Disconnect Hair Magazine

Page 1


Tony Rizzo of SANRIZZ interview Alternative Hair show New cuts and shapes for spring 2011 1

Hong Kong Salon Directory New professional equipment Hair forecasts for 2011


Hong Kong’s Essential Hairdressing Magazine

Short Styles

12 Medium Styles 14 Long Styles

DISCONNECT Hairdressing magazine has a dream, a vision and a passion to build long-term partnerships with suppliers, Salon Owners and Stylists, enabling us to further enhance our fellow professionals with innovation, inspirational trends and artistic expression. We want to unite people who are passionate about hair. Helping hairdressers to create, excel and succeed. We place great importance on showing motivating hair trends and in turn help hairdressers bring them to life. Featuring only the work of the best international celebrity hairdressers, professional photographers and top Hair and Beauty product companies, we unveil their creative minds behind the trends and their interpretation by giving you a closer look into their exciting world. Be part of this success. Distributed to thousands of salons free of charge, DISCONNECT is aimed at educating Salon owners and stylists on how to manage, market and succeed in the Hairdressing and Beauty business. Contact your local product supplier and ask for your free copy. Please let us know your views and requests. Are you getting enough support and education to enhance your profession? What do you think of the standard of Hairdressing in Hong Kong? Join us in DISCONNECT’s networking parties, meet and share your experiences with fellow hairdressers. Information and date to be announced soon. Philip George Publisher Disconnect Hair Magazine disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk

香港不可或缺的美髮專業雜誌 DISCONNECT美髮專業雜誌懷着夢想、願景和熱情,冀盼與供應商、髮廊經營人及髮型師建立長遠 的夥伴關係,進一步支持同業,讓我們盡情發揮專業創意和創領潮流,盡顯藝術匠心。 我們希望凝聚所有對髮型事業有熱忱的人,幫助髮型師創作和憑才華脫穎而出,踏上成功之路。我 們的重點是推廣有創意的美髮潮流,助髮型師演繹這些時尚意念。 雜誌精選報導國際最頂尖星級髮型師、專業攝影師和一級美髮及美容產品公司的作品和消息,披露 潮流創意背後的靈感來源和請他們現身說法,讓您近距離接觸他們的世界。 我們期望您也可分享這份成功。 DISCONNECT免費派送到各地數以萬計的髮廊,為髮廊經營人及髮型師獻先機,讓他們掌握美髮及 美容業的管理和市場推廣之道,創出佳績。 請聯絡當地的產品供應商,免費索取DISCONNECT雜誌。

24 Curly 30 Colour 36 Artistic 41 Men 46 Runway 50 Street

FEATURES 18 Interview with Tony Rizzo of Sanrizz Salons 20 Cuts and Shapes for 2011 21 Hair forecasts for winter - spring 2011 26 Collection 1 28 Collection 2 29 Collection 3

DISCONNECT Associate Publisher: Alex Lendrum disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk Layout and Design Lin Chu lchu@brouhaha.com.hk Sales and Marketing: disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk Special Credits: Disconnect Hair Models : Emma McClean. Elizabethv Elise. Ashley Chong. Production Crew: Matthew, Kidd and Wesker. Make up: Lejannie Chan. Eva Lau. Published by Brouhaha: disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk Cover: Hair by Anne Veck for Anne Veck Salons

35 Collection 4

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors:

34 L’oreal INOA


44 Alternative Hair Show 2010

PRODUCTS 52 New Professional Equipment 53 Product News




47 Send us your Shots

歡迎您提供意見和建議。您是否需要更多支援及資訊來拓展專業?您認為香港的美髮業水準如何? 請參加DISCONNECT的人脈網絡聯誼派對,結識同業和分享經驗與心得。請留意即將公佈的有關資 料和日期。

48 Salon Design

Disconnect美髮專業雜誌出版人 電郵:disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk

54 Salon Directory

49 Hair Dressing Schools

Disconnect Brouhaha Publishing 地址:香港中環都爹利街1號23樓 電郵:disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk


