Dear Fellow Advocates, In 2014, the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs received funding for our Statewide Pioneering Healthier Communities (SPHC) initiative through a grant by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to address the childhood obesity epidemic through policy, systems, and environmental change (P,S,E). As an Alliance of 27 Y associations from across the state of Texas, we are charged with improving physical activity standards. It’s a huge responsibility and equally great opportunity to be a catalyst for change in the places we work, play and live. In order to be successful in our tasks ahead we need support from communities across the state to grow our grassroots reach by allowing our members and community partners to become Y Advocates that support our causes of youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. We need your help to recruit 5,000 new advocates to our innovative advocacy platform housed on the Texas State Alliance website. When reaching out about this new advocacy platform our first messages will be educational. Instead of asking people to get involved right away, we will spend some time sharing information about our cause-driven organization. By laying this groundwork, we will ensure that our people understand our statewide advocacy efforts. People who “understand” the Y and our causes are more likely to retain membership, more likely to become donors and will take specific actions later, like signing petitions or meeting with decision makers. As Program Manager for the Statewide Pioneering Healthier Communities I’m asking for your support in helping us cultivate our grassroots. We want the Y to make an impact from the Hill Country to the Rio Grande; from the Panhandle to the Coastal Bend and everywhere in between. To make the process seamless we have created this great Toolkit to help you at your branches. Additionally, the Texas State Alliance staff are here to assist with this process. Let’s work together to live out our mission of healthy spirit, mind and body.
Yours in service, Ar’Sheill Sinclair
SPHC Program Manager
Contents of the Toolkit
Getting Started……………………………………………………………………………………………. Easy Ways to Get Involved in Advocacy………………………………………………………… Note on Lobbying………………………………………………………………………………………… Educating Y Staff…………………………………………………………………………………………
All staff Membership staff Welcome staff/ volunteers Communication staff
Implementation at Branches…………………………………………………………………………. How to Inspire Boards & Donors………………………………………………………………….. Recruiting a Major Events…………………………………………………………………………….. How to Utilize Community Partners………………………………………………………………. Appendices………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Sample content for new hire orientations Sample messages to include in “welcome” emails Talking points for staff/volunteers Sample communications: Facebook, Twitter, newsletters Sample email communication for boards/ community partners Texas State Alliance links Contact information for Texas State Alliance staff Advocacy collateral: Printable Posters, Flyers, Hero Banners, Coloring sheets, Advocate Pledge Cards artwork with print specifications
Getting Started:
Check out this video to learn how the software works. It’s
extremely valuable to our role in shaping public health in Texas. With this new platform we can strategically approach our members and transform them into avid supporters; more commonly known as advocates. As we roll out our advocacy platform, advocates will be able to send personalized messages to different officials, legislators or political figures using content that we create that supports issues within our three focus areas. We can even create content for issues that are specific only to your community because we are now able to match advocate’s zip codes with their state, county and local elected officials.
Easy Ways to Get Involved in Advocacy
Learn more about the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs by visiting: Join the advocacy network by going to the Texas State Alliance webpage and registering Recruit at least three (3) friends to the advocacy network. Respond right away to action alerts—why wait? Tell your legislature how you feel. Ask your friends to respond to the action alerts by forwarding the email. Share your story online regarding youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Introduce yourself to your legislator as a MEMBER of your branch and an ADVOCATE for the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. Contact your legislator and other key stakeholders through emails, letters, or an in person meeting. They want to hear from you. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper— they are a powerful way to communicate with your legislators and the community at- large. Letters to the editor are usually in response to a particular news story. You can also look for articles where you can draw a link to your issue. Volunteer at a local Y event. Our volunteers are our greatest asset! Attend the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs Advocacy Day Speak to local groups about your experiences at the Y. Provide testimony at a public hearing about the importance of Y issues at the Texas Capitol or at a city council meeting. Tell your personal story related to an advocacy issue at a press event to help raise awareness and generate support.
Review the contents of this toolkit and think about the types of activities that would work best at your Y. Remember our goal is 100% participation across every Y within the Alliance and we want to recruit 5,000 advocates by December 2014.
