Daily Record

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Vol. II No. 121 (281)

Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia

August 15, 2011

Philadelphia Daily Record

Green Traveler

Mayor Nutter is in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with U.S Environmental Protection Agency Administration Lisa P. Jackson, as well as representatives from private industry, government, academia and nonprofit sector, to establish United States-Brazil Joint Initiative on Urban Sustainability. Initiative stems from March decision by President Obama and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff to foster increased cooperation to illustrate the economic, environmental and health benefits of green cities. Mayor Nutter established Greenworks Philadelphia, a comprehensive sustainability plan, as well as Green City, Clean Waters, a 25-year, $2 billion plan to manage Philadelphia’s stormwater through green infrastructure.

The Philadelphia Public Record Calendar

Translation/Interpretation Arabic, Hebrew, English, French For more information, call William Hanna


Meat & Deli Prego Pizzelle Baker $29.99 $39.99 Uno Panini Grill

Aug. 18Stu Bykofsky’s 21st Candidates Comedy Night at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 7:30 p.m. Tickets $75. Order by calling Variety (215) 735-0803. Aug. 20State Rep. Rosita Youngblood hosts 2011 Back to School Community Resource Fair at Burgess Ctr. (rear parking lot) at 200-220 W. Chelten Ave. (cor. of Wayne), 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Register K through 8th-graders for free school supplies by calling her office (215) 849-6426 before Aug. 12 while supplies last. Aug. 25Billy Meehan annual Clambake at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd., 4-8 p.m. $100 per person. For info Carmella (215)

561-0650. Aug. 26Golf Outing fundraiser for Democrat candidate for 10th Dist. Council candidate Bill Rubin at Juniata Golf Course, 1392 E. Cayuga St., registration 12:30, shotgun start 1 p.m. $80 includes green fees, cart, refreshments and barbecue. For info Tom Dooley (267) 246-5512. Aug. 27Ward Leader George Brooks hosts annual Crab & Shrimp Feast to Baltimore Inner Harbor. Bus leaves Progress Plaza, Broad & Oxford Sts., at 1 p.m. $150 package includes bus ride, 4-hour crab and shrimp fest, plus buffet, music and dancing, and open bar. For details call George Brooks (267) 971-5703 or Harvey Blanton (215) 232-1142, (215) 833-7085.


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15 AUGUST, 2011

US Sen. Pat Toomey Delivers

Mayor Appoints Adel Ebeid

Weekly Republican Address

As Chief Innovation Officer

Continuing his ascension as a point man for national Republican policymaking, US Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) delivered the following weekly Republican address on Saturday.

Mayor Michael A. Nutter has appointed Adel Ebeid as Chief Innovation Officer. Beginning Aug. 22, Ebeid will be responsible for developing and managing strategy, implementation, and day-to-day operations of all technology and information services. This position was “I remain very optimistic about our future. Americans formerly known as Chief Technology Officer. are the hardest-working, most-industrious and -innovative, most-entrepreneurial people in the world. And if “I am delighted to announce that Adel Ebeid will be we just let them, they will build more factories, start joining the Administration as our new CIO. This office more businesses, hire more workers, produce more is the backbone of all city services and I am confident goods, and create more inventions. But first, govern- that Adel will be able to take the foundation that Allan ment has to get out of the way,” the Senator said, in a Frank laid and build a successful and professional instirring evocation of his Party’s leading economic formation technology program,” said Mayor Nutter. “I theme. would also like to thank Judee von Seldeneck, Andrew Wheeler and Diversified Search for their donation of services that helped us find and recruit Adel.”

School District Responds To Forensic Findings The School District of Philadelphia is releasing its official response this afternoon to a scathing report which uncovered evidence of massive cheating by SD employees on standardized tests. In July, The School District’s Office of Accountability received the Data Forensics Technical Report for the 2009 Pennsylvania System of School Assessment from the Pennsylvania Dept. of Education and was asked to provide explanations for the indications of potential testing irregularities cited in the report. The District immediately began an internal review of the 28 schools cited as possibly needing further investigation and has produced a response document PDE. It is being released at SD headquarters at 440 N. Broad Street in a press conference at 2 p.m.

15 AUGUST, 2011

Prior to his appointment as the City’s first CIO, Ebeid was the chief information and technology officer for the State of New Jersey since March 2006. In his capacity as the CIO and CTO for the State of New Jersey Ebeid was responsible for the State’s entire technology portfolio which included infrastructure services, application development and maintenance, enterprise architecture and solutions, e-Government services as well as Geographic Information Systems. To carry out the day-to-day management and operations for IT in the Executive Branch, Ebeid led the Office of Information Technology, which is comprised of 800+ technology professionals who support the technology platforms necessary to carry out and support government operations. In addition to his traditional role as the State’s chief technology executive, Ebeid also chaired the e-911 Commission as well as cochaired the Public Safety Interoperable Communica-




tions Commission. Ebeid is well respected among his peers for his enterprise and strategic thinking and is currently one of four executive directors on the board of the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO).