4 9 5

Yolanda for Philip George

Philip George



Bonce Salon

Mark Woolley for Electric Hair




Jason Hall

I NHF Inspire - Sassoon

Peter Prosser

Mark Pearson for Creator Hair

Art Team for Rush

Jasmine Redstone

Andy Heasman for Rush

Bonce Salon

Rainbow room Int

Joanne O’Neill


Muse FAME Team

Vicky Turner for Goldworthy

Art Team for Rush

Ozzie Rizzo for Sanrizz




S Joanne O’Neill

Rainbow Room Int

Art Team for Rush

Costa Phouli for Rush

Jacob Rozenberg

Muse FAME Team

Muse FAME team

NHF Inspire – Sassoon

Ozzie Rizzo for Sanrizz

Mark Woolley for Electric Hair

Bonce Salon

Ozzie Rizzo for Sanrizz



NHF Inspire – Sassoon

Jasmine Redstone

NHF Inspire – Sassoon




NHF Graphieque Noir

Andy Heasman for Rush

Rainbow Room Int

Rainbow Room Int



Simone Lee

Crush Studio

Muse FAME Team

Jasmine Redstone

Matthew Stopps for Rush

Jason Hall

Mark Pearson for Creator Hair

Mark Woolley for Electric Hair

Philip George


NHF Graphieque Noir

Peter Prosser

Mark Woolley for Electric Hair






Costa Phouli for Rush

NHF Graphieque Noir

Bonce Salon

Lisa Muscat for e Salon

Tony&Guy UK

NHF Graphieque Noir Mark Woolley for Electric hair

Paul Gerrard

16 14

Jasmine Redstone

Rainbow Room Int

Matthew Stopps for Rush

Ozzie Rizzo for Sanrizz

Matthew Stopps for Rush

Rainbow Room Int

Mark Woolley for Electric Hair

NHF Inspire - Sassoon





NEW GENERATION HAIR COLOUR USHERS IN A NEW ERA FOR HAIRDRESSERS In order to provide women with a new level of comfort and greater respect for the hair fiber, while guaranteeing optimal colour quality, L’Oréal researchers have created a revolution in the world of hair coloration that supersedes major formulation principles. To date, in permanent hair colour, ammonia has always been the ingredient of choice for perfect colour results. By rethinking its frame of reference, L’Oréal Research invented a new procedure to achieve this same performance while giving multiple benefits to women and hair care professionals. The secret: the creation of an unprecedented system rich in oil, used for the first time in hair colour. It maximizes the efficiency of active colouring ingredients, including the alkaline agent, by boosting them into the heart of the hair, for greater respect of the hair fibre and unprecedented colour results. Its name: the Oil Delivery System. This unique formulation system makes it possible to use an alkaline agent other than ammonia, providing it with lightening properties never before achieved at this concentration. The result? A new generation, odour less hair colour. In its centenary year, L’Oréal is ushering in a new era with this groundbreaking innovation, which will redefine hair colour for a new century. This unparalleled technological breakthrough will totally revolutionize the colourist’s profession and the experience of women who colour their hair in salons. Very soon, hair colour will be a totally unprecedented experience for salon clients:

Lorenzo Favata for Rush

Angelo Seminara, Trevor Sorbie Salons for KeraStraight

• The certainty of a shade true to their choice, • A rich mixture created before their eyes, • A gentle odourless atmosphere, • Optimal scalp comfort, • Respect for the hair, from the cortex to the surface, • Deep, radiant, shiny colour, • Smooth hair with bounce and texture. Hairstylists are able to work with complete peace of mind and really focus on their colour artistry, for a unique colour result every time that truly reflects their client’s personality.

INOA 無亞舒色隆重登場 染髮對追求亮麗髮色的女士不是甚麼新鲜事。一直以來,女士們都 必需忍受伴隨染髮的刺鼻氣味、頭皮敏感、髮質受損等不良感受。 這一切都將成為歷史!L’Oréal Professionnel成功研創出不含阿摩 尼亞配方的全新染髮系列INOA 無亞舒色,為髮廊染髮定下全新標 準!達致完美髮色效果同時,染髮過程中完全無味,而且讓頭皮感 受前所未有的舒適髮廊染髮新體驗。 三項革命性優勢 打造最高舒適度:INOA無亞舒色告別阿摩尼亞,創造無味染髮空 間,而且大大減低以往染髮時頭皮敏感帶來的刺痛。讓頭皮輕鬆自 在,締造終極舒適的染髮過程。 裏裏外外尊重秀髮本質:經實驗測試,連續9次使用INOA無亞舒色染 髮,染後頭髮的天然保護外層(脂質及胺基酸)依然媲美天生頭髮, 讓秀髮感受前所未有的染後質感。髮絲順滑如初,質感更見輕柔。 營造破格色調,耀眼亮澤,深淺色澤如您所想:INOA無亞舒色色效 準確並配以44種色調,冷色調冰酷均勻,暖色調鮮明透亮,更打 破以往不含阿摩尼亞產品的界限,不論深淺髮色,皆如您所想。優 油輸色系統令髮色由髮根至髮尖平均細膩,色澤更見濃郁,而且百 分百遮蓋白髮。 Sung Ki Baek for Rush


Bonce Salon


Interview with Tony Rizzo of Sanrizz Salons Sanrizz髮廊的Tony Rizzo專訪 Tony Rizzo is widely regarded as one of the leading names in British hairdressing and has over 25 years experience at the top end of the hairdressing market yet remains modest about his reputation, phenomenal success and contribution to the industry. 

Tony, who is managing director of Sanrizz divides his time between his stylist appearances and relentless international exhibitions, shows and seminar work. Tony Rizzo is also the founder and chairman of Alternative Hair Show

Tony Rizzo Interview 1. Sanrizz are recognized, as one of the most Dynamic names in Hairdressing today, do you plan any new directions for the company in 2011? I’m very pleased to announce the direction for 2011. Two new locations of Sanrizz salons but most important for Sanrizz is the new academy to facilitate more students, as Knightsbridge is expanding. When we move to our new location, our education centre is to extend its scholarship program. Sanrizz will offer 50% investment of fee for the training provided and then the student will then have the opportunity to work for the company! I have been interviewing passionate and dedicated educators who want to expand their knowledge in this field, and want to work with myself. Our foremost agenda is to promote fresh talent through our scholarship. 2. Have you traveled to the Far East? What do you think of Asian styles and fashion? Yes since 1978 I with Sanrizz have been traveling to the Far East. The Asian market is very passionate about the work that we produce, as it’s a very precise technique. I love the cross culture of our anglicized fashion with their culture. It’s a fantastic mix. This year we have been to Shanghai where Leonardo Rizzo Global Ambassador of Indola showed his new collections for Sanrizz and Indola. The feedback was inspirational from what was put on show. 3. What are your most requested styles and colour tones at the moment? Complete changes, long hair is still prominent with fine fringes. Low layering, solid colours. For shine and variety two tone colouring. But we find that complete change is upon us! Heavy and long tops, very versatile. Both men’s and ladies. Mid length, the bob plays a very important role, with slight symmetric shapes. Fringes: shorter to one side. 4. From all your travels, do you have a favorite culture you’re most fascinated by in terms of hair? Japan has always been close to my heart; I like the mix culture


of anglicized technique together with their ever changing styles from a culture that has a lot of followers. China: we have had our eye on and its very exciting at the moment, but I am inspired by all other cultures in many ways. 5. Your work with the Alternative Hair show is well known, Was this year comparable to previous shows and how much was raised for the Leukemia and Lymphoma research? A staggering £200,000. This years show’s theme was unlike others, it inspired hairdressers around the world. Presenting the theme was amazing, as it crossed over industry’s to fashion editorial, catwalk and for the first year, we’ve felt that there was a hidden agenda about being a little mysterious about who we are and what we are. We all want an element of surprise in our looks. Each team presented their own interpretation of the theme that produced a huge variety of creative elements. 6. Are you taking notice of China’s ascension economically, do you believe the West will start to be influenced by China’s attitude in fashion and art. Everyone has been fascinated with China. As it opens up, I would imagine we would be interested in what can be taken from this interesting culture. Who knows the direction that this will take, and indeed China could end up doing it better! 7. What tips can you give to up and coming hairstylists? And what do they have to do to become a celebrity stylist? Never stop learning, have a good base to work from, grow from one place. Creating a reputation means working harder, and working outside your normal working schedule. Like anything if you put 100% in you get that back, put 200% in you get that back. Be dedicated and be disciplined. 8. What tips can you give to salon owners to achieve a successful business? Dedication is so important. Passion for the hairdressing itself! Teamwork is so paramount, speak one language and evolve together. Announcement Alternative Hair Show Vienna for 27th March 2011 To purchase tickets and for further information we ask that Alternative Hair Austria can be contacted on +43 (0) 664 444 8477 www.alternativehairaustria.at

