Treatment for ADHD Treatment for ADHD can help your child in school, in social circumstances, and at home. The individualized treatment plan can help with all three major components of ADHD: distraction, temper, and hyperactivity control. The goal of treatment is to help the child follow the rules, focus, and have good relationships with parents, teachers, and peers.
These treatment possibilities have been assessed for safety, but no two persons are alike, and what works for one may not work as well for another. You and your doctor will develop a plan that meets your specific needs. It may take some time to figure out what works best. The plan can include medication, behavior therapy, or both.
Medications – traditional allopathic Treatment for ADHD The main drugs used to treat ADHD are stimulants and non-stimulants. Occasionally antidepressants are used as well. Stimulants are the most common treatment in children and adolescents. This is usually the type of medication a doctor can try first. Stimulants have long been used and are well tested. They stimulate the brain's ability to control compulsions, behavior, and attention. Children with certain medical conditions should not take stimulants. Make sure the doctor knows your child's medical history before prescribing any medication of this class. The list of Stimulants used for ADHD includes:
Amphetamine (Adzenys XR-ODT)
Adderall, Adderall XR
If the first medication prescribed by the doctor does not seem to improve symptoms, he or she may increase the dose, suggest a different medication, or suggest the child take a different medication along with the stimulant. Non-stimulants work differently from stimulants, but they can help with concentration and impulse control. For some children, they may be a better option than stimulants, but they are often used alongside stimulants.
These drugs are approved by the FDA for the use of ADHD in children, teens, and adults:
Clonidine ER
Guanfacine ER
Antidepressants aren’t specifically approved to treat ADHD, but they can help with inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. They’re an option for children who haven’t done well on a stimulant alone. Taking any antidepressant together with a stimulant seems to work well for children that suffer from ADHD and/or a mood disorder for instance depression or anxiety. What is ADHD There are so many alternative healing techniques for different diseases. Hypnosis is one of them. Hypnosis can benefit as an alternative Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD/ADHD) treatment helping those who suffer from inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity, anxiety, sleeplessness, etc. What are Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? Both ADD and ADHD are disorders that affect children. These syndromes are characterized by many symptoms, including an inability to concentrate, forgetfulness, restlessness, and mood swings. The primary cause is chemical imbalances in the brain. Secondary symptoms of ADD and ADHD include insomnia, nervousness, and a lack of creativity in children.
ADHD is a very real behavioral and medical disorder that affects millions of people nationwide. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), ADHD is one of the most common mental disorders in children and adults. According to NIMH, the estimated number of children with ADHD is between 3% - 5% of the population. NIMH also estimates that 4.1 percent of adults have ADHD.
The formal and accepted mental health/behavioral diagnosis of ADHD is relatively recent. In the early 1960s, ADHD was referred to as "Minimal Brain Dysfunction." In 1968, the disorder became known as "Hyperkinetic Reaction of Childhood." At this point, the emphasis was placed more on hyperactivity than inattention symptoms. In 1980, the diagnosis was changed to "ADD--Attention Deficit Disorder, with or without Hyperactivity," which placed equal emphasis on hyperactivity and inattention. By 1987, the disorder was renamed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and was subdivided into four categories. Since then, ADHD has been considered a medical disorder that results in behavioral problems. Currently, ADHD is defined by the DSM IV-TR (the accepted diagnostic manual) as one disorder that is subdivided into four categories:
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Inattentive Type (previously known as ADD) is marked by impaired attention and concentration.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Hyperactive, Impulsive Type (formerly known as ADHD) is marked by hyperactivity without inattentiveness.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined Type (the most common type) involves all the symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. This category is for the ADHD disorders that include prominent symptoms of inattention or hyperactivity-impulsivity, but do not meet the DSM IV-TR criteria for a diagnosis.
