4 minute read
Philly’s Fittest
from May-June 2021
by phillyfit

Jeffrey Dobkin practices what he preaches - healthy mind healthy body. At gym — Jeffrey Dobkin (Old guy) and Children Nicole (front), Danielle (left) and Adam

THIS is diabetes at 52. Redefine what you think is possible. I was diagnosed last year with diabetes at the age of 51 and told I would need to start insulin therapy. By adopting a modified keto diet and developing my workout program, I was able to completely regulate my blood sugar levels and lower my A1C levels to 5.8 without using any medications or insulin therapy. Today my mission is to inspire others to redefine what aging and illness can look and feel like.
Adam Jennifer Ranoia at Bulldog Yoga in Villanova, PA. Photo by Rachel McGinn

“Some couples go on dates to fancy restaurants. We take ours to the gym! It’s where we met and where we like to escape for our alone time!”

Erin and Jesse Sempowski

I workout at my own Dance and Fitness studio : ELLE FIT Dance and Fitness in King of Prussia.

Christina Rios 41 years old King of Prussia PA After recovering from back surgery and experiencing the sudden loss of my father last year, I can truly say that I’m not just surviving but thriving. I am a black belt, teacher, Athletic Trainer, weightlifter, recreational shooter, and former ice hockey player. Staying healthy and active, especially outdoors, has helped me to get through so many tough times. I strive to be a role model to my students and truly can say I love my job!
Susan Hi! My name is Matt Schenck, I’m out here in West Philly!
Body Awareness, Fitness, and Healthy Living are relatively new but very positive additions or adaptations to my life.
It’s become a passion for sure, but also a big part of maintaining my mental and emotional health. I’m turning 40 in a few months and, despite the pandemic, I’ve gotten myself into the best shape of my life, in a holistic sense - and I have goals in front of me still!
I stay really consistent with HIIT training at RippedPHL, downtown, and I love it - The “Don’t stop even if you think you’re about to drop” pace really allows me to push myself in ways I never thought possible.
Yoga, Trail/MTN biking, and Running are also big parts of my fitness life.
I’ve enjoyed discovering your magazine!

Barry Johnston, age 66. Recently joined Mission Multisport Triathlon Club. Shown climbing Mt. Lemmon, Tucson Arizona Jeremy Brodovsky – 55 years old, personal trainer, health coach & online trainer in Philly suburbs. When not running or playing soccer, find him in the gym staying strong and fit or coaching clients in person or via Zoom!

Masked up and ready for the game: Brian Pease of Oaklyn United FC, AIM Academy in conshohocken at casa men’s soccer: Oaklyn vs Cousins, Quinto division!

Pennsylvania trail racing!

Happy Trails!
Louis F. D’Onofrio, Esquire Photo credit Heather Donofrio

Jillian Bullock has been training in karate since she was 12 years old. She has two black belts, one in Tae Kwon Do and the other in Wing Chun. Jillian now trains in MMA and boxing. She utilizes her skills as a filmmaker and fight choreographer on movies. To keep in shape, Jillian, who hails from Philadelphia, also includes yoga, strength training, HIIT and kettlebells, which keeps her in tip-top shape.

“I’m also a transformation speaker and mind-body-spirit coach with several certifications including vegan and plant based specialist, professional life coach, health and nutrition coach, psychology in human sexuality, and more. I love to teach people that they can live their best life and be healthy and fit no matter what their age.” Kristin Joy Swarcheck, 46, of West Chester, Pa. works out in her home studio (while in this quarantine period), and Alyne Athletics, which is focused on the mind, body and spirit.
Philly virtual trainer Jen Kranjec, of Kranjec Health & Fitness, finds freedom with food, fitness, and body, and has recently decided to fulfill a lifelong desire to compete in bodybuilding. Amy Ionno, Sewell, NJ is 41yrs old, works out at Average Janes, with her little cutie named Blaze.
Renee Ficzko ..Buckingham Pa,,,39....THE SPORTING CLUB AT THE BELLEVUE