Disconnect Hair Magazine Oct/Nov.2010.

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Hong Kong’s Essential Hairdressing Magazine DISCONNECT Hairdressing magazine has a dream, a vision and a passion to build long-term partnerships with suppliers, Salon Owners and Stylists, enabling us to further enhance our fellow professionals with innovation, inspirational trends and artistic expression. We want to unite people who are passionate about hair. Helping hairdressers to create, excel and succeed. We place great importance on showing motivating hair trends and in turn help hairdressers bring them to life. Featuring only the work of the best international celebrity hairdressers, professional photographers and top Hair and Beauty product companies, we unveil their creative minds behind the trends and their interpretation by giving you a closer look into their exciting world. Be part of this success. Distributed to thousands of salons free of charge, DISCONNECT is aimed at educating Salon owners and stylists on how to manage, market and succeed in the Hairdressing and Beauty business. Contact your local product supplier and ask for your free copy. Please let us know your views and requests. Are you getting enough support and education to enhance your profession? What do you think of the standard of Hairdressing in Hong Kong? Join us in DISCONNECT’s networking parties, meet and share your experiences with fellow hairdressers. Information and date to be announced soon. Philip George Publisher Disconnect Hair Magazine disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk

香港不可或缺的美髮專業雜誌 DISCONNECT美髮專業雜誌懷着夢想、願景和熱情,冀盼與供應商、髮廊經營人及髮型師建立長遠 的夥伴關係,進一步支持同業,讓我們盡情發揮專業創意和創領潮流,盡顯藝術匠心。 我們希望凝聚所有對髮型事業有熱忱的人,幫助髮型師創作和憑才華脫穎而出,踏上成功之路。我 們的重點是推廣有創意的美髮潮流,助髮型師演繹這些時尚意念。 雜誌精選報導國際最頂尖星級髮型師、專業攝影師和一級美髮及美容產品公司的作品和消息,披露 潮流創意背後的靈感來源和請他們現身說法,讓您近距離接觸他們的世界。 我們期望您也可分享這份成功。 DISCONNECT免費派送到各地數以萬計的髮廊,為髮廊經營人及髮型師獻先機,讓他們掌握美髮及 美容業的管理和市場推廣之道,創出佳績。 請聯絡當地的產品供應商,免費索取DISCONNECT雜誌。 歡迎您提供意見和建議。您是否需要更多支援及資訊來拓展專業?您認為香港的美髮業水準如何? 請參加DISCONNECT的人脈網絡聯誼派對,結識同業和分享經驗與心得。請留意即將公佈的有關資 料和日期。 Disconnect美髮專業雜誌出版人 電郵:disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk Disconnect Brouhaha Publishing 地址:香港中環都爹利街1號23樓 電郵:disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk


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Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas

Silas Tsang. Photography: Babak



Art Team at Errol Douglas

Claudio Contrasti for Revlon Pro




Robyn Saunders. Chesters Salon

I Mana Dave – Blaze Salon

Anne Veck for Anne Veck Salons

Anya Dellicompagni, Francesco Group


Anya Dellicompagni, Francesco Group

Allure - Sanrizz salons

Robyn Saunders.Chesters Salon


Anya Dellicompagni, Francesco Group

Mana Dave – Blaze Salon


Karine Jackson using Organic Colour Systems

Robert Ari for Revlon Professional

Silas Tsang. Photography: Babak

Robert Ari for Revlon Professional

Tilt- Sanrizz salons




S Colour - Sanrizz salons


Silas Tsang. Photography: Babak


Claudio Contrasti for Revlon Pro

Kristina Russell expo colourist of the year 2010

Anya Dellicompagni, Francesco Group

Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas


Colour collection - Sanrizz salons

Karine Jackson using Organic Colour Systems








The Gala Dinner









Charity sponsors


In support of


Media sponsors


Registered charity 216032 (England & Wales) SC037529 (Scotland)

Hair by Leonardo Rizzo Global Ambassador Indola




Robyn Saunders - Chesters Salon

The Fellowship for the British Hairdressing

Kristina Russell

Danielle Blakeley



Danielle Blakeley

Kristina Russell


Philip George



Richard Ward - A Profile

Resident hairdresser on GMTV’s LK Today and celebrity hairdresser, Richard Ward is a regular face on day time television. Winner of numerous awards including Fellowship for British Hairdressing Media Ambassador of the Year and TIGI Celebrity Hairdresser of the Year plus nominee for this year’s Clothes Show Celebrity Hairdresser of the Year, Richard is renowned for his exquisite cutting skills and a charming personality and for cornering the celebrity market taking luxury hairdressing to the next level. His uber-cool super salon in Chelsea, Richard Ward Hair & Metrospa, is a spectacular 5,000 square foot salon that has been voted London Salon of the Year. Richard’s celebrity clientele includes Kate Middleton, Kim Cattrall, Tara Palmer Tominkson, Matt Le Blanc and many more. Richard is a favourite of the British press and writes regular columns for a host of consumer magazines. Be it session makeovers, quotes, tips and interviews or trend predictions, Richard is regularly called upon for his comments on celebrity hair and hair health. His stunning hair collections are also regularly published in a variety of national and international publications.

Richard Ward Interview 1. When did you first realize you wanted to become a Hair Stylist and where did you start? My Mum and Dad had salons when I was very young then closed them when I was about four, so I suppose that may have given me the idea; being around the hairdressing environment must have got into my sub-conscious. I’m not what you could call an academic; more creative, so it seemed a natural choice. 2. What are the most requested styles and colour tones in your salon at the moment? Long, long layers and sweeping fringes that can be left shaggy or groomed and work well in a messy, low-slung chignon for evening. Colour wise – red and mahogany are very popular. Blondes are fawn and beige, cool tones are in for winter. 3. What do you think is more important, for a client to tell you, so that you can get their hairstyle right for them? I really need to know what their lifestyle is like – do you they have time to spend on their hair or is it more of a wash and go style they need. Whatever style you create, it’s essential that your client knows how to re-style it at home so I like to talk over some key hair tips whilst they’re in the chair.


4. From all your travels, do you have a favourite culture you’re most fascinated by in terms of hair? I live in London and I don’t think you can get more inspired by the people walking around here! But, I’ve always enjoyed shooting in New York and Milan as you get a different vibe from the team and models you work with. 5. What do you think of the trends moving towards Keratin infused treatments and ammonia free colours? We’re all for it at the salon. Our Technical Director Mario Charalambous worked closely with L’Oreal Professionnel when they launched Inoa and we’ve launched it to great success in the salon. We also use a keratin treatment that we have marked as Memory Forme in the salon – this is definitely a big success for us. The repeat business request is staggering and a service that has quickly become a staple in our services. Again, Mario researched many brands before we made a decision and he is always keeping abreast of the new technologies to ensure we can provide the best product to our customers. 6. How did you get involved in the Great Ormond Street Hospital fundraising event; is this particular charity close to your heart? I’ve always supported charities with a children’s focus – not only because we have 2 young children of our own but we also went through a very personal time with a baby. When John Frieda discussed the idea of getting all the celebrity hairdressers together to work in bringing awareness and raising funds for this amazing hospital, I knew it was something I wanted to get behind. We’ve been raising funds in the salon through prize draws and I’m doing the London to Paris bike ride and even painting a picture to be auctioned! 7. Are you taking notice of China’s ascension economically, what do you think of Asian Hairstyling? I think most businessmen are fascinated by China’s resurgence in the commercial world. I know a couple of Asian hairdressers and they are amazing. I also think Asian scissors are awesome! 8. If you had chosen another profession, what would it have been? Probably an architect or an interior design – I have a passion for design. I would have loved to have been a professional sportsman too – tennis or football. That must be amazing. 9.What tips can you give to up and coming hairstylists? And what do they have to do to become a celebrity stylist? To be a great hairdresser, you need the ability to listen, communicate well. You should be creative in a way that suits your client - adapting all elements to suit the client

individually is key. You also really do need to have the confidence to change someone’s look. Not everyone can work with celebrities – you do need to have a certain type of personality - being warm and honest helps to make them feel comfortable. Remember celebs can go anywhere they want (and they do!) so if they keep returning to your salon and recommending you to their friends, then you’re doing something right!