ADHD is a genetically transmitted disorder. Research funded by the National Institute of Medical Health (NIMH) and the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) has shown clear evidence that ADHD runs in families. According to recent research, over 25% of first-degree relatives of the families of ADHD children also have ADHD. Other research indicates that 80% of adults with ADHD have at least one child with ADHD and 52% have two or more children with ADHD. The hereditary link of ADHD has important treatment implications because other children in a family may also have ADHD. Moreover, there is a distinct possibility that the parents also may have ADHD. Of course, matters get complicated when parents with undiagnosed ADHD have problems with their ADHD child. Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate a family occurrence of ADHD, when assessing an ADHD in youth. What causes ADHD? The causes of ADHD are not exactly known and researchers continue to search the brain for what causes ADHD and why some children get ADHD and some do not. There seems to be a consensus of scientific opinion that ADHD is not caused by any single factor but is indeed multi-factorial.
Heredity: This is one of the possible causes of ADHD, based on the fact that ADHD tends to run in families it is easy to postulate that children inherit the tendency for ADHD from their parents. Chemical imbalances: The brain has chemical substances called neurotransmitters that carry impulses between two nerve cells at junctions called synapses. Imbalances in these chemicals have been proposed as another cause of ADHD. Brain changes:
SPECT scans of the brains of ADHD have shown that areas of the brain responsible for attention are less active in children with ADHD than in children without ADHD.
Listed below are other causes of ADHD
Injury to the brain or a brain disorder.
Poor nutrition, infections, and substance abuse (cigarettes and alcohol) during pregnancy can adversely affect the developing baby's brain and lead to ADHD.
Exposure to environmental toxins like lead can also lead to ADHD.
General Symptoms of ADHD Symptoms of ADD/ADHD are:
Patients can easily be distracted
Hard to keep the mind on one task, lesson, or conversation
Before completing the task they get bored
They always skip details
They make careless mistakes
Disorganization and forgetfulness
Difficulty in following instructions
There is a lot of research done for Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD. It affects so many people, not just the person diagnosed with ADHD, but family, friends, and acquaintances as well. ADHD has a major impact on school performance and relationships with others. Finding natural and non-invasive techniques to treat ADHD is very important.
The symptoms of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) can be divided into two types of behavioral problems: inattentiveness, and hyperactivity or impulsiveness. Most people with ADHD have problems that fall into these two categories, but not always. For example, some people with the disease may have problems with inattentiveness, but not hyperactivity or impulsivity. This form of ADHD is also known as attention deficit disorder (ADD). ADD can sometimes go unnoticed because the symptoms are less obvious.
Symptoms related to ADHD include:
Short attention span
Poor planning
Poor follow-through
The behavioral problems related to Symptoms of Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are usually categorized into two sets of symptoms. Although the symptoms of Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder might fall into both categories, it isn’t often the case for most people. Some children living with Symptoms of Attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder might suffer from impulsiveness or hyperactivity but not inattentiveness. This type of Symptoms of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is termed as an “attention deficit disorder,” ADD. It often goes unnoticed, and that’s because its symptoms aren’t usually evident in children. Symptoms of ADHD in adults have been linked over time with many related mental conditions like depression and adults living with Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder might also show some signs of other disorders alongside Symptoms of ADHD. They include:
Bipolar Disorder is a mental condition that greatly affects the mood of whoever is living with it. It swiftly and drastically changes the mood of its sufferers from one extreme to the other.
Personality disorder means the individual is significantly different from the average person in terms of feelings, thoughts, and how they perceive or relate to situations and life people.
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder, (OCD) causes people living with it to think and act obsessively and this, in turn, leads to compulsive behaviors. This disorder sometimes leads to other behavioral problems like being dependent on drugs and having difficulties in relationships and social interactions.
Symptoms of ADHD in kids The symptoms of ADHD in kids are well defined, and they're usually noticeable before the age of 6. They occur in more than 1 situation, such as at home and school.