Tony Rizzo是大家公認的英國頂尖髮型師,從事高級髮型超過25年,即使 他的成就驕人,在行內聲譽卓著,並且對業界貢獻重大,但他還是對人謙 虛有禮。Tony是Sanrizz的董事總經理,工作非常繁忙,除了髮型設計還 經常出席國際展覽、表演和研討會。

Tony Rizzo亦是Alternative Hair Show的創辦人兼主席。 問:Sanrizz被公認為現今最有活力的髮型品牌之一,2011年有甚麼新動 向? 答:我很高興宣佈我們有多項計劃將於2011年推出。包括開設兩間新的 Sanrizz髮廊,但最重要的是新學校即將開幕,可配合“Knightsbridge” 的業務擴充,容納更多的學員。我們的教育中心遷入新址後便會推出獎學 金計劃,Sanrizz會作更多投資, 其中50%作培訓費用,學員還有機會成為 公司職員。我曾與多間充滿熱誠的教育機構接觸,他們都有意增進髮型方 面的知識,同時有興趣一起合作。目前的首要工作是透過獎學金栽培有才 華的新血。 問:您到過東南亞嗎?您對亞洲風格和時裝有何看法? 答:自1978年我便開始隨Sanrizz團隊到遠東各地。亞洲市場很推崇我們 精確仔細的技巧。我們的英國潮流與他們的文化互相交流可擦出漂亮的 火花,我很喜歡這種交流。今年我曾到上海,Indola環球大使Leonardo Rizzo在當地展出他為Sanrizz及Indola設計的新系列,當中的反應很令人 鼓舞。

望能帶來驚喜。每隊髮型團隊都就主題作出個人獨特演繹,為我們帶來豐 富的創意元素。 問:您察覺到中國經濟正在起飛嗎?您覺得中國的潮流文化與藝術態度會 漸漸影響歐洲嗎? 答:任誰都對中國刮目相看吧!隨着市場開放,我想我們會看看可以在引 人入勝的中國文化裡從中借鏡。明日的發展方向誰會知道,說不定中國 會做得更好! 問:對新晉髮型師有何忠告?要成為名人髮型師需要甚麼條件? 答:學無止境,先有一個好的基礎,在一個地方努力發展。要成名就需要 更大的努力,還要超時工作。做甚麼事也一樣,一分耕耘便有一分收穫, 你若肯投入200%,他日定可享有200%成果。要時刻專注投入和自律。 問:對髮廊老闆有何忠告?怎樣才可令業務成功? 答:全情投入和專心致力很重要,當然要對髮型設計充滿熱誠!團隊精神 是最關鍵,大家要同心協力,全程投入, 使其合作無間。 最新預告 維也納Alternative Hair Show - 2011年3月27日 購買門票及查詢詳情請聯絡Alternative Hair Austria, 電話 +43 (0) 664 444 8477 www.alternativehairaustria.at

問:最近最多顧客要求做甚麼髮型和髮色? 答:改頭換面的新形象。長髮依然流行,劉海較薄,近下段剪出層次,髮 色多為單一色調,但亦有雙色突顯亮澤度和做出變化。而未來的潮流趨勢 將會完全改變!頂部會變得較厚而長,男女的髮型設計都可以變得非常靈 活。中長度BOB仍然很受歡迎,線條偏向對稱。劉海偏向一邊較短。 問:您經常四處旅遊,甚麼國家的髮型最令您着迷? 答:日本最能吸引我。他們融合英國技巧與不斷變化的造型,這種獨特文 化受到很多人擁戴。中國也令我著迷,我們一直注視這個市場,中國今 時的發展很令人振奮。其實我對所有國家和文化都很欣賞,它們帶給我不 同的靈感。 問:您舉辦的Alternative Hair Show十分聞名,今年成績是不是如以往般 理想?為血癌和淋巴腫瘤醫學研究籌得多少經費? 答:善款數字高達200,000英鎊。今年的主題是與別不同,它引發各地髮 型師的靈感。要呈現出這主題並不容易,因為要跨越髮型界而兼顧時裝評 論和天橋表演,而且這是首屆我們保持神秘,不表明身份和意圖。我們希


Hair forecasts for winter Spring 2011

Cuts and shapes for 2011 2011髮型新趨勢

Braids The runways were laden with braids getting all sorts of twists. At Valentino, the plait du jour was structural, but softened and loosened with wispy strands, and at Alexander McQueen models looked like medieval princesses, wearing messy but intricately woven hair ‘dos that were fashioned into pigtails. Bobs The bob in 2008 was all about razor sharpness; edginess often bluntly cut to chin length. By 2009 the bob had softened a little. Fringes were growing out. Messy layers were taking over from blunt lines. In 2010 and onwards retro influences will triumph. The trend towards sophisticated ‘70s dressing will be accompanied by the longer bob: blow-dried with volume with an unconstructed edge. The same longer bob can, in 2010/2011, be also be styled with a ‘60s twist: back-combed for volume with flicked out ends, or with a softer folk influence and unfussy styling. The layered short bob is the ultimate trend for fall/winter 2010-2011, but make sure it has a studied messiness. The messy Lob The lob (long bob) is the haircut of the moment with its collarbone-grazing cut that’s typically worn straight, but with loose, tousled curls that add volume and keep the ends from looking blunt. Retro glam Retro hairstyles from the 1940s will continue as an inspiration for women’s hairstyles in Fall/Winter 2010/2011. Wavy styles are suitable for all hair colours, but less impressive on black hair. Retro Hairstyle Waves should be firm but not curly, Worn with an off-center or side part falling below the shoulders. Combine with classic make-up and styling. Super short Very short hair is the ideal hairstyle for fall/winter 2010-2011 specially created for bold women. This year, androgynous, very short hairstyles can be applied even on curly hair and they look stunning if you have a blonde hair colour The “cut” pixie is in vogue and on the rise this year and can only be achieved by cutting soft fine edges, with choppy layers at the crown and nape and finished of with razoring. It goes well with short bangs or fringes swept aside, worn short or long depending on the look preference. Wax or gel enhance a ‘get out of bed’ or sophisticated look. Long Besides, ponytails, chignons, top knots, braids and the already famous slicked-back hair represent some of the hottest spring/summer 2011 hairstyles for long hair.