3) 您認為顧客需要告訴您甚麼,才可以做出好的髮型? 答:我必須知道顧客的生活習慣,她們願意花多少時間打理頭髮,又或想 洗髮後可以立即出門。設計甚麼髮型也好,必須確保顧客懂得怎樣在家自 行打理,所以我喜歡趁客人坐在跟前時跟她們談談美髮貼士。 4) 您經常四處旅遊,甚麼國家的髮型最令您着迷? 答:我在倫敦居住,這裡的街頭時尚文化可以說是世界之最了,單是看看 人們的打扮便靈感如泉湧。我也很喜歡在紐約和米蘭出外景,不同的團隊 和模特兒會營造不同的氛圍。

If you want to succeed in this industry you need a good foundation first and then you progress. Wanting to be famous is not the right work ethic to have - it’s not something I’ve ever chased personally, it has evolved naturally and been a natural progression from the brand we have created

5) 角蛋白護髮和不含阿蒙尼亞的染髮劑漸漸流行,您有何看法? 答:我們的髮廊極表支持。萊利雅推出Inoa時,我們的技術總監Mario Charalambous跟他們緊密合作,這個產品在髮廊推出後大受歡迎。此外 我們還有一種名叫Memory Forme的角蛋白護理,效果和反應非常好。許 多顧客也回頭,現在這種護理已成為髮廊的主要服務之一。Mario接觸過 多個品牌,最後才作出決定。他會緊貼最新技術發展,確保髮廊可為顧客 提供最優良的產品。

貴為GMTV節目《LK Today》的常駐髮型師和名人髮型師,Richard Ward 經常在日間電視節目亮相。他曾獲獎無數,歷年的殊榮包括英國髮型界 專業團體年度傳媒大使及TIGI本年度星級髮型師,以及今年獲提名The Clothes Show本年度星級髮型師獎。Richard的精湛剪髮手藝廣受讚賞, 個性討人喜愛,甚具個人魅力,在名人市場獨佔鰲頭,將豪華級髮型設計 昇華至更高水平。

6) 您是怎樣參與Great Ormond Street Hospital的籌款活動的?這項慈善 活動令您特別感動嗎? 答:我一向也支持與兒童有關的慈善事業。我和太太有兩個小孩,過去 和小寶寶也曾經歷過很窩心的日子。John Frieda提及號召所有名人髮型 師推廣公眾意識為這間兒童醫院籌款時,我即時便決定參與。我們在髮 廊舉辦慈善抽獎籌款,我本人將會參加倫敦至巴黎單車賽,還會繪一幅 畫公開拍賣!

他的時尚髮廊Richard Ward Hair & Metrospa坐落於車路士區,佔地5,000 平方呎,曾被評為倫敦全年最佳髮廊。 Richard的明星顧客包括Kate Middleton、Kim Cattrall、Tara Palmer Tominkson、Matt Le Blanc等等。 Richard是英國傳媒的寵兒,他為多份消費雜誌寫專欄,更經常為傳媒評 論名人髮型及健康護髮方法,好像從頭到腳形象改造、引述、貼士、訪問 和潮流預測等。他設計的炫麗髮型系列經常刊載於英國和國際報章雜誌。

Richard Ward專訪

7) 您察覺到中國經濟正在起飛嗎?您覺得亞洲髮型行業怎樣? 答:中國在商業社會再次崛起,我想每個營商的人都極感興趣。我認識兩 位亞洲髮型師,他們都棒極了。還有,亞洲剪刀太厲害了。 8) 假如當初不選擇當髮型師,會投身甚麼行業? 答:我想我會當建築師或室內設計師。我熱愛設計。如果能當職業運動員 便好了,好像網球手或足球員,一定很精采。 9) 對新晉髮型師有何忠告?要成為名人髮型師需要甚麼條件? 答:一位優秀的髮型師必須懂得聆聽和溝通,因應顧客的需要來創作,融 入所有必要元素,最重要是突顯顧客的個人風格,此外還要有自信,勇於 改變客人的形象。

1) 您何時開始想當髮型師,最初怎樣入行? 答: 很小的時候爸爸媽媽有幾間髮廊,但我4歲左右他們便停業,我想 他們還是啟發了我當髮型師吧,自幼熟悉髮廊環境,不知不覺間受了薰 陶。我不太喜歡學術性的東西,但卻很有興趣創作,所以很自然地選擇 了髮型設計。

不是每個人都能與名人合作。您的性格必須適合 - 親切而坦誠,令他們 感到舒暢自在。別忘記,明星喜歡到那裡弄頭髮都可以(而且也經常四處 試!),所以假如他們經常回頭和推薦朋友找您,您的服務一定不錯!

2) 您的髮廊最近最多顧客要求做甚麼髮型和髮色? 答: 很長的層次和長劉海,可以凌亂蓬鬆,也可以梳得亮滑,配襯凌亂 的低髮髻,就是最性感的晚裝造型。髮色方面紅和桃木棕色都很受歡迎, 金髮則以淺黃褐和米金調子為主。冬季將流行Cool一點的冷調。


想在這個行業做出成績,先要打好基礎,按步就班地發展和進步。心裡老 在等出名不是好的工作態度,我本人就從未刻意追求過名氣,它只是自然



CONTEST Tracey Hughes Educational Hairdressing DVD’s

Neville Hair and Beauty is the original pearl set amongst the glitz & glamour of Knightsbridge. The salon has tended to the sleekest of celebrities, to the original die-hard clients and the people in the know. Surrounded by so much prestige Neville is a refreshingly down to earth salon where it prides itself on its incredibly friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Neville Tucker is recognized by many in the industry as the “Godfather” of celebrity Hairdressers. Ever conscious of the importance of in-depth training, he is always nurturing new talent. Neville’s artistic team are renowned not only for their work on leading magazines such as Russian and Italian Vogue, Harpers and Queen, Dazed and confused and covers for ID & Tank, but also headed and predicted the innovative styles for London Fashion Week each year.

Neville Tucker Interview 1. When did you first realise you wanted to become a Hair Stylist and where did you start? I first realized I wanted to be a hairdresser when I started working a Saturday job at 14 in a salon. At 15 I discovered my true passion for hair when I left school and I joined Ginger Group Salon in Knightsbridge. 2. What are the most requested styles and colour tones in your salon at the moment? The most requested colour and styles in our salon at the moment are very warm tones particularly blonde. Also we are seeing more requests for mid length highlights (highlights that begin midway down the hair). This technique creates more natural look texture and movement in the hair. 3. What are your predictions in hair/color for the coming Autumn-Winter season? Our predictions for Autumn/Winter continue with warm tones. Autumn sees the start of red tones on the hair, also we will see more strawberry blonde or caramelized blondes this season.


6. What do you think of the trends moving towards Keratin infused treatments and ammonia free colours? Progression is always a positive thing. I am always excited about new products particularly when the emphasis is towards promoting healthy hair 7. Are you taking notice of China’s ascension economically, what do you think of Asian Hairstyling? I have always kept a keen eye on the current trends in Asian hair styling. They are a nation who are always forward thinking. 8. If you had chosen another profession, what would it have been? If I had ever chosen another profession I would have been an architect. 9. What tips can you give to up and coming hairstylists? And what do they have to do to become a celebrity stylist? I always encourage my young upcoming stylists to remain focused on their work in the salon. I believe once you have the foundations and confidence from the salon chair you can start to think to build a career in celebrity hairstyling. But I remain solid in my belief that the salon is where the stylist’s heart should always be.

Neville Hair and Beauty是倫敦閃爍潮區武士橋的一顆明珠。 髮廊的顧客包括時尚名人、忠心不二的顧客和名氣界人物。 Neville雖然系出名門,但形象清新踏實,髮廊的氣氛舒適親切。 Neville Tucker在業界素有名人髮型師「教父」之稱。他深諳精修培訓的 重要性,一直以來也致力培育新血。

Tracy Hughes is a true industry visionary who is an avid believer that education empowers hairdressers. Her impressive hairdressing skills combined with her infectious energy make her a highly sought after educator worldwide. This in evident by her being awarded Australian Educator of the year twice, along with Hairdresser of the year and Colourist of the year.