Children suffering the hyperactive/impulsive form of Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder manifest the following symptoms:
They are having trouble sitting and are always in motion, jumping around
They are constantly running and climbing from one to another point, inappropriately
Can’t stay quiet and calm
They talk at high speed, with no intention of stopping
Saying the answers before questions are completed
They have difficulty waiting for something
Interrupt or intrude on others
Now the right question is what Hypnotherapy for either ADD or ADHD is all about?! Hypnotherapy is a healing technique when a patient has been hypnotized. Hypnosis can be described as a state of relaxation and concentration. The patient is still aware of what is happening in the environment. If the hypnosis is being done with the guidance of a trained hypnotherapist, it is perfectly safe. Besides ADD and ADHD, hypnotherapy is used to treat various other conditions, including anxiety, asthma, phobias, insomnia, stress, and panic attacks. Hypnosis is working on developing concentration by teaching a patient to focus on one thing/task or thought at a time.
Inattentiveness The main symptoms of ADHD in children under inattentiveness are:
Appearing forgetful or losing things
Having a short attention span and being easily distracted
Being unable to stick to tasks that are tedious or time-consuming
Constantly changing activity or task
Hyperactivity and impulsiveness The main symptoms of ADHD in kids under hyperactivity and impulsiveness are:
Being unable to sit still, especially in calm or quiet surroundings
Being unable to concentrate on tasks
Excessive talking
Acting without thinking
These symptoms of ADHD in children can cause significant problems in a child's life, such as underachievement at school, poor social interaction with other children and adults, and problems with discipline.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is a brain disorder that shows a continuous pattern of hyperactivity or inattention and hence hinders the proper development and functioning of the brain. There is currently no physiological, psychological, neuroanatomical, or biochemical reason that explains the cause of Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Although researchers cannot yet prove what the cause of this condition is, it is believed that genetics is responsible. However, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a complex disorder. It is complex not to diagnose accurately and to treat properly. The complexity of this disorder and the diversity of the children living with it are the things making its treatment a bit difficult. Symptoms of ADHD in adults Symptoms of ADHD in adults are more difficult to define. This is mainly due to a lack of research on adults with ADHD. Because ADHD is a developmental disorder, it is believed that it cannot develop in adults without first occurring in childhood. However, it is known that symptoms of ADHD in adults are often persisted from childhood through puberty and into adulthood. Any additional problems or conditions that occur in children with ADHD, such as depression or dyslexia, can persist into adulthood. By the age of 25, an estimated 15% of people diagnosed with ADHD as a child still have a variety of symptoms, and 65% still have some symptoms that affect their daily lives.
Symptoms of ADHD in kids and adolescents sometimes occur in adults with possible ADHD as well. Listed below are possible symptoms of ADHD in adults
Inability to focus or prioritize
Keep losing or embarrassed things
Carelessness and lack of attention to detail
Always start new tasks before completing old ones
Poor organizational skills
Restlessness and nervousness
Difficulty keeping your mouth shut and getting out of line
Confuse answers and often interrupt others
Mood swings, irritability, and quick mood
Inability to deal with stress
Extreme impatience
Alternative treatments of ADHD. Alternative treatments for ADHD that encompasses different natural ways to treat ADHD:
Hypnosis for ADHD,
Homeopathic remedies for ADHD,
Herbal remedies for ADHD, and
Acupuncture for ADHD
are representing a safe and effective healing approach. Every year hypnosis for ADHD becomes more and more demanded and popular since Adderall and Vyvanse cause more side effects than help. ADHD is a serious medical psychiatric condition and it requires longterm and persistent treatment. That’s why many parents prefer to treat their youngsters with natural remedies and Hypnosis for ADHD is one of the most effective modalities in this category. There are different ways through which Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder can be treated, but most of them have adverse side effects. While these stimulant medications are relatively safe, a lot of parents remain skeptical of giving their children a ‘mind-altering’ psychoactive medication. Like many other chronic diseases related to childhood, parents now look towards the alternative treatment of ADHD. Asides from that, it has been observed that the symptoms of Attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder decrease as the children living with it
grow older. This is another reason to try out alternative treatments for ADHD. They usually don’t come with the adverse side effects of the other routes of treatment and in this case will prove to be long-lasting. Of the alternatives, hypnosis for ADHD which is a natural method used in treating sleep deprivation and anxiety is believed to be able to manage Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Main Techniques & Suggestions for ADD and ADHD
Establishing a switch to automatically enter into the 'calm state' when desired.
