Daily Record

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Vol. II No. 208 (368)

Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia

December 28, 2011

Philadelphia Daily Record

Think Spring!

EASTERN REDBUD tree is one of springtime’s cheeriest manifestations. A foundation is offering these and other handsome trees free for planting. Story page 3.


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Ave. & N. Horticultural Dr., 6 Dec. 29p.m. For tickets, etc. Arthur Friends of Council Majority (215) 988-9341. Leader-Elect Curtis Jones hosts “Black Out Party” at 4130 Main St., next to Manayunk Brewery, 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Dress in black. VIP Cocktail 6-8 p.m. $1,000 host, $500 sponsor, $250 VIP, $50 general admission, guest. For info Dorian Stanley (732) 6422163. Dec. 30Kwanzaa Dinner & Show fundraiser to send 50 students to Africa at Imhotep Charter HS, 6201 N. 21st St.,7-11 p.m. Tickets $40; seniors and children under 12, $30. For info Maisha Sullivan (215) 385-0214. Jan. 2Inaugural celebration for Jewell Williams, Sheriff of Phila., at Horizons Rooftop Ballrm., Sheraton Hotel, 17th & Race Sts. Attire: boots and denim, and party gear. RSVP JewellWilliams2011@gmail.com . Jan. 3S. Phila. Tea Party meeting at Prudential Savings Bank, entrance from parking lot in rear, 1834 Oregon Ave., 7 p.m. Guest speaker. All invited. Apr. 262012 Centennial Pk. Celebration honoring Joseph Manko, Ryan Howard and Vanguard at Phila. Horticultural Ctr., Montgomery



Celebrate New Year With 10 Free Flowering Trees Residents of Pennsylvania can ring in the New Year by receiving 10 free flowering trees by joining the Arbor Day Foundation any time during January 2012. By becoming a member of the nonprofit Arbor Day Foundation, you will receive two white flowering dogwoods, two flowering crabapples, two Washington hawthorns, two American redbuds and two goldenraintrees. “These beautiful trees will give your home in Pennsylvania lovely flowers with pink, yellow and white colors,” said John Rosenow, chief executive and founder of the Arbor Day Foundation. “These trees are perfect for large and small spaces, and they will provide food and habitat for songbirds.”

The free trees are part of the publication, Arbor Day, and nonprofit Foundation’s Trees The Tree Book, which infor America campaign. cludes information about tree planting and care. The trees will be shipped postpaid at the right time for plant- To become a member of the ing, between Feb. 1 and May Foundation and to receive your 31, with enclosed planting in- free trees, send a $10 contribustructions. The 6- to 12-inch tion to TEN FREE FLOWERtall trees are guaranteed to ING TREES, Arbor Day grow or they will be replaced Foundation, 100 Arbor Avfree of charge. enue, Nebraska City, NE 68410, by Jan. 31, 2012. PennArbor Day Foundation memsylvania residents can also join bers also receive a subscription online at arborday.org/January. to the Foundation’s bimonthly LIVE AUCTIONS EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 5PM (Preview 3PM) LIVE AUCTIONS EVERY SATURDAY AT 11AM (Preview 9AM) LIVE INTERNET AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY AT 4PM AT:

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