Neville的髮型師及美容師團隊經常為國際著名雜誌造型,包括俄羅斯版 及意大利版Vogue、Harpers and Queen、Dazed and Confused和ID & Tank封面,此外並每年為倫敦時裝周創領和預測髮型潮流。

DISCONNECT asked our readers what they most liked about Disconnect, with the chance to Win a Tracy Hughes Educational DVD.

Neville Tucker專訪

Congratulations to our six winners: Each receives a Tracey Hughes DVD.

1) 您何時開始想當髮型師,最初怎樣入行? 答:14歲那年逢星期六在髮廊兼職,開始有當髮型師的念頭。15歲離校 後更肯定髮型設計是我真正熱愛的事業,於是加入武士橋的Ginger Group 髮廊。 2) 您的髮廊最近最多顧客要求做甚麼髮型和髮色? 答:最近最多顧客要求做暖色,特別是金色髮色,此外也有不少顧客做 中長度挑染(由髮栓中段開始挑染)。這種髮色的質感較自然,頭髮更富活 力動感。 3) 您預測秋冬流行甚麼髮型/髮色? 答:我們相信秋冬暖色會繼續大熱。秋季開始紅調子會漸漸流行,草莓金 和焦糖金色也很受歡迎。 4) 您認為顧客需要告訴您甚麼,才可以做出好的髮型? 答:顧客不一定要告訴我她們喜歡甚麼,最重要是說出她們不喜歡甚麼。 5) 您經常四處旅遊,甚麼國家的髮型最令您着迷? 答:目前來說,日本的髮型最具魅力。 6) 角蛋白護髮和不含阿蒙尼亞的染髮劑漸漸流行,您有何看法? 答:進步當然是好事。我對所有新產品都非常有興趣,特別是以促進頭髮 健康為本的配方。

4. What do you think is more important for a client to tell you, so that you can get their hairstyle right for them? It is more important for a client to tell me what they don’t want rather than want they want.

7) 您察覺到中國經濟正在起飛嗎?您覺得亞洲髮型行業怎樣? 答:我一直很留意亞洲髮型設計的最新趨勢,中國人素來都有前瞻思維。

5. From all your travels, do you have a favourite culture you’re most fascinated by in terms of hair? The most fascinating culture in terms of hair is currently Japan.

9) 對新晉髮型師有何忠告?要成為名人髮型師需要甚麼條件? 答:我時刻也鼓勵年青新秀髮型師專注於髮廊的工作。我相信只要打穩基 礎,在髮廊替顧客服務時信心十足,便可以朝着名人髮型師的路途發展。 然而我深信髮廊才是髮型師的真正歸屬。

8) 假如當初不選擇當髮型師,會投身甚麼行業? 答:假如當初要另選一個行業,我想我會當建築師。

Gary Yeung - Wanchai, HK – I like Disconnect because the hairdressers I see from the UK inspire me. Suki Lee - Shatin, HK – Great quality photos and ideas. Jackie - Hair pro, Central - I never get bored reading it, its educational and updated, My clients love it. Kiki Quan, Sham Shui Po, HK – It’s the best Hair Magazine in Hong Kong, I look forward to reading it. Stella Choi, Aberdeen, HK – I like the artistic pages best; I see things I never saw before. Adrian Ng, Kowloon Tong – I show it to all my clients, so it helps me in my work to get ideas.




Anya Dellicompagni, Francesco Group The Fellowship for the British Hairdressing

Claudio Contrasti, Revlon Pro


Michele McGahan


Sanrizz Salons

Claudio Contrasti, Revlon Pro



Anne Veck for Anne Veck Salons

Kristina Russell

The Fellowship for the British Hairdressing



Robyn Saunders.Chesters Salon

Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas

Philip George



24 25


Tigerlamb Team




Go NAT.ural Salon opportunity to stock new skincare range 成為全新天然護膚品牌的代理 Leading skincare brand, NAT. launches in Hong Kong this month with a comprehensive media campaign to build awareness for one of Australia’s leading brands of natural skin body care. Currently available in Watsons, NAT. will soon be stocked in leading hair and beauty salons. 100% natural, the NAT. range uses only pure plant essences that work in harmony with the body for cell support, skin re-generation, wrinkle defence and boost nourishment to the skin. Supporting the launch of NAT. FACE, BODY and AROMA will be an extensive marketing programme of PR and advertising on TV, print, bus stop and MTR stations. For more information about NAT. and the brand’s attractive initial mark up for salon stockists, please contact Disconnect at disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk 澳洲天然護膚品牌NAT.已正式登陸香港,品牌近月展開一連串的宣傳活動,積極確立品牌高效能天然護膚品牌的領導地位。現 於各所Watsons有售﹐NAT. 亦會在特定髮廊即將推出。 百分百全天然的 NAT.系列將大自然的蓬勃生機融入各種產品﹐以香氛治療為本﹐研製出NAT. 美肌系列。NAT.系列採用純植物 精華﹐與身體融和協調﹐促進細胞及肌膚再生。預防皺紋出現﹐滋潤肌膚。 為支持NAT. 護膚、身體和香氛降臨香港市場﹐品牌即將展開一連串的宣傳活動,於多項市場推廣及各式公關包括電視、雜 誌、報紙、巴士以及地鐵站廣告。NAT.系列詳情或代理細節歡迎電郵到disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk

Silas Tsang. Photography: Babak



HOT PRODUCT With a recommended retail price of HK$220, NAT.Serum is a fabulous facial find. With many serums on the market costing thousands of dollars this sensational serum is available for all skin types. 熱賣產品 建議銷售價格為港幣220元﹐ 市面上多種精華素售價超千 元﹐NAT.這個精華素價錢實惠﹐ 又能應付不同皮膚的需要。NAT. 精華素是一個護膚必買品。



Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas

Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas

“Wicked Wedding” Hair by Anne Veck

“Wicked Wedding” Hair by Anne Veck

Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas

Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas

“Wicked Wedding” Hair by Anne Veck

“Wicked Wedding” Hair by Anne Veck


DIGITAL Perms – A brief overview 數碼電髮 - 簡介

Brazilian Keratin Treatment (also called escova progressiva, Keratin cure, keratin straightening or BKT)

巴西角蛋白護理 (又稱Escova Progressiva、角蛋白療法、角蛋白直髮或BKT)

A digital perm is a perm that uses hot rods with the temperature regulated by a digital displayed equipment, hence the name. However, the process of the perm is quite analogous. A Japanese company: PAIMORE Co., Ltd. copyrighted the name “Digital Perm”. Hair stylists usually call it a “hot perm”, but it is commonly known as a “digital perm”.

Difference between a normal perm and a digital perm The biggest difference between other perms and a digital perm is the shape and the texture of the wave created by the digital process. An essential step in the digital perm process is the heat application, whilst it’s cold perm counterpart does not require heat application, the perm solution is applied cold directly to the hair. During the hot perm process, every section of hair wrapped around the curling rod is attached to a computer that can be programmed to heat up to very specific desired temperatures, giving the stylist a greater degree of control over the whole process. This way an exact curl can be achieved. Another big difference between the digital perm and the normal cold perm is the way the hair behaves as it dries. After a digital perm the hair takes on more curl as it dries, whereas with the traditional perm, it is best to apply styling products to achieve a well-defined curl. Digital perms thermally recondition the hair, the chemicals and process used are similar to a straight perm. The hair often feels softer, smoother, and shinier after a digital perm than before.

Recommendations A cold perm does not work well with fine or coarse hair. A digital perm, on the other hand, can work well with coarse hair, but not well with fine hair. However, most of the problems can be covered by the right selection of the perm solution and the hair stylist’s technique. Because a digital perm requires heat, it cannot be used close to the scalp. If root volume or tight waves are required, a digital perm is not really recommended.


