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Diggin’ In Digital Lecture Series

This series showcases live presentations with archaeologists from across the United States who will take questions directly from you! Different topics will be covered during each 30 min. episode, which start live at 1:30 pm (EST) every other Wednesday and then will be posted to YouTube afterwards. Sign up through our registration site to recieve a link to each talk.

Peabody YouTube Channel

The Peabody YouTube Channel shares educational content and craft activities through outreach videos for audiences at home. Explore our “ProCRAFTinate with the Peabody!” videos, recorded “Diggin’ In” lectures, and more on our YouTube channel.

Peabody Blog

The Peabody blog introduces readers to the exciting and emerging topics of archaeology and anthropology, through the activities and collections of the Peabody, written by Peabody staff.

Peabody Online Collection Catalog

The Robert S. Peabody Institute curates artifacts, documents, and images pertaining to indigenous cultures of the Americas, past and present. Our online collection catalog is actively growing and new records are added regularly. We encourage you to explore our site and return often.

Peabody Newsletter

The Peabody newsletter is distributed monthly by email, sharing blogs written by Peabody staff, updates on Peabody activities and events, and archaeological news from around the world. To recieve Peabody newsletters, please subscribe here.

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