This year’s trend means long, very long natural hair, whether you have it curly or straight. Cut layered with bangs but definitely not thinned out, or worn with a middle parting for a sleek dramatic look.

Colour As temperatures start to drop, hair colors will stay warm with dark chocolate brunettes, deep mahogany redheads, golden blondes and brilliant copper-red shades.

At the London Fashion Week, models walked down the runway with waist-length textured tresses. New York’s side partings have been replaced with centre partings - it looks like wherever they are, partings will be a key stat

辮子姑娘 髮辮在今季時裝天橋上大行其道,塑造各自精采,令人目不暇 給。Valentino的特色辮子編結有序,配以縷縷輕垂的散髮束,令整體效果 更柔和輕鬆;Alexander McQueen的模特兒頭髮被編成雜亂辮子,再束成 馬尾,其造型尤如中世紀公主。 BOB頭 2008年流行的BOB髮型線條強烈,更是突顯髮尾線條銳利,長度剛及下 巴。2009年的BOB感覺較柔和,沒有明確的劉海,卻以凌亂層次取代齊 直線條。 2010年之後,潮流繼續吹著復古風,BOB會變得長一點,與70年代的服 飾十分相襯。最新的BOB髮經風筒造型後豐盈感較重,邊角不太明顯。展 望2010/11秋冬,最新的BOB造型會注入60年代韻味,以反梳髮絲製造豐 盈感,髮尾外翹或選擇較隨意風格,造型不作太多修飾。 有層次的短BOB是2010-2011秋冬的當季潮流之選,記得要帶點不修邊 幅的味道! 凌亂LOB LOB(長BOB)是現時最流行的髮型,長度剛至鎖骨,大多為直髮,但以蓬 亂的柔和波浪來製造豐盈感也能使髮端更顯柔和。 復古風格 1940年代的復古設計仍是女士髮型的靈感泉源,依然帶領2010-11秋冬潮 流。波浪曲髮配合任何髮色都好看,效果放在黑髮上略較為平凡。復古波 浪應貼服而不鬆散,分中偏側或側界,長度過肩,配合經典化妝和服裝, 更能顯得明艷照人。

Brunette For brunette’s: dark chocolate truffle hues with lots of thick golden highlights starting from the mid-section of the hair are in for 2011, alternatively rich dark chocolate browns to light caramel. Tanned skin complexions go well for wonderful coffee or taffy brown colour. Red Red hair color is an absolute trend for 2011! Redheads this Fall/Winter will lean towards a single process tone, with no highlights just vibrant deep mahogany tones. Blonde Winter/Spring blonde will be a California blonde with the base a shade darker to give some dimension to the look. Blondes will be light with cool golden tones. Black Black is a permanent trend when it comes to hair colour. In 2011 black is a great alternate for women whose complexion is pale as well as tanned.

超短型格 超短髮最適合2010-11秋冬,專為作風大膽的女生而設。今年即使曲髮也 可做出中性超短髮型,金髮的效果尤其奪目。 潮流注重刀工,今年特別流行「精剪」,劉海腳邊要柔和,頭頂與頸位卻 要顯出碎亂的層次感,再用剃刀修整。超短髮可選擇額前垂邊或將劉海斜 撥,長短視乎個人風格而定。以髮蠟或造型啫喱塑造「剛起床」的性感形 象或優雅華麗,均能展現時尚感覺。 長髮 2011春夏最熱門長髮款式包括馬尾、假髻、高髻、辮子和早已大熱的後梳 (all back)亮麗造型。 今年流行天然長髮,鬈曲或直髮均可,剪出層次,額前有劉海,但不剪 薄,此外中分亦可營造較強烈的效果。 倫敦時裝周天橋上的模特兒都長髮及腰;紐約天橋髮型不再側分,改以中 分為主。不論怎分,分界似乎是來季的潮流指標。


Grey Grey and Silver hair has now become one of the most sought-after looks of the new season. Stars like Pixie Geldof, Pink and Lady Gaga were among the first to go grey, and silver tresses have been spotted on the catwalks of several top fashion designers as well. “The trend for grey hair we are seeing more and more was inspired from the spring/summer 2010 catwalks and we have seen a trickle-down effect to high street salons across the UK,” said respected London hairdresser Daniel Galvin Jr. Mixed colours Multi-Mixed colours that are made up of the same tone will ensure that you can use several colours together. The popular tones this season are between warm tones and cool ash. The effects are understated but when used well, these colours can bring real beauty to hair. Disconnect’s pick for 2011 Hot Colours: • Petrol Blue will emit an ethereal dimensional hue. • Orange and Yellow highlights added to compliment brunette base colours. • Tobacco and mocha sheens for a lighter yet warmer style. • Milky beige, soft nude tones, camel and cashmere replace high lift blondes. • Ox tail red is coming in strong as the new deep red.