數碼電髮是利用熱棒曲髮的電髮技術,熱棒的溫度由一部有數碼顯示屏的 機器控制,因而得名。 雖然稱為數碼電髮,但其實電髮程序完全不涉及數碼技術。由於Digital Perm這個名詞已被日本公司Paimore Co. Ltd.註冊版權,所以髮型師稱它 為hot perm,但一般人仍慣稱digital perm。

普通電髮與數碼電髮的分別 數碼電髮與普通電髮的最大分別在於卷曲波紋的形狀和質感。 數碼電髮的基本步驟是加熱,至於普通的冷電髮則毋須加熱,直接將冷的 電髮水塗於髮上。 在熱電髮的過程中,每段頭髮綑繞着的曲髮棒也接至電腦,可隨意編程 加熱,溫度可精調達到所需要的效果,讓髮型師全程控制,做出最理想 的卷髮。 數碼電髮與普通電髮另一個不同之處是頭髮吹乾後的狀態。做了數碼電 髮的頭髮乾後更卷曲,傳統電髮則最好加點造型產品,才能達到立體的 卷曲效果。 數碼電髮以熱力修復髮栓,所用的化學品跟直髮類似。做了數碼電髮,頭 髮質感較前柔順亮澤。

建議 特別幼或粗的髮質都不適宜做冷電髮,數碼電髮則適合粗髮質,但不適合 纖幼頭髮。然而只要選擇適當的電髮水,加上髮型師的技巧,大部份問題 都可以解決。

Is a method of temporarily straightening hair by sealing the hair with a liquid keratin and a preservative solution whilst using a blow dry or flat iron.

由於數碼電髮需要加熱,所以不可以太貼近頭皮。假如需要電髮根或營造 緊密的卷曲效果,便不宜選擇數碼電髮。

The Brazilian Keratin Treatment is a long-term blow dry for hair that lasts about three months. Pioneered in Brazil, the Brazilian Keratin Treatment can be performed on all types of chemically treated hair (bleached, hi-lights, coloured, permed, relaxed or previously straightened). It can be used on frizzy, damaged, unhealthy, dull and mistreated hair. The system is said to eliminate any frizz, unruly curls and waves without making it too flat like other treatments such as the Japanese Yuko System. The technique of the application is similar to the Yuko System in the way that either blow drying or straightening irons are used to close the product into the hair cuticle, but it is not as strong and there aren’t the problems with re-growth as the treatment gradually washes out over time.

這是一種短暫直髮程序,原理是用液化角蛋白和防腐液包封髮栓,然後用 風筒或直髮夾處理。 巴西角蛋白護理是長效吹髮護理,效果可維持三個月左右。這種技術是巴 西首創,適合任何經化學品處理的髮質(漂色、挑染、染色、電髮、洗直或 負離子直髮),即使蓬鬆受損、不健康、暗啞和處理不當的頭髮亦可使用。 這套系統據說可撫平蓬鬆凌亂的大小捲髮,但效果不會像日本Yuko System那樣板直。護理的技巧跟Yuko System差不多,髮型師需用風筒或 直髮夾將產品鎖入頭髮角質層。由於配方不太強,而且隨着每次洗髮慢慢 褪掉,所以不會出現新生長的頭髮髮質顯著不同的毛病。 護理約可維持10至12個星期,每隔數月做一次便可確保新生長的頭髮柔 順。本系統不保證令頭髮完全板直,但處理技巧正確的話,可令捲曲頭髮 變直50%至80%,視乎個人髮質而定。完成後平常洗髮後造型十分簡便, 可節省10至20分鐘。

Treatments last around 10–12 weeks and repeating the treatment every few months will allow re-treatment of the new growth. This system does not guarantee completely straight hair. It can relax between 50 and 80 percent of the curl depending on texture, if done correctly. And reduces the time spent on styling by 10 to 20 minutes.


32 33

Jules Tognini

Jamie TraceyStevens Hughes@Education Errol Douglas





Danielle Blakeley

D&J Ambrose

D&J Ambrose

Anne Veck for Anne Veck Salons


Poloa Rowe-buoy salon

Anne Veck for Anne Veck Salons

Rene Hasiba


Kerry Peninsula

D&J Ambrose

D&J Ambrose

Danielle Blakeley

Jules Tognini


Philip George

Donna James Hair

The Fellowship for the British Hairdressing

Jules Tognini

Anne Veck for Anne Veck Salons


36 37

Sanrizz salon

Mana Dave Blaze salon



Mini is going back to the hairdressers on Wednesday, to have her hair dyed back dark. The treacle and caramel slices haven’t worked out for her; in artificial light it gives off a sickly orange glow, like a glass of Lucozade.

EDITH CHAN - A Profile Hair: Edith Chan by Tigi Rockaholic Photographer: Lester Lee

With a career spanning over a decade, Edith began her career as a trainee at the world famous TONI & GUY and Sanrizz salons both in London and Hong Kong. In her experience as an art team director and Stylist educator, she has worked in advertising, editorials and shows as well as various TV and film productions, she currently is the TiGi Educator and Ambassador.

Edith Chan Interview: 1. When did you first realize you wanted to become a hair stylist and where did you start? When i was 18, my grandpa suggested me to study hairdressing. After college, he encouraged me to take a hairdressing diploma course at Le Salon Orient Academy HK. Afterwards, I moved to London and trained at the famous Sanrizz salon to further develop my skills. Quickly I became one of the young artistic team members and participated in many hair shows and seminars in the UK and Europe. 2. What are the most requested styles in the salon at the moment? It’s creating their own individual styles. They like to have a tailor-made haircut, which allows them to change styles by using different Tigi hair products. 3.What are your predictions in hair shapes/colour for this summer season? At the moment what we see in fashion, most of the popular hair styles are big bouncy curls and volume. Colours can be either red or brownish tones to fit individual styles but with a healthy and shiny look. 4. What do you think is most important, for a client to tell a stylist, so that they can get the hairstyle right for them? From my experience, first impressions to clients must be a clean and cozy salon environment; good service and good consultation skills are key to gain clients trust and to build a good relationship with them. When they feel comfortable and confident with you then they will express themselves completely and tell you what they like and don’t like. I am a good listener to understand their needs, life style, hair-do history and commitment to their hair before I make any suggestion. 5. Your work as Educator with TiGi takes you around the world, what do you most enjoy about this? Working as a TiGi Regional Education Director, I most enjoy the excitement and challenge to travel, to work with different countries and distributors and hairdressers. Learning different cultures and understanding what they need to guide them and build a strong Tigi ambassador team within their own territories. Following my company objective, most important is to motivate and to inspire people to constantly learn and have ambitions to be able to think “BIG” and achieve their own goals.


6. What are your favourite products right now? Tigi New Catwalk: it has 3 lines; Your Highness Volume collection, Curlesque collection and Sleek Mystique collection. These 3 lines are beautiful and the products speak for themselves. A totally new concept, new idea and new packaging for Tigi.

1) 您何時開始想當髮型師,最初怎樣入行? 答:18歲時祖父建議我學髮型,因為他注意到我從小便喜歡為自己做髮 型,也會為其他人設計髮型,有點天份。畢業後,他鼓勵我報讀香港Le Salon Orient Academy的文憑課程,其後我到倫敦投身髮型業,開拓國際 視野,在著名的Sanrizz髮廊受訓,精修髮型技巧。很快我便加入了髮廊的 工作團隊,成為最年輕的成員之一,還有機會參與英國及歐洲多個髮型展 覽和研討會。

7. If you had chosen another profession, what would it have been? Film director.

2) 您的髮廊最近最多顧客要求做甚麼髮型? 答:顧客現在很喜歡自創髮型。他們想要度身訂造的剪髮造型,然後利用 Tigi髮飾產品隨意變化,自創新形象。

8. With China’s ascension economically, what do you think of Asian Hairstyling? It is a very exciting time for hairdressing throughout Asia because of China economic boom. Especially since I grew up in this generation and understand the East & West culture, life style, social digital technology etc. People admire me being a female Asian hairdresser, to share my strong aesthetics and sensibilities from every significant shift in fashion and beauty trends. It helps them to become much more open-minded and keen to learn what is happening outside of their own countries and to go beyond their limit and break though the boundaries. 9. What can you give to up and coming hairstylists? To have ambitions, never stop learning and think ‘BIG”. Be humble and respect others, be passionate about what you do and work hard.