Identify your core implementation team and think about what types of issues will make the biggest difference for your community. Are your members moved by the Diabetes Prevention Program or Livestrong at the Y? Use the tips and best practices cited in this toolkit for specific guidelines on recruiting, engaging and recognizing advocates who will help us achieve our goals. Customize the sample advocacy materials included in this toolkit for your activities.
Note on Lobbying It is always important to understand whether activities could fall under the IRS definition of lobbying. This is especially true because we have received a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to support some of our statewide advocacy efforts and no funds from the RWJF can be used to support lobbying. Generally, any activity or communication that takes a position on specific pending or proposed legislation—for Congress, a state legislature, a city council or a town hall meeting—could be considered lobbying in some circumstances. Organizations may, however, involve themselves in issues of public policy without the activity being considered as lobbying. For example, organizations may conduct educational meetings, prepare and distribute educational materials, or otherwise consider public policy issues in an educational manner without jeopardizing their tax-exempt status.
Below are some examples of opportunities that may be considered lobbying or advocacy.
Lobbying “Contact your legislator and ask him/her to support House Bill 267”. “Click here to sign the petition to support Senate Bill 920”. A communication that supports bills not yet introduced: “Texas should appropriate $6 million to support diabetes prevention.”
Advocacy/ Non-Lobbying “Ask your legislator to support healthy choices for our children!” “Sign up to attend the walk for healthy foods in Corsicana!” “As a concerned member of the Houston community, I ask all my neighbors to join me in supporting access to healthy food in afterschool programs for our children.
Educate Y Staff All Staff: Educating and properly orienting staff about the Y’s focus areas and advocacy efforts is extremely important. For many, the Y is their first job and may be one of their first opportunities to join a cause. We need to make sure that all staff new and veteran; full time, part time, and seasonal are well-equipped with information about our causes. Staff that are well- versed on the Y’s focus areas and the initiatives of the Texas State Alliance should be able to accurately articulate our endeavors to our members. That’s the first step in converting members, to volunteers, to donors and then to advocates. Here are some tips to get started:
Customize your “new hire” presentation to include information about the Texas State Alliance. See examples of verbiage you can include during your presentation in the Appendices. Raise awareness about the new advocacy platform at staff engagements. Remember, we want to constantly engage our staff so that they can educate our members who are our biggest supporters. Request a Texas State Alliance Policy Manual for your branch if you want to become more involved in public policy.
Membership Staff: The YMCA’s mission establishes the foundation for how we interact with members to create the “member experience”. Welcoming new members to the Y community is vital for our existence because our members are the backbone of our organization. It’s important that new members are fully aware that they are joining more than just a gym; they’re joining a cause. By slightly modifying your association’s welcome email to new members to include information about the Texas State Alliance you can give new members an opportunity to become Y Advocates. Remember, in the initial phase of our advocacy roll out the Texas State Alliance will only send emails that educate members about our causes. Here are some samples that you can customize for your association’s welcome email to new members:
As members of the Y you’re not just joining a gym; you’re joining a cause. To learn more about our causes join our advocacy network through the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. You’re just one click away from becoming a Y Advocate! As an added bonus to your new membership you have access to joining our advocacy network through the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. When you join as an advocate you help us raise awareness about causes that are most important to you, your family and your community. Take Action today!
Healthy Living is one of our three focus areas. In Texas, millions of people are diagnosed with diabetes. At the YMCA of Wichita Falls we’re working to combat diabetes through our YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP). If you believe that all Texans should have access to programs like the YMCA DPP then WE WANT YOU to join our advocacy network! Click here if you support healthy living. (Healthy Living) One of our three focus areas is social responsibility. At the YMCA of Austin over 1,700 volunteers donate their time and effort to our causes. If you’re interested in volunteering and lending your voice to raise awareness then join our advocacy network through the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. Click here to become a Y Advocate! (Social Responsibility) Did you know that the YMCA of Austin provides free swim lessons for more than 4,500 First Graders throughout Travis and Hays County? If you believe that water safety is an important skill for all kids in Texas then join our advocacy network through the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. Click here to become a Y Advocate! (Youth Development)
Welcome Staff/Volunteers: Our part-time welcome staff/ volunteers that serve at our branches are the face of our organization. In their very important roles, they have the unique opportunity to fully engage our members in our local and statewide advocacy efforts.