髮色 漸入寒冬,髮色卻十分暖和,讓一向予人冰冷的秋冬增添暖 意- 深朱古力棕色、深紅褐色、金色和亮麗銅紅色。 棕髮 棕髮:深朱古力糖的色調,由中段開始挑染大束金色,就是 2011年潮流之選。此外亦可選擇深淺不一的棕調,例如深朱 古力和淺焦糖褐色。咖啡或拖肥褐色最適合古銅膚色的女生。 紅髮 紅髮是2011大熱之選! 今年秋冬紅髮以單色為主,毋須挑染,只是搶眼的深紅褐色。 金髮 未來冬季和春季流行加州金髮(California blonde),髮根略 深,增強立體感。整體金調較淺,展現型格冷金。 黑髮 黑髮永遠站在潮流尖端!2011再次回歸!白晢或古銅膚色的 女生都可考慮換上一頭黑髮。 銀髮 灰髮及銀髮是新一季最炙手可熱的新潮流。樂壇紅星Pixie Geldof、Pink和Lady Gaga已率先試範,設計師的天橋時裝表 演亦可見銀髮造型。 備受尊崇的倫敦髮型師Daniel Galvin Jr.說:「2010春夏天橋 時裝表演帶動銀髮潮流,蓆捲英國,現已在各地普及。」 混合髮色 混合同一基調的多種髮色,使不同色彩互相配襯。今季流行 的混合髮色有暖有冷,雖然看似低調,但只要用得其所便能 令秀髮明亮動人。 Disconnect 2011髮色熱選 • 深灰藍 - 縹緲優雅的立體色彩 • 橙色和黃色挑染 - 烘托棕髮效果耀麗 • 煙草啡及莫加(Mocha)褐亮色 - 色澤淺淡而暖和 • 傳統全金髮換上米黃、柔軟裸色、焦糖褐色和茄士咩褐色 • 牛尾紅(Ox tail red)是最流行的全新深紅色調

Ph: 2545 8830



Andy Heasman for Rush Andy Heasman for Rush

Bonce Salon


Simone Lee

Lisa Muscat for e Salon


Art Team for Rush

Costa Phouli for Rush

Bonce Salon

Jacob Rozenberg

Rainbow Room Int


Rainbow Room Int

Jasmine Redstone

Mark Woolley for Electric Hair

Sung Ki Baek for Rush

Vicky Turner for Goldworthy




Go NAT.ural Salon opportunity to stock new skincare range 成為全新天然護膚品牌的代理 Leading skincare brand, NAT. launches in Hong Kong this month with a comprehensive media campaign to build awareness for one of Australia’s leading brands of natural skin body care. Currently available in Watsons, NAT. will soon be stocked in leading hair and beauty salons. 100% natural, the NAT. range uses only pure plant essences that work in harmony with the body for cell support, skin re-generation, wrinkle defence and boost nourishment to the skin. Supporting the launch of NAT. FACE, BODY and AROMA will be an extensive marketing programme of PR and advertising on TV, print, bus stop and MTR stations. For more information about NAT. and the brand’s attractive initial mark up for salon stockists, please contact Disconnect at disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk 澳洲天然護膚品牌NAT.已正式登陸香港,品牌近月展開一連串的宣傳活動,積極確立品牌高效能天然護膚品牌的領導地位。現 於各所Watsons有售﹐NAT. 亦會在特定髮廊即將推出。 百分百全天然的 NAT.系列將大自然的蓬勃生機融入各種產品﹐以香氛治療為本﹐研製出NAT. 美肌系列。NAT.系列採用純植物 精華﹐與身體融和協調﹐促進細胞及肌膚再生。預防皺紋出現﹐滋潤肌膚。 為支持NAT. 護膚、身體和香氛降臨香港市場﹐品牌即將展開一連串的宣傳活動,於多項市場推廣及各式公關包括電視、雜 誌、報紙、巴士以及地鐵站廣告。NAT.系列詳情或代理細節歡迎電郵到disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk Iggy Popoulous

Iggy Popoulous


HOT PRODUCT With a recommended retail price of HK$220, NAT.Serum is a fabulous facial find. With many serums on the market costing thousands of dollars this sensational serum is available for all skin types. 熱賣產品 建議銷售價格為港幣220元﹐ 市面上多種精華素售價超千 元﹐NAT.這個精華素價錢實惠﹐ 又能應付不同皮膚的需要。NAT. 精華素是一個護膚必買品。 Iggy Popoulous


Iggy Popoulous



Jason Kearne

Jason Kearne

Ultra Violet- Patrick Cameron

Ultra Violet- Patrick Cameron

Jason Kearne

Jason Kearne

Ultra Violet- Patrick Cameron

Ultra Violet- Patrick Cameron


30 31

Andy Heasman for Rush

Sung Ki Baek for Rush





Costa Phouli for Rush

Simone Lee

Jacob Rozenberg

Andy Heasman for Rush


Costa Phouli for Rush

Joanne O’Neill


Jacob Rozenberg

Jasmine Redstone

Jazz Fosker

Tony&Guy UK



Mark Pearson for Creator Hair

Sung Ki Baek for Rush

Sung Ki Baek for Rush

Sung Ki Baek for Rush

Jacob Rozenberg




I Jacob Rozenberg

Sean Hanna

Sean Hanna

Sean Hanna

Sean Hanna

Paul Gerrard

Costa Phouli for Rush



Rainbow Room Int

Sam Burnett for Rush

Sung Ki Baek for Rush

NHF Inspire - Sassoon




Art Team for Rush Matthew Stopps for Rush

Andy Heasman for Rush

Sean Hanna

Simone Lee

Jacob Rozenberg

NHF Graphieque Noir


Costa Phouli for Rush

Jasmine Redstone

Rainbow Room Int

Lisa Muscat for e Salon


Joanne O’Neill

Crush Studio

Art Team for Rush

Rainbow Room Int

Muse FAME Team





Crush Studio

Muse FAME Team

Art Team for Rush

Bonce Salon

Rainbow Room Int

Sean Hanna

Sung Ki Baek for Rush

Joanne O’Neill




Sanrizz Salon

Damien Carney

Jason Hall

Peter Prosser

Jim Shaw for Tony&Guy

Jim Shaw for Tony&Guy

Jim Shaw for Tony&Guy

Jazz Forsker

Peter Prosser

Peter Prosser



42 43

Jim Shaw for Tony&Guy

Peter Prosser



The 27th Alternative Hair Show was held at London’s Royal Albert Hall on Sunday 18th October 2009. The Alternative Hair Show is a fund-raising event for Leukaemia Research and all the teams and individuals appearing at the event do so entirely at their own cost.