3) 您預測今年夏季流行甚麼髮型/髮色? 答:現時時裝界最流行是有彈性和豐盈度的大捲髮。髮色包括配合個人風 格的紅或棕調,但一定要健康亮澤。 4) 您認為顧客需要告訴您甚麼,才可以做出好的髮型? 答:據我的經驗所得,清潔舒適的髮廊環境很重要,這是顧客的第一個印 象,加上體貼服務和耐心諮詢溝通,便可贏取顧客的信任,逐步建立良好 的關係。顧客感覺自在和對您有信心,便會暢所欲言,坦白說出她們喜歡 和不喜歡甚麼。我會用心聆聽,從而了解顧客的需要、生活習慣、以往的 髮型歷史和願意花多少時間打理頭髮,然後才作出建議。 5) 您身為TiGi培訓主管經常到外地公幹,有甚麼最開心的事? 答:Tigi是國際企業,我擔任地區培訓總監常有機會到外地公幹,旅途上 的見聞和有趣挑戰最令我開心,還有跟不同國家、分銷商和髮型師共事 也是一大樂事。我可以體驗不同的文化,了解他們然後給予適當的指導培 訓,讓他們在當地建立強大的Tigi形象大使團隊。我教導的不僅是專業知 識,還有圓滑的待人接物技巧,要令學員兩方面也有得着,我的工作才算 有成就。我按着公司的目標開展工作,最重要是鼓勵和啟發別人不斷學 習,抱持宏大的遠志,實現自己的目標。 6) 您現時最喜歡的產品是甚麼? 答:Tigi自家品牌New Catwalk。它共有三個系列 - Your Highness Volume Collection、Curlesque Collection和Sleek Mystique Collection。配方極盡 完美,用過的顧客都讚不絕口。這是Tigi的嶄新概念、意念和包裝。 7) 假如當初不選擇當髮型師,會投身甚麼行業? 答:電影導演。 8) 您察覺到中國經濟正在起飛嗎?您覺得亞洲髮型行業怎樣? 答:中國經濟起飛,令整個亞洲的髮型業也蓬勃起來,邁向精采的紀元。 我是新一代的人,對中西文化、生活模式和社交數碼技術都很了解。我到 外地參加髮型表演和研討會時,許多人也因為我是亞洲的女性髮型師而投 以欣賞眼光,他們都有興趣分享我如何順應時裝和美容潮流的變化,融入 個人美學及鑑賞品味。他們對我份外坦誠開放,很有興趣了解海外的世 界,從中尋找靈感突破界限和束縛。我很享受四處遊歷和發揮感染力。年 青的亞洲髮型師應自創獨有的亞洲美髮技巧和風格。 9) 對新晉髮型師有何忠告? 答:一定要有野心,不斷學習,心懷大志。待人處事要謙虛,尊重別人, 熱愛自己的工作,勤奮向上。

Following is a recreation the scene of her brutal bobbing at the hands of Sasha at Cut-Cut Hair & Beauty. Sasha: ‘Hiya, what can we do for you today?’ Mini: ‘Well, my hair looks a bit straggly at the ends. I think it needs a trim.’ Sasha: ‘I’ll blunt-cut it at nape level, bevel the ends and chop in some front-hugging layers…’ Mini: ‘As long as it’s not too short.’ Sasha: ‘… then I’ll do a dark base colour and weave in some highlights; I’ll tell you this is essential to ‘break it up a bit’ and ‘give you a lift’. But actually it’s just so we can screw an extra HK$900 out of you.’ Mini: ‘Um, okay then. You know best.’ Sasha gets to work…

Mini: ‘Have you worked here long? I haven’t seen you before.’ Sasha: ‘I usually sweep up and pull the hair out of the Shampoo Basins. But we’re a bit short-staffed today.’ Mini: ‘Oh shit.’ Later…

Sasha: ‘What do you think?’ Mini: ‘Um… Er….’ Sasha: ‘It’s totally on-trend.’ Mini: ‘It’s a bit shorter than I thought it would be.’ Sasha [impatiently]: ‘It’s directional.’ Mini: ‘It’s a bit like a bowl.’ Sasha [irritated]: ‘Lewis!, Kassidy!, this lady doesn’t like her hair!!.’ Lewis: ‘Oooooh, but that’s so trendy, that is!’ Kassidy: ‘You look much younger. You could pass for 50!’ Mini: ‘I’m 41.’ Lewis: ‘See you next time!’ Sasha: ‘Bye then… you silly old cow.’ Lewis: ‘Who does she think she is, Heidi bloody Klum?’ Kassidy: ‘I’m never getting old.’ Sasha: ‘Me neither. Let’s stay 16 for ever.’


40 Ph: 2545 8830

Hair: Edith Chan by Tigi Rockaholic. Photographer: Lester Lee.

Jamie Lee @ Hair

Rachel Chan @ IVE

Kelvin Lam @ Hair Point Salon

Stephanie Chan @ IVE

Emily Cheung @ IVE

Gladys Cheung @ IVE

Ronnie Sin @ Just Hair Salon Delux

Jovi Ma @ Hair

Sammy Siu @ SDA Salon

Jeff Wan @ Water Power Salon

Harris Lai @ Water Power Salon

Frisco Mak @ Colpo Salon

Suki Wong @ SDA Salon

Elle Lo @ Just Hair Salon Delux

Jovi Chow @ Just Hair Salon Delux

Hin Leung @ Colpo Salon

Jack Tse @ Salon One

Ricky Chan @ Salon One

Stephen Wan @ Hair Pro Salon

Man Chan @ IL Colpo Salon


亞太區造型大賽 (第四屆)

頒獎盛典將於2010年11月16日假座杭州大劇院舉行 多項強勢配合包括 : 髮型設計風格要求 : 創意造型 . 色彩調配 . 構圖整體美感 傳媒宣傳 作品集 網上投票 Heidi Chan @ IVE

Steve Li @ 90’s Salon

Denny Ku @ Rainbow Salon

: 入圍作品將會在亞太區各地作多媒體宣傳及展視。 : 入圍作品將收錄於


: 網上投票 – 入圍作品已收錄於官方網站並設立投票,親身為所喜愛的作品投下寶貴的一

票。投票網址 : http://www.hair8.net/fl/2010/ Company information : 協辦商 : 君雅國際 Grandsky International


Ivan Chee @ IVE

Hair Pro Salon @ Andrew Chow

Kent Wong @ SDA Salon

Member of MBG


COLLECTION 3 2.0 光纖造型泥

3.0 魔法塑型霜

4.0 纖巧軟膏

5.0 晶瑩塑型雕

6.0 動感彈力素

7.0 水凝柔滑乳霜

Anne Veck for Anne Veck Salons

Anne Veck for Anne Veck Salons

Anne Veck for Anne Veck Salons

Anne Veck for Anne Veck Salons

7.0 水凝柔滑乳霜

Unit B, 17/F, Chiap King Ind Bldg, 114 King Fuk St, San Po Kong, Kln, H.K. 香港九龍新蒲崗景福街114號捷景工業大廈17字樓B室 Tel : (852) 3422 3334


46 47

Jules Tognini

Philip George





Rene Hasiba

Brookes & Brookes Tigerlamb team

Suzanne Morley - Hype salon

Philip George

Sillas Tsang. Photography - Babak Robyn Saunders, Chesters Salon

Tracey Taylor - Hype salon


Tigerlamb team

Jaimee Smith Zaibatsu salon

Robert Masciave

Skyler McDonald



Tigerlamb team

Silas Tsang. Photography - Babak

Sanrizz Salon

Rene Hasiba

Suki salon - Chad Drinkwater



50 51

Tigerlamb team

Silas Tsang. Photography - Babak



52 53

Sanrizz Salon

Mana Dave






Ashleigh Richards - House of Hair

Carole Haddad - Corcorz salon

Mana Dave

Carole Haddad - Corcorz salon

Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas

Karine Jackson


Tigerlamb team

Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas

Karine Jackson

Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas

Carole Haddad - Corcorz Salon


Karine Jackson

Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas

Carole Haddad - Corcorz salon

Sanrizz Salon





S Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas Karine Jackson Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas

Sanrizz Salon


Carole Haddad. Corcorz salon

Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas

Sanrizz Salon

Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas

Sanrizz Salon

Sanrizz Salon

Sanrizz Salon

D&J Ambrose

Carole Haddad - Corcorz salon


D&J Ambrose

D&J Ambrose

Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas

Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas


Profession FACE PRO

November, 10th – 12th Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center.

