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Our Ultra-premium oils:

Made with the highest quality inspected and tested ingredients, though supercritical fluid extraction we extract only the essential parts of the cannabis plant. Our innovative process, which is also triple lab tested and winterized, creates a product with the most amount of actives, highest percentage of THC/CBD, consistent flavor, and a smooth finish.

Order Policy For new customer orders: Call our offices at 888-888-8888 or ™ fill out our online form at We will process orders Monday- Friday and all order confirmations will be email with fulfillment dates. We accept Cash or Credit cards.




At Kure, we are committed to producing the highest quality cannabis concentrates brought to market. With pharmaceutical roots, we understand a high quality product can only be achieved using the carefully selected raw materials in conjunction with cutting edge technology and best practice standards. Our implementation of precise operating procedures, controlled environments, and multiple lab tests, coupled with solventfree, multi-winterized extraction process ensuring pure, potent, consistent, concentrates. We continuously strive to produce and maintain a leading product that we’re proud to bring to the marketplace with unparalleled customer experience.

Ultra-premium oils:

Made with the highest quality inspected and tested Our through Ultra-premium ingredients, subcriticaloils: fluid extraction we the highest quality inspectedplant. and tested ingredients isolate Made only thewith essential parts of the cannabis though supercritical fluidisextraction we triple-lab extract only the essentia Our innovative process, which solvent-free, parts of the cannabis plant. Our innovative process, which is al tested and purified, creates a product with the most triple lab tested and winterized, creates a product with the mos amountamount of actives, highesthighest percentage of THC/CBD, of actives, percentage of THC/CBD, consistent consistent flavor, a smooth finish. flavor, andand a smooth finish. Kure oils are available in both a 1000mg leak proof vaporizer cartridge or squeeze tube. Order Policy For new customer orders: Call our offices at 888-888-8888 or fill out our online form at We will process orders Monday- Friday and all order confirmations will be email with fulfillment dates. We accept Cash or Credit cards.

PHIL HON Brand Manager 510.393.1699




WhyKure KureOils? Oils? Why Kureoils oilshave havefast fastacting actingattributes, attributes,aided aidedbybyitsitsability abilitytotobebe Kure altered into a smoke-able vapor, will provide hours long altered into a smoke-able vapor, will provide hours ofoflong At Kure,lasting we are committed to producing the plant highest effects.Rather Ratherthan thaninhaling inhalingburnt burntplant materialsfullfullofof lasting effects. materials carcinogens andother othertoxins, toxins, smoke-able vapor safer,faster, faster, quality carcinogens cannabis concentrates brought to market. With and a asmoke-able vapor is issafer, anddiscreet, discreet,offering offeringthe thefreedom freedomforfora aKure Kureatatany anytime. time. and pharmaceutical roots, weoils understand a high quality Furthermore, Kure oilsare areextremely extremely potent. Oursolvent-free solvent-free Furthermore, Kure potent. Our extraction process combined with multi-staged refinement, combined with the multi-staged productextraction can onlyprocess be achieved using carefully refinement, removesany anyimpurities, impurities,while whilenot notadding addingtotothem. them.Consistently Consistently removes selectedtesting raw materials in purity, conjunction with edge testing over90% 90% purity,our ouroils oils arecutting infusedwith witha ahint hintofof atatover are infused naturallimonene, limonene,ultimately ultimatelycreating creatinga apowerful, powerful,flavorful, flavorful,form form natural technology and best practice standards. Our implemenrelief. ofofrelief. *Limonene is a colorless liquid hydrocarbon classified a cyclic terpene. is a naturally occurring flavoring mainly in citrus but also cannabis. *Limonene is a colorless liquid hydrocarbon classified as procedures, a as cyclic terpene. It is aIt naturally occurring flavoring foundfound mainly in citrus fruitsfruits but also cannabis. tation of precise operating controlled environments, and multiple lab tests, coupled with solventPREMIUM CANNABIS PREMIUM CANNABIS free, THE GOOD THE BAD THE GOOD THE BAD -Quality Buds -Impurities -Impurities -Quality Buds multi-winterized extraction process ensuring pure, potent, -THC -Chlorophyll -THC -Chlorophyll -CBD -Stems -CBD -Stems THE PROCESSto proTHE PROCESS consistent,-Terpenes concentrates. We continuously strive -Terpenes -Carcinogens -Carcinogens -Solvent-Free -Solvent-Free -Trichomes -Leaves -Trichomes -Leaves Purified -6x-6x Purified duce and maintain a leading product that we’re proud Lab-Tested -3x-3x Lab-Tested -Precision-Controlled -Precision-Controlled to bring to the marketplace with unparalleled customer -Pharmaceutical Grade -Pharmaceutical Grade -Natural & Organic -Natural & Organic experience.


Ourquality qualityoils oilsstart startatatthe thesource. source.Hand Handselected selectedpremium premium Our budsand andtrim trimare aresorted sortedtotoremove removefan fanleaves, leaves,stems, stems,and andany any buds otherforeign foreignmaterial materialthat’s that’snot notbeneficial beneficialtotoour ourfinal finalproduct. product. other Weuse usea a5050step stepprocess process turnour ourraw rawmaterials materialsinto intoKure Kure We tototurn Our Ultra-premium oils: oils.During Duringthis thisprocess, process,materials materialsare aretriple triplelablabtested testedand and6x6x oils. Made within in the qualityindustry, inspected purified.Because Becausewe’re we’re rooted thehighest pharmaceutical industry, and tested ingredients, purified. rooted the pharmaceutical we follow strict, high standard operating procedures, implement we follow strict, high standard operating procedures, implement though supercritical fluid extraction we extract only the essential controlledenvironments, environments,and andprecisely preciselymonitor monitorallallsteps stepsofofthe the controlled parts ofproduce the cannabis plant. Our innovative process,ensuring ensuringthat that consistent, safe, high quality process, which is als process, weweproduce a aconsistent, safe, high quality triple lab tested and winterized, creates a product with the most product. product.

amount of actives, highest percentage of THC/CBD, consistent flavor, and a smooth finish.

THE BENEFITS THE BENEFITS -Ultra Pure -Ultra Pure -Highly Potent -Highly Potent -Always Consistent -Always Consistent -Tasty Flavors -Tasty Flavors -Smooth Finish -Smooth Finish


Order Policy For new customer orders: Call our offices at 888-888-8888 or ™ ™ fill out our online form at We will process orders Monday- Friday and all order confirmations will be email with fulfillment dates. We accept Cash or Credit cards. ™

PHIL HON Brand Manager 510.393.1699



At Kure, we are committed to producing the highest quality cannabis concentrates brought to market. With pharmaceutical roots, we understand a high quality product can only be achieved using the carefully selected raw materials in conjunction with cutting edge technology and best practice standards. Our implementation of precise operating procedures, controlled environments, and multiple lab tests, coupled with solventfree, multi-winterized extraction process ensuring pure, potent, consistent, concentrates. We continuously strive to produce and maintain a leading product that we’re proud to bring to the marketplace with unparalleled customer experience.


PHIL HON Brand Manager 510.393.1699

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