Inform your welcome staff /volunteers with information about the new advocacy platform. o Provide them with talking points found in the Appendices so that they can intelligently communicate our new advocacy endeavor. o Ask them to join the Texas State Alliance social media platforms like Facebook. Decorate your branch with resources provided in the toolkit. Fun posters and signage about the advocacy platform can really excite members to take it to the next level. Make sure that each branch has plenty of Advocate Pledge Cards and encourage your members to take action! Advocate Pledges Cards have been mailed to your association office. The original artwork for the Advocate Pledge Cards is also included in the Appendices. Place signage and information about the new advocacy platform throughout your facility. Encourage youth and early learners to be socially responsible as well by using resources in the toolkit such as coloring sheets with healthy messages. Samples are included in the Appendices of the toolkit. Host an Advocacy Day at your branch. An Advocacy Day is a great way to share your happenings with decision- makers, members and other community partners. The Texas State Alliance staff is happy to assist.
Communication Staff: Communication staff are our in-house experts that are charged with getting the Y word out to mass audiences; especially our membership base. Work with your communication staff to build the messages of the Texas State Alliance into your preexisting communication pieces. Facebook: The Texas State Alliance already has a Facebook Page. Staff can join to receive news and updates as well as share their stories or hear stories from others. This is an easy way to build a community of supporters who can take action on alerts, attend our advocacy events and most importantly feel connected to our mission and causes. Here are some tips to successfully integrate your staff:
Ask staff to “like” and share the Texas State Alliance Facebook Page.
Promote the Texas State Alliance website and Facebook Page on your association’s social media platforms. o Because the Texas State Alliance’s Facebook Page is composed of content from across the state please encourage your staff and members to share their stories and happenings in their communities.
Hero Banners: Utilizing the Texas State Alliance as a landing page to our statewide advocacy platform is an incredibly important component of successfully recruiting advocates to sign on and take action. Using a pre-designed Hero Banner on your association or branches’ website is an easy way to funnel users to our advocacy platform. Download a customizable Hero Banner in the Appendices:
Newsletters: The Texas State Alliance currently disseminates a quarterly newsletter to a statewide audience of elected officials and community partners. The newsletter is a compilation of stories from Ys across the state that are making an impact in our Statewide Pioneering Healthier Communities initiatives. Ask your staff to sign up to receive the quarterly newsletter and also to share stories in the newsletter. Here are some tips to help with communication via newsletter.
Share the Texas State Alliance newsletter or links to the newsletter with members from your branch. Use the sample verbiage provided in the Appendices to engage your members and local partners in the Texas State Alliance advocacy efforts. Share your stories with the Texas State Alliance. Our newsletter is circulated to elected officials and their key staff at the Capitol and in their district. They really enjoy learning about the Y and our cause-driven efforts. o Using our newsletter to build relationships with people of influence can really help us drive community change one district at a time.
Implementation at Branches
Educate front desk and welcome staff/volunteers on our new advocacy platform by using talking points provided in the Appendices. Allow each staff member to go through the simple process of signing up and taking action on the Texas State Alliance website. Fully roll out the new advocacy platform just as you would do any other campaign using the resources provided in the toolkit. Host an Advocacy Day at your branch to give advocates the experience of supporting a cause that they believe in. Invite elected officials (city council, school boards, PTA) to attend your Advocacy Day and tour your Y. Texas State Alliance staff are more than happy to help with this process. Just let us know Email us. Create competitions among branches with special recognition and incentives for winners with the most advocate recruits. Our goal is 5,000 advocates. Recruit your CEO as an incentive. Host a small gathering with the CEO for the staff that have successfully recruited new advocates. Garnering buy-in from senior leadership will really motivate staff. Examples of small events can include: Coffee with Clark, Go for a Jog with Gordie, Tee off with Tony, Bond with Brenda. These events take less than 30 minutes but can significantly impact in our buy- in from staff. Create fun offline actions with incentives such as coloring competitions for early learners. Put it on social media; don’t forget to use #hashtags o #TexasY #AforAdvocate #TexasYMCAs #CforCause
How to Inspire Boards and Donors Our board members and donors are our grasstops advocates. Grasstops are members of a community who are high profile and can raise public attention or influence decision makers through established connections. They help tell our story about why we’re a caused driven organization to people in the community and within their network. They dedicate tremendous amounts of time to our efforts such the Annual Campaign and Youth & Government. Consider fun, innovative ways to inspire your boards and donors to take their commitment to the Y to the next level by becoming Y Advocates.