Effective ways to enhance listening and communication skills
Binaural beats to establish harmony between the right & left sides of the brain
How to switch off an overactive imagination and thought process
Transferring extra mental energy into more proactive uses
Natural treatment of ADHD
News of dangerous side effects brought about by prescription drugs
used in the treatment of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) has caused so much alarm on people. Thus, more and more people are asking if there are alternative treatments that do not have any side effects. Luckily, the answer to their question is a big "Yes". In the passing of years, natural treatments for ADHD have been tested by many, and some people have reported that these natural treatments for ADHD indeed have positive effects on patients. Natural treatments for children with ADHD and natural treatment for adults with ADHD include diet therapy, homeopathic remedies, and the use of natural herbs. Listed below are natural remedies for ADHD Diet therapy – an essential part of natural treatment for ADHD
Diet therapy is a natural remedy for a child with ADHD and a natural treatment for adults with ADHD based on the perception that ADHD may be caused by excessive intake of some foods. Typically, diet therapy for ADHD will include a list of what to eat and what not to eat. Following a rigid diet program is believed to have alleviated the symptoms in some patients.
Some considerations included in typical diet therapy for ADHD patients are: Refrain from eating foods with too much sugar.
This is based on reports that children with ADHD may not have the ability to digest sugar properly. Also, sugar intake has been linked to aggressive behavior and restlessness.
Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages, including soft drinks.
Caffeinated beverages have stimulating effects on patients with ADHD. Moreover, soft drinks may contain high levels of
phosphates which can displace magnesium/calcium levels and cause exaggerated muscle activity. Avoid foods with additives and food coloring.
Some ADHD patients have been found to have allergic reactions to foods containing additives and food coloring. Additives and food coloring have been linked to the occurrence of ADHD but so far, scientists have not yet proven this theory.
Refrain from eating dairy products.
Dairy products such as cow's milk have also been linked to the onset of ADHD. Studies have yet to prove this claim but not eating dairy products for a couple of days has been reported to improve cases of ADHD symptoms.
Homeopathy for ADHD - #1 natural Treatment for ADHD Homeopathy for ADHD is a natural treatment for ADHD and a natural treatment for adults with ADHD that are less expensive and do not bring about any dangerous side effects. Natural remedies for ADHD such as Homeopathy for ADHD are safe for ADHD patients of all ages.
Homeopathy for ADHD has properties that can help balance the chemistry of the brain without bringing any dangerous side effects. This is why more and more people are using these natural remedies for ADHD. Listed below are homeopathic remedies for ADHD Synaptol
Synaptol is a homeopathic remedy for ADHD specially formulated for the treatment of ADHD in children and adults age 2 and older. It’s a mix of green oat grass, sweet violet, skullcap, and several other herbs. Synaptol contains no alcohol or sugar and advertises itself as gluten-free a potential plus for anyone with ADHD whose symptoms are sensitive to certain foods or other similar triggers.
Veratrum Album
Verta Alb is a natural treatment for children with ADHD and natural treatment for adults with ADHD used to “soothe the nerves,” and is often used for comorbid anxiety as well. It has also been claimed to reduce the potential for temper tantrums in
children who struggle to control their emotions. Verta alb is present in several homeopathic remedies for ADHD, including BrightSpark. Stramonium
Stramonium is a natural remedy for a child with ADHD derived from the herb Datura stramonium — also known as Devil’s snare. Stramonium is intended to reduce aggressive or violent behavior, a common occurrence in children with ADHD or comorbid oppositional defiant disorder.