An indispensable accessory: Clients who wear make up absolutely adore FACEPRO!

An unprecedented number of hair companies will participate in Cosmoprof Asia 2010 on an expanded show floor area. International names such as UKI International, Ceriotti, Muster & Dikson from Italy, Moroccanoil from Canada, BaByliss and Macadamia Natural Oil from the US, Lakmé from Spain, Ligo from Switzerland and many others will showcase the latest trends and products for everything used in a salon environment. 
This 15th edition marks a very special year for all participants to commemorate the success of Cosmoprof Asia. For more information (and free registration for trade visitor). Check out: www.cosmoprof-asia.com.

2010亞太區美容展 11月10日至12日 香港會議展覽中心 2010亞太區美容展的展場比往屆更大,參 展商也特別踴躍,美髮產品公司的陣容是 歷來最鼎盛,國際知名的企業包括意大利 的UKI International、Ceriotti、Muster & Dikson、加拿大的Moroccanoli、美國 的Babyliss及Macadamia Natural Oil、 西班牙的Lakmé、瑞士的Ligo等等,盡攬 髮廊服務及用品的最新潮流。 • 今年是亞太區美容展十五周年紀念, 參展商聚首一堂,慶祝這項美容美髮界盛 事愈辦愈出色。 • 活動詳情(業界來賓免費登記)。 請瀏覽www.cosmoprof-asia.com。

It offers excellent protection to those who wear contact lenses or have sensitive skin. When you use FACEPRO, you’re proving a level of service that makes your clients feel special and will have them talking about your salon. Both the clear plastic visor and adhesive strip have been dermatologically and cosmetically tested. Available exclusively to HK Salons and Stylists. Enquiries: disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk

髮廊專業用品FACE PRO 不可或缺的配件:FACEPRO是化妝顧客 的最愛! 它可保護佩戴隱形眼鏡和皮膚易敏感的 顧客。 髮廊使用FACEPRO,盡顯高人一等的服 務水平,如此體貼的特級服務,除可贏 取顧客的心,還會成為她們樂於分享的 話題。 FACEPRO的透明擋片和黏貼護條均經過 皮膚及化妝品測試。 獨家供應香港髮廊及髮型師。 查詢:disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk

The New Way to Cheaply Distribute Hair Shots to Magazines Worldwide hairshots2theworld.com provides a new, cost and time-effective way to distribute hair fashion photography to over 100 magazines in more than 40 countries.




Cosmoprof Asia 2010

“This new, global service is already being hailed a God-send by hairdressers,” Founder of Hair Shots 2 The World, Leanne Cutler said. “Hair industry PR firms and marketing departments are also welcome to outsource to us as we can save them time and money too. “The hairshots2theworld.com website eliminates the need for burning numerous disks, packaging and posting them by provide the tools to upload shots online. Everyone is invited to join Hair Shots 2 The World’s Facebook fan page where special offers and editorial opportunities are announced. Email: hairshots@hairshots2theworld.com hairshots2theworld.com Disconnect is proud to be in association with Hair shots 2 the world.

將髮型照片發送全球雜誌的廉 宜新方法 hairshots2theworld.com的嶄新方案為 您節省金錢和時間,可將超過100張髮 型潮流照片發送到40多個國家逾100份 雜誌。 Hair Shots 2 The World創辦人Leanne Cutler介紹說:「髮型師用過這項嶄新環 球服務都驚為天人。髮型業公關公司和市 場推廣部門也可將影像傳訊工作外判給我 們,從而節省時間和成本。」

D&J Ambrose

「hairshots2theworld.com網站的用戶 毋須燒錄大量光碟,然後包裝和郵寄。他 們只需使用簡單的工具,便可將所有照片 上載網站。」



Hair Shots 2 The World歡迎大家加入它 的Facebook Fan Page,掌握最新優惠 消息和瀏覽文稿。 電郵:hairshots@hairshots2theworld. com Disconnect很高興與Hair Shots 2 The World合作。



Batabara i Gongini

Send us Your Shots

Salons in this issue:

Send us your shots- If you are a hairdresser and would like to see your work in print, we welcome photographic submissions. Files must be Jpeg format, high-resolution images. Please enclose as much information as you can, ie: Hairdresser, Salon, location, make-up artist and photographer.

• Anne Veck • Anya Dellicompagni, Francesco Group • Art Team at Errol Douglas • Ashleigh Richards-House of Hair • Brookes & Brookes • Carole Haddad. Corcorz salon • Claudio Contrasti for revlon Pro • Danielle Blakeley • D&J Ambrose • Donna James Hair • Edith Chan • Haringtons • Jamie Stevens @ Errol Douglas • Jaimee Smith Zaibatsu salon • Jules Tognini • Karine Jackson • Kerry Peninsula • Kristina Russell • Mana Dave – Blaze Salon • Michele McGahan • Neville Tucker • Philip George • Poloa Rowe-buoy salon • Rene Hasiba • Richard Ward • Robert Masciave • Robert Ari for Revlon Professional • Robyn Saunders. Chesters Salon • Sanrizz salons • Silas Tsang. photography-Babak • Skyler McDonald. • Suki salon.chad_drinkwater • Suzanne Morley-Hype salon • TiGi • Tigerlamb Team • The Fellowship for the British Hairdressing • Tracey-Taylor-Hype salon

Send all photos to disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk. Editor reserves all rights and discretion to publish, any submissions will not be returned. Batabara i Gongini

Giorgio Armani

vv Jill sander

歡迎照片來稿 歡迎髮型師提供髮型作品照片在雜誌刊登。我們 只接受Jpeg格式高解像度照片,並請盡量說明詳 情,如髮型師、髮型中心、 地址、化妝師及攝影師等資料。

Margit Brandt


照片請電郵至disconnect@brouhaha.com.hk Rochas

Top Shop

本刊編輯保留所有權利及酌情權刊登照片,來稿 恕不發還。






Peter Jensen

Whilst all reasonable endeavors have been made to check the accuracy of the information contained within this publication, DISCONNECT does not warrant the accuracy of the information contained herein. All copyright, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights in the information contained within this publication are vested in DISCONNECT. DISCONNECT provides the information within this publication solely for personal use. The information may not be used for any other purpose, including but not limited to, publication, reproduction or transmission without the prior express written permission of DICONNECT. Information contained within this publication and associated publications may be supplied, whether directly or indirectly by third parties and DISCONNECT cannot warrant the content, accuracy or effectiveness of said information. The user will indemnify DISCONNECT against all claims, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including legal fees which may or may not arise out of the use of information of any kind contained within this publication.


Primula Salon

Evlov Salon

Biba Salon in Doncaster

Salon in Fukuoka


Tokyio Salon

P-kia Hair Salon

Aiwe Hair Salon




Midoma Hair Salon

Klinik Hair Salon

Boa Hair Salon

DeBerardinis Hair Salon

Barbara Daley Hair Salon

Marr Greenwall Salon

RD Spa Salon

Es Salon

Salon by isolation unit

Kilico Hair salon by Makoto Amasguchi

Helmet Hair works Salon

Philip George - Salon

Hair Academy



64 65



1- Yume by Takara Belmont

2- Pedicure chair by Anton Kobrinetz


Original & Mineral Rootalicious The lightweight formula creates fullness and allows natural movement whilst leaving hair soft and shiny, and definitely not weighed down with sticky build up. Rootalicious adds volume by forming an invisible barrier around the roots giving them both support and lift.