Inquire about presenting to boards and executive committees about on our new advocacy platform. Ask grasstops to send out information about the new advocacy platform to their network via email and social media. Sample messages are in the Appendices Challenge them to share their Y story and convert members into advocates. Stories are most powerful when they… o Localize the challenge o Personalize the solution o Emphasize the progress o Humanize the message
Sample Communication Dear______, I serve on the board of directors for the YMCA of ______. As a board member, I volunteer my time serving as an avid supporter of youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Most recently, the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs, the association group for all Ys across Texas, has embarked upon a new opportunity to grow the grassroots reach across the state. Please join our cause by signing on to become a Y advocate. It takes less than 2 minutes. As an advocate you get to lend your voice and support to a cause-driven organization charged with strengthening community. Click here to take action. It means a lot to me because (share personal story). Thank you for your support.
Recruiting at Major Events Creating local support for our Statewide Pioneering Healthier Communities initiative will be instrumental to our success, and getting the word out at our major events is one of the best ways to build that support and engage our members. Remember, enlisting new advocates isn’t just about hitting our goal of 5,000 recruits. It’s an opportunity to draw more support from our members, convert them into Y advocates, raise awareness about our causes and provide an opportunity to use their voices to ignite change in their communities. Texas State Alliance Tablets: The Texas State Alliance has purchased five tablets to circulate across the state for advocate recruitment at major events. The tablets are loaded with electronic Advocate Pledge Cards and function in the same manner. The tablets, although they are the same as the Advocate Pledge Cards, are a much faster ways to recruit advocates especially at events where our volunteers walk around.
The Texas State Alliance Tablets are available for use for any association within the Alliance. The use of the tablets must be requested via email within two (2) weeks of an event and must be returned within five (5) days of an event. o In the email request please include mailing address, date of the event, a personal responsible for the device. Association users are responsible for the tablets while in their custody; including the safe return of the device to the Texas State Alliance. o It’s a best practice when returning the device to purchase shipping insurance for the full amount of the tablet (valued at $400). o The person listed as the contact will receive a confirmation email when the device is received by Texas State Alliance staff. o Return tablets to: Texas State Alliance of YMCAs 3208 Red River Suite 200 Austin, TX 78705
Advocate Pledge Cards: Advocate Pledge Cards was created as a tool to recruit advocates. Advocate Pledge Cards requires potential advocates sign up to take action by providing their contact information which is used to match advocates with their elected state, county and city officials as well as major news publications in their areas. Advocates can take action by either opting to receive action alerts and other advocacy communications from the Texas State Alliance or electing to only receive the Texas State Alliance quarterly newsletter. After advocates fill out the Advocate Pledge Cards please encourage staff to mail the originals or scan copies of the pledge card to the Texas State Alliance staff.
The Texas State Alliance staff will make sure each advocate is activated in our advocacy platform software system.
Ys located within Texas Metro areas will receive 500 Advocate Pledge Cards to disperse among their branches. All other Ys within the Alliance will receive 100 Advocate Pledge Cards to disperse among their branches and recruit at community events. The original artwork along with specifications for the Advocate Pledge Cards is included in the Appendices if associations wish to print additional pieces.
Please note advocates contact information will be kept secure. We will not share their information with any other organizations. Advocates can unsubscribe from Texas State Alliance communications at any time. Unsubscribing from the Texas State Alliance communication will not unsubscribe them from their local branch communications. Consider the list of opportunities to recruit and utilize some of the resources provided in the toolkit:
Enlist the help of volunteers to recruit advocates using Texas State Alliance Tablets or Advocate Pledge Cards at: o Community events o Fun runs & 5K events o Healthy Kids Day o 170 Years at the Y (6/6/14) o YMCA Open House/ Tours o Prayer Breakfast o Key Leaders Luncheon o Summer Camp Kick off o Siclovia in San Antonio o Back to School Fairs o Advocacy Days o Youth & Government Events
How to Utilize Your Community Partners There are many organizations fighting issues within the realm of youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Some are singularly focused while others look at a broader scope. Although some groups may not perfectly align with our advocacy efforts, it’s still worth reaching out to them. They may be valuable partners who can help us grow our grassroots reach and are willing to promote our new advocacy platform to their members. It’s a best practice to seek out opportunities to:
Send out information about opportunities for their supporters to sign up for our advocacy platform. See examples of email communications you can use to solicit their help. Ask if they are willing to share their member list. Although we will never share our membership database we’re happy to add their advocates to our efforts. Remember, advocates can opt- out from the Texas State Alliance communications at any time. Cohost an event and recruit grassroots advocates that are supportive of that cause using Advocate Pledge Cards or the Texas State Alliance Tablets.