Yoga for ADHD - traditional Indian natural treatment for ADHD Yoga is all about slowing down, breathing deeply, holding poses, stretching the body, and focusing. Yoga for ADHD is a natural remedy for ADHD that has shown positive results in children and adults with ADHD by improving their ability to focus and concentrate well.
Practicing a vigorous and fun series of Yoga for ADHD several times a week will also help a child to burn off excess anxious energy that may be adding to the lack of ability to focus on one task at a time. Regular
practice of Yoga for ADHD also helps to balance the nervous system and even balance the endocrine system, which may help a child to reduce the amount of medication he or she is currently taking. The centering and grounding practices of Yoga for ADHD will also help a child to learn to focus and concentrate on one task at a time. Just practicing Eagle Pose without falling over will be both fun and challenging for a child with or without ADHD. As the child learns to trust him or herself in accomplishing the successful completion of a series of Yoga postures, the child will also learn to trust that he or she can complete thirty minutes of math or social studies homework. Herbs for ADHD - most popular home-based natural treatment of ADHD Herbs for ADHD is one of the most effective natural treatments for ADHD in children and adults, it has also been proven to show no side effects.
Listed below are herbs for ADHD
Ginkgo Biloba
This herb serves as a natural treatment for a child with ADHD by providing better blood flow to the brain and increases oxygenation of the brain tissue. The effects of Ginkgo improve concentration while also making you feel relaxed and at ease.
Gotu Kola
Gotu kola is a natural treatment for ADHD in children that helps reduce blood levels and adrenal response during times of stress. Aids cognitive abilities as well as other nervous system disorders.
Valerian Root
This herb serves as a natural remedy for children with ADHD by increasing concentration, reasoning skills, and balances out energy levels. Valerian Root gives a relaxing effect that is great for insomnia.
Siberian Ginseng
This is a natural remedy for ADHD that works well to maintain your memory, reduce stress, and also benefits growth.
Brahmi is a herb for ADHD that improves cognitive functions for learning and memory. Preserves the brains mental functions or "keeps you sharp"
Acupuncture for ADHD - traditional Chinese natural treatment for ADHD Acupuncture for ADHD is a natural treatment for ADHD that works by using your body’s pressure points to clear blockages and restore
energy flow (known as qi) throughout the body. Practitioners have used acupuncture for thousands of years to resolve an enormous variety of patient complaints.
Your acupuncturist stimulates these pressure points with hair-thin needles. Acupuncture needle placement is within millimeters of nerves, helping explain the treatment’s effectiveness. Studies have also proven that acupuncture for ADHD has no side effect and it is one of the most effective natural treatment for adults with ADHD Does ADHD Hypnosis one of the natural treatments for ADHD really help? Hypnosis has been very successful in the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Great help of the physician! The treating physician is responsible for establishing a diagnosis of ADHD and carefully discuss the standard treatment options. The physician should be aware that parents may use alternative therapies in ADHD children, should ask about these at follow-up visits, and should be prepared to share information with families. The physician should provide balanced advice on a range of treatment options, identify risks or potentially harmful effects, and inform patients about placebo effects and the need for controlled studies. It is important to establish and maintain a trusting relationship with families.
There is no scientific proof yet to show that hypnosis for ADHD is effective because it wasn’t tested, but many patients who are living with the disorder have found immense relief from anxiety, stress, inability to concentrate, and other symptoms. That’s why more and more people nowadays consider Alternative treatments of ADHD as a route through which anxiety and sleep deprivation can be relieved.
Hypnosis for ADHD can work for anyone who’s sober, mentally stable, and is willing to overcome negative symptoms. That’s why it is said that if anyone can be relaxed enough to receive a massage or can sleep or do yoga, then that person can be treated with ADHD hypnosis.
