these are my futures

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THESE ARE MY FUTURES volume two issue one jan 2010

THE TOP TEN TRENDS OF TWO-THOUSAND TEN! 1. carrying a concealed weapon- you may not know when this trend is truly in or out, but you dont want to be the one that is out. (ruger’s look great with leather) 2. driving like an idiot- have you ever wanted to take a right turn out of the left turn lane in a minivan full of children, or stop at a green light just because it will turn red eventually? then full speed ahead, this is your year! 3. reaching nirvana- previously called anxiety attacks, this higher level of consciousness will change your life. 4. moving to the country- don’t worry, olar gets the same internet as columbia. 5. turtle necks- you are committed to reviving the 90’s, right? 6. graphic novels- you shrug it off now, but when oprah publishes her memoir as a graphic novel you’ll think it was an american past time. 7. fixing things yourself- be green, and fix that broken flat screen tv into a tv dinner tray. 8. taxes- once reserved mainly for the rich, more people will be shelling it out to get in on this trend! 9. moving to an environment that can’t support you- It started in arizona, but all around the world people are flocking to deserts. move in on this before the water is gone! 10. turning your cell phone off- your boss will be livid when she finds out you didn’t tell her about this trend sooner.

HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN BOBO CAMERA FILTERS there are two platforms on which to secure a filter that you have made or appropriated. the ideal one is a cokin adapter ring. the second is the bottom of a styrofoam cup. to make this; cut the bottom of a disposable cup off at the point at which its diamater is slightly larger than the diameter of your lens so that it will fit over it. for best results, paint it black. now cut a square opening into the base of the cup. you can now place filters over this. red and other colored filters you can use red cellaphane in place of a glass filter. city art has the widest (only) selection of colors. a cheaper method is to color seran wrap with a red or any other color permanent marker and stretch this over the lens (inked side out). secure it with a rubber band. homemade (sort of) neutral density filter take an exposed (black) piece of b/w film and tape this over the cokin adapter ring or styrofoam cup. in bright sunlight with 100 speed film and an aperture of 5.6 you will need to expose for about 15 seconds. you can do this same thing with color film. the film has an orange/sepia tint which turns green to violet. to make longer exposures, purchase a shade 10 welding filter from for two dollars. you will need a violet filter to correct the green tint of the glass. in sunlight, with 100 speed film and an aperture of 11 you will need to expose for about 2 minutes. fog filter breath on lens. any other ideas? email

photo by Jonathan Beckman

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