Sample Email Communication to a Partner Dear ____ Over the years the (association/ branch) has really appreciated your support in helping us live our mission. Because of your support through our partnership we have been able to strengthen community right where we live. As a cause-driven organization our newest endeavor is to grow our grasstops reach across the state by asking our members and community partners to sign up for our advocacy platform. As an advocate for the Y, community partners like you will have an opportunity to raise awareness about youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Can you please share information with your network about our newest undertaking? Potential advocates can sign up on the Texas State Alliance website.
Appendices Sample Content for New Hire Presentations Information to insert into slide presentations
In addition to the YMCA of ______ we have a statewide association called the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. As a charity, we work to strengthen community and make sure that everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. We allow our members to support our causes through our advocacy network with the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. Learn more or register as an Y Advocate at
Sample Messages for Welcome Emails
As members of the Y you’re not just joining a gym; you’re joining a cause. To learn more about our causes join our advocacy network through the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. You’re just one click away from becoming a Y Advocate! As an added bonus to your new membership you have access to joining our advocacy network through the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. When you join as an advocate you help us raise awareness about causes that are most important to you, your family and your community. Take Action today! Healthy Living is one of our three focus areas. In Texas, millions of people are diagnosed with diabetes. At the YMCA of Wichita Falls we’re working to combat diabetes through our YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP). If you believe that all Texans should have access to programs like the YMCA DPP then WE WANT YOU to join our advocacy network! Click here if you support healthy living. (Healthy Living)
One of our three focus areas is social responsibility. At the YMCA of Austin over 1,700 volunteers donate their time to our causes. If you’re interested in volunteering and lending your voice to raise awareness then join our advocacy network through the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. Click here to become a Y Advocate! (Social Responsibility) Did you know that the YMCA of Austin provides free swim lessons for more than 4,500 First Graders throughout Travis and Hays County? If you believe that water safety is an important skill for all kids in Texas then join our advocacy network through the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. Click here to become a Y Advocate! (Youth Development)
Talking Points Texas State Alliance overview
The Texas State Alliance of YMCAs is a coalition of 27 Y associations across Texas. Collectively our alliance has given over $25M in financial assistance to families who cannot afford our services. As a cause-driven organization we are focused on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. By joining our (branch) as members you also have access to sign up for our advocacy platform through the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. (at the Texas State Alliance website or via Advocate Pledge Card) As an advocate you have the opportunity to influence change in your community by sharing your story with decision- makers. Please visit the Texas State Alliance website to learn more: Download our Community Benefit Report on the Texas State Alliance website.
How the advocacy platform works
Our goal is to increase our grassroots outreach across the state. To become an advocate simply fill out an Advocate Pledge Card with your name, email, home address and zip code. As an advocate you will receive action alerts and the TSA quarterly newsletter. Your zip code is matched to your elected officials and when you take action on an alert your message goes directly to the people who serve your community. Your information is safe and will not be shared with other organizations. You can unsubscribe from the Texas State Alliance communications at any time and still receive information from your local branch.
Why it’s important
The Y is one of the largest nonprofit organizations charged with youth development and healthy living and we have a great opportunity to impact public health in Texas. We want to give our members an opportunity to be socially responsible and use their voice to create healthy changes in their community. Elected officials like to hear from concerned constituents about what is happening in the community through petitions, action alerts or letters of support. Decision makers want to hear your story. Stories are powerful ways to shape meaningful policies.