Tony Rizzo, founder of Alternative Hair welcomed the audience and thanked his charity supporters, press and the audience for their continual support of Alternative Hair. President of Alternative Hair, Anthony Mascolo and the Honorary President, Joshua Galvin echoed their thanks before welcoming onto the stage the leader of each of the presenting teams who were presented with an award to honour their appearance at this year’s show.


Guy Kremer




Another hugely successful Alternative Hair Show thrills and moves audience whilst raising £175,000 for Leukaemia research.

Nicholas French Tim Hartley Burlingtons

Carlo Bay





Dimitry Vinokurov

Klaus Peter Ochs







Show Finale


RUNWAY Alexander McQueen Spring 2011

Send us Your Shots

Salons in this issue:

Send us your shots- If you are a hairdresser and would like to see your work in print, we welcome photographic submissions. Files must be Jpeg format, high-resolution images. Please enclose as much information as you can, ie: Hairdresser, Salon, location, make-up artist and photographer.

Andy London for Rush Angelo Seminara, Trevor Sorbie Salons for KeraStraight Art Team for Rush Bonce Salon Costa Phouli for Rush Crush Studio Damien Carney Iggy Popoulous Jacob Rozenberg Jasmine Redstone Jason Hall Jason Kearne Jazz Fosker Jim Shaw for Tony&Guy Joanne O’Neill John.C.Simpson Lisa Muscat for e Salon Lorenzo Favata for Rush Mark Pearson for creator Hair Mark Woolley for Electric hair Matthew Stopps for Rush Metropolis Muse FAME team NHF Graphieque Noir NHF Inspire - Sassoon Ozzie Rizzo for Sanrizz Patrick Cameron Paul Gerrard Peter Prosser Philip George Rainbow room Int Sam Burnett for Rush Sean Hanna Simone Lee Sung Ki Baek for Rush Tony&Guy UK Vicky Turner for Goldworthy

Send all photos to disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk. Editor reserves all rights and discretion to publish, any submissions will not be returned. Giorgio Armani Prive Fall 2010

Advertise here with DISCONNECT: Request rate card: disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk

Louis Vuitton Spring 2011

Christian Dior Spring 2011

歡迎照片來稿 歡迎髮型師提供髮型作品照片在雜誌刊登。我們 只接受Jpeg格式高解像度照片,並請盡量說明詳 情,如髮型師、髮型中心、 地址、化妝師及攝影師等資料。

John Galliano Spring 2011

Jeremy Scott Fall 2010


Chanel Haute Couture Fall 2010

本刊編輯保留所有權利及酌情權刊登照片,來稿 恕不發還。

Jean Paul Gaultier Spring 2011



Prada Spring 2011


Whilst all reasonable endeavors have been made to check the accuracy of the information contained within this publication, DISCONNECT does not warrant the accuracy of the information contained herein. All copyright, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights in the information contained within this publication are vested in DISCONNECT .

Christian Siriano Fall 2010

Top shop Unique Fall 2010

DISCONNECT provides the information within this publication solely for personal use. The information may not be used for any other purpose, including but not limited to, publication, reproduction or transmission without the prior express written permission of DICONNECT. Information contained within this publication and associated publications may be supplied, whether directly or indirectly by third parties and DISCONNECT cannot warrant the content, accuracy or effectiveness of said information. The user will indemnify DISCONNECT against all claims, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including legal fees which may or may not arise out of the use of information of any kind contained within this publication.


Patrick Cameron


THE TRAINING SCHOOL - COURSES IN DRESSING LONG HAIR Due to a huge demand for further education Patrick Cameron opened his own school, training other hairdressers in the art of dressing long hair for which he has become world renowned. http://www.patrick-cameron.com/theschool.html

Alan d Education

The Academy offers a flexible curriculum with courses ranging from one day to twenty-six weeks. http://www.aland.co.uk/education.html


Beyond Fringe Salon

Home Salon

Saks is the UK’s leading hair and beauty group, renowned for award-winning excellence and awarded UK’s Best Training Provider. Saks offers fantastic hairdressing and beauty education through Saks Academies in London and the UK http://www.saks.co.uk/academies.asp

HOB Acamemie

The hob academy An ideal environment for learning, the hob academy is situated in London’s Camden Town. Located canal side at Camden Lock, high tech facilities and contemporary design combine form and function, making it an inspired place to learn. http://www.hobsalons.com/

Sassoon Academies

The Sassoon courses are developed, honed and delivered around the world through their shcools, academies and education centers, ensuring that not only will you get real commercial skills from their courses, you will also take away with you a piece of the culture that created Sassoon. http://www.sassoon.com/academy/

Brown Sugar Salon

Toni and Guy Academy Hession Salon

Luce Hair Salon

Nurturing hairdressing talent is fundamental to TONI&GUY, with 28 Academies globally. Their legendary award-winning International Artistic Team will personally guide you through their extensive range of training courses. http://www.toniandguy.com/education

RUSH Advanced Academy

At rush, excellence can only be achieved through strong foundations and a commitment to your craft. it is this belief and a desire to share their knowledge that is the philosophy behind their educational structure. the state-of-the-art facility is the home to the award winning rush artistic team. http://www.rush.co.uk/academy

SANRIZZ ACADEMY At Sanrizz they appreciate that time spent away from the salon must prove rewarding to the busy stylist. for this reason they have created the three day advanced course, aimed at the experienced hairdresser wanting to revitalize their own creativity. other courses available from 5 day to nine months. http://www.sanrizz.co.uk/home.html

Klein Dytham Architecture

Mario Gio Salon

Francesco group Academy

Francesco Group is one of the UK’s best training providers and with UK recognized training teams. Whether leaving school in 2010, looking for a change of direction, or simply wishing to advance your skills, take a dip into the world of Francesco Group education http://www.francescogroup.co.uk/ education/index.htm http://www.francescogroup.co.uk/education/index.htm

ASIA Sassoon Academy Shanghai China

Salon friendly contemporary course is particularly designed for hairdressers wanting to focus on the hairdressing skills needed to perform in today’s competitive environment. http://www.vidalsassoon.com.cn/courses/index2.asp