People living with Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are usually willing to do anything to cope with anxiety and tension, and many of them have been treated with ADHD hypnosis. Hypnotists even claim that the more hyper a person is the easier and faster they can be treated with hypnosis. People living with ADD and ADHD can use hypnosis for ADHD to live calmer lives, set realistic goals, and attain them, gain focus, and maximize their lives. The truth is, nothing works for everyone. Not even medications. The good thing is, ADHD hypnosis doesn’t hurt (when done by a certified and qualified hypnotist), and also self-hypnosis can be learned. However, ADHD hypnosis remains an excellent adjunct for people who don’t get measurable relief from other treatments. Alongside medications, healthy lifestyle choices, and other self-monitoring techniques that can be used to monitor Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, everyone can get relief.
Many ask if hypnosis alone is enough for treating Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or if it should be done with traditional therapy. It’s been agreed over time among hypnotists that the ideal treatment plan includes a combination of different holistic approaches, especially acupuncture and homeopathy. People living with ADHD can learn selfhypnosis to help manage their symptoms. How Can Hypnotherapy Help for ADD and ADHD? Hypnotherapy can help ADD and ADHD patients transform their behaviors, gain a sense of control and self-control, increase their self-esteem and competence, and reduce stress levels. Hypnotherapists can use either hypnosis or neuro-linguistic programming to concentrate the patient's mind on finding the reason for negative behavior and resolving it. Hypnosis can give a person with ADD or ADHD the feeling of being in charge of his behavior. It is very helpful when it is integrated into the treatment on time, while the patient is in his age-developing period. It may
not always help in-depth but can slow down the increasing process and stabilize the momentary state. SOME OF THE BENEFITS OF HYPNOSIS FOR ADD and ADHD:
Improved concentration and attention to details
Improved organizational skills
Improve self-control
Increased self-confidence
Increase self talk
Improved behavior
Reduced stress and anxiety
Reduce nervousness
Reduce frustration
Positive attitude
Getting comfortable with changes that life brings
Enjoying life
Q & A about different forms of natural treatment for ADHD and hypnosis for ADD and ADHD Does hypnosis really work for people with ADD and ADHD? Yes, it can work for any human being who is mentally stable, sober and wants to overcome negative symptoms. What is the most important thing for someone with ADD and/or ADHD, who is seeking hypnosis, to know about it?
Choose a certified hypnotherapist, if not a psychologist or psychiatrist who is trained in hypnosis, for maximum benefit. Choose one who has experience with ADHD, or ask your psychologist or psychiatrist to suggest one. How long the hypnotic treatment for ADD and ADHD usually lasts? The average session lasts for not more than 1.5 hours, but usually 45-60 minutes. Dr. Tsan recommends 6-10 hypnotherapy sessions per course of treatment and usually combines them with homeopathic remedies and other alternative techniques. Does health insurance cover hypnotherapy treatment for ADD or ADHD? No, it does not. How expensive is hypnosis for ADD and ADHD? Please see our price list page
Which medical office to choose for the natural treatment of ADHD? The most important thing to do is to choose a physician who’s trained in hypnosis or a certified hypnotherapist. It’s always better to choose one that has experience in treating ADHD patients. Don’t forget that Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a disease and should be treated by a physician, not by a so-called hypnotist. It is important that the medical provider that will perform hypnosis for ADHD understands the mechanism of the illness and internal connections and disconnections between different parts of the brain. Treatment for ADHD in Philadelphia At the Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic, we perform alternative treatments of ADHD with the combination of different natural remedies for ADHD as well as alternative medicine techniques like homeopathy for ADHD, Reiki, and acupuncture for ADHD, and because our clinic housing different holistic specialists our patients receive all necessary services in one place for the fraction of price.
To make an appointment for an evaluation with the Medical Director of the Clinic, Dr. Tsan, call our office at (267) 403-3085 or use our online scheduling system.