Sample Communications: Facebook, Twitters, Newsletters Sample Facebook Posts:
As members of the Y (branch) you’re not just joining a gym; you’re joining a cause. If you want to make changes in your community join our advocacy network through the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. You’re just one click away from becoming a Y Advocate! Did you know that your Y membership gives you access our advocacy network through the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs? When you sign up as an advocate you help us raise awareness about causes that are most important to you, your family and your community. Take Action today! Healthy Living is one of our three focus areas. In Texas, millions of people are diagnosed with diabetes. At the YMCA of Wichita Falls we’re working to combat diabetes through our YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP). If you believe that all Texans should have access to programs like the YMCA DPP then WE WANT YOU to join our advocacy network! Click here if you support healthy living. (Healthy Living) One of our three focus areas is social responsibility. At the YMCA of Austin over 1,700 volunteers donate their time to causes that affect our communities. If you’re interested in volunteering and lending your voice to raise awareness to important causes then join our advocacy network through the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. Click here to become a Y Advocate! (Social Responsibility) Did you know that our YMCA of Austin provides free swim lessons for more than 4,500 First Graders throughout Travis and Hays County? If you believe that water safety is important for all kids in Texas then join our advocacy network through the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. Click here to become a Y Advocate! (Youth Development)
Sample Tweets:
Hey advocates WE WANT YOU to join our advocacy network! Sign up here Tell your lawmakers that you support youth development, healthy living & soc responsibility Join our network. Share your story! Lend your voice! Be an advocate! Support our areas of focus right where u live Learn more about what makes #TheY cause-driven
Sample Newsletter Blurb:
Advocates are the backbone of any cause-driven organization. We know that when engaged advocates raise their voice and connect to a cause they have the potential to inspire and spark change. If you’re passionate about youth development, healthy living and social responsibility WE WANT YOU join our advocacy network. Learn more at the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs.
Learn why the Y is so much more by being a Y Advocate. Advocates are the backbone of any cause-driven organization. When members like you support our causes for youth development, healthy living and social responsibility; together, we can make healthy changes in our community. If you’re passionate about a healthier Texas then join our advocacy network with the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs.
Social responsibility is our thing. At the Y we’re so much more than just a gym; we’re a cause-driven organization. The YMCA of _____(association/branch) would like to give our members the opportunity to be supporters of our causes by enlisting you as a Y Advocate. As a Y Advocate you get to tell your story and the story of your community to decision-makers. Let them know the changes you want to see by signing up for our advocacy network today!
As a charity, YMCAs across Texas work to strengthen our communities. Every day we work with thousands of men, women and children to ensure that everyone regardless of age, income, or background has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. If you believe this as well please join our advocacy network with the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs. As an advocate you get to lend your voice to strengthen your neighborhood and community.
Sample Email Communications: Boards/ Community Partners Dear______, I serve on the board of directors for the YMCA of ______. As a board member, I volunteer my time serving as an avid supporter of youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Most recently, the Texas State Alliance of YMCAs, the association group for all Ys across Texas, has embarked upon a new opportunity to grow the grassroots reach across the state. Please join our cause by signing on to become a Y advocate. It takes less than 2 minutes. As an advocate you get to lend your voice and support to a cause-driven organization charged with strengthening community. Click here to take action. Dear ____, (community organization) Over the years the (association/ branch) has really appreciated your support in helping us live our mission. Because of your support through our partnership we have been able to strengthen community right where we live. As a cause-driven organization our newest endeavor is to grow our grasstops reach across the state by asking our members and community partners to sign up for our advocacy platform. As an advocacy for the Y, community partners like you will have an opportunity to raise awareness about youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Can you please share information with your network about our newest undertaking? Potential advocates can sign up on the Texas State Alliance website.
Texas State Alliance Links Texas State Alliance website: Texas State Alliance advocacy platform: Texas State Alliance Facebook Page:
Contact Information for the Texas State Alliance Staff James Finck, Chair 512-322-9622
William Yarnell, Contract Lobbyist 512-844-7791
Simon Kim, Policy Coordinator
Ar’Sheill Sinclair, SPHC Manager 512-322-9622 ex 104 512-322-9622 ex 104
PDF Downloads
Advocacy Pledge Cards Printable Posters Flyers Hero Banners Coloring Sheets