Redken Velvet gelatine A cushioning blow dry gel that is applied to damp hair, it gives extra body and bounce as well as a salon-style high shine finish.

Ket backwash

Salon footrest

Styling chair gamma design

Oribe: dry texturizing spray An invisible dry spray that builds incredible volume and adds super texture to any hair style, it is a brilliant alternative to dry shampoo, using patented polymers to absorb oil at the roots, leaving you with just-styled hair for days.

Sebastian Professional FLAUNT range This four-piece collection of Shine Stylers is the birth child of extensive consumer and stylist research and the answer to the demand for multi-functioning products that eliminate tradeoffs.



Elan Sassoon- Sojourn Range It’s the avant-garde of hair products; revolutionary in composition and design. In an effort to take the beauty business back to a fundamental understanding of hair, Elan Sassoon teamed up with leaders in the industry to introduce Sojourn, a professional line committed to the protection of hair and the re-education of the industry.

Jo Hansford Anti-Frizz Shampoo Tame unruly frizz and protect and nourish coloured hair. Contains Castanha do Brasil and sunflower extract to protect dry, frizzy hair and enhance shine whilst putting the nutrients back in What colouring your hair can take out.

Oribe Hair Care’s 24K Gold Pomade Oribe’s Gold Pomade uses pieces of precious metal that will play up your hair’s natural dimension and give you a literal luminosity.

Leonor Greyl - Huile de Palme A French luxury hair care company that produces high quality, natural products. Huile de Palme is a conditioning treatment that leaves hair soft, shiny and ultra-nourished. Huile de Palme is also a de-tangling treatment.

Decorated sandblasted link mirror with back illumination

Fat Beauty salon reception desk

Gamma and Bross cutting chair


Vipp purple rubbish bin

Andrew Barton - Ultimate Blonde Andrew has created the Ultimate Blonde Salon Formula Collection of hair care products for those naturally blonde and those who have moved over to the blonde side. Highlights or full head tints, peroxide or sun kissed natural tresses the secret to keeping blonde hair in ultimate health is this Ultimate Blonde Salon Formula Collection.

Gamma design trolley

Kela Hair dryer holder

Filthy Muk A firm hold, gritty finish paste. It has a flexible and fast activating formula to give your hair great hold. Filthy Muk is a paste styler with which will give a thickness and texture to fine to medium density hair.

John Frieda Root Awakening Root Awakening Strength Restoring Smoothing Lotion - a lightweight lotion that provides manageability and style control Root Awakening Strength Restoring Gel - a softhold formula that offers touchable definition, soft and silky finish Root Awakening Strength Restoring Hair Spray - non-aerosol hair spray delivers a lightweight formula that goes on like an aerosol, but has real holding power.

Sally Hershberger Salon Line SALON by Sally Hershberger is a collection of five styling products that marry technique with technology, they offer lightweight, multitasking stylers that deliver long lasting styles, while also nourishing and repairing the hair.


AIMEE at the Shangri – La 8/f Island Shangri – La Pacific Place 88 Queens way. Admiralty 2918 1339 AVEDA Experience Center Xenses, Fashion Walk Shop 3B, 9 Kingston Street Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 2881 5375 AVEDA LIFESTYLE salon and Spa 2nd & 3rd Floor. The Loop 33 Wellington Street Central, Hong Kong Island HONG KONG 2868 9859 @Hair 2/f 69-71 Argyle Street, Mong Kok. Kln. HK C2 Hair 1/f, 35 yiu wa street, Causeway bay, Hong Kong 28905274 COLOUR BAR Salon, 11/F EuBank Plaza 9 Chiu Lung Street, Central 2525 4228 –9 DESSANGE SALON & INSTITUT
 8/F, 2-8 Wellington Street,
Central, H.K. DESSANGE SALON & HAIRCARE Shop 1A, 51 Paterson Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay, H.K. 2150 2699

HH HAIR, NAIL Shop 411-3, 4/F, Ocean Centre, Harbour City 5, Canton Road Tsim Sha Tsui 21113888 HIP HAIR CULTURE 1/F 64, Granville Road Tsim Sha Tsui 25762888 HIPP FISH 1/F 32.Staunton Street Central 28153638 HM PRIVATE i SALON Unit 3203-3206, 32/F, Soundwill Plaza 38, Russell Street Causeway Bay 25737100 IFC PRIVATE i SALON Shop 3003-3005, Podium Level 3, ifc mall 1, Harbour View Street Central 25264488 IL COLPO Grand Hyatt M/F, Grand Hyatt Hotel 1, Harbour Road Wan Chai 28020151 IMPROVE HAIR Shop U-02A Upper G/F Austin Tower 22-26 Austin Avenue TST 2735 8585

LA CHIOMA Unit 1, 1/F, The Excelsior Hotel 281, Gloucester Road Causeway Bay 36783838

SALON IDE Shop 901-902, 9/F, Times Square 1, Matheson Street Causeway Bay 31028008

LA COUPE SALON Shop 317, 3/F, Prince’s Building 10, Chater Road Central 28682266

SD Hair Collection Flat 8, 1/F, Haiphong Building, 53-55 Haiphong Road Tsim Sha Tsui 2367 0066

LA MOD SALON Shop B01 1 Hysan Ave Causeway Bay 2881 1092 THE MANDARIND ORIENTAL SPA AND HAIR SALON 5 Connaught Rd Central 2825 4888 MOMO HAIR SALON 7/F Henry House 42 Yun Ping Road Causeway Bay 2890 9996 O2 HAIR STUDIO 38, Wyndham Street Central 25222884 PAUL GERRARD Hair and Beauty 1/F-2/F, Wah Hing House 35, Pottinger Street Central 28694408 PHILIP GEORGE SALON 23/F 1, Duddell Street Central 25243143 QG PRIVATE i SALON Podium, 6/F, Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong 8, Finance Street Central 25210070

INDULGENCE G/F, Sun Fung Mansion 33, Lyndhurst Terrace Central 28156600

REVER HAIR SALON 1/F, The Galleria 9, Queen’s Road Central Central 25259228

FEEL – Hairdressing & care center Rm 2501, 25/f. Parkland Sq. Tuen Mun. NT. HK. 21160866

kimrobinson Shop 106, 1/F, Chater House 8, Connaught Road Central Central 21218484

SALON CHANDLER 14/F, Tak Woo House 17-19, D’aguilar Street Central 25373737

Green Touch Salon G/F, Shop C, 518 - 520 Nathan Road. Kln. 2877 3068

Kr+ 2/F, Winway Building, 50 Wellington Street, Central.HK 2191 2222

SALON D-PE Flat B, 1/F, Riviera Mansion 59-65, Paterson Street Causeway Bay 28908238

EMMANUEL.F Nexxus building 2/F 41 Connaught road Central, Hong Kong 2167 8280

HAIR CORNER 1/f Duke of Wellington House 14-24 Wellington St. Central. HK 2522 3311 HAIRCRAFT G/F, Shop 61 Elgin Street SoHo Central, Hong Kong 2868 6985


HAIR DO SALONS Soundwill Plaza shop 2893 3760 Sogo Club Shop 2831 4884 Plaza 2000 shop 2528 3886

L’ATTITUDE Hair Salon Room 102 United Success Commercial Center 508 Jaffe Rd. Wanchai 25729733 LA BOUTIQUE SALON G/F, Club Lusitano Duddell Street Central 28100123

SALON DE PIGEON 3/F, Po Yick Building 17-19, Hillier Street Sheung Wan 25445664 SALON ESPRIT 3/F, 100 QRC 100, Queen’s Road Central Central 25252525