date for President of the United States. Ralph Nader’s name was never allowed to appear on the ballot, and Pennsylvania’s voters were never free to vote for him or against him. Many Democratic Party officials and their staff have been sentenced to jail for participating in the “Bonusgate” challenge to Nader’s candidacy, which is “I am privileged to join this Administration and excited still being before the Pennsylvania courts. to build a world-class information technology system. I know that our business processes depend on technol- “The Democrats and Republicans use the law to slap ogy and look forward to working with our departments, the little guy in the face,” charged Antipuna. “Anyone their staff and Philadelphians to insure their technology who leaves a major party to run for election is punished and business needs are met,” said Ebeid. for leaving their party. Political parties in Philadelphia are like posses, street gangs from the 1980s. If you pull His salary will be $170,000 annually and is subject to out of one posse, you get beat up by all of them.” a five percent reduction. “This year, there are only 10 people who are running as independents,” complained Antipuna. “They are using unjust laws that keep out other political bodies Greens’ Antipuna Withdraws that want to get into the ring. It is meant to deter others, From City Commissioner Race and I will applaud anyone who wants to get into the ring as a third party candidate. by Chris Robinson “I think Pennsylvania election law does not allow votRichard Antipuna, the Green Party candidate for City ers to have freedom of choice in our Commonwealth,” Commissioner, has withdrawn from the contest. On Friexplained Antipuna. “It is obvious they did not want day, Aug. 12, Antipuna filed papers withdrawing from Richie Antipuna in office, because the political machine the Nov. 8 General Election. in Philadelphia gave me a slap on the wrist,” Antipuna Antipuna was faced with challenges to his nomination said. “This won’t be the last time you hear from Richie papers by attorneys representing two different Philadel- Antipuna, because I will not bow down to them.” phia clients. The challenges both charged Richie had Antipuna is forming a political committee to research not changed his registration to Green Party prior to the his future options. He plans to remain an active Green May Primary Election, which decided candidates on the Party member and may choose to run for election in Democratic and Republican ballots. Both challenges 2012.” claimed Antipuna’s filing, therefore, did not meet Pennsylvania State election requirements. In conclusion, Antipuna said, “I wanted to change this system. If I had been elected to the City Commission, Following his withdrawal, Richie Antipuna, who was I would have worked to make elections fair and open.” interviewed while relaxing in his back-yard pool in Kensington, said, “I feel like the Ralph Nader of Philadelphia,” referring to the 2004 Green Party candi-



15 AUGUST, 2011

said. “When a person is job searching, job fairs are important in this difficult economic market.”

Bishop Participates In Philadelphia Job Fair

Bishop said job fairs give employers the opportunity to State Rep. Louise Bishop (D-W. Phila.) participated in network with applicants that they might not be able to a community-empowerment job fair where participants access on their own. learned about employment opportunities at various Other topics of interest included resume writing, navibusinesses throughout the greater Philadelphia area. gating online applications, interviewing tips and mock Bishop joined colleagues and city officials at the event. interviews. “There was an abundance of opportunities available “People who need work are just looking to earn wages for job seekers from many different industries,” Bishop they can live on,” Bishop said.

A ‘Nice’ Check From Comcast

MEMBERS OF Nicetown Community Development Corp. accept a donation check from Comcast Corp. for $100,000. It was presented by Sharon Powell Lee, 5th from right, back row, Comcast’s director, government & regulatory affairs, at Nicetown Park on Saturday. Photo by Joseph Kaczmarek

15 AUGUST, 2011




Jackson Lewis Attorneys Win ‘Super Lawyer’ Label

designed to identify attorneys who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement.

Three Philadelphia Jackson Lewis LLP attorneys have “Rising Stars” is a comprehensive listing of outstandbeen named 2011 “Pennsylvania Super Lawyers.” ing emerging attorneys. The list represents a wide range of practice areas, firm sizes and geographic locations, They are Lori E. Halber – Employment & Labor, Immibut only attorneys age 40 and under, or who have been gration; Rick Grimaldi – Employment & Labor; and practicing 10 years or less, can be named. The intense Allan M. Dabrow – Employment & Labor. selection process includes peer nominations and indeFour other local attorneys from the firm have been pendent research on candidates, which is why only 2.5 named as “Pennsylvania Rising Stars.” They are Robert percent of eligible attorneys make the cut every year. C. Seiger, III – Immigration; Michael S. Friedman – Founded in 1958, Jackson Lewis, dedicated to repreEmployment & Labor; Andrew D. La Fiura – Employsenting management exclusively in workplace law, is ment & Labor; and Stephanie Shapson Peet – Employone of the fastest growing workplace law firms in the ment & Labor, Employment Litigation: Defense. US, with over 650 attorneys practicing in 46 cities naEach year, Thomson Reuters’ Super Lawyers conducts tionwide. It has a wide-range of specialized practice a comprehensive selection process composed of peer areas. Additional information about Jackson Lewis can nominations, a blue-ribbon panel-review process and be found at www.jacksonlewis.com. independent research on candidates. The procedure is



15 AUGUST, 2011

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