Toni and Guy Academy Hong Kong

TONI&GUY Hong Kong Academy is established in November 2005. TONI&GUY Hong Kong Academy offers a comprehensive career and education program for complete beginner and/or experienced stylists who want to take their career to the next level. http://www.toniandguy.com.hk/en/en.html

TAMARIS Singapore

TAMARIS has been in the hairdressing and beauty industry for more than twenty years. We have taught students from different countries all over the world. Most of our graduates have ventured out into the hairdressing and beauty industry as professional hairstylists, beauticians as well as successful owners of both hair and beauty salons. http://www.tamaris.com.sg/



Pivot Point Guangzhou China HTTP://WWW.PIVOTPOINT-GZ.COM/


Leaders of Australian hairdressing for over 30 years, the Biba institution has set the benchmark of excellence in hair design and education. Boasting an impressive eleven salons and two highly acclaimed hairdressing academies across Melbourne. http://www.biba.com.au/


The Australian academy of hairdressing is Australia’s major private college trainer of hairdressers. More than 10,000 students have qualified through the academy since 1932. They see employment as their ultimate objective and it is against this that they measure their success. http://www.thehairacademy.com.au/home.htm

Wish Salon

The American Club is Hong Kong’s most prestigious private members club with a reputation of providing the highest quality of service and facilities. It is populated by one of the most international and affluent memberships anywhere in the world and is the only Club in Hong Kong with both Town and Country Clubhouses.



We have the following vacancy for outstanding individuals with high levels of energy, enthusiasm, intelligence, excellent customer service skills and lots of personal initiative:

Octopus by Karisma

Sean Hannah Salon

Hair Stylist (Part-vTime) • Fully certified hairdressing qualification • Minimum 5 years relevant experience • Good command of spoken English language • Experienced in all hair types • Working hour: Friday & Saturday (10.00am-2.00pm); Sunday (10.00am-6.00pm) • Working location: Tai Tam We offer attractive remuneration and career development opportunity. Please send full resume to Director of Human Resources, The American Club Hong Kong, 14/F, Aon China Building, 29 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong or by fax: 2524 9311 or email: hr@americanclubhk.com. For more information please visit our website: www.americanclubhk.com

Rae Palmer Salon

Venus Baltic Salon

We are an equal opportunity employer. All information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment related purpose only and handled in strict confidence by authorized personnel only. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. The personal data collected will be destroyed after 3 months.


50 51



7 Teeth Hairdressing Scissors

Enzo Milano hair styling tongs

Babyliss powerlite-dryer

Hioshi razr-shears

Denman classic brush

Clip on timer

Vitelity’s - DECO SOFT Delicate de-colourant in compact powder. Ammonia-free and enriched with naturally occurring elements like Guar gum and rice starch, it lightens gently without attacking the structure of the hair.

Redken- Blonde Glam Pure Lightening Cream Offers fast, high lift with great conditioning, for the lightest, coolest, sultriest blondes.



Framensi DECOLOR B diamond The ultra luminous formula of Decolor B diamond gently smoothes the hairs, leaving the surface silkier, glossier and more compact. Perfect for every technical solution, it ensures 8 - 9 levels of lightening.

Schwarzkopf Luxury Blonde Me Lightener A new generation of Powder Lightener that provides up to 8 levels of lift & reduces the yellow undertones whilst maintaining the hairs natural moisture balance. Tigi Rockaholic Livin The Dream Shampoo Daily shampoo with revitalizing ingredients to give hair shine and strength. Sulphate-free to protect colour. Enhances shine and contains UV filters. Lime and papaya fragrance.

Redken- Color Camo 10 minute camouflage color for men Color Camo has a permanent Dye technology with demi-permanent results. Non-ammonia formula. Gray is camouflaged and naturally blended. Gradually fades with no unnatural gold or red tones.

Goldwell oxycur platin ultra

Electric Hair Medium hot curling brush

Cutek Hair colour measuring scales

TP Marlin Hairdressing scissors

Denman Ceramic Metallic Rollers

Timothy Payne thinning scissors

Turobion croc infrared styler

Oxycur Platin Ultra: Gentle, dust-free high performance high lift granules, Lifting up to 7 levels for accurate and brilliant, natural looking blonde results.

GHD Thermal protector An anti-breakage thermal protector helps guard hair from heat damage while Sunflower Seed Oil provides hair with UVA protection, helping to protect and repair the hair, prevent colour fade, and give long-lasting shine and condition.

L’Oreal Professional’s new Serie Nature The Serie Nature Abondance de Cacao collection is ideal for fine hair. It’s great for giving volume and won’t weigh down the hair.

GHD Styler


Davines Finest Pigments Is a gentle colour system, simple and fast to use, without ammonia and does not require an activator. Formulated with up to 98% natural derived ingredients.

Essentially yours Passion Flower & Chamomile Shampoo For dry and coloured hair, this mild, SLES Free cleansing formulation gently releases grime from your hair without stripping the colour. Putting even the most exhausted hair back on track. Made from only 8 ingredients (excluding allergens).

FEELING 8.0 亮澤修護素 能有效防止頭髮打結, 增強頭髮滑度 及光澤, 用後感覺輕盈, 不油膩, 能在 乾或濕髮中使用

Wella Contura Clippers



If you would like to be added to the Salon Directory, please send your Salon’s Name, address and telephone number to disconnect@ brouhaha.com.hk AIMEE at the Shangri – La 8/f Island Shangri – La Pacific Place 88 Queens way. Admiralty 2918 1339 AVEDA Experience Center Xenses, Fashion Walk Shop 3B, 9 Kingston Street Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 2881 5375 AVEDA LIFESTYLE salon and Spa 2nd & 3rd Floor. The Loop 33 Wellington Street Central, Hong Kong Island HONG KONG 2868 9859 @Hair 2/f 69-71 Argyle Street, Mong Kok. Kln. HK C2 Hair 1/f, 35 yiu wa street, Causeway bay, Hong Kong 28905274 COLOUR BAR Salon, 11/F EuBank Plaza 9 Chiu Lung Street, Central 2525 4228 –9 DESSANGE SALON & INSTITUT
 8/F, 2-8 Wellington Street,
Central, H.K. DESSANGE SALON & HAIRCARE Shop 1A, 51 Paterson Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay, H.K. 2150 2699 EMMANUEL.F Nexxus building 2/F 41 Connaught road Central, Hong Kong 2167 8280 ETE by Private-I Salon 1/F 52-54, Yun Ping Road Causeway Bay 29150011