SUAVE 7/F, The Peninsula Hotel 4-6, Hankow Road Tsim Sha Tsui 23678866 ETE by Private-I Salon 1/F 52-54, Yun Ping Road Causeway Bay 29150011 Tala’s Hair M/FL, 4 Shelly Street, Soho, Central 2521 9333 Tala’s Hair and Beauty Center G/FL, 56 Po Tung Road Saikung, New Territories 2335 1694 THE BARBER SHOP 1/F 15B, Wellington Street Central 25374292 THE HAIRDRESSERS 7/F, Abdoolally House 20, Stanley Street Central 29730512 THE HAIRDRSSERS 1/F, Shama Place 30, Hollywood Road Central 21103123 THE MANDARIN BARBER 2/F, Mandarin Oriental Hotel 5, Chater Road Central 28254088 TONI&GUY 1/F, 33 Beach Rd. Repulse Bay. Hong Kong TONI&GUY 2/F Man Cheung Building Wyndham St. C. Hong Kong 25289636 TONI&GUY Shop 125-6, Lee Gardens 2 28 Yun Ping St. Causeway bay.HK TONI&GUY 2/F, Man Cheung Bldg 15 Wyndham St. C. Hong Kong 28017870 VIA IL COLPO Shop No.1, G/F& Rm 506-509, 5/F, Crawford House 19, Stanley Street Central 31020238

UK Patrick Cameron

THE TRAINING SCHOOL - COURSES IN DRESSING LONG HAIR Due to a huge demand for further education Patrick Cameron opened his own school, training other hairdressers in the art of dressing long hair for which he has become world renowned. http://www.patrick-cameron.com/theschool.html 培訓學院 - 長髮造型課程 由於學員對持續進修的需求殷切,Patrick Cameron遂設辦學院培訓其他髮型 師,傳授他享譽國際的長髮造型技巧。 http://www.patrick-cameron.com/theschool.html

Alan d Education

The Academy offers a flexible curriculum with courses ranging from one day to twenty-six weeks. http://www.aland.co.uk/education.html 本學院的課程可靈活安排,短至1天長至26星期任由選擇。 http://www.aland.co.uk/education.html


Saks is the UK’s leading hair and beauty group, renowned for award-winning excellence and awarded UK’s Best Training Provider. Saks offers fantastic hairdressing and beauty education through Saks Academies in London and the UK http://www.saks.co.uk/academies.asp Saks是英國著名的髮型和美容集團,憑着卓越表現屢獲獎項殊榮,更獲選為全英 最佳髮型師培訓機構。Saks在倫敦和英國其他地方設有多間Saks Academy提 供培訓課程。 http://www.saks.co.uk/academies.asp

HOB Acamemie

The hob academy An ideal environment for learning, the hob academy is situated in London’s Camden Town. Located canal side at Camden Lock, high tech facilities and contemporary design combine form and function, making it an inspired place to learn. http://www.hobsalons.com/

Sassoon Academies

The Sassoon courses are developed, honed and delivered around the world through their shcools, academies and education centers, ensuring that not only will you get real commercial skills from their courses, you will also take away with you a piece of the culture that created Sassoon. http://www.sassoon.com/academy/ 沙宣的髮型學校、學院及教育中心遍佈全球,自行開發、改良和舉辦課程,確保 學員能掌握髮型技巧成為職業髮型師,也可傳承歷史悠久的沙宣文化。 http://www.sassoon.com/academy/

Toni and Guy Academy

Nurturing hairdressing talent is fundamental to TONI&GUY, with 28 Academies globally. Their legendary award-winning International Artistic Team will personally guide you through their extensive range of training courses. http://www.toniandguy.com/education Toni&Guy致力培育美髮業新力軍,在環球設有28間學院。他們獲獎的國際美術創 作團隊是業界傳奇,親自指導學員如何從多元化的培訓課程中作出適當的選擇。 http://www.toniandguy.com/education

RUSH Advanced Academy

At rush, excellence can only be achieved through strong foundations and a commitment to your craft. it is this belief and a desire to share their knowledge that is the philosophy behind their educational structure. the state-of-the-art facility is the home to the award winning rush artistic team. http://www.rush.co.uk/academy Rush提倡打好基礎,努力磨練剪功和造型技巧。他們抱着這份信念與學員分享專 業知識,以此為教育計劃的骨幹。Rush的培訓學院設備先進,訓練成才的美術創 作團隊屢獲獎項。 http://www.rush.co.uk/academy

SANRIZZ ACADEMY At Sanrizz they appreciate that time spent away from the salon must prove rewarding to the busy stylist. for this reason they have created the three day advanced course, aimed at the experienced hairdresser wanting to revitalize their own creativity. other courses available from 5 day to nine months. http://www.sanrizz.co.uk/home.html

Francesco group Academy

Francesco Group is one of the UK’s best training providers and with UK recognized training teams. Whether leaving school in 2010, looking for a change of direction, or simply wishing to advance your skills, take a dip into the world of Francesco Group education http://www.francescogroup.co.uk/ education/index.htm Francesco Group是英國最傑出的培訓機構,導師都擁有英國認可資格。無 論您是2010年應屆畢業生、想找事業新出路或是想提升技能,集團的培訓課 程都是理想的選擇。 http://www.francescogroup.co.uk/education/index.htm

ASIA Sassoon Academy Shanghai China

Salon friendly contemporary course is particularly designed for hairdressers wanting to focus on the hairdressing skills needed to perform in today’s competitive environment. http://www.vidalsassoon.com.cn/courses/index2.asp 中國上海美髮沙宣學院 沙宣的現代化課程特別配合髮廊而設計,對象是需要提升專業技能的髮型師, 助他們在競爭日益劇烈的市場取得優勢。

Toni and Guy Academy Hong Kong



If you would like to be added to the Salon Directory, please send your Salon’s Name, address and telephone number to disconnect@ brouhaha.com.hk

TONI&GUY Hong Kong Academy is established in November 2005. TONI&GUY Hong Kong Academy offers a comprehensive career and education program for complete beginner and/or experienced stylists who want to take their career to the next level. http://www.toniandguy.com.hk/en/en.html Toni&Guy於2005年11月在香港成立美髮學院,提供一系列職業及教育課程, 為入門學員及/或希望事業更上一層樓的現職髮型師提供培訓。 http://www.toniandguy.com.hk/en/en.html

TAMARIS Singapore

TAMARIS has been in the hairdressing and beauty industry for more than twenty years. We have taught students from different countries all over the world. Most of our graduates have ventured out into the hairdressing and beauty industry as professional hairstylists, beauticians as well as successful owners of both hair and beauty salons. http://www.tamaris.com.sg/ TAMARIS過去20多年來一直享譽美髮及美容界,學員來自世界各地,大部份 畢業生均成功投身髮型和美容行業,成為專業髮型師、美容師及髮廊和美容 院東主。 http://www.tamaris.com.sg/

Pivot Point Guangzhou China HTTP://WWW.PIVOTPOINT-GZ.COM/


Leaders of Australian hairdressing for over 30 years, the Biba institution has set the benchmark of excellence in hair design and education. Boasting an impressive eleven salons and two highly acclaimed hairdressing academies across Melbourne. http://www.biba.com.au/ Biba Institute過去30多年來一直是澳洲美髮翹楚,也是髮型設計和教育典範。 集團在墨爾本設有11間髮廊和兩間聲名顯赫的美髮學院。 http://www.biba.com.au/


The Australian academy of hairdressing is Australia’s major private college trainer of hairdressers. More than 10,000 students have qualified through the academy since 1932. They see employment as their ultimate objective and it is against this that they measure their success. http://www.thehairacademy.com.au/home.htm The Australian Academy of Hairdressing是澳洲最大的私營髮型師培訓學院 之一,自1932年至今已有逾10,000位學員學成。 學院的目標是協助學員投身業界,所以素來以學員的就業比率作為成功指標。 http://www.thehairacademy.com.au/home.htm

Sanrizz深明髮型師忙中抽空參加課程必須物有所值,所以特別設計了三天精修 班,對象是希望激發新創意的有經驗現職髮型師,此外並有5天到9個月不等的 其他課程。 http://www.sanrizz.co.uk/home.html



DISCONNECT would like to thank all our readers for their support

Shadow and Light - Charlie Price

Shadow and Light - Charlie Price

Shadow and Light - Charlie Price

Shadow and Light - Charlie Price

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