up the recovery process.

Homeopathic leg cramp remedies work gently and effectively to alleviate the problem in the long run. These homeopathic remedies treat the root cause of leg cramps to provide excellent recovery. In the homeopathic system of medicine, there is a substantial list of homeopathic remedies for leg cramps. The most suitable homeopathic remedy for leg cramps among them, however, is selected individually for each patient.

Most common homeopathic remedies for leg cramps:

Cuprum Metallicum – natural

leg cramps remedy

Cuprum Metallicum is a very effective drug for treating violent cramps in the legs and feet. Calf muscle pain associated with drawing or kicking may appear. Muscle spasms and cramps can be very strong. Feet may feel icy cold and sweating. Some other features include weakness and shaking legs. Magnesium Phosphoricum – Natural Remedy for leg ramps that appear after exercise Magnesium Phosphoricum is a natural treatment for leg cramps caused by exercise. The cramps appear in the calves and feet and may worsen at night in bed. Magnesium Phosphoricum is very useful for the cramps of runners or leg cramps in athletes. Acute leg cramps in the elderly are also well treated with this drug. Besides, Magnesium Phosphoricum is also well indicated for leg cramps during pregnancy. Rhus Toxicodendron – Effective Homeopathic Medicine For Leg Cramps Relieved By Walking Rhus Toxicodendron offers a natural remedy for leg cramps that get better with walking. People who need Rhus Toxicodendron have cramps in their calves when lying in bed and when sitting or after walking. In cases requiring Rhus Toxicodendron, nocturnal worsening of cramps is also well noted. Foot cramps that improve on walking also indicate the need for the homeopathic medicine Rhus Toxicodendron. Calcarea Carbonica – Effective cramps At Night

Homeopathic remedy for leg

Calcarea Carbonica is a natural medicine for leg cramps that appear overnight. The leg tightens with a hard knot in the calf muscles. Cramps

may appear in the thigh, the calves of the legs, or the soles of the feet or toes. Extending the legs also leads to leg cramps. Anacardium Orientale – Homeopathic medicine for leg cramps from walking Anacardium is a natural homeopathic preparation made from the layer between the shell and the kernel of the nut of a plant called Malacca Bean or Marking Nut. This plant belongs to the family of Anacardiaceae. Anacardium Orientale is well indicated for leg cramps that appear when walking. Lying down eases cramps. Besides the above, Anacardium Orientale is also useful for leg cramps that appear when getting up from a seat. Tense pain in the calves of the legs with insomnia also indicates the need for this drug. Causticum – Homeopathic Remedy for Morning Leg Cramps Causticum is an effective homeopathic medicine for leg cramps that appear in the morning in bed. Strong tearing and drawing pains are felt in the leg. Causticum is also indicated for foot and Achilles tendon cramps, especially when stretching the foot. Tearing, throbbing, or dull pain in the lower leg and feet with every movement may also be present with the above features. Sulfur – A natural homeopathic by stretching the legs or feet

treatment for leg cramps


Sulfur homeopathic medicine is indicated for leg cramps that occur when stretching the legs or feet. Cramps that are usually successfully treated with Sulfur may occur in the legs, feet, or even toes. Calf cramps during dancing or walking also indicate its use. In most cases of leg cramps, there is a burning sensation in the soles of the feet.

Ferrum Metallicum – Natural treatment for leg cramps at night Ferrum Metallicum is another homeopathic medicine used to treat leg cramps at night while resting. There is a painful, drawing pain in the legs. Cramps in the toes also appear with painful cramps. A person may also tend to tire easily while walking. Natural treatment for leg cramps in Philadelphia

If you suffer from leg cramps and the regular home-based measures don’t help consider naturopathic treatment approaches. Holistic methods of treatment for leg cramps are effective, safe, and affordable. Choose Philadelphia Holistic Clinic for your treatment, because 1.

We are the #1 naturopathic facility in the City of Brotherly Love


Our holistic clinic is led by the medical doctor Victor Tsan who has 45+ years of academic and clinical experience.


All holistic methods of treatment for leg cramps (acupuncture, yoga, homeopathy, reiki, etc.) are available under one roof at the clinic.

To schedule your appointment for a holistic comprehensive evaluation, and treatment for leg cramps, contact us at (267) 284-3085, use our online booking application, or scan the QR code below.

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