HAIR PEACE 1/f,Hang wan Bld, Granville road, TST. 96098148 HH HAIR, NAIL Shop 411-3, 4/F, Ocean Centre, Harbour City 5, Canton Road Tsim Sha Tsui 21113888 HIP HAIR CULTURE 1/F 64, Granville Road Tsim Sha Tsui 25762888 HIPP FISH 1/F 32.Staunton Street Central 28153638 HM PRIVATE i SALON Unit 3203-3206, 32/F, Soundwill Plaza 38, Russell Street Causeway Bay 25737100 IFC PRIVATE i SALON Shop 3003-3005, Podium Level 3, ifc mall 1, Harbour View Street Central 25264488 IL COLPO Grand Hyatt M/F, Grand Hyatt Hotel 1, Harbour Road Wan Chai 28020151 IMPROVE HAIR Shop U-02A Upper G/F Austin Tower 22-26 Austin Avenue TST 2735 8585 INDULGENCE G/F, Sun Fung Mansion 33, Lyndhurst Terrace Central 28156600

FEEL – Hairdressing & care center Rm 2501, 25/f. Parkland Sq. Tuen Mun. NT. HK. 21160866

kimrobinson Shop 106, 1/F, Chater House 8, Connaught Road Central Central 21218484

Green Touch Salon G/F, Shop C, 518 - 520 Nathan Road. Kln. 2877 3068

Kr+ 2/F, Winway Building, 50 Wellington Street, Central.HK 2191 2222

HAIR CORNER 1/f Duke of Wellington House 14-24 Wellington St. Central. HK 2522 3311

L’ATTITUDE Hair Salon Room 102 United Success Commercial Center 508 Jaffe Rd. Wanchai 25729733

HAIRCRAFT G/F, Shop 61 Elgin Street SoHo Central, Hong Kong 2868 6985


HAIR DO SALONS Soundwill Plaza shop 2893 3760 Sogo Club Shop 2831 4884 Plaza 2000 shop 2528 3886

LA BOUTIQUE SALON G/F, Club Lusitano Duddell Street Central 28100123

LA CHIOMA Unit 1, 1/F, The Excelsior Hotel 281, Gloucester Road Causeway Bay 36783838 LA COUPE SALON Shop 317, 3/F, Prince’s Building 10, Chater Road Central 28682266 LA MOD SALON Shop B01 1 Hysan Ave Causeway Bay 2881 1092 THE MANDARIND ORIENTAL SPA AND HAIR SALON 5 Connaught Rd Central 2825 4888 MOMO HAIR SALON 7/F Henry House 42 Yun Ping Road Causeway Bay 2890 9996

Salon K 1H, Winner Building, Block A, 27-37 D’aguilar Street, Lan Kai Fong, Central. SD Hair Collection Flat 8, 1/F, Haiphong Building, 53-55 Haiphong Road Tsim Sha Tsui 2367 0066 SIGO HAIR SALON Shop2123-2124,L2/F. SunShineCityPlaza, MaOnShan,Shatin,N.T. 26835427 Shop No.17A-18C&D,G/F Site 9,Whampoa Garden, HungHom,Kowloon 29948181 Shop 129,1/F,Citywalk,1 Yeung Uk Road,Tsuen Wan,N.T. 26835228 Shop 150,Level One,Park Central, No.9 Tong Tak Street, TseungKwanO,N.T. 23282399

O2 HAIR STUDIO 38, Wyndham Street Central 25222884

Shop101-103,1/F, Citywalk 2,18 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan,N.T. 28108238

PAUL GERRARD Hair and Beauty 1/F-2/F, Wah Hing House 35, Pottinger Street Central 28694408

SUAVE 7/F, The Peninsula Hotel 4-6, Hankow Road Tsim Sha Tsui 23678866

PHILIP GEORGE SALON 23/F 1, Duddell Street Central 25243143

Tala’s Hair M/FL, 4 Shelly Street, Soho, Central 2521 9333

QG PRIVATE i SALON Podium, 6/F, Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong 8, Finance Street Central 25210070 REVER HAIR SALON 1/F, The Galleria 9, Queen’s Road Central Central 25259228 SALON CHANDLER 14/F, Tak Woo House 17-19, D’aguilar Street Central 25373737 SALON D-PE Flat B, 1/F, Riviera Mansion 59-65, Paterson Street Causeway Bay 28908238 SALON DE PIGEON 3/F, Po Yick Building 17-19, Hillier Street Sheung Wan 25445664 SALON ESPRIT 3/F, 100 QRC 100, Queen’s Road Central Central 25252525 SALON IDE Shop 901-902, 9/F, Times Square 1, Matheson Street Causeway Bay 31028008

Tala’s Hair and Beauty Center G/FL, 56 Po Tung Road Saikung, New Territories 2335 1694 THE BARBER SHOP 1/F 15B, Wellington Street Central 25374292 THE HAIRDRESSERS 7/F, Abdoolally House 20, Stanley Street Central 29730512 THE HAIRDRSSERS 1/F, Shama Place 30, Hollywood Road Central 21103123 THE MANDARIN BARBER 2/F, Mandarin Oriental Hotel 5, Chater Road Central 28254088 TONI&GUY 1/F, 33 Beach Rd. Repulse Bay. Hong Kong TONI&GUY 2/F Man Cheung Building Wyndham St. C. Hong Kong 25289636 VIA IL COLPO Shop No.1, G/F& Rm 506-509, 5/F, Crawford House 19, Stanley Street Central 31020238

DISCONNECT would like to thank all our readers and sponsors for their support. We wish everyone a prosperous and creative 2011.

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